fletchinq-blog · 7 years
( starter call // accepting ) ( @charmingxsolace )
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          “Nothing you say or do will ever prove to me that you are not, and will not always be, a complete pansy.” 
          Iriye’s tone is more casual than scathing, though there is some weight to their words; it’s possible that they’re just mad the chairs in Alexis’ house are too tall for them.
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Hi Laine and Zane, I'm Sora, Ive wanted to adopt you both since the day I saw you and I love you and want to take care of you every day (gross sobbing)
Muns to muses | accepting
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“... Uh...”
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                                                      {  ✦  ☯  ✧  }
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charmingxsolace · 7 years
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/Hi all, sorry for the.. hundredth time for my inactivity, haha. I haven’t really had the energy to come on here and think of a post.
Right off the bat, I wanna say that I’m putting ALL of my blogs ( @charmingxsolace, @noncompcsmentis, @royallyaries, and @philomxth ) on a hiatus. I’m not leaving them, I’m not gonna abandon them, my plan is to come back sometime and RP like I used to ^^; I just can’t handle it right now.
With my current schedule, I barely have any time to do anything other than school and work. It’s pretty miserable, but I’m trying my best. I love these blogs and everyone’s muses so much, but I just can’t muster up the energy to even come on here ;;__;; 
I’m not sure how long this horrid schedule will go, but at the least you can expect to see me during my school breaks, haha! ( My next one starts August 24th! I’m excited! )
But yeah, that’s the gist of it. If you still wanna talk to me or at least see what I’m up to, I’m the most active on my twitter and discord. Feel free to ask for them!
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magicmirrored · 7 years
charmingxsolace replied to your post: Cute things the Misota twins do when they’re...
o h this …….…this is beautiful
these kids are cute??? how
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fletchinq-blog · 7 years
tagged by: @faillte sort of !!
tagging: @charmingxsolace @fractalesque @communistofzaun @oxytosine @illusoryelement @kidicax
bold all that apply
likes artificial watermelon | sleeps in what they’re already wearing | eats their cereal with milk | listens to music with earbuds | hates the summer | can recite past the first four digits of pi | eats frosting out of the jar | doodles on their notebooks | can bake cookies | has a garden | has had a snowball fight | eats pancakes without syrup | prefers shorts to pants | can name more than ten superheroes | has a plan for the zombie apocalypse | uses the same password for everything | can’t hold their breath for more than fifteen seconds | watches anime | hasn’t read harry potter | can say ‘I love you’ in more than one language | prefers mechanical pencils | thinks space is cool | takes personality tests more than once to make sure | can’t tie their shoelaces | has a purse | likes salad | likes cool colors better than warm colors | knows how to braid hair | reads biographies | can ice skate | knows their MBTI | reads astrology charts | prefers the star wars prequels to the original trilogy | plays video games | reads the newspaper | likes chocolate ice cream better | doesn’t cuss | memorizes song lyrics | collects coupons | has a preferred order at Starbucks | likes movie theatre popcorn | has seen a play | listens to music with headphones | owns a hoodie | would rather own CDs than online copies | has written a poem | can shuffle cards | subscribes to a magazine | double dips when eating | drinks directly out of the milk container | keeps a journal
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❤ for both!!
❤: what my muse looks for in a person they like
For Saakali: She wants them to care. She doesn’t care much about what they think, what their personal beliefs are, or what, she just wants them to care. Also being good looking is an easy way to catch her attention.
For Harley: while he’s not as flirtatious as Saakali, he still wants to be able to have a long conversation with them and be interested in them. having like hobbies gets a bit boring to him when it comes to conversation, but if they have different interests, he likes to learn about them, perhaps even engaging in them. however, this conflicting interests could always cause a problem if they both don’t like it. he also likes books
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So, because my heart is entirely too big, I’ve decided to change up the giveaway a bit- Instead of there being only three winners, there will be one first place, two second place, and three third place winners!
First Place:
@masqxerades, winning a sprite edit/my room edit, a drawing, and an aesthetic board!
Second place:
@charmingxsolace and @nakanaai winning two of the three above!
And third place:
@lightofcrimea, @wxlfish, and @ptriky-grandmaster winning one of the three above!
You have 24 hours from now to tell me what you’d like specifically, and if you take more than that (or if you’d prefer me choose someone else) I’ll draw someone else for your place!
Thank you so much, everyone!
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[ Continued from here! ]
“S–sir Alexis–?”
The pinket tenses up at the feeling of something dropping over his head, only to touch it a moment later and figure that it was flowers. He then trains his gaze up to the woman beside him. He remembers her vaguely, he’s seen her from time to time interacting with Kdin and if he remembered correctly, was housed in a manor not too far from Velric’s.
“A….awww, you remembered my birthday–?? I didn’t even remember my birthday…” Alexis rises off of his spot on the ground, patting the grass off of his slacks. “Miss– Amee, is it?” He smiles and hunches his shoulders up in excitement. “This is so sweet and unexpected– I really appreciate it!” He relaxes and stares at the redhead for a moment, before nervously clearing his throat and extending a hand.
“I– I don’t believe we’ve ever properly met. N-not from what I remember, anyway… My name is Alexis Ferra, Velric Mercury’s retainer. Thank you for the flower crown… it’s so cute.”
“Ah-- c-cute?” Furrowing her brows, she ignored the heat rushing in her cheeks. Thoughtful was one of the words she preferred, but cute? That... that actually wasn’t quite so bad either, but it was a little embarrassing to feel like that made her feel good about the gifts.
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Clearing her throat, she decided not to address it in fear of sounding either too blasse or too flustered over it. “R-right. My name is Amee Durand, sir. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you properly.”
Gently taking his hand to give a meek handshake, she then scratched her cheek. “I-I’m glad that the gifts are to your liking, Sir Alexis. Although I’m surprised you had forgotten your own birthday. Everyone always can’t stop thinking about the wonderful gifts coming their way and make a countdown to the big day!”
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oxytosine-blog · 7 years
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I’d love Ayane to be a rabbit doctor in the animal crossing universe, except she’s tiny, and most larger animals don’t even know she’s there.
feat Archer the horse ( @kashiings ) who killed her.
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And then he ruins all the other horse health care in that village. ( @charmingxsolace )
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whiitefrost-blog1 · 7 years
♒ yo Kezia.. Do you have any kinks..if so i wanna hear 3 my dude
Sexual Sunday! Send my muse ♒ and a nsfw/sexual question and they have to answer it - whether they want to or not.    
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“K-Kinks…? Well… I’ve n-never had sex… but…”
She pauses, placing her finger to her chin, her words coming out thoughtful. “… If… I really had t-to choose three… I’d… r-really like someone to… d-dominate me… um… and… maybe even l-leave marks…”
Kezia pauses once more, a bright blush coming to her face as she looks down. “A-And… I’d r-really like… someone to t-talk… really, really f-filthy to me… I don’t know how g-good I’d be at it… but… if someone d-did it to me, then… whew...”
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