the most horrible news in the world to me is that there is NO cedar/raven content anywhere??? not on ao3 (okay, one fic, but it was posted yesterday by someone from the discord server who was also outraged that there were no fics), or tiktok, or tumblr, or pinterest, or ffn-- there's no fanart, no edits, no fanfics. GUYS.
so this is my cedar/raven propaganda post.
They're already really close! In between the summers of their freshman and sophomore years, they actually spent time together over the summer:
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They're besties!!! childhood friends to lovers material, if you may.
2. When she got to school, once she grouped up with Maddie, her thought immediately after was to go find Cedar:
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3. Cedar's so sweet about Raven, look:
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4. Obviously it's more difficult when Raven is keeping a secret, but overall, she doesn't mind Cedar's truth-telling:
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5. Maddie AND CEDAR are the two she thinks of when she thinks of her friends:
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I'm sure there's a lot more, but this is just from what I remember from the first book, not to mention all the others !! there's not as much Cedar content in the show in general, but in the books, Raven, Maddie, and Cedar were the initial rebel friend group, and I love that for them and I think that if people ship raven/maddie as much as they do, then raven/cedar should ALSO be a big ship. (radar? cedaraven? queenwood?)
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If you have any Cedar/Raven ideas then I'd be happy to write a fic about them! It's truly a shame they don't have more content, they were such besties in the books!!!!
oo!!!! I have a few, stuff like:
them over the summer before school, y'know, scenes of them having late-night talks where they're silly or singing karaoke, going on hikes while they spend time out by the lake, etc
when they first met at school !!!! cedar being frightened by her but raven being so sweet and nice that cedar instead became smitten <3
raven trusting cedar with some kind of secret and cedar working on diverting herself every time she gets close to it because she can't lie but for raven she will try not to do the compulsive-truth-telling thing because she loves her
maddie realizing (through the narrator) that cedar has a crush on raven and then pulling elaborate schemes to set them up
cedar painting raven/painting something FOR raven (either one!)
these are open to anyone who wants to write these btw I don't have a claim on any of them !! let's fill this fandom w these two <3
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