rlw775 · 4 years
I feel conflicted as our community is starting to slowly reopen. We are both considered essential and have worked right thru this Covid experience. We are both healthy but worry we may be asymptotic carriers. I miss my friends very much. I was so looking forward to meeting up outside this weekend. The rain has put that on hold. I am now struggling to do the right thing vs doing what makes me happy. My brain says we have come this far whats’s another weekend at home. My heart just misses the fun of a girly chit chat or the joy of turning up with a bunt cake to share with friends. This weekend makes the fourth fun holiday we will be spending at home. I am trying hard to remind myself how we long for quiet time at home together in our normal busy lives. For today I am choosing to stay home. Hopefully tomorrow brings us some sunshine so we can venture out to see friends. For me in this moment that’s the safest option to see people outside in the fresh air with open space around us.
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sunnymegatron · 4 years
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On episode 128 of @AmericanSexPodcast, we speak with Amy Jo Goddard (@SexualEmpowerment) about the challenges we’re facing during isolation. Quarantine is pressing us to reevaluate our biggest life decisions– where we live, our careers, our relationships. Although we have some commonalities, many of us are having vastly different experiences. It seems as if we’re either on the verge of breakdown or unexpectedly thriving. A collective identity crisis is also rocking the foundation of our culture and hitting close to home for those that have lost jobs or had their lives significantly altered. We discuss how these shifts impact our quest for intimacy, our need to expose our vulnerability, our desire for s*x, and the nurturing our relationships need.⁣ ⁣ Get it here (link in bio): http://sunnymegatron.com/rebirth-isolation-amy-jo-goddard/⁣ ⁣ Or find it on Pandora, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. ⁣Please subscribe so you never miss an episode! itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/american-sex/id1269884261?mt=2 ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ p.s. Don’t forget to tune into our free Wednesday night s*x ed livestream on @GetVokl -- 8pm PST/11pm EST⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ Wed 4/15. This week Kinky Family Feud round 2 returns with @DirtyLola & @Jimanekia! ⁣ ⁣ #podcast #Podcaster #Podcasting #PandoraPodcasts #americanfucker #AmericanSex #sexpodcasts #sexpodcast #intimacy #healthyrelationships #covid19stress #FireWoman2020 #AmyJoGoddad #womensempowerment #rebirth #womanonfire #thereckoning #healthyboundaries⁣ #mentalhealthinquarantine #coronavirusmentalhealth #quareantinerelationships #quarantinesexytime https://www.instagram.com/p/CADkS5RpUbN/?igshid=tsap2klym9ik
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Plymouth County Gives Tips to Deal with COVID-19 Anxiety
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The outbreak of COVID-19 and the changes in daily life it has caused can be stressful. Fear and anxiety about the virus can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Plymouth County Public Health reminds residents coping with stress with make you, the people you care about, and our community stronger.
“Stress reactions can include changes in sleep or eating patterns, difficulty concentrating, worsening of chronic health problems and worsening of mental health conditions,” said Plymouth County Public Health Director. “This can sometimes lead to increased use of tobacco, alcohol or other drugs.”
It’s important to take care of yourself and your family. Here are some tips for coping with stress:
Stay calm: recognize when other people’s emotions are influencing your own. 
Unplug: information, real or fake, is a constant in today’s society. It’s important to have facts and stay up-to-date, but it’s also important to take breaks and unplug from the information stream.
Make good sleep, exercise and healthy eating your priorities: take time to prepare healthy food, be active and get 8 hours of sleep. 
Be educated: one way to address anxiety is to focus on what you can control, like washing your hands and practicing social distancing. Being in control of your own behavior helps lessen the stress caused by fear of the unknown.
When symptoms associated with your anxiety affect your ability to function in some part of your life, it’s time to reach out to people you trust to talk about your feelings. You can also find free, confidential help 24/7 online at YourLifeIowa.org with live chat, text at 855-895-8398 or phone at 855-581-8111.
For more information about COVID-19, visit the Iowa Department of Health. The Plymouth County Health Department continues to work closely with IDPH, and other state and local partners to respond to this ongoing pandemic.
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ladyboarder9669 · 4 years
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(via How to Easily Create Moments of Mindfulness for Relieving Stress)
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rlw775 · 4 years
I am so proud of Father. He is not the most tech savvy fella but all thru this Covid crisis he have found new ways to bring comfort to his parishioners.
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rlw775 · 4 years
Plans VS 2020
I had such a good plan to beat the Covid stress for these days off. Tuesday I was going to hike, Wednesday was to be my beach day and Thursday I am heading back to the winery.
I had time set into my plan for studying, exercise, healthy eating and my DYI beauty regime.
As I write this I am laying in bed listening to podcasts trying hard to find something relaxing or at least not upsetting.
The news cycle this week is scary. It started with death an escalated to violence, hate and mistrust. Wait as I reread that sentence this started with hate and then escalated to a death. I keep thinking of George Floyd’s mother and family. I keep coming back in my mind how hard it will be to grieve as they see his death on loop via social media.
We also have scary weather with large size hail in Nebraska where my son and his girlfriend live, thunderstorm warnings here in Connecticut where I am, I read about a Cyclone in the Arabian Sea, a tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico and so on.
In Canada they have had one of their first Mass Shootings and not forest fires near where my family is from.
It’s an election year and we are hearing almost nothing from the candidates. I am mostly getting campgain updates from Joe Biden’s Instagram. I wish we were getting more mainstream coverage.
He might not have been your first choice but electing Biden over another four years of Trump is a no brainer to me. We cannot take another four years of escalation. People are angry and belligerent on all sides, I personally connect this to having an angry and belligerent leader.
I respect people’s right to respectfully protest but we have spent months trying to contain Covid. Could we focus on using if our power to vote in this election year? Let’s organize this pain safely. I say this as an essential worker seeing the staff at my hospital work thru Covid has been hard. People are out of work with Covid, afraid to work thru their pregnancy, fatigued by floating to the Covid floor and if we as a nation go out to protest in groups on 100’s or 1000’s Covid will have a quick resurgence. Then my coworkers and peers will renter their cycle of sickness and fear but with less PTO to cope with time off. They will be forced to choose between their health Covid recovery or a safe pregnancy vs their jobs and security.
In no way do I consider myself as a super brain with all the answers. I am just a scared citizen who wants everyone to be as OK as possible. 2020 has been awful, sickness, death, weather, fires and racial unrest.
So today I am way off my anti Covid stress plan so far this week but I am going to give myself a break. I am going to lunch outside with friends who make me feel safe. I will decide on the beach depending on those thunderstorms. I will just make my corner of life as OK as possible.
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rlw775 · 4 years
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Day two of the post work out cool down. I hope I can make this a new good habit.
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rlw775 · 4 years
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A pre workout warm up. Day 2 of this new habit.
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rlw775 · 4 years
Today I feel strong
I am a strong woman
I am a strong mother
I am a strong wife
I am strong friend
I am not always all of these things at once but that’s ok. This self isolation has forced me to become stronger for myself. I had been forced to slow down and spend time with myself. In doing so I have taken time to work on me. In lots of ways yoga, meditation, taking classes online but most of all getting comfortable with the person I am today. I no longer live the life anyone else has assigned me. It’s my life and I have the strength to live my way. In this new life naps are ok, laughter is mandatory and respect for myself & others is my basic starting point. I have had time to learn about other strong woman like Suze Orman, Betty Ford, Marian Keyes, Tabathia Coffee, Queen Elizabeth and Eleanor Roosevelt. You may look at that list and think what could all of these woman have in common and to me it’s strength.
So today and everyday I will remind myself that I am also strong.
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rlw775 · 4 years
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Eight working hours in a mask can be uncomfortable but I am adjusting. I am grateful to be working when so many are laid off. Most shifts I am useful and come home feeling I have had a positive impact to somebody during my shift. Other days I come home and it’s ok that I simply made it they my shift. This pandemic will pass and I will get to take my mask off but it is with much gratitude that I will continue to work to make some else’s day more positive.
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rlw775 · 4 years
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We did this mediation as a couple.
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rlw775 · 4 years
Putting in the work. This is a phrase that means so many different things to different people. It also means different things to the same person on different days. On work days I put in the work to be a team player and make my small corner positive and reliable. On home days I try to be a good partner, I dig deep to speak with kindness as my fella leaves the mail everywhere except the mail slot and I try to listen with an open heart as that same fella patiently reminds me about my shoe pile by the door. I regret in my sons younger years I didn’t put more focus on speaking with kindness. Like many young mothers I was often impatient but in those years putting in the work was more literal .... going to work trying to find enough money to gain us freedom. Another thing with putting in the work is no two people are working with the same focus or point of view. So I may be working on acceptance, a friend might be working on finances, a family member maybe working on better health and how do you honor all these types of work? They all have value not only for each person but for those around them. As I cruise towards 45 I am finding I have more questions but also more patience. Yesterday putting in the work for me was an almost manic energy to tick items off my to-do list but today it is more self care and relaxing. Neither focus should be given priority this is something this Covid virus has taught me. It’s ok to put in the work that feels right in this moment.
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rlw775 · 4 years
Walking in the sunshine and enjoying the cool breeze. I finished all my appointments an hour earlier than expected. So I am walking at work following the side walk in different directions. Taking this moment to enjoy spring and find a good headspace before going into work.
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rlw775 · 4 years
Silver linings can be found in any situation. While this is always true sometimes we really have to hunt for that tiny glimmer before we discover them. During this very unusual time when we have all been forced into a slow down it is easy to loose an entire day to tv or the internet feeling sorry for ourselves. I am working hard each day to find joy. One day it was a great coworker who traded a shift with me so I could spend time with my husband. On other days it’s a video chat with a goid friend or a phone call with my Auntie. Sometimes it’s just fixing dinner and eating with my husband. When you work opposite shifts this is a treat. One lesson I have learned through this Covid situation is that I am loved. To me this is the greatest discovery. Family, friends and people I thought weren’t fond of me have all shown new sides of themselves. Maybe that love was always there and I just didn’t feel it but this experience has taught me new ways of giving and receiving love. This may turn out to be the biggest silver lining ever - almost a pot of gold 🌈.
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rlw775 · 4 years
Delighted to feel like myself today. These past couple months have been hard. I was already feeling unsettled within myself as I navigate some life changes in 2020. Acceptance has been a huge theme for me this year. I have had to learn new mothering skills as my son is grown and living independently. Work life is also a learning experience as I am no longer looking to move up in my career, I am coming into an age where I no longer find my sense of self in these two key areas. I am focusing more of self care & development. Little things like sitting on my deck or taking a nap bring me such joy. Developing relationships outside of family has been key for me these last few years. Marriage is ever evolving and now brings me an intense feeling of safety. We have put the work in to develop this mutual respectful connection. Friendship with other woman is an other area I have grown. In my younger life I found friendship to be situational. Over time they simply drifted away. My friends of this phase of life are each very different to myself but that common happiness and desire to see everyone happy is a core value that shines through. All of this personal growth should have left me so calm like a lady version of the Dali Lama but I have been so unpleasant for all of 2020. It has been exhausting. Everyday I get up and try to force myself to feel well. Then along came this virus came along and all of a sudden there was a reason to feel upset. The self isolation has been a challenge. I miss my red lipstick, I miss baking a cake to share at work, hugging people and running to the shops but most of all going out to dinner with my husband and having him smile across the table at me. There is a silver lining that is very selfish of me -everyone is unpset. This means each day there is a new podcast or article on how to feel well. It’s feels so much less shameful to be upset. It’s ok to not be happy everyday. Additionally I am learning new techniques each day. Some help in the moment and some I will add to my everyday life. I hope this is something I can carry forward into my non Covid lifestyle.
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