#ce2 spoilers
shevi-creates · 1 year
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there’s no flower in this world more beautiful than an artificial one. 🥀
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causalitylinked · 2 years
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He actually cares. Sure, Kobato might not always do the right thing, but he does worry about others and is the sort of friend who would find you and drive you home should you get lost. He’ll also offer to buy you food, especially if you happen to be younger/an underclassman of his or a cute girl.
Will whisper sweet nothings to you and unlike most Japanese men, has no trouble saying ‘I love you’. Of course, this only applies to female aligned muses, because again, he’s very obnoxiously hetero, even in The Caligula Effect 2.
Doesn’t discriminate. Seriously, Kobato doesn’t give a shit if someone is a man or a woman, because if they’re an asshole, they’re an asshole. Honestly, he would even hit a girl should they... like, not back off or are causing real, actual harm to someone he is friends with.
Not a guy who subscribes to toxic masculinity, even if he does like to tease Ryuto for liking sweets so much despite being very mature for his age. Why, he doesn’t actually repress his emotions and will even cry/let himself be vulnerable around you, which happens to be rare, because it’s actually quite common for Japanese men to be more emotionally inhibited and find discomfort in expressing their emotions through words.
Will be transparent with you and will tell you things exactly how it is. Like, while the rest of the Go-Home Club members had been hesitant to tell Marie about what they found out about her, Kobato had no qualms telling her she was actually a paraplegic in real life and that if she ever returned back to reality, she will have a shorter life expectancy compared to the average person and will live out the rest of her life, confined to a hospital bed, because she can’t move a single muscle and Redo, the world they were all stuck in, was basically supposed to be her safe haven from all that. But yeah, even if it’s painful, he won’t bother withholding information from you, especially should it concern you in particular.
In his Post-TCE2 verse, he’s really trying his best to be a function-able adult despite having apathy and just lacking passion when it comes to a lot of things. Honestly, driving might be something that he doesn’t find annoying (like manual labour), but it’s nothing he’s particularly passionate about to the point where he would be devastated he can no longer do it anymore, so he won’t be able to relate to, say... Sonia Nevermind’s love for the occult. Like, he doesn’t mind driving and is even used to doing it, but I feel as if ‘enjoy’ would be too strong a word, due to the fact his apathy prevents him from feeling much happiness/interest in things that don’t revolve around the opposite sex. Why, Kobato doesn’t even choose his clothes or appearance based on his own personal aesthetic anymore but what he thinks girls actually like, so despite being someone who is unable to derive meaning from living for himself rather than for others, he still chooses to cling onto life, no matter how empty he feels on the inside... so for as pathetic as he is, he still chooses to move on and exist rather than continue to mope about things he can no longer control.
When it comes to any interests other girls might have, he can be open-minded. Like, if you’re into, say... a video game, he would probably start playing it, because he wants to be able to relate to you and get closer to you. Granted, it’s not like Kobato wouldn’t have ulterior motives by doing so, but he really does try his best to the kind of guy any girl would like.
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akechi-official · 1 year
Managed to pick up Caligula Effect Overdose, aaaaany general tips going in? Just wanted to check cause I know better than to risk google-spoilers but I also have an entire checklist of "things i wish i'd known going into persona to make my life easier"
Ooh hope you have fun!! I’m way more experienced with CE2 than Overdose but I do know one thing.
At some point you get the option to join the bad guys of the game, the Musicians. I suggest joining them. You still get to complete all of the story stuff for the good guys, the Go-Home club, including all of the character episodes, but you also get to participate in a whole extra story and see all the Musicians character episodes. You don’t actually lose anything from joining them - in fact, to get the true ending, you should complete everyone’s character story, from both the Go-Home club and the Musicians.
…Just make sure to side with the Go-Home club at the end.
My second suggestion is to attempt to utilize all of the strategic elements of the gameplay to the best of your ability while in battle. Battles in Caligula Effect can get tedious if you don’t make your own fun. Use dashes a lot to dodge instead of shielding, and use combo attacks between your party members (for example, breaking a shield will launch an enemy into the air, and certain party members can shoot them while in the air for extra damage). It makes the gameplay a lot more fun by strategizing the best way to defeat your enemies vs just spamming attacks.
Please tell me what you think as you play! I would love to hear your thoughts, Caligula Effect deserves a lot more support! What system did you get it for if you don’t mind me asking? Physical copies of the game tend to be pretty expensive so I’m curious.
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queen-of-bel · 3 years
to expand on why i think caligula effect actually does a really good job of the “lock character development and backstory behind optional storylines”
CE doesn’t boast a particularly strong story (although i do love that satomi seems to keep doing his thing of “the main character of this story isn’t the protagonist” that he loves to do, with shogo being the main character of CE and it’s looking like marie is gonna be the main character of CE2), but the game is very much aware of that. the main story is not CE’s strong point, nor is it it’s main appeal. instead, all the writing effort went into the characters, with satomi going as far as to hiring a psychologist to make sure that the characters’ traumas are accurate and believable.
given that the main point of the game really is about individual character’s traumas, it makes sense that characters aren’t going to be open to talking about their traumas, and the player is going to really need to take time to get to know the characters and earn their trust
idk i just personally feel very strongly that a strong, fleshed-out plot and having social sims are mutually exclusive. i don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing to have social sims in a game, but there needs to be self-awareness that the main plot cannot be deep/rich because there’s no guarantee that the player has seen any character development. to make up for a “flatter” plot, the characters need to be really well-written to make up for it
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hold-the-fjord · 3 years
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gnc-astridbecke · 3 years
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maximpotato · 2 years
not art but I did have a sudden flash of inspiration and decided to try doing a rough mix of the chi and regret versions of SINGI for a hypothetical sekai cut ft emunene -song is SINGI (sasakure.UK) from the caligula effect 2 (regret ver, chi ver) -lyric tl taken from NISA’s site (CE2 spoiler warning in some of the lyric tls)
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hughmanrights · 4 years
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Star Wars fan theory on the Jedi after Episode IX. CW: spoilers for The Rise of Skywalker. I hope that if Disney produces Star Wars stories set after the events of the Rise of Skywalker, that they have stories involving a new force-sensitive group. This group, called the Skywalkers in honor of Luke and Leia, will be led by Rey, Finn, Jannah and Maz Kanata who are all Force-sensitive). Like the Jedi, the Skywalkers will try to use the Light Side of the Force to enforce their ideas of justice. However, unlike the Old Jedi Order, the Skywalkers won’t be bound by rigid traditions and will instead try to help as many people as possible. In essence, the Skywalkers would be Force-sensitive militant anarchists. I hope that the Skywalkers would have more liberal and progressive attitudes on love than the Jedi, since previous Star Wars stories have shown that love can defeat powerful Dark Side users (e.g. when Anakin Skywalker sacrificed himself to defeat Darth Sidious in Episode VI). Finally, I hope that the Skywalkers would work closely with individuals that aren’t force-sensitive (e.g. Poe Dameron), since one of the central messages of the Star Wars franchise is that anyone can be a hero! ID: image of actress Daisy Ridley as Jedi Knight/Master Rey Skywalker. #anarchist #anarchistjedi #daisyridley #finnstarwars #Jannah #jedi #johnboyega #lightsideoftheforce #lupitanyongo #mazkanata #naomiackie #reyskywalker #riseofskywalker #Sith #skywalker #skywalkers #StarWars #starwarstros #TheForce https://www.instagram.com/p/CE2-bU2D5EE/?igshid=1r3fxus3crqp3
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causalitylinked · 2 years
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read more-d for the caligula effect 2 spoilers.
Kobato Kazamatsuri: Devil. To be honest, I kind of mulled over The Lovers Arcana or the Magician Arcana for him, but in the end, I feel like Devil suits him best... since well, he is unapologetically horny and is shown to occasionally be selfish/uncooperative.
Gin Noto: The Lovers. I mean, it’s kinda confirmed Gin is already popular with all genders, has canonically dated both men and women in the past, and is implied to have feelings for the female protagonist in The Caligula Effect 2.
Ryuto Tsukishima: Fortune. Pretty self-explanatory, considering Ryuto is considered a prodigy.
Sasara Amiki: Death, but I could see her Social Link being Empress when she was younger. Anyways, considering she’s already getting by in years outside of Redo (aka she’s 86 years old) and has undergone a lot of transformative changes throughout her life, there’s really nothing she regrets or needs to make peace with anymore, which is why I slapped the Death Arcana on her.
Yngwie: Emperor, due to the fact he used to be the captain of his own skyfaring crew and is one of Djeeta/Gran’s strong male allies, but I could also see him being Hanged Man as well.
Herja: Justice, if only because she’s a stoic and reasonable individual most of the time, but I also think Empress would suit her well since she’s the leader of her own mercenary band.
Fang: The Fool, not just because he’s the protagonist of his own game, but The Fool represents ‘care-free, bohemian spirits’ and are noted for their ability to see the good in everyone, which can set them up to be taken advantage of. To be honest, I think this describes him pretty well, because after seeing how death impacts the people who are left behind, Fang tried to recruit Zenke (who is pretty much a violent sadist) into his party, only for it to later backfire on him.
Galdo Garzuom: Magician Arcana, because he’s the first male friend Fang has ever befriended and is your typically perverted male character. I also personally headcanon him and Fang to be best friends, to the point where they can be considered brothers from a different mother.
Akira Kijima: Chariot, due to the fact he can be aggressive and hotheaded if provoked. He also went through hell and back, just to achieve his goal of winning Kakuya’s games and rescuing Ami along with the people closest to him.
Kakeru Hasegawa: Hierophant, since he fits the common archetype of being an older character obsessed with the past.
Rana: Faith, due to how it represents belief in others and one self, religion, or science, but reversed, it can also represent blind faith misplaced in something that does not deserve trust... which fits Rana to a T.
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causalitylinked · 2 years
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    “Damn, it’s gonna be my birthday again soon?” Normally, he’d be thrilled, but after finding out this world was fake, well... he was no longer looking forward to it as much, especially since it served as a cruel reminder that once he returned back to reality, he’ll no longer be an eighteen year old highschooler with college girls, partying, or limitless possibilities to look forward to. Why, as soon as he escapes this godforsaken place, he would return back to being an empty shell of a man with no drive and motivation... in other words, a useless dreg to society.
    Upon knowing this to be the truth, he’ll soon grit his teeth in frustration before proceeding to kick away a rolling can with barely suppressed anger. “Fuck... why does it always have to be me? Why do I keep getting the short end of the stick? Every single time...” Kobato rants to himself while subsequently tightening both his hands into fists. Soon afterwards, he’ll then turn to glare over at the digital screen over by the station square, showcasing Regret in all her diva glory.
                                “Just you wait... I’ll drag you down to hell.”
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causalitylinked · 2 years
⁉️ + eiji perhaps!!
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    send   a   ⁉️   +   a muse  ,   &   i’ll   tell   you   what   muse   of   mine   i   see   interacting   with   yours  !   (   mainly   for   multi   accounts   to   single   accounts  ,   multi   to   multi  ,   or   people   who   have   several   blogs   &   characters   on   back   stock  .   )
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Kobato Kazamatsuri
Of course, I could easily go the easy route by saying any of my other Caligula muses or Kensuke, but as it was previously established in the CE2 lore that Kobato used to be a resident of Mobius, I think it would be both interesting and realistic for them to interact in the setting for The Caligula Effect: Overdose. Unlike the original Go-Home Club members, however, Kobato never managed to regain his memories of Mobius, but it wouldn’t be that much of a stretch for, say... Eiji to have known him, despite the fact he was allegedly an ‘NPC’; in fact, I could easily see Kobato being Eiji’s underclassman who happened to be a little too girl crazy.
Then again, with Eiji probably being more popular with the girls than he is, I’m sure he would one-sidedly consider him to be a rival. ...At the same time, though, I’m not sure how comfortable you would be, writing him in his canon source material, so the whole entire time, I was inwardly sweating, while secretly being all, ‘Well, I could throw Kobato at them, but I’m not sure if they would be down’.
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To be honest, when you asked Eiji what type of person is his type over WIRE, I remember how he specifically stated:
I like smart women. But I suppose dumb ones are interesting as well.
...So now, it got me thinking that with Rana being so gullible and trusting, she’ll probably have no problems, easily believing every word he says. Honestly, this girl is very much an idiot too, so it would be very entertaining to see how Eiji reacts to her stupidity. She’s also very lonely, to the point where I could see her being easily attached to him if he happens to be nice to her even once. Still, as their relationship would be a toxic one with Eiji probably manipulating Rana without her being the least bit aware of it, I’m hesitant to throw her at him, because I’m not sure if you would favour writing such a dynamic.
Still, I’m admittedly tempted to give her a MILGRAM verse, because I can see her killing someone out of self defense, due to the fact she has a tendency to befriend very scummy people. /sweats when I remember that one time a friend basically lied about which bus stop she should get off at, which resulted in her ending up somewhere very dangerous
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Akira Kijima
So canonically, Akira is a troublesome delinquent who has assaulted a cop before... meaning I can see Seiji threatening him to basically acquit his friend from the charges against him. Akira, however, is a very snarky individual, so while he would at least express gratitude for getting him out of trouble, this boy would still call him an old man and react sarcastically to him.
Of course, I can’t say he would necessarily like Eiji due to the fact Seiji would have questionable dirt on him, but at the same time, he wouldn’t resort to violence, considering he does have a twisted son of a Yakuza boss for a best friend and he himself has participated in illegal fighting matches.
If Eiji does anything horrible to Natsumi, Ami, or his friends, though, then he’s automatically on his shit list, but since Akira is a valuable ally to have, I doubt he would do anything that drastic to earn his ire... meaning we could probably go the route of Eiji being blackmailed into being the Amanome family’s lawyer; only, he would also be paid an extravagant sum of money, so I don’t think him doing their bidding would be that bad, all things considered.
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Vivian (OC)
....Pretty self-explanatory as she has a verse for The Caligula Effect: Overdose, but considering Vivian is also an idiot, I could see her easily liking him and thinking he’s her friend before it’s revealed he’s actually a despicable person. I could also see him calling him ‘Eister’, due to the fact she enjoys giving nicknames to people she’s fond of.
Vivian, however, is also a pervert like Kensuke, so she would secretly find him hot and fantasize about getting whipped by his Catharsis Effect weapon... so I’m shy/hesitant to follow you on my OC blog while knowing she’s such a degenerate.
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causalitylinked · 2 years
pineapple, grapes, pear, watermelon, strawberry, orange and kiwi for kobato! (sorry i got no emojis rn!!! for the fruity hc meme)
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HOPE YOU’RE READY FOR A SUPER LONG READ, because hoo boy... did this end up turning into super self-indulgent ramblings.
🍍  :    how comfortable is my muse in their body?  how do they feel about their height,  weight,  strength,  and body type?  how important is being attractive to them?  
Okay, so before he was transported to Redo, Kobato was actually a NEET who never went out much unless he was driving his mother to her speech therapist appointments... and because he developed a condition called apathy, I headcanon he stopped working out or looking after himself as much, to the point where this guy is pretty much accustomed to not brushing his teeth or bathing for weeks ( which I’m sure most mentally ill people can relate to ). He also usually never ate more than one meal per day, due to the fact it felt pointless and he didn’t have much attachment to his life.
Why, due to how he had hit an incredibly low point, he just... stopped caring, so at least before he came to Redo, Kobato hadn’t been the most physically fit person; therefore, he understandably doesn’t think too highly of the person he was back then, because he was both miserable and empty all at the same time. 
Now, once he got to Redo, it’s a different story altogether because for once, he got to live life as the ideal version of himself. Not only was he not mentally ill, Regret made it so he was healthy and temporarily purged all his memories regarding his previous life, to the point where his ego was pretty much through the roof. Physical labour might not have been something he particularly enjoyed to such an extent he could be deemed a jock at Tatefushi Senior High, but he did consider himself to be the perfect height for girls to cuddle with and fancied herself to be a real hit with the ladies ( despite that really not being the case ).
Honestly, as far as Kobato was concerned, he already was attractive... but upon realizing he was basically nothing more than a loser outside of Redo, the confidence he had in himself stopped being genuine. By that point, the high self worth he displayed was pretty much fake.
Of course, after returning back to reality, I headcanon he actually started putting in more effort when it came to his appearance and improving his lifestyle, that at least as far as his Post TCE2 verse is concerned, he gradually learns to become more confident with himself... but that’s a story for another time.
🍇  :    how would my muse describe their childhood?  how much has it impacted the person they are now,  or will become as an adult?  around what age did they or will they start to mature,  and why?  do they wish to go back to their days as a child,  or have they embraced adulthood?  
I honestly think he would tell you it was pretty much normal. Sure, his parents ended up divorcing, but they were still on relatively good terms even after separating and acted more like good friends rather than bitterly feuding exes, that Kobato wouldn’t necessarily say it impacted him much. Of course, while it may not have been particularly noteworthy, his childhood was still a peaceful one without strife or trauma. Honestly, his upbringing was one those from troubled backgrounds would probably envy, because nothing really happened and he was more or less happy.
Due to this being the case, I don’t think his childhood really impacted who he is now. Also, considering he had been a victim of Astral Syndrome at 16 and only woke up from his coma at 21, Kobato never really felt like a true adult until he was 24... and even then, he never really had the chance to find himself in those five years he had lost to Mobius, but it’s only once he escapes Redo at 27, does he slowly begin maturing. 
Naturally, that doesn’t mean he has fully embraced adulthood yet, considering there are still days where he wishes he was young again, but he is finding hope and trying to enjoy life again little by little.
🍐  :    how intelligent is my muse overall?  are they smarter than the average person,  or less than?  are they primarily self-taught,  or did they acquire most of their knowledge in school?  are they more street smart or book smart?  
Honestly, I can’t see Kobato being a studious student, because he more so wants to fool around and enjoy high school life to it’s fullest, that the last thing on his mind is studying. In that sense, he is very different from Ryuto, who actually enjoys his homework ( something both me and @more-than-a-princess’s Sonia have trouble relating to ), but at the same time, he’s really more observant than others give him credit for, so for as much as I like to call him dumb, he does have very good ears.
For example, Kobato was able to pick up on how Bluffman’s music sounded exactly like Thorn’s and was able to conclude how a voice from a disturbing recording belonged to a certain specific girl, despite said girl sounding very different in aforementioned recording. Of course, it might be due to the fact I headcanon his mother is a speech therapist, but if he heard someone speak once, he naturally has a knack for recognizing their voice even without a visual backdrop, so voice actors aren’t able to fool him into thinking they’re someone else. 
Naturally, this means he’s more street smart than book smart with most of his knowledge stemming from his parents than anything school could have ever taught him; as a result, he’s both less smart and more smart than the average person.
🍉  :    which of the four seasons suits my muse best,  and why?  
Please keep in mind this is nothing more than a personal headcanon of mine because I honestly don’t know if Kobato ever mentioned having a favourite season in his WIRE answers, but I do think he personally likes summer the best because it’s beach season and he gets to see cute girls in their bathing suits.
🍓  :    how is my muse typically seen by others?  does it ring true to who they really are?  does their reputation matter to them? 
...Not favorably, that’s for sure. Why, aside from Gin and his male underclassmen, I don’t really think many would have a positive opinion when it comes to Kobato. Girls are wary of him and Shota, in particular, frankly considers him to be an outright nuisance, to the point where he’s frequently complained about because he can’t keep his skirt chasing in control.
Still, it says on the official website for the Caligula Effect 2 that the majority of male students seem to support him and look up to him? So if nothing else, that’s admittedly... something. Also, while it can’t be denied Kobato is a shameless flirt, that isn’t entirely who he is either, because he can also be kind, vulnerable, and considerate. As far as reputation goes, though, it’s doubtful he cares much about what others think, unless you happen to be a girl...
🍊  :    does my muse desire romance?  is it something they would actively seek out,  or prefer to happen more  ‘  naturally?  ’  what is their love life like?  do they have any exes or past flings,  or crushes?  
The short answer? Yes... in fact, Kobato wants so badly to be loved, he’ll have no qualms, pursuing women left and right. Why, he’s the very definition of ‘girl crazy’, the female students at Tatefushi Senior High are constantly on high alert around him.
And honestly, there’s little to speak of when it comes to his love life. Granted, he did briefly hook up with a girl by the name of Cocoa Yamamoto, who seemed very much into him, but as soon as he learned she was a gold digger with high standards, let’s just say their honeymoon phase practically came to an abrupt end.
Of course, on the off chance you happen to play as the female protagonist in The Caligula Effect 2, he does go as far as to say he loves her in one of his WIRE answers should you text him the ‘You’re so awesome, Kobato’ option, but it’s unclear whether he’s actually playing or is serious about it.
🥝  :    does my muse have any  ‘  unusual  ’  habits,  interests,  and  /  or talents?  do they hide it,  or are they proud of it?  
As far as interests are concerned, I feel like the only thing Kobato genuinely likes is driving, whether it be by motorcycle or car ( in his Post TCE2 verse )... and everything else he does, he does for the ladies. Like, he legit told Gin at one point that he doesn’t see the point of getting into something unless girls are also into it, so that should tell you a lot about him.
Considering he’s under the impression ladies ‘dig a guy with a bike/fancy car’, he’s naturally very proud of it and doesn’t bother hiding it. Still, he honestly has yet to develop more hobbies or interests as an actual individual without it somehow involving women... and that’s really sad to me, because there’s not much he really derives personal enjoyment from in his own free time.
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causalitylinked · 11 months
Is there anything Ryuto would find ugly or not likable about someone else?
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            unprompted asks. » always accepting!
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Well, Ryuto does automatically dislike idiocy and incompetence, but at the same time, it's possible for him to eventually warm up to those who aren't that bright or have instances where he finds them oddly endearing, so while he did start off disliking most of the other Go-Home Club members and @mugunghwc's Hana for example, he does end up growing more of a weird soft spot for them over time.
Of course, they still wouldn't necessarily be romantic candidates for him, as he himself is very picky when it comes to potential love interests, but provided they end up sticking around, they may eventually earn his fondness.
Honestly, the only instance I could see Ryuto being more lenient/understanding with someone that isn't smart right off the bat is if they had suffered a brain injury or they're someone with higher support needs compared to him, to the point where he would surprisingly be much more kinder to them than neurotypical individuals.
But going off from how enraged he was when he learned Doktor from The Caligula Effect 2 endangered the safety of the people in Redo and broke the Hippocrates Oath, I imagine he views people who would continually mope over the past instead of focusing on what they can do and those who puts other people in harm's way for their own personal means to be unlikable.
With his whole noblesse oblige stick, I also headcanon Ryuto would also find those who would prey on or take advantage of the weak to be immensely ugly, even if on the outside, they happen to be conventionally attractive.
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causalitylinked · 11 months
Is there anyone Kobato looks up to?
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            unprompted asks. » always accepting!
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Nope... and it's canon too, because when the MC asked if he had any famous people he looks up to on WIRE, Kobato responded by saying this:
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So the long and short of it is that there's no one he thinks higher of besides himself. Kobato, though, is shown to be selfish and does things for mainly his self interest, to the point where he only ends up joining the Go-Home Club at all in The Caligula Effect 2 because he ultimately wanted to give Regret and Cocoa a good thrashing rather than actually return back to the real world.
And similarly to his post-TCE2 verse, the only reason Kobato decides to stay Ryuto's chauffeur is because of how much more money he could get, just by driving him than being employed at the taxi company he was formerly at, and girls love men with money; therefore, it's an arrangement that works for him. Plus, deep down inside, he doesn't truly hate Ryuto, despite how annoying he could be, so it's why he brings himself to put up with him.
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causalitylinked · 11 months
Who dreams about a family, who would be scared of that amount of responsibility?
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            unprompted asks. » always accepting!
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Honestly, barring Sasara and Yngwie, who do already have families... I'd say the muses who would want a family one day is Ryuto (actually canon), Rana, Galdo, Herja, and Fiorito while the ones who would be scared of that amount of responsibility would definitely be Kensuke and Fang.
Kakeru, in particular, wouldn't exactly be scared, per say, but would feel a great deal of guilt about actually moving on and starting a family of his own, especially when his younger brother is no longer around to experience all that life has to offer. Like, he does not think he deserves to be happy when Mitsuru never got the chance to live past the age of 15, let alone experience love, so thinking about how he'd never get to meet his own children would make him quite melancholic for a while, but he would surprisingly adapt to parenthood quite well (even if his kids do tend to tucker him out).
Meanwhile, Kobato can take it or leave it, meaning while a family would be nice, it's not exactly a deal breaker for him if his girl doesn't want kids; in fact, I could see him being content, just being the cool uncle his friends' kids would flock to. But he doesn't have a very strong opinion about it overall and will defer to what his girlfriend/wife wants out of their relationship... but I can see him being the fun-loving dad who is surprisingly responsible.
As for Gin... I don't think the idea of a family ever even occurred to him? Like, he had been busy, grappling with work and other personal issues, that starting a family never once crossed his mind, but I imagine he would prefer going the adoption route to avoid the gender dysphoria that would come about with him actually conceiving. Rather than a father, though, he would be more like a 'best friend' to his kids but is the chill, mellow parent that would still be reliable enough to have around. He'd also be observant enough to pick up on a lot of his kids' habits/eccentricities and manage to foster a close relationship with them, to the point where they would probably come to him more than they would come to their mother.
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Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The Caligula Effect
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationship: Regret (Caligula Effect) & MU-kun (Caligula Effect)
Characters: Regret (Caligula Effect), MU-kun | Ienaga Mutsuwo, Bluffman (Caligula Effect)
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Grief/Mourning, Recovery, Neurodiversity, Self-Hatred, Suicidal Thoughts, CE2 spoilers, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Vomiting, bluffman doesn't appear in person but it is About Him
Ienaga grapples with the consequences of his actions.
Part 3 of leave your house simulator
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