#celci kelvina
ardenwritesegos · 2 months
ISWM Headcanons
I figured that since today is the 2 year anniversary of In Space With Markiiplier, I should give some of my headcanons about the characters and stuff like that.
Engineer Mark's nickname in the manor: Since his name is also Mark, the other egos sometimes refer to Engineer as Gin to distinguish him from both Actor and Content Creator Mark.
Engineer Mark & Celci: In my mind, they're siblings, with how much they bicker with each other. Maybe some past family event led them to hate each other (but I haven't thought of one yet, and would like to hear anyone's thoughts on why).
Engineer's memories: After the events of ISWM, Engineer Mark has a scattered memory, often recounting things that happened in other timelines, rather than what happened in his own.
Engineer as a Clone: In my mind, Actor makes these adventures for us, for the da while they're in the mirror. Because of that, he made copies of himself based on what, in his mind, were heroic attributes. However, when making Engineer Mark, there was a mix-up in personality, and he was accidentally made with some Damien-like qualities. Since, that pissed Actor off, he decided to change the ending and make Engineer Mark into a villain, of sorts.
Well, I hope these weren't too cringy. Thanks for reading!
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Why Did You Bother To Stay?
Got talking on Discord about the possibility of a Damien counterpart in ISWM. Please ask questions about the boy he’s my little scrunkle. Thanks to @puppeteered-poetry for giving me the plot and brain worms.
A little fic on Celcis time in university, but will Fahren be there for the graduation?
WORD COUNT: 1.3K My longest fic yet (not a good start but oh well)
WARNINGS: A couple of swears, slightest alcohol mention
Eight years. Eight years on Earth. And it’s going to be their last. When Celci had first applied so eagerly to the academy, she, as everyone else applying at the schools first year of operation were told how much longer space travel would take. A beautiful dream that would be reached outside of their lifetimes, and how if they dedicated themselves to testing their fields, their children would see the stars.
How wrong they were. 
Barely halfway through that same year, the first ship had been launched. Reaching out to the edge of the galaxy before summer. The issue of the speed of travel (which has managed to cause significant damage to over half of the original crew) was remedied with cryogenics. By keeping the human body in frozen animation, the remaining crew made into Draco II in the second year
Just in time for a quick switch of her major, originally reactor management, to cryogenics. One of her classmates had been devastated by her departure, so much so that during lunch, he’d quietly set down a stack of twenty something poems for her. Tales of sorrow and what Celcis so sure were actual tears drops on the paper. (Burt later had to come up to her and apologize, explaining that she’d just been kind to him and would miss her. Apologizing for the immense amount but he’s just been struck with inspiration. Celci still has a few of the best ones scanned and saved to her phone.)
Third year, exploration ships with minimal crew were sent out. At least one every few months, and she was star struck when she was invited to study the effects of cryogenics on returning crew. People who’d engrained themselves as space age legends just by being aboard the ship, at least in Celcis eyes. Faren had teased her that she had a crush on the captain of the ship, and had perhaps asked for a few too many reexaminations.
Quickly devolving into a match of who can throw each other into the wall first broken up by a very eager air defense major. Gunther had been disappointed that no, no they weren’t actually going to fight properly and no, he could not join in. 
For the next four years, Celci completed a bachelors in cryogenics and decided to get a masters instead. “How on earth am I going to actually apply it properly if I don’t understand it?” A very familiar argument she’d had with most people, most of all Faren. It had seemed almost disappointing that he’d decided to drop out of his engineering courses, pursuing ethics and philosophy instead. 
“Faren please, why would you stay here? All of philosophy will change when the explorations prove we’re not alone. How can you just leave? We were going to do this together!” Unsure whether or not it’s rage or upset, Celci had decided on both. Watching him move around the room like she wasn’t there, repacking his dorm to move out of the academy completely. 
“And what would I do? There’s nothing interesting in engineering anymore. Learned how to create enough engines, and they barely have a difference! I want something that’s going to change rapidly, something that requires understanding!” During the half argument-half brooding fistfight, Farens hair had fallen out of its usual greased back position. Choosing to spike up like a wild animal ready to attack. Much more fitting to his current conflicted state. 
“I’m going. Maybe my work will have a purpose in your future, but yours certainly won’t in mine!” Temper getting the better of him, he’s pushing her out of the door. Locking it behind himself as he packs in a huff. Something breaks in the boxes, but there’s not enough care in him right now.
Four months later, and it’s meant to be graduation. Meant, because it doesn’t feel like she’s earned anything. Since he left, there’s been not a single message from Feran. Even when she tried calling from Marks phone, he picked up for only a few seconds. 
“Will you ever stop worrying? You’re going to be fine. Not everyone you know has to attend graduation. It doesn’t matter, you’ll want him there for something more important. Whatever you do after this is going to matter more than this.” Stopping her attempt at trying to keep that stupid cap on, she turns to stare daggers at Mark. Whatever he has been trying to adjust on his sleeves is dropped onto the floor, rolling underneath a table.
“Mark, I haven’t heard from him in months. He barely even talks to you anymore. It’s..we were meant to graduate together. Cyro and engineering get to work side by side, and he really loved it. At least I thought..”
Now, she can’t help but feel another pang of worry. She didn’t mean to push him away so far, down into what must be an abyss. Did he feel any regret about cutting off communication? Sure, he had flashes of rage, and a little too hot headed for his own good. In the end he always meant to be kind. Better than her most of the time, when she made decisions that were more cold that a can of liquid nitrogen.
Eventually something has to snap her out of the spiral, and it just happens to be a hard pat on her back. Enough to nearly double her over, and almost ready to smash someone in the face before she sees the apologetic face. Poor Burt always forgets his strength, used to smashing in bolts when the thread wears out. “Apologies. I just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t be late. Wrote a poem for you as well. Perhaps somewhere in the universe we’ll cross paths again.”
Placed carefully on the table, it looks like a steamed over matchbook. A tiny scribble on the top signifying it’s another part of Burt’s poetry collection. “We are all children of the universe, so what honour would it be to embrace it so kindly?” Some hesitation hides in his words, like it burns up the back of his throat. Knowing that his lines will be back to haunt him eventually. Poetry is just part of reality, past or future. 
With a barely there smile, she nods. Mark patting her shoulders gently as he begins to walk past her. “We’ll be waiting for you. Come on, life is short after all. We could all be dead by tomorrow. ‘Specially if I’m beating..beating your..uh..brothers record..” Sheepishly, Mark goes back to adjusting the cuff links that aren’t there anymore. Sat and probably watching him spitefully from underneath the table. Leaving without another word to save himself, Celci is left alone. 
Most of the dorm is bare, prepped to move out first thing in the morning. Besides the essentials, she’s let herself hold onto one more thing. A singular picture of Fahren and her, from last year. Just before he was going to create the keg stand record Mark wanted to break, she’d managed to get him to look at the camera for a few seconds. Glitter shot out from the same air defense major who’d broken up their fight has covered them, giving Celci icy blue hair and Fahren burnt orange. 
Admiring the photo, she doesn’t notice the footsteps behind her. Only registering the presence when another hand is on her shoulder. Much smaller than Burt’s, and unrecognizable for a few seconds. Dreadful seconds where she turns around and socks them in the face. A very punchable face to Celci, and she only partially regrets it
Stretching out his now aching jaw, Fahrens dropped half the roses he brought for her. Strewn on the floor and crushed under their collective feet in the quickest fistfight they’ve had. “For fuck sake! Gods..all I did was touch your shoulder what th-“
Words are quickly smothered as he’s pulled into what’s more like a vice than a hug. At one point he’s sure his ribs are cracking from the pressure. “You little bastard. Four months and nothing? Screw you.” 
“There’s time to kill me later, I assure you. You’re going to be late”
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rebar2042 · 15 days
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Mack, please. Let the crew leads eat in peace.
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walmartt · 22 days
yall hear me out on this ship
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human whos on the dumbest ship in space x alien whos special interest is humans
like they could ramble to eachother nonstop??
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ghiertor-the-gigapeen · 4 months
He found celci, she can't remember
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I was gonna draw him with old lady celine from iswm but I'm not strong enough to do it ㅠㅠ
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braisedhoney · 2 years
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cap'n ney stop making prompts into comics challenge (impossible)
anyway here’s the result of another doodle-prompt thing! congrats to you @i-am-03, and thank you for the idea!
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captainsaltypear · 1 year
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quickly while no one is looking MERMAID!CrewLead AU STUFF BEFORE MERMAY IS OVER burt- goldfish celci - arctic ringed seal gunther - blacktipped reef shark
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captain-neutrino · 2 years
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Mark is a little different in ways that are hard to understand.
An expansion on this concept
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the-moon-pal · 2 years
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I had this idea that I didn't really know what to do with but I want other people to get a kick out of it and. I don't know anyone in the ISWM fandom so anyway, consider for your entertainment:
Mark and Mack bursting into the bridge, trying to get the Captain's attention, half-fighting each other -- And the Captain mutters something about "oh great, the m&ms are fighting" and whoever was close enough to hear just dies on the spot (probably Celci)
get it? bc their names start with M?? m(ark)&m(ack)???
Share this with the world oh my gosh I love it
M&Ms! That’s so cute!
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omexaprime · 2 months
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the best set of endings in iswm
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vanilla-ending · 9 months
Questions for/about the Captain(s) of the Invincible! 🚀🌑
I decided to make this for people who want to talk about their Captainsona but don’t know how to do so unprompted! Just remember to be kind and send a question to whoever you reblog this from! 🩷
⭐️ What’s your Captain’s name? Any aliases or nicknames? What does it mean?
👽 What does your Captain look like physically? Art or description: age, height, hair, anything particular that makes them stick out?
💠 What is your Captain like on the inside? Their morals, their wants, their personality?
☄️ What are your Captain’s pronouns? Their sexuality/romantic labels?
🧑‍🚀 What kind of accessories does your Captain wear? Any special pins/patches? Headgear?
🔢 What does your crew number (ex: M2707) mean, if anything?
🌎 What was your Captain’s life before they joined the Invincible 2? Relationships, history, ect.?
🪐 What do they do on the new world after the Colonists have settled? Lead, teach, retire, ect.?
🛰️ What relationships does your Captain have on the ship? With the heads of the crew (Mark, Celci, Burt, ect.), or with other crew (Carlos, Mack, ect.)?
⌛️ What is their favorite timeline to life in/have visited? (Any we see in canon or make one up!)
🌗 What ego would your Captain like, whether as a friend/partner, or just to be around in general?
🧑‍⚕️ If they weren’t Captain, what role would your Captain take on the ship (engineering, reactor, cryo, ect.?)
🛸 Your Captain was allowed a single duffle bag’s worth of personal items to bring aboard the Invincible 2: what items are in that bag? (Assume that uniforms and toiletries are provided and they only need to bring non-necessities)
💫 Your Captain is asked to teach the colonists something: a skill, parts of their culture, ect. What do they bring to the table?
👑 Tell a fun fact about your Captain (or unfun if you’re angsty!)
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rustychips · 2 years
Oh would you look at that more cursed iswm images ( click for better quality )
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It's the thought that counts... Merry Christmas from the crew leads!
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walmartt · 2 months
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they like a boy, and i’m not a boy
inspired from this post <3
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