#cotrk spoilers
I would honestly love to see a Charlie Bone x Inkheart trilogy crossover.
I mean, both book series are set on Earth in the same time period, and both involve a kid who starts off being raised by a single parent because their other parent disappeared under mysterious circumstances when they were a toddler. And both kids find out that they have a magical ability.
They also both have a relative of the main character(s) who is very reclusive and loves books and ends up coming out of their shell a bit over the course of the series.
I do think Paton Yewbeam and Mo Folchart would get along pretty well. Same with Meggie and Charlie.
Also fun fact: if Inkheart is set in 2003, then Resa and Lyell both disappeared in the same year (1994).
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nerdgatehobbit · 2 years
My Extended Ramblings 8/19/22
This time with photos, to provide evidence of why I keep being sheepish about my media backlog being handled out of order. Also as a refresher/planning for myself as my Wordpress blog was largely on hiatus over the summer and it’s nearly time to end that.
I have finished the third season of TOS. While not as bad as its reputation had made it out to be, I admit that I still don’t have much to say about it that hasn’t been said. But I have hope that won’t be the case with DS9.
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I have supplemental media too! Obviously I’ve been seeking out spoilers for a while, but I doubt I know everything and I’m aware that actually consuming a piece of media is different. But seriously, I’m excited for this project.
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Look. For all its flaws, SGA is my favorite and I don’t regret starting a re-watch. <3
The two tie-in novels I think will be read & reviewed closer to the end of the year.
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I need to start up XWP’s third season. So far I’ve enjoyed the show, although I’m a bit concerned as I’ve heard the quality gets uneven as time goes on.
The tonal shifts in ALOK’s first season were jarring enough that I paused watching. But I know I need to finish it before I get really started on my Power Rangers project.
Ahead of the 30th anniversary next August, I’ve picked out 30 episodes from the first 17 seasons to re-watch and talk about. There is some blatant favoritism going on, but eh, that’s a key point of having a blog. >:)
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I remember enjoying Liberty’s Kids as a kid myself but I’m worried about how well it holds up. Although it does tell stories about others than the Founding Fathers. And if Ben Franklin is cleaned up, well, this is a kids’ show (it’s in the name even!) and they had gotten Walter Cronkite to voice him. I do think the writers were as nuanced as they could be at the time and due to writing it for elementary school kids.
Even more than TOS, when I watched the first half of Princess Tutu I didn’t have much to say besides I liked it. It’s a great show; I just can’t figure out what else to say. At this point I’ll probably have to start over before watching the rest.
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Pokémon Sun & Moon Ultra Legends has been a lot of fun so far. Thankfully my Pokémon watching won’t end with Ash’s departure. Instead I’ll be going to the Orange Islands arc, followed by Ash’s travels through Johto. Then the beginning of Hoenn, skipping ahead to a return to Kanto. And at some point there will be a post on the Sword & Shield manga volumes I have.
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It’s on the back burner for now, but I still want to compare Wishbone’s take on Ivanhoe to the real deal someday.
Similarly, I think it would be fun to compare episodes of Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century to the original stories. Like Liberty’s Kids, I haven’t seen it in ages so I hope it’ll have held up.
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I still have The Dragon Quartet on my to-read list.
At this point, I think it might be more realistic to read through both versions of a YW book and write a single post rather than going in depth on each chapter. Hmm.
Like with SGA, I think I might end up rereading COTRK before making a real dent in my to-read pile. When that happens, there’ll probably just be small posts here rather than making bigger blog posts. I just miss it and am a bit emotional about the series being 20 years old now.
Also I’m just showing the first books in those series for simplicity’s sake.  This post is convoluted enough already.
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I recently got the first two volumes of Spy x Family because the premise sounds delightfully off the walls. Earlier this summer I got the first volume of Tokyo Mew Mew and the first volume of WITCH before that, due to tween nostalgia in both cases. I did start the Tokyo Mew Mew one, but then got depressed when I learned of Mia Ikumi’s death back in March. Although I also learned of the reboot, but as this post is proving, I shouldn’t be adding to the media backlog. :(
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Three more books in the to-read pile. While I’m very curious about airbender culture and Bones McCoy, I think I should get started on The Nature of Middle-Earth before I’ve had it for a year.
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… I completely dropped the ball on OUAT after a handful of episodes. It’s just a Lot even in season one. Eventually I’ll get back to it. I hope.
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I am finally going to get into Sailor Moon, as I’m well aware of its iconic status.  My biggest dilemma is whether or not to get an external Blu-ray drive, because what is the point of doing compare & contrast reviews of the first seasons of the two animes if I can’t get screencaps from the original?!  Also I’m hopeful that there’ll be future remastered releases of the other seasons of the original anime.
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The movies highest on my ‘to watch’ list are Ever After and the T*Witches duology.  I remember being very baffled by some of the latter’s choices as a tween, especially in how the two mentors were handled.  Yet I still liked them as movies even if they were very different from the books.  It’ll be interesting to re-watch them.  As for Ever After, I’ve heard a lot of good about it and I generally have a soft spot for Cinderella stories.  Admittedly I got Tin Man out of curiosity and because I couldn’t not get it at five dollars.  Both Ever After and Tin Man have been in my pile since before the pandemic, so they really do need to be watched sometime soon.  
As much as I love the 1995 film, I am curious about the Sense & Sensibility miniseries, especially with how much I adore the 2009 Emma miniseries.  I have other movies in my to-watch pile, but these are the ones that I think should be watched & talked about first.
I strongly suspect that in all four cases, there will be costume screencaps afterwards.  >:)
The last chunk will all be DC-related.  Yes, this post is nearing the end.
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With its tenth anniversary coming up, Arrow is a pretty high priority.  I think the reviews will be spread out, though, especially as I’m unsure how well I’ll like it.  I’m also torn whether to power through and do in-depth reviews like I did for the first season of The Flash, or if I should concentrate that energy on DS9 and just do the quick analyses like I do for XWP.
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Speaking of The Flash, it is way on the back burner but still needs to get done sometime.  Just not anytime soon.  Sorry, Iris.  Although sometime I should at least get screencaps for the first season’s reviews now that I can again.
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However, I do feel awkward that I pushed off doing Legends of Tomorrow for so long that it’s now over.  Right now, I suspect I’ll hold off until I’m done with DS9, as one seven-season show is enough of a time commitment.  And I’ll be more able to keep up with the show if I watch the earlier Arrow-verse content beforehand.
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I admit, the first season DVD of the animated Justice League is there mostly as evidence that I’ve been aware of the cartoon for some time.  Although I haven’t watched it in a very long time.  But I did snag the complete series earlier this summer, so that’ll be fun!  Like with Ever After & Tin Man, I actually got the first season of Lois & Clark pre-pandemic, albeit at a library rather than a store.  No clue when I’ll get around to it, but I do think I should someday.
To summarize, I have a massive pile of media to consume before I can justify adding to it further.
First level priorities: DS9, Pokémon Sun & Moon, Power Rangers, SGA
Second level priorities: XWP, Arrow, Ever After, T*Witches duology, Young Wizards, Stargate tie-in novels, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, The Nature of Middle-Earth
Third level priorities: Spy x Family, Tokyo Mew Mew, Sailor Moon, WITCH, Ivanhoe, The Dragon Quartet, animated Justice League, 2008 Sense & Sensibility miniseries, Tin Man, Sherlock Holmes (original & sci-fi), COTRK
Fourth level priorities: OUAT, Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, Lois & Clark, Doctor’s Orders, The Dawn of Yengchen, Princess Tutu, Liberty’s Kids, the other Pokémon seasons
Fifth level is anything I’ve forgotten.  I don’t think I have, but I might have.
I am self-aware enough to know that I will go off-course sooner rather than later, but I think as long as I’m enjoying myself, it’ll be okay.  That’s my justification for going back to SGA.  At least for Power Rangers I can point to the upcoming big anniversary.
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had a revelation
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cosmicjackass-blog · 9 years
i just remembered my baby is hurt
tancred is hurt my bABY WAS HURT MY BABY...
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I think Lyell would actually be a pretty good father to Billy, because he will  understand Billy’s past and how being looked after by the Bloors affected him.
Also, Lyell never had the opportunity to raise Charlie so I think he’s pretty happy to be able to get a chance to raise Billy.
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I’m fascinated by Mr Pilgrim and his point of view of the first five books. We only see Mr Pilgrim from Charlie’s POV and Gabriel’s, and not very often. Charlie describes him as a strange, morose man with messy hair who rarely sleeps. Gabriel calls him brilliant. But what we do see is very revealing about his situation in Bloor’s Academy - that he doesn’t have as much freedom or agency as the reader or Charlie thinks he does.
When you really think about it, his situation in the first five books is horrifying and enough to raise huge alarm bells:
We are told that he never walks on the Academy grounds. We also see that Manfred locks him in the hallway leading to the music tower in Book 5, and Charlie recalls in book 3 that he is rarely or never seen outside of the music tower room. This suggests that his movement may be restricted. 
His mental state is terrible - In book 1 Gabriel tells Charlie that Lyell was once happy but isn’t now, and in book 3 Charlie describes Mr Pilgrim as a morose man. He also rarely sleeps, which can be caused by stress and trauma. Since he is considered odd and does act strangely, it’s not surprising that staff and students would dismiss some of this as one of his quirks, but him never looking happy should’ve clued people in that something was wrong.
He never looks people in the eyes - most likely a sign of being hypnotised repeatedly. It can also be interpreted as a sign of submission or trauma.
Manfred is always keeping an eye on him, as we see in book 1 and book 5. Even right before Mr Pilgrim is woken up in the Bloors Academy chapel, we see Manfred suddenly appear to stop Charlie from giving the King’s Tears to him, suggesting that Manfred was secretly keeping an eye on Mr Pilgrim (which is pretty creepy).
The Bloors were able to make him disappear from the academy in book 4 potentially so that Yorath could act as a teacher there, though they pretended that he’d just resigned and left. Nobody questioned it.
He was blamed for the fire in Manfred’s room (even though the Bloors knew it was the cats who started it). Like Billy said, “teachers can’t be blamed, can they?” Yet Mr Pilgrim was blamed.
Because of all this, I headcanon Mr Pilgrim/Lyell as an abuse victim/survivor. What the Bloors did to him was pretty horrible—they essentially faked his death and held him captive for 10 years and were able to do whatever they wanted to him, with no one noticing anything was wrong. God knows the mental/emotional/physical issues he would realistically have after being in that kind of situation for so many years. At least now that he’s back with his family, he can start recovering from everything the Bloors put him through.
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Here are some Children of the Red King fanfic recs!
Anything by Etheostoma/PhantomPenguin. I would particularly recommend Secrets (which is only on Fanfiction.Net) as it is a wonderful exploration of Paton Yewbeam’s character. Illuminations is also great if you are a fan of Paton/Julia.
Infinity by Dirtyblueballoons. Infinity is a 50 chapter AU fic about a young lady called Infinity who is sent to Bloor’s and finds out that she is endowed. She ends up finding out the truth about herself and her family and gets caught up in the battle between the good and bad children of the Red King. It has an unfinished sequel on Fanfiction.net called The Stolen City.
Eva Bone by OutriderIvyHill22. Another AU, this time “what if Charlie had a twin sister who disappeared with Lyell the night he crashed his car”. It’s not complete and is on hiatus, however the author has promised to come back to it someday. It is beautifully written though and worth checking out even if it’s not complete!
Letters by Yunmin + some of their other works are lovely, especially if you’re interested in the endowed kids.
Illogical Math and Call It Survival by skyline_blue. Illogical Math is (if I remember correctly) Manfred's POV of the climax of Wilderness Wolf, while Call It Survival explores some characters' reactions to a certain character's defeat in Red Knight.
The Way We Live Our Lives by lilmisswritergal4eva82719511. Four chapters of one sentence drabbles about the Bones, Joneses, Yewbeams, Gunns, Ingledews and Tollys.
en lux perpetua by unexpectedrevelations. This fic explores Titania as a character and Lyell and Titania's relationship, particularly Titania's POV of how Lyell ended up rejected her for Amy. It is sympathetic toward Titania and doesn't paint Lyell is a completely perfect light, which I like. It's slightly AU but a great read.
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Who is the person who was brave enough to stand against the enchanter’s army?
Initially I assumed it was Lyell, because he chose to become the Red Knight and fight Harken even though he was unendowed.
However, I then realised that Charlie was the one who was brave enough to help the Red Knight during the final duel when the others were paralysed with fear. So he could be the one the passage referred to.
Or it could be both Lyell and Charlie.
One thing I love is how both Lyell and Charlie were integral to defeating Harken. Without the Red Knight arriving to fight the Green Knight, the bad guys would’ve won as the good guys couldn’t stand up to Harken. And if Charlie hadn’t been brave enough to distract the green knight, Harken would have killed the Red Knight and the battle would’ve been lost.
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While reading the Children of the Red King series, I’ve noticed that the flame cats show a surprising amount of interest in waking Lyell up. They also know a lot more about his situation than they let on.
For instance:
* They orchestrated Charlie discovering his endowment so that he could be sent to Bloors Academy and wake up Emma Tolly and eventually also Lyell. (Sure they never mentioned Lyell but come on, why else would they need Charlie’s help? They could’ve asked any good endowed kid to help Emma Tolly. They specifically mentioned that they needed Charlie’s help.)
* They were in Bloor’s Academy on the day Manfred beat Emilia and they set fire to his room via the music tower. The conversation Mr Onimous has with Charlie also implies that they’ve been in the Academy multiple times. So they would’ve seen Mr Pilgrim and recognised him.
* Over a year later, they warned Charlie to watch his mother, because they foresaw Count Harken’s appearance and knew that the Bloors would use Harken to make Amy forget about Lyell, which would stop Lyell from coming back.
(Which is very interesting, because it suggests that the cats knew about Amy and Lyell’s strange bond and how it was keeping Lyell alive. They also seemed to know that seeing Charlie regularly in the Academy would help Lyell wake up or not go deeper into his trance.)
* And finally they were so furious at Manfred for stopping Charlie from waking Lyell up that they attacked him.
So based on all of this, the Flames were very interested in Lyell—enough to maul Manfred Bloor when he tried to stop Lyell from waking up.
But why so much interest?
Here’s what I I think (spoilers for books 6, 7 and 8 below the cut):
The Flames had to have foreseen that Count Harken would try and take over the city one day. However the Red King is now a tree and incapable of confronting and stopping Harken.
In Red Knight, Miss Ingledew tells Cook, Olivia and Emma that according to her books, they stand a chance against Harken if one of the Red King’s descendants is brave enough to face the enchanter’s army. 
I think that the flame cats knew about this piece of information, and began searching for a person who would be willing to stand up to the enchanter and his army when the time came. And they eventually found Lyell.
The cats saw Lyell’s qualities and his similarities to the Red King and decided that he would be the right person to face the enchanter. However, the Emma Tolly abduction happened and Lyell was hypnotised for ten long years, until Hidden King happened and he was woken up via the Red King’s Tears.
What’s interesting to note is that Lyell only ingested a minuscule amount of the tears because Manfred knocked the glass bottle out of Charlie’s hands and got rid of the tears that way. What would have happened if he’d drunk a mouthful, half or the entire bottle of tears? How would it have affected him? Also interesting to note that the cats seemed to want him to drink the bottle of tears and they were furious at Manfred for destroying the bottle.
After Lyell woke up, the cats approached him and told him that Harken was going to return and asked for his help to stop him. Lyell agreed, which led to him becoming the Red Knight in books 6, 7 and 8.
So, in summary, the cats would’ve known that the city would have a chance at being saved if a descendant of the Red King is brave enough to face the enchanter’s army. Their interest in waking Lyell up may have been because they wanted or needed him to be the one to face the enchanter and his army. 
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Thinking about it, Monty’s letter to Lyell (which we find out about in Red Knight) is actually kind of fucked up. Imagine you’re Lyell and you’re given a letter on your 18th birthday that’s from your long-dead father that tells you that you should destroy your mother’s family before they have a chance to destroy you.
I mean, Monty probably wanted to make sure that Lyell wouldn’t be corrupted by the Yewbeams and become an awful person, but “destroy the Yewbeams before they destroy you” is such a heavy burden to place on an 18 year old. I wouldn’t be surprised if it actually fucked Lyell up a bit and started him on that path that led to him being hypnotised and imprisoned after trying to stop abduction of Emma Tolly.            
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I am just going to share some of my Charlie Bone fics here, for anyone who is interested (spoilers for the entire series below!):
Love and Jealousy - a short two-chapter fic focusing on Grizelda Bone and her messed up feelings about her husband Monty and son Lyell. 
Breaking the Rules - a long fic about Lyell’s disappearance, told from the point of view of Lyell, Amy, Paton and Grizelda.  
Lost Years - a multichapter fic, pretty much Mr Pilgrim’s point of view of the events of the first five books. Mr Pilgrim’s pov is so fascinating to me because we see so little of him in the books, so I really wanted to write about what his life might’ve been like living under the Bloors. 
A Return to Normalcy - a long multi-chapter fic exploring what happened after the end of Hidden King, as well as Amy and Lyell’s point of view of the events of Wilderness Wolf, Shadow of Badlock and Red Knight. 
Mysteries - a multi-chapter fic I wrote years ago about Mr Singh but never finished. It’s about Mr Singh’s point of view of the Hundred Heads Dinner weekend. 
The Dark Lady - a short multi-chapter fic about Dorothy Bloor, exploring her point of view of Lyell and Emma’s hypnotisation and how she felt after her fingers were crushed.
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I think it’s hypocritical of Bartholomew to blame Paton for Lyell’s disappearance considering he never did anything to help Lyell either.
Also, what does Bartholomew know about Lyell’s disappearance? When and how did he find out that Lyell is not dead, and did he try to find out where he is?
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Charlie and Lyell and their fondness for rodents
A fierce pouncing, leaping, and screaming began. The pantry was apparently full of mice. Not for long. The cats caught one mouse after another, depositing their bodies in a neat line along the wall. Charlie backed away He hadn't known there were any mice at all in the pantry Why hadn't Maisie or his mother noticed? Perhaps they had all arrived this morning, drawn by the smell of old fruit. Charlie was rather fond of mice and wished he didn't have to watch the row of little gray bodies grow longer and longer.
‘There’s just one thing,’ said Billy in a whisper, and he reached into his pocket. He felt that his life depended on Lyell’s answer. ‘What about my rat?’ 
Lyell took the proffered glossy black creature into his hands. ‘I’m particularly fond of rats,’ he said. Welcome, Rembrandt.’
Bonus: Amy’s dislike of rats
After dinner, while Mrs. Bone made up a bed for Billy the boys told her about Rembrandt. 
'Oh, Charlie, not another animal,' sighed Mrs. Bone. 
'He's very clean,' said Billy 'and not a biter.' 
'But a rat . . .’
'Just look out for him, please, Mom?' begged Charlie. 'We don't want Grandma to find him first.' 
'I should think not,' said his mother with a grin. 'I'll do my best, but don't blame me if I scream when I see him.' She left the bedroom saying, 'Rats. Whatever's next?'
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Chronicles of the Red King: The Secret Kingdom Prologue
Link: https://books.google.com.au/books?id=nQWaokA9WfMC&pg=PP10&lpg=PP10&dq=chronicles+of+the+red+king+prologue&source=bl&ots=R2wHdR8EZz&sig=ACfU3U0R3o9oY-Cn5coS1O_nB0TQpLWWaQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjx8M-60efzAhUV7XMBHcVaALwQ6AF6BAgKEAM#v=onepage&q&f=false
Things to note:
* Charlie is thirteen years old when he is narrating the prologue - at least a year after the events of Charlie Bone and the Hidden King. 
* Charlie canonically helped Paton write the three books in the trilogy detailing the Red King’s story.
* While travelling in Africa and Europe, Bartholomew Bloor heard stories about a magical boy and a flying camel. Eventually he realised that the boy was the young Red King. He recorded the stories in his journals, and Paton looks at them while researching and writing his book.
* Charlie has met an older version of the Red King, by going into the Red’s King’s portrait at the Academy. The Red King was pleased to see Charlie, but never said much about his past.  
* The portrait in the Academy was painted at a time when the king was in mourning.   
* Bartholomew also drew maps pointing to cave wall pictures that the Red King carved nine hundred years ago.
* Paton suggests to Charlie that if he goes to the places marked on Bartholomew’s maps, he can see the carvings for himself and potentially travel into them and meet the young Red King. 
* Paton and Charlie talk about getting Gabriel’s help to learn more about the Red King. Gabriel could put on the Red King’s cloak and use his ability to reach into the Red King’s life and see the world as the king saw it.  
* During the summer holidays, Charlie and Lyell travel to Africa to follow in Bartholomew’s and the Red King’s footsteps. They find the caves Bartholomew mentioned in his journals and see the pictures and mysterious lines the young Red King had drawn. Charlie is able to travel via these carvings to meet the young Red King.
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AU where the Bloors admit that they screwed up, give Lyell back to Amy and say “hey… we accidentally gave your husband amnesia. Our bad. But it is his fault for meddling in our business” and Amy and Paton have to figure out how to break his trance and get his memories back.
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Mrs Bone clapped a hand over her forehead. “Stay out of her way, Charlie. She tried to keep you father up there, you know. When he was young. Luckily it turned out that Lyell wasn’t endowed, so she lost interest in him.” (Charlie Bone and the Blue Boa, Chapter 10)
This passage is so interesting to me. Did Yolanda abuse Lyell when he was a child, and Lyell told Amy about it? Amy’s understandably alarmed reaction makes me wonder about that. And does “she tried to keep your father up there” mean that Yolanda tried to brainwash Lyell like she did Grizelda, Lucretia, Eustacia and Venetia?
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