#corn: outdoor enthusiast
squea · 1 year
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well if it isnt the concequences of his own actions
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Corn: hi ma w-
Ioanna: WHAT is THIS?
Corn: oh.
Ioanna: You LIED to me kid! You promised you wouldn’t hurt anyone! Are you out of your mind? I didn’t raise you to be this monster! (Her speech fades out as Corn stops listening)
Ioanna: The “Granite Falls Gargoyle” has even become a bigger story than whatever the hell’s going on in Strangerville!
Corn: Strangerville?
Ioanna: Yeah, is there a problem with your huge ears? Haven’t you heard about it? Corn: no...
Ioanna: A bunch of weirdo’s acting possessed. Running around like crazed animals. Maybe you should have lived there kid! You’d fit right in with your acting like an actual demo that eats people!
Corn: huh... maybe...
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woncon · 8 months
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🍂 i'm a little late, but so enthusiastic. i'll try to catch up as soon as i can. i hope you'll enjoy it as much as i do! <3
🍂 thank you @flufftober for this challenge!
🍂 we have 6 different groups for 2023's flufftober; stray kids, ateez, bts, nct dream, txt and enhypen. each group will be equally represented, with 5 prompts per group. to make it even more fun, i'm going to draw the daily guy with the tiny decisions app. also, i'm planning something special for halloween.
🍂 if you want to be on the flufftober taglist, send an ask! 👻
1. "I've got you" 🍁 Hueningkai
2. Family, Friends, Loved Ones 🎃 Han Jisung
3. "Wait you love me?" - "I always have" 🍁 Jimin
4. Hot Chocolate 🎃 Hyunjin
5. 3 + 1 🍁 Jake
6. Corn Maze 🎃 Yunho
7. Porch Swing 🍁 Renjun
8. Rainy Day 🎃 San
9. Married at first sight 🍁 Jay
10. Love of my Life 🎃 Sunoo
11. Sweet Tooth 🍁 Jongho
12. Fire & Ice 🎃 Beomgyu
13. Wrong Conversion 🍁 Riki
14. "I hate it" - "No, you don't" 🎃 Jaemin
15. "Oh no, you're a Morning Person!" 🍁 Yeonjun
16. Singing one another to sleep 🎃 Park Jisung
17. Encouraging s.o. to achieve a goal 🍁 Felix
18. "Did you plan for this to happen?" 🎃 Taehyung
19. Keeping someone safe 🍁 Mingi
20. Pumpkin 🎃 Yoongi
21. Swoon 🍁 Jeno
22. Picking a favourite 🎃 Taehyun
23. Trinket 🍁 Hongjoong
24. Melting 🎃 Chan
25. Nook 🍁 Jungwon
26. Fireplace 🎃 Seokjin
27. Outdoor Event 🍁 Minho
28. Soothing Touch 🎃 Jungkook
29. "Hey, wake up!" 🍁 Mark
30. Self-Worth / Self-Love 🎃 Soobin
31. Dreams Do Come True 👻 Seonghwa & Sunghoon
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
MOGAI BHM- Belated Day 17!
happy BHM! today i’m going to be talking about Black influences on various genres of music! obviously i won’t be able to cover every music genre in this post so im just going to do the ones i know most about!
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[Image ID: A black-and-white drawing of a gathering of Black people in a small, crowded room. At the front of the room, a man dressed in a tuxedo is gesturing grandly at a podium with two other men standing beside him. The rest of the people in the room are all dressed formally and in various positions- some sitting, some bowing, some kneeling, and some standing with their arms raised in the air. End ID.]
Cultures from across the continent of Africa placed huge emphasis on music. Music in many African cultures was very rhythmic, enthusiastic, and depended on participation from entire gatherings of people, not just one person. When people began to be kidnapped for the slave trade, that connection to their specific culture was often lost- but spirituals became a way of reviving that.
Derived from the term ‘spiritual song’ from the Bible, a spiritual is a religious folksong that expressed deep religious themes, and usually themes of resisting oppression in the context of slavery. In the decades leading up to the abolition of slavery in America, spirituals became a very popular musical form amongst slaves at plantations. While their white masters and white populations in general hated the music form because it represented Black freedom and resistance, and therefore gatherings to sing this kind of music were banned, many slaves found ways to still sing spirituals. Spirituals involved call-and-response singing, clapping, and stopping amongst an audience.
Starting in the 1700s, slaves began to gather informally in what were known as “praise houses”. They also held outdoor meetings called ‘brush arbor meetings’. In these gatherings, they would dance, sing, and play music together, as well as pray. At these meetings, they sang ‘corn ditties’, which developed into spirituals. Spirituals developed as a way of maintaining African musical culture in America, uniting against oppression, building hope for a better future, singing praise in a uniquely Black Christian way- and of actually building roads to freedom.
Spirituals were not just used as a way show praise- they were often codes in relation to methods of escaping slavery like the Underground Railroad. Harriet Tubman herself used spirituals like “Go down, Moses” and probably “I got my ticket” to identify herself to slaves seeking escape. Spirituals and their lyrics were often codes of escape for slaves- in this way, spirituals were not just an outlet of rage and pain over oppression, they were a way to actually physically escape it. Other spirituals like “Wade in the Water”, “Swing Low Sweet Chariot”, and “The Gospel Train” spoke about and directly referred to escape methods of the Underground Railroad.
In the 1860s and 1870s, two groups formed- first the Fisk Jubilee Singers (from Fisk University, an HBCU), and then the Hampton Singers, both of whom gained international following for their singing and performing of spirituals. Since then, spirituals have grown as a genre, and have played a part in the development of another major music genre- gospel.
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[Image ID: A black-and-white photograph of a group of six Black women. They are standing in two rows of three. Most are wearing fancy white blouses and a wide-brimmed hat, but one is wearing a plaid shirt. They are all holding books and looking at them as they sing. End ID.]
Although early gospel music centered mainly around white churches, it has an undeniably rich place in Black musical and religious history. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, it began to be sung and used more in Black churches. Gospel music as a form, developed from hymns, sacred songs, and other religious musical genres, including spirituals, and was a form of religious music that had one key distinguishing component- church choirs.
Church choirs had long been staples across churches, but especially Black Churches. In Black Churches, choirs were opportunities for people to express their pain through movement and song, as was typical for Black church services at the time. Church choirs were a perfect avenue for the spread and popularization of gospel music within Black Churches.
In the 1930s, a man named Thomas A. Dorsey became known as “the Father of Gospel Music” when he founded a publishing house for Black gospel musicians. He helped push Black gospel music into the American mainstream, and since then, gospel has become a wildly popular musical genre, especially within Black communities.
Hip Hop and Rap-
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[Image ID: A black-and-white photograph of people in an outdoor area enclosed by a tall chain-link fence. There are groups of people wandering in the background, and in the foreground, five Black men are gathered around a cluster of tables that are cluttered with musical turntables, fans, papers, wires, and other various objects. One man is crouched in front of the tables and the other four are standing around them. End ID.]
Hip Hop music and rap music developed simultaneously during the 1970s in the Bronx, part of New York City. Black, Latino, and Caribbean communities would hold events known as ‘block parties’, where people gathered as a DJ played music like soul and funk. These events were collaborations between Black and Latino people living in New York City.
At these block parties, some people began to experiment with different types of rhythms and beats. It was common for DJs and performers to play around with various techniques like beatboxing, beat breaks, percussive sounds, scratching, and turntable techniques. This experimentation led to the developing sounds of hip hop and rap. The two genres, characterized by strong rhythmic beats and rapping tracks, began to take hold. A decade later, hip hop was a thriving musical genre.
The first hip hop record released was “Rapper’s Delight” by the Sugarhill Gang in 1979. Since then, hip hop and rap have become some of the dominant musical genres in America. They have produced many, many sub-genres, like trap, nu metal, and grime. These genres have expanded to include different lyrical styles, drum kits, and lyrical contents- all owing to the collaboration between Black and Latino musical artists in the 1970s.
Hip hop and rap have had a huge impact on American, especially Black American, culture. They have helped popularize different combinations of jazz, soul, and hip hop, breakdancing, beatboxing, and other musical styles and techniques. Many hip hop and rap artists have deepened the meaning of the genre by using their lyrics as an expression of yearning for societal liberation, and challenging the systems that be with raw, honest lyrics has become a staple of many areas of rap and hip hop.
Black Influence on Rock’N’Roll-
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[Image ID: A black-and-white photograph of Sister Rosetta Tharpe, a heavier Black woman with short hair. In the photo, she is wearing a large fancy dress with very puffy sleeves and a tiny bow, and is smiling widely as she plays guitar at a microphone on stage. End ID.]
Although the development and popularization of rock’n’roll is usually attributed to Elvis Presley, that is simply not historically accurate. Rock’n’roll began to develop in the late 1940s and throughout the 1950s- and it developed out of southern Black musical genres, namely blues music, which proliferated during the Harlem Renaissance and spread from the South. Blues evolved into the famous R&B (rhythm and blues) genre, which evolved into rock’n’roll. A lot of rock’n’roll’s sound also owes itself to the rhythmic patterns of much West African music.
In the 1940s and 50s, blues artists began experimenting and developing the blues sound into what we now know as rock’n’roll. Taking inspiration from other musical genres like country (which has also been heavily influenced by Black people). Sister Rosetta Tharpe was a Black woman who started out as a blues singer. She was a self-taught guitarist, and through her work on developing the sounds of the guitar she played, she pretty much singlehandedly set the tone for the guitar sounds that defined rock’n’roll- her style and influence directly inspired and impacted Elvis Presley.
When rock’n’roll first developed, the genre was pretty much exclusively occupied by Black artists from the likes of Ike Turner and Bo Diddley to Little Richard and Chuck Berry. Black women have also had a huge impact on the genre of rock’n’roll. From Sister Rosetta Tharpe herself, to the all-Black girl group “The Shirelles”, Merry Clayton, and Tina Turner herself. Rock’n’roll has from its birth been built and defined by Black artists, and Black rock’n’roll has heavily influenced music by some of the most famous rock’n’roll groups of all time, like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones.
Odetta, Jimi Hendrix, Prince, all Black rock’n’roll artists who have left an invaluable footprint on music and history. Other incredible Black artists who shaped the genre include Odetta, a Black woman who experimented mixing blues, jazz, and folk music and sang with Martin Luther King Jr. at the famous 1963 March on Washington, Martha and the Vandellas, whose music was a call for solidarity, and the Supremes, arguably one of the most iconic, influential all-female musical groups not just of rock’n’roll, but of all time.
Black Influence on Country Music-
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[Image ID: A black-and-white photograph of Charley Pride. He is a Black man with a small afro, and he’s wearing a patterned suit jacket over a white collared shirt and strumming the guitar as he stands by a microphone, smiling. End ID.]
Country music is one of the most popular, well-known musical genres of all time- and it developed in the 1920s as a blend from several other genres- the two main ones being blues and folk songs, both of which originated as Black musical genres. Spirituals were the first folk songs of America, and they defined the roots of the folk musical genre. Blues music developed on Deep South plantations and was a popular musical genre amongst enslaved populations in the South.
Jimmie Rodgers is a white man who is often hailed as the “Father of Country Music”- but he learned everything he knew from Black workers with whom he worked at a railroad track. They taught him how to play guitar and banjo, influenced the musical style of yodeling which he popularized, and taught him falsetto notes and styles. Hank Williams, another white figure hailed as a key builder and trailblazer in country music, also learned his musical style from another Black musician named Rufus “Tee Tot” Payne.
DeFord Bailey was a Black man who popularized the usage of the harmonica in blues and country music. He was the first country artist to be recorded in Nashville, and one of the most popular regular performers at the Grande Ole Opry, part of a popular Nashville radio station.
Two of the most defining instruments of the country genre are the banjo and the “Euphonica” (large acoustic guitar). Both of these instruments were invented by Black people. The banjo was invented by enslaved Black people in the South, inspired by some West African musical traditions, and the “Euphonica” as it was called, was developed by a Black man named Robert Flemming, Jr. Early Black artists like Charley Pride were Black staples of the genre.
Today, country music is filled with Black artists making a difference- from Kane Brown and Jimmie Allen, to Darius Rucker and Mickey Guyton, to BRELAND and Tiera Kennedy- country as a musical genre has always had strong roots in Black music, Black resistance, and Black pride.
Black Influence on Alternative/Grunge Music-
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[Image ID: A color photograph of Tina Bell. She is a Black woman who is wearing a messily tousled blonde wig and a black leather jacket. She is smiling widely as she writes on poster boards with a black permanent marker. End ID.]
Alternative and grunge music developed as a blend of various rock genres, like punk. The distinct sound of grunge music has been called “The Seattle Sound”, as it developed in the Seattle music scene. Known as the “godmother of grunge”, Tina Bell was a Black woman who, with her husband, started Bam Bam, the band that pioneered the genre of grunge, in 1983. Tina and her band were the first to record at the studio that would eventually sign and record such famous grunge bands as Nirvana and Pearl Jam.
Since Tina’s success with Bam Bam and the boom of the Seattle music scene, Black bands have helped define the alternative music genre- from groups like Meet Me At The Altar and Pulses, to One Life To Lead and Big Joannie, Black alternative and Black grunge music has remained an integral part of the genre.
Spirituals are a rhythmic form of call-and-response singing which developed during slavery in America and are the earliest of American folk songs
Gospel music developed from spirituals, hymn songs, and other religious songs, and became a staple of both Black religious and Black secular music
Hip Hop and rap both developed together at block parties in the 1970s as a collaboration between Black and Latino DJs and other artists in the Bronx
Rock’n’roll developed out of blues music, a Black musical genre, and its sound was developed and pioneered by Black artists like Little Richard and Sister Rosetta Tharpe, who directly inspired the biggest rock’n’roll names of all time
The banjo and the larger acoustic guitar, staples of country (which developed out of Black musical genres like folk songs, or early spirituals, and blues), were both developed by Black people
Alternative music was pioneered by a Black woman named Tina Bell and her band, Bam Bam
tagging @metalheadsforblacklivesmatter​ @intersexfairy​ @cistematicchaos​ 
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hellfirexhoe · 2 years
In The Corn Maze - Eddie Munson x Female Reader
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Tags: 18+ content, minors DNI, smut, unprotected sex, sex toys, outdoor sex, orgasm denial, dom!Eddie, sub!reader, modern Eddie, no this is not an ad for the wevibe Sync (but it is a very fun toy!)
Summary: You and Eddie experiment with a bluetooth sex toy while exploring a corn maze.
2k words
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"You remember the rules?" You nod, anticipation thrumming through your veins as you stand at the entrance to a corn maze with your boyfriend. Eddie glances down at his phone and swipes his thumb up on the screen in one fluid motion. The sensation nearly brings you to your knees.
"Turn it down!!" You hiss, struggling to keep your composure, slapping at Eddie's arm. Eddie chuckles and reduces the intensity of the toy inside you, slowed to a torturous thrumming.
"Relax. It's just the two of us here, the fair isn't open until tomorrow. And anyway, I'm supposed to be in charge of this." As if to prove his point Eddie presses a button that causes the toy to vibrate in a rapidly increasing tempo before slowing to an almost stop. You clutch at his arm and let him lead you through the entrance, legs shaking,
Eddie presses a kiss to your temple, "You know what to say if you need me to stop?"
"Good girl." Another kiss at your temple before another sudden burst of vibrations wrack through your body.
"Remember. You don't get to cum until we make it out of the maze. And I set this sucker to max for every wrong turn." You had agreed to this, rather excitedly last week but now you’re thinking, “What have I gotten myself into?"
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Eddie had come home with a devilish grin on his face, black bag tucked under his arm as though he was guarding something precious. You'd assumed it was some new miniatures so hadn't paid it much mind until Eddie whipped his new purchase out. You'd discussed sex toys, you owned sex toys and Eddie loved to add them to the mix to enhance the pleasure you both experienced, but he'd never gone shopping solo. What he had brought home resembled a stapler and you could not figure out exactly how it was supposed to be used until Eddie had sat you down and enthusiastically gone over the features,
"Can be used internally and externally at the same time!"
"So there's a motor in each end, so if you are wearing it with the flatter end internally that's going to vibrate right against your g-spot, while this one vibrates against your clit." Eddie helpfully demonstrates this by hooking the toy over his hand.
"Best of all, it's not just remote controlled. There's an app!"
The app had been a tiny pain in the ass to set up, but once he had the toy paired to his phone and started playing with the patterns you were more than intrigued.
"Oh my god it can match the rhythm of music." Your knees go weak,
"Eddie. I'd die. Think of your music taste." 
Eddie pouts playfully, "Not even just a little Black Sabbath?" He presses a few buttons on his screen and the toy responds by increasing the speed and intensity of the vibrations in time to the song he's picked, Paranoid. The fucker. The thought of the toy, snug against your two most sensitive spots going at that pace makes your mouth water.
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You hit another dead end in the maze and catch the grin on Eddie's face as he turns the toy up, holding you by your waist to help keep you upright,
"Y'know I swear you're being bad at this on purpose." 
You shake your head at the accusation, unable to redirect enough sense to be able to speak, all you can feel is both your g spot and clit being stimulated by intense vibrations, just before you feel the tingles of numbness seep in Eddie drops the settings down to barely there rumbles.
"Eddie 'm not sure I can take much more of this." 
"Then you'd better get us out of here quickly." Eddie responds with a smirk, tapping his screen a few times, making the toy pulse inside you with every tap.
You start walking again, Eddie's arm wrapped around your waist, keeping you warm in the chill autumn air. You follow the path for a while, mercifully finding no dead ends, so, wanting to keep you on your toes Eddie changes the pattern of the vibrations, these stop and start at erratic paces leaving you with no hope of learning the rhythm and being able to anticipate. You lean against Eddie, barely able to stand, only able to cling to him and whine pathetically, hoping he takes pity and grants you a reprieve. He doesn’t.
“C’mon pretty girl, don’t you want to cum?” You let out a frustrated cry in response, “Then let's get moving.” Eddie smacks your ass and starts to walk with you until you reach another crossroads.
“Left or right?” He’s accepted he’s going to have to guide you around but you’ve still got to find the way.
“L-left.” You manage to stutter out, biting back moans as the dual stimulation causes that coil in your stomach to tighten, you’re teetering on the edge and Eddie can hear it in your voice. 
"Don't you dare." Eddie whispers in your ear as he turns the toy completely off, waiting for your tensed up body to relax,  you feel the tightness in your stomach loosen and sigh a little with relief. Eddie walks you two in your chosen direction for a few minutes, pocketing his phone. The first pulse you feel you assume its your mind playing tricks, but the next two in rapid succession definitely happen, the subtle movement of Eddie’s hand in his pocket giving him away.
The relentlessness of Eddie’s teasing has left your underwear drenched, soaking through to the tights that cover your legs, legs that can barely hold you up by this point. You continue walking together, the small bursts of vibration becoming more frequent, stopping for minutes at a time whenever your breathing gets too heavy, until you can see the entrance not far ahead. Eddie notices it too and wraps his arms around you from behind, planting kisses on your neck,
"See? Knew my smart girl could make it." You blush at the praise as Eddie turns you around in his arms, bringing his lips to yours, hands travelling down the small of your back to give your ass a squeeze before slipping under your skirt, an act that makes you gasp a little against his lips,
Eddie glances around, “Well it is just us, and the corn.” he captures your lips once more, deft fingers now working to shed your jacket, unbutton your blouse, the sudden exposure to the chill night air makes your nipples stand to attention through your bra, the sight alone enough to make Eddie groan as he comes away from your lips to remove his own shirt. Eddie drops to his knees before you, kissing at your hips, along the top of your skirt before his hands slide up your thighs, to the centre of your tights, the soaked fabric easily tearing in his hands. His hands now take yours, gently pulling you onto your knees with him, hands grabbing a handful of your hair as he pulls you close to his face, lips brushing past yours with a featherlight touch,
“You’ve been so good for me all night, so I’m going to let you take what you want.” You pounce. Pushing him onto his back with a messy kiss, hands wrapping in his hair, tongue gliding over his, legs wrapping around his waist pressing the soaked fabric over your underwear over his crotch. Eddie’s own hands wrap around you, warm on your cold skin, holding you tight to him, as if to protect you. You stay like this wrapped around each other until you can’t take it anymore, you need him inside you. You sit up and shift back, resting on his legs so you can undo his belt and buttons, Eddie takes the opportunity to grab his phone from his discarded jacket and start the toy on a low, steady setting, you flinch in surprise, making Eddie chuckle softly,
You nod, biting your lip, “So fucking good.”
“Why don’t you let me feel, pretty girl?” You nod and shift back up, lining his thick cock up with you, teasing the tip by placing it at your entrance, letting him feel how wet all the teasing had made you, letting him feel a fraction of the vibrations thrumming through you.
“C’mon baby, I know you can take it.” Eddie rubs your hips, fighting the urge to pull you down, slamming you onto his cock. You slip him in, at a torturously slow pace and watch as he tips his head back, letting out the hottest groan you have ever heard.
“Fuck, you’re so wet.” 
You rock your hips, adjusting to his size and the feeling of being so full with the toy inside you,
“That’s.. Because you’ve been torturing me for hours.” You pant out, words broken by soft moans and whimpers,
“Torturing? No baby, I would never. And it wasn’t hours!” Eddie feigns offence for a second until the sensation of you shifting yourself up and down on his cock ends any hope he has of coherent thought. Eddie plants his feet so he can meet you halfway, biting his lip as he watches you, hands clutching at your waist for dear life.
“You’re fucking perfect you know that? My fuckin dream girl.” Eddie’s dark eyes are marvelling at your body, bathed in moonlight, hands leaving your waist to follow his gaze, taking in every curve of your body, the compliments and wandering hands spur you on and you pick up your pace, you’re so close to your orgasm but you’ll be damned if you don’t torment Eddie a little, knowing he won’t let himself cum before you, knowing that he was fighting the urge by the way his eyes squeeze shut, the way his teeth capture his bottom lip and the way his hands are back on your hips with a near bruising grip. 
Eddie’s eyes snap open and there's a devious smirk on his face as one of his hands scrabbles to grab his phone,
“Don’t you dare.” You try to sound stern, you really do. But it comes out as fucked out whimpers for mercy, Eddie increases the intensity of the vibrations, and his eyes roll back as he realises it wont just be you benefitting from the change. Your bounces falter a little as you tremble, so Eddie grabs your hips once more and starts fucking up into you,determined to fuck you into sweet oblivion. It doesn’t take long for you to come completely undone, all but howling as your body revels in the bliss that you had been denied so long. You don’t even have time to ride out your high before Eddie’s thrusts get sloppy as he fills you up, letting off a string of curse words and praises in a jumbled mess of speech. As soon as you have enough strength back in your arms you’re grabbing at his phone and switching the toy off, hips twitching from the overstimulation. You flop down beside Eddie on the ground and curl into his arms as he pants, bangs stuck to his sweaty forehead, lip bleeding slightly from how hard he’d bitten it. He holds you close, 
“Well that was fun. Same time tomorrow?” Eddie asks with a cheeky grin, you look up from his chest at him,
“Sure, I’m sure the groups of people wandering the corn maze tomorrow night will love us putting on a little sex show.” Eddie laughs and pulls you back onto his chest,
“Okay, fair point. Let's get you home and into a bath. We’re both filthy.” You glance at your tights, well, what remains of them, knees muddied and poking through holes in the fabric. Eddie sits up and you laugh, 
“What’s the damage, sweetness?” Eddie asks looking at you quizzically, “Do I have something in my hair?”
“Only about half a bale of hay. And your back is covered in dirt.” Eddie laughs and shakes his head like a wet dog, it does nothing to dislodge even a single piece of hay. 
“Meh, worth it.” Eddie helps you back into your clothes, even buttoning up your top for you, albeit buttoned much lower than when you started. You snort as you look behind you at the ass print Eddie left behind in the dirt,
“Peachy.” You tease him as you drag your foot through the dirt, masking the very obvious outline of what you two had been doing.
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Eddie taglist: @hellfire-puppet @just-absolutely-feral @that1fangirlweknow @fangirling-4-ever @and-claudia @scrumptiouslyangrystarfish @quinndjarin @munsonsgirl71 @likedovesinthewnd @joejoequinnquinn
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wudlund · 1 year
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inspired by @squea 's corn gp, playing as a vamp and completing all aspirations <3
so here's toe (mistletoe worley) on her 2nd aspiration - lady of the knits !
she lives in forgotten hollow atm and is married to vlad (post makeover ofc)
completed aspirations: friend of the animals bodybuilder extreme sports enthusiast painter extraordinaire musical genius bestselling author best actress master maker lady of the knits -> in progress... public enemy chief of mischief villainous valentine successful lineage big happy family vampire family super parent master chef master mixologist fabulously wealthy mansion baron renaissance sim nerd brain computer whiz master vampire archaeology scholar academic serial romantic soulmate city native strangerville mystery beach life mt. komorebi sightseer freelance botanist the curator angling ace outdoor enthusiast jungle explorer eco innovator country caretaker joke star party animal friend of the world neighbourhood confidante leader of the pack good vampire world-famous celebrity inner peace self-care specialist zen guru
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thedruidmerlin · 1 month
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Happy World Naked Gardening Day!
In the late 1800s, a group from Indiana purchased land in Crossville, Tennessee, and established the Pomona Settlement to tend to the apple orchards of the former Pomona Fruit Ranch. The Pomona Settlement drew the attention of locals when it was learned that the women of the group would rise “early in the morning to dance nude in the apple orchards, hoping that the dance would assist the apple-growing process.”
It’s not clear if the nude dancing helped with the apples, but two nudist campgrounds did emerge in Crossville some years later.
In a 1953 essay titled Nakedness in Ozark Folk Belief, folklorist Vance Randolph relays a story about a fisherman who, in the spring of 1920, told him that he had seen a man and woman in a field in Southwest Missouri, just before dawn, “both stark naked, chasing each other up and down like rabbits.” When Randolph mentioned this to a friend who had lived in the area, the friend replied, “Yes, I’ve heard of such doings, it’s supposed to make the corn grow tall.” After subsequently interviewing hundreds of old-timers in the region, Randolph concluded, “There is no doubt in my mind that many early settlers believed that newly cleared fields were benefited by some kind of nude skylarking. Many of them thought that certain crops grew better if the persons who sowed the seed were naked.” Randolph soon uncovered a number of Ozark crop rituals involving nudity, including one in which flax seed was sown by naked farmers chanting, “Up to my ass, and higher too!”
Since then, naked gardening folklore has appeared in a variety of publications. A reader’s letter published in the Spring 1992 issue of Garden Ideas & Outdoor Living claimed that “Turnips must be sewn on a summer night when the moon is full with the sower working stark naked in the bright moonlight.”³
In 1967, a New York painter named Robert Dash encouraged his audience to consider the “microclimates” of their gardens, which he believed was essential for understanding the best spots to nurture different plants. According to Dash, there was one sure way to identify these microclimates: “Take your clothes off in midsummer and walk around your garden. Let the air be still, and let it be night. You will at once feel the different temperatures on your skin. These are the microclimates to be observed by your plants.”
Janet Draper, the Smithsonian horticulturist responsible for the Mary Livingston Ripley Garden, tells gardeners that the ground temperature, not the air temperature, should be considered when deciding when to plant certain annuals. Her advice? Take the “bare bottom test.” “Sow warm weather annuals when you can sit on the soil with your bare bottom comfortably.”
Happy World Naked Gardening Day!
If you’re the adventurous sort, you might consider getting up early and dancing nude in your apple orchard or grabbing your loved one and running naked around your freshly plowed cornfield like a “pair of rabbits.” Perhaps take a moment that evening to strip down and locate the “microclimates” in your backyard, or find yourself an empty plot of dirt and try the “bare bottom test.” If you’re feeling particularly enthusiastic, revive the old “Up to my ass, and higher too!” chant of the Ozark farmers as you work. It’s not clear if these activities will produce bigger fruit and more colorful flowers, but they’re almost certain to add a little joie de vivre to your gardening.
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nwbeerguide · 1 year
Alewife Brewing announces upcoming events during NYC Beer Week 2023.
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Press Release
Queens, NY...Alewife Brewing celebrates NYC Beer Week 2023 with an eclectic array of events, from the Opening Bash at Industry City along the scenic waterfront of Sunset Park, Brooklyn (Sat., Feb. 25, 12:30pm), heavy metal night at Bierwax Brooklyn (Feb. 28), to commemorating rock photographer Bob Gruen at Fool's Gold (March 1), and a special craft beer and artisanal cheese tasting with Fromagère Kristen Carbone at Alewife Brewing (March 1). Alewife features its unique and innovative beers including: Sunnyside Blonde Ale, Death to Ego Hazy IPA, Queens Blvd Double IPA, Thousand Stars German-Style Pilsner, 7 Line Amber, Mind Mist NE/Hazy IPA, Tripping on the Forest Floor Brown Ale, I Dream In Mango & Pineapple Fruited Sour IPA, Motueka Prophecy Cold IPA, and Altered State Double IPA.
Saturday, Feb. 25 is the biggest night in craft beer in New York City as 40 NYC Guild Member Breweries unite with more than 35 guest breweries at the Opening Bash at Building 8 in Industry City (LINK). Metal Night at Bierwax Brooklyn brings together Alewife Brewing with KCBC, Fifth Hammer, and Singlecut (556 Vanderbilt Ave, Brooklyn, NY; Feb. 28). Alewife Brewing and Talea Brewing celebrate rock photographer Bob Gruen at Fool's Gold (145 E Houston St, NYC; March 1).
On Wednesday, March 1, the brewers at Alewife Brewing collaborate with Fromagere Kristen Carbone for a special NYC Beer Week tasting event at their beloved brewery (41-11 39th Street, Queens, NY) featuring four exceptional cheeses perfectly paired with seasonal selections from Alewife Brewing. Carbone begins the cheese and craft beer pairing with a 101 intro the cheese education with an epic pairing journey to follow filled with fun and funk! Tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite.
Kristen Carbone is a Fromagere, Curd Nerd and Cheese Enthusiast who has over 6 years of experience in the plating, pairing, and tasting of cheese. From the cellars of Beecher's to the case at Casellula, her time in cheese has built on the solid foundation of tried-and-true pairings and expanded to the weird and the wonderful. For more info about Kristen Carbone, please visit: https://youmebrie.com.
Alewife Brewing’s expansive taproom features 18 Alewife beers on tap plus bottles and cans of saisons, lagers, IPAs, and stouts for on-premise enjoyment and to-go orders. The German beer hall vibe has classic arcade games, pinball, basketball, Street Fighter, corn hole, darts, a pool table, and a selection of kids’ games. Beer lovers can nosh on delicious artisanal items from a curated charcuterie and cheese menu, Fishwife tinned fish, snacks, and free popcorn. The huge outdoor area is perfect for spring, summer and autumn months.
For more information about Alewife Brewing, please visit: alewife.beer/alewife instagram.com/alewifebrewing
About Alewife Brewing Alewife Brewing is a small batch brewery located in the heart of the Sunnyside section of Queens, NY. We focus on brewing traditional and innovative styles of beer, using only the finest ingredients. Our goal is to provide a unique and enjoyable drinking experience for all who visit our taproom.
Alewife Brewing has fallen in love with the stories of ancient times and the roles women had in society. The peace they emulated through their beliefs and love towards nature and all species has inspired us to capture their magic in our beers and on our 16 oz. can labels. The latest historical findings suggest that wine was not the oldest elixir, but in fact, beer mixed with psychedelic substances used in shamanistic ceremonies dating back much further. Gathered and formulated, the Alewives were the makers of both spiritual and medicinal potions.
Through our journeys thus far in life, we’ve developed a deep love for ancient elixirs while brewing and traveling to learn ancient and modern techniques for exceptional beers brewed at our new home in Sunnyside, Queens.
Don't worry, it's just beer we make, no special additions!
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koutlou · 2 years
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highviewroofingny · 21 days
The Best Experiences in Penfield NY
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Penfield, NY, a charming town located in Monroe County, offers a variety of experiences that cater to all tastes and interests. From outdoor adventures to cultural activities, here are some of the best experiences you can enjoy in Penfield.
Ellison Park: A visit to Penfield wouldn't be complete without exploring Ellison Park. Spanning over 447 acres, it’s one of the oldest parks in Monroe County. The park features scenic hiking trails, picnic areas, and even a dog park. In winter, the sledding hills are a popular attraction, making it a year-round destination for outdoor enthusiasts.
Corbett's Glen Nature Park: For a peaceful retreat, Corbett's Glen Nature Park is a hidden gem. The park offers tranquil trails that wind through woodlands and alongside Allen's Creek, leading to picturesque waterfalls. It’s a perfect spot for hiking, bird-watching, and photography.
Penfield Art Association: Art lovers will appreciate the vibrant local arts scene fostered by the Penfield Art Association. The association hosts annual shows and exhibits, showcasing the work of talented local artists. It’s a great way to support the arts and discover unique pieces.
Shadow Lake Golf & Racquet Club: Golf enthusiasts can enjoy a round at the Shadow Lake Golf & Racquet Club. This beautifully maintained course offers challenging play and stunning views. The club also features tennis courts, making it a versatile spot for sports lovers.
Wickham Farms: For family fun, Wickham Farms is a must-visit. This working farm offers seasonal activities like apple picking, pumpkin patches, and a corn maze. The farm’s sunflower field is particularly popular for photos. Kids will love the jumping pillow, miniature golf, and petting zoo.
Historic Four Corners: History buffs should explore Penfield’s Historic Four Corners. This area includes landmarks like the 1834 Penfield Baptist Church and the Penfield Village Hall. It’s a great place to stroll and learn about the town’s rich history.
Local Dining: Penfield boasts a variety of dining options. The Penfield Pour House offers a relaxed atmosphere with a great selection of local brews and hearty pub fare. For a taste of Italy, visit Joe Gatt’s Food & Cocktails, known for its delicious pasta dishes and cozy ambiance.
Penfield, NY, is a town that offers a little something for everyone. Whether you’re an outdoor adventurer, an art enthusiast, or a history buff, you’ll find plenty of experiences to enjoy in this charming community.
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Roof replacement is a significant home improvement project that can enhance the safety, appearance, and value of your property. Whether due to aging, weather damage, or the desire to update your home's look, a roof replacement is an investment that requires careful consideration and professional expertise.
Importance of Roof Replacement: The roof is one of the most critical components of your home, protecting it from the elements and contributing to its structural integrity. Over time, roofs can deteriorate due to exposure to harsh weather conditions, leading to leaks, mold growth, and even structural damage. Replacing an old or damaged roof ensures the safety and comfort of your home, preventing potential issues that could become costly repairs.
Signs You Need a Roof Replacement: There are several signs that indicate it might be time for a roof replacement. These include missing or cracked shingles, frequent leaks, water stains on ceilings or walls, and visible sagging. Additionally, if your roof is more than 20-25 years old, it may be nearing the end of its lifespan, depending on the materials used.
Choosing the Right Materials: When replacing your roof, selecting the right materials is crucial. Options include asphalt shingles, metal roofing, wood shakes, slate, and tile. Each material has its own benefits and considerations, such as durability, cost, and aesthetic appeal. Consulting with a roofing professional can help you choose the best material for your specific needs and climate.
Hiring a Professional Roofing Service: Hiring a reputable roof replacement service is essential for a successful roof replacement. Professional roofers have the experience, tools, and knowledge to ensure the job is done correctly and safely. They can provide a thorough inspection, offer expert advice, and complete the installation with precision. Look for licensed, insured, and well-reviewed contractors to guarantee quality work.
Benefits of Roof Replacement: A new roof can significantly improve your home’s curb appeal and energy efficiency. Modern roofing materials are designed to be more energy-efficient, helping to reduce heating and cooling costs. Additionally, a roof replacement can increase the resale value of your home, making it a wise investment for the future.
In conclusion, roof replacement is a critical home improvement project that offers numerous benefits. By recognizing the signs of a failing roof, selecting appropriate materials, and hiring professional roofers, you can ensure the safety, beauty, and value of your home for years to come.
High View Roofing 4671 hall center rd Walworth,NY,14568 (585) 440–7663 https://highviewroofingny.com/
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Argentina is a country known for its vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and delicious cuisine. While many people associate Argentina with warm weather and tango dancing, the country also has a lot to offer during the winter months.
One of the most popular winter destinations in Argentina is the city of Bariloche, located in the Patagonia region. Known for its picturesque views of the Andes mountains and stunning lakes, Bariloche is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. During the winter, the city transforms into a winter wonderland, with opportunities for skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing. The Cerro Catedral ski resort is a favorite among visitors, offering a variety of slopes for all skill levels.
Another popular winter destination in Argentina is Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world. Known as the gateway to Antarctica, Ushuaia is a popular destination for those looking to explore the rugged beauty of Patagonia. During the winter months, visitors can enjoy activities such as dog sledding, snowmobiling, and ice fishing. The nearby Tierra del Fuego National Park offers stunning views of glaciers, mountains, and forests, making it a must-visit for nature lovers.
For those looking to experience Argentine culture during the winter months, Buenos Aires is a great option. While the city may not experience snowfall, the cooler temperatures make it the perfect time to explore the city's many museums, theaters, and art galleries. Visitors can also warm up with a cup of mate, a traditional Argentine drink made from yerba mate leaves.
One of the highlights of winter in Argentina is the annual Fiesta Nacional de la Nieve, or National Snow Festival, held in the city of Bariloche. This week-long celebration features parades, concerts, and snow sports competitions, making it a must-visit for anyone looking to experience Argentine culture at its finest.
Argentine cuisine is also a highlight of winter in the country. Traditional dishes such as empanadas, locro (a hearty stew made with corn, beans, and meat), and asado (barbecue) are perfect for warming up on a cold winter day. And of course, no trip to Argentina would be complete without trying a glass of Malbec, the country's famous red wine.
Overall, winter in Argentina offers a unique blend of outdoor adventure, cultural experiences, and delicious cuisine. Whether you're hitting the slopes in Bariloche, exploring the beauty of Patagonia in Ushuaia, or sipping wine in Buenos Aires, there's something for everyone to enjoy during the winter months in this diverse and beautiful country.
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squea · 1 year
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oh its time to revamp my corn save (after i accidentally deleted most of my cc from his old save) so i’m restarting my challenge where I play as a vampire sim, and try to complete every single aspiration in the damn game! we’re starting with outdoor enthusiast AND he instantly decided he dislikes fishing AND gardening lets GOOO
next >
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chchchchelsea · 1 month
Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall Activities in Things to Do in Somerset Ky
Experience the diverse range of activities available in Somerset, KY, throughout the seasons. In winter, embrace the beauty of the snow-covered landscape with activities like skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating at nearby resorts and parks. As spring blooms, explore the vibrant flora and fauna with hiking, birdwatching, and picnicking in local parks and nature preserves. Summer invites water enthusiasts to enjoy boating, fishing, and swimming on Lake Cumberland, while land-based adventures include golfing, zip-lining, and horseback riding. In the fall, immerse yourself in the stunning foliage with scenic drives, apple picking, and fall festivals celebrating the harvest season. With something for everyone year-round, Somerset, KY, promises unforgettable experiences amidst its natural beauty.
Winter Wonderland Things to Do in Somerset  KY
Embrace the winter season in Things to Do in Somerset KY Things to Do in Somerset KY, with an array of outdoor and indoor activities. Hit the slopes at nearby skiing resorts such as Perfect North Slopes or Paoli Peaks for exhilarating skiing and snowboarding adventures. Alternatively, lace up your skates and glide across the ice at local ice skating rinks. For a cosy indoor experience, explore Somerset's charming downtown area, where you can shop for unique gifts, indulge in delicious comfort foods, or enjoy live entertainment at cosy cafes and pubs.
Blooming Beauties Things to Do in Somerset  KY
As spring arrives in Somerset, KY, the landscape bursts into colour, offering a host of outdoor activities to enjoy. Explore local parks and nature reserves, such as General Burnside Island State Park or Lake Cumberland State Resort Park, for hiking, birdwatching, and picnicking amidst blooming wildflowers and budding trees. Don't miss the annual Somerset Spring Festival, featuring live music, arts and crafts vendors, and delicious food stalls celebrating the season's arrival.
Summer Splendour Things to Do in Somerset  KY
Experience the best of summer in Somerset, KY, with a variety of water-based and land-based activities. Cool off on the pristine waters of Lake Cumberland with boating, fishing, and swimming adventures. Rent a houseboat for a memorable overnight stay or embark on a scenic cruise to explore the lake's hidden coves and waterfalls. On land, tee off at top-rated golf courses, soar through the treetops on thrilling zip-line tours, or saddle up for horseback riding excursions through picturesque countryside trails.
Fantastic Fall FoliageThings to Do in Somerset  KY
As the leaves change colour and the air turns crisp, Somerset, KY, becomes a haven for fall foliage enthusiasts. Take a leisurely drive along scenic routes like the Cumberland Parkway or the Daniel Boone National Forest, where you can marvel at the breathtaking hues of red, orange, and gold. Visit local orchards for apple picking, pumpkin patches for seasonal delights, and fall festivals celebrating harvest traditions with hayrides, corn mazes, and live music.
Family Fun Things to Do in Somerset KY
Year-round, Somerset, KY, offers a plethora of family-friendly activities to enjoy together. Visit local attractions like SomerSplash Waterpark for thrilling water slides and lazy river rides, or explore educational exhibits at the Carnegie Community Arts Center and the Mill Springs Battlefield Visitor Center. Take a scenic train ride aboard the Big South Fork Scenic Railway or enjoy a day of play at local parks and playgrounds offering picnicking, hiking, and recreational facilities.
Culinary Delights Things to Do in Somerset  KY
Savour the flavours of Somerset, KY, with its diverse culinary scene offering something for every palate. Indulge in southern comfort foods at local diners and barbecue joints, or sample farm-to-table cuisine at trendy eateries showcasing the region's bounty. Don't miss the opportunity to taste Kentucky's famous bourbon at distilleries and craft breweries, or explore the vibrant food truck scene serving up delicious street eats and international fare.
Cultural Exploration Things to Do in Somerset  KY
Immerse yourself in Somerset's rich cultural heritage with visits to local museums, galleries, and historical sites. Learn about the region's history at the Somerset-Pulaski County Convention & Visitors Bureau or the Somerset Historical Center, where you can discover artefacts, exhibits, and interactive displays highlighting the area's past. Attend live performances at the historic Alton Amphitheater or the Center for Rural Development, showcasing music, theatre, and cultural events celebrating Somerset's artistic community.
As the seasons change in Somerset, KY, so do the opportunities for adventure and exploration. Whether you're skiing down snow-covered slopes in winter, hiking through blooming wildflowers in spring, basking in the summer sun on Lake Cumberland, or admiring the vibrant foliage in fall, Somerset offers a diverse range of activities for every season. From outdoor enthusiasts to cultural explorers, families to foodies, there's something for everyone to enjoy year-round in this picturesque Kentucky town. So, plan your visit to Somerset, KY, and immerse yourself in the beauty, history, and excitement that each season brings to this charming destination.
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stirlingsports · 1 month
Why Everyone Should Own a Pair of Crocs: Top Benefits Explained
In the world of footwear, few brands have garnered as much attention, controversy, and adoration as Crocs. Love them or loathe them, Crocs have cemented their place in the pantheon of iconic shoes.
But what makes Crocs so special, you might ask? Let's delve into the top benefits of owning a pair of Crocs and why they're a must-have addition to your wardrobe.
Comfort Redefined with Crocs
When it comes to comfort, few shoes can rival the blissful experience of slipping your feet into a pair of Crocs. Crafted from lightweight, cushiony material, Crocs provide unparalleled support for your feet, making them perfect for long walks, standing for extended periods, or simply lounging around the house.
The soft, ergonomic design moulds to the shape of your feet, offering a custom fit that feels like walking on clouds. Say goodbye to sore feet and hello to ultimate comfort with Crocs!
Versatility at Its Finest
Gone are the days when Crocs were only associated with casual wear. Today, Crocs come in a variety of styles, colours, and designs to suit every occasion and taste. From classic clogs to sleek sandals and stylish sneakers, there's a Crocs shoe for every outfit and activity.
Whether you're running errands, hitting the beach, or attending a backyard BBQ, you can count on Crocs to complement your look with effortless style.
Durability That Lasts
One of the most impressive features of Crocs is their exceptional durability. Constructed from Croslite™ material, a proprietary foam resin, Crocs are resistant to wear and tear, water-friendly, and easy to clean.
Unlike traditional shoes that may wear out or lose their shape over time, Crocs maintain their integrity, ensuring that you'll enjoy years of use without compromising on quality. Plus, with their non-marking soles, Crocs are suitable for indoor and outdoor wear, making them the perfect all-season shoe.
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Health Benefits Galore
Beyond their comfort and durability, Crocs offers a range of health benefits that make them a smart choice for your feet. The spacious toe box allows your toes to move freely, reducing the risk of blisters, corns, and other foot ailments.
Additionally, the supportive arch and heel cup promote proper alignment, alleviating strain on your feet, knees, and back. Whether you suffer from foot conditions like plantar fasciitis or simply want to prevent discomfort during daily activities, Crocs provide the support and relief your feet deserve.
Eco-Friendly Footwear
In an era where sustainability is paramount, Crocs are leading the charge with their eco-friendly initiatives. Made with a low-emission manufacturing process and recyclable materials, Crocs are committed to reducing their environmental impact without compromising on quality or style.
By choosing Crocs, you're not only investing in your comfort but also supporting a brand that prioritises sustainability and ethical practices.
Affordable Luxury
Last but certainly not least, Crocs offers luxury without the hefty price tag. Unlike designer shoes that can cost a small fortune, Crocs are affordably priced, making them accessible to everyone. Whether you're a budget-conscious shopper or simply appreciate a good deal, Crocs offers unbeatable value for money.
With their combination of comfort, style, durability, and affordability, Crocs prove that you don't have to break the bank to enjoy high-quality footwear.
Owning a pair of Crocs is more than just a fashion statement – it's a lifestyle choice that prioritizes comfort, versatility, durability, and sustainability. Whether you're lounging at home, running errands, or exploring the great outdoors, Crocs have you covered every step of the way.
So why wait? Join the millions of Crocs enthusiasts worldwide and experience the joy of happy feet today!
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parksaversnews · 1 month
A Renaissance of Restaurants Coming to Downtown Disney
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The Downtown Disney District at the Disneyland Resort is undergoing a remarkable transformation, promising to elevate the dining experience for guests with an array of exciting new culinary offerings. From world-renowned restaurants to innovative concepts by acclaimed chefs, this vibrant destination is poised to become a mecca for food enthusiasts.
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Din Tai Fung: A Taiwanese Culinary Gem
One of the most highly anticipated additions to the Downtown Disney District is Din Tai Fung, a renowned Taiwanese restaurant famous for its exquisite xiao long bao (soup dumplings) and noodle dishes. This family-owned establishment, which has garnered international acclaim and Michelin stars, is set to open its doors between June and September 2024, nestled conveniently next to Disneyland and Disney California Adventure. Din Tai Fung's menu promises to delight guests with its signature offerings, including the coveted Kurobuta Pork Xiao Long Bao, a meticulously hand-folded and stuffed dumpling filled with top-quality, carefully seasoned pork. In addition to the soup dumplings, diners can savor a variety of family-style dishes, such as shrimp and Kurobuta pork pot stickers, braised beef noodle soup, and shrimp fried noodles. Danielle Alcock, director of marketing and communications for Din Tai Fung USA, expressed her excitement about the upcoming opening, stating, "We're hard at work getting ready for the opening, and we have a few surprises in store we can't wait to share soon." This standalone location, the first of its kind built from the ground up in the United States, marks a significant milestone for the brand, which has garnered a loyal following across the globe.
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Michelin-Starred Chef Carlos Gaytán's Mexican Culinary Trifecta
In addition to Din Tai Fung, the Downtown Disney District will welcome three new concepts from Mexico's first Michelin-starred chef, Carlos Gaytán, slated to open in May 2024.
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Paseo: A Refined Dining Experience Paseo, a full-service dining room and bar, promises to elevate Mexican cuisine to new heights. Guests can indulge in Chef Gaytán's signature dishes, such as lamb barbacoa, while savoring the upscale ambiance and impeccable service. - Located upstairs with a stunning staircase entrance - Decor celebrates Mexico's craftsmanship culture with rich woods, tiles, textures, leathers and custom accents - Menu will feature colorful ceviches, Mama's cochinita pibil (roasted marinated pork), lamb barbacoa, mejillones (mussels), and more - Chef Gaytán pairs his love of Mexican flavors with French culinary techniques
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Céntrico: A Courtyard Oasis Complementing Paseo is Céntrico, an open-air courtyard bar and restaurant that invites guests to immerse themselves in the vibrant flavors of Mexican cuisine. Here, diners can sip on tequila-based cocktails while indulging in Chef Gaytán's authentic creations, all set against the backdrop of a lively and inviting atmosphere. - Serving upscale Mexican cuisine and tequila-based cocktails - Menu highlights include quesabirrias, chicken enchiladas, tlayuda (Oaxacan shareable dish like pizza), and Chef Gaytán's take on a Caesar salad - Lively atmosphere with indoor and outdoor seating
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Tiendita: Street Food Delights Rounding out Chef Gaytán's culinary trifecta is Tiendita, a self-ordering kiosk that promises to bring the flavors of Mexican street food to the Downtown Disney District. Guests can savor staples like esquites (Mexican street corn) and fish tacos, all prepared with the same attention to detail and authenticity that has earned Chef Gaytán his Michelin star. - Self-ordering kiosk for ordering - Menu includes esquites (roasted corn), fish tacos, ice cream-stuffed chocolate tacos - Breakfast items like chorizo breakfast burritos and chilaquiles (marinated tortilla chips with egg) - Located below Paseo, with views of the culinary team at work
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Expansion and Reimagination
The culinary renaissance at the Downtown Disney District extends beyond the new additions, with existing establishments undergoing exciting transformations and expansions.
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Marceline's Confectionery Expansion Marceline's Confectionery, a beloved confectionery shop inspired by the hometown of Walt Disney, is set to expand its offerings, delighting guests with an even wider array of sweet treats and delectable delights. New Steakhouse and Barbecue Concepts The former Tortilla Jo's location, which closed its doors on March 31 after 20 years of operation, will be reimagined into a steakhouse restaurant and an adjacent barbecue eatery, catering to the diverse culinary preferences of guests.
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A Multisensory Dining Experience
The Downtown Disney District's culinary renaissance extends beyond the realm of taste, promising to engage all senses in a truly immersive dining experience. Drawing inspiration from mid-century modern architecture in Southern California, the west end of the district will blend vibrant color palettes, multicultural design elements, and intricate patterns, creating a visually stunning backdrop for the new dining destinations. Guests can also enjoy live entertainment at the Downtown Disney LIVE! Stage while relaxing on the lawn and admiring a soaring sculptural tower designed by artist Nikkolas Smith. This tower pays tribute to the pioneering architects of color in Southern California during the mid-20th century, while staying true to its New Orleans roots.
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A Culinary Destination Like No Other
As the Downtown Disney District continues to evolve, it is poised to become a premier culinary destination, offering a diverse array of dining experiences that cater to every palate. From the world-renowned Din Tai Fung to the innovative concepts by Michelin-starred Chef Carlos Gaytán, and the reimagination of existing favorites, this vibrant district promises to elevate the dining experience for guests visiting the Disneyland Resort. With its commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and dedication to creating unforgettable culinary journeys, the Downtown Disney District is set to become a must-visit destination for food enthusiasts from around the world. Get ready to embark on a gastronomic adventure like no other, where every bite is a celebration of flavors, cultures, and the magic of Disney. Read the full article
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glampingfingerlakes · 2 months
Exploring the Charm of Glamping in the Finger Lakes
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Glamping has emerged as a quintessential way to experience the great outdoors without sacrificing luxury and comfort. Among the myriad of glamping destinations, the Finger Lakes region stands out for its unique blend of natural beauty, rich culture, and unparalleled recreational opportunities. In this article, we delve into what sets glamping in the Finger Lakes apart from traditional camping, enticing adventurers to indulge in this extraordinary experience.
A Feast for the Senses
Immersing oneself in the Finger Lakes' glamping scene is akin to entering a realm where every sense is awakened. The region's picturesque landscapes, encompassing sprawling vineyards, lush forests, and shimmering lakes, serve as an enchanting backdrop for an unforgettable retreat. The sweet melody of birdsong fills the air, while the gentle rustle of leaves provides a soothing soundtrack to your outdoor escapade.
Luxurious Accommodations Amidst Nature
Unlike conventional camping, where roughing it out in tents and sleeping bags is the norm, glamping in the Finger Lakes offers a lavish escape into nature. Imagine retiring to a plush king-sized bed adorned with crisp linens after a day of exploration. Many glamping sites in the region feature beautifully appointed safari tents, charming yurts, or rustic cabins equipped with modern amenities such as heating, electricity, and even private bathrooms.
Culinary Delights and Local Flavours
Food enthusiasts will revel in the gastronomic delights that await them in the Finger Lakes. Glamping sites often offer gourmet dining experiences, with locally sourced ingredients taking centre stage. From farm-to-table feasts showcasing the region's bountiful harvest to wine tastings at nearby vineyards, every meal becomes a culinary journey imbued with the essence of the Finger Lakes.
Adventure Awaits
For those with a penchant for outdoor adventures, glamping in the Finger Lakes opens up a world of possibilities. Kayak along the tranquil waters of Keuka Lake, embark on a scenic hike through Watkins Glen State Park's mesmerising gorges, or soar high above the treetops on a thrilling zipline canopy tour. Whether you're seeking adrenaline-pumping excitement or moments of serenity amidst nature, the Finger Lakes offers an array of activities to suit every adventurer's fancy.
Cultural Immersion and Local Experiences
Beyond its natural splendour, the Finger Lakes region boasts a rich tapestry of culture and heritage waiting to be explored. Pay a visit to charming lakeside villages dotted with artisanal shops and galleries, where you can peruse handcrafted treasures and interact with local artisans. Delve into the area's storied past with visits to historical sites such as the Women's Rights National Historical Park in Seneca Falls or the Corning Museum of Glass, where you can witness master craftsmen at work.
Unparalleled Scenic Beauty
The Finger Lakes region's breathtaking vistas serve as a playground for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Whether you're sipping wine overlooking the rolling vineyards, stargazing under the clear night sky, or simply unwinding amidst the tranquillity of nature, each moment in the Finger Lakes is infused with unparalleled beauty and serenity.
In essence, what sets glamping in the Finger Lakes apart from traditional camping is not merely the luxurious accommodations or gourmet dining experiences, but the immersive journey it offers—a harmonious blend of nature, culture, adventure, and relaxation that captivates the senses and nourishes the soul. Embark on a glamping adventure in the Finger Lakes and discover why it remains a sought-after destination for discerning travellers seeking an extraordinary escape.
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bestshirtcanbuy · 2 months
Busch Light Corn Beer Crocs Shoes
Busch Light Corn Beer Crocs Shoes: The Perfect Gift for Everyone If you're looking for a unique and fun gift that combines comfort and style, then look no further than the Busch Light Corn Beer Crocs Shoes. These one-of-a-kind shoes are not only a practical choice for everyday wear but are also a great conversation starter at any event or gathering. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, Busch Light Corn Beer Crocs Shoes are perfect for both men and women. These shoes feature a comfortable and lightweight design, making them ideal for long walks, casual outings, or even lounging around the house. The Croslite foam cushioning provides all-day support and ensures that your feet stay comfortable, no matter how much you're on the go. What sets these shoes apart from others is their unique design. The Busch Light Corn Beer Crocs Shoes feature the iconic Busch Light logo, showcasing a vibrant and eye-catching design inspired by the classic American beer. The bright yellow color of the shoe is reminiscent of the refreshing corn beer itself, giving these Crocs a distinct and recognizable look. The Busch Light Corn Beer Crocs Shoes are more than just a fashion statement – they are a must-have item for any beer enthusiast. The incorporation of the Busch Light logo adds a playful touch, making these shoes a perfect accessory for parties, tailgates, or any beer-related event. Whether you're a die-hard fan of Busch Light or just love a unique novelty item, these shoes are sure to be a hit. Furthermore, these Crocs are not limited to just beer lovers. Their universal appeal makes them an ideal gift for anyone with a sense of humor or an appreciation for quirky fashion accessories. Whether you're shopping for a friend, family member, or even treating yourself, these shoes are guaranteed to bring a smile to anyone's face. In addition to their stylish design, Busch Light Corn Beer Crocs Shoes are also highly practical. They are made from water-friendly and easy-to-clean materials, making them perfect for outdoor adventures, trips to the beach, or even just for wearing around the house. With their slip-on design and adjustable strap, these shoes provide a convenient and customizable fit for all foot sizes. To sum it up, Busch Light Corn Beer Crocs Shoes are the perfect gift for everyone. With their comfortable design, unique style, and undeniable charm, these shoes are sure to make any occasion more memorable. Whether you're looking to show off your love for beer or simply want to add a fun accessory to your wardrobe, these Crocs are a fantastic choice. So, why not give the gift of comfort, style, and laughter with Busch Light Corn Beer Crocs Shoes?
Get it here : Busch Light Corn Beer Crocs Shoes
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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