#craigie knowes
seanmorroww · 5 months
DJ Life - "Frayed"
Southern Seas [Craigie Knowes, 2023]
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shadowmoving · 1 year
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inked-out-trees · 1 year
not to romanticise life too hard or anything but ive been thinking about music and february and continuing on. this too shall pass. in the dark tonight i'm coming back for you. i will rise i will face the morning laughing and i'll try to find myself along the way. the universe is not against you. we will be together in the work and in the hurt. put the work in plant a garden try to stay afloat. there will be better days. there's a hole in the sky and i'm aiming for it. we're making it into march and beyond and by god we're going to sing.
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krispyweiss · 7 months
Song Review(s): John Craigie feat. TK & the Holy Know Nothings - “While I’m Down” b/w “Absolutely Sweet Marie”
John Craigie is old-school enough that he’s promoting his next LP in part with non-album B-sides.
To that end, he recorded a country-leaning version of Bob Dylan’s “Absolutely Sweet Marie” to back the grinding rock of “While I’m Down,” the A-side that will appear on Pagan Church, which arrives Jan. 12, 2024.
I ain’t the best one it’s true/I’m just tryin’ to say something new/tryin’ not to sound like every other man/I ain’t done these drugs in a while/but I’m down to match your smile/I’ll just ride it out/honey you know how I am, Craigie sings while TK & the Holy Know Nothings lay down a funky, syncopated groove that flies in the face of Craigie’s rep as a folkie.
His folkie roots are exposed with the Dylan remake. But Craigie turns Dylan’s Blonde on Blonde track upside down, delivering it as a C&W dirge with muted horns and steel adding to the melancholy.
Grade card: John Craigie feat. TK & the Holy Know Nothings - “While I’m Down” and “Absolutely Sweet Marie” - A-/B+
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musiconspotify · 4 months
John Craigie Pagan Church (2024) .. feat. TK & The Holy Know-Nothings …
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sonicziggy · 4 months
"Good To You" by John Craigie, TK & The Holy Know-Nothings https://ift.tt/0mlEjAt
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"Two inter-city bus routes on Vancouver Island that connect Victoria, Nanaimo and Tofino, British Columbia with dozens of municipalities and First Nations are being suspended this week.
Wilson's Transportation, the private company that manages the Vancouver Island Connector and Tofino bus lines, said it can't afford to keep running at a loss when ridership drops significantly in the period after the holidays and before the summer.
After Tuesday's trips, the two bus routes will be suspended until May, President and CEO John Wilson said, adding the company plans to make a permanent shift to seasonal operations between May and October.
"October, November, right through up to the end of April is a tough time for the numbers on the bus," Wilson told On the Island host Gregor Craigie. "We wind up subsidizing the service ... and post pandemic we just can't afford to do that any more."
He also said his business lost a lot of revenue during the pandemic and the government funds that helped had all been spent.
In a statement, the transportation ministry said it understands post-pandemic travel patterns made things difficult for private transportation providers, but that inter-city bus companies across B.C. received more than $6 million in grants in 2021.
Vancouverite Tina Akland said the regional bus line is an essential service. She was catching a bus from Nanaimo to Port Alberni, about 110 km north and 200 km northwest of Victoria respectively, to be with family on Monday because her father died recently. Now, she's not sure how she'll be getting back.
"This is a life link," she told CBC, while fighting back tears. "And when I have to see my family later in the year to deal with the details of my dad's passing, I just don't know how I'm going to do it.""
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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scotianostra · 5 months
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James Key Caird, Scottish jute baron and mathematician was born January 7th 1837 in Dundee.
Many of you outwith Dundee might not know of James Caird, but Dundee's Jute baron amassed a fortune through the jute trade in the city and donated up to £100,000 for the building of a new City Hall and Council Chamber that beares his name, Caird Hall, of which I took and posted pics of last week.
Caird was the son of linen and jute manufacturer Edward Caird. He was to become one of the city's most successful entrepreneurs, who used the latest technology in his jute mills. Established by his father in 1832, the Ashton Mill was located in the Hawkhill district of Dundee. Caird rebuilt it in 1876, and extended it in 1887 and 1908. He bought the Craigie Mill on Arbroath Road in 1905. Between his two mills, he employed around 2000 workers.
Having grown enormously wealthy, Caird became a generous benefactor. He gave substantial sums to extend the Dundee Royal Infirmary and gifted both the aforementioned Caird Hall, which dominates City Square, and Caird Park in the north of the city. The Marryat Hall, gifted by his sister Mrs Emma Grace Marryat, links to the Caird Hall.
Beyond Dundee, he funded the Insect House at London Zoo and paid for ambulances for use in the Balkan Wars . Caird also funded Sir Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic expedition of 1914-16, and Shackleton's boat was named in his honour, as was the Caird Coast of the Weddell Sea.
Caird was knighted in 1913 and was awarded an honorary degree by the University of St. Andrews. Becoming a recluse in his latter years, he died at his country seat, Belmont Castle near Meigle, and was buried next to his father in Dean Cemetery in Edinburgh.
He left money which was eventually used to purchase Camperdown Park for the city.
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Craigy knows what the real Mother’s Day gift is.
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amaiguri · 10 months
Fantasy Ecology (Worldbuilding of Yssaia)
Buckle in, folks -- I got fantasy creatures AND etymology for you <3
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While I'm not the biggest ecology/spec evo person, my friend Jay is. She's figured out how the grasses evolved and why there aren't rodents in Yssaia and she's commissioned SO MUCH art on my behalf, I just 🥺🥺🥺
So, today, I'm going to showcase some of the plants and creatures she has made or influenced throughout Yssaia, since I def don't have time to do it all. But if you want to know more (and you don't mind that my website's images don't work) you can always visit tinyurl.com/Yssaia and read basically everything.
Plants — South vs. North
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Euthalia's Flower Pamphlet gives you a pretty good idea of the humid, temperate environment of the Isle of Telethens and the North Coast of the Aftokratoria. The plants, overall, can spread out their leaves and blooms to absorb the sun without worry about freezing. Meanwhile, Vivinne's Pamphlet of Northern Plants paints a pretty stark contrast of gothy black plants whose pigment is designed to absorb light waves closer to infrared and ultraviolet because there is simply not a lot of that direct, white sunlight under the Upper Continent. Notice that the plants can't be as water-filled -- they'd just freeze in the eternal snows. Since Ysse magic is a thing, I'd like to think Northern plants have evolved shapes that increases the heat around them, making them ideal for shelter-creation too.
Rumateurs, the "Llamas"
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Rumateurs are llama-like (and less alpaca-like) creatures with ossicones (like giraffes!) instead of horns! Think like 300+ lbs, thick muscle, smarter cuz they're pack animals (not herd animals) and need their toes clipped cuz they grow continuously. Their big noses evolved to heat the air with their body heat before it enters the rest of their system in their cold climate. They have split toes to make it easier to climb. Northerners rely on them for transportation in the craigy valleys and for their wool, meat, milk, hooves, and bones. FUN FACT: Only one of the rumateurs in my game will let you pet it, and other one will spit on you because it hates rich people.
Flavoneite, the Void Beasts
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Flavoneite are six-legged, cat-sized, slug-like parasites who feed primarily on blood and Ysse crystals. Due to their jaw-shape and circulatory system, when they bite you, you lose the ability to perceive them -- as they manipulate your Ysse and thus, your central nervous system. Flavoneite hosts can last weeks or even months before disease and infection overtake, but will quickly become irritable or even hostile if you try to remove the Flavoneite. Talented mages can draw a Rune of Opening on the back of the Flavoneite to remove it but given the difficulty of getting close to the hostile hosts, sometimes it's simply easier to kill the Flavoneite before the host dies and its needs a new one. Entire villages have had to be burned to try to be rid of these things. Without a blood supply, however, Flavoneite can survive on Ysse crystals alone for up to six months -- they are extremely difficult to get rid of, once they are around.
Nonetheless, Senator Diacaius Praefori keeps a pet Flavoneite. He promises she doesn't bite. Much. And for some reason, he can still see it just fine...
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The Sandworms of the desert, related to the Flavoneite, Eleftegos, Maret, and Shagbeasts also on this list, have evolved alongside the Sha Hir'za. The Sha Hir'za have bred them for companionship, protection, hunting, transportation, and terraforming. They all have ivory shells that guard their back and heads, though the exact size and shape varies by the specific breed. Note the purple hue on their bellies -- this is a special cell that helps sustain the Sandworm with photosynthesis when they don't have a lot of food. They primarily filter feed on microbes in the sand, but they can eat basically anything if it's small enough -- from insects to seeds to salt crystals.
Notably, Sandworms are not the local equivalent of Kosher.
Dageos, the Houndlets
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The Dageos is a fast, pack predator with lop rabbit-like ears, fangs, and an extremely lithe body -- maybe weighing around 80 lbs at the biggest. They fill a similar niche to foxes and some Svanihk villages let them roam around openly. Dageos will sometimes hunt lone eleftegos but generally prefer to scavenge other meals or hunt smaller prey.
Eleftegos, the Ivory Beast
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Eleftegos are omnivore filter-feeders with eat algae, plants, and small fish if they're able. Humans have never domesticated them, but they're so docile and intelligent that a well-meaning human can teach them to carry them around. While some Tsars might just traumatize their companions into subservience, most Tsars and Witches revere and love their livelong companions -- and while no one can talk to them, the assumption is that Eleftegos think humans are really really human and like to carry them around places (much like you would carry your own fluffy companion everywhere, if you could!)
Eleftegos actually means "Ivory Beast" because the Telethenians who named them traded Ivory before they had the creature, and then just named the creature after that. (You can harvest the Ivory without hurting the beast! They seem to be cool with this, once they realize it doesn't hurt.) The Svanhik folk have their own name for them that has nothing to do with their ability to produce Ivory.
Maret, the Slugbunny
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Marets -- named so by the Svanihk folk for their six legs or six eyes (Ok, I just realized that makes no sense to you but roll with it lol) -- fill the ecological niche of ocelots. They hunt small animals, like voles and smaller lagomorphs, and fish, but end up as prey to larger predators. In the wild, their slimey pelts(?) are usually brown and gray with a couple of bright spots on their underbellies to impress their mates and to seem poisonous, but humans have bred them to be more different and bright colors.
Also, Arlasaire's seeing-maret, Fuafua, is purple for a very specific reason that I won't get into because it's spoilers. But, you gotta trust me. BUT ALSO, Fuafua is purple because my favorite color is purple and she's the mascot of Yssaia! Every franchise needs a cute animal mascot, right? Fuafua is perfect <3 <3 <3
Meuu and Meuu'otes, the Bunnygoats and Goat-bunnies
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Okay, lemme tell you the story that Jay told me: On some island in the Mediterranean, there were a bajillion rabbits. Then, the ice age happened and goats came to the island. Well, after the ice age ended, the goats outcompeted the rabbits... but then, they started looking more and more like rabbits.
Thus, meet the Meuu (pronounced "Mew") -- the goats of Telethens. They're Bunnygoats. That being said, since Telethens haven't had rabbits for millennia probably, the word for "bunny" is "little goat", basically.
Telethenian Natural Philosophers note that, around the world, there is a tendency for everything to evolve back into a rabbit. (You know, like how carcinization says everything is evolving into a crab!) This may have something to do with how Ysse impacts the creatures of Yssaia.
Dandelion Fields on the Upper Continent
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The Upper Continent is home to fields and fields of dandelions, as the grasses haven't arrived up here to outcompete them yet. These dandelions are frequently considered to be a symbol of human desire, hopes, and rebirth -- and they're a welcome backup food source wherever they grow.
Maybe TW: Arachnophobia but no spiders, Shagbeasts are fucking horrible.
Shagbeasts are the primary grazers inhabiting North Chrysig. They feed by raking their beak-like mouths across the ground to shovel the topsoil into enormous throat pouches before filtering the dirt out by shaking it through numerous pores in the throat.
They may seem docile and sweet from a distance. But, as they filter feed, their pores become clogged. They ooze a thick yellow mucus that coats the obstruction until it hardens and becomes smooth enough to be passed.
This mucus has an unbearable stench that shagbeasts are always coated in a pestilent aura that can sicken any unaccustomed to the smell. But these hardened pearls of shagbeast mucus have quickly become a valuable alchemical ingredient -- akin to whale ambergris.
But even more monstrous are their winged offspring: The Vampyrlings. The Vampyrlings are flighted, juvenile shagbeasts. They roost by hanging upside down from the shoulder-antlers of their parents. Unable to produce milk, shagbeasts feed their young by allowing the brood to parasitize their own flesh.
Without crucial hormones found in the blood of a host shagbeast, vampyrlings are unable to mature, and so, despite being able to fly, they are unable to venture from North Chrysig to colonize South Chrysig or the Lower Continent.
Vampyrlings will also violently swarm any creature that ventures too close to their host, and unless half or more of their number are killed, the swarm will not abate. But when it does, they will choose the easiest source of food yet: their fallen siblings.
The alleged "Land of the Gods" has done nothing to burn away the monstrousness from these beasts.
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That's all for now folks!
Something that's important to remember, with the names of all my creatures (and yours) is that... language has power. If you have a conlang/fantasy name, which culture got to name the creature? I've tried to give all my creatures Englishy names so that you don't feel like one of my cultures' languages is more important than another (although there's many cases where I've just named them in only one language because I am LAZY lolol) but it's just something to consider.
BTW Idk if I've mentioned it elsewhere yet but all my work is available under the Creative Commons 4.0 license, meaning it's irrevokably okay to borrow and/or steal, as long as you credit us! I'm a big proponent of the free spread of ideas so if you want, you can use any of this in your own work -- even if it's commercial! Let me know if you do <3 <3 <3
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seanmorroww · 6 months
Pascale Project - "Cafe Crazy"
Good People Only EP [Craigie Knowes, 2023]
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igazikutya · 5 months
Grand Traxelektor 2023/2 – „Move!"
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Minden vallásban nagy szerepe van a várakozásnak, és ti, mint gyakorló traxeletoristák minden évben 12 hónapon át követhetitek, halljátok-látjátok, ahogyan gyarapszik a szelekt, hogy aztán év végén, a traxelektori szentháromság szuperszelekcióján áthaladva meghallgathassátok a mind/move/sense kompilációkat. Áldott legyen a teljesség! Xelektbe! Randomba! Krosszfédbe!
Grand Traxelektor 2023/1 – „Move!” - Spotify Playlist Link
[82/89, 8h 9m / 8h 59m, 92,1%] A táncos válogatás majdnem 9 órás, 89 felvételt tartalmaz, az online verzió ennél csak kevéssel rövidebb (8% a veszteség).
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Grand Traxelektor 2023/1 – „Move!” - Full Playlist
Abstract Division - A Surreal Odyssey (Fixeer Remix)[Midnight Ensemble - The Remixes - Part 1, Dynamic Reflection] Abstract Division - Perception Is Reality (DJ Nobu Remix)[Midnight Ensemble - The Remixes - Part 1, Dynamic Reflection] Adam Pits - Gadget Crew [Gadget Crew, Constant Sound] Al Wootton - Vitus [Vitus, Optimo Music] Alessandro Adriani - Kybernetes [VA - Limitation, Pi Electronics] Amor Satyr - Quer Dancar?[Transfer, Seilscheibenpfeiler Schallplatten Berlin] Amor Satyr - Rebola [Transfer, Seilscheibenpfeiler Schallplatten Berlin] Ancient Methods - Seers Turned To Voyeurs [The Third Siren, Persephonic Sirens] Anoesis - Cat Vision [Memory On Memory, Paper-Cuts] Anoesis - Track Thirty 7 [Stasislogue, Cyphon] Anthony Linell - Sky Crash Over Me [Sheltering Skies, Northern Electronics] Benedikt Frey - Crank [Fastlane, ESP Institute] Benedikt Frey - Fast Lane [Fastlane, ESP Institute] Broken English Club - Ersatz (Club Edit)[The Artificial Animal Edits, Death & Leisure] Cleveland - Pryd BK [Lola Ran, Kalahari Oyster Cult] Clouds - Corestyle [Clubmatter, Perc Trax] Dawl - Soundwave Disorder [Soundwave Disorder, Acid Boom] Detroits Filthiest - Face Your Fate [100 Percent Authenticity Guaranteed, Casa Voyager] Developer - No Traitors[Hexmode, Modularz] Developer - Volver [Hexmode, Modularz] Djedjotronic - Frozen [Smog on the Dancefloor, Italo Moderni] Djedjotronic feat. REIN - Smog on the Dancefloor [Smog on the Dancefloor, Italo Moderni] Domenico Crisci & Retina.it - Across The Glitch [Diorama, Semantica]
Exium - Cronus [Regressions EP, Void +1] Exium - Unknown Form [Regressions EP, Void +1] Giant Swan - Abacuses [Fantasy Food, KECK] Hiroaki Iizuka - Recall [Recall, Arts Collective] Hoshina Anniversary - Dareka no Rettoukan wo Nomikomu [HakkyouShisou, Constellation Tatsu]Humanoid - Si-rak [Sweet Acid Sound, De_tuned] Humanoid - Sweet Acid Sound [Sweet Acid Sound, De_tuned] interferenc - Orphaneum [pH4R, Self-Released] interferenc - re-fuffl [pH4R, Self-Released] Jerome Hill - The Warning [Crude Appraisal, Super Rhythm Trax] Judgitzu - Sator Arepo [Sator Arepo, Nyege Nyege Tapes] Judgitzu - Vitalimetre [Sator Arepo, Nyege Nyege Tapes]Karenn - Feeling Horizontal [Everything Is Curly, VOAM] Kike Pravda - High Voltage [High Voltage, Mord] Kike Pravda - Protone [Dimensional EP, Senoid]
Laurent Garnier feat. Alan Watts - Tales from The Real World [33 Tours Et Puis S’en Vont, COD3 QR] Legowelt - Dimensionless Moog SP [The MidiVerb Chalice, Axumisia] Legowelt - From a Dusty MonoPoly [The MidiVerb Chalice, Axumisia]Lisene - Square One [Square One, Craigie Knowes] Lew E - Touched [Touched / Teardrop, Basic Spirit] Luke Slater & Dubfire - The Dissent [The Dissent, Mote-Evolver] Magna Pia - Gudanna [QUT, Counterchange] Martyn X Om Unit - Dragonfly [AJ^6, 3024] Matrixxman - Airlock [Dust World, Self-Released] Meemo Comma - Cloudscape [Loverboy, Planet Mu] Na Nich - Inlamint [Black Soil, Delsin] Na Nich - Subway [Black Soil, Delsin] Nørbak - Lux [Passo Lento, Hayes] Oblako Maranta - Analog Garbage [Trance Beckenbauer, Thisbe] Orbital feat. Dina Ipavic - Day One [Optical Delusion, London] Orlando Voorn - Outerworld [Outerworld, TRUST] Orphx - Gateway [The Way Through All Things, Sonic Groove] Orphx - Hungry Ghosts (Revenant)[Revenant, Self-Released] Orphx - In The Presence [The Way Through All Things, Sonic Groove] Orphx - Man Of Sorrows [The Way Through All Things, Sonic Groove] Orphx - Vanishing Point (Erasure)[Revenant, Self-Released]
Paleman - Bite [Veiled, Sublunar] Peverelist - Pulse III [Pulse EP, Livity] Piezo - Cyclic Wavez [Cyclic Wavez EP, Nervous Horizon] Pris - Angel [Phantom, Resin] Pugilist - Circuit Breaker [Negative Space, Of Paradise] Rhys Fulber - Stare at the Sun (Orphx Remix)[Brutal Nature Redux, FR] Rødhåd - Newspeak (2023 Edit)[Revisited, WSNWG Back To Zero] Rødhåd & Vril - Target Line (Vril Remix 2023)[Revisited, WSNWG Back To Zero] Rrose - A Row of Cylinders [Tulip Space, Eaux] RVSHES - DSR_MTS VI [Mantis 12, Delsin] Sam KDC - Dominion [VA - Limitation, Pi Electronics] Sam KDC - Indra's Net [Omnia, Samurai Music] Scuba - Nowot [Hardcore Heaven, Hotflush] Si Begg - Energy [Energie Electrique, Central Processing Unit] Silicon Scally - Wave Dynamics [Mr Machine Part 2, Cultivated Electronics] Siu Mata - Ur [Amasia, Nervous Horizon] Suokas - Hoarfrost [Unreleased III, Laes] Surgeon - Masks & Archetypes [Crash Recoil, Tresor] Tefnect - Failure Teaches Success [Better Late Than Never, Meditation] Terence Fixmer - State of Disorder [State of Disorder, Planete Rouge] Totek - Closer [ttk. 1, Darker Than Wax] Tzusing - Gait [绿帽 Green Hat, PAN] Tzusing - 孝忍狠 (Filial Endure Ruthless)[绿帽 Green Hat, PAN] Umwelt - Mind War Acid [VA - Ravexistence, Rave Or Die] Univac - MagnetFunk [MagnetFunk, 30D ExoPlanets] Univac - Sample This [MagnetFunk, 30D ExoPlanets] Viels - Eracly [Distorted Reality, Dynamic Reflection] Viels - Lives Circle [Distorted Reality, Dynamic Reflection] Yaleesa Hall - Fourth Cullen [Cullen, Will & Ink] Yaleesa Hall - Newman [Newman, Will & Ink]
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superbcandyangel · 2 months
Ooh I liked those! Okay i gotta ask about more!!!!
- hanamiya, your power forward looks gnc af [GOTTA know]
- dissecting the bird (trying to find the song) [where is the bird dissection coming in, please, connect these 2 thoughts for me]
- substitute [cant tell if this is an unassuming placeholder name, or a hint at something REALLY angsty]
hell yeah you managed to hit some of my absolute favorites <3
hanamiya, your power forward looks gnc af
the fucked up KNB ImaHana fic I was working on long before the one I actually posted, which started as a fluffy little throwaway about Kazuya Hara wearing skirts and KiriDai being protective of him and ended up turning into a fic about Imayoshi being an absolute creep and sexually harassing him to get a rise out of Hanamiya
And so Chekhov's other shoe dropped. Imayoshi caught up in an instant, caging Hanamiya against the doorframe. Hanamiya barely squirmed. He tipped his chin up in a performance of defiance, but Koujirou knew his captain. If he really wanted out, he was plenty capable. Imayoshi knew that too.
If Hanamiya wasn't acting now, there had to be a reason he <i>wouldn't</i> knock Imayoshi's teeth in.
"You enjoy making a fool of me, Makoto. A lovesick one, sure, but a fool nonetheless." He spoke slowly, softly, leaning impossibly further into Hanamiya's space. "I've been very patient with you all these years. I think we can at least be honest with each other."
"<i>Honestly?</i> You're not lovesick, senpai, you're just sick."
A weary hum, with too much familiarity, too much affection for Koujirou's liking. "Such a pretty mouth saying such nasty things."
Hara shifted behind him. Voyeurs or bodyguards. Victims or bait. Imayoshi's hands traveled down, down, and Hanamiya was letting him. Visibly gritting his teeth, but letting him all the same.
"If you're so <i>envious</i>, I'm not the only one who's sick."
2. dissecting the bird (trying to find the song)
DabiHawks fic!!!! and the only multichapter I'm working on. the title comes from a John Craigie song (which is barely relevant unless you squint So hard) and it started in the same collection of BNHA BFRB fics as some (most) of the others on the list
Hawks has dermatillomania (hence dissecting the bird) and refuses to take his uniform off during sex with Dabi on his infiltration-turned-honeypot mission bc of that, partially due to Commission PR training but particularly bc he's afraid Dabi will think he's taking his non-burnt skin for granted
the first two chapters are Hawks' own perspective, and the third gives more insight into how Dabi feels about it
Frankly, he'd resigned himself to a lovely, bitter, sexless marriage to his own right hand before the asshole had sauntered into his life, wasn't sure his medical miracle of a body could handle much more than that. Hawks seemed dead set on proving him wrong. Not sweet, rarely gentle, seeming to sense the hell that Touya would put him through if he treated him like he was made of glass, but a certain respect, reverence even; an acute awareness of some line he couldn't cross, the stupid fucking limits of his stupid fucking body as it ate itself alive. Damn hero.
Probably something they taught at those boot camps they were calling hero schools, right before handing out baby's first phone book and a license to use it as they deemed fit. He hadn't been able to find records of Hawks attending one, strangely enough, but it was a safe bet all the same. He'd be lying if he said he weren't getting something out of it. Lying if it didn't stir something dim and deep and prone to groveling that he thought he'd stomped out decades ago, being treated like this. Seeing something almost like remorse for watching as Touya crossed that line himself, of his own free will.
Well, if Hawks really wanted to even the playing field, he could think of one way.
3. substitute
100% something angsty lmao, it's a fic exploring Naruto's grief over Sasuke leaving the village for Orochimaru (and his denial that it even qualifies as such) and why he reacted to Sai the way he did — he represents a direct, active, intentional threat to the sanctity of Team Kakashi as he knows it
Sai is my absolute favorite character in the series but I simply never pass up an opportunity to write about agonizing grief
Kakashi-sensei had gone on to talk about how you just can't win after a loss like that — every change hurt, good or bad. So did staying the same. Anything that reminded you of the time you spent with them also reminded you that nothing would ever bring that back. The more you clung to scraps of familiarity, passed up opportunities they'd never get to have, the more you alienated yourself from who you were with them in the first place.
Meanwhile each new development, no matter how petty, how small and stupid and insignificant, carved the knife a little deeper. It showed that the world was forgetting, piece by piece. It put the responsibility on you to remember, if no one else would. To plant your feet and refuse to betray their memory. To keep them alive, in some form, whatever the cost.
Naruto thought that a double-edged sword sounded way too cool to describe what he was feeling.
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krispyweiss · 3 months
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Album Review: John Craigie feat. TK & the Holy Know-Nothings - Pagan Church
A folkie onstage, John Craigie is broader-spectrum in the studio. He’s reached a technicolor apex on Pagan Church, recorded with the help of TK & the Holy Know-Nothings, who receive co-star billing.
An acolyte of John Prine and Todd Snider, Craigie litters the LP with couplets - If god didn’t tell people what to do, a lot more people would believe in god, he sings on “Viking Sex,” a mid-tempo rocker driven by slide guitar and brass - that serve as clues to Craigie’s inspiration and mindset within the music.
Being an old-school musician, Craigie previewed the LP with a triptych of singles that came with non-album B-sides, including a cover of Bob Dylan’s “Absolutely Sweet Marie,” that, like Pagan Church, come highly recommended.
Musically, Craigie and the Holy Know-Nothings deploy slide and steel guitars, brass and rhythm section to craft a blend a of rock, soul and blues on which the singer-songwriter channels his inner Snider most on the grinding “Judas” and melds his Midwestern influence with Craigie’s native West Coast on “California Sober.”
I lay a busted harmonica out on Pigpen’s grave/cure my Oakland sadness on the shores of Monterey, Craigie sings on this low-key lament.
Lyrically, Craigie is often genius-level with his craft, such as when he laments a long-dead relationship by singing: Oh, you look at a painting/you don’t think about what the last stroke was on the balladic “Good to You.”
Grade card: John Craigie feat. TK & the Holy Know-Nothings - Pagan Church - B+
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aevi-daudi · 1 year
A Journey Into The Bleak
Turdas, 21st of Last Seed, 4E 201
Through the flesh-piercing snow-storm, they neared the mountain peak. The faint outline of ancient Nordic-carved stone  grew larger against the black starry night, a beacon of ominous darkness.
The structure itself was massive in size, seemingly carved out of the mountain itself in ancient Nordic passion, unrivaled by time. Incredible pillars and awnings, once embracing the enormous temple roof, now supported nothing but harsh never-ending winters. Resting beneath the pillars, lied a large stone foundation with snow covered stairs leading down to an entryway, all of which must have been a truly magnificent sight before the era’s of snow and icy decay had befallen on what would later only be known as Bleak Falls Barrow.
With a familiar gesture of his hand, Aevi ushered Doronthiel to a pause, detecting hostile movement ahead. Doronthiel complied and slowly raised their bow. They both laid prone in the snow, shielded behind a frost-covered rock. 
Aevi pointed towards three vague dark figures patrolling the perimeter of the ruin ahead, and through a series of quick yet subtle hand signs, they nodded in silent agreement. Doronthiel would provide ranged support while Aevi moved ahead in a flanking formation.
Aevi crawled onto the craigy outcropping of the mountainside and scaled his way to the edge of the temple’s chilling stone floor. As he kneeled, he peered out towards Doronthiel, looking for their stern, dark eyes, waiting for their signal.
Doronthiel paused, then in a split second, raised their bow and shot an arrow so quickly and skillfully, Hircine must surely have noticed. Their arrow hit the snowy icicled tip of the ancient archway with a fierce crackle, ice shattering and snow powdering below. In the cloudy confusion, Aevi charged in and sliced the first bandit’s throat in an instant, covering his mouth to muffle the scream. Doronthiel followed, silently taking out the second bandit with a swift pull of their bow string, the arrow thudded against the unsuspecting bandit’s back. Aevi then closed in on the third bandit who was just becoming aware of the brief chaos around him before the steel tip of Aevi’s dagger silenced any further suspicion.
As the dust of combat settled, Aevi noticed Doronthiel standing solemnly, overlooking the three bodies of the bandits. 
Aevi patted Doronthiel's back and sighed, "They would have tried to kill us."
Doronthiel took a deep breath, "I know." 
After a moment, Aevi turned towards the ancient temple entrance, “Here, come help me with these doors."
With their combined strength, the frosted fortified doors finally pulled open as a loud creaking of ancient stone and metal echoed around them, the ancient air whispering a choking welcome from within. Aevi and Doronthiel looked at each other, and with determination in their eyes, they took one last breath of fresh air before they slowly sneaked inside, entering Bleak Falls Temple.
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