#cf flowey
thepnictogenwing · 1 year
SOULs, colors, Super Sentai, and Determination
despite being an “Undertale” fictive I’m not very knowledgeable about a lot of things that are common knowledge to much of UT fandom, especially the UT fanwriting community, who have built extensively on what fragments of information about the workings of the “Undertale” universe can be gleaned from “canon”. heck...I’m not even entirely sure what “canon” is these days; there’s a lot of ancillary UT material from Fox that I’ve yet to see. what I know—imperfectly at that—is the game itself.
and in the game, there’s some mapping of human virtues onto colors of human SOUL. the virtues get named explicitly in the “Ball” minigame and they pop up in the fight with Omega Flowey. I don’t remember the catalogue off the top of my head, but I do at least remember that red SOULs have the virtue of Determination.
that might seem purely arbitrary. there’s no obvious “logical” reason why the color red should stand for “Determination”, or why any of the other colors should mean what they do. yet the symbolic association is there, and it’s not unique to “Undertale”. other fictional worlds, in various ways, both direct and indirect, map particular human virtues onto particular colors.
because I’ve been watching a lot of Super Sentai lately, I’m especially reminded of how Sentai squadrons get color assignments that tend to line up with personality types. the tropes are so reliable that they can be made fun of, cf. the Sentai parody show Kanpai Senshi After V.
Red is almost always the leader; the only exception I can think of at the moment is Kakuranger, in which Red is more like the chief lieutenant of the true leader of the squadron—the White Ranger, Tsuruhime. (but Kakuranger is a somewhat eccentric member of the Super Sentai canon.) there’s a range of personality types and leadership styles for Red Rangers, but a particularly common style is the hotheaded, impulsive Red: a go-it-alone sort of hero, who tends to think with their reflexes and their “guts” while the rest of the team rolls their eyes. but this sort of Red Ranger is respected as a leader for one big reason: they’re the most determined. over and over, they get themselves in way over their heads, and get clobbered, but they simply will not drop; again and again they stagger to their feet and win through sheer persistence and luck.
Determination, I trust, has a broader range of human expression than simple stubborn persistence. but there’s something special about heroes whose determination is that basic. and...well, it’s generally the Red Ranger who’s like that in Super Sentai. so what’s with red and determination? ~Chara of Pnictogen
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team-crimsonfade · 6 years
Chapter one - Ruins
Part three
Frisk's eyes fluttered open, still weighed down by sleep. The night was peaceful, or at least the short duration of which she had slept. In truth though, she was far too excited to sleep for an extended period of time. It felt like a very short amount of time though. However, there was a difference between waking up, and getting up. It proved to be a short conflict, as a sweet, lovely scent filled the air.
She compelled her body to obey, at least in order to discover the source of the scent. It filled her mind with a pleasant familiarity. As she sat up from her bed, and hopped off, she could see the source. A single slice of pie, which sat on a delicate little plate. She could detect the aromas of cinnamon and butterscotch, along with all of the other smells a pie would usually have. She wondered how this got here, and then realized the only source could have been Flowey. Rather than scratch her head over how he did it, she brought the pie over to her inventory. She felt some kind of warm feeling with the pie, a nostalgia that kept springs in her step. It somehow didn't feel right to eat it, at least not right now.
However as she smelled the pie up close, she anticipated the day she would happily gorge on the pie. In the meantime, she decided she would go and check on her flowery host. As she left the bedroom, she soon found him sitting outside. She wasn't sure how she was surprised, it wasn't as if he could burrow through the wood floors. Or could he? How on earth did he get that pie to her? Rather than ponder over any of these obvious and physics breaking questions, she walks over to the flower. Flowey vaguely notices her sit next to him, the dirt supporting her weight. He sighed, as he continued to stare up at the large tree.
"I sometimes wonder why I'm here." He suddenly says aloud. "What it is that keeps me alive. That tree shouldn't be alive. It's far from any source of sunlight, the air is stale in comparison to the healthy breeze of the outside, and the soil and roots are dry. It should have shriveled like a prune long ago, and yet here it stands. What keeps me alive? I'm a plant too, except I apparently have feelings, intelligence, and a desire to be alive. But no matter what I do, no matter what I believe, I am still just that. A plant."
Frisk continued to watch him in his deep sense of thought. She wondered whether he was speaking directly to her, or speaking with himself.
"What would happen if I died?" He asked. "Do I even have a soul that would just... pop out of my fallen form once I pass? Would I even turn to dust like other monsters do, or simply whither away and decay over time? The unknown, that's what scares me. If I were to die, the only thing left I would have to fall back on are memories. But... hardly anyone even knows me really. I'm... I'm content, with dying. I've... made peace with that. Even for immortal beings, or powerful ones, death takes us all. Time, is a very deadly force."
He turned to face Frisk, and she could see the worry in his eyes.
"But being forgotten, that scares me." He says. "It would be as if you've never even mattered in the world. You didn't even exist, and you never will. You'd never know if you made a difference at all in the world, for better or worse, or the impact you would have on someone if they remembered you. Dying is the easy part, living is hard. But being forgotten? I shudder at the thought. Frisk? Promise me that you won't ever forget me. Please."
She wasn't sure how to respond. This was such a dark and yet profound subject to dwell on, and to hear it from a flower was quite unheard of. But by looking at his face, he was absolutely terrified, at the very least greatly concerned over this matter. It would be malicious to say no to this.
Frisk smiled, and gently rested a hand on his head.
"Okay Flowey." She said. "I promise."
Flowey smiles warmly, and leans against the hand. He closed his eyes with contentment, and almost looked like a peaceful little baby.
"Thank you, Frisk." He said.
The two of them continued to look up at the tree, silently bonding with each other under the faint, yet gentle and serene breeze.
Some time had passed, and something was on Frisk's mind. She had to ask Flowey about it, but... was hesitant to bring it up.
"Flowey, how do I get home?" She asked.
The flower didn't respond at first, aside from a pained, deep breath, and an exhale. After awhile, he finally responded.
"Well that didn't take too long." He said. "But... I suppose it was foolish to think that this could last anyway. You're more likely to find Save Points ahead, if you were to remain for too long you would run out of Determination. And you're just too Determined to let that happen huh?"
Frisk didn't respond, just waited for him to continue.
"No matter." He said. "I can't keep you here, even if I wanted to. You're the best thing I've seen in a very long time. But... it's much too late for me to obtain happiness. Though I'm grateful you've given me the illusion of it. I don't know why I continue to live, but I know how I came to be. It required a lot of pain for me to be me, so much pain..."
Whatever he was referring to, it didn't seem that he cared to share. He shook his head, and sighed.
"But I am not the only one who's suffering." He says. "There is a man up ahead, whose heart and soul remain cracked and depressed to this very day. For over a century, he has pained, and the entire race of monsters has felt it. Even from here, I still feel it. I no longer wish for him to suffer in this way, nor for the feeling to continue to spread to the inhabitants. Somehow, I know that only you can end his suffering. So I shall allow you to leave, and continue on your journey, if you only promise to make it to the King, and end his suffering."
The way he phrased it was ominous. End the King's suffering. It echoed within her mind. And whatever it was, something compelled her to continue forth. The fact was someone was in trouble, someone was hurting and in need of help. She, as a person, was determined to help this person. And so she nods her head in Flowey's direction.
"Alright Flowey, I promise."
Part three of “CrimsonFade; Ruins” Credit to Red Wolf on Undertale Amino
Last Part — https://team-crimsonfade.tumblr.com/post/179558905806/crimsonfade
Next Part — (Coming Soon)
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castielsan · 4 years
Tumblr media
Tiny little thing ~
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dorkindustri · 7 years
Before I head to bed, I’m gonna real quick explain what’s happened in the past couple of weeks, as I’ve been doing a lot of offscreen RPing on Discord. So:
Tohketsu, Noroi, Zaptune, Aurelia, Terra, and Naneru have all joined The Gang(tm). (Nowa #2 has as well, but you probably already figured that out. And yes, this makes more than half of my muses Gang(tm) members.)
Zinyak got killed multiple times.
With the help of The Gang(tm), Aza was ‘regenerated’, getting a non-falling-apart body by way of fixed DNA!
Aza adopted a Chara as a little sibling. (Hilariously, this makes Noroi and Tohketsu sisters as well, AND Nowa and Zaptune moms for them... IN ADDITION to Homukami, who adopted them as well. Their family went from nonexistent to MASSIVE in the span of hours. And that’s barely scratching the surface.)
Other character development happened! Astraea has a body now, by the way.
Naneru had an ASSLOAD of development, including a reveal of a massive volume of scars (hidden by the fact that she has all skin beneath her neck covered pretty much all the time), some REAL backstory (the stuff presently on her page is actually basically what she ‘made up’ to hide her shame over what ACTUALLY happened. Long story short, survivor’s guilt), and (mostly) got over her shitty past.
She also got a girlfriend in the form of Sandwich’s CF. They make things explode together.
Terra potted a Flowey.
I’m running out of things to list here.
...I think that covers it. If I missed anything, I’ll probably add it later-
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diejudicate · 4 years
✘ Who’s CF?
[ * Second of ten. ]
* corrupt flowey. he destroyed an uncountable amount of timelines, just like erraph... but he did it by corrupting them, and turning the strongest people of each one into his SEEDs.
* he saw me as anomalous and sought to destroy me, along with everyone whose presence was recorded in the garden wall. he was eliminated not so long ago, but...
* hmm.
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tazimo-blog · 7 years
Character Information Updated and finished :)
Inspirationtale.- There are two sides to every AU (~In this world to create sometimes you must destroy~ KING ASGORE) Ruled by King Asgore. The Au of Inspirationtale did not exist for long before it was unfortunately destroyed by Error. While it existed it's inhabitants spent their days coming up with new and bright idea's to make their world better. Most but not all monsters believed that fighting was unnecessary and were content to create and live peacefully alongside each other. The Underground of Inspirationtale looks the same as classic Undertale though some monsters would act more aggressively towards humans, while others would actively try to stay away or help them. When Error Sans destroyed it the only two who are known to have survived are Inspiration Sans and his brother Papyrus who were away at the time. If anyone else survived the brothers are unaware of the fact. As no living human was present in the Underground at the time of its destruction the world cannot be reset and is lost for good. TORIEL Toriel is the wife of King Asgore and Mother to Asriel. Like her Undertale counterpart she is very kind and caring and still loves bad puns and jokes. She and the rest of monsterkind were driven underground and sealed behind the barrier after the 1st war with the humans. Despite this Toriel tried to make the best of things and tried to retain hope by creating various delecious recipes for everyone to enjoy. She does not agree with Asgore and Gaster's current motives though and is becoming increasingly edgy as they become more and more destructive. She lives in the ruins where she mourns the loss of her son and remains vigilant and on lookout for any humans.... Like CT she uses fire magic though mainly to cook with since she despises conflict. She is worried about Asgore's urge to research human determination and their souls, she fears that ultimately the power could harm monsters more than it could help them. She wears a light blue dress with the delta rune on the front in purple along with a light purple cloak. During a pacifist run she wont battle Frisk but warn's them that not all monsters are on their side and will try to harm or kill Frisk on their journey, before letting them leave the ruins. On a genocide run she will also not fight but will try to persuade the Frisk/Chara to think about what their actions mean and the hurt they are causing by acting this way. She dies in a single hit should the player choose to continue on after her speech. It is unknown if she survived Errors attack. King Asgore Asgore is the husband of Toriel and Father to Asriel. When the 1st war broke out Asgore urged his subjects not to harm the humans, they were fewer in number and lacked the superior magical abilities of the monsters. However as the war with the humans continued it became clear that the humans would soon destroy monsterkind. It was then Asgore retaliated. many humans were slain but rather than discourage them it seemed to spur the humans further and slowly but surely the monsters were pushed back until finally they were trapped in the Underground. In the battle Asgore along with his royal scientist W.D.Gaster managed to "capture" a human soul. Curious about what made the humans so "determined" Asgore asked Gaster to start research on the soul to see if the humans determination and creativity could be harnessed for their own use.. This desire and fascination with human determination caused a rift between Asgore and Toriel... Asgore wears dark steel armor with a long black cloak, while the fastenings are tarnished gold as his his crown. He uses a trident in battle but one of his horns was severed during the final battle with the human's he also has several nicks in his left ear. He is responsible for the death of his son Asriel and the human Chara...A fact that he deeply regrets though refuses to show any emotion on the subject matter. It is unclear what would have happened to any other human who fell into the Underground though it it is likely that Asgore would have had them killed to continue the research on human determination. It is unknown if he survived Error's attack Asriel Was the son of Toriel and Asgore until his unfortunate death at the hands of his own father. Asriel was only a baby when the 1st war ended but as he grew he like his mother preferred to live in peace and try to better the Underground for everyone. One day while he and Toriel were in the ruins gathering flowers they stumbled upon an unconscious human who had clearly fallen from the world above. Though Asgore had decreed that any human found should either be killed outright or brought to him Asriel and his mother brought the human back to the castle with them and hid them from Asgore secretly nursing them to health. During this time the human who was named Chara and Asriel being of the same age became firm friends though Asriel noticed that Chara would sometimes go creepily quiet or stare for hours at a time out of the window at the monsters below... One day Asgore discovered Chara as the children were playing and attempted to kill the human, Asriel trying to protect his friend got in the way of a forceful attack from Asgore and took the blow. Enraged Chara tried to retaliate but was slain by Asgore...though his soul vanished the moment Asgore tried to claim it. Asriel and Chara both died that day and Toriel horrified at what Asgore had done left the castle taking the body of Chara with her to the ruins where she buried them in a bed of flowers. Though the Au was destroyed it is likely that Asgore and Gaster would have started the same sort of research as Alphys did in Undertale resulting in the creation of Flowey. Flowey Flowey does not actually exist in Inspirationtale as the Au was destroyed before either Gaster or Alphys started experimenting with human determination to see if it could power monster bodies. If he had been created he would have acted much the same as classic flowey. Sans Before his AU was destroyed IMP was technically a sentry in Snowdin forest, and supposed to be on watch for any human that fell into the Underground. If such an occurrence  happened he was supposed to detain the human and alert the leader of the royal guard Undyne. However IMP didnt really care about any of that not believing that any humans would actually appear, so he spent most of his sentry duty idling his time away listening to music and travelling between different AU's. Had the world not been destroyed Frisk would have eventually entered the Underground. During a pacifist run IMP would have guided and secretly protected Frisk with the two becoming good friends and culminating in IMP stepping between Frisk and Asgore after Frisk is wounded during their fight and eventually persuading Asgore that Frisk could help monsterkind. IMP respects and enjoys Frisk's creativity. If a genocide run is attempted IMP begins to question his own goals and wonders if giving humans more inspiration is a good thing after Papyrus is killed. He serves as the final boss though he is ultimately beaten. Like classic Sans IMP judges Frisk in the final corridor on his actions. Papyrus In Inspirationtale before the AU's destruction, Papyrus was still a sentry in Snowdin along with his brother Sans. He tended to spend a lot of his time patrolling for humans and berating IMP for his lax attitude . Unlike San's though he tends towards the more destructive side of things, believing humans are evil and that the world would be better off without them. (However he has never actually come into contact with a human) He is somewhat less naive than CP even showing something of a mean side occasionally. Though he berates IMP for his laziness and his puns, Papyrus care's deeply for his brother and is mainly concerned with keeping them both safe. Had the world not been destroyed Frisk would have eventually entered the Underground. Had a pacifist route been taken during Inspirationtale Frisk would have come into contact with Papyrus multiple times as the skeleton tries to stop them with increasingly bizarre traps. As Frisk evades every one Papyrus eventually concludes that the human has some unknown power and initiates a fight. If spared he is at first confused then applauds the human for breaking their "stereotype" and being kind. Frisk and Papyrus become friends after their fight though Paps will flatly refuse they are friends and will also refuse a date. During a genocide run Papyrus will try to fight the human multiple times  though he flees each battle to "recuperate" after a few attacks. Eventually the final fight will begin outside of Snowdin. When killed he states that he knew the human was no good and warns them that justice will be served before he then dies. He still hates San's puns and loves to cook spaghetti Frisk IMP Frisk is slightly taller than classic Frisk and wears a large puffy jumper the same colors as CF  along with blue 3 quarter lengths with sturdy brown boots. They also carry a small grey backpack to carry their supplies and they wear battered goggles. Frisk never fell into the Underground in Inspirationtale as the AU was destroyed but had it not been Frisk would have done so. While there he could have followed two paths either a destructive one (genocide) or a creative (Pacifist) route. If following a pacifist route Frisk would have used their creative abilities to show Monsters that not all humans use their creative abilities to destroy things and wage war and instead make their world better much like the monsters tried to before the 1st war. If a genocide route had been followed Frisk possessed by the spirit of Chara would have carved a path of destruction using their creative abilities to create weapons from various items and the souls of the monsters of the Underground ultimately leading to them fighting IMP. Inspiration Frisk loves to draw and write stories, their creations were so vivid they seemed to have a "life" of their own. It is unknown if Frisk survived Errors attack. Chara Chara was the first and only human to fall into the Underground before the AU was destroyed by Error. He was found by Asriel and Toriel as they were picking flowers in the ruins. Though Asgore had decreed that any and all humans should be killed or captured the two Monsters secreted Chara into the castle and cared for him. During this time Chara and Asriel became almost like brothers. Chara never spoke of the world he came from and almost never smiled, his eyes seemed cold and distant. Chara was killed when he tried to attack Asgore after he and Asriel were found playing together, though not before Asriel was killed trying to protect him. Chara's spirit behaves the same way as classic Chara's did though perhaps with more malevolence since he was actually killed by monsters. He is driven to seek revenge and would have used Frisk to do so given the chance. Since he is a spirit it is likely that he survived Errors attack though his current whereabouts are unknown.......... Undyne In the world of Inspirationtale, Undyne is still the head of the royal guard but is perhaps more aggressive and angry than her Undertale counterpart. She was present during the first war and hates humans with a passion considering them far weaker than monsters even though monsters lost the war and were driven underground. She leads the royal guard with an iron fist and has no time for those she considers unworthy or weak. Her relationship with Papyrus is somewhat strained as he has consistently failed to deliver a human to her and ultimate dosent seem to care much about doing so. She does not get on well with IMP considering him lazy. The only person she seems to respect is King Asgore, wanting to capture a human to help with his and Gaster's experiments. She has made it clear that should monsters ever make it back to the surface she would grant the humans no mercy. Had the world not been destroyed Frisk would have eventually entered the Underground. During a pacifist run Frisk first comes into contact with Undyne in Waterfall much the same as in Undertale, though she will be more aggressive in her attempts to kill or capture them utilizing a host of different weapons each time they meet and starting a battle during each encounter. When it becomes clear that the human refuses to fight her and even helps her Undyne becomes confused and questions her own motives and ideals. She eventually lets the human proceed but warns them she will be keeping an eye on them. During a genocide run Undyne's attacks are even more aggressive and she is determined to put a stop to Frisk/Chara's rampage, though she is unsuccessful and is eventually killed. It is unknown if she survived Errors attack Alphys In Inspirationtale Alphys is not the royal scientist as Gaster is still alive and well, she is his assistant though she is still nervous and stutters a lot, she also still loves anime and has a crush on Undyne even though the royal guard dosent seem to notice her very much. She is worried about the experiments that Gaster and King Asgore are currently carrying out and the impact they may have on monster kind. Though she is Gaster's assistant and still tries hard to help him out. She also spends her spare time working on her pet project a robot who she hopes will be an entertain robot. She wishes that monsters and humans could live in peace It is unknown if she survived Errors attack. Mettaton A pet project that Alphys had been working on in her spare time. Mettaton was currently in a prototype form when Error attacked and not fully functional. He could speak and move to some extent though he frequently ran out of battery and glitched out.   It is unknown if he survived Error's attack W.D. Gaster In looks he is much the same as classic Gaster though he wears a lab coat. Gaster was the royal scientist working alongside his assistant Alphy's to decipher the mystery's of human determination and creativity. He had one soul that he and Asgore manged to secure at the end of the first war with the humans though he deemed it not enough to fully experiment on and demanded more, though none were forthcoming. He was also working on a prototype determination extraction machine that he intended to use on any humans that were brought to him. He considers humans unworthy of the lives and determination they possess. His whereabouts are currently unknown
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