#chestervelle fan fiction
vallygirl285 · 2 years
Fan Fic Master List
Okay so I finally got around to doing a master list of my fan fiction stories.
I'm a Chestervelle fan so most of my SPN fan fiction are Dean and Jo stories.
Supernatural Fan Fiction:
At a Crossroad - WIP Last Updated: October 1, 2023
Cure All Kitchen Sink Stew - Completed
Daddy's Little Buddy - Completed
Father's Day Winchester's Style - Completed
Hot Child - Completed
In the Beginning - WIP Last Updated: August 3, 2022
In the Family Way - WIP Last Updated: November 6, 2022
I Told You to Make it Later - Completed
Jo Vs. Her First Hunt - Completed
John Winchester's Secret Hunting Lessons - Completed
Shattered Worlds - Completed
Taking My Life in My Own Hands _ Completed
The Red, White and (Black) Blue - Completed
The Winchester Men - Completed
You Had Me at Glory Hole - Completed
Blessing in Disguise Series
Somtimes a Curse is Really a Blessing in Disguise - Completed
Thanksgiving Harvelle Style - Completed
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus - Completed
Jericho Fan Fiction:
Bedtime - Completed
Breakfast - Completed
Christmas Memories - Completed
Pictures - Completed
Playtime - Completed
Seal Team Fan Fiction:
More Than Meets the Eye - Completed
Chuck Fan Fiction:
That's What Partners Are For - Completed
Never Too Late - Completed
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So ask me anything about my Supernatural fic“Shadows of the Past” Fic
You can read it on ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/16525847/chapters/38710994
Or you can follow @hanstielprompts as I slowly transplant it over.
Basically, it’s a 12 part mini series I am writing about the idea that the Winchesters moved to another MoL bunker in the woods of Maine (cuz its creepier than the prairie).
The main pairing is Castiel and Hannah who are living in a restored 17th century house just down the road from the Maine bunker. They share the house with Jack, a de-aged Claire whom Castiel has gotten custody of, and sometimes Gabriel, though he tends to split his time between the house and the bunker.
There are a lot of things in this fic. Hannah, Jo, and Eileen are back from the dead and no one seems to know why. There is a lot of supernatural things going on like Hannah’s visions and dreams she keeps having. The ghost child who seems to be following her around, and the fact that she feels she has been here before. Then, there are the pregnancies. In town, as everyone is forced to get side jobs, it seems like every woman is getting knocked up. Including, Hannah, Eileen, and Jo who get knocked up one by one.
And the women who have had their babies, in town, seem to shortly go missing. The Winchesters begin to suspect it may be a case, possibly a witch who is using the pregnancies for some sinister spell.
While Jo is hiding a secret of her own, Eileen suddenly begins to experience strange symptoms no one seems to be able to understand.
On top of all this, Lucifer is alive, and so are Michael and Raphael. Each with their own agenda, the archangels are plaguing the team. After failing to win Jack’s favor back in season 13, Lucifer is seeking a more ‘human’ route of getting his son. He is suing Castiel for custody and since Cas has not legally adopted Jack, he might have a fight on his hands.
So basically this 12 part series centers around Hannah and Castiel as well as the following developing pairings: Sam/Gabriel/Eileen, Dean/Jo and Jo/Charlie, and Claire/Kaia.
so feel free to ask my anything, anonymously or otherwise, about this fic. Just don’t be rude, judgemental, or hateful or your asks will go unanswered.
Part one: October: This is the first part of the 12 part series and it is nearly complete, will be about 10 chapters. Hannah realizes she’s pregnant while she and Castiel struggle with the challenges of taking care of Jack and an AU de-aged Claire who has been placed in Castiel’s custody as her legal guardian.
I made this Manip for this fic, although I am also using it in an RP:
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castherebel · 5 years
Muse Promo
Mun page: @hannah-deserved-better​  
Muses: Hannah @hannahhostofheaven,
Eileen Leahy @eileenleahyrp,
Jo Harvelle @joharvellerpg
OCs: @xhuntersandangelsx
Castiel muse (I don’t promote him much cuz I am kinda picky about who I ship him with) @castherebel
Dean muse (brand new) @deantherighteousman67
Sam Muse (brand new) @samthedemonprince
Hanstiel Fanfic and artwork blog. Fan fiction that focuses on Hanstiel, but other side pairings including Chestervelle and Sabriel could appear: @hanstielprompts
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  Hannah’s verses
Main Verse: An AU in which Hannah has been on Earth before but has had her memories altered and erased by Naomi. There are 9 distinct memories that span from Ancient Egypt to the 19th century.
Devorah Verse: The verse that factors in Devorah, Hannah and Castiel’s daughter. This is in conjunction with my other two muses Eileen and Jo. Seasons 9-14 canon divergent
Human Hannah verse: Choose from high school, College, or career woman Hannah. This is an AU in which Hannah is human and being raised by her military father, Raphael, her older sister Naomi, and dealing with her angsty little sister Tessa.
Apocalypse world Hannah: Apocalypse Hannah lead a very different life than her real world counterpart. Assigned to oversee a concentration camp of humans run by Raphael and Apocalypse Castiel, Hannah developed a compassion for the humans that were being abused by the angels so she began helping them escape and secretly assisting Charlie’s resistance.
Timeline AUs: A number of period drama AUs in which Hannah and Castiel are both human and living in various points in time from Ancient times to the 1960s.
Caroline Johnson: A verse about Caroline Johnson’s life post Hannah as she struggles with PTSD, mental problems, and homelessness.
Best RP Characters: Castiel
Starters                 Headcanons        Devorah Verse             Rules
                             Eileen’s verses
Main Verse: Eileen is the hunter and protector of her small irish town until she went away to college and was bitten by a werewolf. Determined to continue to be a hunter despite her wolf affliction, Eileen comes to the US. Also, in all verses, Eileen drives a cherry red ���65 mustang convertible.
Autumn Verse: the verse in which my OC Autumn is born. For Eileen, it starts in season 11 of SPN.
British Men of Letters Eileen went through the program to be a BMoL because her grandfather was one, which made her a legacy. She excelled in the program but when she got to the test requiring her to kill her classmate, she refused. She washed out of the program and Lady Toni Bevell took her place. Bevell is her rival and she may have had past relations with Ketch as the three of them were all in the program together.
Apocalypse world Eileen spent time in a human concentration camp run by angels after the apocalypse.
High school or College Eileen Eileen goes to school with Sam or Gabriel. If in college, she is majoring in anthropology.
Best RP characters: Sam or Gabriel or both.
Starters                Headcanon        Autumn Verse     Rules
Jo’s Verses
Main verse: Jo was resurrected almost as soon as she died in season 5. She was brought back by Zachariah in hopes of using her against Dean somehow, but he never got the chance so he left her stranded in Australia with amnesia. She was taken in by an elderly aboriginal man who retrained her as a hunter. Later on, she was bitten by a vampire and turned, but she has vowed to never take a human life. Options for canon seasons are seasons 8-14, with 14 being the default.
Jonah verse: Back story same as main verse, but always begins in season 8 and is in conjunction with Eileen and Hannah.
College or High school Jo: Any college verses involve Jo majoring in criminology.
Season three Jo: Jo was MIA during season three of Supernatural, she was traveling the country continuing her training as a hunter, this is her story.
Apocalypse Jo: Jo tried her best to stop the apocalypse, but, along with Charlie, she helped lead the resistance against the angels.
Best RP characters: Dean or Charlie
Starters                  headcanons    Jonah verse          Rules
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The children of Dean/Jo, Sam/Eileen, and Castiel/Hannah. These OCs are also OC friendly but read their bios and rules.
Devorah Vermuellen-Novak: Castiel and Hannah’s daughter and the oldest of the bunch. She’s got her father’s sassiness and her mother’s impulsive temper. She loves plants and animals and the natural world and she has an interest in cryptids, or theoretical animals. She is full angel. Face claim: Emily Rudd
Autumn Leahy-Winchester: Sam and Eileen’s daughter. Quiet, reserved, and studious, she loves history, music, and sewing. She is an anthropologist in her later verses and she helps out the family business by taking over the lore and mythology aspect of things. She is a werewolf/human hybrid. Face Claim: Annalise Basso
Jonah Harvelle-Winchester: Out of the three cousins, Jonah is the one who wants to be a hunter the most. He is trained in various styles of martial arts and weapons proficiency. He’s a lot like his father, he has an outgoing personality, and gets himself into trouble plenty of times. Faceclaim: Kenton Duty
Devorah         Autumn           Jonah        Parent’s bios          Starters   Rules
                                 Hanstiel Fan fiction
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My Hanstiel fan fiction and artwork all live here! All work focuses on Castiel/Hannah but side pairings may include: Dean/Jo, Sabriel, Sam/Eileen, Jo/Charlie, Sab+Eileen, or Claire/Kaia among others.
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fandomoniumflurry · 6 years
You are more than Enough
Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
The past few days have sucked and I have been in bed or chilling with my Netflix. The reasons why these past few days have sucked is a long story that I’m not going to share but it is what inspired this little piece of fiction. I hope a certain @keepcalmimthecupcake may read it. It’s not much but it helped me get some stuff outta my head. Dedicated to you, boo. <3
1820 words of just Chestervelle fluff and of course, some language
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“Jesus Christ!” The voice was almost as loud as the sound of the motel room door slammed shut in his face. His face was red as he clenched his jaw, a heavy fist raising to pound on the pale green wood. “Stop being a bitch about this!” He yelled again, sure to wake up anyone within a mile of the motel.
When his hand lifted to bang on the door again, it swung open. If looks could kill, the look on the little blonde’s face would have killed him brought him back then killed him again just for fun. He actually cowered a little under the glare, dropping his hand to his side. Finding his temper again, his shoulders squared as he glared right back down at her.
“Stop being a bitch? Stop being a BITCH?” A finger lifted and stabbed Dean harshly in the chest. He gave a soft ‘ow’ bringing a hand to his chest but didn’t say a word. He did though take a step back when she crossed the threshold. His brow furrowed as his arms crossed over his chest, not only to seem intimidating but also to guard his chest from her manicured nails.
“You heard me.” He snorted, his stance more firm now. Though a part of him couldn’t help but think she was always cute when she was angry. Her nose wrinkled, causing her brow to scrunch and the way her lips would move when she yelled, not to mention the wild gestures and sway of her body when she got really animated. He stopped focusing on her words now and was instead watching her, his tongue trailing slowly over his bottom lip.
“Are you even listening to me?” She snapped as she shoved his shoulder making him jolt backwards. When his eyes lifted to her again, he hummed in question. A growl ripped through her lips, her hands throwing up in annoyance and aggravation. “You’re impossible!” She spun on her heels and walked back into the motel room, this time at least leaving the door open.
As Dean stepped in behind her, he closed the door and she fell backwards onto the bed. Her arms stretched out on either side of her, her legs hanging over the end and her blonde hair fanned out on the paisley comforter under her head. Dean tried to keep the corner of his mouth curling up at the sight of her but with a clearing of his throat he fell back into serious mode.
He came to stand at the end of the bed overlooking her. His features were no longer rigid and hot but instead his gaze was soft and apologetic. “Look, Jo--”
Her hand lifted up to silence him, her eyes still locked on the ceiling. “I don’t want to hear your excuses tonight, Dean.” Her voice didn’t hold the edge to it any longer. She sounded defeated and exhausted and it only furthered Dean’s guilt. She slowly sat up with a sigh, her hands coming to rest in her lap. Her eyes watched her delicate digits as she fumbled with her nails nervously.
The Winchester couldn’t help but feel so small even though he towered above her. His hand slid down his face before he came to crouch down in front of her. A hand rested on her knee as his other hand tucked a finger under her chin to make her look at him. At first she denied the action but with a warm smile, Dean was able to coax her chocolate orbs up to his emerald orbs. He stared at her for a moment, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the inside of her knee through her faded jeans.
There was silence for a moment before Jo softly sniffled. She wore her insecurities on her sleeves as she seemed to fold into herself. Her words were a bit shaky as she finally found her voice, though soft it was. “I’m not enough.” Her eyes dropped, perhaps to hide the tear that escaped.
Dean’s brow wrinkled in confusion, his other hand coming down to rest on her other knee. He shook her legs gently, bringing himself closer to her. “Hey. What are you talking about?”
Timid brown orbs lifted to look at him again, misty with feelings unspoken. “For you. I’m not enough for you.” These words shocked the Winchester, causing his eyes to widen.
“Sweetheart, are you crazy?” His voice was still soft and he stood to his feet before sliding quickly to her side on the bed. His arm slid around her lower back, his hand resting on her hip. “Jo, why would you think you aren’t enough for me?” A hand slid over her lap again to rest over her hands, stilling her fiddling fingers.
He couldn’t see the tears that welled in her eyes but he could feel the slight tremble in her body. “I’m not some big chested bar girl who’s experienced and smooth. I’m not feminine or confident. We’re always fighting and I’m not even that good of a hunter. Honestly, I don’t know why you keep me aroun--”
Her words were cut off when a large hand cupped her cheek and brought her lips to his in a searing kiss. Her eyes closed instantly, all thought washing away. She brought a hand to rest against his bicep as he continued the kiss until she was breathless. When her eyes finally fluttered open, she could see Dean’s face split open with a smug grin. Her eyes rolled as she slapped his arm away, trying to seem annoyed by his arrogance but she couldn’t hide the small smile growing on her face. “I hate it when you do that.”
The Winchester scoffed loudly. “Please. You love it.” He leaned into her a bit, causing her to rock before she brought her head to rest on his shoulder. “Ya know, Harvelle. You are definitely a woman, there is no mistake about that.” She smacked his thigh with a light laugh and he smiled at the sound before intertwining their fingers.
Silence fell again between them, Dean’s head resting against hers as they sat there. Jo was the one to break the silence again, her voice still soft and timid. “I just see the way you look at other girls. The way you talk and flirt. Just makes me wonder why you’re with me when you could just go back to your one night stands.”
His head turned to plant his lips into her hair at the top of her head. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze before lifting his shoulder to move her head. “Now, what I’m about to say never leaves this room, You got it?” He warned with a stern expression and a finger near her face when she looked up at him. She couldn’t help her giggle but his brow raised and she quickly nodded her head.
He gave her a curt nod and guided her up off the bed and onto his lap, straddling his thighs. His arms found their way around her and his hands slid up and down her back. His eyes were so warm and loving now as he looked up at her. He let out a slow breath, as if this was going to be the hardest thing he would ever share.
“Sweetheart, you don’t ever see the way I look at you. You don’t feel how my heart races when you smile or the way I lose my breath when you laugh.” A hand lifted to comb through her hair, his eyes watching his own fingers for a moment before his hand rested against the side of her neck. “You don’t know how much I want to touch you, hold you, kiss you every second of every day. You can’t feel that ache in my chest when you’re hurt or know how much I miss you when we’re apart.” Tears had begun to form in Jo’s eyes as she listened, her arms resting against his shoulders.
He was so open and vulnerable in that moment, the purest and most honest she had ever seen him. The butterflies in her stomach were going crazy and she felt like her heart would burst from her chest. This was a private moment just for them, a side of the hunter that only she would ever see. And just the thought that this man wanted her made her heart soar. He searched her eyes trying to gauge her reaction, read her thoughts. He looked so scared and nervous and she could feel his fingers kneading the back of her shirt.
“Don’t leave me hanging here, baby.” He chuckled nervously, his breath shaky even though he was trying to hide his fear.
A bright loving smile lit up her face and Dean felt himself relax a bit. Her head tilted, fingers moving to comb through the short hairs at the back of his neck. She studied his features for a moment, the contentment as his eyes closed at her touch. She memorized every freckle, every line, every scar. Before he could open his eyes again, her lips were on his, a gentle chaste kiss that caused his heart to stop.
When she pulled away, her forehead rested against his and their eyes met. They both wore a similar smile before they both seemed to giggle. Arms tightened around one another, bodies relaxing into each other. He rested his face into the crook of her neck as he clung to her, her head resting against him as she continued to play with his hair. “You’re everything to me, Jo.” He whispered softly against her skin before planting a soft kiss into her neck. A shiver ran down her spine and she took in a deep breath. “You’re more than enough.”
Jo pulled back, her hands cupping his face, thumbs rubbing over his stubbly jaw. She rubbed her nose against his and a laugh rumbled low in his chest. “You are more than enough, Dean Winchester.” She pecked his lips before her hands slid down to flatten over his chest. “And you are absolutely adorable.” She snickered before kissing the tip of his nose.
His eyes rolled but he couldn’t hide his smile. A hand moved to slap firmly across her ass and she yelped. “Doesn’t leave this room.”
Her head tilted with her bright toothy grin. “Our little secret, princess.”
“You’re impossible.”
She hummed, her lips pursing. “No, I do believe I said that was you.”
“Shut up, Harvelle and just make out with me already.” She squealed when he stood up with a laugh and threw her down on the bed. She screamed with laughter and flailed her body as if trying to escape but gave in willingly when his body curled around her. All insecurities and thoughts of anger washed away as he showed her how much she truly meant to him.
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joannahunts-a · 7 years
Roleplay Preferences Sheet!
Please repost, do not reblog!  Feel free to add to any of your answers!  The purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write!  :)  For the multiple choice ones, bold all that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer!
– B A S I C S –
NAME:  Gwen ALIAS(ES)/HANDLE(S):  Caddywonked ARE YOU OVER 18?  Yes / No IS YOUR MUSE?  Yes / No (verse dependant) WHEN WAS YOUR BLOG ESTABLISHED?  April 2015
– W R I T I N G –
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only)
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only)
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH TO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / NA
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? One Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para / Novella
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS? No / Gifs / Icons / Yes (rarely)
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Unplotted / Open-Ended Plots (set up a meeting and see what happens) / Semi-Plotted (one or two steps ahead) / Fully Plotted Epics (plotted beginning, middle, and end)
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks) / Average (1-2 weeks) / Fast (less than one week) / Very Fast (less than three days)
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) Fluff / Angst / Smut / Violence / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / Conversational
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action/Adventure / Espionage
ARE THERE ANY THEMES YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WRITING ON YOUR BLOG? (not triggers) No / Yes: I’m not at all a fan of incest, which thankfully I haven’t had to deal with much for Jo, but I tend to avoid blogs that have wincest on them
DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS?  HOW DO YOU REQUEST IT TAGGED? No / Yes: not really? Just squicks.
– S H I P P I N G –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial (canon) / Familial (OCs)
WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial (canon) / Familial (OCs)
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No / Chemistry Only / Yes: chestervelle, jocifer, lavelle, jefan... I’m a ship whore
DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? No / Yes: Not exactly?: Not that involve Jo...
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION? Heterosexual / Heteroflexible / Bisexual / Homoflexible / Homosexual / Pansexual / Demisexual / Sapiosexual / Asexual
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S ROMANTIC ORIENTATION? Heteroromantic / Heteroflexible / Biromantic / Homoflexible / Homoromantic / Panromantic / Demiromantic / Sapioromantic / Aromantic
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? Autoship / During plotting / After a couple IC interactions / Several IC interactions in / Slow burn / Never (not open to romantic ships)
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? No / Selectively / Yes
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (incest, canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.) No / Selectively / Yes
– T A G G I N G! –
TAGGED BY:  @thebadsalvatore / @maryswaywardson TAGGING: @the-ramblin-man, @punishmentismyjob, @theloyalangel, @noditchablepromdate
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vallygirl285 · 1 year
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Merry Christmas to my Chestervelle mutuals! This is a story I posted a while back but figured I would repost for the holidays.
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vallygirl285 · 2 years
Title: Jo vs. Her First Hunt
Author: Valleygirl
Rating: G
Summary: Dean and Sam spend Halloween at the Roadhouse with Jo, Ellen and Bobby.
Chapter 1
"Come on Jo, what was your first hunt?" Dean asked as he popped open two beers, handing one to the blonde huntress as they clicked long-necks and said cheers.
"Rawhead with Gordon." She said quickly knowing that wasn't a name either brother cared to hear.
Ellen laughed. "I believe the question was what was your first hunt."
"Yeah and that was it." She said frowning at her mom in confusion.
"What about Mrs. Connor's garden?" Ellen teased.
Dean smiled when he saw Jo blushed a pretty shade of pink. "Come on Harvelle, fess up."
"Fine!" She huffed. "Not fair to ask things in front of my Mom though!"
"Come on Jo." Sam said, curious at what the young woman's first hunt really was.
"It was when I was five. I decided to stake out our neighbors vegetable garden on Halloween." She said seriously.
"Let me guess Linus, you were waiting for The Great Pumpkin." Dean teased.
"Don't be ridiculous Dean, there's no such thing as The Great Pumpkin. I was hunting a damn vamp. The most dangerous vampire to walk the earth." She told him earnestly as Dean, his brother and Bobby all leaned forward at this development.
"A vampire...at five you were hunting the most dangerous vampire to walk the earth." Dean asked skeptically.
Jo sighed and shudder for effect as she looked down at her hands. "Well walk might not be the exact truth, it's more likely he hopped."
"Hopped?" Sammy repeated questioningly.
Jo nodded her head seriously as she looked at her captive audience. "Yes hopped! Dammit Sammy, don't you see...I was hunting...I was hunting Bunnicula!" She sobbed dramatically burying her face in her hands.
She looked back up with a silly grin on her face as Sam, Bobby and Ellen burst out laughing but it was Dean's reaction that truly surprised her though.
"I can totally get behind ganking that furry freak!" Dean cried. "As if their teeth aren't weird enough but vampire fangs! Not to mention all those innocent victims being drained of their life force! Just not right!"
Sammy turned and stared at his brother. "Victims?! Dean they were vegetables."
"Victims Sammy victims!"
"Oh my god...now I know why you would never let me borrow that book from the library when we were kids."
"Like I was going to read that horror story to a child." He huffed.
"Or watch the cartoon..." Sam reminded him.
"Veggie snuff film... I don't think so!" He said firmly. Shooting Sam, Ellen and Bobby a dirty look when they started to laugh. He exchanged a look with Jo and knew she would have his back on this by the way she nodded her head in agreement.
Seven beers and five shots of Jack Daniels later Jo found herself being shush by an equally tipsy Dean as they crouch at the end of the garden.
"Remember Jo, don't attacking until you see their fangs." Dean slurred as he handed her one of their recently carved stakes.
Jo nodded her head in agreement before asking. "Are you sure stakes made from carrots are going to work?"
Dean looked up at his hunting partner and grinned. "Have I ever steered you wrong?"
Sam, Ellen and Bobby shook their heads in amusement.
"How long should we leave them out here?" Sammy asked as he pulled out his cell phone to capture the two hunters actually crawling along the perimeters of the garden plotting their strategy for the upcoming 'battle'.
"Oh I'm sure they'll pass out soon. It's a warm evening and they should be fine to sleep it off outside. They'll be back when Mrs. Connor's sprinklers come on in the morning." Ellen said with a chuckle as she headed back inside.
Bobby laughed. "Oh that should be fun."
Sam smirk as he continued to film the clearly drunk hunters. He almost went over to put an end to their 'hunt' when he saw Jo's hand slipped and she went down with a soft thud.
Instead he stopped and watched the way Dean helped her up, checking her for any injuries before leaning down to kiss the palm of her hand.
He couldn't keep the smile off his face as he watched his brother reach up to cup Jo's cheek before leaning in and finally kissing the blonde huntress.
Maybe his brother and Jo's 'hunt' wasn't such a waste of time after all.
The End
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vallygirl285 · 2 years
In The Beginning Updated
What if Jo was actually Bobby’s niece and she grew up with the Winchesters.  What if John was a bastard and realized before it was too late that he could still be a caring father.  What if John was given a second chance at love.  What if Dean and Sam had a woman in their life that loved them as much as possible.
Through it all Jo and Dean knew they are always meant for each other.
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Photo of Jensen is from  Pure Fandom and the photo of Alona is from Alona’s Instagram.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28
Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32
Chapter 33 Chapter 34 Chapter 35 Chapter 36
Chapter 37
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vallygirl285 · 2 years
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WOW I'm finally done with this story and posted the epilogue. I really hope people liked it and will help spread the Chestervelle Love💕 !!!
Picks up when Team Free Will make it back to the bunker after Rowena sacrificed herself. Dean and Sam are in the map room when a portal rift opens, and two familiar faces come running through.
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5 Chapter 6Chapter 7 Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23 Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27 Chapter 28Chapter 29 Chapter 30Chapter 31Chapter 32Chapter 33Chapter 34Chapter 35 Chapter 36Chapter 37Chapter 38Chapter 39Chapter 40 Chapter 41 Epilogue
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vallygirl285 · 2 years
In The Family Way Updated
What if when Dean got to Bobby’s after digging himself out of his grave there was another hunter there staying with Bobby.
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Photo from Alona’s Instagram
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7   Chapter 8Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25
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vallygirl285 · 2 years
Hot Child
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AU – Dean goes with Caleb to Harvelle’s the summer after Sam took off for college and 22 years old Dean Winchester meets 18-year-old Jo Harvelle.
This story is for the wonderful Blondie20000. I had posted a photo of Alona from when she was a teen and worked as a bartender and she had posted a comment about a possible storyline, and it prompted some plot bunnies about Dean meeting a young Jo while he was hunting by himself after Sam left for college.
This is an AU story and definitely will warn people Dean and Jo are OOC here (then again, we didn't see them when he was 22 and Jo was 18 so who knows how they would have acted).
We've had so many stories that during that time Dean felt abandoned by his family and this story is a what if he took control of his life completely instead of just being the obedient soldier that we were introduced to in the pilot and realized that he was tired of his father being his drill sergeant verses being his dad.
Here is the original picture that prompted this story.
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Dean watched as Caleb headed back inside while he pulled out his pack of Newports and shook one out for himself before holding the pack out towards Jo.
“Thanks,” she said as he pulled out his lighter and held it up as a silent offer. Jo smiled as she leaned forward slightly, and Dean cupped his hand around her cigarette before lighting hers and then his own.
Jo took a long pull on her cigarette before forming her ruby red lips into a perfect ‘O’ and blew out a couple of smoke rings. “So, you're camping out in the bunkhouse too?”
Title: Hot Child
Author: Valleygirl285
Rating: Teen+ for language
Dean pulled the Impala up behind Caleb’s pick up and got out of the car and joined the other hunter.
“Harvelle’s Roadhouse?” he said as he stubbed out his Newport with the heel of his boot.
“Trust me, coldest beer and best bacon burgers this side of the state line. Just what we need after that witch hunt.” The other hunter said as he shook his head. “You should consider stop polluting your lungs with those little cancer sticks. I have fifteen years on you, but I didn’t nearly huff and puff as much as you did when we took those stairs earlier.”
“Bitch...bitch…bitch,” Dean teased as he followed Caleb inside.
The younger hunter looked around. He was used to rough and tumble crowd, but this place gave off a vibe he was surprised by. “Hunters?” He asked quietly.
“Yeah, I should have warned you. Don’t attempt to hustle in here, wouldn’t be considered good etiquette.” Caleb told him as he punches his shoulder as he looked up when he heard his name being shouted from across the room.
Dean watched as an attractive auburn hair woman started walking towards them with a smile on her face. “Caleb Johnson. Long time no see you worthless dog,” the woman called out good naturedly.
“Ellen,” Caleb cried happily as he hugged the newcomer. “Let me introduce you to my friend here. Ellen Harvelle...Dean Winchester. Dean Winchester...Ellen Harvelle owner and the number one bad ass bouncer of Harvelle’s Roadhouse,” he said with a grin as he introduced them.
“Winchester...John’s boy?” She asked, a little frostier than Dean liked.
“Yes ma’am,” he told her, his defenses up. He caught the slight head shake Caleb gave the woman.
“Hey where’s my girl?” Caleb asked to distract the woman.
Ellen sighed, “out back on a break. Tell her to pop a mint in her mouth before she comes in to cover the smell of the cigarettes that she thinks I don’t know she smokes.”
Caleb laughed as he slapped Dean on the stomach, “come on kid. Time for you to meet my girl.”
Dean cocked his eyebrow at that comment as he gave the owner Ellen a tight smile as he followed Caleb towards the back. “So, is there a reason for the attitude?”
“That’s Ellen’s story to tell or your old man could fill you in. It’s not my place to tell you.” He told him as they went out the back door.
Dean rolled his eyes. No way was he going to ask this Ellen woman and he knew he wouldn’t bother talking to his father since he would just give him a bullshit answer.
He looked up when Caleb called out, “Joanne Beth stub that butt out and come give me a hug!”
Dean followed where his friend was looking and swallowed when he saw a young woman, probable his brother’s age wearing barely there cutoff jeans and black tank top with a flirty Betty Boop flipping off the bird. Her jet-black hair was pulled back in a ponytail and her makeup was basically ruby red lipstick on a mouth he was already imagining all sorts of naughty thoughts about.
“Caleb!” The young woman exclaimed as she tossed her cigarette on the ground before taking a running leap into Caleb’s waiting arms, wrapping her long lean legs around his hips and giving him a smacking kiss on the lips.
Caleb laughed as he swung Jo around, “damn girlie, I’ve missed you.”
“You’re such a Rico Suave,” Jo teased as she tossed her head back and laughed.
“Watch it or I’ll spank you,” he taunted as he settled her back on the ground and slapped her ass to emphasize his point.
“Oh, maybe I’m into that,” she purred.
“Christ, I don’t want to know that.” Caleb said with a deep laugh before pointing towards Dean. “Jo, this is Dean. Dean, this is Jo.”
Jo finally turned her attention towards the younger man and smirked, “Dean huh. You must be somewhat competent if you’re backing up Caleb.”
Dean cocked an eyebrow at Jo, “maybe it’s Caleb that’s somewhat competent to back me up Sweetheart.”
Caleb rolled his eyes, “okay I’m going back inside to be with the grown-ups. You two play nice in the sandbox.”
Dean watched as Caleb headed back inside while he pulled out his pack of Newports and shook one out for himself before holding the pack out towards Jo.
“Thanks,” she said as he pulled out his lighter and held it up as a silent offer. Jo smiled as she leaned forward slightly, and Dean cupped his hand around her cigarette before lighting hers and then his own.
Jo took a long pull on her cigarette before forming her ruby red lips into a perfect ‘O’ and blew out a couple of smoke rings. “So, you camping out in the bunkhouse too?”
“Bunkhouse?” Dean asked as he looked over towards the building Jo jerked her thumb towards.
“Yeah, Caleb usually stays for a few days when stops by.” She explained.
Dean opened his mouth to respond but snapped it shut when Jo growled as she stomped past him.
“Yo asshole you puke on my girl it’ll be the last thing you do!” She shouted as she stormed over to a clearly drunk man as he staggers dangerously close to a pristine chopper.
“Sorry,” he slurred.
“Use the damn toilet inside like an actual human being,” Jo huffed as she spun the drunk around and pushed him back towards the roadhouse.
Dean took one last drag on his cigarette before crushing it out on the ground with the heel of his boot and making his way over as Jo loving caressed the motorcycle the drunk was about hurl on. “She’s gorgeous,” he murmured as he ran his hand along the body of the motorcycle.
“Thanks, I just finished restoring her last month,” she told him.
“You restored her?” He asked skeptically.
Jo rolled her eyes, “yes, I restored her, and I have a vagina…shocking isn’t it.”
Dean snorted in amusement, “fair enough.”
Jo finished her cigarette, popped a couple of Mentos in her mouth. “Break’s over,” she announced as she looked up at Dean. “So, you staying or what?”
“I don’t know…depends,” he said as he gave the gleaming chopper a final pat.
“Oh…what’s that?” she asked as she cocked her eyebrow slightly.
Dean grinned as he eyed the young woman before leaning forward so that his warm breath tickled her neck as he whispered in her ear, “on if you’ll give me a ride.”
Jo swallowed when she felt him place a feather light kiss on her collarbone before stepping around and heading inside. She let out a shallow breath as she looked over his shoulder and watched him go in through the back door. Suddenly this summer didn’t seem like a complete lost after all.
“So, you’re working with the Winchesters again?” Ellen said to Caleb as he sat down at the bar.
“He’s a good kid. You can’t hold what John did against him. It’s not fair and it’s not right,” he argued.
“Maybe but I don’t need Jo getting any more ideas in her head. She’s supposed to start college in September, and we’ve been fighting non-stop because she doesn’t want to go.”
“You keep forcing her you’re going to lose her,” Caleb warned her.
Ellen snorted, “I’m just trying to see her make it to nineteen without getter herself killed or knocked up.” She leaned forward when Caleb cocked an eyebrow as she confided to her old friend, “I found a pregnancy test in the trash a few days ago. Thankfully, it was negative but now you go and bring in the pretty boy with his rebel with a cause attitude...basically every mother’s worst nightmare.”
“Give Dean a chance and who knows, he might be able to wrangle her in,” Caleb reasoned.
Dean watched Jo work for the next two hours and as 10:30 rolled around he heard Ellen call out to her daughter to close out, that her shift was over.
Jo practically skipped over to the cash register as she closed out her tabs and quickly went around to the tables to settle with her customers before ringing in her payments and pocketing her tips.
He watched as she reached under the bar and pulled out a black leather messenger bag before grabbing a bottle of beer, going over to the jukebox and feeding it some coins and punching in her music selection and then joining them.
“Ahem,” Caleb said as he nodded towards the beer. “Last time I checked legal age was 21.”
“Please even my mom doesn’t agree with that law. Besides my ID says I’m twenty-three.” She said as she tilted her head back and took a long pull from the bottle.
Caleb laughed as he reached under the table and grabbed the long flower box, he had gone back out to his truck to retrieve earlier before placing it on the table and sliding it towards Jo. “Happy Belated Graduation,” he said with a grin.
“Flowers?” Jo asked in shock.
“Open it,” he encouraged her.
Jo grinned as she undid the big red bow around the box and opened it. She shook her head in amusement as she pulled away the tissue paper and gasped when she finally revealed her present. “Oh Caleb, she’s a beauty,” she gushed as she pulled out the Winchester 1887 saw off shotgun.
“Nice,” Dean agreed. He turned when the jukebox finished playing David Bowie’s ‘Life on Mars’ and the familiar drum solo opening to Nick Gilders ‘Hot Child in the City’ began playing.
“Seriously?” He teased
“Oh, shut up,” Jo laughed. “I love this song,” she told him as she stood up and her hips began to sway seductively. “Come on Winchester, show me your moves.
“I don’t dance,” he said with a smirk.
Jo was getting ready to reach for his hand when her mother joined them.
“Really,” Ellen said in annoyance as she came over to see what Caleb had given her girl.
Jo looked her mom and sighed angrily. Turning towards Dean she said, “forget dancing, you feel like a sightseeing tour. I’ll show you all the hotspots.”
Dean shot a glance at Caleb who gave him a quick head nod before getting up and following Jo who hadn’t waited for a response and started towards the back.
Jo panted as she collapsed next to Dean, “so this is Conner’s Pond,” she said with a giggle.
Dean laughed as he titled his head towards the body of water, “nice.”
Jo had been waiting for him out back with a spare helmet and her girl rearing to go. He climbed on behind her and soon they were speeding out of the parking lot.
First, they drove around the sleepy town the Harvelle’s called home, past the local high school and he smirked when she lifted her hand and flipped off the bird towards the building before heading out of town and zooming up and down the back roads.
Finally, they pulled over by the entrance to a pond and climbed off the bike. Before he knew it, they were both naked and swimming in the warm water.
He cocked an eyebrow when he saw several tattoos on the young woman’s body and smiled when he realized they were anti-possession sigils.
“Nice ink,” he said as he sat up.
“A buddy suggested them,” she told him.
“So, what’s the deal with you and your mom?”
Jo sighed as she sat up next to the man, she had met only a few hours ago yet felt more comfortable around him than she thought possible. “She doesn’t like my life choices.”
Dean snorted, “do they ever like them…so what’s the choice that’s pissing her off?”
“You saw her reaction to Caleb’s gift.”
“Hunting,” he murmured.
“Yeah hunting,” she huffed as she turned and stared at the water. “She’s a hypocrite, she hunted when she was my age…it’s how she met my dad.”
“Your Dad’s a hunter? Is he on a job? Is that why he wasn’t at the bar?”
Jo swallowed as she shook her head, “he was killed on a hunt when I was seven.”
“Oh,” Dean said softly. “My Mom was killed by a demon when I was four. It’s how my father got into the business.”
“Then you get it right? Wanting to stop these creatures from hurting and killing other innocent people.”
Dean took a deep breath as he nodded his head slightly. “I do but then again, I wasn’t given a choice. My father started training me when I was six and took me on my first hunt when I was ten.”
Jo gaped slightly at this nugget of information, “you hunted a monster when you were ten?” She asked still trying to process what he was telling her.
“Hunt may be a bit of an exaggeration…more like I was bait to draw out a changeling that was killing other kids,” he explained with a mirthless snort.
Dean looked down when he felt Jo reach over placed her hand over his and squeezed it gently. He turned when she scooted closer to him.
“That’s really fucked up,” she told him honestly.
Dean licked his lips as he turned his hand slightly so that he could entwined his fingers with Jo’s. “Yeah, it is,” he admitted before adding. “Look I get you feeling like your mom is controlling you but she’s given you a decent life and the fact you can bitch she’s doesn’t like your choices is more than I ever got. Don’t knock it…her giving you choices shows you how much she loves you even if she fights you on them.”
Jo frowned as she considered what Dean was saying. Yeah, her and her mom were constantly fighting and if she was honest with herself, it was because Ellen was insisting Jo at least try college before jumping into hunting. She never told her outright she would never hunt…just that Ellen wanted her to see there was more to life than hunting the monsters that took William Anthony Harvelle from them.
Finally, she nodded her head, “yeah I guess that’s true.” She admitted. They sat silently for several seconds before Jo finally asked, “do you think your dad loves you?”
Dean smiled slightly as he turned and gazed into her eyes. “My Dad loved me and my brother,” he murmured, “but my dad died the night my mother was killed. My father…I’m not sure he’s capable of truly loving me, my brother or anyone else including himself.”
“I’m sorry,” Jo whispered as she lifted their joined hands and turning them slightly so that she could kiss Dean’s pulse point on his wrist. They may not always get along, but she never once doubted her mother loved her with all her heart.
Dean let out a shaky breath at the intimacy of the simple kiss. “You know, I figured when you pulled in here and suggested we go skinny dipping we would be getting our freak on not sitting in the sand in our birthday suits spilling our guts.”
Jo threw her head back and laughed, “yeah I wasn’t expecting this either.”
“Don’t take this the wrong way but I think us fucking now might be a bit weird,” he said as he began laughing too.
“Yeah…weird is right,” she giggled.
Dean wrapped an arm around Jo as he leaned over and kissed her cheek. “How about we get dressed and I give you the honest truth about what it’s like to hunt.”
Jo sat crossed leg opposite Dean after they both spent a little time getting sand out of places it doesn’t belong before pulling their clothes back on. “Okay, tell me why I shouldn’t hunt.”
“I’m not going to say you shouldn’t hunt but you’ve romanticized it so much that you’ll get yourself killed faster than you can say Christo. You want to hunt then you need to start seriously training and learning how to fight and I don’t mean the kind fighting you've seen around here. I mean dirty…think on your feet…what can I turn into a weapon and kill this fugly with type of fighting.” He told her seriously.
Jo chewed on her lower lip as she considered what he was saying. “Fair enough but none of the hunters around here will train me…not when my mom gives them ‘the look’. Not even Caleb will cross that line. There was one hunter a couple of years ago…Gordon Walker showed an interest in helping me, but it didn’t end well.” She admitted.
“What happened?”
Jo blushed slightly, “he used me like your old man used you when you were 10.”
Dean took a deep breath, “he used you for bait?”
“Rawhead…I was 16 and just itching to get out there,” she told him truthfully. “I really can’t blame him…I begged him to let me come on the hunt.”
“Don’t care, you should have been his number one priority,” Dean hissed through clenched teeth.
Jo cocked her head slightly, “would I be your number one priority?”
He swallowed as he studied the young woman across from him. There were more questions hidden in there. ‘Would you train me?’ ‘Would you partner up with me?’ ‘Will you have my back when I speak to my mother?’ She didn’t ask them out loud, but it was what she was really asking.
Could he, do it? Hell yeah. They may have only known each other a few hours but even he could see Jo was a kindred spirit. Not to mention he liked her…. more than he understood.
Could he, do it? Yeah…. but should he do it was the real question? Would he be doing it for the right reasons? This last hunt with Caleb made him confront a cold hard fact…he missed his brother and father but from the lack of communication from their end the feeling wasn’t mutual.
Dammit he was lonely, and he knew Jo would fill a huge void in his life…maybe even more than he could imagine but did he have a right to ask Jo…a woman he just met to fill the emptiness he felt?
Screw it she’s a big girl and can make her own decisions so he decided to be honest and let the cards fall where they may. “I would,” he told her honestly as he stared into her eyes.
Jo swallowed as she nodded her head. As much as Dean knew the hidden meaning behind Jo’s question, she knew exactly what he was telling her. Now it was her decision to make.
Dean stretched out next to Jo as he watched her sleep. Jo had made her decision and so after much fighting and some threats from Ellen that his girl didn’t give into…not to mention a little bombshell about John Winchester’s part in her father’s death him and Jo began their journey together.
Oh, it wasn’t all sunshine and roses (well whatever flowers he stole out of people garden for Jo), but they were figuring it out and they were figuring it out together.
Starting with her following him to Bobby’s salvage yard. It was one of the few places his old man wouldn’t step foot on and one of the few places his little brother would step foot on which worked for Dean.
During Jo and Ellen’s mega fight Ellen had use all her cards to try and get Jo to fold before pulling out the ace up her sleeve and she finally told Jo about the hunt that got Bill Harvelle killed.
Dean had stood there dumbfounded as he listened to what Ellen said. He looked over at Caleb who was shaking his head in anger at how Jo and Dean were finding out about the sad family history they shared.
He thought that was it. No way Jo could forgive him for his father’s sin. Then he watched with bated breath as Jo stood up and walked over to her mother.
She gazed into Ellen’s eyes for what felt like a lifetime before saying, “Dean isn’t his father, and you should be ashamed for trying to turn me against him for what his father did when we were children.”
He watched in amazement as Ellen suddenly sighed in defeat. He finally moved when Caleb place a hand his shoulder and jerked his head towards the door to give the women some much-needed privacy.
It was when they were outside that he said in a whisper, “tell me.” Caleb told him everything he knew about the hunt. He listened carefully and knew exactly when it happened.
Him and Sammy were staying with Bobby that time. John had finally showed up drunker than usual. He was bad enough that Bobby wouldn’t let him pile him and Sammy into the Impala and take off. He remembered Bobby telling his father to sleep it off somewhere and once he was sober, they would talk.
Oh, he remembered the incident but he remembers it through an eleven year old eyes. He just really remembered angry voices and then his father speeding off and showing up again two days later.
He was sober, freshly showered and clean shaven. Hell, it was one of the few times his old man actually interacted with him and his brother that wasn’t training related. He even took him and Sammy camping for a week. Just the three of them.
Now he understood why John Winchester acted that way…guilt. Guilt of getting a little girl’s father killed because of his carelessness. Of course, this change of character was short lived, and John packed the small family up and they were back to their nomadic lives at the end of that week.
So, Dean listen to Caleb as he told him what he knew. He thanks the other hunter before pulling out his cell phone and heading towards his car. He got in and clicked on his father’s number. Shockingly he actually answered but then again, he was waiting for Dean to report in like a good little soldier about the hunt he had sent him on.
“William Anthony Harvelle,” was all he said when his father asked him for his report. It was the sharp intake of breath he heard on the other end that cemented what he knew.
“Fucking Caleb,” John finally hissed.
Dean laughed bitterly, “no not Caleb. He kept your secret. Ellen Harvelle told me…well actually she told Jo as a way to try and convince her to stay away from me…you know rotten apples from the same tree reasoning.”
Hearing the Harvelle women names seemed to take the fight right out of his old man. He almost wavered…almost when John murmured into the phone, “Jo…little Joanna Beth...”
“Tell me everything and don’t lie or omit anything because I’ll know.” He commanded in a voice that even surprised him.
He listened as his father told him about the hunt, his screw up, killing the other man because he was suffering, and it was the only thing, he could do to ease his pain. Then he confessed he gave Bill a hunter’s funeral by himself. Collect his ashes and placed them in an urn that he left with Bill’s knife and a letter for Ellen and Jo apologizing for what happened.
“I didn’t have the courage to face either of them. I broke into the Roadhouse and left everything on the bar for Ellen to find when she went in to set up for the night.” He told his son honestly.
Dean sat in the car, breathing heavy as so many emotions ran through him. Finally, he was pulled out of his stumper when he heard his father calling his name.
“She’s not sweet little Joanna Beth. She’s all grown up and her name is Jo. She’s strong, smart and if she’ll still wants to, we’re going to partner up.” He told his father.
“Okay…well if you think she has potential then we can…” his father stated as if everything he just told Dean was just water under the bridge.
“No,” Dean snapped at his father. “You and me…this you only contacting me to pass on a case or to get my ‘report’ is over. Me and Jo will find our own way.”
“Dean there are things you don’t know. I’m close to finding the demon that killed your mother,” John argued.
Dean snorted, “no …. John” and he smirked slightly at the sharp intake of breath his father took when he called him by his first name. “I’ve been hearing this song since I was four. You want to see me because I’m your son and I don’t know because you love me then call me and we’ll talk but if you just want a good little soldier to blindly follow you…lose my number because I’m done.”
“Who the hell do you think you’re talking to young man. I didn’t raise you to speak to me like...” John shouted into the phone.
“You didn’t raise me!” Dean shouted before adding, “me and Sammy raised ourselves except for the few times you would drop us off with Bobby or Pastor Jim. You don’t ever get to play that card...not now...not ever again.” Dean snapped.
“Now you listen to me...” John threatened.
“No, you listen to me!” Dean yelled into the phone. “I’m tired of this so call life. I’m a hunter and I’m a damn good hunter but I want more. Hell I deserve more! Jo has potential as a hunter and who knows maybe something else so it’s up to you and what is more important. That damn demon or us…me and Sam.”
He heard his father’s heavy sigh as he said, “Dean…I promise once that yellow eye bastard…” and he heard nothing else because for the first time in his life Den hung up on his father before shutting the phone down getting out of the Impala and throwing it as far as he could into the woods.
Swallowing his anger and sadness he looked up when he felt Caleb’s hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry Dean.”
“Yeah…thanks,” the younger hunter said as he shot a look over at the bar and asked, “do you think we’re making a mistake…Jo and me?”
Caleb snorted, “I knew the second you two laid eyes on each other that you clicked. Who the Hell am I to tell either of you how to run your lives? Just know I’ll kick your ass if you hurt her.”
Dean grinned at the older man, “got it…then again Ellen would probably beat you to it.”
“You have no idea,” Caleb chuckled as he slapped Dean on the back.
Oh, but Dean did find out how protective Ellen Harvelle was of not only her daughter but of all the people she loved and gradually Dean Winchester counted himself lucky to be one of those people.
He would never forget the image of his woman revving her engine as he got in Baby and Jo pulling out behind him. She was a vision on that damn bike, and he was the lucky son of a bitch to get to call her his woman.
They made their way to Palo Alto first where him and Sam began rebuilding their relationship. He thought it would be harder but once he told his brother about his last conversation with their father, he was shocked when Sam smiled and said, “thank God.”
He never realized Sam worried about him. He had assumed after he took off for school, he didn’t give him or their father a passing thought, but he was soon to find out he was wrong.
Dean was the obedient soldier his father groomed him to be, and Sam hated it because he was terrified his father would get his brother killed in his quest to get the demon who killed Mary Winchester.
After spending a couple of weeks in California, they gradually they made their way to Bobby’s. Taking a few small hunts along the way to a give Jo a chance to get her feet wet.
When they got to Bobby, Jo decided that as much as she loved her girl it was an expense she couldn’t justify while they were hunting so she asked Bobby if she could store her girl there when her and Dean were on the road.
Dean and Bobby were great teachers and Jo was a natural born hunter. Even though it was never said out loud Bobby’s became their home base, and the next few years Dean and Jo did exactly what he had told his father…they figured it out.
Sure, they were both still impulsive the height of which was a quickie wedding in Vegas while in Nevada tracking a werewolf (and yes Dean did tell Jo they were doing it all over again when they got to the roadhouse because he wasn’t about to have Ellen Harvelle gunning for him).
Now Dean smiled as he watched his woman…his wife sleeping next to him. It had been five years since that faithful night Caleb, and he pulled into Harvelle’s parking lot. Five years since he took control of his own life...his own destiny.
Five years of laughter and tears. Five years of loving and fighting. Five years of the ups and down. The top of the ups was a certain little bundle of joy that was currently sleeping in his bassinet at the foot of his and Jo’s bed.
He still was wrapping his brain around the fact that him and Jo were now parents. They had brought home their son Robert William Winchester this afternoon. They hadn’t figured out yet how they were going to work hunting into their lives now but like they did five years ago he knew they would figure it out together.
Dean sat up slowly when her heard the familial creak coming from the fourth step that he deliberately didn’t fix as it served as a warning signal.
Getting up he reached over and grabbed his gun that he kept on his bedside table (something else they would need to figure out…how the Hell do hunters baby proof a house) and chanced a quick glance into his son’s bassinet before slipping out the bedroom door.
Taking a shallow breath to calm himself slightly he pressed his back against the wall as he slowly made his way down the hallway and braced himself before releasing the safety on his gun and prepared to shoot whatever had the nerve to break into their home.
“Cooperstown,” he heard a rough voice say. He let the breath he was holding out as he leveled his gun, stepping out and training the gun at the intruder’s head.
“Christo,” Dean hissed as he stared into the other man’s eyes. Shaking his head, he lowered his gun and asked, “what are you doing here John?”
Dean handed his father a beer before cracking open his own. John held his beer up and said, “congratulations son. You made me a grandpa I heard.”
Dean snorted as he watched his father, “I haven’t seen you for five years and the only contact I’ve had in all that time were three text messages…two were for hunts you tossed our way, and one was a half ass congratulations when Jo and I got married. Why are you really here?”
John gave his son a shy smile as he ducked his head and said, “it’s over…I found the Colt, I told you about and ganked that yellow eye bastard who killed your mother.”
Dean stared at his father before finally saying, “I know…Jim Murphy called me to let me know. Doesn’t answer why you’re here.”
John took a long swig of his beer as Dean watched him. John had braced himself for Dean’s reaction but after the past five years with barely any contact from either of his sons he wants to…no needed to rebuild his relationship with them somehow. “I came when I called Caleb to check in and he let me know the baby came.” He told him honestly.
Dean sighed, Caleb had told him he was still in contact with his father and that if John asked him how either him or Sam where he didn’t lie and pretend he didn’t know. He told Dean he couldn’t do that and if his father asked, he wouldn’t go into details, but he would answer his question honestly.
“Okay…so what you want to play granddad?” Dean asked with a snort.
John looks at his son and cleared his throat, “I’m not stupid Dean…I know I don’t have the right to expect a place at the dinner table and I get your anger, but you and Sam are my boys…my family. I want to see you both. You’re a father now…you must understand how I feel.”
Dean swallowed as he eyed his father. He hated that he did understand how John must feel but it didn’t erase everything he did since the night of November 2, 1983.
“I don’t know…maybe too much time has passed.” Dean told him truthfully.
“Maybe you would like to meet your grandson,” Jo said softly as she and Robbie walked into the kitchen.
The two men looked up as Jo slowly joined them with a tiny bundle that brought a smile to each man’s face.
“Jo you should be resting,” Dean said as he stood up.
“I’m fine,” she reassured him as she let her guide her to the chair he just vacated before pulling one from the counter and joining them.
“Hello Jo,” John said tentatively. He knew it wasn’t just Dean that he had to make amends with but his son’s wife too.
“John,” Jo murmured. She watched the older man carefully and saw the longing in his eyes as he kept looking at Robbie. Taking a deep breath, she asked much to both men surprise, “would you like to hold him?”
John’s head shot up and he quickly looked over to Dean. His son sighed as he nodded his head in approval. John smiled as he held his arms out and Jo gently laid the infant in his arms.
“He looks just like you when your mom and I brought you home,” he finally said, his voice thick with emotions.
Dean sighed as he tried to get his own emotions under control. He was grateful when Jo finally said, “if you’re here for the right reasons then we’re willing to listen but if this is some kind mind game, you’re playing…”
“It’s not,” John said quickly. He had realized practically the minute Dean had hung up on him all those years ago how bad he had messed up with both his children. He knew in his heart Mary never would have wanted him to raise their boys the way he did. He was just too damn stubborn to admit it and did the only thing he could to keep his family safe…he took out that yellow eyed bastard.
Jo nodded her head as she looked over at her husband. “Then I think I’m going to go back upstairs and lay down so you two can talk and I’m leaving Robbie here keep you both in line and I better get a good report when I speak to him later.” She told them as she waggled her finger at both of them.
The men watched the young mother walk out of the kitchen and John smirked as he looked over at his son and said, “you’ve got yourself one hell of a woman there.”
Dean took in his father sitting at his kitchen table holding his newborn son and he felt all the anger and disappointment he had felt over the past five years beginning to fade slightly. He knew he wasn’t ready to forgive the man across from him completely, but he had sworn the first time he held Robbie he was going to be a better father to his son than his father had been to him and that includes being able to move beyond his anger towards the man across from him.
Taking a deep breath Dean stood up and went to the fridge, taking out the bottle Jo prepared earlier when she had pumped and popped it in the microwave to heat it before placing the nipple on and walking back towards his father and asked, “would you like to feed him...Dad?”
“I would love to feed him,” John said.
It was a small step, but each man knew it was a small step in the right direction to becoming a family again.
The End
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vallygirl285 · 3 years
In The Family Way Update
What if when Dean got to Bobby’s after digging himself out of his grave there was another hunter there staying with Bobby.
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Photo from Alona’s Instagram
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7   Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23
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vallygirl285 · 3 years
Tumblr media
Photo of Jensen is from  Pure Fandom and the photo of Alona is from Alona’s Instagram.What if Jo was actually Bobby’s niece and she grew up with the Winchesters.  What if John was a bastard and realized before it was too late that he could still be a caring father. What if John was given a second chance at love.  What if Dean and Sam had a woman in their life that loved them as much as possible.Through it all Jo and Dean knew they are always meant for each other.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29
Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33 Chapter 34
Chapter 35 Chapter 36 Chapter 37
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vallygirl285 · 3 years
In The Beginning Updated
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Photo of Jensen is from  Pure Fandom and the photo of Alona is from Alona’s Instagram.
What if Jo was actually Bobby’s niece and she grew up with the Winchesters.  What if John was a bastard and realized before it was too late that he could still be a caring father. 
What if John was given a second chance at love.  What if Dean and Sam had a woman in their life that loved them as much as possible.
Through it all Jo and Dean knew they are always meant for each other.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24
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vallygirl285 · 3 years
In The Beginning Updated
What if Jo was actually Bobby’s niece and she grew up with the Winchesters.  What if John was a bastard and realized before it was too late that he could still be a caring father.  What if John was given a second chance at love.  What if Dean and Sam had a woman in their life that loved them as much as possible.  
Through it all Jo and Dean knew they are always meant for each other.
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Photo of Jensen is from  Pure Fandom and the photo of Alona is from Alona’s Instagram.  
Chapter 1    Chapter 2     Chapter 3      Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Chapter 6  Chapter 7      Chapter 8
Chapter 9   Chapter 10    Chapter 11    Chapter 12
Chapter 13   Chapter 14    Chapter 15   Chapter 16
Chapter 17   Chapter 18    Chapter 19   Chapter 20
Chapter 21  Chapter 22   Chapter 23
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vallygirl285 · 3 years
Shattered World Updated
Picks up when Team Free Will make it back to the bunker after Rowena sacrificed herself. Dean and Sam are in the map room when a portal rift opens, and two familiar faces come running through.
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Chapter 1          Chapter 2           Chapter 3              Chapter 4
Chapter 5        Chapter 6            Chapter 7            Chapter 8
Chapter 9          Chapter 10          Chapter 11             Chapter 12
Chapter 13        Chapter 14          Chapter 15        Chapter 16
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