#chrollo witnessing crime: *crickets*
ddarker-dreams · 8 months
I’m so intrigued….do you think chrollo could ever be taught from his darling how to love in a “healthy”/“normal way? Like could he learn to change? And also do you ever see him as growing tired of his darling and leaving her after a while?
in a normal relationship with chrollo, you might actually be able to sand away at the edges of his more unhealthy tendencies... even if he isn't yandere, he'd still be doing some questionable things without your knowledge. after being with you romantically for a while, he'd fight the impulses better. unless you leave your journal out in the open. that's an opportunity too tempting to resist.
this progress isn't so much his way of settling down and becoming an upstanding citizen, either. you've gone from being the cute person at a café reading a translation of a novel he's itching to tell you doesn't do the original work justice, to someone he can't ever see himself being without. even then he still isn't normal when it comes to you. his loyalty, once earned, is intense. if your boss ever passes you up for a promotion he's stealing their car and leaving it at a harrowing crime scene. he considers that an act of mercy, compared to what else he's capable of.
yandere chrollo, though. hm. you can try setting up your 'how to love normally' academy. he'll attend your lectures, do the reading, submit his assignments on time... but the material isn't applied how you hoped. he isn't going to have a miraculous change of heart. no, he'll apply what he's learned on a superficial level. you've essentially handed him a wealth of knowledge for him to use to his advantage. he's no stranger to deception — if you want him to change his behavior, he'll give you the impression that he has. he's game for almost anything, so long as it doesn't involve you going out and about by yourself.
as for him getting tired of you, it isn't going to happen. his devotion is an iron chain there's no freeing yourself from. he derives too much enjoyment from your interactions and just you in general to ever give it up. he's very much a 'til death do us part' type.
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