fovarosiblog · 2 months
"Az épület belsejét eddig egyetlen bejáraton lehetett megközelíteni, ezért a falakat több helyen is megnyitották."
Mennyire nem praktikus így ez a műemlék, hát bontsunk már bele csak úgy lazán!
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jupiterovprsten · 2 months
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Barcelona, Spain
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nyannyannihon · 6 months
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scavengedluxury · 2 months
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Citadella, Budapest, 1903. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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harvardfineartslib · 8 months
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Check out these meticulously drawn architectural plans and detailed cost estimates for the restoration of a townhouse in the medieval walled city of Cittadella and a farmhouse in nearby Galliera, both in the Veneto, Italy from 1833.
The architect, Giuseppe Volebele, compiled, signed, and dated all six sections of this codex. But in the end, the project was never executed.
The cost estimates included the labor of masons, woodworkers, stone cutters, and various contractors. It must have been a disappointment for the architect and all the other potential contractors.
Progetto di riduzione, e ristauro delle due case di proprietà della menteccata Sig[nor]a Elisabetta Fabris-Quarti poste nel Distretto di Citadella una nell'interno del Paese di Cittadella, l'altra nel Comune di Galliera : manuscript Volebele, Giuseppe, active 1833-1869. [ii], [101] leaves, 9 plates : illustrations, plans, drawings ; 38 cm Italian The plates are double page with architectural plans and drawings executed in ink and watercolors; all signed by Volebele. 1833 HOLLIS number: 99156848473103941
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mwagneto · 1 month
Szia! Téged tartalak a rezidens tumblr budapesti szakértőnek. Felvettek erasmusra, és a következő félévben az NKE-n fogok tanulni. Miket lehet csinálni Budapesten, ami nem túl turistás lol (nem kell válaszolnod, ha nincs kedved)
uuuu bocsi kellett egy kis idő hogy összegyűjtsem ezt a választ & horror hetem volt DE. menjünk neki
szóval először is az a fő baj hogy budapest kb egész kialakítása arra szolgál hogy minél több turista menjen minél több helyre szóval a "nem túl turistás" az kicsit bonyolult, megpróbálom kategóriákba rakni
nagyon muszáj látni, turistákat is mindig ide viszek:
- budai vár & várnegyed (csomó minden van, palota, régi templomok, és most épp új palotákat építenek lmao💀 a széll kálmán térről érdemes menni oda, van busz is)
- parlament
- szent istván bazilika
- margit sziget úgy ánblokk ott kvasok minden van
- citadella/gellért hegy
- gyerekvasút annak a vonalán meg ott az erzsébet kilátó meg a libegő
- ha megnézel bármi ilyen top 10 places to see in budapest tuti lesz még vmi ami feltűnik csak elfelejtem
egyéb/random túlélő tippek/helyek amik még eszembe jutnak:
- mostmár az országbérlet jó ide is #slay
- nyilvános wc általában van a plázákban (kivéve a corvin és mostmár a westend a kurva anyjukat), de ha elég magabiztosnak nézel ki be tudsz sétálni bármilyen egyetemre/rendelőbe stb wcre nem állít meg senki, az ilyeneken kívül általában csak fizetős van
- dunaparti villamosokkal (budán 19/41/47, pesten 2) nagyon szépen lehet városnézés speedrunt csapni
- minél kijjebb mész a középtől annál olcsóbb lesz minden utcai kaja, jégkása a margit szigeten mostmár vagy 2000 forint, kinn meg 800
- ez néha igaz a boltokra is btw belvárosi tescoban 10szer annyi minden (kb bárhol ahol turisták vannak drágább minden)
- én nem eszek gyorskaját szóval arról nem tudok eleget de ezen a ponton a meki/kfc/burger king stb olyan eszméletlenül drága hogy jobban jársz ha keresel vmi nem-lánc családi éttermet és ugyanannyiért emberi adag kaját kapsz
- ^ meg pl dönerekben és kínaikban általában telepakolják akármit is kérsz
- kürtőskalács kb mindenhol van de a metró aluljárós a legolcsóbb
- két nagyon jó hangulatú teaház "altair" és "sirius" néven, mindenképp ajánlom
- ha valamiért mennél a reptérre, a térkép ezt nem írja ki de van oda ingyen BKK busz a 200E, a térkép mindenképp a fizetős 100E-t akarja ajánlani ami a turistáknak van
- JA IGEN és NE a budapest go-t töltsd le, google maps + budapest menetrend appal sokkal jobban jársz (M a logója play storeban), bérletet tudsz bármilyen masinában venni
idk más nagyon nem jut eszembe de 👍👍 érezd nagyon jól magad buda-pest lágy ölén, ha van még kérdés válaszolok szívesen
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stickalittle · 1 year
Átírták a szerződést és egy rendeletet: ahogy csúszik a Citadella építése, úgy lehet egyre drágább - HVG
Idén márciusban ugyanis úgy módosították a szerződést, hogy a Mészáros Lőrinchez köthető ZÁÉV és a Garancsi István Market Zrt.-je alkotta konzorcium több pénzt kaphasson, ha csúszik a munka: a keretmegállapodásban szereplő költséget minden évben automatikusan az éves inflációhoz igazítják.
Jól értem, beleírták a szerződésbe, hogy ha a kivitelező nem lesz kész időben a munkával, akkor nem kötbért fizet, hanem még a megrendelő fizet neki?
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retyerutya · 3 months
Letaroltuk önért a hegyet, élvezze az uxust!
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vanista · 4 months
A Gellért hegy tetején a szobor
a konzervatív tradíció. A Citadella is.
Felé tornyosul a magyar zászló, ami a nemzeti érzés, mert valaki azt gondolja, a nemzeti érzés nagyobb, mint a tradíció. Nagyobb kell, hogy legyen, láthatóan nagyobb.
De mindig ott van pár daru, ők a modernitás. Valahogy mindig magasabbak, mint a nemzeti érzés. Lehet, csak abból a szögből, amelyből látom. Ha lebontják a darut, helyreáll a rend. Ha lebontják.
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
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Oops, I almost didn't find time, but yes, I'm jumping into a challenge organized by the local art shop and my cousin. One week, 7 imposed themes
1) Citadella-Citadelle
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📍Budapest's iconic Szabadság Szobor (Liberty Statue) 🗽🌟🇭🇺
Standing tall near the Citadella, the Liberty Statue in Budapest symbolizes the resilience and freedom of Hungary, offering breathtaking views over the city and the Danube. A tribute to those who fought for independence, it remains a powerful and inspiring landmark.
📸 https://www.instagram.com/rodonyibalazs?igsh=MXR1ZXdkZW15bDZ0dg==
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fovarosiblog · 11 months
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2007-ben még valami ilyesmit álmodtak a Citadellára. Egy felemelkedő platform emelte volna fel a turistákat a magasba, teljes körpanorámát kínálva a városra.
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crazy-deals · 23 days
Vacanță de vară în Malta | Oferta Perfect Tour
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Insula însorită te așteaptă cu plaje aurii, ape cristaline și o istorie captivantă, perfecte pentru o evadare memorabilă. Profită acum de ofertele speciale de vară și pregătește-te să te bucuri de soare, cultură și relaxare într-un decor de vis. Prinde oferta Perfect Tour! Popeye Village - Inițial construit ca platou de filmare pentru filmul "Popeye" (1980), acum este un parc tematic plin de viață și culoare, oferind vizitatorilor șansa de a experimenta casa lui Popeye Marinarul. Valletta - Capitala Maltei, plină de istorie, cu străzi înguste pavate și clădiri baroce, inclusiv impresionanta Co-Catedrală Sf. Ioan și grădinile Upper Barrakka. Hypogeum-ul de la Hal Saflieni - Un complex subteran preistoric de temple, unic în lume, datând din 3300 - 3000 î.Hr. Mdina - Orașul vechi fortificat, cunoscut și sub numele de „Orașul Tăcerii”, care oferă o atmosferă medievală autentică și priveliști spectaculoase. Insula Gozo - Cunoscută pentru peisajele rurale pitorești, plaje mai puțin aglomerate și situri istorice precum Cetatea Citadella. Templele Megalitice - Printre cele mai vechi structuri autoportante din lume, inclusiv templele Mnajdra și Ħaġar Qim. Pachetul include - Transport cu avionul - 1 bagaj de cală și 1 bagaj de mână/ persoană · - Taxe de aeroport · - Transfer aeroport - hotel - aeroport - Cazare 7 nopți · Asistență turistică Rezervă-ți vacanța în Malta astăzi și transformă visul mediteranean în realitate! Vino să te bucuri de o aventură de neuitat! Nu uita! De fiecare data când cumperi online sa cauți pe Crazy-Deals.ro ce promoții si oferte Perfect Tour sunt Active pentru a fi la zi cele mai mari reduceri si discount-uri posibile. Read the full article
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nyannyannihon · 6 months
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sassysuitdonut · 2 months
Places to Visit in Gozo - Top Attractions
Gozo, a tranquil haven nestled in the heart of the Mediterranean, is not merely a destination but a timeless retreat where history, culture, and natural beauty converge into a vibrant tapestry of experiences. The island, though smaller than its sister Malta, is a treasure trove of experiences, from the echoes of its ancient civilizations to the whispering waves along its rugged coastline.
Gozo's Rich History, Culture, and Natural Beauty
Gozo, or “Għawdex” as locally known, is an island that has witnessed the ebb and flow of civilizations, each leaving behind a rich residue that shapes its cultural and historical landscape. From the Ggantija Temples, which predate the pyramids of Egypt, to the medieval alleyways of its towns, Gozo narrates a tale that spans over 7,000 years. The island, with its undulating hills, azure waters, and the iconic Azure Window (even though it has collapsed, it remains etched in Gozo’s profile), is a picturesque embodiment of the Mediterranean’s serene beauty.
Gozo as a Travel Destination
Gozo stands as a testament to a harmonious balance between preservation and modernity. It is where one can traverse through time, from exploring ancient archaeological sites to basking in the leisure of modern-day amenities. The island is not merely a locale but an experience, offering a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and a step back into a rich tapestry of history, tradition, and natural splendour.
Discovering Gozo: The Top Must-See Attractions
Gozo, despite its modest size, is a kaleidoscope of experiences, offering a myriad of attractions that cater to diverse interests. From the historical richness of the Citadella, the panoramic views atop Ta’ Cenc Cliffs, to the serene beaches like Ramla Bay, the island is a confluence of experiences waiting to be discovered. The vibrant festivals, such as the Gozo International Choir Festival, intertwine with the locale, offering a glimpse into the island’s soul, where tradition and celebration dance hand in hand.
Gozo's Hidden Gems: Exploring the Island's Best Kept Secrets
Venture off the beaten path and you’ll find Gozo’s heart in its secluded spots and local experiences. The Mgarr ix-Xini Valley, a secluded pebbly beach and a historical site, offers tranquility and a dive into history with its tower built by the Knights of St. John. Explore the local eateries in the quaint village of Xlendi, where traditional Gozitan cuisine, such as the famed Gozitan Ftira, takes center stage, offering a culinary journey that is as rich and layered as the island’s history.
Top Places You Can't Miss
The Citadella: A historical tapestry that offers panoramic views of the island. Open all year round, free entry to the citadel, with museums having varied ticket prices.
Ggantija Temples: A journey back in time to one of the world’s oldest free-standing structures. Open from 09:00 to 18:00, with ticket prices at €9 for adults, and concessions available.
Dwejra Bay: Even without the Azure Window, it offers a spectacular seascape and a haven for divers.
Ta’ Pinu Basilica: A marvel of architecture and a spiritual sanctuary. Open to visitors and pilgrims, ensure to check the mass timings here.
Xlendi Bay: No ticket required, a serene spot for swimming, dining, and enjoying the sunset.
Each spot, with its unique charm and story, offers a different facet of Gozo, from its resilient spirit, historical depth, to its serene embrace.
Nature's Beauty
Gozo’s natural landscape is a canvas of stunning beaches, such as the red sandy shores of Ramla Bay, and the serene San Blas Bay. The island’s natural caves, like Calypso Cave, whisper tales of mythology and offer stunning vistas. The Ta’ Cenc Cliffs, on the other hand, stand as a majestic natural fortress, offering a sanctuary for wildlife and a feast for the eyes with its panoramic views.
Historical Sites
Gozo is a living museum, where historical sites such as the Citadella, Ggantija Temples, and the Xewkija Rotunda not only narrate tales of bygone eras but also stand as a testament to the island’s rich and layered history. Navigating through these sites, one traverses through time, exploring the various epochs that have shaped Gozo’s identity.
Adventure in Gozo: Unleash the Explorer Within
Gozo, with its varied landscapes and azure waters, is a playground for adventurers and thrill-seekers alike. The island, renowned for its diving spots like the Blue Hole and Inland Sea, offers an underwater spectacle where divers are welcomed by a myriad of marine life and intriguing underwater formations. For those who find solace in the embrace of the sea, kayaking along the rugged coastline reveals hidden caves and secluded beaches, like the picturesque Hondoq ir-Rummien.
On land, the adventures are equally enthralling. Horse riding through the lush valleys, such as the serene Wied l-Għasri, offers a unique perspective of the island’s natural beauty. Alternatively, hiring a quad bike and navigating through the undulating terrains and off-beat paths unveils Gozo’s raw and unfiltered beauty, from its secluded spots to panoramic viewpoints like the Ta’ Gordan Lighthouse.
First-Timer's Guide to Gozo
For those setting foot on Gozo for the first time, the island, though modest in size, is brimming with experiences. Begin your journey at Victoria, the island’s capital, where the Citadella stands as a sentinel of Gozo’s rich history. A stroll through the old city of Victoria, with its narrow lanes and historic buildings, offers a glimpse into the island’s past and its vibrant present.
Ensure to bask in the tranquility of Ramla Bay, renowned for its red sandy beach and the mythical Calypso Cave. A visit to Gozo is incomplete without exploring its gastronomic landscape. Ensure to indulge in the local cuisine, from the savory Gozitan Ftira to the sweet delicacy of Kannoli, at local eateries in villages like Nadur.
Gozo's Bucket List: Top Places to Visit Before You Leave
Azure Window Ruins: Despite its collapse, divers still explore its underwater remnants, narrating tales of its once majestic arch.
Salt Pans: Witness the age-old tradition of sea salt harvesting and perhaps, meet a salt harvester who might share tales of this timeless tradition.
Marsalforn Bay: A hub of activity, from its vibrant promenade to its serene beaches.
Traveler Anecdote: “Visiting the Salt Pans was an ethereal experience. Meeting a local salt harvester, who has been following this tradition for decades, and listening to his tales, added a unique flavor to our journey, making us appreciate not just the beauty but the soul of Gozo.” – Anna M., a traveler from Italy.
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Additional Tips for Visiting Gozo
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harvardfineartslib · 8 months
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Here are some highlights from the last week’s Open House!
Image 1: Final determinations : Cherokee by blood : records of Eastern Cherokee ancestry in the U.S. Court of Claims 1906-1910 Artists books by Emily Arthur 2021 HOLLIS number: 99156723278403941
Image 2: 和画 Waga, also known as Japanese album 1818 and 1844 HOLLIS number: 99156452117803941
Image 3: Progetto di riduzione, e ristauro delle due case di proprietà della menteccata Sig[nor]a Elisabetta Fabris-Quarti poste nel Distretto di Citadella una nell'interno del Paese di Cittadella, l'altra nel Comune di Galliera : manuscript 1833 HOLLIS number: 99156848473103941
Image 4: Some of the Fine Arts Library’s librarians
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