#character: sausage toppin
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How the fuck do you miss a target that big and bright?
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vitya-soopetz · 1 month
sum silly stuff
i redesigned mushroom toppin a lil cuz i don't like her previous clothes
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annddd idk
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oh and also!
it's my old drawing of my human toppins! I did it in summer and I don't remember if i posted it here so lettin em be here
silly kids:D
u can't imagine how much i love these fellas
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They’re taunting (part 5)
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cornmealor · 1 year
(Edit: fixed some grammar mistakes)
Uh Human Toppins
The Mushroom is named Milo
The Tomato is named Tammy
The Cheese is named Chesterfield (Chester)
The Sausage is named Samual (Sam)
And The Pineapple is named Perry
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And some Young Gustavo and Peppino drawings (+ Noise)
Gustavo is 24
Peppino 22
And Noise is 21
(May add more characters but idk yet)
Also added more info below
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In my headcannon, Gustavo used to be a thief and often scammed people out of their money
He sometimes even teamed up with Noise to steal others stuff and sell it on the streets
Him and Peppino were roommates and didn’t get along at first but the two grew close and became best friends
Gustavo took a lot of stuff as a joke and wasn’t serious about most things
Peppino soon started to attend a military program the school had and was soon drafted into an actual military camp
Him and Gustavo still kept in touch over phone, Peppino would tell him how military camp was going and Gustavo would tell Pep how school was going
This continued until someone at campus finally called the police and told them someone has been stealing stuff from other people’s room and scamming them
The Police searched campus and arrested Gustavo
Noise didn’t get caught because he hid most of the stolen stuff in Gustavo’s room
Gustavo tried to tell the police that Noise was involved to but no one believed him because the students said that he was a complete lier plus Noise was a jokester and no one would think he would actually steal
Peppino didn’t know Gustavo was in jail and started to worry when he didn’t get any calls from him
Pep didn’t even have anytime to call anymore because there was a war starting
After the war Peppino wasn’t the same, he became more paranoid, had a short temper and was really aggressive
Years later Gustavo was let out of prison and tried to get back in contact with Peppino
And he did but not in the way he expected
He saw paper around the city saying “now hiring”
And would you look at that, it says Peppino’s Pizzeria, Gustavo of course took the paper and called someone to drive him to the location
Peppino greeted him, before he realized who he was, Gustavo was then hugged by Pep and the two started to catch up on what happened in each others life
They became close again
(Also Gustavo did get the job)
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vegan-cuthulu · 9 months
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SO i wanted to try something out and elected to try and humanize (?) the toppins from pizza tower. it was actually pretty fun and i enjoyed it a lot , it was a good exercise in character design and . yeah. gooby woobies.
marshy has a lazy eye because so does the mushroom toppin, chee is in a wheelchair because the cheese toppin is the only one without legs, tom has green hair because the tomato toppin has green hair in one of their taunts, mr. s is detective and silly themed because the sausage toppin has a taunt where they get that silly hat and cigarette, and pine is blind because sunglasses but theyre still cool as hell
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superkirbylover · 10 months
Ok Pony Peppino is cool and all but where’s my boy Gerome? John? THE TOPPINS-
SO, i've been thinking about this for a little, and i don't want to ignore it because these are valid questions.
what i WILL say, is aside from some characters i'm debating on ponifying, there's a list of characters i think don't need to be ponified and would fit just fine in the ponyverse.
that list is:
the toppins (though the sausage may be replaced with a vegetable-based ingredient that is used in place of sausages)
vigilante & any other cheeseslime
literally like all of the enemies you fight in the tower
the reason i don't see the point in ponifying these guys is because they're already VERY inhuman. and because of that, if you put them in a horse world, they wouldn't really stand out. we have a shitload of weirdos in the pony world as it is that aren't equines of any sort, like casper from the movie. y'know, the cat. and whatever other creatures in there i don't wanna list all of them
the list of characters i am debating on ponifying right now:
gerome & john
pepperman (if i go w/ this, he will NOT be a pony but some other creature)
i... think that's it? yeah. i will be honest though i'm heavily leaning to not ponifying pepperman because he's a fuckign Pepper and i think it would just be funny. but since he DOES have a human-esque VS portrait i do wanna give it a try. i LOVE pepperman he's a dumbass and i want to make shit relating to him
with gerome and john, they fit in with the already nonequine cast of the ponyverse, BUT i have ideas! i can see them being like, stone ponies. ponies made of stone. they don't even have cutiemarks, cause they don't exactly need it. they're stone bitches. you know?
thank you for hearing me out
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askpinkietai · 1 year
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Like a lot of folks, I’ve recently been captivated by minus8′s Toppin Girls designs. In fact, they’ve been occupying so much space in my brain lately that I’ve been giving them names and personalities, so I figured I’d jump the extra step. I’ve taken the base designs and tweaked them a bit to make them more unique and basically turn them into OCs. I’ve also drawn them in a semi-chibi style to handle the load of drawing five characters in one go~
So, here’s my new gals. They all attend an arts college together, and share an apartment.
Mushley - Is it her last name? Her first name? A mush of the two? No one’s quite sure, but this mushroom gal is a painter who’s usually the glue who holds the group together
Brie-anna - A student of fashion and the textile arts, Brie-anna is the girliest of the group and the one with the most active social and dating life. What can I say, everybody loves a bit of cheese!
Tommi - The class clown and occasional professional clown as well. This hot tomato is a drama student who lives for it. Any excuse to be on stage, even if she has to be thrown there--if she’s not held up waitressing at Puttanesca’s, anyway.
Sosig - Also nicknamed “Sossi” by her friends, this tall drink of sausage recently moved here from “the old country” and is still getting used to our customs. Fortunately, she has the help of the local gangs to show her around and maybe find that dance class she’s supposed to be attending.
PJ - ...Does she even go to this school? Does she have any clothes besides a tube top and jams? Where does she get all that money? Regardless, our favourite pineapple may be too cool for school, but her laid-back attitude makes her easy to get along with.
As usual, probably not going to do anything further with them, like all of my non-pony OCs, but it’s nice to give some direction to my headspace. But now that they exist, maybe someday it’ll be pizza time again~
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Wow everyone hates this Cheeseslime, huh?
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The next day...
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Lesson learned: Do not give The Noise explosives.
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Who's the monster now, bitch?
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The sausages hate the chicken
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The Ghostbusters are a bit different than I remembered :b
Mod Comment: Ghostbusters Pizza Tower edition. Starring a walking sausage, a cheese abomination, Noisette and a FUCKING GOD.
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the jokes literally write themselves
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Cheese Toppin got no chill (this is during the bloodbath)
Mod Comment: I guess you could say they’re… cheesed off?
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imagine asking for death from a block of cheese
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Draw the toppings running in your sryle pleaaasseeeee they all look so goofy
Imma be real here, I legit cannot draw characters in action poses for the life of me.
But, if you don’t mind, I can describe what I think they’d look like running.
Mushroom has a similar run to Peppino but the arms are nearer the torso and has their eyes closed. Kinda like they’re running head first and not looking just so they wouldn’t get cold feet and hide somewhere.
Cheese’s running is, again, similar to Pep’s but the arms are lower she doesn’t put her hands in fists. Her running is definitely more casual and less “I have to finish this stage now or else I’m going to die”. The one thing that I also have had in mind is that her mach 4 would be her spinning around like a cartoon tornado instead of just having a more unhinged running animation.
Tomato runs exactly like Peppino. There’s very little to no difference at all with those two. But, her mach 4 has her dashing like Sonic but ball form. This makes her very bouncy, much to her own dismay. (She tends to get hurt more than the other toppins because of this)
Sausage runs and writes things down to keep on track with everything. He will not look up from what he’s scribbling down, even when he rushes through enemies. He’ll just bring his arm up to block anything coming his way and continues to look at his notes to make sure they’re accurate.
Pineapple doesn’t run. Who needs to run when you have heelys? The momentum he’ll get from the small jog at the start to the rest of the course continuing onward from there will do.
I hope you’re not too disappointed with the response lol
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