#castlemark i need to explore more...
captainadwen · 5 months
I have a suspicion now that the weird doors in dungeons are actually more royal tombs (+ obligatory boss battle) because I went up and down the insomnia waterways dungeon for like an hour and found a weird alien door but not a royal tomb and every other dungeon has a royal tomb.....
Tho I hear pitioss (wherever it is. I'm looking forward to this one) doesn't have a royal tomb so maybe this one doesn't either....
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blackestfang · 7 years
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now so guess who came up with another au idea...
the idea was that instead of being a disease like in game, daemons where actual creatures still weak to sunlight. deep in castlemark a place filled with daemons is what's consider the royal family of the daemons of lucis. most likely naga and snake like because they would survive best in the heat and lay out of lucis. one of them is of course prompto. the middle child. he doesn't' stand out much, not the oldest, not the youngest. kinda just there. finding an old stone from humans he uses it to take a human form and give semi protection from the sun. he then goes out to explore the world eventually stumbling on insomnia. the guards look at him weird given clothing. using a bit of his magic he manages to sneak in and get a small house.he's still a daemon of course so one night when the hunger gets to him he goes hunting and comes across thugs trying to kidnap noct. he sees this and takes action. killing the thugs and carrying the knocked out noct to the hospital. friendship forms. form then on it becomes prom starting to like human society  and having fun but still needing to feed himself and keep his friendship and not get killed.
now while he resists sunlight and artificial lights do not effect him it still drains him. the more he’s out in the sun the more he would need to eat to make up for the energy.
He can’t eat fruits or vegetables, they make him sick. he can have meats, dairy and grain only. and grain is iffy depending on what it’s made of.
prom hates cars, music, and watching tv. but video games are okay. the reason is he doesn’t like the noise and finds tv boring.
he’s terrified of thunderstorms.
he’s a proud daemon so being helpful and kind is more of “uuurg..fiiiiine” to him.
In this au Ardyn lived a long happy life in his time. the daemons consider him to be the last human king as they aren’t pleased with how the people treated them as nothing more then mindless beasts after his death. 
The only God the daemons consider Ifirt the only one worthy of being a God. so instead of ‘by six’ they say ‘by Ifrit’.
Eating humans is the best energy source of daemons. they can eat wildlife but they need more for the same effect of a single person.
Each daemon has things they prefer, Giants before bones, Arachne like blood and other fluids, and tonberrys prefer the flesh for example.
because of this arachne are considered the chefs of the daemon world able to feed more for less and not wasting anything.
the royal line however need the whole body. but being snakes they normally fast only eating once or twice a month so they can focus.
Regis when he first meets prom is fully aware that he’s inhuman and has a chat with him. Prompto explains he needs to eat to keep his energy up and that if he;’s careful he can keeps his meals down and if he’s a ‘good’ king perhaps a deal could be reached. Regis doesn’t like this but at the same time he saved his son and his son finally has a friend. so Regis tells him if he must feed to try to make sure he goes after violent criminals. 
this is an idea i’ve had swirling for awhile so figure i would post this. 
edit: oops forgot to mention he’s missing arms on one side for a better view of his tail
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