#courtesy of my and my boyfriend
angry-children · 4 months
Valentino: this is my boyfriend, Vox, and this is his boyfriend, Alastor, and this is Alastor's boyfriend Lucifer, and this is Lucifer's daughter Charlie, and this is Charlie's girlfriend Vaggie, and this is Vaggie's ex Lute and this is Lute's boyfriend Adam, and this is Adam's wife Eve, and Eve's predecessor Lilith, and Lilith's daughter's pets Razzle and Dazzle, and this is Razzle and Dazzle's place of residence, the Hazbin Hotel, and this is the Hazbin Hotel's resident Angel Dust, and this is Angel Dust's boyfriend Husk, and this is Husk's least favorite resident Sir Pentious, and this is Sir pentious' assistant, egg boi, and this is egg boi's friend egg boi, and this is egg boi's role model, Carmilla, and this is Carmilla's husband Zestial, and this is Zestial boyfriend alastor, and this is Alastor's girlfriend Rosie, and this is Rosie's least favorite citizen Susan, and this is Susan's least favorite person Niffty, and this is Niffty's girlfriend Rosie, and this is Rosie's mutual Husk, and this is Husk's boyfriend Angel Dust, and this is Angel Dust's best friend Cherri, and this is Cherri's boyfriend Sir Pentious
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lazarised · 1 year
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they show up to the family dinner like this
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bleedeverywhere · 21 days
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william wormiam
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subspaceskater · 2 years
got a pussy like minecraft the way it has a caves and cliffs update
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sunshinediaz · 8 months
wip wednesday ✨
hii 🫶🏼 hoa eddie is giving me fits but i simply don't care, that bitch is going to suffer from the shenanigans he's caused one way or another, so please enjoy him being a goofy goober
He lays his chin on Buck’s shoulder, stuffs his face against Buck’s neck and breathes deep. He shuts his eyes and smiles. “Did you use my shampoo?”  “Your soap, too.”   Eddie laughs. “It smells nice on you,” he says, inhaling deeply one more time before opening his eyes and staring down at the catastrophe in the skillet. “Buck, I think you burned that piece of bacon.”  “S’fine,” Buck says, jerky and stunted, and stabs the overcooked piece of bacon a couple times before he gets enough leverage to pull it out of the grease. It’s charred and dark next to the other pieces on the paper towel. “I’ll still eat it.”  Humming, Eddie nuzzles his face across Buck’s shoulder. “Are we just having bacon?”  “There’s still some of that pudding cake leftover in the refrigerator.”  “Bacon and cake for breakfast?” Eddie pinches Buck’s side, eliciting a small giggle that has the stiffness in his shoulders dissipating. Whatever it is that’s weighing on Buck is still heavy, then, but not so big that Eddie can’t take it every once in a while. He doesn’t mind being Buck’s rock whenever he needs to. “Yum.”  “And coffee.” Buck flicks Eddie’s forehead, just hard enough it makes a funny little noise, and adds a few more pieces of bacon. “Breakfast of champions.”  Eddie wrinkles his nose and snuffles, kind of like a puppy, and tugs on a piece of Buck’s wet hair. “I’m glad you’re here, Buck,” he says, and it’s all ooey-gooey emotions in his tummy, too-sweet and sticky like honey, and, oh, that’s different. That’s very… different. “I’ve got a lot of laundry to do and you’re my favorite little helper.”  “But I’m injured,” Buck whines, pouting his fat bottom lip out.  “Are you?” Eddie smile, ear to ear. “I thought you said you were okay.”  Buck fakes a cough in Eddie’s face, tongue out and all, because he’s a brat. “See? Injured.” He shrugs. “Guess I can’t help with laundry at all.”  Eddie’s grin widens so far his cheeks chub up. “You’re so fuckin’ adorable, Buck,” he says before he can stop his heart from talking out of his mouth. And it’s fine, maybe, that he’s got shit for brains sometimes, because Buck’s face lights up in a glowing red blush that has Eddie’s heart beating a little fast in his chest. He wonders if Buck can hear the thudding; it’s loud enough and they’re so close Eddie can feel Buck’s heat. “Buck—” “Eddie—” Christopher’s alarm, fucking Crazy Train, rips through the kitchen and startles both Eddie and Buck apart. Eddie’s heart races and Buck’s face is as red as the tomatoes sitting in the windowsill and perhaps it’s a good thing they were interrupted because Eddie’s not exactly sure what he was going to say. 
i was tagged by @wildlife4life, @wikiangela, @honestlydarkprincess, @fortheloveofbuddie, @disasterbuckdiaz, @thewolvesof1998, @daffi-990, @try-set-me-on-fire, and @callaplums mwah i adore all of you
and i'm casually no pressure tagging @eddiebabygirldiaz, @eddiediaztho, @callmenewbie, @exhuastedpigeon, @jesuisici33, and everybody else who wants to partake in the tomfoolery
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puppygirlclick · 5 months
She Lethal on my shit until I Company
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us-costco-official · 9 days
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cool girl homework pass i dont have to do any of it
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seithr · 2 years
between Zero finalfantasy14 and Rika pokemonscarletviolet designs i am having a great time lately as androgynous woman liker. how r we feeling guys. are we perhaps, maybe even winning, if just a little if just this once
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meowmoths · 2 years
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demon feenie true form reveal! aka von karma pees his pants
[ids under the cut!]
[ID 1: Two black-and-white sketches of college-aged Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth, and Manfred von Karma from the Ace Attorney series. The first shows Manfred dismissing Miles with a hand and saying "Enough. Get out of my sight." The speech bubble is dripping to show his disgust. Miles is grimacing and holding his arm in shame, while Phoenix is snarling with his arms crossed. The second shows Phoenix confronting Manfred, one hand on his shoulder and one pointing menacingly at him. His nails have elongated into claws, his teeth into fangs, and his ears have gained a point. "Speak like that to Miles again," he snarls, the words taking on a glitched appearance at the end. Manfred is scowling at Phoenix while Miles watches on in shock. End ID.]
[ID 2: The next panel, a mostly black-and white sketch. Phoenix has morphed into a large, furry, cat-like beast with four arms, huge fluffy ears, bat wings, and horns that form hearts at the end. He also has large fangs that protrude from his mouth, a spiked halo, four eyes on his face, and many more all over his body, all of which have heart-shaped pupils. He towers over Manfred and Edgeworth. Phoenix has one huge paw resting on Manfred's shoulder, another pointing an accusing claw at him. "I dare you," he growls, the words white on a shaded-in speech bubble, still with a glitched appearance. Manfred sweats nervously while Miles watches with an expression similar to the Surprised Pikachu meme. Phoenix's many eyes and halo are accented with pink pen and highlighter, giving him a somewhat backlit effect. End ID.]
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tsotc · 2 years
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courfeyracs-swordcane · 6 months
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I’ve Got a Dark Alley and a Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth. By Fall Out Boy.
Leg of bicuriosity pose reference by @orange-artist!
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brainrotdotorg · 10 months
When your name is not Vince it’s Vince’nt
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spinchs-field · 8 months
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got to meet a virgin phyllira tiger moth in person!! it made sure to let me know it was not very tasty
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Ted Lasso, homosexual? [not clickbait]
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crowjodojocasahouse · 8 months
"thanks" "you're welcome" no. i'm just ken
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