#chloé hayden
beep-beep-robin · 14 days
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"I don't know, I guess I just want everything to slow down a bit."
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manicdreams · 18 days
Heartbreak High is one the few series that have a character with autism who isn’t a super genius or someone who is “lost” in their own world. Quinni is refreshing because she feels real. Not some fictionalized idea of what autism is but what it can look like. Enough of “abnormal” person who can only communicate through one specific talent. Quinni is a high school girl with special interests who happens to be autistic and she has friends who love her despite her seeing things differently. Apart of me felt seen instead of spoken over, I commend Chloé Hayden for being transparent about being openly neurodivergent. It isn’t easy, but her voice matters.
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toxicxsugarxart · 13 days
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Happy autism month to my favorite canon autistic character played by an actual autistic actor!!
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my-cages-were-mental · 9 months
i’m sorry but. chloé hayden announced that she’s releasing a documentary. and nobody has posted about it?? like?? are you serious people chloé is a queen and has inspired and helped so many people and nobody has posted anything about her releasing a documentary. my chloé loving heart is shattered. </3
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kaceyrps · 5 months
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dearsholmes · 1 month
Autism movie/show deep dive and my very general thoughts on them!
(everyones different these are my own opinions as an autistic woman please watch for yourself and share any additional thoughts you have on them!)
Music (2021)
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Enough said.... had to get this one over with 0/10
Adam (2009)
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I found most of these movies to be outdated BUT I actually really appreciate Hugh Dancy's recreation of an autistic character (those who know him as Will in Hannibal would probably also agree). Even though originally I wasn't a fan of the ending I came to appreciate it that he wasn't 'saved' by romance and that it proved he was able to be independent and had great character growth while still respecting himself and his passions. I think it offered a decent insight to the different aspects of autistic joy, passion, while still including the difficult aspects with socializing, navigating relationships, grief, and meltdowns but now being overshadowed by them or 'becoming a problem'. However, I do love space so that could've also been responsible for my love for this movie. 8/10
Heartbreak High (2022)
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I absolutely love Chloé Hayden who is autistic herself so her character in the show feels real and more relatable. Pretty much what I said about 'Adam' but to an extreme I think the script and character interactions are such a fantastic and understandable demonstration of what being an autistic women is like (granted everyones experience is different). Cannot wait for the next season! This show is such a great modern day representation and not based in stereotypes like others are 10/10
Big Bang Theory (2007)
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I will never not defend this show - I know people tend to hate this because Sheldon is heavily stereotypical but I find him incredibly relatable as I do fall into a lot of these stereotypes myself. Once again everyones experiences are different so I don't understand why people write this show off completely. Love it 10/10
Atypical (2017)
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Unfortunately I don't have much to say about this show in regards to his autism because the constant inconsistencies during scenes deserve their own post and were too distracting to focus on anything else. Another thing that upset me about this is that the show is meant to take place in Connecticut yet they filmed in one of the most recognizable aquariums in the west coast. This show probably could've been good if it was just made better/had quality control. The only thing I remember liking was the pros and cons list because I also do that. 4/10
Mozart and the Whale (2005)
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I'm going to preface this one specifically that I know everyone's autism presents differently but I almost found her... offensive? I think this is because it was made in 2005 and is just outdated but I felt like a lot of the characters especially hers were more caricatures than characters. Sheldon being stereotypical is one thing but this felt kind of insulting? I'm having a hard time putting it into words. There were moments I liked though - it was a weird back and forth. 5/10
What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)
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Other than the mistreatment/beating/abuse I actually am pretty fond of this movie. Once again, outdated. But almost... endearing in a way (minus the mistreatment once again). I hope anyone who has seen it will understand what I feel. I did find the love interest annoying but that is unrelated to this post yet I felt the need to warn you all, I don't like her. 7.5/10
My Name is Khan (2010)
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I watched this movie six years ago in school before my diagnosis and I didn't even remember or realize he was autistic but I do remember having generally positive thoughts on this movie ?/10 (someone let me know if its worth a rewatch.
A Brilliant Young Mind (2014) ((also called X+Y))
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There is a lot of downtime in this movie so it can be kind of boring but it is honestly one of my comfort/go to movies. Of course its the whole "autistics are math geniuses" thing but the movie itself I think is sweet. It shows his diagnosis, he loses his father, he has almost a fill in father who coaches his math, his mother is really supportive of him but not in a savior kind of way, he experiences going out of the country for a competition, struggles with socializing/overwhelm, romantic interests, and there is another character who is autistic and his struggles are also shown in a relatable way, nothings (in my opinion) is annoyingly over exaggerated like it sometimes can be in movies. 9/10
The Good Doctor (2017)
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I never actually finished the show because the person I was watching it with kept making fun of me by relating myself to him. Since then I also haven't seen much of a positive reaction from other people either but please let me know your thoughts on it! ?/10
The Imitation Game (2014)
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Alan Turing himself was autistic and so even though it's not a main focus of this movie I still wanted to include it because I love this movie! 9/10
Sherlock Holmes (timeless)
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I have to also through him in here, obviously some versions are more autistic coded than others but I'm going to generally say all of them are great autistic representation <3 10/10
Not Dead Yet (2023)
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Like in Heartbreak High, Rick Glassman an autistic actor plays an autistic character and I think its another great modern day representation. It obviously isn't the main focus but they honestly do a pretty good job being educational in regard to social situations/difficulties and explain it in a way that people can learn from. 10/10
Bones (2005)
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I honestly can't remember if they ever say it but Temperance is 100% autistic and I think this is a very endearing show. Since its not the main focus I don't have much to say other than sharing my recommendation 9/10
Criminal Minds (2005)
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I mean... enough said. I love Reid with my whole heart. He is very much the 'autistic genius' again but you can't not love Reid! 10/10
Community (2009)
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Abed. Another one that doesn't really need much to be said about it. Abed is great 10/10
Dr Who (timeless) ((quite literally and figuratively))
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Now this could be considered a reach or projection but Dr Who... autistic! simple as that 10/10
House (2004)
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I had to just throw this one in at the end because its really just another version of 'Holmes' and 'Watson' now as 'House' and 'Wilson'. Sherlock, previously said as autistic means House is also autistic 10/10
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ollvrsicons · 1 month
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Actor: Chloé Hayden Media: Heartbreak High season 1 Screencaps: @neverscreens Icon Count: 108 Size: 100x100 px Link: HERE These base icons are free to use for the purpose of rp. Feel free to edit with a PSD or boarder. Please do not redistribute. Like and reblog to share them around!
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ohfinlee · 2 years
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so whos been watching heartbreak high because im a quinni stan now
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andthesunrisesagain · 2 years
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Chloé Hayden
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via instagram
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beep-beep-robin · 7 days
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You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me - Taylor Swift
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I just finished reading “Different Not Less- A neurodivergent’s guide to embracing your true self and finding your happily ever after” by Chloé Hayden.
Just wow.
Not only is she an incredible writer, but she is incredibly powerful in the way she speaks about her experience with neurodiversity, namely autism but ADHD as well. As someone who was diagnosed “late” like she was, I saw myself in her own story more than I have ever seen anyone before. I haven’t been active consistently on Tumblr or this blog consistently in YEARS, but she had a a bit of her book about blogging and how much it helped her, and it reminded me of the reason I started this blog in the first place.
I was absolutely blown away by this book. I have never read a book about autism that didn’t have a part that made me irritated or feel misrepresented, mainly because they’re nearly always written by allistics. This type of book is so so so important and I am so glad it exists. Will definitely be returning to my blogging because of this, I finally feel like someone said all the things that were so hard for me to say and helped me find my words again.
I urge all of my friends here on the actually autistic side of Tumblr to read it if you can. There is also audio book form.
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missmissyworld · 9 months
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Whoever was responsible to translate Heartbreak High into German is a fucking dumbass. I could look over translating "high" with "hoch" because it was a little bit funny. What is not funny at all is misstranslating Quinni's iconic "Okay Sia". Chloé Hayden has been very vocal about what Sia did and how much it hurt the autistic community. So it really pisses me off that they did not translate this line correctly. Sias dumbass movie was dubbed into German. It was on amazon prime for anyone to watch without any warnings. So Quinni's line has every right to be in the German dubbing to emphasise on Sias ableist behaviour paralleling Sasha's in the show. Fuck you uneducated German translator.
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kaceyrps · 2 months
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t-jfh · 6 months
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Actor and disability advocate, Chloe Hayden, has stepped back from Instagram. (Compass)
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Chloe Hayden wants young people to know that autism is not a "label that sticks itself onto you". (Photo: Norman Hermant / ABC)
Heartbreak High actor and disability rights activist Chloé Hayden is done with the abuse and leaving Instagram
Actor and advocate Chloé Hayden is leaving Instagram, citing 'inescapable abuse'.
ABC Arts / By Jared Richards
ABC News - 13 November 2023
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