#chief kwak
I've been having KS on my mind, so here are some out-of-pocket headcanons (mainly about the side characters)
Tw: Homophobia, implied sexual content, sexual harassment, child injury, bullying, depression, disordered eating, PTSD, self-harm
Sangwoo killed nine women prior to the CEO'S daughter
Sangwoo picking of his victims varies. Sometimes it's because they're easy to get, sometimes it's because the victim pisses him off, sometimes they resemble his mom, and sometimes he thinks the world would be better off without them. The first one was an elderly lady who found Eunseo's corpse.
Sangwoo didn't kill every woman he dated/slept with. He has about 5 serious exes (One he killed when she found a tied-up victim of his.
Bum is a frequent user of dcinside, a forum site. He's usually on the dating advice side of things, he's usually a nuisance to the other user.
Kwak's son died in a traffic accident. Due to him and his ex wife divorcing (work got in the way), they don't see each other that much.
Seokho's ex-wife would have accepted if just told her Seokho he was gay (she would be confused at first but wouldn't harbor any resentment), she mainly was betrayed by his cheating, lying, and spending a considerable amount of money at the bars.
The bartender from the second gay bar and Seokho were friends from the military plus he was one of the few who attended his funeral.
Seokho's family practically disowned him not only for his infidelity but because he was gay
Seokho's family was generally strict and conservative which made him feel like he had to lie
Seokho was selfish in his encounters, usually rushing and pressuring his partners into sex before moving on to the next man.
He tried to get his act together with Sangwoo such as stopping himself when he noticed that Sangwoo was distressed and asking Sangwoo if he was going too fast.
Jieun and Donggyu were childhood friends. Their moms was friends and they grew to like each.
Their friendship wasn't entirely wholesome. You know those stock bully characters. That was them. Donggyu would steal people's food, kick them around, spray them with water guns and pull girl's hair while Jieun would make mean names for kids she saw as behind her (eg; they were ugly, acted oddly, smelled bad, or plain jealousy on her part.)
Jieun was actually serious about Sangwoo. All the boyfriends she had prior to him were more or less flings.
Choker Boy (Ro Kun-Won) is relatively plain and quiet in his day-to-day life.
The ski mom and her kid did survive their attack. The son woke up and got help.
Jieun's mother grew extremely depressed after her daughter's murder to the point that she barely ate and didn't have the energy to cry when identifying her daughter's body
Ski mom had trouble identifying her attacker since Sangwoo was wearing a mask, one of her eyes was bloodshot, and his hair wasn't showing. His eyes were his only identifying marker.
Both the ski mom and ski kid suffered psychological trauma from their attack. The ski mom was repeatedly questioned and accused of lying for attention even as going to court and showing evidence. The ski kid blames himself for getting them in the situation in the first place and suffers nightmares and self-harm due to guilt.
The Ceo's daughter was a massive goal for Sangwoo. He thought it he could kill her and get away with it, he could do anything.
Sam-Kyung (My fan name for the Ceo's daughter) show of "arrogance" was when she said that Sangwoo's house was a bit plain (as a joke)
Sam-Kyung only used her status as the CEO's daughter when Sangwoo was going to kill her, She and her father's relationship is a bit strained.
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coffyao · 1 month
it's just a "date" chapter 2.
if there was anything lee disliked about his junior, it was his deadpan sense of humour. 
"hm. not bad," lee hums, looking around.
But if lee had to compliment him today, it would be the way that he had set up his living room rather nicely, as his table was covered in white linen fabric, and had tall candles in the middle, accompanied by the strong scent of vanilla. The champagne bottle was a decent touch as well, and he didn't entirely mind that seungbae wore a collared shirt. 
In fact...he kind of looked good?
Seungbae pulls the chair wide, and says, "alright, sit down then."
so much for etiquette.
"crappy delivery but," as lee sat down, scootching his chair forward, "the heart is in the right place."
"well how else what I supposed to say it?"
"well-" and their conversation is interrupted by the loud ring of the kitchen timer.
seungbae rushes towards the kitchen, leaving lee alone to briefly stew in his hunger, and disrespect. He was even going to school him on the definition of good manners. Chief Kwak is too lenient on him.
Seungbae shortly comes back with a ladle and a metal pot, moving the candles aside and placing it in the middle instead. He removes the lid, revealing spicy chicken stew. 
lee retorts, "I thought this was supposed to be a fancy dinner."
"don't be ungrateful. your lucky I cooked today."
cheeky bastard.
"Well, nonetheless..." as lee looks into the pot. He couldn't complain too much. When seungbae wanted to be, he was a competent cook, and this dish seemed to be the best he's made thus far.  
Lee scoops the stew with the ladle, and pours a heavy portion onto his plate.
dinner is dinner. He was going to take full advantage.
"didn't know you liked my non-fancy dish that much," seungbae comments, pouring some onto his own.
"food is food. I'm going to eat it no matter what."'
As they spend the next few minutes eating in silence, Lee obnoxiously clears his throat, loud enough to grab seungbae's attention.
"yes?" seungbae says.
"this is basically the part where you get to know the lady. ask me a question."
"ah. that."
"I wouldn't know what to ask you."
Lee didn't know seungbae was this hopeless with women.
he had to try a different tactic.
"fine, it doesn't have to be a question. it could be a nice compliment. everyone likes compliments."
"then...you look nice today, even with your work clothes."
The only reason why he kept the same clothes, was because he had to stay back to finish off extra paperwork. seungbae knew this fact already.
"no you...your supposed to pretend I'm wearing a nice pair of heels and a dress. I'm a woman, remember?"
"...I know. but I mean it. you look good."
damn it. him and his careless way of flirting.
lee narrows his eyes.
"yeah?" seungbae responds innocently. 
"never mind."
lee grabs his wine glass and points it towards seungbae, eying the bottle of champagne right next to him.
"now do a nice lady a favour and pour me some."
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yourmandevine · 2 years
And in case I don't see you: Good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight (or: some personal news)
No sense burying the lede:
One month shy of four years after joining up, and with something like 570 columns, features, blog posts, and blurbs in the rear-view, today's my last day at The Ringer. Barring some unforeseen Friday afternoon news, my final piece will have been about the Knicks' best-laid plans not quite panning out the way they intended. Let it never be said that the basketball content gods don't have a sense of humor.
I'm grateful to have spent four years sharing a masthead with some of the best writers on the Internet, and to have carved out a niche on what I've felt was, pound-for-pound, the best NBA team in the business. I'm grateful I got to co-host a podcast with two great friends for a while, to everyone who took the time to listen to it, and to everyone who said (and still says!) nice things about it. I'm grateful to have gotten the chance to be part of the Ringer Union, and to have played a small role in trying to make a company I loved a little more fair and equitable.
I'm grateful to have gotten the opportunity to grow and develop as both a writer and analyst. I feel like I'm better at this job than I used to be, thanks in no small part to the freedom and support I've enjoyed. I'm grateful to everyone, past and present, who has made The Ringer the sort of place where someone like me could level up.
I'll still be writing about the NBA on the Internet. (And talking about it into a microphone again, too.) I'll say more about that soon. Right now, the only thing I want to say is: thank you.
Specifically, I want to thank some of the many people whose names never showed up on the things I published, but who were indispensable to every one of them—and, beyond that, to so much more of what The Ringer makes. As much as this company is about the on-air personalities on your favorite podcasts, it's also about the literal scores of people who bust their asses every day to try to make sure we're making the best stuff we can.
It takes a lot of people to make us look good. Here are the names of the ones who helped me.
Nobody edited me more often than Matt Dollinger, Justin Verrier, or Chris Almeida—three very different dudes, but all patient, professional, and kind, despite the sheer tonnage of words I dropped on their heads. Many thanks also to culture czar Andrew Gruttadaro (without whom the Stevie Nicks' Fajita Roundup and Pete & Pete pieces wouldn't have happened), Aric Jenkins, Ben Glicksman, Chris Ryan, Danny Chau, Donnie Kwak, Justin Sayles, Mallory Rubin, Megan Schuster, and Riley McAtee for pinch-hitting over the years. I'm sorry I never once hit a word count. I hope it all still hung together OK.
I can't stress enough how comforting it has been to know that everything I write will pass through the hands of copy chief Craig Gaines and his crack team of copy editors and fact-checkers. It never ceased to amaze me that they would routinely and graciously take thousands of words about, I dunno, the Pelicans defense, and treat it like it mattered, and make sure I didn't sound dumb (or, at least, any dumber than usual).
Mil gracias to: Abou Kamara, Amaar Burton, Analis Bailey, Charlotte Goddu, Chris Grismer, Damian Burchardt, Dan Comer, Daniel Chin, Isaac Levy-Rubinett, Iza Wojciechowska, Jack McCluskey, Jacqueline Kantor, Jordan Ligons, Julianna Ress, Julie Kliegman, Kellen Becoats, Kjerstin Johnson, Lex Pryor, and—last alphabetically in this group, but certainly not least—Shaker Samman.
One of the fringe benefits of working here has been knowing that, when my post is ready to go up, I'm going to get to see whatever rad thing David Shoemaker and his team have crafted to put up at the top of it. (Pro tip: If you write a long enough thing to get the feature build, they give it the bigger and wider art, which looks even friggin' cooler, IMO.) It's a true delight to know that, even if the words aren't all that good, the pictures will be. Thanks to David, Alycea Tinoyan, Matt James, Neil Francisco, and Jonathan Bartlett for making sure that's true.
I know, this sounds crazy, but apparently it's not always easy to get audience members excited to read a bunch of words about, like, the Spurs' bench? And yet, the perennially underappreciated and over-yelled-at-on-the-Internet social team never stopped working to find ways to do it. Shouts out to Alex Stamas, Amelia Wedemeyer, Bridget Geerlings, David Lara III, Jomi Adeniran, Julie Phayer, Keith Fujimoto, Kiera Givens, Logan Rhoades, Nicole Bae, Pat Muldowney, and Rubie Edmondson for tirelessly running up that hill.
Isaac Lee and Steve Ahlman produced Heat Check, and they were absolutely wonderful to work with every single week. So were Bobby Wagner and Jim Cunningham when they got spot starts with me, Gonz, and Haley. Isaiah Blakeley, Jessie Lopez, Jonathan Kermah, and Sasha Ashall were always great when I popped up on other shows, too.
Jason Concepcion and Jason Gallagher put me on NBA Desktop twice, including once when they encouraged me to say the phrase "step your pen game up, you word-broke motherfuckers," which stands as one of the proudest moments of my career.
I didn't do much other video stuff here, but when I did, I greatly enjoyed working with, learning from, and joking around with Cory McConnell, Dylan Berkey, J. Kyle Mann, Jackson Safon, Mose Bergmann, Richie Bozek, Ronak Nair, and Sean Yoo. (I haven't yet crossed paths with Aleya Zenieris, Chia Hao Tat, or Donnie Beacham, but they're getting thanked, too. It's a thank-o-rama.)
And, one last thanks:
I'm not sure what I've done to deserve the kind, considerate, passionate, and conscientious readers and followers I've accumulated over the years. All I can do is promise to try to keep doing it, and to try to reward your time and attention a few times a week.
Thanks for sticking around. See you again soon.
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Hold up. The new chief of staff in my office watches kdramas. I'm making a list a dramas to watch over winter break to share with her.
I reccd Gaus Electronics. She wants me to finally watch Vincenzo. We're both Kwak Dong Yeon fan girls.
I'll share my MDL with her but not my tumblr.
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Rambling About a Show (10/04/2022)
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So, I started watching this drama on 05/26/2022. I finished watching season one today. Yeah, I realize it took me longer than usual with this one. Mostly because life has been a chaotic mess. Well, earlier in the year it was just busy and chaotic, also had been grieving over the loss of Cleeo (our miniature Maltese poodle). Towards the end of August I had to grieve over Saphira (our red iguana). Towards the beginning of September, I began to grieve over the loss of my dad. But, this post isn’t about my life being a mess, it’s me rambling about Voice series one.
I want to point out that I seriously love crime show dramas. Such as Criminal Minds (U.S.), CSI, NCIS, and Law & Order. That’s just a short list of my go to crime shows. With that in mind, it makes sense for me to be drawn to this series. There are four that I’m aware of. I’ve only finished series one. Let me tell you, I’ve got a lot of thoughts on this show as of right now.
This series had me crying within the first fifteen minutes of episode one. The tragedy that happened was so heartbreaking. The way Kwak Kwon-joo hesitated to call the victim back, says a lot about her as a person. In all honesty, I would have reacted the same way. A call back puts the victim at risk of being found by the attacker. Also, Kwak Kwon-joo’s hearing ability was an interesting trait to have. That’s new to me and I loved it.
What had me in tears was how Moo Jin-hyuk reacted to the news. The victim was his wife. She was out and about because she had made him a meal for his birthday, even though he forgot about his own birthday.
Later, the higher ups blame 112 for mishandling the call and getting the woman killed. Unfortunately for Kwak Kwon-joo, Moo Jin-hyuk blames her for the incident and not telling the truth during the trial. The thing is, she had been telling the truth the entire time, from beginning to end. These two get stuck working together throughout series one. Because the man who murdered her father also happens to be the same man who murdered Moo Jin-hyuk’s wife. At first Moo Jin-hyuk is weary of her and doesn’t fully believe her ability. Until they get caught in a case where she’s put to the test and he experiences her abilities first hand.
Going into this series I have been aware of who the main culprit is, thanks to tiktok. This where the main spoiler comes in. So, seeing this man go from this.
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To this...
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Was surprising. This man makes such a fantastic villain. Sure, Mo Tae Gu is a seriously messed up man. But you’ve got to admit that Kim Jae-wook did an amazing job portraying this psycho. I first saw Kim Jae-wook as Ryan Gold, so I only knew the soft silly, but also a bit stern type he was able to portray. I honestly enjoy the way actors are able to surprise me by the roles they end up in. I’ll admit I felt highly satisfied when Mo Tae Gu was FINALLY caught. For a moment I really thought that Moo Jin-hyuk was going to end him.
This first season had brought me to tears and kept me on the edge from my seat from episode one and until it’s final moments in episode 16. What brought me to tears the most was finding out, by unfortunate circumstances, Shim Dae-sik was the mole. From the beginning I had always thought it was either Commissioner Bae Byung-Gon or Chief Jang. Thinking about it now, I think that’s what the show had wanted. When the truth was revealed, I cried a bit. Especially because Moo Jin-hyuk confronted Shim Dae-sik about the whole thing. He said he did it because he was scared. What happens to the poor man in the end, is heartbreaking. He was scared and only wanted to protect his father. There’s so much more I can go on about, but I’d end up writing a novel. 
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airen7 · 5 years
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karmiccarcass · 5 years
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angeliqueoolala · 6 years
Chief Kwak is so shady I can't even begin to describe how much his every word is confusing and getting on my nerves. First of all, he doesn't treat Lee as a colleague, or at least as his subordinate, but rather uses his worries about Seungbae against him. "You always act like that when you want to protect Seungbae, you call him by his name, today you said his name four times"(chapter 35). That's a personal attack rather than a professional reprimand. I think that's kinda controlling, and shows that in fact, he is a rather impulsive and narrow-minded person, that has an emotional response in situations, like when Sangwoo manipulated him and the police and escaped without the police noticing he's abusing Bum. Not to mention the newest chapter when Lee said that Kwak sent him to check up on him. It's not clear at all why this guy is the chief of the police as his lack of professionalism is all over the place. He comes off as rather impulsive and lacks critical thinking or creativity in dire situations. I don't know if Koogi wrote him like that on purpose but he belongs in a kindergarten and not in the police force as he treats Seungbae and Lee as lost, mischievous kids.
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rammsteiner-dazai · 7 years
Chief Kwak
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Detective Lee
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He really glowed up ✨
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yeehawyoongles · 7 years
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Officer fucking Kwak everyone, a true hero
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chiraaachira · 7 years
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sangwoo is literally bullshitting his way through life...
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cooltulips · 2 years
reposting in hopes it shows up in tags
hello, discord roleplayers !
i am looking to write some kpop ships and kdrama shows listed below, so if you’re interested, like this post or reach out in the dms ! i prefer m/m ships at the moment.
( bold is the faceclaim i want to write as )
seonghwa / wooyoung * ( woohwa )
jungwoo / jaehyun ( jaewoo )
the devil judge ( yohan / gaon ) aka ji sung x jinyoung *
beomgyu / yeonjun * ( beomjun / yeongyu )
taehyung x cha eunwoo
soobin / beomgyu * ( soogyu )
true beauty ( suho / seo joon ) aka eunwoo x hwang in yeop
cha eunwoo x sf9 rowoon
svt mingyu / exo kai ( kaigyu )
lee do hyun / park solomon
song kang x kim soo hyun
enhypen sunghoon / txt hueningkai
svt mingyu x park solomon ( solgyu )
beomgyu / hueningkai ( beomkai )
anything inspired by the reply series — reply 1997 , reply 1988 , reply 1994 !!
gong yoo x lee dong wook ( goblin : the great and lonely god )
mingyu x taeyong ( yongyu ) *
park solomon / seo in guk
johnny x jaehyun x jungwoo ( johnjaewoo )
bae in hyuk x lee minho
yeo jin goo / ji chang wook
lee dong wook x im siwan ( saw them in strangers from hell and they're a certified hot pairing )
enhypen sunghoon x sunoo ( sunsun )
kim seon ho / yeo jin goo
woo do hwan x kim min jae
the king : eternal monarch ( lee minho / woo do hwan )
lee do hyun x kim soo hyun
sf9 rowoon / taehyung ( taewoon )
yeo jin goo x seo in guk
lee dong sik / han ju won or han joo won however you wanna write it ( beyond evil bc damn that shit be on the top #1 homoeroticism with the devil judge )
song kang x lee minho
soobin / mingyu ( soomin )
yeo jin goo x lee do hyun ( aka younger lee dong sik )
shin ha kyun x yeo jin goo ( canon beyond evil pair )
lee minho / woo do hwan *
park bo gum x kwak dong yeon
kim soo hyun / park hyung sik
enhypen sunghoon x ?? ( i dunno i adore him a lot even tho i only recently began joining the fandom — i relate to him in a few ways tbh )
kang haneul x yeo jin goo
exo sehun x kai ( sekai / kaihun )
yeo jin goo / park solomon
lee do hyun x gong yoo
park solomon / bae in hyuk
exo kai / taeyong ( kaiyong )
anything inspired by isekai / historical / fantasy / transmigration manhwas !!
exo kai x nct mark lee ( kaimark )
seonghwa / yeosang ( seongsang )
gong yoo x kwak dong yeon
park solomon / kim min jae
wi ha joon x lee dong wook
song kang / park bo gum
kim jungwoo x jung sungchan ( woosung )
svt hoshi / lee soo hyuk [ horanhyuk — lmao you know why 😂 i love it ]
park solomon x lee minho
gong yoo / kim minkyu
ryeon x hwang in yeop
choi hyun wook / park solomon
jung sung il x lee do hyun ( the glory )
lee minho x hwang in yeop
yeo jin goo / jung sung il ( also a hot pair )
choi minho x park hyung sik
lee minho / kim soo hyun
woo do hwan x jung sung il
hwang in yeop / park solomon
cha eunwoo x choi hyun wook
gong yoo / jung sung il ( zaddy fest gimme pls )
wi ha jun x ji chang wook
nam joo hyuk / jung gun joo
woo do hwan x lee sang yi ( such great chemistry and adoration fr )
kim soo hyun / woo do hwan
woo do hwan x ji sung
park hyung sik / sf9 rowoon
kim soo hyun x gong yoo ( gimme pls !! )
hwang in yeop / woo do hwan
park hyung sik x gong yoo
ji chang wook / kim soo hyun
kim seon ho x kang haneul ( basically hometown cha cha cha x when the camellia blooms )
gong yoo x park bo gum
lee minho / seo in guk
taeyong / johnny ( johnyong )
johnny x haechan
anything inspired by kdramas !! such as — moon lovers : scarlet heart ryeo , beyond evil , the devil judge , it's okay to not be okay , the heirs , kill me heal me , love in the moonlight , goblin , my id is gangnam beauty , my roommate is a gumiho , the king : eternal monarch , vincenzo , school 2015 : who are you , extraordinary you , because this is my first life , go ahead ( 2020 cdrama but so good !! ) , coffee prince , strangers from hell , hometown cha cha cha , when the camellia blooms , the glory , tomorrow (2022) , cheer up (2022) , sh**ting stars , record of youth , doctors , legend of the blue sea , chief kim , hotel del luna , flower boy next door , love alarm (justice for hwang sun-oh), pinnochio & more !!
jungwoo / haechan ( hyuckwoo / junghyuck )
taeil / haechan ( sunmoon )
seo in guk x jung hae in
johnny / jungwoo ( johnwoo )
jungwoo x yuta ( yuwoo )
apo nattawin / choi minho ( ft. shin mina as the sister )
lucas x jungwoo ( luwoo )
minhyun / sf9 rowoon
lee jong suk x jung hae in
ji sung / park bo gum
sehun x baekhyun ( sebaek )
seonghwa x soobin ( soohwa ) * [ hear me out it's such a fine pairing y'all i need them to interact and make their dating rumours canon bc i just KNOW they would get along really well ]
san x seonghwa ( sanhwa )
jung sung il / shin mina ( our blues kdrama ) — not their characters but their pairing !!
yeonjun / wooyoung ( yeonwoo / woojun )
wooyoung x san x seonghwa ( woosanhwa )
yeonjun / soobin / beomgyu ( yeonbingyu aka txt's choi line )
any m/m pairing inspired by when the camelia blooms ( haneul's cop character / the single parent )
ji sung x kim min jae
taehyung / svt mingyu ( mintae )
ji chang wook x park bo gum
anything inspired by harry potter series ( esp. the weasley twins , kriggory , wolfstar — remus lupin x sirius black ) i love as well !
park bo gum / hwang in yeop
seonghwa x haechan ( hwahyuck )
kwak dong yeon / ji chang wook
hoshi x seonghwa ( shihwa )
lee minho / jinyoung
svt mingyu x song kang
kang haneul / song kang ( when the camellia blooms' hwang yongsik x love alarm adult hwang sun-oh pls they are so open & unrestricted with their love :")
byeon woo seok x song kang
wooyoung / seonghwa / san / yeosang ( woohwasansang )
jung hae in x song kang
hwang in yeop / kim seon ho
seonghwa x sf9 rowoon ( rohwa )
ryu jun yeol / go kyung pyo
yunho x yeosang ( yunsang )
park bo gum / svt mingyu
svt jeonghan x s.coups
seonghwa / svt mingyu ( gyuhwa )
svt junhui x jungwoo
lee do hyun / ji chang wook
song kang x sf9 rowoon
kim ji woong ( bl actor & boys planet ) x anyone
hwang in yeop / song kang
svt mingyu x jeonghan
hwang in yeop / lee do hyun
seonghwa x cha eunwoo ( seongwoo )
ji chang wook / park solomon
beomgyu x nct sungchan ( gyuchan )
jungwoo / sf9 rowoon
jeno x haechan ( nohyuck )
kang haneul / lee do hyun
mark lee x haechan ( markhyuck )
svt mingyu / kim ji woong
park solomon x kwak dong yeon
taehyung / park bo gum
mark lee x jungwoo ( markwoo )
park solomon / park bo gum
song kang x lee do hyun
woo do hwan / kim min jae
lee do hyun x woo do hwan
svt hoshi / mingyu
byeon woo seok x park bo gum ( record of youth's won hae hyo & sa hye jun )
svt mingyu / jungwoo ( gyuwoo )
kang haneul x kim minkyu
enhypen sunghoon / beomgyu ( hoongyu )
svt mingyu / park solomon ( gyumon )
lee minho x song kang
woo do hwan / kang haneul
lee do hyun x lee minho
song kang / kim seon ho ( characters — love alarm x hometown cha cha cha crossover )
park solomon / sf9 rowoon
seonghwa x park solomon ( hwasol )
seo kang joon / kwak dong yeon
lee minho x seo kang joon
sf9 rowoon / svt mingyu ( gyuwoon )
park solomon x cha eunwoo
kang haneul / wi ha joon
seonghwa x kim ji woong
song kang / park solomon
kim ji woong x jungwoo
jung sung il / song kang
park solomon x jungwoo ( monwoo )
kim ji woong / kdrama actor
svt mingyu x jungwoo x sf9 rowoon ( aka the tall bf brigade )
( actor ) ji soo x park hyung sik
park solomon / jung sung il ( hottie & zaddy )
kim ji woong / kwak dong yeon
( actor ) ji soo x nam joo hyuk
bae in hyuk / kim hyun jin
kang haneul x park solomon
yeo jin goo / song kang
ha do young / moon dong eun ( the glory s1 & s2 ) — lbr the seduction, chemistry and tension between jung sung il / song hye kyo is fire af !! i either need the character pairing or fc pairing. tbh i want them to fall in love irl too , they're so hot . new zaddy in town .
moon dong eun x joo yeo jung ( the glory s1 & s2 ) — lee do hyun the noona collector along with cha eunwoo saying “ i will be your executioner, i'll join your hunt. i'll join your sword dance. who can i kill for you right now? ” this fucking line omg the i love you replacement is 10000x hot.
park ji hoon / choi hyun wook ( weak hero class 1 ) — not the characters but their dynamic and pairing !
jinyoung x another male kdrama actor ( inspired by reborn rich )
lee soo hyuk / jinyoung
song kang x another male kdrama actor ( bc he was too cute too precious and hwang sun-oh deserved so much better in love alarm )
kim ji woong x enhypen sunghoon
open to many more pairings !!
21+ only writing partners for long term and those who understand muse can vary / life is busy so sometimes headcanons & text rp > actual full length rp.
»   some plot au & dynamics to consider — downton abbey, old hollywood, mafia, hogwarts, enemies to lovers, reluctant allies dynamic, forbidden lovers, royal x servant, 80s italian summer ( think ' call me by your name ' but the age difference is legal ), 1920s to 1990s, rivals dynamic, crime / on the run au, difference in social status of some sort, bridgerton s2 kathony but make it gay, supernatural verses, knight x servant, vampire au, single parent, hannigram, kpop stars in the same group, detectives / sherlock and watson type private investigators, twilight au, noble x noble, sugar daddy, fake dating, college au, medieval era, modern day actors falling in love, lawyer / murder husbands, fantasy, pokemon au, hamptons / rich kids au, werewolves, legal age gaps, ceo / secretary, time travel ( twinkling watermelon kdrama ), victorian era, amc interview with the vampire au, royal x knight, vampire / werewolf, enemies in love, omegaverse, roommates, businessman au, vampire clans, detective partners, bodyguard, slice of life. also transmigration /reincarnation / historical royalty / manhwa like operation: true love, inso's law, and more!! / isekai manhwa inspired stuff (example. death is the only ending for the villain, raising a black dragon, surviving as a maid, a false confession, remarried empress and more!) — open to a variety of isekai and non-isekai manhwa.
but that said, i don’t ghost, it would be preferable if the writing partner didn’t as well. communication is key !
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y00nbumx-blog · 7 years
Chief Kwak.
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evil-moonlight · 2 years
I've always wondered how did Section Chief Kwak react as Han Ju Won made that face by the end. So dominant.
And what if it was Lee Dongsik who was cornered in that trivial space? Han Juwon closed the door, locked it, and made that face as though he was expecting the former to be submissive (as if Juwon has just a taste of Dongsik). I imagine Dongsik making a grin, showing pleasure through his eyes. I also imagine them doing the sexiest eye-f*cking-contact.
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mangodelorean · 2 years
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Bad and Crazy - Ep 01 recap/musings
Some stray thoughts through the lucid lurgy of my covid booster jab (please get it if you're able to) that turned into a recap of sorts:
The opening credits are suitably mental.
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...As was that trippy opening sequence with the Fight Club-esque boxing nightmare (I'd thought it was real from the previews) that sets up the Anti-Corruption Unit's Senior Inspector Ryu Su Yeol's social positioning nicely: He thinks he's got (literal) clout, and it seems like people are in his corner, but they just want to use him for their own ends.
Writer: How do we show how reckless this idiot is? Let's have him wake up in a bathtub FULL of water, then traipse around his flat in soaking wet clothes and then fall over like a dickhead:
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Su Yeol finds his car damaged, so he Karens off to the security office to demand to see the CCTV footage... which shows it's actually him that did it. I'm glad we're already touching on this.
[Why would you go to work right after not remembering that you trashed your own car? Did he just think he was that wasted?]
He whines to himself about still having to make car payments when he runs into his ex Hee Kyum, who immediately calls him out about screwing over her captain just so he could get promoted. When he tries to make her feel small by bringing up their break-up (ew) and that he's her senior (double ew), she tells him he's the problem. He tries to snark his way out of it but she's not having any of it and flips him effortlessly to the ground. I love how she flips the back of her jacket like it's a superhero cape as she leaves. Like a cat pretending it didn't fall over, he jokes that she was "practicing her kicks" outside. Yeah, no-one's buying that.
At work and he's late (obviously). His partner Jae Seon asks if he drank last night. "Hey, that's not important." Ha.
The man they've brought in for questioning is already there, and Su Yeol makes up a flimsy excuse for his lateness about the cafe being busy. [He really is the person who shows up late with a Starbucks.] But at least he brought coffee for everyone. Iced americanos, though. Cheapskate. The man they're questioning is Kim Gye Sik. Su Yeol extends a hand but it's met with an icy stare from Kim Gye Sik, who points out that this "isn't exactly an honourable situation, is it?".
Su Yeol tries to look like he's defusing any tension but with the emotional expertise of an external HR consultant coming in to fire everyone. He offers condolences for what happened to Gye Sik's slain colleague Tak Min Su, but he's watching the other man's behaviour. Gye Sik recalls the situation: he saw Min Su fall from a height, saw the suspect fleeing and shot him, but the suspect, too, fell to his death. Cut to the present and Gye Sik is distraught, but Su Yeol has this look on his face that he can't wait for the other guy to stop crying. Out of context, he looks like the world's biggest arsehole.
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Su Yeol mentions that the suspect, Sim Sang Ho, was close to Min Su, even helping him get clean from drugs. Gye Sik dismisses this by mentioning the suspect's drug history (implying potential for violence), and that he only shot him in the leg. But Su Yeol pokes holes in his story - the suspect had no drugs or alcohol in his system at the time, and was on the edge of a rooftop with no railings, and that any DNA evidence of the killing was washed away by the rain - effectively accusing Gye Sik of murdering his own partner and covering it up. Whoa - that's a really heavy accusation. Two older cops - the Chief and the Commissioner - on the other side of the room's two-way mirror mention in the same breath that Gye Sik is the best cop in narcotics, but that his ego was getting too big and that he pissed off the Commissioner's nephew. So this is all politics.
In what's probably not even midday yet, Su Yeol drinks expensive whiskey in Chief Kwak Bong Pil's office, the latter stringing the former along with talk of promotion. He calls Su Yeol a "fox" (heh) for pretending not to know he was drinking with the Commissioner's nephew last night.
Drink every time Su Yeol complains about his back. But, at the sauna, he complains to himself about Hee Kyum's silver-spoon upbringing and why she can't just live comfortably and quietly. On the verge of a steam-room haze, he notices a dude in full motorcycle leathers and a bike helmet, and his first instinct is to think it's a delivery man. Ha. He is here to deliver, but not food - he silently walks up to Su Yeol (without slipping), and immediately beats the shit out of him - throwing him on the floor, hurling him against a sink so hard it breaks, rubbing salt in his eyes, garrotting him with a shower hose and spraying him with scalding hot water and, finally, sucker-punching him into the pool. He sinks into the water, and we're right back where we started.
It's the perfect place to put that title card. Chef's kiss!
Time to meet our wholesome cinnamon bun character: Officer O Gyeong Tae, whose presence is so threatening that a gaggle of tiny children smash into him and almost knock him over, but he responds with a genuine smile. He spots a young girl putting up a poster and is about to gently tell her it's not allowed when he notices it's a missing poster - and that the missing person is the girl's mother. Oh :(
Gyeong Tae takes her to the station and meets Do In Bom, the detective assigned to the mother's case, who dismisses the woman as a runaway drug addict because of her past. He asks Gyeong Tae why he cares. That's like asking a rainbow why it's so colourful.
As a palate cleanser, we're back to this dickhead Su Yeol Karenning it up at the sauna's front desk (he legit asks to speak to a manager), complaining about the man in the helmet and why they can't find him on their CCVTV, and keeps repeating that the attacker even wore his shoes in there. The poor minimum-waged employee apologises repeatedly and tries to placate him with a refund, but Su Yeol is insulted by the offer and argues that it's not about the money, it's about the principle of running a business properly. He's interrupted by a phone call from Bong Pil and, sensing he's about to get promoted, his mood/ego lifts. He brags about how busy he is, berates the employee for treating a long-term customer this way and repeats his disgust at the offer of a refund as he storms off... only to return seconds later to change his mind. When he can't produce the original credit card he paid with, he ragequits, stage left. Ha!
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Back to Cinnamon Bun Gyeong Tae, who's walking the little girl home while carrying her little purple backpack for her. She tells him that her mother would always message her every day, even when she was abroad, but that she's never been to her mother's place because she's "busy". If that implies what I think it does, I wish things were safer for that line of work. He promises to find her mother and she offers a clover leaf she found and an adorable smile in response. Please protect these two at all costs.
Back again to our favourite dickhead, whose day is marred by the arrival of an even bigger dickhead, Senior Inspector Ju, in a garish yellow Porsche ("I bought it to celebrate my son's first birthday."). Su Yeol teabags Ju with his impending promotion, only for Jae Seon to maniacally run over to him and basically break it to him that... he's not getting promoted. It's Ju, and it's the only reason he's here.
In Bong Pil's office, Su Yeol is seething. In what seems to be an office tradition of saying abject bullshit and expecting the other person to believe it, Bong Pil explains that Ju's father is childhood friends with the Commissioner. An enraged Su Yeol points out that there's no way that's possible since the two grew up around 3 hours away from each other. Bong Pil just deadpans "Good point". Lmao. Su Yeol isn't happy, but Bong Pil negs Su Yeol with a rundown of his history: He got the highest score on his entrance exam, but he only graduated high school, never went to college, and wasn't born with wealth or any of its connections. He tells Su Yeol he needs a "reality check", and I don't think I've seen anyone want to chew off their own lip so angrily.
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Gyeong Tae and his colleagues discuss the girl's missing mother, named Jeong Yu Na. They, too, write her off as a drug addict/runaway that doesn't need bothering with. Sigh. They joke that they usually just deal with missing cats (is that a Strangers From Hell reference?). A diligent Gyeong Tae isn't giving up, and forgoes a rather sad-looking bowl of jiajangmyeon to rush off when he gets a lead: He's found the building where Yu Na lived.
The night-time security guard tells him he doesn't remember Yu Na and that he doesn't have time to help (hmm). He then runs into a resident who tells him Yu Na's unit number, and he has a locksmith come to basically break in, while the security guard dobs him in over the phone. O, Officer O, can you please be careful?
Inside, the flat is quite homey. I like the set details: plenty of stiletto heels in the hall, a full bar cubbyhole stacked with top-shelf booze, a cozy couch and cute photos of Yu Na and her daughter, but a sad little kitchen area with run-down, stained appliances. Gyeong Tae smells bleach in the bathroom and, on instinct, lifts up the drain to find a clump of hair mixed with blood. Bingo.
In pops Detective Do who doesn't say anything - but instead brutally, and I mean brutally - attacks Gyeong Tae. It's horrifying to watch.
The next morning, Bong Pil calls Su Yeol into his office and, picking from a box of colourful macarons, offers him the yellow one (heh). Su Yeol declines, his ego still bruised from before, but perks up when Bong Pil tells him of an opportunity to curry favour with Assemblyman Do - yep, the cousin of that Detective Do. Su Yeol declines, citing Detective Do's famous reputation as a "ticking time bomb", but caves when he finds out that the Assemblyman specifically requested a meeting with him.
I understand networking among people who rank higher than you but, fuck me, I wasn't prepared for the level of second-hand cringe in this scene. At his brother's pizza shop, a simpering Su Yeol greets Assemblyman Do with a drink on a tray. Assemblyman Do sits but Su Yeol remains standing, snivelling, bowing, bursting out fake laughs, and the already existing, significant height difference between the two makes this darkly comical. It's like watching a giraffe squash champagne grapes for a hamster.
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Su Yeol promises to smooth things over and sees him off with another bow. In walk his older brother Dong Yeol and mother, and Su Yeol chides the both of them for having her come in when she's still recovering from the back surgery he paid for. Mother Ryu replies that she said she'd pay him back, and Dong Yeol mentions that Su Yeol is so caring and technically the family breadwinner since he also opened up the shop for him. Su Yeol seems exasperated by all of this talk, as does Mother Ryu, who starts swatting the older brother with a rag. Su Yeol hands Mother Ryu a menu and tells her to "hit him harder". Ha! I don't think there's a lack of love in this family.
Su Yeol and Jae Seon arrive at Gyeong Tae's substation, and the former yells at the latter for making the station head wait outside for them. Su Yeol tries his "it's just a chat" line but his face drops when he sees Gyeong Tae's - it's so bruised, bloodied and swollen that on such an innocent-looking face as Gyeong Tae's, even a wankering bastard like Su Yeol feels a twinge of sympathy.
Thankfully, for Su Yeol's ruthless assholerypirations, this goes out the window when he "chats" to Gyeong Tae about what happened. When Su Yeol becomes yet another voice to ask "Why are you bothering?", Gyeong Tae can only answer with the truth: that he's a police officer, and that he just wanted to help because he's a police officer. Su Yeol dickheads back with "You think you're the only police officer?", pointing out that Detective Do is also a police officer, as is he, and snarks that maybe Gyeong Tae thinks he's better than everyone and that everyone else should quit. Unfortunately, Helmet Man does not show in this scene to kick him in the balls. But Su Yeol does listen when Gyeong Tae says he saw blood in Yu Na's flat. Off they go!
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But nothing's there. Gyeong Tae swears on what he saw, but Su Yeol dismisses him as an American crime drama addict.
Su Yeol meets Detective Do at a cafe, where the former tells the latter to offer an apology. Do balks at this, and Su Yeol pulls rank, saying that the only one he has to be nice to is Assemblyman Do, not Detective Do. He thanks Do for the drink and then leaves. It doesn't seem like the detective's ego will let Su Yeol handle things quietly, though.
Back at the station, Su Yeol is flummoxed by Gyeong Tae's spotless work record. There's nothing he can use against him, so he tells a weight-lifting Jae Seon to get some dirt, no matter what. But Jae Seon isn't having it (yay!) and, weights still swinging, he has a go at Su Yeol and gives him shit for working this hard for such an ignoble cause. Su Yeol claps back and scolds Jae Seon for bringing in his weights and tries to lift just one of them, but his shoulder pops with a disgusting crack. You deserve it, you dickhead! Jae Seon mocks him for being out of shape. Ha.
Meanwhile, Gyeong Tae can't let this go, and stops by Yu Na's unit again, where he runs into a neighbour. She starts telling him info, but cuts herself short and runs into the bathroom. When he follows her, he finds her pretending to be fighting him off - even hurting her hand with broken glass - while the aforementioned shitty security guard arrives and turns him in. It's a set-up.
Now Gyeong Tae's being questioned by Jae Seon, who actually offers sympathy via food. But Gyeong Tae's facing a serious accusation of sexual assault by the neighbour. What a mess.
In the hospital, Su Yeol questions the neighbour, but his body language is just that of someone who does not give a shit. And we know why: The neighbour can't answer a single question without changing her story multiple times, prompting Su Yeol to phone Detective Do and tell him to stop muddying up the process with his shitty attempts to handle things.
Back home, Su Yeol tries to relax with a beer in his boring flat but realises this case isn't going to be as morally straightforward as he wants it to be: Detective Do's attitude is complicating things, and Gyeong Tae is far from the egotistic pariah that Gye Sik was being painted as.
But there's little time for more thought as in comes Helmet Man, who boops Su Yeol with said helmet until Bathrobe Dickhead falls unconscious.
He wakes up groaning in Yu Na's bathroom, which is UV-lit to show a myriad of blood stains. But, wait? UV light? How? Cut to Helmet Man, still in full leathers, swinging a UV light like he's at a school rave. Su Yeol tries to fight him by punching his bare fist onto the helmet like a fucking idiot, to which Helmet Man responds by kicking him back into the bathtub and knocking the shower curtain over him like a raccoon he's just cornered in his garage.
Su Yeol chases his attacker outside only to find him on his motorbike, running literal circles around him and terrorising him with the bike until he wakes up, back in his chair in his flat. Alone again, Bathrobe Wanker tries to convince himself that it's just a dream.
At the disciplinary hearing the next morning, Detective Do rattles off some bullshit about how bad he feels for hurting Gyeong Tae, who sits silently next to him. The disciplinary committee uses Gyeong Tae's breaking and entering, along with the sexual assault accusation, as negative points against him, but adds that the Anti-Corruption Unit "sorted it out". Like shit, they did. But of course a naive trusting Gyeong Tae runs into Jae Seon and Su Yeol outside, where he thanks the latter profusely. Out of earshot, Jae Seon rightfully berates Su Yeol for even including the sexual assault accusation in the report, to which Su Yeol arseholes back with "What was I supposed to do? Hide something that actually happened?" Fuck you.
Outside, Detective Do "thanks" Su Yeol and shows him footage of what appears to be Yu Na using her credit card at a convenience store, implying she's alive. Hmm. Su Yeol gets a positive-seeming call from Assemblyman Do.
Despite everything, Gyeong Tae has gone back to Yu Na's flat again - and alone, again (I'm going with brave and determined instead of stupid), where he discovers the unit has been emptied and renovated. He remembers the birthday present the little girl had mentioned and clocks it as the giant bear toy he saw previously, and he rushes out to the bins to scramble for it. He finds it, and I swear it looks like he's holding it like it's an actual child.
Su Yeol arrives at Assemblyman Do's estate - it's a party for his daughter, but there seem to be mostly adults there. Poor kid. Su Yeol grabs a flute of champagne and does the aimless "fuck I don't know any of these people" shuffling about that you're lying if you've never said you've done it.
The first person to greet him is, to his chagrin, Detective Do, who offers to get drunk with him to defuse the awkwardness but then deliberately makes a beeline to some other random person. Ha. Su Yeol spots the Commissioner who he thinks is greeting him, so he bows, only for the Commissioner to walk right by his bowing arse to say hello to Assemblyman Do. Ouch.
Giving up (I would, too), Su Yeol necks the entire glass of champagne, only to be spotted and called over by Assemblyman Do. In a moment of panic, Su Yeol spits out everything and rushes over to be introduced. The Commissioner: "Oh, it's you. I know you, of course." HA!
Assemblyman Do excuses himself to put his daughter to sleep (not like that) and leaves the two men to chat. The awkwardness is painful. After some silence, Su Yeol tries to break the ice by mentioning what a pleasant night it is, only for the heavens to choose that moment to crack with such loud thunder that the Commissioner visibly jumps. Pfft.
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Assemblyman Do overhears his wife talking about one of the gifts, a giant teddy bear with a nannycam... and remembers, ten days ago, at Yu Na's flat, while half-dressed, yelling at Yu Na's body (corpse?) for "bleeding so much", that there was a similar bear there.
Luckily that bear, as we cut to it, is in the arms of Gyeong Tae, who tries to reunite it with the little girl at the place he last dropped her off. But the woman who lives there said the girl and her grandmother left without a forwarding address. On his way home, he's knocked over by a passing biker, and it's then that he notices the hidden camera in the bear. Bingo!
He sprints home and plugs in the camera's memory card. But he's interrupted by Detective Do, who brutalises him even more horrifically than before. Sob.
Meanwhile, a drunken Su Yeol is being driven home (by a designated driver, in his own car) while he swoons over the business cards he's collected.
Gyeong Tae tries to swallow the memory card, but Detective Do literally reaches into his throat and yanks it back out (jesus christ), before sloshing petrol over the entire place. He stops to stare at Gyeong Tae's bloodied, gasping face. Conscience?
Back to Car Dickhead, who's feeling a bit sick, so he asks the driver "not to drive so rough"... only to find that he's alone in the car and someone is actually just shaking it - guess who?
Su Yeol leans out of the car to vomit and Helmet Man taunts him, saying that it's fate they met again. Su Yeol tries to punch him but is no match for Helmet Man, who swiftly grounds him with several kicks and breaks his phone before he can call 112. Helmet Man drags him around like a ragdoll and brings him to Kyung Tae's rooftop flat, demanding he apologise. But when they open the door: KABLAMO!
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Su Yeol tries to flee, but Helmet Man knocks the wind out of him with a stomach punch, and forces him into the flat. Su Yeol sees Gyeong Tae lying unconscious and tries to revive him, but he's out. A pillar collapses and blocks their exit, and Su Yeol yells at Helmet Man, asking how the hell they're going to get out. Helmet Man smashes a nearby window and gestures downward. Without much choice as the fire creeps closer to the stove, the trio make a calculated leap and land, back-down, on top of a car. Ouch, ouch, ouch. Gyeong Tae is still unconscious, but Su Yeol's arm under his neck broke his fall.
But Helmet Man not only pulled off a superhero landing, he did it while literally on fire. Facing an utterly astounded Su Yeol, he brushes the fire from his arms like it's just dust, removes his helmet, and smiles.
"It's nice to meet you, Ryu Su Yeol."
Su Yeol, a crumpled, bloody mess, grimaces, but Helmet Man grins broadly in reponse.
And that's episode 1!
Bloody grand stuff so far. To say it's living up to its title is an understatement, but there hasn't been a slow moment. We've seen snippets of side characters but enough to create intrigue, and I'm curious to see where this murder case goes.
As for Helmet Man/K: I don't think it's a secret that he's a split personality, but how is he manifesting? Is he a real entity brought into existence, or is he entirely in Su Yeol's head, like in Fight Club?
With the duality of Su Yeol and K, the concept so far feels like a bit like a reverse Venom (good making bad good), but with the both of them being unhinged in some way, I can't wait to see how crazy this will get. I always love a redemption story arc, but I hope they don't rush it - it's awfully satisfying at the moment seeing such a dickhead of a lead character getting his shit handed to him throughout the episode.
I'd thought we were getting 16 episodes, but perhaps the pacing would be more manic in just the 12. Can't wait for the rest!
Stray thoughts:
So many of the non-dialogue shots are so screenshot-worthy. What a grand DP!
Credit to Lee Dong Wook for making Su Yeol watchable despite the fact that the character, so far, is an utter bellend of a piece of shit (by design). And props to his physical comedy - that spit-take was gold.
"You're a fox" I see what you did there.
Su Yeol's flat is DEPRESSING. Most of those shelves are empty, there's nothing on the walls, and he has a single-seat chair with no other living room furniture.
The four-leaf clovers on Yu Na's bathroom mirror :(
Helmet Man/K seriously uses the front end of his bike like a sword in the chase scene, coming so close to practically dismembering Su Yeol.
I'm loving Jae Seon as what could be the show's voice of reason while Gyeong Tae is the moral compass.
The rain/water scenes introducing Helmet Man/K are absolutely a reference to Blade Man and I refuse to believe otherwise.
That bowing clown at the party a stone's throw away from giant Su Yeol and his hunched, ready-to-bow shoulders. Heh.
I have misophonia-triggered OCD, so it pains me to realise that K definitely punched Su Yeol so that he fell backwards onto his own vomit.
I have been in a house fire. This is accurate.
Maybe Su Yeol just drowned in the bathtub and this entire show is just a dream.
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