chimmyboii · 4 years
Nice Guy - Part 1
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Pairing: Chanyeol x reader x Baekhyun 
High School au!
Summary: After finding out her boyfriend, Baekhyun had cheated on her at a party, Y/N goes into meltdown. Chanyeol, Baekhyun’s best friend, decides he can’t stand watching the girl completely fall apart because of his best friend and decides to befriend her.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The teacher drones on and on, I continue to tap my pencil against my jotter. Head leaning against my hand until it goes numb. I think about Baekhyun, about his smile, his lips, how he makes me feel. Just everything. These thoughts continue to roam around me head, getting dirtier and dirtier until I think about our night together last Friday. How his hands caressed my body, the feel of him inside me. I can feel myself getting aroused at the thought. Sneakily, I reach down and grab my phone from my bag, I type a text to him.
Me: thinking of youuu ;’((
I notice I have number of notifications. One from WhatsApp, and almost twenty from Snapchat. Frowning, I click on WhatsApp first, seeing as it was my best friend Lisa that had message the girls group chat. I re-read her message, the frown still on my face. 
Lisa: y/n please don’t go on snapchat! 
I eye the number of notifications on the app. I click on it, unable to help myself, the curiosity getting the best of me. Most of the notifications are from other pupils from the school, people I don’t talk to. A lot of the messages were from girls apologising to me, hoping I’m okay, that I deserved better. What the fuck. I click on the Snap from Jongdae that he sent me this morning, that I forgot to open. It was a video, but not just any video. It was practically a sex tape. It seemed to be filmed in Chanyeol’s bathroom, I recognised the wallpaper. The girl is propped up on the sink, legs spread wide. The male has his hand between her leg, thrusting his fingers rapidly into her. The volume on my phone is low but I can still hear the moaning coming from the girl and Jongdae’s quiet snickering. Still feeling confused, I look at the caption Jongdae had labelled the video.
Baekhyun and his girl Y/N getting it onnnn lollllolll ;)
“Yassss Baekhyun man, get it!” Jongdae’s voice cheered in the video, the man’s head snapped to the door. I gasp loudly, causing the person next to me to glance at me. Baekhyun quickly withdraws his hand from the girl, causing her to whine and tug at him, wanting him to continue. Baekhyun hurries to the door where it seems Jongdae is standing.
“What the fuck man!” Baekhyun growls, reaching for the phone. The video ends there. I stare as the video as it once again replays, it’s the second time I note how sober Baekhyun is. Being in a relationship with him for three years, I have seen him drunk a number of times and I can assure you that Byun Baekhyun is completely sober in that video. I click back on to WhatsApp and text Lisa.
Me: I saw it. When was the video filmed?
Lisa quickly replies back. 
Lisa: It was at the party on Friday, I’m so sorry y/n
I feel sick. I lean my head on the desk in hopes the nauseous feeling would disappear. I can feel the tears begin to well up. Last Friday was Chanyeol’s football game and I knew the boys were planning on having a party afterwards. But I had a test on Monday, it was a resit, so it was important for me to pass it. I told Baekhyun I wouldn’t be able to make it, but he insisted that he’d spend some time with me before going to the party. Baekhyun had come over after Chanyeol’s game. The memory that once aroused me is now making me feel sick.
I lay breathless on the bed, Baekhyun flopped beside me. My body still tingled from the intense orgasm I had. Rolling over, I lean my head on Baekhyun’s chest, his hand began to stroke at my hair. It was silent, just the sound of our breathing returning to its normal state. I turn my face a bit and press kisses on his chest. Baekhyun hums, pressing his own kiss on the crown of my head. My index finger draws circles on his pelvis bone, just above from his crotch. Baekhyun lets out a chuckle.
‘You want to go again?’ I nod almost bashfully, sitting up I swing my leg over his waist, straddling him. I rub myself over is limp length, enticing a moan from him. ‘Two orgasms and you still want more!’
I giggle, rubbing myself against him harder, listening to slick sound of my arousal. ‘I can’t help it; you make me feel soooo good!’ I whine playfully. I can feel him start to harden once again underneath me. Baekhyun sits up, hands wrapping themselves around my waist. He presses kisses along my collarbone and down to my chest. I clutch at his neck, leaning my cheek against the side of his head, I let out soft sighs. Baekhyun’s left hand reaches down to breast and clutches it, his lips trail down until they are sucking onto my nipple. I tug at his brown hair, rocking my hips faster against his hard length. Baekhyun stops me, lifting my hips up and positions his length at my entrance. Slowly, I lower myself on to his hard length.
‘Fuck Baekhyun,’ I breath, leaning back slightly so I can see his face. I connect our lips, allowing my tongue to dance with his. I rock my hips back and forth. Baekhyun guiding me with his hands. 
‘That’s it baby,’ he moans, now lifting his hips up to meet mine. I whine and lean my head against his shoulders, Baekhyun falls back onto the bed pulling me with him. From this position, Baekhyun is able to thrust up harder, making me squeal. He keeps thrusting until I feel myself heat up deliciously, a fluttering feeling arriving at the pit of my stomach.
‘I’m going to cum,’ I gasp, gripping the pillow next to Baekhyun’s head. Baekhyun takes this a sign to thrust even harder until I can’t breathe. 
‘Oh my God!’ I yelp, coming around his length. I twitch in Baekhyun’s hold, the pleasure almost hurting. I feel Baekhyun thrust two more times before he releases his load inside of me, it’s hot, making me shiver. Leaning back, I look at this sweaty face and smile happily. He returns the smile, leaning up to press a kiss to my lips. We kiss for a while, lips dancing along with each other. 
‘I love you,’ I whisper against his lips, I press two more kisses before sitting back. His face was blank, his brown eyes roam my face. I look at the clock on my bedside table. It was almost eight. Rolling off Baekhyun, his length slips from me.  
‘You better get ready baby,’ I say pressing a kiss to his cheek before going to bathroom to clean up and take a shower. When I got back, Baekhyun was dressed and was styling his hair in front of my wardrobe mirror. I go up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, pressing soft kisses to the side of his neck.
‘I’m so lucky to have you,’ I breath. Baekhyun smiles softly, before turning around and kissing me deeply. 
He sighs in my mouth before pulling back, ‘I better go,’ I nod dizzily, my mouth chasing his. Baekhyun pulls out of my embrace and presses a quick kiss to my cheek. 
‘See you Monday!’ he smiles cheekily, ‘good luck with your studying, you’ll ace it babe!’ And with that he was gone out the front door. 
The nausea feeling was more prominent now, shooting my hand up in the air. The teacher stops speaking and looks at me wide eyed.
“Yes, Miss Y/N?” he asks. The rest of the students turn around and look at me. Some look at me with a pitied look on their face – my own eyes widen. How do they know? Looking back at the teacher.
“I don’t feel well, can I go to the toilet?” He just nods before resuming explaining the problem on the board. I practically sprint from the classroom to the toilet. Once inside, I rush to the nearest cubicle and slam the door shut, locking it. I lean over the toilet and gag, hoping to be sick and get rid of the nauseous feeling. Nothing comes up, I just continue to gag. As this is happening, tears begin to slip down my cheeks. I don’t realise until they hit the water in the toilet pan. Leaning back, I let out the first ugly sob, the pain of the betrayal finally catching up with me. Pulling out my phone, the lock screen making me sob harder. It’s a picture of Baekhyun and I at his birthday two months ago. With shaky hands, I click on Lisa’s contact and press call, knowing she has a free period right now. It rings for three then I hear her voice.
“Hello? Y/N?” I can barely greet her; sobs just keep coming out. “Babe, where are you?”
“Bath-r-room,” I stutter out, “the one by the science department,” Lisa hums, I can hear her slamming and banging in the background.
“I’ll be there in a minute,” with that she hangs up. I lean my head against the toilet and continue to sob.
Three years we had been together, I may be naïve, but I truly believed he was the one for me. I gave him everything; he was my first everything. First kiss, first love and first time. And now, I can’t get that back. It’s been completely ruined. All I see now, looking at his face, is his hand between that girls’ legs. The same hands that were between mine five hours before. 
My thoughts were broken by the sound of the bathroom doors slamming open, hitting off the wall. I sit up and unlock the door and face Lisa. As soon as the doors open, she spreads her arms wide, inviting me into a hug. I fall into her, sobbing again. I continue to cry into Lisa’s arms until there’s no tears left to cry. Lisa’s fruity perfume calms me slightly until I pull away and lean against the sink. 
“I just don’t understand,” I whisper, throat sore after all the crying I had done. Lisa reaches into her backpack and pulls out a bottle of water handing it to me. I nod in gratitude. “I mean he was completely sober!” 
Lisa’s doe eyes widen and her mouth drops.
“He was sober?! Jongdae told me he was drunk,” I shake my head.
“No, I know when Baekhyun’s drunk and he certainly wasn’t there.” I gulp some more water before sighing. 
“I could forgive him if he was drunk,” Lisa looks at me, eyes glaring slightly.
“You’re going to stay with him?” she asks, I shake my head rapidly but then shrug. 
“No, y-yes! Ugh, I don’t know,” I whine, heart beating painfully in my chest.
“Babe he cheated on you!” Lisa reasons, “and like you said he was sober, he knew exactly what he was doing.”
“Yeah but why? Why did he feel the need to cheat on me?” Lisa sighs, her arm wraps around my shoulder.
“I don’t know Y/N,” Another tear slips down my face, I roughly wipe it away.
“I know this a bit TMI, but he literally fucked me that night, before he left for the party,” Lisa grimaces.
“That’s disgusting and more the reason for you to dump his ass!” 
We fall silent and I wash my face over the sink. I look at the phone beside me when I remember something.
“How does everyone know about it?” I ask Lisa. She sighs, pulling out her own phone and clicking on Facebook, she scrolls through her feed for moment before groaning. 
“It’s been taking down. Basically, Jongdae uploaded the video to Facebook on Friday,” I groan and place my head in my hands. 
“Why did he have to do that!” I moan and Lisa rubbed my shoulders.
“Drunk Jongdae has no brain!” I was about to comment more when the bell went, signally the end of period and the start of lunchtime. My heart began hammering loudly in my chest again as I knew I’d have to face him – and the rest of the student body. At the look on the face Lisa grips my shoulders.
“You can do this okay? Whatever you choose to do, I’m here,” I nod, gulping. Lisa walks me back to my science class to collect my bag and jacket I had left there. My teacher notes my pale face and assumes I’m ill. He wishes me to get well soon, I just nod. We walk slowly to the canteen; my legs feel like jelly as the canteen comes into view. The memories of Baekhyun and I flash through my mind. I feel choked up again as I realise, I’m about to lose him. I stop suddenly, tugging Lisa with me. 
“I’m going to lose him,” I whimper out, feeling like I’m about to have a panic attack. Lisa shushes me, running a hand over my arm.
“You don’t need him Y/N, you never did. You lived without him before, you can do it again. And anyway, he’s the one that losing you, you were the best thing that ever happened to him!” Lisa suddenly ranted, her chubby cheeks turning red with rage as she continued. “He’s the one that ruined this, he deserves to feel pain like you do,” I nod, the video coming back to mind. With sudden courage and anger, I drag Lisa into the canteen with me. 
I spot the boys sitting at their usual table at the back of the canteen by the window. I spot him first. Of course, I would, even after what he’s done to me, my eyes will always seek him out. He’s poking at Kyungsoo, laughing like nothing is wrong – like he didn’t just cheat on me three days ago. I storm towards him, Jongin catches my eye. His eyes widen and he quickly nudges Jongdae who quickly looks in my directions. Jongdae clears his throat loudly and nods his head in my direction. The rest of the boys stop talking and look in my direction; Minseok waves at me but stops when he sees the look on my face. Baekhyun finally turns to me when he notices Kyungsoo eyes have followed the rest of the boys. 
Baekhyun’s face lights up, he stands from his chair and makes his way towards me, meeting me halfway. He places his hand on my waist, which I quickly yank off like I was burnt. He frowns for a moment but then goes to plant a kiss on my lips, I turn my head to the side abruptly, his lips grazing my cheek. I push him away harshly, he bangs into Junmyeon who sat behind him. Baekhyun glares slightly.
“What the hell, babe?” I let out a growl.
“What the hell, babe? Really?!” I shriek, pushing at his chest again. Lisa utters my name in warning, eyeing the rest of the canteen. The rest of the students have stopped eating and talking. Their gaze’s intent on both Baekhyun and I. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and calm myself, even though I have every right to go crazy. When I reopen my eyes, they are blurry again with tears. Baekhyun’s face falls and I notice the realisation on his face. He knows that I know.
“Why?” I croak out, he opens his mouth and I can just tell by the look on his face he’s about to make an excuse. “And don’t say you were drunk because I saw the video Baekhyun. You were not fucking drunk!” He hangs his head and shrugs. I scoff and shake my head. I look at the rest of the boys behind him, they’re silent watching us. My eyes scan over every boy until they connect with Jongdae who suddenly bursts.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I didn’t know it wasn’t you I swear! I-I was drunk and saw Baekhyun and I thought she was you – that’s no excuse I know-”
“Be quiet, Jongdae!” he immediately shuts up, “it’s not you I want an explanation from,” I glare at Baekhyun who still looks at his feet. 
“Come on, babe!” I prod sarcastically, “tell me why you felt the need to shove your fingers up another girls hole!” Baekhyun flinches at my words and I laugh bitterly. “What’s the matter Baekhyun? Don’t like hearing it out loud, well tough! Doesn’t matter anyway because the whole school fucking knows!” At this Jongdae mutters a weak ‘sorry’ which I ignore, my eyes never leaving my boyfriend who still continues to stand there emotionlessly staring at the ground. 
I gasp, my heart breaking further as I continue to look at him, now realising. “You don’t care, do you?” my voice breaks and that’s when Baekhyun finally looks at me. “That’s why you’re not answering because you don’t care that you cheated. You don’t care that you hurt me-”
“I do!” Baekhyun cuts off, his voice high. “I do care about you, Y/N.”
“Then how could you do this, Baekhyun?” Once again, he shrugs, and this time I can’t stop the sob escaping my throat. He takes a step towards me; I shake my head and step back. “I love you,” I whimper and Baekhyun winces, bringing a hand up to rub at the back of his neck. Shaking my head, “You can’t even say it back,” I turn to leave but Baekhyun reaches out and grabs my wrist.
“Wait, Y/N please,” he pleads and tug at my arm. Kyungsoo stands and gently peals Baekhyun’s hand off of me. 
“Let her go, Baekhyun.” Baekhyun roughly shakes his head, eyes now welling up with tears. He pushes Kyungsoo off him and pulls me towards him, wrapping his arms around my waist as an attempt to hug me. 
“No, no, no,” he mutters, “I can’t let you go please. Y/N don’t do this,” Leaning my head against his chest, I swallow back the tears that threaten to escape. Taking a step back, I wipe them off my face. 
“I didn’t do this, Baekhyun, you did,” With that I walk out of the canteen, ignoring the looks from the other students. Lisa walks slowly behind me, not saying anything, just letting me have my moment. We go outside onto the school grounds and find a bench to sit on. The wind felt refreshing, and it calmed me in a weird way. The sound of rapid footstep coming towards us had me tensing, expecting it to be Baekhyun.
“Y-Y/N?” the deep voice called from behind me. I turn around, along with Lisa, and see Chanyeol. He shifted his weight onto one foot then the other, looking between me and Lisa. “Is it okay if I talk to you alone?” Lisa glares, suddenly becoming protective.
“She doesn’t need any of Baekhyun’s bitches coming to give her grief!” Lisa barked and Chanyeol’s eyes rounded, hands raising up in defence. 
“I-I’m not, I just want to know if she’s okay…”
“Does she look okay to you?!” I calmly place a hand on Lisa’s shoulder, she looks at me, her features softening. 
“It’s okay,” I nod, Lisa sighs before standing up and grabbing her backpack. She turns back to me as Chanyeol takes her seat. “I’ll be in the library if you need me,” I just nod before turning to the nervous tall boy beside me. We’re silent, I’m waiting for him to announce why he’s here. The thing is about Chanyeol, he’s Baekhyun’s best friends, have been since nursery. But we never spoke, not really, only the passing greetings or just general discussing. 
“Ummm…how are you- wait! Don’t answer that, that’s a stupid question!” I shake my head, smiling softly. He falls silent again, right leg nervously shaking, foot tapping on the ground. I watch other students, a couple, walking past us hand-in-hand. They look at each other adoringly, giggling to each other. I look at the girl, she gazes at the boy with bright eyes, practically heart eyes. As I gaze at her, I realise that that girl will give everything to that boy, and she has no guarantee he will love her the way she loves him. She will waste her high school years, loving him until he decides one day, he doesn’t want her anymore.  
“Three years,” I start, startling Chanyeol who turns to look at me. “I loved him for three fucking years! And now look at me, broken, ruined. And he couldn’t even give me a fucking reason!” I shout, the couple turn to me and I glare at them. 
“I’d run if I were you!” I shout at the girl, her soft eyes squint in confusion, “he’ll never love you. He’ll use you too keep his bed warm, keep his dick wet and then he’ll dispose of you! Men can’t love!” I see her chin wobble and then she bursts out crying. Her boyfriend turns to me and glares angrily. 
“Hey, psycho bitch! Keep your opinion to yourself. Just cause your boyfriend fucking cheated on you doesn’t mean other men will!” I stand, steam practically exploding from my ears and was about to charge for him when Chanyeol wraps he’s long arms around me. I yell at him to let me go, punching down on his hands. 
“C-Could you guys ummm, leave please!” Chanyeol begs the couple. The girl rapidly nods and tugs her boyfriend away. “Y/N please calm down.” Eventually, I did, settling back onto the bench. I hunch over, my face in my hands. 
“He didn’t even say he was sorry; you know?” I mumble, looking up I see Chanyeol nod. “All he did was fucking shrug, I mean who shrugs their fucking shoulders when they get caught cheating?!”
“Baekhyun did,” Chanyeol commented and I roll my eyes. 
“Must be a guy thing,” I state and Chanyeol scoffs, so I turn to him and I glare, “What got something to say? Going to defend your bestie?”
This time Chanyeol glares and I sit frozen, I have never seen him angry before. 
“That guy was right, Y/N. Not all men are like that okay? Yes, what Baekhyun did was a shitty thing to do but that’s Baekhyun, he’s his own person.” I gulp, feeling a little intimidated at Chanyeol. “I know for a fact that if you were my girl, I would have never treated you like that, ever!” My mouth drops at his confession. “I-I mean, hypothetically speaking, ummm…no girl deserves to be treated like that.” Slowly, I nod unsure of what to say. The bell rings for the last two periods of the day, saving me from having to create an awkward response. Chanyeol stands and rummages through his trouser pockets and pulls out his phone, quickly he unlocks it and pushes it in front of my face. On his screen is a number, I look up at him confused.
“It’s my number,” I nod, still just looking at it, “i-in case you just want to talk or something, I don’t mind, I’m a good listener,” 
“But Baekhyun’s your best friend. Wouldn’t it be weird if I called you to rant about him?” Chanyeol shakes his head, a small smile appearing on his face.
“Nah, I may be his best friend but he’s still a dick. And anyway, I wouldn’t mind having some more blackmail on him,” a cheeky smirk appears on his face and I let out a light laugh. Taking out my own phone, I stare at the wallpaper for a second before opening it to my contacts. After I put in his number, Chanyeol offered to walk me to class. I spot Kyungsoo and Jongin eyeing us by the stairs, so I declined.
“No, it’s okay, I’m going to meet Lisa. But thanks anyway and also thanks for you know, coming to check on me. You didn’t have too,” Chanyeol shakes his head, a cute smile on his lips.
“I wanted to. And I meant what I said, you can call me whenever, at any time I don’t care,” Chanyeol reaches out and places his large hand on my shoulder and squeezes it gently. “You’ll be okay, Y/N.” With one last smile, he walks off to where the Kyungsoo and Jongin are waiting by the staircase. I turn around and spot Lisa standing by the library entrance, a confused look on her face. 
“What the hell was that about?” she asks, I just shrug unsure myself. As soon as we walk around the corner, Baekhyun comes up the stairs. His eyes widen as he spots me, quickly he dashes towards me, shouting my name, Chanyeol grabs a hold of him before he can reach me.
“No, man, you’ve done enough,” Chanyeol growled, Baekhyun’s eyes darken and was about to resort when Kyungsoo step in. 
“Now’s not the time, we’ve got class come on!” He and Jongin tug the two boys away from Lisa and me. I sigh in relief, looking at Lisa whose eyes are trained on their retreating figures. 
“I can’t wait to go home and forget about this,” I complain, beginning to walk to class, Lisa hums beside me. In class, I think about Chanyeol’s words about me being okay and I just hope it’s true. I know one thing for sure; Baekhyun is going to regret fucking cheating on me.
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