whimsyquill · 7 days
Can't stop thinking about The Ghoul scrabbling around on the floor of the Super Duper mart for drugs, so desperate for liquor that he's pouring it over his face, only to come face to face with the very moment he first betrayed his ideals. Feo, fuerte e formal.
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vixurozen · 26 days
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Ghoulcy WIP
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thatemokid09 · 1 month
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I’m dying 😭🪦
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teahermitcomics · 13 days
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I was walkin' along, mindin' my business, when out of an orange coloured skyyy--
--wonderful you came byyy~!
Ghoulfuckers arise, this print will be available at my comic con stall AND is now in my online shop for £5: https://ko-fi.com/s/b15d91778d
(and if YOU have Cooper art/merch PLEASE tell me in the comments I would like to see it 👀)
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giggle-shade · 19 days
I DID IT. I BOUGHT THE GHOULS JACKET. IT'S GONNA BE HERE MONDAY. So excuse me while I press my nose to the window for the next week🤩🤩🤩🤩 (I probably got the wrong size tho 😵‍💫)
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I have to distress it myself but it's aged canvas and I'm really excited because I won an aged distressed canvas trenchcoat already and if it weren't gray it would have been perfect for The Ghoul. But giddyup yall. Ya girls about to become an irradiated cowboy 🤩
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woodeelf · 1 month
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lucretiadragon · 9 days
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crispyk0rn · 2 months
I wouldn’t be surprised if the people that are upset about Lucy Maclean and Cooper Howard being shipped are those from outside the fandom, and just barely got into Fallout.
They would’ve known by now that shipping ghouls is quite popular. No one in this community really cares about a stupid age gap. Fallout has presented us some freaky stuff over the years. Marry Me FISTO. The most popular fanfics from Fallout 3/4 are with ghouls (John Hancock, Charon, etc). Don’t be discouraged by the popularity of it, just write and draw the ship you want more representation of, and don’t be a dick.
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leo4242564 · 26 days
As much as I’m obsessed with the ghoul/cooper Howard from fallout, I feel bad for all the ghost fans trying to read smut about their favorite ghoul. The ghoul x reader tag is flooded with fallout stuff.
I’m sorry ghost fans who haven’t seen fallout. Cooper Howard as the ghoul is just a tumblr sexy man now I guess.
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littlewriters-posts · 30 days
Stranger - CooperHoward/TheGhoul x reader
Plot: Cooper finds himself in a bit of a pickle with the settlement he stumbled into, only for you to help him out
Warnings: Mentions of Sexual Assault
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Being a Ghoul did have its advantages, including the quick healing and being on the brink of immortality.
But it did have its disadvantages, like how a lot of normal people or 'smoothies' as he liked to call them, hated them.
Which is how cooper found himself in a bit of a pickle.
One of the bullets had lodged its way uncomfortably close to his spine, and no matter how he twisted, he just couldn't get it out. He knew he needed to, and fast or his granted immortality would be no more.
But when you're as well known as he was, enemies were everywhere.
He thought he's found a quiet place, a little alleyway down the side of a bar, to recuperate. As he wracked his brain on what to do next, the sound of a sweet voice caught his attention.
Was that music?
It couldn't be, there was no music in the wasteland, there just simply wasn't the recourses to do anything like that. But it was what he could hear. The sound of a sweet voice singing a melody he couldn't quite make out.
He sat up straighter, trying to gain his strength in order to stand.
"And where do you think you're going Ghoulie?" a sneering voice snapped him back out of his thoughts. He tried to stand, the sharp pain in his spine bringing him back down again, heavy to the ground.
He moved anymore that bullet was going to render his legs useless.
So there he sat, down the side of an old bar, as three men approached him with sickening grins on their faces.
He couldn't reach his gun, and silently cursed himself for dropping it where he did, just out of reach and unable to use.
"Now boys, don't do something you regret," he drawled, the fake confidence oozing off of him. But that was all it was, fake.
"Sorry, we don't listen to your kind," The shortest of the three men laughed as they approached.
Cooper sighed, faintly realising that the music in the bar had stopped.
How poetic that it should, if this is where he was supposed to die then so be it. He'd killed enough to know that there wasn't anything stopping death when the time came to it.
One of them men struck his face with something sharp, and Cooper hissed in pain. It felt different, the pain not subsiding like it usually did.
He wasn't healing.
So maybe it was his time to die, maybe this was the end.
"Maybe we'll have some fun with you before we kill you," One of the man laughed maliciously "Always wanted to see what's underneath a ghoulie's skin," he said raising his short blade and licking his foul lips.
"What the FUCK do you think you're doing?" Came a voice.
Cooper turned, squinting slightly as he saw you. You were stood, hands on hips, glaring at the three men. Cooper sighed, you had no chance against these guys, which meant, he had no chance.
But to his surprise, the three men coward slightly, as if being scolded by their mother.
"He was stealing Miss. Honest!" One of the men said. You eyed him suspiciously, walking over to examine the poor ghoul.
"And were you Mister? You stealing?" You asked him.
Cooper was perplexed. The way of the wasteland was that fear was the main ruler, and from the looks of it, you weren't something to be feared.
"No Ma'am," he said truthfully "I make enough caps not to have to be a thief," he said glowering at the other men.
You turned to the three others, your eyes icy. "Get lost - and give me that damn blade Adrian, you clearly don't know how to use it,"
The man, Adrien, gave the blade up that he cut Cooper's face with, sighing heavily as he did so.
"Now fuck off, before I tell the boss" you commanded waving your hand.
"What about him?" The short man said, eyeing Cooper distastefully. The Ghoul grinned at him, making the other man step backwards "We don't allow ghouls here,"
"Leave him to me," You waved them off, and watched silently as they retreated, muttering to themselves.
Cooper watched you, not quite knowing what to do. Of course there wasn't a lot he could do, apart from accept what was going to happen.
You turned back around, expression softening.
"It's alright honey, I aint gonna hurt you. Now tell me, where does it hurt most?"
Cooper opened and shut his mouth in slight shock. Kindness was not something you came across in the wasteland, and it had been years since someone directed that kindness at him alone.
He didn't quite know how to respond.
You sighed, crouching down to his level and brushing your fingers along the slice down the side of his face. He shivered slightly at your touch, your skin was warm and smooth and brought back a warm comfort he wasn't even aware he missed.
"I'm here to help honey, I might just be a singer, but I'm also the town Doctor. Best one you'll get for miles so you tell me what's wrong and I'll fix you right up," you promised, looking at him with wide eyes.
He stared back, as if trying to determine whether or not you could be trusted. But your eyes looked so innocent, and your skin was so soft, it was almost difficult not to trust you.
"My back, got shot a couple yards back," he said gruffly after a pause "And that man of yours did this to my face," he added.
You grimace "My fault you're not healing I'm afraid. Town got overrun with Ghoulies, rabid ones, not like you mister. No matter what we did they were hard to take down. I found that dipping blades in Iodine stops the wound from closing up - I don't know why,"
Cooper groaned "So you gonna get me killed sweetheart, that what you're tryna tell me," he coughed, retching as he did so slightly.
You shook your head "Not at all Mister, just gotta clean your wound, that's all, and you'll be fine - can you walk? Stand?"
Cooper shook his head.
"No matter," You said "I guess that'll be the bullet doing that. I'll get it out for you now, and take you up to my place to get you properly cleaned up. That sound good to you cowboy?"
Cooper eyed you suspiciously "And how do I know you ain't gonna kill me?"
You frown "You don't I guess. But I ain't killed you yet, and I have a feeling you're quite the cowboy when you're on form, I doubt I'd be able to leave a scratch on you,"
Cooper snorted "You're certainly healing my ego sweetheart, even if you are just tryna butter me up,"
"Do you know who shot ya?" You asked, helping him scooch forward so you could examine his back.
"Do I fuck," he grumbled "Some guy down near that butcher's place you got going. Didn't even do anything,"
You hum "Yeah, a lotta people here got something against your kind. Luckily for you, I think he makes his bullets out of magnetic metal,"
"Why is that good for - OW!" Cooper yelped as he felt himself jolt upwards from the pain.
You smile sheepishly holding a magnet in your hand. "Safer than digging round in there. Lemme know when you can walk honey, then I'll take you upstairs,"
"So what's a pretty thing like you doing, helping out a ghoulie like me then?" Cooper asked, rubbing his back slightly. It was healing, thank god, and the pain was slowly easing.
You shrug "Ghoulies are just people that drank the wrong thing ain't they? Still deserve to live,"
Cooper frowned, he's never met anyone who didn't want anything, but there wasn't any giveaway for you. It was like you were actually doing something out the goodness of your heart.
"You gotta be careful, caring about people like that. You'll get hurt," he said shortly, before using the wall to get to his feet.
You smile "Maybe Mister, but doesn't it get lonely all be your self?"
Cooper didn't say anything, but allowed you to take his arm and lead him into one of the buildings, helping him up the stairs, and into a large empty room. Save a couple of bottles on shelves, and a mattress at the bottom corner, it was completely empty.
"What's this then?" he asked.
"Where I perform most surgeries," you say "Being empty helps to keep it clean,"
"Well I don't need surgery do I?" Cooper said, his guard suddenly up again. If this was another trap he'd kick himself for falling for it just because you were pretty.
"No," you says looking at the floor. "But if the boss finds out I was helping a ghoulie I don't want to think what he'll do to me,"
It was then that Cooper noticed the patterns of bruises on your arms and legs, but especially on your thighs.
"Those men ain't scared of you, they're scared of your boss," he realised. "Or husband?" he asked, glancing at the marks on your neck.
You shrug "I endure what I gotta to keep me alive. I give him what he wants, in return I don't have to endure it from every man that comes my way," you say bitterly.
Cooper relaxed slightly, he couldn't trust you when you were leading the lie of your perfect life. Nobody had one, it didn't make sense. But this, this made sense.
"So what am I doing here?" he asked as you sat down cross legged on the mattress.
"That Iodine won't clean itself, and even then it'll take a while to heal. You'll need stitches," you said, holding a needle in a bottle of alcohol.
"And if your boss walks in?" Cooper asked.
"You've got your gun," you say sullenly "I doubt you'll let him kill you,"
You patted you lap slightly "Come lay here honey, it ain't ideal but it's the easier than sitting up,"
Cooper hesitated for a moment, staring at you. He wasn't about to go all soft just because a pretty girl looked at him gently, or showed him any ounce of kindness.
But it didn't mean he couldn't enjoy it whilst it lasted.
He complied, taking his hat off and collapsing onto the Mattress, with his head resting on your knee. He kept one hand on his gun, the thought of you turning out to be one big trap not quite leaving his mind.
"You try anything, I'll shoot ya dead sweetheart, got that?" he warned, an attempt to be threatning.
His harsh words fell on deaf ears as you smiled gently at him. "It might sting a little honey, but I promise I won't hurt you okay" the way you were talking to him made his stomach lurch a little, the reassurence in your voice was like honey over glass.
He closed his eyes as he felt your soft touch on his face, wiping away at the cut as gently as you could. He listened to your slight humming as you did so, the noise ever so soothing as you tended to him.
You couldn't help but stare at him a little as you cleaned the wound. You'd helped a dozen or so ghoulies in the past, but there was something about this one that caught your eye. Something about him that made him stick in your mind.
"So what brings you down here honey?" you ask.
"Non of yor business," he grumbles.
You didn't say anything. Maybe that was it - most Ghoulies were itching to talk to someone, many poured out their whole life story just to anyone who will listen. They were lonely, you realised, cursed to live forever alone.
But this Ghoul was different, closed off.
"You didn't tell me your name Mister," you say, threading the needle.
"I didn't," he replied, not even wincing as you threaded his skin.
You chuckle "Well what am I supposed to call you then?"
Cooper sighed. He wasn't used to people just talking to him for small talk. Usually they wanted something.
It felt Alien.
"Cooper." he eventually said.
"Well Cooper," you smiled, stroking the cut gently to sooth it. "You're all done and dusted. You'll feel a little sore but after a day I'll be ready to take those stitches out and you'll be brand new again,"
Cooper sat up quickly, the warmth of your skin on his not quite leaving.
"I ain't got a day sweetheart," he said gruffly "I can take em out myself,"
You bite your lip, you didn't want him to go, not just yet.
"I wouldn't recommend-" you started but Cooper was over to you like a flash, pinning you against the wall with the gun to your head. You stared at him in surprise.
"And why you tryna keep me here?" he growled "So you can go and wake the boss up?"
"No!" you cried indignantly "I just told ya I didn't want to hurt ya!"
"Great," Cooper said, drawing back from you. "I'll be off then,"
He turned to go and you felt your heart tug slightly. He couldn't leave, not yet. You still had more time.
"Please Mister," you say urgently, crossing in-front of him "You can't go yet,"
Cooper raised his eyebrow, and his gun "And why's that missy? Thankyou for patching me up, but that don't mean we're friends," he said. Your face drops and you realise what you've been holding onto, a dream. A dream to just have a friend, to not have to endure your stupid husband and his stupid friends who just viewed you as a fancy fleshlight to do what they wanted to.
"You're right Mister, I'm sorry," you say, your head dropping. "Try not to be seen on your way out,"
Cooper didn't stop looking at you as he walked past, the cogs in his head whirring.
You did want something. He realised, as everybody does. You wanted a friend.
That very thought almost made him turn around and accept, but he didn't. He couldn't. In the long run he couldn't stay here, he'd have to leave you eventually. Better to not get attached.
But something in him couldn't leave you completly. So after he left, he hid, watching as you came out of one building and into the next. So he followed you. Followed you and hid as he saw other people coming towards you.
"You're back late," a fat man spat at you.
"Sorry Max," you mutter "I was helping one of the townspeople. Their kid was ill,"
The fat man, Max grumbled a bit before turning to his friend who let out a booming laugh.
"Sweety, I was just telling my friend here, how good you've been recently. He wanted a go," Max laughed and you flinched. You knew it was useless to run - where would you go? And protesting only made him angrier, which would leave you bleeding and bruised for days.
"Now you sit down mate, my wife here will see you're satisfied," he sneered at her "Now get on your knees girl, and show my friend how good you can be,"
From his hiding spot in the next room Cooper snarled. He could see your tears even from here, and your shaking hands didn't fool anyone.
"Actually Max," the other man said "It's not her mouth I want,"
Max let out another laugh "Well that's gonna cost you extra I'm afraid my friend. And extra if you want me to leave,"
To your horror, the man drew out several extra caps, his hungry eyes never leaving your scared ones. This is what you were being reduced to, an object.
"Don't damage her too much my friend, nobody want's damaged goods," Max said with a hearty laugh, getting out of his seat. He pulled your hair, making you squeak from the pain "And be good," he warned, letting you go as you rubbed your scalp.
He left from one of the other exits as Cooper decided what to do. On the one hand, it was all good and well shooting the guy in the face, but what of you? There were many other men out there who would do exactly what this man was about to do to you, if not worse.
A whimper caught his attention as he watched the man grab you by the arms and forcibly bend you over the desk. He watched your pained and fear stricken face scrunch up as you tried to brace yourself for what was about to come.
He couldn't take it anymore.
Bursting through the doors, he shot the man dead in the face and you jumped. You shot up, almost falling backwards as you did so, and let one of the tears fall freely down your face.
"I ain't your friend sweetheart," Cooper said, lowering his gun "But I owed you one,"
You glance at the man on the floor, to Cooper with a a fearful expression. "Thankyou Mister, but I'm afraid you've caused more trouble than it was worth,"
Cooper frowned "I stopped him raping you, what's worse than that?"
You let out a humourless laugh "And what do you think the boss does when he gets angry? He ain't gentle Mister, and this guy would have been a real treat compared to him,"
"Ah hell," Cooper said scratching his head with his gun. He saw your point, and even killing the boss would not get you out of trouble. There would always be men like him. "Alright come with me,"
You blink, you hadn't been expecting that. "What?" you ask.
Cooper beckoned you over "Don't worry sweetheart, I may not be a real gentleman but I ain't gonna hurt ya. I'll kill ya, if you get on my nerves, but I'd never do what these would,"
You nod slightly, not quite believing your luck. You stepped over the body, pulling your dress back down where it was riding up, and looked at Cooper with doubt in your eyes.
"Why you looking out for me if we ain't friends?" you ask as you walked besides him.
"Maybe I'm lonely," he said in a lazy drawl.
You freeze "Look your handsome Mister, but I don't want to fuck you. I've never found it anything but painful, and I never want to do it again," you say, your voice shaking a bit.
Cooper looked at you with an unreadable expression. "I just said I'd never get you to do that sweetheart. Conversation does wonders for loneliness too you know,"
You relax a lot, walking besides him once more.
"Besides, if it's hurting they ain't doing it right," Cooper added "It's not supposed to hurt, it's supposed to feel good,"
You scrunch your nose up "Well it feels anything but that - but boss always said I did a great job," you frown at the floor.
Cooper sighed, handing you a canteen of water "Drink up," he said "There's a place I can get more from down the road, after that we ration it,"
"What about you?" you ask with a twinge in your lip. He said nothing, but refused to take the canteen back, so you did as you were told.
"You have anything you need to get? When we leave, we ain't coming back, you get that right? Anyone you wanna say goodbye too?" he asked once they left the building.
You pause "My chems, I got Radway if you need it. And some medicine,"
He nodded "Show me where then little lady, I'll make sure no-one gets ya,"
You give him a smile, the first genuine smile you felt in years, and you could swear the the corners of his mouth twitched as well.
"Thankyou Mister," you said honestly before scampering to get your things. They weren't far, in fact you had already packed them all.
Cooper raised his eyebrow "You wanted to leave for a while?"
You nod "First time Max-" you shudder, thinking of the memory "The first time hurt the worst, so I ran away. When Max found me I thought he'd be angry, but he was so gentle...until he wasn't. It was a viscous cycle I could never get out of," you hum slightly as you tie up your bag, tossing him a vial of yellow liquid.
"I only got eleven of those mister, so use them sparingly." You warned. "But I'm good at making money,"
Cooper nodded at you in thanks, before opening the door and beckoning you to follow him back down the road.
"Your boss hasn't noticed then," he said, noticing the distinct lack of commotion from down the road.
You nod "You won't. He likes to give each guy that pays him around two hours with me," you yawn slightly.
Cooper tries not to let his disgust show. It wasn't that he didn't find you attractive, you were certainly pretty, you were an easy target for things like that. But he couldn't imagine doing something like that to anyone, much less you.
"Well like I said sweetheart, I'll kill you if you get on my nerves, but I ain't gonna hurt you,"
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cooperhoward · 2 months
naomisnagata » cooperhoward
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whimsyquill · 24 days
You just *know* that Coop and Janey are the marshmellows.
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vixurozen · 28 days
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Carried the whole show 🥰
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mottles · 15 days
tagged by @tetheredtoamast in a little tag game and also the cat picrew game, thank you!!
here's my cat:
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and the tag game:
last song listened to: a burning hill - mitski
favorite color(s): pretty much any shade of lavender
currently watching: hacks, various dropout shows, abbott elementary, the oa (rewatch)
current obsession: fallout! been playing through new vegas for the first time. currently in the middle of old world blues, but i think my favorite part of the game so far was dead money. wish i could replay that DLC a few more times without needing to start a new character or load an old save :(
last thing googled: "fallout shelter bottle cappy limited time" bc i've also redownloaded fallout shelter and wanted to know if that quest was ACTUALLY a limited event bc it feels like it's been on the quest list for a long time
tagging @abnerkrill @always-ascending @hyperdrama @klausbens and @jemaine to do either/both of these (or the one below)!
ALSO saw the cosmos persona tag game and wanted to do it so here's mine!
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tagging @cooperhoward @likesummerrainn @macbethwitches @samuelroukin and @spockvarietyhour on this one (or either of the ones above)!
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teahermitcomics · 13 days
All available at MCM London Comic Con Artist Alley Table M10, and in my online shop: https://ko-fi.com/jadedlyco/shop
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giggle-shade · 1 month
Walton Goggins is gone, it's Mr. Walton Ghoulgins now 🥵🥴🫠
#ok but in all seriousness I love both
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