nn0s0ynru · 1 year
Best bbw swings a large tits Milftoon Drama - ep.1 - ASS FUCK IN THE POOL My friends hot mom jerks off my cock Comendo a magrinha safada na beira da praia de taquaras Namorada se masturbando bem gostosinho Oily anal sex Training my tiny teenager butt whore Oil on Big Tits Hot blond teen upshort Bangladeshi Toilet Hidden Videos Shemale tease
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 years
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Chironomie ist ein Speziallgebiet des Protokolls und der (Bild-)Rhetorik, das ist das Regime der Handgesten. Bei ihr berühren sich die Spitzen von Daumen und der gebeugte Zeigefinger, Mittel- und Ringfinger werden aneinander gelegt und gerade gehalten, der kleine Finger wird leicht abgespreitzt. Die Handinnenfläche ist nach unten gewendet.
Die Tüte mit den Tatwaffen ist transparent, denn wer, wenn nicht die Polizei, wüßte besser, dass Ordnung auch das sein soll, was einleuchtet und dass sie selbst nicht nur ein staatlicher, sondern auch ein optischer und ästhetischer Apparat ist. Sie, die eben noch Mänade war, wendet sich zum Fotografen und zeigt eine Übereinkunft an, das macht der Fotograf auch, er hat ja geknipst, vergleichbar ist ihre Wendung mit Velasquez' Wendung zum Königspaar auf dem Bild Las Meninas, das kommt vermutlich von der schrägen Kopfhaltung. Polizei, Aktivistin, Fotograf: es passiert was, wenn alle so zusammenspielen wie hier, dann passiert was. Man hat dann eine Passage, ein passendes Bild mit Körpern und Handlungen inklusive.
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xavierbordesus · 1 year
Matin d’anniversaire
Matin d’anniversaire . Il y a du vent dans les arbres du jardin ce matin Et c’est toute une chironomie de danseurs muets choisis par la nature pour nous parler en langage des signes C’est le jour anniversaire de la Beauté rappellent-ils tandis qu’au-dessus d’eux le soleil s’extirpe du gros nuage moelleux en lequel hier soir on l’a vu s’endormir Subitement alors on peut dire que tout s’éclaire…
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liqevosilaqu · 2 years
Art de parler. Anthologie de manuels d'éloquence, choix et présentation par Philippe-J. Salazar (Klincksieck, 2003, 361 p., 21 €).
Cette bibliographie recense des ouvrages destinés aux étudiants suivant des cours de rhétorique, d'art oratoire dans leurs cursus : lettres.
l'éloquence dans les discours de l'avocat, du prédica- teur, de l'homme d'État, et en général dans prendre les règles de cet art pour être éloquent, et.de l'Antiquité et se fit connaître à Athènes par son art oratoire et son éloquence. 1. D'après Socrate, Gorgias prétend qu'il peut faire un.
Quintilien disait que les gestes de l'orateur étaient soumis à cette loi, la chironomie. C'est un art qui enseignait aux apprentis orateurs les gestes du corps
2019, "Le Lyrisme démocratique ou la naissance de l'éloquence romantique chez Lamartine 1834-1849", coll. "Romantisme et modernités, n°133, Honoré Champion,
</p><br>https://liqevosilaqu.tumblr.com/post/692727442095390720/four-rosieres-mode-demploi-de-lipad, https://liqevosilaqu.tumblr.com/post/692727442095390720/four-rosieres-mode-demploi-de-lipad, https://liqevosilaqu.tumblr.com/post/692728600609292288/cap-emploi-42-emploi-download, https://wunucetuhoxi.tumblr.com/post/692729284031299584/vanne-thermostatique-danfoss-mode-demploi-four, https://ponefuselor.tumblr.com/post/692727603648495616/eurocode-2-pdf-gratuit.
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chthonicdaughter · 5 years
15, 16, 20
15. How long have you been practising? How has your faith changed over time?
Hummm… I would say actively aware of what all of this stuff is for about for 8 years-ish. Hellenic for probably 6 years. And doing structured worship devotions for around a year.
My faith changed pretty organically. I was introduced to witchcraft and magic by my best friend. I learnt divination through cards and then felt a pull towards Gods. I was still a moderately devout Catholic for the first few years of magic using as well. It wasn’t until I realised that I hated the interpretation of scripture being filtered through humans that I gave that away. Then the same friend that taught me cards and magic gave me a reading telling me that there were gods waiting to work with me. Hades and Persephone to be precise. I was freaked out at first, but after having a conversation with Hades through cards I agreed to give it a go. I have never felt so empowered and I have never looked back. Recently someone came into my life that’s also Hellenic and he has prompted me to start more structured devotions but mostly I’m pretty loose and free with my practice and my deities.
16. Share some of your favorite UPGS!
Ahh! I love this one! I have so many but I’ll share my favourite favourite ones.
My wife was playing Age of Mythology (a strategy game set in the Greek pantheon with Hades predictably being one of the ‘bad guys’ and into necromancy). She was playing a random map as Hades and had called out to me as I was in the kitchen “I’m playing Hades on Age of Mythology!” I laughed and told her to have fun. Hades suddenly pops into the kitchen beside me, brandishing his bident and cries “CONQUER ALL IN MY NAME!” I think I literally cried I was laughing so hard. He has always had this sweet and silly sense of humour, when he isn’t being totally sassy at me. 
Hades and I had many conversations on trains. He would ride the train with me to and from Uni and we would chat. 
And I think my very favourite one is when I realised he had been with me my whole life. I used to have horrible nightmares as a kid. I would have to hold a door shut in the dream because on the other side was a monster made of chaotic colours and bad things. I couldn’t let the door go because if I did the monster would be set free in the house and destroy my whole family. When I thought about those dreams I got a picture of me sleeping in bed and Hades standing over me and laying a black cloak over me as I slept. He has always been with me. He was always the deity I was praying to and hearing answer my prayers, I just didn’t know it yet. 
20. How do you connect your faith to where you locally live?
I live in a very rural place now. I try to keep my land very clean and I give offerings to the local land spirits as often as I can. I made friends with trees and the land spirits. My wife is very fae and we have fae in the garden and a brownie in the house. I mostly keep my Hellenic practices to myself, I’ve always practised mostly on my own anyway. Occasionally my Hellenic friend and I will combine to do ritual together but it’s rare these days as he’s a few hours away. 
I feel like I babbled on a bit. But thank you so much for asking! 
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heatherwitch · 6 years
HEY MOUSE! A while back you made a drunken sigil on behalf of my booze loving union friends. I thought you'd be pleased to know that after the longest running strike in my former workplace's history, one watched by every similar employer in my home region to see which way the wind was blowing, MANAGEMENT FOLDED AND THE UNION GOT EVERYTHING IT ASKED FOR. I am a bit drunk myself rn (naturally) but would be happy to provide more detail over IM if you want it!
WOHOOO! I’m so happy it worked out and that they finally folded
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dreams-of-moonbeams · 6 years
If you all ever need an astrology reading I'd recommend @chironomy! They did a mini full moon reading for me last week and it was spot on. They have a ko-fi account, so keep an eye out next time they have readings open.
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chironomy · 6 years
I’m coming up on six months officially pagan. Here are some thoughts:
-No I still don’t have a path or a religion name. Like, I have this deity-devotee relationship with Hades and that’s all I know for sure. Still ambivalent as to whether witchcraft is a part of this path as well. Not sure I even count as a Hellenic polytheist because there’s really only one god I interact with (okay two).
-Am learning to let point #1 not matter so much.
-Giving offerings, at first, was really weird. Like, the gods don’t, strictly speaking, need anything, so why am I pouring out a coffee every morning? Okay, so the ritual’s important and it’s the thought that counts. Now I like the tangibility of it, the way it makes the give-and-receive between you and the divine explicit.
-My energy is different, and people notice. It’s hard to describe - cooler? darker? dreamier? but I’m definitely more sensitive to things changing around me and inside me. On the downside, I’ve noticed that some people are sensitive to my presence in a bad way and are really put off by it -- and no, I haven’t changed my appearance at all. I’ll try to be aware and considerate of this (even though my inner teenage goth is like HEY LET’S GO TO THE MALL AND FREAK OUT THE NORMALS).
-I continue to be surprised as hell that any of this is happening at all.
-I’m learning that many of the things I thought were moral and spiritual absolutes are actually culturally relative. I do think of myself as a humanitarian, and as somebody who’s here to change things for the better, and this is shaking me up (in a good way).
-As a former (disgruntled) progressive Christian, I didn’t fully understand how deeply the OR ELSE threat of hell was hanging over me until it was gone. Sure, this potential new afterlife has rewards and punishment cycles as well, and doing good matters, but there doesn’t seem to be this pass/fail hard line that’s going to get me automatically sent to the hole. That OR ELSE has affected me deeply and I’m probably going to be digging through it for a long time.
-Losing my fear of the dark has been pretty damn cool.
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jonalynfrias-blog · 4 years
Sign language
Sign language is a visual way of communicating where someone uses hand gestures and movements, body language and facial expressions to communicate. Although signing is used primarily by the deaf and hard of hearing, it is also used by hearing individuals, such as those unable to physically speak, those who have trouble with spoken language due to a disability or condition (augmentative and alternative communication), or those with deaf family members, and such as ...
 Sign language is important in communication. Because sign language is a brilliant tool that will help bridge that communication gap that might exist when there is a hearing impairment and even in situations where there is no hearing impairment present. Since communication is so important, that makes learning sign language invaluable for communication. When you learn sign language and practice it, it can actually help you with all aspects of communication; even children who aren’t hearing impaired can benefit from it if they use it during their early development years. Here are 5 ways sign language helps communication.
 Under the Republic Act No. 11106 AN ACT DECLARING THE FILIPINO SIGN LANGUAGE AS THE NATIONAL SIGN LANGUAGE OF THE FILIPINO DEAF AND THE OFFICIAL SIGN LANGUAGE OF GOVERNMENT IN ALL TRANSACTIONS INVOLVING THE DEAF, AND MANDATING ITS USE IN SCHOOLS, BROADCAST MEDIA, AND WORKPLACES. And Republic Act No. 11106 Section 3. Filipino Sign Language as the National Sign Language. - Filipino Sign Language, hereinafter referred to as FSL, is hereby declared as the national sign language of the Philippines. The FSL shall be recognized, promoted, and supported as the medium of official communication in all transactions involving the deaf, and as the language of instruction of deaf education, without prejudice to the use of other forms of communication depending on individual choice or preference.
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 established a series of measures to prohibit instances of discrimination because of a person’s disability. The ADA requires that the communication needs of hard of hearing and deaf persons are met, and this frequently demands the use of an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter.
        There are 5 Ways Sign Language Helps Communication
Sign     Language is good for Your Brain: Learning something new keeps your brain sharp.
Learning     Sign Language Improves Your Expressive Communication: When you sign, you not only     express the words, but feelings too.
Improved     Interpretation of Body Language in General: A study showed that people who     use sign language have an improved ability to read body language.
Sign     Language Reduces Frustration: For those who are hearing impaired or deaf, sign     language takes the pressure off trying to hear words that are not coming     in clearly.
Sign     Language Helps You Communicate with Anyone: Since sign language can     be learned by your loved ones, and not only other hearing impaired people.     It allows you to communicate with your loved ones again.
Other word for sign language
v  American Sign Language
v  ASL
·          Chironomy
·          dactylology
·          deaf-and-dumb  alphabet
·          finger alphabet
·          fingerspelling
·          gesture language
·          manual alphabet
·          signing
     Sign languages are awesome!
1.   Important for Deaf people 2. More expressive 3. Listening with your eyes 4. Helpful for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder 5. Having a private conversation in a public place 6. Children can acquire sign language the very same way they acquire spoken language 7. Advantages over spoken languages.
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I have no clue if you have any ideas about this, or if you could point me in the direction of anyone who does, but i’m a closeted worshipper and i’m terrified of suddenly dying and no one putting a coin underneath my tongue so that I can have passage. I know you’re not focused on the underworld, but I figured I’d ask you if you knew anything about what would happen if no one did
Hey Anon! That’s a legit and fair concern. I’m not a reconstructionist or expert in cthonic deities, but maybe @chironomy or @prince-of-lore can help? Anyone is welcome to chime in too! ♥️
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So Saith the Lord
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Your description of Gwyn inspired me (and so did He).  Then @chironomy​ said they could picture street art of this so, I spent two hours playing around with a new sketch app on my phone. 
There are some more versions under the cut.
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chthonicpdx · 5 years
FAQ/Blog Navigation
Hey friends! I’ve gotten a few asks lately about how to get started with Hellenic Polytheism, or how to get to know a particular deity, so I figured it was time for official FAQ!
About me: I’m a new devotee of Hecate, Hades, and Persephone, and a practicing Hellenic Polytheist. 
I’m super new to all of this - I’ve only been practicing for about six months, and most of that has just been me trying to figure out what the HECK is going on - so right now I’m just reblogging all the resources I find, and the prayers/devotional activities that resonate with me! 
“How do I get started in Hellenic Polytheism?” 
Here’s a great masterpost of resources! Read critically, question everything, and trust your gut. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Don’t trust any person who claims to be speaking for a god - unless you’ve specifically asked that person to do so on your behalf - and don’t trust any deity who won’t listen to your “No.”
“How do I get to know (X) deity?”
I don’t feel comfortable speaking too much about my own experiences yet, since I’m so new to all of this, but I do reblog a lot of informative stuff!
Tags: Hecate | Hades | Persephone | Hellenic Polytheism 101
(Note: If clicking on these doesn’t work, the actual tags I use are #Hecate*, #Hades*, #Persephone*, and #HP 101, so you should be able to type those into the search bar.)
I also highly recommend @chironomy​‘s blog. Their Hades tag is what helped me learn about Hades in the first place! 
“Do you have advice for people who can’t be open about their practice?” 
First and foremost, stay safe. The gods understand that you need to take care of yourself, and they won’t be offended by you modifying your worship to fit the situation you’re in. You’re not wrong or lesser for practicing differently than someone else. 
There are a lot of ways to practice discreetly and cheaply, like keeping e-shrines on tumblr/pinterest, listening to devotional playlists, or making arts and crafts as offerings so that they blend in with the rest of your room. 
My favorite thing I’ve learned about the Theoi is that they honor our personal best - which is to say, do what you can, and trust that it’s enough. 
Alright, I hope that helps!
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inside-my-lungs · 5 years
Playlist Tag!
Rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. put your entire 🎶 library on shuffle and list the first ten songs, then choose ten victims.
Tagged by: @ daringdog-cal 💜
Coisa boa - Gloria Groove
Bloom - Troye Sivan
Raba - Nicky Mitrava ft Rebeca Trans
Yellow Flicker Beat - Lorde
Movement -  Hozier
I am what I am - Shirley Bassey
My heart goes boom boom boom - Miss Li
Boneca safadinha - Kaya Conky ft Lia Clark
Je décolle - Marie Mai
Think of me - The Phantom of the opera
Tagging: @deadsunrosesinmyhead @thecrayreport @onlyforplants @galaximerboi @macandcheese90 @sleepydogo @blue-modro @tunes-and-runes @chironomy @wellummerr
Feel free to do it or don’t
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chthonicdaughter · 4 years
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Pardon my face but I’m on holidays and bored. Taking @nightshadeandroses invitation of an open tag! I’ll tag anyone else and also @sapphic-shieldmaiden @chironomy @wardandweave 
Make yourself with these three avatar makers (1, 2, 3!) and then post them alongside of a picture of yourself.
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mindhost · 6 years
Heinrich von Gunterrodt
"But, though many examples of fighters with excellent self‐control can be mentioned here, still many people see their opposite, and these fighters regard it as glorious when they can drink endlessly and when they can roll themselves in every filthy pleasure. In the fighting school there are many Chironomi and Acrochirstae, this means, who make a presentation of movements and gestures. They do their best to show off their art and their body with a certain school‐like appearance of wrestling. They are only willing to boast, while they take care not to use any methodology during their performances. Even more, they themselves are neither instructed in certain rules nor bound by them, but when the hands must be brought together, then they want this to be a clear example of their art: that when they bring forth blows they do so without any notion of technique and sanity, with closed eyes in the way of fools, in the same way as is mentioned about the Andabatae. And because they mostly fight in public spectacles with weapons which are not sharp, but use blunt weapons, they only try to hit the heads of their opponents. They themselves only protect this part of their body, neglecting the other parts. And with their arms, though sometimes not without any danger, as it were a wall, they protect themselves. Meanwhile they don’t care whether their opponent hits with thrusts or with cuts to the other parts of their body. Because of this it seems that this kind of art is of minimal use in a real fight, and so it happens that many spectators are persuaded that knowledge of this art can’t bring any practical utility. And this is true about fighters who fight like this; they cannot be considered artful. They judge it deprived of a foundations and have the opinion that only agility of the body and strength are the most important matters. In this matter they make no small mistake. For this art has not less than another very certain and very perfect fundamentals (though very few people know about this). I have decided to bring something about these foundations in our midst, indeed in brief and in this order that I don’t entirely omit the Greek and Roman antiquities, the inventors of the art of wrestling." Interesting excerpt recently posted on Facebook concerning 16th century sport fencing according to historical Franco-Belgian rules.
The text is from Bert Gevaert’s Gunterrodt translation, available here: https://www.freelanceacademypress.com/GunterrodtTreatise.aspx
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chironomy · 6 years
Doing a big old shadow purge tonight. Asking to remove my attachment to other people seeing me as a good person.
I realized recently that needing other people’s approval, while bad for me in and of itself, also keeps me from going out and doing good works -- which are not always popular and frequently go against the grain.
So I’m preparing to give up the security of having a good reputation among my peers, and the sense of social capital around being seen as “unproblematic,” (which actually just means people don’t know me well enough).
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