otherren · 6 years
Conan: UBF Continuation
Walking alone through the busy crowd of trainers and spectators was Conan. He was pretty bruised and scratched up, but he’s standing all in one piece. At age nineteen, he’s experienced things some never have to experience in their whole life time. Despite being chase by grunts who wanted to steal his Pokémon or having close calls with man-turned-hybrids; participating in the UBF was a hell of a time for him. He was able to meet new people, some that he can even call his close friends. Grow as a person and really gotten to know himself as an individual. It was definitely a fun run, but as all adventures goes, this one is nearing the end.
Of course, he didn’t let anyone know that he’ll be leaving today since he didn’t like that sort of thing to begin with. His plan was to pack his things early in the morning and head out without anyone’s knowledge. It was Conan’s least favorite thing to do so he’d rather leave quietly without the goodbyes. At least, that was what he intended.
“Conan,” A meek voice was said from behind him. He turned slightly to see a shy girl who hid most of her face behind her scarf. It was Omni. A sheepish smile formed on his face before he faced her completely with his hand scratching the back of his head.
“Hi Omni,” He watched her as her eyes trailed to his packed bags and back to him. “I guess you caught me.”
“Y-you’re leaving?” She asked her voice soft but with a sense of disappointment. “B-but shouldn’t you stay a bit longer to heal?”
“Nah, I think I’m good to go. I was discharged early for a reason.” Conan answered with a small laugh. “Luckily for me, not only am I stubborn in the head, but also my body.”
Conan had a stupid grin on his face that made Omni falter deeper in her scarf. Her eyebrows furrowed together in worry and sadness. A mixed emotions of the two and it showed clearly on her face. She wasn’t sure what to say, or if she should try to convince him to stay. She already knew even if she tried, Conan had already made up his mind.
Her thoughts were racing, trying to figure out what to do or say, but it all stopped soon after. She was caught off guard when his hand met with her shoulder. She looked up to meet his light eyes. She wasn’t sure how to react to the gesture. She just stood frozen, her eyes locked on his. She couldn’t look away even if she wanted to.
“Omni,” He started. She could feel her heart beating faster. She held her breath, waiting eagerly anxiously to what he had to say.
“I wanted to thank you.” Well that really threw her off. Her eyebrows arched in confusion and waited for him to elaborate. “Throughout my whole time here in UBF, I noticed you were always there in the sidelines cheering me on. Every hardship I faced in each round… all the way until the end, you were with me every step of the way. And I really do appreciate it. You’re really a good friend.”
Omni was touched by his words, enough to feel her face warming up. She grew a liking to this fellow that stood before him. As she watched him through the rounds of the tournament, she didn’t realize how concern she was for his safety and well-being. And apparently not in a friend kind of way either which is probably the cause of her confusing feelings she had to deal with. Little didn’t she know she grew to care for Conan, and grew in a way that is more than just a friend.
From the way she was currently feeling, and being overwhelmed with all that he had told her, for some reason, she was able to muster enough courage to tell Conan.
“Conan, you mean a lot to me… And it’s hard for me to tell you how I really feel but…” She started, her face beating red. “I…I like you.”
Conan was taken back by what she said. His eyes slightly widen, and it looked like he was at a loss for words. He clearly wasn’t expecting her to confess to him at all. It wasn’t something he would be prepared for, but still this was definitely something thrown from the left field.
“Omni…” Conan meekly said, with a hint of uncertainty.
As soon as she saw his reaction, she quickly pulled back, hiding her face even more behind her scarf. Her blossoming and new found discovery of feelings came crashing down. Because she knew in that instant, he didn’t feel the same way.
She only smiles weakly while looking down. This made Conan retreat and he looked worried at his friend, afraid that their relationship will change from here on out. Even though he couldn’t return her feelings, he did like and appreciate her as a dear friend. To lose that as he’s departing now… would be horrible.
“It’s okay Conan.” She said. He looked to her and their eyes met again. It was as if she could read his thoughts. “You don’t need to say anything, I understand. But just know that I’m glad I was able to meet you. Wherever you go, any challenges you meet… Know that I’ll always be cheering you on.”
Omni didn’t give him a chance to say a word as she tipped toed and kissed Conan’s cheek. She quickly drew back, her face as red as can be, and scurried away. She left him with a gift that she felt the need to give at that moment, and never looked back.
Conan placed his fingertips where Omni’s lips touched, and didn’t really know how to respond to the unexpected gesture of affection.
He merely stood there… befuddled.
Meanwhile, there was another friend in particular that was looking for him as well. The one who he also became quite close with, the girl named Kaoru. Without his knowledge, she was actually looking for him moments after his departure from the hospital. She was shocked to hear from the nurses that he had already left without anyone’s knowledge. Which was of course was his plan all along.
She wanted to apologize for what happened the last time they spoke. Everything was all so confusing to her along with her feelings as well. She didn’t mean to ditch him like that, and she would sure like to owe him an explanation for that.
“Conan!” The girl with dark hair called out. She was now in a sea of people who were also planning to take the ferry out to return to their homes. It was literally looking for a needle in a hay stack. She bent over, resting her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. She was running all over the place and still she couldn’t find him. But despite the odds that were against her, she quickly got back up, wiped the sweat off her face and continued her search.
She looked in every direction her head can possible turn, tilting her head high to view over those that were taller than her. She had even crouched low to see if she can spot familiar looking shoes.
Just as she got closer to the peer, an alarm sounded which caught her attention. The ferry had already loaded the first batches of customers and is now sailing off. “Maybe...” She whispered to herself before turning in that direction. Just as she thought, she spotted a unique black hat of a trainer that was dear to her. She knew instantly that that was him. She gasped, “Conan!” She called out, hoping he’d hear. He didn’t budge which meant, no luck. He was too far.
So with all the strength she had left, she mustered up momentum to get through the crowd before she finally found an opening for a clear view of the ferry. As she came to a clearing, she pulled her Pokémon ball to release her Braviary. She had to get his attention somehow and she knew just how to do it. She removed something around her neck and smiled to her Braviary before nodding in Conan’s direction.
With a gush of wind, the Pokémon took off in the direction of the oblivious trainer. She watched as her heart beats faster the closer he gotten to Conan.
As the ferry moved for departure, Conan was leaning against the railings of the ship, with his back turned. He inhaled deeply, taking in all the fresh sea air before exhaling it all out. As much as he enjoyed his time in the tournament, he was still excited to finally be heading home. He needed the rest and if he’s being fully honest, he was a bit homesick and missed his friends and family back at home. So he was pretty excited to sail back.
He leaned against the railing, taking some of the rays of the sun in that engulfed him in warmth. A smile crossed his face. “I’ll be home soon.” He said quietly.
Suddenly breaking his trance, Conan felt a blast of wind hit him; nearly having his hat flying off if he hadn’t caught it in the nick of time. A shadow formed above him before he felt something land on his shoulders gently until he felt the complete weight of the creature. He turns to find a Braviary’s eyes peering back to him. And not just any Braviary, he knew pretty quickly that it was Kaoru’s.
“Leon?” He said a little bit surprised, “What are you—” Before he could continue he saw a glint of colored light, flicker in his eyes. Something sparkly caught his attention which he soon realizes was dangling from Leon’s beak. It was a necklace. A blue gem with a delicate chain attached. Conan took the necklace from his beak to examine it.
“Isn’t this—”
“Conan!” A voice called out. Conan turned and saw a familiar figure in a distance. The owner of the necklace; a necklace he knew that she held close to her heart; a treasured item to speak.
Conan saw Kaoru having her hands cupped around her mouth to amplify her voice. He fully turned to her direction, to face her.
“We’ll meet again, Conan! This isn’t goodbye!” She said, her face glowing red from the words she spoke. “The day you return that pendent to me is the day we’ll meet again! Promise to keep that safe for me until then! You hear me?!” As the sea air brush her face, she waited for his response. She could feel her heart racing with adrenaline.
Conan held the necklace close to him and gripped tightly. He broke into a smile that reached from ear to ear. He waved, “I promise to keep it safe, you can count on me!” he grinned, “I’ll see you again!”
Kaoru smiled as her eyes glistens. She was sad for their separation, but hopeful at the same time; hopeful that she will see him again. She held both hands in the air, waving back in big motions. “Until we meet again, Conan!”
She watched as he drifted further and further away. She hadn’t notice she was now alone on the docks as everyone started to leave. She was left there, standing firmly while the sound of the waves crashed the rigid rocks around her.
All her thoughts were to the trainer…the trainer who changed her world in many ways.
Kaoru’s Braviary returned to her side and with her eyes still focused ahead, he gracefully landed on her shoulder. She took a sharp breath and gripped her fists. Her face was calm but surprisingly determination stirred within her, growing more and more as the time went.
“I’ll tell him then Leon.” She said, her eyes fixated on a boat that now looks like a speck of dust in a distance. “That’s a promise.”
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otherren · 7 years
Anyone got Instagram that they’d like to share? I just started a separate account for random shenanigans pFFT. Let me know so I can follow you :’) 
Message me also if that’s what you’d prefer ^^
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otherren · 7 years
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otherren · 7 years
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otherren · 8 years
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Haven’t been uploading any art lately... but I got hyped from the recent football game and also by first’s writing about Moki’s and Chen’s bro-drama QAQ;;; So all those feels meshed into creating this (very messy) sketch XD;;;
And i obviously gotta represent my team and city by having Chen and Moki wear Seahawks gear! WOOT WOOT! (can’t actually see the logo, but it is, trust me lol)
Head canon wise, I actually visualize these two in different teams, but they get along verily well outside the games since they have mutual respect for the other. Not to mention they’re good friends who both worked hard to make it into the NFL. 
And--YESSSS, i love football. New fact about Ren. :’D
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otherren · 8 years
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otherren · 8 years
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All i can manage OTL;;; For you Ayu haha! Ai’s full body concept art. Super sketchy but the design and colors are there so I say that’s a success! (Kinda) xD;;;;
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otherren · 8 years
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-In the Earth Kingdom-
“Do you think it’s silly?”
“What is?”
Junhei glanced to the woman that stood beside him, wanting to read her thoughts only to be fixed on the gentle features that was so rarely seen in a warrior as herself. It had seemed only just recent that he had fought against her despite it being months. At the time, he thought he was fighting a man from a quick glance. But to his defense, the first time they met she was far from him and on top of one of the buildings, shooting arrows at him. It never occurred to him that they would be here together. And that she would be standing beside him as his ally after all that they went through.
Was she always this admirable…?
He quickly averted his attention back to the horizon when she turned to him. He forgotten she was still expecting and waiting for his answer.
“The idea of rebuilding what my brother created.” He said, “It was originally built to help people, but because of his absence it had lost its true purpose after all these years.”
“Yes… I have personal experience for this change; both my brother and I.” As she spoke, her eyebrow furrowed a bit at the thought of the distortion. Hadn’t Junhei come along, she would have still worked for people who was only blinded by power and greed. Two things she’d rather not be associated with if she had the choice. “It’s a good thing that you came along and disbanded it—well, more like influenced it.”
“I didn’t really influence anything.” Chen sheepishly replied. “The way I see it, I came in, made a lot of noise and fought my way into your ‘group.’” He rubbed his neck recalling the events. “…And convinced and reminded most by burning things.”
She chuckled at his explanation. It was more than what he described and much more than he led on. Junhei was brave and noble and didn’t hesitate to voice his opinion when everything had turned for the worst. Even when his life was on the line and being so outnumbered. It was a good thing his passionate nature was so contagious or else he wouldn’t have survived.  
“And your brother?” She asked as she tucked a loose strand behind her ear. “Does he want to take part in this?”
“I asked, but for whatever reason he wants me to do it alone; without his help.” He replied a bit frustrated at the thought
“He must really have faith in you.” She offered. “…that you’ll be able to build one without him. Perhaps a better one.”
Junhei smirked and shook his head, denying her thought. She smiled, noticing how blind this man is from his own potential. “Well, to answer your question…” She placed her hand on his shoulder. “No.”
Junhei’s eye brow arched in question.
“It’s not silly. The idea of rebuilding this society.” She answered. As she spoke the dusk’s light hit her face while the wind frisked her brown hair. “These people have been misled for years until one of the Chen brothers returned. What you did to convince everyone… it proves you’re capable to lead them. Changing their mindset is a start. You brought a new beginning to us… and reminded everyone what this organization is all about; what we originally do and what we originally stand for. You already have a handful of men who stands behind you and your ideals. We’ll need more recruits, but you practically already started your task at hand. The way I see it, you did much more than just burn stuff Junhei Chen.”
He looked to her and saw how confident she was by the look in her eyes that she was giving him. He was baffled by her words, feeling both flattered and somewhat motivated.
He chuckled. “You really have a way of words, Jeid.”
“Just saying how I see it.” She countered.
“Fair enough.” He turned back to scenery before him feeling more empowered and excited for the future than ever. This new journey he’s planning to embark is both difficult and tricky no doubt, but the end result is all worth it. It could benefit most and the idea of continuing the Chen’s legacy… was just too good to past. He found a new desire and ambition to follow… The same familiar feelings when he first wanted to be a probender. That’s when he realized that is already been decided. His decision is fact. No turning back.
He’s going to do this.
He stopped his thoughts to return them to the presence that was standing beside him. He twitched as he realized an unfamiliar feeling… a “yearn” of some sort. Not wanting her to leave. Why? He wasn’t too sure but the thought of having her by his side, helping him along this journey, and sharing this ambition just seemed right. After all, she was one of the first to stand by him during the time of the mutiny. But was it right for him to ask such a thing considering she may have her own things to partake? Possibly  even starting a new life? But would it hurt to ask…? But how to ask?
“Jeid…Will you—if—” It wasn’t hard to tell that Junhei was struggling to ask such a request by his stumbling words. Luckily for him, he was graciously cut short.
“Where you go, I go.” She simply stated, not even batting an eye as she spoke.
He stayed quiet as he was taken back by her quick decision. It didn’t take long for Junhei to also recall that she had spoken the same words to him when they fought a long side each other. During that time, she followed him through flames of uncertainty although knowing the risk of getting burned. To think, she’d repeat them again for this reason. It was as if them meeting, was meant to be.
He shyly hid his expression while regaining back his composure. He cleared his throat and kept his attention towards the front to avoid any possible eye contact before merely replying,
“If you’d like.”
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otherren · 8 years
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Happy holidays everyone! I hope you’re all enjoying your Christmas/Christmas Eve! :’D
Here’s my part in Secret Santa! I had the privilege to draw Mr. Kadda! (Sorry Toresky that it wasn’t a surprise for you since you had to tell me that I got you ^^; )
Happy Holidays Dude! Hope you like it!  
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otherren · 9 years
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UM, well... these were in my folder for quite some time. It’s when I was designing future Chen. I believe this is book th-three design? Like when he’s 25-26? I honestly can’t remember. I do remember there was another design before this, but he was only a few years older from his current age (or as you all know from his only app on dA... he never really aged because of my lack of revamps OTL;;; ) 
Um, so Junhei had a hair cut and starting to look like his dad. Color-theme is still the same. Uh.. he doesn’t mind a slight smile every now and then, i mean, a lot more often compared to when he’s younger. ^^; I also believe this is when he already met his “love-interest” as well. OH... and i think his eyebrows are a little bit more bushy-er? O_O; I don’t know XD;;;; 
BUT YEAH. Here’s Junhei (Chen) when he’s older. 
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otherren · 9 years
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Kina Chen: the eldest of the Chen siblings. When she was young, she preferred not to be acknowledged as Junhei’s child since it was always a burden for her. But as she grew older, that mind set changes once she realized what type of man her father is. It was until then, she was proud to be a part of the Chen family-line and honorably claim the title as Junhei’s first and only daughter.
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otherren · 9 years
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Kina: Stoic |Curious | Protective
Fire bending isn’t her passion like her dad, but she’s a natural despite her lack of interest.
Even though she shows little to no affection towards her siblings she’s quite protective in her silent way and watches over them even when she denies it.
Rarely smiles like her dad, but surprisingly enjoys snarky jokes and pranking or teasing others for her own amusement.
Ryou:  Kind | Naïve | Innocent
Genuinely enjoys helping others in big or small ways. When someone is in need, he instinctively acts without a second thought. (Sees old lady with heavy grocery bags? HELPS INSTANTLY)--got that from his mom
Puts his heart and soul into the things he does since he’s too stubborn to give up a trait he obtained from his father.
He’s too gullible for his own good because he sees everyone as “good” until proven guilty.
Kozu: Rowdy | Clever | Charming (Traits when he gets older)
Likes to grab things in his reach
Likes to be held by his older sister Kina
As he gets older, he takes up his mother’s interest which is archery
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otherren · 9 years
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AGHHH, HOW COULD YOU ASK SUCH A QUESTION BRO LOL If I could, I'd draw all the characters since they're all so lovable! OTL But my top two would have to be the Hamada brothers :'D (plus Baymax QuQ )
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otherren · 9 years
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Thanks to my bro Dia, I'mma make that Shinichi's favorite thing to do. That pose suits him well XD 
Zhou decides to join Junhei on his morning runs. He forgets how much stamina Junhei has compared to him and instantly regrets it. PFFF 
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otherren · 9 years
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otherren · 10 years
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otherren · 10 years
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