onglai · 5 months
MATA's list of traitors (as of current):
1. Uno | Djin
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Started his downfall after secretly installing a backdoor inside IRIS, leading to Aliya's death. He believed the other pillar leaders plotted his death and returned to conquer Cyberaya
2. Cuatro | Akram
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Was forced to join Uno in order to protect his family. He betrayed the Numeros in the end.
3. Cinco | Jenny Woo
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A seed planted into MATA to infiltrate the agency. She gained the trust of other agents only to reveal her true motive when Uno began his attack on the agency. She became the de-facto leader of the Numeros after Uno.
4. Diez | Rizwan Bin Maliq
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A double-agent working in favor of MATA to infiltrate the Numeros. He betrayed both sides in the end
5. Kimberly Song
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Another seed planted by Cinco. She at first fought against MATA but in the end refused to hurt the friends she'd made during her stay in the agency
6. Ali Bin Ghazali
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Bro got jealous-
Okay no.
Recruited by MATA after he obtained IRIS. After seeing the corruption inside the agency, he chose to side with the Pinggiran but switched sides again later on after realizing they were a terrorist group.
And just to complete the list
7. Comot Binti Ghazali
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hinderr · 8 months
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El gato es en la caja
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sunilcpaul · 2 years
Kuching Ali
Iman:Boleh saya main dengan Comot
Ali:Comot nak pergi dengan Iman
Comot pergi kat Iman
Iman:Comot comel kan
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wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Morot Comot, 2022
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Oooo! Full blown AU!!;; except I can't draw but I do have plans for it
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shepherdenjoyer · 1 year
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capturing the essence of the finnish spitz one picture at a time
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screwzara · 1 year
LDF au
Boboiboy introducing cattus to comot
Ali happy that comot finally has a friend, then realizing seconds later that this is the vicious giant cat in one of boboiboy's space adventure
Hell yeah, Ali would probably blank out for a second then scream right after when he realises this
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teadrop-12 · 1 year
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onglai · 5 months
Being an agent has to be thing that happened to Ali if you think about it
His self-discovery aside, if he hadn't ordered tempoyak udang that day, he'd never have formed a bond with those close around him.
Take Bakar, for example. The only reason Ali and Bakar became so close was because of IRIS. If the whole tempoyak udang shenanigan didn't happen, Ali would still be the sad boy he was in episode 1.
Without IRIS, Alicia had no reason to be close to Ali either.
The only one that IRIS-less Ali reasonably might keep around is Comot due to his attachment to Labu.
Still, it's sad to think about. Just one thing that doesn't happen and suddenly everything changes. Butterfly effect is scary :|
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hinderr · 11 months
whats ur cats name and do u have any pics of her
I HAVE TWO!! The kitten one is called Habuk and she's fairly new. I adopted her from one of my friends (hi @jmothh). She's crazy. She's baby. There is nothing in that skull of hers (my mother says that's a very mean thing to say; i say it's the truth)
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My other cat is called Comot. She's a stray I picked off around the midst of quarantine. She suffers from only-cat syndrome and is being a pissy baby about Habuk's presence. I'm waiting for the inevitable enemies to friends to family arc they're going to have. Comot likes running out and acting as a bad influence to Habuk. She has a bit Too Much Brain I feel.
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Hang out with other young agents
Ejen Zass: *run into Shuichi in high speed, and smiles*
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... Okay...?
Ejen Alicia: hey Shuichi sup? I heard you practicing skill throwing dagger
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oh yes I just used to it
Ejen Alicia: hmm yeah I guess....
Ejen Mika: I think I could hang out with this new Agent too often right, Icha?
Ejen Alicia: well yeah
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hahahah right
Ejen Ali: Shuichi! *run towards him* have you check uncle Bakar?
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ah.. I'm checked him last time he's hang out with Ejen Leon
Ejen Ali: and you had gadgets that can detect past lives? Some chosen inviso agents had that
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Ehh... I don't think I had those gadget but flashback could occur
Ejen Ali: ah that's right..
Ejen Moon: hey who would go to my room I had memories revealing things you could see
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Ah so you had that, sure I go
Ejen Ali: glad to see that
*they go to Ejen Moon room and they saw a device that can detect past lives within webcam only*
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I go first I want to see my past lives
Ejen Ali: comel nya......
Ejen Moon: memang comel!
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*he sits on chair and he saw himself without agent M.A.T.A attributes* uh.. I think that's me
*then he sees Kaede and him meet and introduced each other, and the flashback still happens after the trial starts and he instantly remembered this is past killing game memories and start feeling about something*
Ejen Moon: what's happening?
Ejen Alicia: he seems remembered the memories when he's on.. Killing game?
Ejen Ali: what's that?
Ejen Alicia: I.... Don't know
Ejen Moon: comel sangat
Ejen Ali: who's that who had purple hair tip?
Ejen Moon: I dunno
*at Kaede akamatsu execution is started young Agents began to feel something and Shuichi instantly feel sad and eventually weeps*
Ejen Ali: kejam nya!
Ejen Alicia: this looks like forbidden killing game
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nooo don't execute her please!!
Ejen Ali: ejen moon stop that device!
Ejen Moon: ahh! *switch off memory revealing device* you're okay Shuichi..?
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*nods weeping*
Ejen Ali: oh... Who's want to try it
*other agents shakes their head after they see horrifying things that shown
Ejen Moon: alaaa... That's okay...
Ejen Ali: uh....
Ejen Bakar: what's happening *shuichi hugs him* there there
Ejen Moon: ehhh
Ejen Ali: aik? I see there's title that I saw on Shuichi past memories flashbacks "danganronpa v3"
Ejen Bakar: what's that, is that where he comes from?
Ejen Moon: um.. Yes
Ejen Bakar: poor him
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*sobs quietly*
Ejen Bakar: it's okay...
Ejen Ali: who made this thing?
Ejen Bakar: oh it's official M.A.T.A who made this device it's for testing someone trauma
Ejen Alicia: he has trauma?
Ejen Bakar: I guess
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*he let go Ejen Bakar and he looks at him somber look his cheek stained with tears*
Ejen Ali: you're okay Shuichi? Let's go to main lobby!
*at main lobby young Agents began to hang out together and talking about funny things that comot the cat do*
Ejen Ali: then.. Comot falls because he tries to reach highest platform for cat food hahahaha!
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Ejen Moon: alamak....
Ejen Zass: *brings shuichi cup of tea*
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Oh thanks.. *take a sip then put cup of tea on table*
Ejen Moon: how he do that?
Ejen Ali: I quite don't know hahahaha
Ejen Mika: wait I dunno if comot could do that
Ejen Ali: of course because he's cat
Ejen Moon: oh yes
Ejen Ali: I mean Comot always make mess tho, when I'm confronted him he do cinnamon roll expression
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yeah that's really weird tho
Ejen Alicia: yep that's true
Ejen Moon: ahahaha kelakar lah
Ejen Ali: yes *notice shuichi clutching his chest as he feel another flashback occur again*
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*closes his eyes and clutches his right chest* I couldn't say anything but I wish I had cat
Ejen Ali: what?
Ejen Moon: oh yeah and which pillar specification that cat is
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Um... Inviso
Ejen Ali: like comot!
Ejen Alicia: yep
Ejen Moon: yay Shuichi had cat! Heheheh
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*clutches his right chest* heheheheh
Ejen Moon: *hugs shuichi from back* congrats! Who you named that cat?
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..... Sherlock
Ejen Ali: good name tho
Ejen Zass: *tumbs up*
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Thanks... Sure..
Ejen Ali: heheh yep
Ejen Moon: I'm sure comot becoming bestie with Sherlock haha
Ejen Ali: and that funny moments again
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Ejen Moon: right
Ejen Shuichi now owned cat agent
Ejen Moon: especially with all that wholesome friendship Comot and Sherlock
Ejen Ali: well yes
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rowannkhanna · 4 months
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Saved some shrimb for u
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I'm not pleased with the phone's camera. sigh~~~
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horrorwebs · 7 months
"ustedes los politicos" y vos milei como te categorizas?
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makemydayapp · 8 months
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Make My Day App is honored to have been selected as a leading Innovator to be among the CoMotion Innovators 2023-2024 Cohort!
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This important accomplishment is another proof, like many others, of having the potential to redefine the Mobility landscape. We facilitate the transition to Electric Vehicles for drivers and fleet operators by alleviating range anxiety and offering AI-driven charging optimization and management.
You can find Make My Day App on CoMotion's official website with this link: https://eu1.hubs.ly/H05ybPv0
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epellucid · 1 year
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