#corner in the ameology spectrum thats just asuka langley soryu
hellonerf · 21 days
The amount of different characterizations there are of ame is so wild because people really do go in wild directions that I can see any of them as a possibility and I enjoy all of them, I've seen him before as a cocky charismatic manipulative asshole, as a well-hearted oblivious guy that's really trying his best to help but is dumb/dense, etc. I just think he's so flexible and love the various ways people write him because they handle it so well and make it seem in character while displaying other traits of him that didn't seem like they would fit and yet they make it work somehow? It's just so good and this includes your ame too, love that wacky girl <3
thats true thats why i kind of want to make an ame spectrum for people to put their ame on cause it'd be funny to see... i like all kinds of ame ☺️❤️ thank you for loving my crazygirl ame ❤️
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