#cockles head boop
dotthings · 1 year
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Jensen, Misha, and Briana [x]
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blanketforcas · 8 months
despair canceled just found out love is real (misha texted us a cockles head boop pic)
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lulu-zodiac · 3 years
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I lean in for a kiss upon your shoulder
Realize it wouldn't do, not with you
(Off My Mind - Radio Company)
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clairedelune-13 · 2 years
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I love how all my mutuals are just like "Finale-who? Yeah I don't know her. Have you seen Cockles tho?" And then proceed to flood my dash with heart eyes and head boops.
Thank you.
You all are doing the lord's work.
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
That Cockles holding a baby picture!! When that came out, the antis were all like "it's photoshopped but it's also just two coworkers going to see another coworker, clearly this is all business and reveals nothing about a personal relationship." Meanwhile Jensen and Misha are literally cuddling, booping their heads together, and beaming smiles while holding a newborn baby. The mental gymnastics required to *not* see the intimacy there!! - Honeymoon Anon
absolutely. honestly i don't want to understand what is wrong with them
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cloverhighfive · 3 years
how are you doing today clover? 🍀 [if you reply later—this was asked on int. cockles head boop day]
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angeltiddies · 4 years
cockles head boops !!! why ???
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jensensitive · 5 years
You know how in all 3 different instances of head to shoulder boops of cockles vids (2 of jensen and 1 of misha) I feel like they realized right after they did it that they forgot themselves for a second and it's so awkward in all 3 videos right after it happened? Like they laugh awkwardly and it lasts for only like a second.. Is it just me or??
yeppppp!! not just you at all, you’re right on the money I think. And they never do it in public. Ever. But they must do it in private So Much for us to have seen in three times in the limited amount of time that we’ve seen them interact in a more private setting. It’s.... yeah, I think it says a lot.
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Cockles prophet, could you see Misha coming out as happening? Also what do you predict will happen in the future regarding cockles?? Or just individually with Jensen and Misha
Oh well, my prophet skills have gotten a little rusty-- I must admit. But, with that said, I don't think Misha was ever really "in". He might not have been screaming his sexual identity into microphones, but to those near and dear to him, I feel like he's been out for some time. It must have been hard for him though-- having to code switch for the sake of an unforgiving public. I am just so happy he's at a point in his life now where he doesn't feel obligated to adjust who he is depending on his audience.
As far as Cockles though-- I don't think Misha's confession will change much in the way of how we see their relationship. I figure they will keep that as private as possible for the sake of their kids and (ex) wives. It's one thing for a single man to come out publicly as bi-- it's a whole other to say that he's in a relationship with a married man and that everyone involved is seemingly okay with it. That would be a lot for the average person to announce, but two people in the public-eye? In today's world? That could be very dangerous, especially when there are kids involved. So, they will keep that part of their lives private-- but I do think that with Misha's confession, he might become more affectionate with Jensen in spite of the cameras. Sure, there are hugs and head boops now, but Jensen is actually the more touchy-feely of the two. Misha usually doesn't get too mushy when people are around. But now that he's out to all those people, we may see a freer Misha, and I am so ready for that! And I'm sure-- Misha is too.
Not sure if that answers your questions, but it's my take on everything. Thanks for wanting to pick my brain, nonny!
Now ... off to go drown in all the Cockles I missed today!
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
i've been l i v i n g for the misharius content lately but now i'm desperate for cockles. i'm parched. wanna share what, in your opinion, are the top five cutest things that cockles have ever done?
i feel you for sure nonnie. we’re all starving. 
seeing as there are 12 years full of cute things to choose from, a top 5 is really really hard, so these aren’t necessarily theee cutest things ever, but they are very cute nonetheless.
one of the things i love about them is that they are very suppportive of each other and will try and help the other out whenever they can. just like that time that misha came onto stage and kissed jensen on the cheek because he was clearly struggling, or the time jensen came on stage during a misha and seb panel because he could tell misha was struggling. bonus moment: that time jensen shut down shooting because misha was ill.   
i couldn’t talk about their cute moments without mentioning the head boops. it’s just so soft and i love it.
jib 5 was full of cute moment, from jensen asking misha what he thinks of dean (and that look on his face jfc) to them giggling while playing with hand puppets. 
jensen blowing misha a handkiss when he goes offstage never fails to make me smile
the soft look on jensen’s face and his little smile when he mentions misha... he had really missed him a lot and it shows 
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
Cant believe clothes sharing is canon between Jensen & Misha, Misha and Dean Winchester but not Dean and Cas. Also cheek kissing, head booping, fake kissing, straddling, face caressing, misha riding the impala, I love you... Cockles can do destiel but destiel can never do cockles. Also I can't recall a single time misha has publicly said he loves jensen but jensen has multiple times hmmm.
welllll misha said ‘i know, i love you too’, during the 8x17 bloopers, and i count that as him saying it to jensen and not cas saying it to dean. but yes it’s. quite something huh.
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