#computer network administrator
k12academics · 3 months
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Increasing Business Success With Technology
We are a team of experts dedicated to providing IT solutions for small business. With our help, you can focus on your core business while we handle your IT needs.
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infernetgirl · 6 months
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You are a sysadmin in the 90s
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engineer-voice · 8 months
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ourjobagency · 8 months
How to Advance Your Career with AWS Certifications
In the fast-paced world of cloud computing, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has established itself as a leader in providing scalable, reliable, and cost-effective cloud solutions. As organizations increasingly migrate their workloads to the cloud, the demand for skilled AWS professionals has surged. If you're looking to advance your career in the IT industry, AWS certifications can be your ticket to success. We'll explore how AWS certifications can propel your career forward and provide a step-by-step guide to achieving them.
The Power of AWS Certifications
AWS certifications are widely recognized in the IT industry and are considered a valuable asset for both newcomers and seasoned professionals. Here are some key reasons why AWS certifications can supercharge your career:
1. Industry Recognition
AWS is a trusted name in cloud computing, and their certifications are well-respected by employers worldwide. Holding an AWS certification demonstrates your expertise and commitment to staying current in a rapidly evolving field.
2. Career Advancement
AWS certifications can open doors to new job opportunities and promotions. Many organizations prefer to hire certified professionals because they are seen as more capable and knowledgeable in AWS technologies.
3. Increased Earning Potential
Certified AWS professionals often command higher salaries than their non-certified counterparts. According to a survey by Global Knowledge, AWS-certified individuals earn an average salary that is significantly above the industry average.
4. Skill Validation
Obtaining an AWS certification validates your skills and knowledge in specific AWS services and technologies. It serves as concrete evidence of your expertise in the eyes of potential employers.
Choosing the Right AWS Certification
AWS offers a wide range of certifications, catering to various roles and skill levels. Before you embark on your certification journey, it's essential to choose the one that aligns with your career goals and current experience. Here are a few popular AWS certifications:
1. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
Designed for individuals with little or no cloud experience, this entry-level certification provides a broad overview of AWS services, cloud concepts, and basic architectural best practices.
2. AWS Certified Solutions Architect
This certification is ideal for those interested in designing distributed systems on AWS. It covers topics like architectural best practices, security, and scalability.
3. AWS Certified SysOps Administrator
Focused on system operations and management, this certification is suitable for individuals responsible for deploying, managing, and operating systems on AWS.
4. AWS Certified DevOps Engineer
For those interested in automation, this certification validates skills related to continuous delivery, automation, and managing infrastructure as code.
5. AWS Certified Security - Specialty
For security professionals, this certification focuses on securing AWS workloads and implementing advanced security measures.
Steps to AWS Certification Success
Now that you've decided on the right certification, here are the steps to help you achieve your goal:
1. Set Clear Goals
Define your career goals and how AWS certifications align with them. Having a clear vision will keep you motivated throughout your certification journey.
2. Choose Relevant Training Resources
AWS provides extensive documentation and training resources, including online courses, practice exams, and official study guides. Consider enrolling in AWS Certified training courses, which are designed to help you prepare for the exams.
3. Hands-On Experience
Practice is key to mastering AWS. Create your AWS account and experiment with the services covered in your chosen certification. Hands-on experience will deepen your understanding and boost your confidence.
4. Study and Prepare
Devote time to study and review the certification's objectives. Use study guides, practice exams, and community forums to reinforce your knowledge.
5. Take Practice Exams
Practice exams are invaluable for gauging your readiness. They help you identify areas where you need to improve and build your test-taking skills.
6. Schedule and Take the Exam
Once you feel confident in your knowledge, schedule your exam. AWS offers both online and in-person testing options to accommodate your preferences.
7. Stay Informed
AWS constantly updates its services and certifications. Stay informed about changes and consider pursuing additional certifications to continue growing in your career.
AWS certifications have become a gold standard in the IT industry, and they offer an excellent opportunity to advance your career. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to level up your skills, there's a certification tailored to your needs. Remember that certification is a journey, not a destination. Keep learning, stay updated, and embrace the dynamic world of AWS to unlock the full potential of your cloud computing career. With dedication and the right certifications, you can be on your way to a brighter and more rewarding future in the world of cloud computing.
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mamtarajshree · 10 months
System and Network Administration
System and Network Administration System and Network Administration – System administration is a job done by IT experts for an organization. The job is to ensure that computer systems and all related services are working well.    What is TCP/IP? Introduction of TCP/IP model TCP/IP is a set of network protocols (Protocol Suite) that enable communication between computers. Network protocols are…
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qwikskills · 1 year
Benefits of obtaining a certification in cloud
With the increasing demand for cloud-based technologies, cloud certifications are becoming more and more important. These certifications can help professionals gain a better understanding of cloud computing and its related technologies, as well as demonstrate their expertise in the field. Cloud certifications provide an opportunity to validate one’s knowledge and skills with regards to cloud computing, helping them stand out from other candidates when applying for jobs or promotions. They also open up new opportunities for professionals looking to advance their careers in the field of cloud computing. By obtaining a certification, professionals can prove that they have the necessary skills and knowledge required to work with cloud-based technologies. This will help them become more confident in their ability to handle complex projects involving cloud infrastructure and services.
What are the benefits of obtaining a certification?
Cloud certifications such as those from Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle and Amazon provide professionals with a stamp of approval for their knowledge and skills. They also allow professionals to build credibility in the field by showing that they have mastered important concepts. Additionally, obtaining these certifications can help employers and recruiters view candidates more favorably. Cloud certifications often indicate that candidates have been through rigorous training programs that focus on cloud-based technologies. This can be a good sign for companies when deciding which candidate is most qualified for the job opening at hand.
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txttletale · 11 months
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posting this exchange because i disagree with the first replier but i also think the second replier is a really bad and incorrect reply to what they're saying. it is of course true that the current supply chain for electronics is founded upon tremendous and horrific exploitation at basically every level of production. but i think 'red' here is making an assumption--that this sort of exploitation is inextricable from the very concept of building electronic devices--that doesn't hold up at all.
for a start, there are lots of obvious and simple ways to vastly vastly reduce the production requirements of computers and cellphones in the absence of a profit motive. build phones and computers that last, that can be repaired by anybody, instead of junk with planned obsolescence and proprietary firmware. without apple or samsung trying to make a profit, there's no reason for anyone to be replacing their cellphone every two years.
and secondly, i think that unlike 24/7 year-round global Banana Access, there is a very obvious and very compelling case for the production of cellphones and computers to continue in the absence of a profit motive, which is that access to them immeasurably benefits society by providing new networks of communication, new tools for administration and organization, and other tremendous advantages for quality of life. socialists throughout history obviously understood this -- that's why OGAS and CyberSyn were attempted! there is nothing about the object of a portable computer and communications device that necessitates it being built in inhumane conditions by exploited workers. everything about it could be built, like anything else under socialism, by workers with democratic control over their workplace and production. the marxist critique of capitalist and imperialist production does not lead to 'and therefore nothing should ever be made' !
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guwix · 1 month
Is Caine human or is it AI?
I've seen people bring up this topic more than once. Also, Gooseworx replied to people that Caine is AI. Therefore, I want to sort everything out on the shelf, what we currently have.
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Caine was demonstrated to us with human emotions, which is completely indistinguishable from the NPCs themselves (Candy Carrier Chaos!). And if we take the real existing facts about AI, it is because AI does not know how to: feel, experience emotions, understand the meaning of text and images, be aware of itself.
Let's take the same Moon, Sun and of course Bobble.
They have a completely different level compared to Caine.
Even if he created them, if he cannot understand the empathy of people, then why does it make it difficult to understand other characters "created by him". For example, Bobble, he doesn't understand his actions.
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AI has many advantages, but Caine has absolutely NO control over the situation, despite the fact that he is the "creator". Why would he need a "Watch" if all the information should be in his mind?
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At the same time, he tells us himself that he has many eyes, but at the same time, he was not aware of what happened to Kaufmo.
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I understand that the animated series is far from real life. But, in fact, AI cannot be insane. Also, Caine cannot emotionally feel "lonely". And all this tells us the opposite, that it is completely different from AI.
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If the director of "C&A" creates AI to help order in the Digital World, shouldn't the company come up with a name for the "administrator" itself? And according to Gooseworx, Caine came up with a name for himself.
It turns out that people "allowed" AI to run amok in the Digital World without fear of consequences? Strangely, Caine should have restrictions, but it looks exactly as if he is completely free.
It is not the first time that the creator answers us that Caine is not a person and he does not have the age given to him. But, isn't the fans' question a strong spoiler for the plot? If we were told "You'll have to wait and see", that would raise quite a few questions. That is, it would immediately be clear what Caine is like.
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You can also recall a video where a human body is transferred to a computer. Whether this was done for the sake of the fan, or intentionally, we have only to guess.
And one person had the most interesting question. Whether he is the boss, which we were told, we will have to wait and see. If Caine is an AI, then he cannot be the boss, we would have been told that he is another AI.
2:Candy Carrier Chaos!
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As an AI, he is "obliged" to know who is an NPC and who is a "human". Everything must be programmed for him. But, he doesn't know how to "distinguish" them.
Whether the situation is worth turning against him, he immediately avoids it. Although, he is not forced to run away, because for AI, he must be smart enough to come up with a sedative. But, Caine just comes up with an excuse that he needs to "drink some water." Genius.
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Since NPCs do not realize that they are characters of the computer world, they think that they are alive. If Caine is also presented as a God (and God is so-so with him), then what is the probability that Caine will think that he is an AI, for the entertainment of people? After all, the main characters do not remember everything from their current life (they only partially have upbringing).
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canmom · 4 months
The themes of NieR Reincarnation
A post about the recurring elements of Drakenier and the use of branching timelines as a storytelling device. I'll be discussing spoilers for basically every DoD/NieR game.
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A somewhat understated recurring motif of the Drakengard/NieR series is the idea of stories or memories of humanity being stored in some massive archive.
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It's an idea that first entered the series in NieR Gestalt/Replicant. Early drafts of the game focused on the idea of a world built out of stories and fairytale characters, and while most of this was cut, some remained in the Forest of Myth area.
Following NieR's obsessive love of hopping between different game genres, the story here is delivered through prose/text adventure segments. There is a sense that this area of the game exists as prose, with the characters slightly aware of narration - narration which absorbs the characters until you find a way to escape. Eventually you find out - it's rather cryptic in the actual game, but spelled out explicitly in Grimoire NieR - that it's a huge computer system storing records of the deceased humanity.
In your second visit to the area, the story focuses more on distant history, that all these stories are fragments of memory of the lost pre-apocalpytic world. You encounter a Gestalt (human soul extracted from body) that is eating the memories stored in the tree, and kill it, and for Nier and co., this is enough - but for the player, you really don't know half of what is going on.
In the story The Lost World, which was adapted for the additional Ending E added in the Replicant remake, Kainé returns to the Forest of Myth and finds the computer system expanding. She fights clones of herself before eventually speaking to a mysterious administrator and descending into a virtual world that seems like a corrupted version of her memories. But she's able to connect to her memories of NieR, Emil and Grimoire Weiss, and through that connection cause a kind of timeline collapse effect that allows her to resurrect Nier. Terms from DoD3 such as 'singularity' come back again.
In NieR Automata, the idea of the legacy of humanity becomes increasingly central. While the androids believe they are reclaiming Earth for humanity, the Machine Lifeforms' motivation is in large part driven by their efforts to pore over the records of humanity and learn how to evolve their condition, even by blind imitation. Many of the different Machine Lifeforms you encounter are shaped by their interpretations of human society. The motif of human buildings recreated in white blocks recurs at certain points.
In the final sequence of the game, you climb a tower, and inside it visit simulacra of locations from the Replicant/Gestalt. You learn that the machines have infiltrated the androids' network and downloaded basically all the information the androids have, including all their records of humanity. When the machines' 'Ark' is launched into space, it carries their memories and consciousness in data form.
The YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse raid series in FFXIV continues this idea of obsessive, blind reconstruction. The machines you fight here are now all the more explicitly connected to the apocalyptic shit in DoD; they have also been frantically creating duplicates of YoRHa android 2P, the Bunker and so on in corrupted form. Although the story here has mostly other interests, it's another recurrence of the idea of trying to recreate things that were lost.
Along with this idea of the archive comes the idea of preservation of that archive. Whether by accident or deliberate attack, the survival of the archive is not guaranteed.
This is all absolutely central to what Reincarnation is about.
The Drakenier series has played around with branching narratives pretty much from the start. It's somewhat infamous for it in fact - did you know that NieR is actually a spinoff of ending E of Drakengard, the one where you appear over Tokyo and have to do a rhythm game? Yeah, so...
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Most games are fairly cagey (ha ha) about the mechanics of these branches. Indeed, although we speak of branches, the structure of these games is not really a branching one like a visual novel. The branches and 'endings' are usually unlocked sequentially.
Drakengard/Drag-on Dragoon (DoD1) is probably the closest you get to a traditional branching structure. You can unlock routes in certain missions by fulfilling certain conditions. The exact logic of these branches is not really explained - you can go back to a point before you recruit a party member and get a different branch where they're present for example. That said, it's not like a visual novel where you can be 'on' one branch or another - you can always jump to any level from any timeline.
This oddness of the branches is also lampshaded a little more in DoD3, the game that is most explicit about the nature of the branching timeline. DoD3 is, from the player perspective, a linear game. After you complete the first 'ending', you unlock new levels that appear at earlier points in the timeline, and diverging branches appear. In the later branches, the logic of the world is starting to break down. Party members who you'd recruit later in the story are in your party much earlier, in some cases suffering from amnesia, the implication being that it's an effect of the Flower's corruption.
The game is intermittently narrated by a character called Accord, an android 'Recorder' whose job is to document all the different versions of the story for an unknown party. Accord isn't supposed to intervene in the story, though she occasionally talks to protagonist Zero, and in the final D route, she decides to break the rules and save Zero. Otherwise, she's responsible for 'sealing' branches where it seems the world cannot be saved.
This is Accord:
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The final cutscene of DoD3, available only after you beat the ludicrously difficult rhythm game that is the 'final song', shows a bunch of other Accords appearing and talking about what a mess this all is.
Accord's other role in the game is to sell weapons. Another series tradition running back to DoD1 is the 'Weapon Stories'. In each game, you can collect weapons, which can be upgraded through a series of four stages. Each stage unlocks another part of a story. These stories tend to be quite brief - each entry is at most a short paragraph. They also, particularly in the DoD games, tend to be comically grimdark.
DoD 3 came out after NieR Replicant/Gestalt, but in every game since then, there have been cryptic mentions of Accord. In Automata she's mentioned in a note as a weapons seller; in the updated version of Replicant she is mentioned as visiting Nier's village while the party is away on her adventures, and you see a documention that mentions the 'Accord Corporation' supplying magic weapons.
OK, so, put a pin in that, we'll come back to her later.
The side material commits further to the branching idea. The original Drakengard is established to follow from the DoD3 Story Side novel, while Branch A gives rise to the Shi ni Itaru Aka manga and the DoD 1.3 novel. The YoRHa stage plays spawned alternative versions, namely YoRHa version 1.3a and Shōjo YoRha version 1.1a, with the gender of the casts flipped. YoRHa 1.3a also has Accord in it. The anime NieR Automata ver. 1.1a also presents an increasingly diverging version of the events of the game - notably, Adam turns into a multi-armed monster.
DoD2, something of the black sheep of the franchise, was originally written to follow DoD1 ending A; later it was retconned to belong to its own branch. Just 'cause.
With me so far? ...no? Yeah, that's fair. You can read about all the details I've gathered so far here, but in short, there are lots of timeline branches, and multiple versions of several stories with small or large divergences.
NieR Re[in]carnation is a gacha game that's been running for the last three years, and is going to be shut down at the end of April. At the time it came out, it was acknowledge for having unusually nice graphics for a mobile game, but rather desultory, grindy, repetitive gameplay. Which remained true throughout the game's life, so I can't exactly recommend playing Reincarnation, especially at this point.
But! I would definitely say it's worth your time to dig up the story on Youtube/Accord's Library if you're into NieR stuff. I won't be going into all the ins and outs of the story and how it all fits together in this post, but I am gonna talk about how it's structured.
NieR Reincarnation places you in a vast stone city called the Cage, calling to mind the environments in Ico. At the outset, you play as a young girl travelling with a weird ghost-like creature called Mama, tasked with restoring the memories stored in objects called 'dark scarecrows' which are being subverted and corrupted by black birds which form into various monsters.
Within each chapter of NieR Reincarnation, you get a short story in four parts, presented in a kind of cutout style, which are the four segments of a weapon story. You collect the weapon and the character.
The Cage is shaped by the content of the weapon stories somehow bleeding into the simulated setting. A character's memories can be used to restore the stories to their proper course. It is possible to interfere in small ways with the worlds of the stories.
The corruption of the stories tends to involve subverting characterisation to make them crueller, more prone to random violence etc. - or points when a character could be threatened in a narratively unsatisfying way. For example, a peace-loving runaway prince could be turned into a warlike king.
Over the course of the first arc, you discover that the girl you are playing is actually a monster who has taken the form of a human girl and, regretting it, wants to give her her embodiment back. The second half of the arc has you playing the girl trying to reunite with her monster friend; at the end, you get her own backstory as a victim of brutal prejudice. After all is said and done, both characters transform into weapons, which Mama picks up and hides away.
The second arc, The Sun and the Moon, deals with a brother and sister from present-day Tokyo. Both of them have been transported into the Cage by more of the weird ghost thingies, to participate in a strange ritual that is allegedly going to restore the Cage. The rules are highly mystical - a significant sacrifice is needed.
In the most recent arc, The People and The World, the characters all emerge from their stories as the Cage becomes increasingly corrupted. We finally get the long awaited point where these characters can interact with each other, and advance the stories from a series of tragic vignettes to something more. At the same time, we get a lot more allusions to other games in the series - from the Lunar Tear room where Emil memorialised Kainé and later 9S memorialises 2B, to a brief appearance Devola and Popola.
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There's even a nod to Yoko Taro's other terminated gacha game, SINoALICE, which is going to be made into a movie oddly enough. There's a wry nod to the game being shut down.
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And in the most recent chapters we find out that the Cage is actually a server on the moon containing records of humanity - 10H from A Much Too Silent Sea is one of the main characters. 'Mama' is actually the Pod tasked with overseeing the archive, and wiping 10H's memories whenever she learns too much - though it seems at some point 10H learned the truth and affirmed that she'd protect the archive anyway and they stopped wiping her memory.
Over the course of the chapter, 10H helps the gang make their escape from the moon through the androids network, to Earth. But when they get to Earth, they find themselves in a strange white city more resembling the Cage.
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We'll finally get some answers, maybe, later this month. Anyway...
So, these records come from multiple diverging timelines, and they take the form of weapon stories. You have a unity of the ideas of character - weapon - memory - world. A record is simultaneously a tragic series of events, a person who can manifest inside the Cage itself, a simulated world which other people can visit, and a weapon.
In addition to the main storyline chapters and 'character stories', each character is associated with two additional 'EX' storylines, termed Dark Memories and Recollections of Dusk. Each one is a much more substantial narrative than most in the game.
Some of these EX stories clearly take place in different timelines to the first ones we encounter. Akeha's story, for example, takes place after her death in the original version. For the brother and sister from the Sun and the Moon arc, originally from present-day Tokyo, their Dark Memories take place in the backstory to NieR Gestalt/Replicant - the period where humanity is dying out to White Chlorination Syndrome and fighting monsters called the Legion. In this one, before the siblings could be torn apart by family drama and resentment, the apocalypse happens. Both of them end up coming into their own as heroic fighters. In the finale arc, the characters learn a bit about these alter egos, and it's made very explicit that this is a different timeline.
The monster Levania's Dark Memory is especially weird. It's the story of a salaryman who plays a monster called Levania in an MMORPG. His MMO character inspires him to live more bravely in the real world, and his life seems to be improving, but he is murdered by a jealous coworker. He wishes for reincarnation as he dies - classic isekai stuff. But the connection to the Levania you encounter in the main story is far from clear. Are all versions of Levania derived essentially from this man's tulpa?
The nature of the 'enemies' attacking the Cage is still not yet clear. They take the form of black birds. The birds are given a small amount of dialogue and characterisation, and they seem to not be malicious, just confused. The girl from the first arc in particular tends to interact with them sympathetically. However, they seem to be connected with the mysterious 'God' who was trying to destroy the world in DoD1, and the Angels and Flower of DoD3.
The birds are able to gathe together to manifest much larger monsters, the largest being giant elk and fish called Cursed Gods. During the finale arc, one of these becomes something that resembles the Mother Angel from DoD1 - and yes, there is a rhythm game - though mercifully a pretty easy one.
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In the same arc, the character Yurie, an AI city overlord with grandiose ambitions and a loathing of imperfection attempts to download the entire history of humanity from the Cage and become a more perfect being. She succeeds, only to find the answers disappointing...
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This is perhaps the closest thing we ever get to an explicit statement of what all these stories and histories add up to, but despite all this, the throughline is very strongly that these stories are essential to preserve. NieR characters exist in small groups, and it is their intense connections to these others, their treasured memories of travelling together, that motivate them to fight to preserve that thing, even if the results are destructive.
Similar themes emerge for example in Noelle's Recollection of Dusk story, which sees her travelling to preserve a place valued by her sister in crystal. And they also connect to the theme of sacrifice - the recurring ending device where the player must delete their save data in order to help someone (something echoed in Hina and Yuzuki at the altar of the sun and moon, or Levania and Fio). It's perhaps fair to say that nothing is more valued in the world of Nier than memories of a treasured person.
What about Accord? She has in fact made a brief cameo in Reincarnation already...
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It seems incredibly likely that Accord originates from the Cage, and the accumulation of weapon stories is accomplished by androids like her. Definitely in the fandom there's a lot of excitement for the idea that Accord - something of a fan favourite - will show up at Reincarnation's ending.
So mystery solved, the Cage exists in the world of NieR Automata on the moon server? Not so fast - there are various discrepancies which seem to suggest that the world of the Cage exists in a separate branch than the one we see in Automata. For example, the androids are aware that the humans are dead and what remains on the moon is a huge archive of their memories; the humans seem to have survived much longer; 2B and 9S seem to have died in different circumstances. There are other oddities which fans have compiled.
And yet, despite being a divergent timeline with a much older point of divergence, some things seem to be fixed. There is still a YoRHa, still a 10H deceived about being on the moon, still a 2B and 9S.
One popular fan theory is that Reincarnation belongs to the NieR Automata anime (ver1.1a), since Adam turns into a monster there similar to the ones in Reincarnation. The black birds are reasoned to be the Machine Lifeforms, since we know they come from Earth. I'm not 100% sure of this, but maybe?
Anyway, that's basically the gist of it.
A story told through permutations
In many fictional series with a shared universe, there is an effort to maintain a consistent shared universe, so all the different events can fit into a timeline with understandable cause and effect and characters living out their lives. Even when this proves impossibly unwieldy, as in comic books or Star Wars, the attempt is made.
NieR does not really take this approach. The creators leave many details of the world, such as place names, incredibly vague - the focus is always on telling an emotional story with characters. There is, as we've seen, an almost gleeful willingness to declare another new timeline.
There is also a certain aspect of repetition, or more kindly reiteration - the same core character dynamic revisited and retold in various forms. (2B9S gets the worst of it). A character is something like a principle or ideal, and each story shines another light on that 'core'. In the earlier storylines of Reincarnation, it became quite frustrating because it seemed like e.g. the character event stories were just rehashing the same idea rather than advance the story.
However, the more accustomed I get to this style of storyline, the more I think this kinda works. It is of course quite similar to the ideas proposed towards the end of Homestuck, or to time loop stories - the idea of varying the contingent circumstances to try to better illustrate the core characterisations and dynamics.
Yoko Taro has talked about how he constructs stories from a very simple idea, typically a moment of high emotional impact at the climax, and then works backwards to figure out what sort of story could lead into that. In Reincarnation, each character gets fairly limited time to establish themselves, so they tend to be defined in terms of a pretty narrow high concept.
For example, Akeha is an assassin in a vague historical Japanese setting; her introductory story sees her decide for the first time to disobey her lord after she finds another person who has been treated as instrumentally as her. Most Akeha stories focus on her assassinations, her relationship to her retainer, and what she sacrifices to perform the duty. Only her Dark Memory lets us see an Akeha who has escaped that life - it's a simple story about preparing food, but that's given meaning by all the other Akeha stories.
Hina and Yuzuki are defined by the same traits in their flashy scifi Dark Memory stories as in the more mundane ones - Yuzuki the quiet outcast, Hina the self-sacrificing star. Fio is defined by kindness in the context of abjection, seeing the good in monsters. Levania stories are about the desire for escape and transformation. Argo is always a shitty dad who only feels alive while climbing mountains.
The staticness of these characters seems on some level to be the point - in that we are told in Hina and Yuzuki's story that the mechanism of the Cage is to sort characters into 'Light' and 'Dark' natures, and push them to inevitable conflict, even if they try to break free. In the final arc, the characters seem to finally approach some resolution as they leave their contexts behind. Given the themes of Automata in rejecting an inevitable tragic fate, similar movement may be at work. There's an ambiguity - the need to hold on to even tragic histories, vs the wish to not be confined to them. (Perhaps it's significant that it's called the Cage...)
With so many balls in the air and so many mysteries still unanswered, it's hard to figure out how Reincarnation can deliver a satisfying resolution in just one remaining chapter, but the final arc has been really cooking so who knows! But I'm also coming to appreciate it as a kind of broader lens to notice all these recurring elements and tie them together.
Stories about alternate timelines and branching narratives are very common nowadays, particularly as a tool for revisiting a nostalgic franchise. Something something effect of the fan wiki era. So I can't exactly say NieR is doing something completely unique, but I do think there is something to its fragmented, collage-like approach to putting together story elements. There's something quite honest about it - an ability to say 'these details aren't important'.
Yoko Taro always talks about himself as an entertainer rather than an artist. And probably it is true that a lot of this eemerged from an iterative design process rather than being the plan from the beginning (the first draft of NieR envisioned it as something closer to what SINoALICE ended up being, about a world of fairytale characters; NieR Automata began life as backstory for an idol project). There's definitely a strong sense that it's being improvised. And yet despite that, it does feel like it is cohering into some sort of picture, that there is an artistic throughline to all this.
Or perhaps that's just the effect of getting way too invested in something. I won't deny that NieR brings out the fan in me.
Anyway Accord had better show up next month. Guys. You've been teasing us for so long...
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k12academics · 1 year
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CCI Training Center has the mission of providing the most effective accelerated, hands on training and enhancement training to the public in a convenient online/on campus schedule.
Our goal is to be a superior company through constant innovation, attention to details, and a focus on quality in all that we do.
We are dedicated to each student who walks through our doors with warmth and friendliness. We work to create an outstanding learning experience.
We believe that the greatest strength of CCI Training Center lies within our people. We are committed to providing an environment that recognizes initiative and performance.
We build relationships through participation and services. We work together to help meet the employment needs of our community.
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jcmarchi · 6 months
Machine learning boosts search for new materials - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/machine-learning-boosts-search-for-new-materials-technology-org/
Machine learning boosts search for new materials - Technology Org
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Scientists have developed deep-learning models that can sift through the massive amounts of data generated by X-ray diffraction techniques.
Scientists from the University of Rochester say deep learning can supercharge a technique that is already the gold standard for characterizing new materials. In an npj Computational Materials paper, the interdisciplinary team describes models they developed to leverage the massive amounts of data better than X-ray diffraction experiments produce.
During X-ray diffraction experiments, bright lasers shine on a sample, producing diffracted images that contain important information about the material’s structure and properties. Project lead Niaz Abdolrahim, an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and a scientist at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE), says conventional methods of analyzing these images can be contentious, time-consuming, and often ineffective.
“There is a lot of materials science and physics hidden in each one of these images and terabytes of data are being produced every day at facilities and labs worldwide,” says Abdolrahim. “Developing a good model to analyze this data can really help expedite materials innovation, understand materials at extreme conditions, and develop materials for different technological applications.”
The study, led by materials science PhD student Jerardo Salgado, holds particular promise for high-energy-density experiments like those conducted at LLE by researchers from the Center for Matter at Atomic Pressures. By examining the precise moment when materials under extreme conditions change phases, scientists can discover ways to create new materials and learn about the formation of stars and planets.
Abdolrahim says the project, funded by the US Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration and the National Science Foundation, improves upon previous attempts to develop machine learning models for X-ray diffraction analysis that were trained and evaluated primarily with synthetic data. Abdolrahim, Associate Professor Chenliang Xu from the Department of Computer Science, and their students incorporated real-world data from experiments with inorganic materials to train their deep-learning models.
More experimental X-ray diffraction analysis data needs to be publicly available to help refine the models, according to Abdolrahim. She says the team is working on creating platforms for others to share data that can help train and evaluate the system, making it even more effective.
Source: University of Rochester
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ghouljams · 5 months
Please!! (When you have time or feel like it🫶) more of Bee’s crimes!!! I like being reminded that she’s just as unhinged as Konig!!! Let women commit crimesss
Bee has a pirate radio station where she just plays random music that her weird hacker friends make. None of it is technically good, but it is technically illegal for her to be playing it. You can only listen to this station while in a mile radius of her house, but plenty of people have driven past her little house and been assaulted by hyperhouse and techno-metal. She's not sorry. She has been fined by the FCC.
Bee has committed identity theft before.
The only thing that stopped Bee from putting trackers on König's phone when she first met him was the logistics of getting his phone. Not the legality, or the invasion of privacy. She didn't know how to get his phone for long enough to get trackers on it. She did put keystroke trackers on König's computer when she fixed it that one time. (She gets pinged when he searches keywords)
Bee cannot legally enter Canada.
Bee is no longer allowed to teach internet safety to the local high school students. The administration was forced to weigh the pros and cons of teenagers being able to bypass their firewalls, and also there was perhaps a small (itty bitty, really Bee can't be held responsible for a hack this teeny weeny) issue with the grade-book software getting hacked after her lessons.
Sometimes when Bee goes to the coffee place in town she just logs onto the free wifi and snoops through people's computers. Beware of open networks...
Bee uses linux and her computer is completely unusable to anyone but her. König tried to look something up on her laptop and gave himself a migraine.
Bee once contacted her senator's wife and mistress because he wouldn't take her calls. Direct action.
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tealin · 1 year
McMurdo Internet
Internet service is supplied to Antarctica via a geostationary satellite. This far south, the satellite is only a few degrees above the horizon, and unfortunately for McMurdo, it's behind Mt Erebus. So the signal is beamed to a receiver on Black Island, about 20 miles away to the southwest, and bounced over to the sheltered alcove at the end of the Hut Point Peninsula where McMurdo sits.
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The Chalet, administrative hub, with Black Island in the distance
The Black Island telecommunications infrastructure was installed in the 1980s, long before the internet we know and love today. It was upgraded in 2010 to allow more data transfer, mainly realtime weather data to feed into global forecast models. For this reason, it's probably the only place I've ever been where upload speed is remarkably faster than download speed – 60Mbps for outbound traffic, but only 20Mbps for inbound. Most regular internet use is receiving, not sending, so that's an entire base running on a connection that's only marginally faster than the average American smartphone. As you can imagine, this is somewhat limiting.
The limits to one's internet access actually begin before one even reaches the Ice. At the orientation in Christchurch, one is directed to a URL from which one must download and install a security programme from the U.S. government. It may feel like a hippie commune full of nerds, but McMurdo is an installation of the American state, and as such its computer network is a target of whatever disgruntled conspiracy theorist decides to hack The Man on any given day. Computers that are allowed onto this network (such as the one on which I am typing right now) have to have an approved firewall and antivirus service installed, then this extra programme on top of them. I am not sure what it does. For all I know the CIA is spying on me even now. (Hi, guys!) But you need to install it to get on the McMurdo Internet, such as it is, so I did.
To be honest, I was rather looking forward to a month cut off entirely from the hyperconnected world, so I was a tiny bit disappointed that quite a lot of day-to-day communication is done by email, and I would need to be on my computer a fair bit to get it. Had I known just how important email would be, I'd have installed an email client that actually downloads one's messages instead of just fetching them; as it was, the cycle of loading an email and sending the reply, even in Gmail's "HTML for slow connections" mode, took about five minutes, not counting the time it took to write. Tending one's email was a serious time commitment; sometimes I felt like I was spending more time on the computer in Antarctica than I did at home.
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Crary scientists waiting, and waiting, and waiting
In a way, though, I was lucky, because I was technically a scientist and therefore had access to the one building on base with WiFi, the Crary Lab. And don't think you can just waltz into Crary with your laptop and poach the WiFi – in order to access it at all, you have to get set up by Crary IT with your own personal WiFi login. If you do not have Crary access, your portal to the Internet is one of a handful of ethernet cables in each of the dorm common rooms, or some public terminals in the main building. You can hop on, download your emails, maybe check the news or Google something you needed to look up, and then leave it for someone else. When most online time sinks are either blocked or too heavy to load, it’s amazing how little internet time you actually turn out to need.
Things that we have come to take for granted in The World are not a part of McMurdo life. Social media is pretty much out – the main platforms are bandwidth hogs even before you try to load a video or an animated GIF. There is no sharing of YouTube links, and no Netflix and chill. Someone was once sent home mid-season for trying to download a movie. Video calls with family and friends? Forget it. People do occasionally do video calls from Antarctica, often to media outlets or schools, but these have to be booked in advance so as to have the requisite bandwidth reserved. Jumping on FaceTime does not happen – not least because handheld devices have to be in airplane mode at all times for security reasons. Your phone might be secure enough for your internet banking, but not for US government internet!
It is, unavoidably, still a digital environment, it just gets by largely without internet access. Nearly everyone has an external hard drive, mostly for media that they've brought down to fill their off hours. If you want to share files you just swap hard drives, or hand over a memory stick. When the Antarctic Heritage Trust wanted some book material from me, I dropped it onto an SD card and ran it over to Scott Base on foot – a droll juxtaposition of high- and low-tech, not to mention a good excuse for a hike over The Gap on a beautiful day. It took half an hour, but was still faster than emailing it.
There is also a McMurdo Intranet, which includes a server for file sharing. Emailing someone your photos will take ages, but popping them into a folder on the I: drive and sending them a note to say you've done so (or, better yet, phoning them, or poking your head into their office) is much more efficient. To conserve space, this informal server partition is wiped every week, so you have to be quick about it, but it's an effective workaround, and also a good way to get relatively heavy resources to a large number of people in one go.
The telecommunications centre on Black Island is mostly automated, but like anything – perhaps more than some things, given the conditions – it needs to be maintained. There is a small hut out there for an equally small team of electricians and IT engineers; Black Island duty attracts the sort of person who might have been a lighthouse keeper back in the day.
Towards the end of my time on the Ice there was a spell where they needed to shut off the connection overnight, to do some necessary work. Given that most people's workdays extended at least to the shutoff time at 5:30 p.m., this meant essentially no internet for a large portion of the population, and some amusing flyers were posted up to notify everyone of the impending hardship.
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Someday, faster, more accessible internet will come to Antarctica.  It's more or less unavoidable, as communications technology improves, and everyone's work – especially the scientists' – depends more and more on having a broadband connection at all times.  It will make a lot of things more convenient, and will make the long separation from friends and family much easier.  But I'm pretty sure that many more people will mourn the upgrade than celebrate it.  One can, theoretically, curtail one's internet use whenever one likes, but even before the pandemic it was almost impossible to live this way with the demands of modern life: I know from personal experience that opting out of Facebook alone can have a real detrimental effect on relationships, even with people one sees in the flesh fairly regularly, simply because everyone assumes that is how everyone else communicates.  Being in a community where no one has access to assumed channels, and is more or less cut off from the rest of the world in a pocket universe of its own, levels the playing field and brings a certain unity.  The planned (and, unarguably, necessary) updating of the physical infrastructure of McMurdo will wipe out a lot of the improvised, make-do-and-mend character of the place; how much would free and easy access to the online world change it in a less tangible way?
I'm sure the genuine Antarctic old-timers would shake their heads at the phone and email connections we have now, and say that no, this has already ruined Antarctica.  It's not Antarctica unless your only link to the outside world is a dodgy radio.  It's not Antarctica unless you only get mail once a year when the relief ship arrives.  Doubtless the shiny new McMurdo will be seen as 'the good old days' by someone, someday, too.  Change may happen slower there than elsewhere, but just like the rust on the tins at Cape Evans, it comes eventually, regardless. 
For my own part, I'm glad I got to see 'old' McMurdo, such as it was, all plywood and cheap '90s prefab.  The update will be much more efficient, and tidy, but yet another generation removed from the raw experience of the old explorers.  My generation is probably the last to remember clearly what life was like before ubiquitous broadband; to some extent, Antarctica is a sort of time capsule of that world, just as the huts are a time capsule of Edwardian frontier life.  I hope they'll find a way to hang on to the positive aspects of that. 
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to waste an hour mindlessly refreshing Twitter ...
If you'd like to learn more about the Black Island facility, there's a lot of good information (and some photos!) here: https://www.southpolestation.com/trivia/90s/blackisland.html
And this Antarctic Sunarticle goes into greater depth on the 2010 upgrade: https://antarcticsun.usap.gov/features/2114/
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wyrmswears · 3 months
"Generator"; 1569 words.
The Administrator has something to show Agent Walker.
Sure, he knew it wasn’t the first time he had been called to a one-on-one meeting with The Administrator, but it may as well have been. It wasn’t like he remembered any of their previous interactions; he was going in blind all the same.
When his fax machine first spat out the offending paper, he believed it had been sent to the wrong agent. But there was his name at the top, ‘Agent Walker’. There was the possibility that someone else shared his surname, but as far as he was aware he was the only agent without a first name.
The listed meeting room wasn’t her office, nor was it one of the Administration’s more conventional meeting rooms, complete with tables 30 people long but only one person wide and more fake potted plants than you could ever imagine. No, today he had been called down to the lowest floor of the Administration: the server room. The part of his brain that understood technology bristled at that; it would be much more effective to place the server room on a higher floor. Nonetheless, he wouldn’t say anything about that to The Administrator when he faced her - he would stick to his department, as all good employees did. The networks and communications department could handle that one.
The elevator down required two separate keycards: one was his standard agent ID, and the other digitally recognised him as a department manager. The former granted him permission to move between floors, yes, but only the latter allowed him access to the basement.
The ride down took 2 minutes and 43 seconds. He counted. No one else entered the elevator the entire journey.
When the elevator reached the basement and the doors slid open, The Administrator was standing on the other side of them. He hoped he would forget this meeting like the others, if just so he could become ignorant to the way he jumped at her sudden appearance.
“Agent Walker.”
He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Administrator, ma’am.”
She smiled. This did nothing to soothe his racing heart. “Come, let’s talk.” She beckoned and he followed her into the dark room.
It was large, but so were most rooms in the Administration. The realm reassignment department was tiny relative to the office rooms that the majority of their employees were stationed in. This room was about half the size of block 8E sub-block 185A A3/11√5. He could see three of the walls, dark stretches of concrete, sealing them in. The fourth that should’ve sat opposite to the elevator was obscured by rows upon rows upon rows of computer servers. A blue glow emanated from them and he grimaced at the thought of the voltage it would take to create a light that strong.
As he struggled to keep pace, The Administrator barely spared him a glance. “This may seem beyond your department, but trust me, your role will become clear soon.” She forewarned. She would never have him leave his department, he knew. That was the first rule of the Administration: Stay in your place. “What do you know of Lord Ras of the Wyldness?”
Lord Ras. He had heard that name. Some of the employees that hailed from Imperium had mentioned it in conversations coated with nothing short of hatred. The ‘outlander’ who had gained a position of such power in their otherwise closed society. That sort of talk only ever continued for a couple days before their new job turned their interest towards paperwork and mild office drama.
“Isn’t he the one trying to awaken ancient evils without a permit?”
The Administrator shot him a look, slow and venomous. “He is”, she nodded, “but that’s not important to us right now.” She walked towards him. He averted his gaze to the floor with stiffened shoulders but found that she only continued past him, down the alley of servers. She didn’t need to beckon him this time, he knew what he was meant to do. He followed.
There was little light between the pillars of computers. They were only between two rows of the many, but what he could see was endless. The towers sparked a theory in his mind about why she was mentioning the rogue lord. “We use a lot of power.” He started, testing the waters. The Administrator stopped walking and turned to face him, her silence commanding him to finish his speculation. “Lord Ras allied with Imperium by promising them power; do we need to ally with him too? To have enough power?”
The Administrator smiled and shook her head. Count two for smiles, and a contradiction - she must have expected him to guess wrong. “You’re right that we do plan to ally with him, but it is not out of need for power. We have all the power we could need.” She turned again and continued to weave her way through the computerised nest which was now composed of more than just server towers. Thick cables ran both overhead and underfoot, LEDs glowed from no visible circuitry, and the drone of electric humming and cooling fans only ever got louder the further they went.
Finally, they breached the sea of servers.
Now that he could see the wall they had been trekking towards all this time, he realised that it wasn’t made out of concrete the same as the other three walls. No, this one was glass. Despite this, nothing was visible from the other side. There was no depth at all, only pure light glowing an almost-white with its brightness (though when Walker inspected the way it lit up its surroundings, he realised it to be tinted pale blue).
In front of the glass wall, the cables reached their largest size before slipping underneath panels in the floor. The servers did not get within 10 metres of the wall. Instead, they stood guard in their rows, watching the tiny humans approach the divine light.
The Administrator hummed, snapping Walker’s attention back to her. She gestured towards the glass. “This is our power source. You can look, if you would like.”
He didn’t know if that was a good idea. Just looking at the glass from this distance was already beginning to hurt his eyes. Nonetheless, unsure if it was because The Administrator had told him to or because he chose to, he stepped forwards.
As he approached, he could feel the electricity in the air. It combed through his hair and bounced around a pit in his chest, dangerously close to the one that ached whenever he thought about the family he might’ve once had, before he forgot everything. He didn’t realise he was shaking with a strange sense of excitement until he was close enough to touch the glass and found himself unable to hold his hand still. He almost did touch the glass, but held back just before his fingers made contact. He still couldn’t see anything on the other side. Pale blue swallowed his vision.
He looked over his shoulder to The Administrator. She raised an eyebrow and jerked her head towards the glass again. He turned back. A bright light stared back at him.
He didn’t scream. This was unusual - Walker knew he was cowardly and anxious and that in any other scenario he would’ve jumped or fallen back or swung a punch - but something was different this time.
If anything, he stood closer than he did originally, watching the sparking lights with complete fascination. His breath fogged the glass.
“What is it?” He asked after what could’ve been anything between a second and a day, even though he couldn’t hear what he was saying over the pounding of his own heart.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” The Administrator was at his side now. When had she moved? “It’s lightning.”
Like realising one’s hunger upon taking a bite of food, the word sparked an ache in the back of his head. “Lightning…” He knew what that was, of course, as well as where it came from. They must have captured it live from a storm. He had never seen a storm before, but he had heard anecdotes of them from newly recruited employees and field agents alike. He was jealous. Did all lightning look like this? Freckles and curls?
She watched as he pressed a hand to the glass. The lightning responded in kind, pressing the palm of its hand opposite to his. “We could let it go of course, but it would run away. Far from here.”
Far from here… No. They couldn’t let it free. Now that he had seen it, felt it, he knew he couldn’t bear to part with it. They had to keep it contained. He told The Administrator such.
She nodded and smiled again. “I knew you’d understand.”
He dropped his gaze to study the hand that would’ve held his if it could.
It was almost the same pale blue that shone through the rest of the glass, but somehow brighter. The similarity in colours made it hard to tell the form of the figure apart from its glow, but blue and yellow markings fanned out across its form like the branches of a pine tree. Lichtenberg figures, his mind supplied.
He looked up at its face, admiring its curls and running a hand through his own. He wondered if he’d at all resemble the figure before him if he looked in a mirror.
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ms-demeanor · 1 year
Please delete this if it's too nosy, but weren't you getting a degree in nutrition? What happened?
It's not too nosy, people are asking about it because I've talked about it a lot!
So the deal is that I am having trouble finding nutrition programs accepting second bachelor's students that are both A) Local and B) Affordable.
When I tried to apply in the spring there was only one state school accepting second bachelor's applications for nutrition students and it was about 500 miles away from where I live (and since I can only afford to live in CA because I'm renting from family, moving out of this house isn't an option unless I'm moving to a state with a lower cost of living).
There's at least one out-of-state school and two private schools that are accepting applicants from all kinds of students, but I have looked at the average income of registered dieticians and decided that I am not going to take out loans of $30k a year for this degree.
So what I'm doing now is waiting to see what local state schools (if any) are accepting second bachelor applicants to their nutrition programs in the fall.
I also have the option of possibly applying for a chemistry degree (some local schools are accepting physical sciences majors but not biological science majors as second bachelor's and it is possible to apply to a master's program in nutrition with a BS but you have to make up the nutrition program requirements while you're in grad school or between acceptance and starting the graduate program), trying to finish that, and then applying for a master's program once I have a BS.
I'm currently enrolled in classes at my community college for the summer and fall terms that will benefit me whether I'm able to apply for a bachelor's program or not.
At the moment my plans/options are:
Wait until fall term, apply to any local nutrition programs, wait to hear back and spend the terms until I hear back fucking around and getting a silly associate's degree for the lulz. (Potentially become an RD after 2 years in undergrad and 2 years in a master's program - finish that program about 4-5 years from now)
Wait until fall term, apply to local chemistry programs, wait to hear back and spend the terms until I hear back taking as many chemistry classes as I can. (Potentially become an RD after undergrad, take gap classes to make up prerequisites - finish that program about 5-6 years from now)
Figure out that no programs are accepting 2nd bachelor's students and go to a different community college to start working on collecting certs (1-2 years for an Associate's in network security, 1 year for a certificate in Windows administration), take a few classes at my current school to finish silly associate's degree for the lulz.
The community college that I'm looking at if the other options fall through (which seems pretty likely) is much more of a trade school than my current school and offers a nutrition certification program that focuses more on food safety and commercial kitchens whereas my current school only offers what is functionally a GE transfer degree with some pretty basic nutrition classes on top of it so I may just also try to get the nutrition certification while I'm doing computer stuff and get a silly associate's for the lulz.
So basically I would love to continue working toward a nutrition degree but I don't think it's very likely that that's going to be an option I can realistically afford. There's a part of me that's like "apply to cal state chico, try to take classes online as long as possible and live in a van for a couple semesters" (because that sounds more survivable than 60-90k in loans) but if that's the barrier to entry this is a dream that I'm okay letting die.
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mcytcontent · 2 months
(4/4) over parts on my profile
Shelby's Instagram
Despite the fact that Shelby said that she and Wilbur started dating in 2022, it seems to me that this is slightly wrong. And their relationship began at the end of 2021. I think so because of the photos of Wilbur and Shelby together on her Instagram. (1-1,5, 2, 3)
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In all the photographs (except the last one) absolutely everyone is marked except her and Wilbur.
Sudden facts
Smajor was the very first of Shelby’s close friends to announce himself; he claimed that he saw abuse in their relationship, but for some reason remained silent. The reason for his silence is unknown. ‌
Billzo appears, emerging from his year-long silence with a statement that he, too, saw how Wilbur manipulated him and his friends. At the same time, Billzo, like Smajor, did not talk about this until the persecution against Sut began. The reason for his silence is also unknown.
‌After this, Tubbo liked Bilzo and Freddie's answer
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Wilbur's moments
Wilbur and others have repeatedly confirmed and joked about the fact that Wilbur has an addiction to alcohol. Wilbur himself admitted this on Quackity's stream.
Amid Wilbur and Shelby's relationship, Technoblade died. Techno's death could have made Wilbur very depressed, especially considering that Wilbur had frequent panic attacks as a child, as well as severe anxiety.
Wilbur more than once asked not to idealize him, he said a lot about the fact that he was a bad person.
He said that he had been mentally ill since childhood and that he would soon undergo therapy. And for some time Will was so apathetic and depressed that he didn’t even get out of bed and the only one who was at least somehow worried about him and forced him to look after him was Tommy, who was 17 at that time.
Also one of the streams from 2023, where he mentions his problems with mental health and that it has become worse
"Wilbur, if you weren't a little bit handsome, everyone would think you're wrongun" - Tommy's joke (6:25)
Shelby also said that Will doesn't care about his fans, and he only wants fame and money from them. Officially, tickets for his concert cost from 49+ pennies. Tommy talked about this when he went to the cmwyl concert. And Bilzo himself said on Twitter that he would buy Will’s ttrack «The "Nice Guy" Ballad» if he put it up, and Bilzo replied that he could listen to it for free.
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Wilbur also supports feminism.
Shelby's cousin
Cousin Shelby said that it was not Wilbur who abused Shelby, but she who abused him. (There is no evidence that this is Shelby’s cousin, so the information is not accurate)
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Shelby responded to this within 40 minutes, but at this point, her reply has been deleted.
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What Shelby violated
You can read more about Shelby's violations from VikaVivii (RIP♡) on Twitter.
Article 188 - Libel, administrative violation
Article 189 - Insult inflicted in a public speech, or in a printed or publicly displayed work, or in the media. Administrative violation.
Article 203-1 - Illegal actions regarding information about private life and personal data. Administrative violation.
Article 343 - Distribution of pornographic material (intimate photos and videos of Wilbur). Criminal article.
Im actually not sure about this
Article 352 - Unlawful acquisition of computer information (Wilbur’s personal data). Administrative violation or criminal for up to two years.
Article 355 - Violation of the rules for operating a computer system or network. Administrative violation.
Chapter 2 Article 3 - Disrespect for Wilbur's Life
Chapter 2 Article 5 - Dissemination of Wilbur Sweat's personal information without his mutual consent to these actions, thereby violating his integrity
Chapter 1-2 Article 11 - disrespect for the honor and dignity of William Gold, distributing purely personal information and supporting doxxing towards Wil.
Chapter 2 Article 12 - condemnation of Wilbur Soot for his thoughts and beliefs, which have the right to be expressed.
Victims from SupportShubleSquad
Aiden (@VikaVivii) is a 15-year-old child who was subjected to domestic violence and who was one of Wilbur's active supports. He actively looked into the situation, talked about the holes in Shubble's story, and covered the petition (authored by @kinokonyai) which outlines the laws that Shelby violated. Due to bullying and threats of doxxing, on 03/07/24, I jumped from the balcony, before that I wrote a couple of posts on my Twitter account, saying goodbye. Afterwards, Aiden's close friend (@ZaneDeYala) confirmed his death and said that Aiden's mother would speak out about it later.
Miles (@Wilbees_xx) - 16 years old, tried to commit suicide with an overdose of pills. Based on his brother's statement, we know that Miles is currently in the hospital and getting help.
M (@weirdobur) - wanted to commit suicide, but luckily he couldn’t, now he’s decided to step away from the Internet for an indefinite period.
Shelby left her Twitter account for the purpose of “resting.” At the same time, deleting messages and banning those people who talk about Aiden and Miles. ‌
“I didn’t ask for threats on my behalf.” Didn’t stop her fans from bullying, but also supported it herself. It has long been known that she liked wishes for the death of Wilbur and leaking his personal information, but as soon as this was noticed, she removed the likes.
On TinaKiten, Shelby was pressured by the supports, forcing her to speak out about the situation and take sides, despite the fact that she was not even Wilbur’s friend, but an acquaintance.
3rd Shelby's stream
On March 24, Shelby streamed after a break of 2 weeks.
16:30 she began to talk about how you can’t trust the words of others, about how people wish death to each other, and how they wish death to her every day. After that, she began to talk about the trust “adult kids” have in adults, and how she felt in the company of such adults.
23:17 she said that children are stupid: “cause they are kids, they are stupid,” and then immediately qualified her statement with how unfairly the younger generation is treated. She then began to talk about brotherly relationships between teenagers and adults, clearly alluding to the relationship between Wilbur and Tommy, but without directly saying so, she talked about the manipulation of children by adults. That when a teenager needs help, this adult will never come. She said that friendships with age differences should be more respectful, especially towards children.
Later she mentions Philza saying that he is a great person and we should follow his example. In “brotherly” relationships there should not be any friendly blows or jabs (More than half of the relationships between brothers and sisters are exactly like that. Especially when someone is older).
She later said that it was terrible to deal with teenagers in friendships: “because they are so young and you are so fucking old. What are you doing."
27:19 “If you ever been one of this people, (cause we saw this happen before too), where you were caught, (where you in massive platform), of violence, over a lot of teenagers and children. And in privet you are being an abusing people, manipulating and abusing teenagers. I just think, if you are one of these people who are caught and say: “I'm sorry, I'm gonna work on myself” - I think that is a lie if you ever come back. I think if you have been caught clearly irresponsible with this position of power over teenagers, that if you actually out of them working in a sorry, you'd voluntarily never come back, if you really were sorry. I just couldn’t ever believe it if you put yourself right back into the same shoes...” At this point, she was clearly talking about Wilbur, accusing him of manipulating and abusing teenagers.
31:08 she started talking about teenagers who commit suicide. She started laughing at them, covering it up with the words that she was laughing at herself, at her situation. She said that these children are lying, because you can look up their phone number and use it to find information or find their parents. And finally ask them about this situation. She said that she found all this and checked it out. But she did not provide any evidence.
32:37 “Because it is a crime to tell people kiil themselves” (She herself does nothing with her team ShelbySupporSquad, who wish people kys (kill themselves) every day)
39:50 “You are waiting for more information, maybe before you call someone a lying bitch”
(I’ve been waiting for more information for more than a month)
At 41 minutes, she began to talk about how many people began to share their stories and that she was proud of them, and that she was glad that many of them found a way out of the situation.
44:22 «I've seen so many excuses, I've just seen so many excuses that I think that not okay and I think that actually disrespect, I've seen people use excuses of depression to excuse some behavior, I think that such disrespect to anyone who felt depressed, because feeling depressed is not a pass to abuse people, because that are you sealing to imply. It's just not an excuse for abuse, no one of this excuse for abuse, mental illness not is excuse for abuse, because for forgetting part that took it to a level where they were abusing somebody else. And that's not okay, that's not.»
Many people began to get angry at this statement, it seems to me that basically there is nothing wrong here, but she still cannot judge depression, since she is not a professional.
55:45 Aimsey joined via Discord call until 1:09:34 (they were discussing cartoons)
1:11:17 she started talking about safety on the Internet (don’t tell your age, if you’re being bullied, tell your loved ones, etc.)
1:12:53 “Important to have a slightly adult to go to, because you don’t want to go to your parents and they can never be able to understand...”
Deleted post
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I would also like to note that this post has been deleted from the «Wilbur music» channel.
Tupac posters
A moment that fans noticed. Shelby has a poster of Tupac, the rapper convicted of rape, on his wall.
I checked this and can finally confirm the information. It would be fine if she had only one poster hanging out of ignorance, but the fact that she has two posters is suggestive.
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Sorry boys
On March 30, Sorry boys posted a post in which, on behalf of Tommy, they declare that they will go on a break, but before that they will release one video, he also wrote that they have as many as 5 filmed videos, but they will not post them.
Wilbur in Brighton?
On April 9, a video from a LoveJoy fan appeared on TikTok, in which he filmed Wilbur congratulating him (someone) on his birthday: «Just birth, happy birthday to “name”» (I didn’t fully understand what he said, because spoke quickly). This happened at the airport.
They also began to say that Wilbur had become visible again in Brighton. Most likely Wilbur came from New York where he temporarily lived with LoveJoy.
The owner of the video posted a verification post that he had recently meet Wilbur. The video was filmed back in December 2023. And it was filmed by a friend who was flying with LoveJoy on the same rail.
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