#cassum hemlock
miss-writes-a-lot · 4 years
RWBY: Team HELL Volume 1, Chapter 4: Far From Home
'Hey Cass,
Sorry you had to find out like this, but I'm going to Haven. I am taking that entrance exam, I'm going to initiation, and I'm going to become a huntress. This is probably my stupidest and most selfish decision ever, and I'm sorry. But I can't keep hiding. I can't keep living under servalance, I can't keep wondering what the world outside is like. I'm not a little kid anymore, Cass. I'm 14 and it's time I start finding myself. I'm so sorry Cass. If you don't hate me by the time you finish this letter, maybe you come down to Haven and watch me. I think they can do that, right? Maybe I can ask for you. I'll be sure to text you when I get there so you don't worry as much as you will now. I love you, Cass and I will be forever thankful for everything you've done for me.
With love,
That was the letter that Aurora left on her bed for Cassum to find once she left for Haven. For the past five days, she had been planning her escape, modifying her good prototypes, filling out the applications Lucio sent her over her scroll, finding an outfit that could work for whatever she was about to endure. Cassum didn't suspect anything, mainly because he was keeping his distance from what he assumed was a still angry Aurora. That morning, she slipped out the back door and made a run for it.
And then she got lost for 15 minutes until someone was kind enough to lead her in the right direction. Now, she was here, with Lucio, and about 7 minutes away from the initiation.
"He didn't respond to my text after I got here. He probably hates me." She said, nervously looking away from the older boy.
"He doesn't hate you, Ro. He just has to deal with it. He knows your not a little kid, but he can't let that part of you go." Lucio explained.
"Maybe your right..."
"Are you nervous?"
"So are a hundred other people here. You'll be fine."
"I don't think I can do this."
Lucio placed his hands on her shoulders, bending down to her level. "It'll be okay, Aurora. I'll be right next you the whole step of the way. You don't have to do this alone."
Aurora smiled, wrapping her arms around Lucio for a hug. "Thanks, Lucio. That somewhat helped me."
"Glad to be of some help."
She chuckled, pulling away as she collected the rest of her things when Lucio noticed something on her belt.
"What's this?" He asked, reaching for it, a large grin growing as soon as he got a good look at it. "Aw! It's cute little piggy!"
Aurora, confused, whipped around to see what the hell he was even talking about, her eyes wide with horror.
Attached to her homemade 'utility belt,' was a small and cute plush pig keychain from when she was about 8. "Aw man! I thought I got rid of that before I left!" She exclaimed.
Lucio laughed. "It's fine! I think it's cute!"
"I'm not supposed to be cute, Lucio! I'm supposed to look like a really serious huntress!" She pouted, stomping her feet on the ground.
"I can't help it! It's adorable!"
"Hey, are you two done?" Harlow called, "it's time to go."
Aurora sighed. 'so much for looking like a serious huntress.'
She felt Lucio hand link hers, a sweet smile on his face. "You ready?"
She nodded, determined. "Yes!"
Lucio chuckled, pulling her forward as they made their way to their initiation. But an uneasy feeling still lingered inside of Aurora.
If the staff had found out about her grandmother called-'little issue'-she could be done for. They could kick her out. That's what they told her. That's what they all told her.
'Sorry to burst your bubble, kiddo. But your little issue isn't really suitable for huntin' Grimm.'
'I've already made up my mind. She's not going.'
'Poor Cassum. Having to work so hard for that strange little girl.'
She shook her head, attempting to force the negative feelings out. Just because she was autistic didn't mean she wasn't capable. It didn't mean she wasn't smart. It didn't bring her down like many people thought it did.
She was autistic and she would be proud of it.
She held her head high as she followed Lucio out the door, not noticing her silent scroll ringing.
Cassum frantically paced the living room floor back and forth, trying to get a hold of Aurora but to no avail.
"Damnit!" He yelled after once again failing to get in contact with the young runaway.
His mother stepped out from the kitchen and into the living room. "Still couldn't get a hold of her?"
He shook his head, sighing. "No."
"Should we call the cops then?"
"Ma, they're a huntsmen academy with enough money to crush us in a court case. And it's not like they forced her to go, she left willingly."
"Yeah, but Cass, she's fourteen! She's not at the legal age limit, she doesn't have any former training experience-"
"Teaching her basic boxing skills is not training experience. She wasn't meant to be a huntress. She knows that. She's just being her ol' weirdo self."
Cassum turned to face her, obviously offended. "The hell is that supposed to mean?"
"You know what I mean. She was clearly not the huntsmen type! She would do better at-uh, I dunno, office work, maybe?"
Cassum crossed his arms, very unamused.
"Look, all I'm saying is that when they find out about her little 'issue', they'll kick her as out and she'll be back here."
"Will you stop calling it 'her little issue?' It's not an issue! She's autistic! Not diseased!" He sighed, grabbing his coat and walking out the door, "I'm done talking. I'm going to go find her. Don't wait up for me."
He slammed the door shut behind him, running the through the streets as fast as he could.
'Hang in there, Ro. I'm coming!'
Aurora and Lucio sat at the back of a cargo plane with at least forty other people sitting there with them. A good majority either seemed uninterested or dead serious.
Aurora was absolutely terrified, her leg bouncing up and down so much it might as well have fallen off.
' What are they going to do with us? Where are they taking us? What if something happens to us before we get there? What if this was an utter mistake?'
She felt an hand grab onto hers and hold it tightly, messaging her knuckles. She looked up to see Lucio, the only smiling throughout this entire ride. "Don't worry too much. If anything happens, I'll be right here."
She smiled, comforted by his words.
An awful feedback noise ripped through the utter silence as Harlow came out, an old school radio mic in his hand. "Alright, listen up everyone. We're only a few minutes away from initation, so here's everything you need to know."
Everyone straightened up in their seats and looked towards the grisled huntsmen.
"Okay, before we get start, I'd like to remind you all that this is not part of any entrance exam. Most if not all of you have already taken that. This is just to test your skills as huntsmen and huntresses. We're gonna be dropping you down in the forest below. Your mission will be to locate and return the relics to the rendezvous point in one piece. During that time, you will find your team partner. The partner you get is the partner you're stuck with for the next four years here. No take-backs or trade offs. Once you two make eye contact, you're done. We'll be surveying the area, so don't try anything funny. Once all of you make it, you'll be put into your teams. You get lost-well, that's on you."
"Is he always this rough?" Aurora whispered to Lucio.
"I like to think of it as an unfunny joke." He replied.
"Any questions?"
"Yeah, how are we getting down?"
That's when Harlow should an emotion other than complete indifference and flashed a horrifyingly wide grin. "That's the fun part!"
He reached over and pulled a very big lever. The seatbelts suddenly detached and the floor beneath them opened up. Lucio looked over to Harlow, smirking.
"You sick son of a-"
Before he could finish that thought, the seats disappeared into the wall and every single student fell out of the plane.
Aurora's heart lept into her throat as one singular thought when through her mind.
This mad man just killed off the entire freshman class at Haven.
(Hello everyone. Thank you for stopping by and reading another chapter of Team Hell! As you may or may not have picked up on, Aurora is indeed autistic. I wanted to have positive autism representation in my series but I would like to know what you all think. I would hate to offend someone for poor or horrible representation. That was never my intent, so don't be afraid to tell me and I will fix it as soon as possible.)
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miss-writes-a-lot · 4 years
Team HELL: Volume 1 Chapter 1: An Opportunity
(Warning: SPOILERS!)
The rest of that night was a blur. Aurora had no idea if she had succeeded in defeating the nevermore and saving that huntsman or the town. She did know that she wasn't dead-which was a good thing. At least, it would be until Cassum got a hold of her. But it still lingered in her unconscious mind and she was dying to know if she had been successful. Thankfully, she wouldn't have to wait much longer.
Her eyes weakly fluttered up as she felt her whole body rattle-a side effect of using her eyes. She turned her head to the side and in the corner of the unfamiliar room was the outline of a very familiar shape.
Cassum. He was passed out in the armchair, gripping onto the locket he gave her for her 6th birthday. She smiled, attempting to stand up before she fell to the ground from her still quaking body.
The thud woke Cassum, bringing him to his feet and beside her in meer seconds. "AURORA!"
"C-c-ca-Cassum! Y-y-yo-you're o-okay!" She exclaimed, shaking as she hugged him.
Cassum gripped onto her shirt, burying his face in her shoulder. "You had me so worried. I thought I lost you...."
Aurora frowned, guilt building in her chest. "I-I'm sorry, c-c-Cass. I just wanted to help."
Cassum nodded, pulling away to reveal his red, puffy eyes. "I know, Sweetie. I know. But, next time, can you just...think a little more before you go off playing hero? Please?"
Aurora nodded, hugging Cassum again as he picked her up and laid her back in bed. "I-I used my eyes again. Took out a nevermore. Did you see it?"
"I had a feeling. The train was about to leave when these two huntsmen came with you unconscious in their arms. They said you encased a nevermore in stone. It fell off the roof and shattered into pieces. I think you're getting a better hang of it."
Aurora nodded, a wide grin on her face. "So cool, right?!"
Cassum nodded, his smiling going limp. It was always when it came to her eyes did Cassum get awkward and somewhat upset. What was it about her eyes that made him upset?
The door to the hospital room opened and the two huntsmen from the Grimm invasion stepped in. The older huntsman with salt and pepper hair and piercing blue eyes stepped forward, the younger boy-Lucio- standing behind him.
"You're awake." The older man said.
"And you are a stranger in my room." Aurora replied, looking to Lucio, "You know this guy?"
"Do you know that guy?" Cassum question.
"That's the huntsman who saved me in the dust shop."
"Lucio Kindira, a pleasure to meet you!" He said, shaking Cassum's hand, "this is my partner-"
"Teacher, right, sorry-Harlow Clemente."
"We came to see if you were okay. After that little stunt you pulled, you weren't really moving-"
"-and when you did, you were practically convulsing until you got to the hospital."
Aurora bounced her leg nervously. "Y-yeah. I'm fine. It's happened before, and I haven't hand anything like seizures or issues when and after it happens."
Harlow sat himself on the edge of the bed, careful not to get too close. "Thia has happened before."
"Only two other times when I was little. Why do you ask?"
Harlow reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a letter, handing it to her. "This is from the desk of Leo Lionheart-the headmaster of Haven Academy. After we informed him about what happened, he wanted us to give this to you. He wants your answer as so as possible."
"Why? What is it?"
He shrugged. "Not sure. Why don't you open it and find out for yourself?"
Aurora took the letter out of his hands and torn it open with her teeth, making Cassum cringe. "Use your hands, Ro. Use your hands."
She ignored him, taking out the letter and unfolding it. She could feel her heart race and the anticipation grow in her chest. What could the head master of one of the four-now three, Huntsmen academies want with her? She was just an odd village girl. Nothing more, nothing less. Her eyes skimmed the page, her heart going a hundred miles an hour as her eyes grew wide. "It says he wants to meet me to talk about the possibility of enrolling at Haven!"
Everyone went bug eyed. Lucio grinned widely, absolutely beaming. "That's amazing, Aurora! You and I will get to go to the same school together!"
"You're enrolling too?"
Harlow answersd for him. "I've been teaching Lucio how to fight since he was a kid. I used to be a teacher at Sanctum before I became a teacher at Haven. He proved to be good enough in the entrance exam to skip a year."
"You can do that?"
"Happened at Beacon before the Fall. And with the lack of people enroll because of said fall, it was actually a blessing."
Aurora smiled, the idea of being able to become a huntress at the young age of fourteen filling her with excitement. "T-this is-I...I don't really know what to say! This is really sudden..."
"Look, just take your time a think about it, okay? Talk it over with your-"
The sudden response from Cassum left everyone quiet. He was tightly gripping the locket in his hands, seemingly about to cry. "What?" Aurora questioned.
Cassum avoided her gaze."I said no. I've already made up my mind. She is not going to that meeting-and she certainly not going to Haven Academy." Aurora's mouth fell open in shock. Lucio's gaze fell to the floor, the whole room being sent into this awkward silence.
"Cassum, you can't-!"
"Ro, the decision is final. You are not going to Haven. I won't allow it." Before she could argue with him further, he left the room, leaving Aurora in absolute shock.
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miss-writes-a-lot · 4 years
RWBY: Team HELL Prologue: Hemlock Trailer
(A/N: Here I am. Presenting you with my trash oc rwby series. Here's team hell. Tell me what you think. Feedback is greatly encouraged. Also my laptop is dead, so this will be written on my phone.)
Series Summary: Young orphan Aurora Hemlock is one of the few surviving silver eyed warriors in all of Remnant. She's only fourteen and does not have a complete grasp on her special power or semblance-or anything for that matter, stopping her from achieving her dream of becoming a huntress.
Luckily, On a night of chance, she's offered to attend Haven Academy and fulfill her dream. But she gets more than she bargained for when she is giving the responsibility of being leader of a team with the hunter-in-training that saved her life, a vibrant and fouled mouth fanus, and a quiet, timid farmboy from Vale.
Will she be able to rise to the occasion and be the huntress she's dreamed of becoming or will she and her team crumble and fall at her feet?
The roof seemed to crack open, debris falling down upon her. The house rattled as those big, glowing red eyes stared back at her. Screams filled the room as bits of the ceiling fell around her.
"AURORA, NO!" Someone screamed, their blurry body lunging towards her as the towering beast screeched loudly into the sky. "PEARL!"
She felt a push and flew to the other side of the room, the blurry falling to the floor as the beast lunged down on them, gobbling them up-
Aurora's eyes shot open as she felt her room shake. The walls cracked and she could hear the sounds of distant screaming.
An earthquake? No, this didn't feel like any old earthquake. This was an invasion.
A Grimm invasion.
She shot up and scurried to the door, throwing it open just as Cassum, her caretaker, fell through.
"Cassum, what-?!"
"Ro, we have to go. Now." He said, standing up.
"Go? Go where?"
"Anywhere but here! Grimm are crawling all over the place! Grab whatever you can fit into a backpack or whatever and meet me downstairs!"
"W-wait, it can't be bad enough for us to leave for good, can it?" She asked, completely oblivious.
Cassum walked to her window and opened the blinds, showing her the turmoil that was going on outside. Several nevermores circled overhead and going down to attack. Beowolves patrolled the streets and ursai attacked innocent people. Aurora watched, almost frozen in fear. Cassum pulled her away from the window.
"Come on. Grab whatever you can in five minutes and meet me downstairs." He said.
She nodded, immediately grabbing a duffel bag and shoving everything in her room that could fit inside. She couldn't stop thinking about leaving her home-the home she never stepped a foot out of, the home that kept her safe, the home that was being destroyed that very second.
But she couldn't stop to mourn. She only had a minute and she needed to get the hell out of there as fast as possible. She grabbed a backpack and threw in her prototype weapons in along with various other things that she couldn't fit in the duffel bag.
She sprinted down the stairs and outside where Cassum had been waiting for her, taking one last longing look at her house before being pulled away. They ran among the crowd of people that were desperately trying to get onto the flurry of trains that had yet to be touched by the Grimm.
City officials were working on getting everyone on in an orderly fashion, which obviously didn't last. Cassum and Aurora were in the very back of the crowd, and Cassum was becoming restless by the minute.
Aurora looked around, and through the crowd of people, she saw a man trapped under the rubble of a fallen house. His family was gathered around him, having a really hard time getting the rubble off of him.
' He needs help...I need to help...'
She turned in the direction of the house and was about to take off running when she felt Cassum's hand pull her back.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"There's a guy trapped under that house. He needs-"
"No. No, you're staying with me."
Aurora was confused. "What do you mean 'no?'"
Cassum sighed. "Ro, I know you want to help, but it's not our place. Niether of us are strong enough to get him out. The huntsmen will be here to help him."
"And what if they don't make it in time?"
Cassum didn't say anything. He couldn't even look at her because even he hated what he was trying to imply. Aurora's mouth fell open in shock. "I can't...you would really-"
"Ro, I'm sorry but it's the truth. We can't just go in guns blazing. Niether of us are even close to the skill level as huntsmen, and your semblance isn't exactly that developed. We're just bookshop owners. There's nothing we can do for him...."
Aurora bit her lip, taking one last look at the man trapped under rubble before throwing her duffle bad at Cassum and going into a full sprint back. "SAVE ME A SEAT ON THE TRAIN! I'LL BE BACK IN A SEC!"
Cassum's cries fell on deaf ears as Aurora ran through the crowds of people until her legs stopped her in front of the fallen house.
"I-I'm here to help!" She said.
"Please hurry! They're coming!" His wife cried.
She nodded, her arms out and ready. She shut her eyes tightly as she let her levitation semblance do the work. Cassum was right; Aurora had only unlocked her semblance a month or two ago, and she hadn't really done anything like this before, but her heart was driving her now, and it was telling her to help them. She strained as she lifted the heavy pieces of wall off the screaming man.
"Hurry! There's a pack of Beowolves heading towards us." One of the children shouted.
'Dang it! C'mon! Just....just a little...more!'
Aurora gritted her teeth, tighten her grip as she desperately tried to save this stranger. She opened one of her eyes and found that he was free. She had lifted an a giant piece of wall off of him!
His wife and eldest daughter pulled him up and quickly ran away. Beowolves descended upon her. She flung the giant piece of rubble at the pack and took off running. She had to lead them away from the people, away from Cassum. She sprinted off in the direction of a near by dust shop, Beowolves hot on her trail.
'I have to keep going! If I don't, I'll die! I need to get to that dust shop and use it for my prototypes. That'll hold them off until the huntsmen get here, or until I can get to Cassum and get out of here!'
The beasts howled as they picked up speed. Aurora gasped, trying her best to make it in time. She made a hard left and finally came upon the abandoned shop. She jumped through the shatter bay window and behind the counter. She dug through her hoodie pockets and...
She had left the prototypes in her duffle bag with Cassum!
"DAMNIT!" She shouted.
Now she was really screwed. They were coming. They had seen her. They knew where she was. It was only a matter of time before they would make their way to her-before they would kill her.
She couldn't let that happen-she couldn't leave Cassum alone.
Ideas, Ideas, any ideas?!
She searched the room, eyes darting from side to side, trying to put something together. And then it clicked in her head.
Fire and air dust...if she mashed those together, they would create an explosion. They would take out the Grimm-or at least give her an opening to escape.
But, there were hundreds of these dust crystals-it could trigger a massive explosion that could kill her. She would still leaving Cassum wondering what happened to her before being informed that they found her, dead in the remains of an old dust shop-completely blown to bits. She could practically hear his pained sobs in her head.
But, the Beowolves were closing in, so either way she was dead. And there were a lot more people who could benefit from a few less Grimm. So, she came to a compromise;
As soon as the beasts got close to her, she's throw the two crystals as far as possible to lessen the chances of a massive explosion. If she lived, good. She would find a safe space to wait out the invasion until either the huntsmen arrived or her aura kicked back in enough to get her back on her feet and back to Cassum-if they were still there.
She waited as they got closer and closer, and just as they were a few feet away, she threw the two crystals right at the lead wolf's head and it erupted in a large explosion. Aurora cover her face and shut her eyes tightly as the store front window shattered and the building rumbled.
Her eyes squeezed tight and her ears ringing, Aurora's grip on her head tightened, visions of Cassum throughout her life flashed through her head.
' Cassum...help me....I'm scared... I can't do this...I lied, I'm not a big her like I said I was. I'm not, I'M NOT!'
"....Hey! Can you hear me? Hey!"
Aurora looked up, her vision blurred. A tall figure was gazing down at her. "I...who-?"
"I'm a huntsman. I'm here to help you." The male voice said, scooping her up in his arms and dashed out of the building. Aurora gripped onto the stranger's shirt. Her vision finally adjusted and she looked up to see her savior.
He was young, maybe older than she was-so he couldn't have been a real huntsman-with vermilion red eyes and pretty black hair slicked back. He caught her gaze and flashed a toothy smiled. "Hi!"
Aurora blushed, feeling quite embarrassed that she met this cute boy while in her pjs. "Y-you're not a huntsmen..."
"How'd you guess that?" He asked.
"Well, for one thing-I proper huntsman wouldn't wear a suit and fancy shoes."
The boy stared down at his apparel, his white dress shirt and black dress pants and vest, giving her a shrug. "You can slay monsters in style. Speaking of which, there are some now. So, if you'll excuse me-"
The young man launched Aurora into the air as a giant red glyph appeared above her, sending her higher into the air. "W-what the hell?!"
She watched from below as he drew his red sword and slashed his way through three ursai, opening another portal glyph and appeared right beside her. "Hi again!"
"You-that was amazing!" She beamed.
"Good! Glad you enjoyed! Now, I need to stop us from falling."
Aurora looked down, immediately grabbing onto the boy as they fell through the air and through another crimson glyph, ending up on the roof of a house.
The boy whipped out his scroll, holding out in front of him. "Yo! Harlow! I found another civilian! It's a girl."
"That's good, Lucio. Take her back to the station. See if you can find her family and then meet me at the town square."
"Got it." Lucio continued to talk to 'Harlow' on his scroll. Aurora looked up from his shoulder, her eyes going wide. A nevermore-a big one coming right for them.
She tried to speak, but her words were lost. She began to hit Lucio's arms and shoulders to garner his attention. "Ow, ow! Hey! What're you-?!"
He turned and was taken aback. The giant beast cases and it shot its feathers in their direction Lucio ran, jumping from rooftop to rooftop as they gave chase.
Aurora began to shake, a familiar feeling forming in her body. "Put me down."
"What? No! I have to-!" Lucio leaped to another rooftop and hid behind a chimney.  "I have to get you back to your parents."
"I'm fourteen! I can handle myself! Now let me go!" She struggled in his arms, catching sight of the horrid beast. A lump formed in her throat as she escaped Lucio's grasp and ran to the edge of the roof.
The nevermore caught sight of her and was heading straight for her. This feeling...this power. She had this for years. It was that same light that failed to save her parents. The light that couldn't save those people because all she felt was fear.
But now it was time. She couldn't fail now. Lucio's screams were drowned out as the never more that was inches from her screeched. She opened her eyes as the bright silver light over took her, the rest becoming a shinning blur.
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miss-writes-a-lot · 4 years
RWBY: Team HELL Volume 1, Chapter 6: Let The Game Begin!
As Harlow watched from his scroll as Lucio and the young Sunny Latorre made amends, he sighed, shaking his head. It was just like Lucio to get in his own head. He couldn't be too hard on him, however. He was genuinely trying to take this whole thing seriously and tried helping that Hemlock girl on the flight. But he still had a ton of growing up to do. Hopefully, Haven would help with that.
Leo Lionheart came by with his own scroll, sitting beside the tall man. "Seems to me that everything is going well with this batch of first years. Lucio especially seems to have improved since the entrance exam."
Harlow nodded, running his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, he's been doing pretty well these past couple of months. Been working really hard."
Leo nodded. "It shows."
"How are the others doing?"
The old headmaster sighed, showing him the live feed from the forest. "Well, it seems that our little silver eyes warrior has accidentally partner with Ms. Piscia. Ms. Azure and Ms. Tawny have partnered together, however Ms. Tawny doesn't seem to be all that happy about it and continues to run away. Other than that, things seem to be going smoothly-"
The doors to the hall opened and scared the absolute daylights out of Leo and slightly startling Harlow. They turned to see a young brunette man with glasses walking towards them with determination.
Harlow instantly recognized the figure and stood walking towards him.
"Where is she? She is here, right?" Cassum asked, getting up in Harlow's face.
"How did you get in here?" Harlow asked, "the guards should've stopped you at the entrance."
"Aurora's not the only one who's good at sneaking around. Now, answer the question. Where is she?"
"Harlow, do you know this man?" Leo asked, joining the two men.
"This is the guardian of Aurora Hemlock, Cassum. Cassum, this is Headmaster Leonard Lionheart." Harlow explained.
"You're dodging the question-I want to know where she is!"
"She's fine. She's already at the initiation point and proceeding on fine. We're monitoring her along with the rest of the students there."
Cassum breathed a sigh of relief, his defensive attitude disappear. "Good...that's all I needed to hear."
"Wait, are you trying to tell me you came all this way, snuck pass security, and trespassed onto school grounds just to check is she was okay?"
Cassum shrugged awkwardly. "What can I say? I'm sort of a helicopter parent. And she didn't exactly tell me she was coming here either, so I think I have some kind of right."
Harlow sighed. "I figured as much. Lucio told me you changed your mind."
"And you didn't believe him."
"Of course I didn't. From the way you freaked out when we were at the hospital told you were the stubborn time."
Cassum turned red in embarrassment, crossing his arms. "So you think you've got me all figured out, huh?"
"Mostly. Anyways, since you're here, you wanna watch the live feed with us? I would hate to have you come all the way out here for nothing-even though that was your original plan."
"Are you sure? I thought you would have to throw my ass out by now."
Harlow shrugged, smirking. "Doesn't makes sense to be making you walk all the way back home without giving you a show."
Cassum thought about it for a moment. At least this way, he could make sure that Aurora was safe throughout the initiation. "Sure, why not?"
Harlow walked him over to the bench, sitting down beside him. He pulled out his scroll and switched to the live feed of the forest, "we set some cameras and flew drones around the forest so we can ensure the safety of our students. We can switch the video feed from camera to camera."
"Okay..." Cassum said, glancing up at the lion faunus, "Mr. Lionheart, sorry for intruding and all of that, but I have to ask you something."
"Of course, Cassum. Anything."
He brought his head up, gripping his knees. "Harlow told you about Aurora's eyes, didn't he? He told you about...what she can do?"
The two men exchanged a glance. "Y-yes. Yes he did."
"That's why you wanted her here? To exploit her for her powers?" He asked, defensively.
"Mr. Hemlock, I can assure that is not our intent. We simply believe that we can help Aurora learn to control her powers so it does not cause her harm."
"Sorry sir, but I don't buy it one bit."
"You can trust him, Cassum. Believe it or not, there have been a lot of silver eyed warriors who have come and gone out of these halls and lived relatively normal lives. That is, until they all disappeared."
An unsettling feeling swirled in Cassum's stomach. He knew of the sudden disappearances of those who had silver eyes. He always feared that one dat, when his back was turned, whoever was kidnapping them would take Aurora too.
He shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I can't really trust you right now. Not until I know she's going to be safe."
Leo nodded in understanding. He could understand where Cassum was coming from, especially considering everything that has happen in the past four months.
"Hey, I found the footage with Aurora and-oh...oh man..."
"What? What is it?"
Cassum pulled the scroll towards him, his eyes going wide as he saw a cat faunus girl carrying an unconscious Aurora over his shoulder.
"W-what happened to her?!"
"Guess she didn't have a smooth landing from the plane down."
Cassum turned to the older huntsmen, his mouth open. "YOU DROPPED HER OUT OF A PLANE?!"
"Relax, she's alive! And Evelyn' a strong kid. She'll take care of her."
Cassum sighed, leaning back against the wall.
'This girl is going to kill me...'
"...and then that dumbass cop tried to cop a feel, if you catch my drift and one thing led to another, and I punched him in the mouth!"
Aurora finally started coming to and she could tell she wasn't with Lucio. When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was a magenta and purple stripped tail.
"A...tail?" She mumbled.
"Hey! You're awake-!"
"Gah!" Aurora jumped and fell out of the stranger's arms, scooting away from her.
"Hey! Hey! Where are you going?! I'm not gonna hurt you!" She exclaimed.
Aurora grabbed the earth beneath her, getting a good look at the person. She was a very tall and voluptuous girl with long platinum blond hair with her bangs and the tips of her hair dyed a light magenta color. She wore a tight magenta leather jacket, blue jeans, black fingerless gloves, and knee high magenta boots.
She was quite beautiful and also quite confused. Her hands were out and she was carefully making her way over to Aurora as if she was trying to calm down a scared dog. "Easy now. I'm not trying to hurt you. I just want to talk..."
"W-what happened? How did we get here?" She asked, still in a panicked state.
"You knocked into me and hit the ground pretty hard after you fell out of the plane. You were in and out for a while. This is the first time I've seen you awake."
Aurora blushed, twirling her ponytail in embarrassment. "S-sorry. I guess I lost control of my semblance half way down."
The faunus girl waved her off. "It's fine. Here, get up."
She grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet. "I guess I should introduce myself again. Name's Evelyn Piscia. Your partner."
Aurora dusted herself off, swaying awkwardly. "I'm Aurora. Aurora Hemlock. I guess I'm your team partner."
Evelyn chuckled. "Relax! Loosen up! If we're gonna be stuck with each other, you gotta relax!"
"And quit apologizing! There's nothing wrong with being a bit jittery."
The whole time she spoke she smiled, so Aurora could only guess that she wasn't trying to scold her. That managed to make her smile.
"There's that smile! Alrighty! Let's getting going and get to know each other."
"So, where are you from?"
"Born and raised in Mistral. Around Argus. And you?"
"Vacuo. You know, the old dusty kingdom."
"I've never been to Vacuo. What's it like?"
"The only way I can describe as is hot as hell."
Aurora giggled. "Really?"
"Yeah. Haven't been there in years because it was just so damn hot!"
"I may soumd dumb for saying this, but I actually really want to go to Vacuo someday."
She nodded. "Yup! I wanna go to Atlas, and Vacuo, and Vale! Of course, there's still the rest of Haven to explore!"
Evelyn became confused. "Wait, what do you mean?"
"I, uh, haven't really left home all that much. I haven't really seen the outside all that much."
"What, have you been living under a rock for most of your life?"
"You...could say that."
Aurora looked down at her wrists, a smile forming on her lips. "Um, sorry, but can I...see your gauntlets?"
"Yeah, sure!"
Evelyn held out her arms, revealing her two magenta gauntlets. Aurora squealed excitedly as she grabbed her arm.
"Dual ranged shotgun gauntlets with-" she gasped once she got a closer look, "with retractable claws! This is so cool!"
Evelyn flashed a toothy grin. "Yup! These two are my prize possessions-Magenta Euphoria!"
Aurora looked up, "you named them?"
She nodded. "Yeah. Everybody names their weapons!"
Aurora looked down at her two dinky little guns, frowning. "My prototypes aren't really that good enough to have a cool name like that."
"Then what do you call them?"
"John and Jane Doe."
Evelyn stared for a moment before bursting out in laughter. "What?! You actually gave them names-like actual people names?! That's fucking hilarious."
Aurora smiled, joining in on her laughter.
This...this feels good. Really good.
The two stopped, running in the direction of the screaming. They were about to spring into action, assuming that the screaming was from a girl getting attacked by some sort of Grimm. But instead, beyond the bushes, they found a very tall girl, stomping off from a dainty looking girl.
"Come on! You heard what Professor Clemente said! Once we make eye contact, we're partners!" The dainty girl argued.
"There's not chance in hell I am being partners with someone like you! I'm going to find a real partner!" The taller girl bellowed, turning her attention to the pair, who had been staring from afar the entire time, "The hell are you two staring at?! This ain't a show!"
"Hey, relax! We thought you were in trouble and we came to help!"
"Well, we don't need help, so leave!" She retorted with a scowl.
"You shouldn't yell so loud! You could attract Grimm." Aurora said.
"Shut up! And what the hell are you even doing here? This ain't daycare! Little kids like you shouldn't even be here!"
Aurora shrunk, embarrassed.
"Please, you probably think everyone here looks like a kid, so why don't you-"
A deep growl interrupted their argument. Two ursa minors jumped out of the bushes, sending the group flying back.
Evelyn landed on her feet, activating Magenta Euphoria and cocking it, ready to fire.
The burly girl unfolding her axe and held it tightly as the dainty girl pulled out a crossbow, aiming it towards the two large monsters.
"Looks like we're gonna have save our little squabble for later." Evelyn said, her retractable claws popping out.
To seem useful, Aurora pulled out her two dinky little weapons, inserting two fire dust crystals in to add some extra fire power.
"Alright, Hem," Evelyn said, smiling, "let's see what you've got!"
Aurora gripped her little guns, shaking in her boots as she dug her feet into the ground.
'Looks like I'm gonna have to take it til I make it! So let's go!'
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miss-writes-a-lot · 4 years
RWBY: Team HELL Volume 1, Chapter 2: Change your mind?
(T/W: Some shouting, cursing, negative thinking.)
After Cassum left, Aurora was in the midst of a meltdown. She got up from the bed and began pacing back and forth, hot tears running down her face. "T-t-that isn't fair! H-h-he had no right! H-he d-di-didn't even ask!"
Lucio looked to Harlow, very lost. Harlow stood, signaling for him to stay in the room as he went after Cassum. Lucio watched as she continued to pace, muttering things to herself. He waited until she calmed down a little before he starting talking to her. "Hey, it's gonna be okay. Harlow is going to talk to Cassum and maybe he can-"
"Talking's not going to help. He always does this. Always makes decisions for me because he still sees me as a baby-like I can't do anything! I'm fourteen years old! I can take care of myself!" She exclaimed, gripping the sides of her head.
"He just wants to protect you,  Aurora. The job of a huntsman isn't all sunshine and rainbows. You know this. There's always a possibility that you might not make it home, and if you do, it could very well be in pieces. He just wants you to be safe."
Aurora flopped down on the bed, hiding her face in her hands. "I just wanna be normal...I want to be something other than some stupid village girl..."
"You can still be normal, just not a huntress."
"You know, you're really bad at this."
Lucio sighed. "I know. I suck, but I just don't really know what to say in this situation. I've never really had to convince someone not to follow their dreams."
Aurora sat up, pouting. "You don't get, Lucio. My whole life I've never stepped a foot outside of town. Never went to Argus or Vale, or Atlas. I only heard stories and watched the rest of the world go by from a screen. Even when I was allowed to go outside, Cassum had everyone in town watching me like a hawk with each step I took. I was suffocating! I want to get out there! I want to help people! I want to be free! I can't do that if all Cassum ever does is keep me locked up in my room..."
Lucio's heart ached. Here was this girl, alone with only her guardian to look after her, stuck under his watchful eye for most of her life without ever getting to experience life had to offer. His want to make people happy overtook him as he whipped out his scroll and handed it to Aurora. "You have a scroll, right?"
"Uh, yeah why-?"
"Add your number to my contacts. I'll try to convince Headmaster Lionheart to let you into the initiation or entrance exam, or whatever he has planned for you."
Aurora's went wide. "You...You would do that? For me?"
"Don't start getting your hopes up. I'm not sure if Harlow would agree to that. And even if he did, there's still Cassum to worry about. If you don't show, Harlow will have my head, " he smiled at her, "if I do see you there, and if we end up on the same team together, then I'll teach you everything I know so you can stay alive. So you can be the huntress you want to be."
Aurora beamed, happy tears falling from her face as she threw her arms around him. He smiled, putting his weight in and hugging her back.
I'm gonna be a huntress!'
Cassum's mind swirled around in his head as he stared blankly at the vending machine. He was lost in painful memories and couldn't seem to shake the feelings of fear and sadness.
"Hey." A voice called from down the hall.
He looked up, a deep frown forming as Harlow walked toward him, so nonchalantly. "I already told you, she's not going. You can't change my mind."
"You're right. I can't. I actually came to tell you...you're right."
Cassum was taken aback for a second before shaking his head, grounding himself back in reality. "No. You're not getting me that easy..."
"Just hear me out," The older man said, getting two sodas from the vending machine and handed one to Cassum, "I can see why you would be worried about Aurora. She doesn't seem like the strongest of kids. Has a hard time controlling her emotions..."
"If this is your attempt in changing my mind, you're only making me want to punch you in the face."
Harlow nodded. "You care about her a lot...maybe too much."
"The hell is that supposed to mean?"
"You're babying her. You make decisions for her because you don't trust her-"
"I do trust her! And you have no fucking right to criticize me and how I raise Aurora!"
Harlow became quiet, glancing over at Cassum, who was squeezing the can so hard he could crush it. "You have no idea what Aurora and I have been through. She was always like my baby. I knew her parents for years. When they died...it was my job to take care of Aurora. It was my job to make her feel loved and help her grow. And when I found out about her eyes...," Cassum paused, his body shaking, "it made taking care of her a million times harder. I had to keep her inside. I had to keep her safe! I didn't want to lose her like I lost them...I didn't want her to feel that pain again..."
"You mean you didn't want to feel that pain again. Have you even asked her about how she felt? You didn't even take a second to ask her about what she wanted-"
"She would've said yes the minute she walked through the door! She thinks that she knows enough about weaponry and combat to make it through the world and fly by all of her problems!"
"You don't know what she thinks!"
"Oh, and you do?!"
"I never said I did! I'm trying to get it through your thick skull that she may look like a little girl but she's not!"
Cassum pounded his fists against the machine, soda pouring out of the now crushed can. "DAMNIT! JUST LEAVE US ALONE! I ALREADY TOLD YOU 'NO'! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?!"
His breaths were shallow and harsh, tears running down his face. Harlow sighed, turning away from him. "I apologize. I never meant to over step my boundaries. Lucio and I will leave. We won't bother you two anymore. But I will tell you this. If you keep this up, she will grow to resent you. She won't be able to grow if you keep her in the dark."
He kept walking, never looking back. Cassum sighed, throwing his head back.
I hate this. I hate this so much.
Aurora and Cassum had gone into the city to stay with Cassum's parents, who gave him quite an earful for not calling or visiting for three years.
"Thanks for letting us stay here, Ma." Cassum said, flopping down on the couch.
"Well, even though you haven't called your mother in years, you're still my son and I love you." His mother said, eyes drifting to a still angry Aurora, "what's the matter, girl? What're you sulking about?"
Aurora turned her head. "Nothing. Just tired," she stood up and stretched, "I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me when dinner's ready."
She lugged herself up the stairs and to the spare guest room, throwing herself onto the bed and burying her face in the pillows.
Lucio gave her the opportunity to attend the initiation at Haven Academy. All she had to do was show up in five days at Haven, survive whatever was waiting for her, and for four years, she would train to achieve her dream.
But that's all it was.
A dream.
Cassum would never let her go. And even if she could, what if she didn't make it? What if she was so pathetic that they kicked her out the minute she stepped through the doors? What if this was the biggest mistake she could have ever made?
"What if I can't do this...? What if...what if he's right?"
She shut her eyes, standing up and paced the room. "No, no, no! I may not be as strong or experienced, but that's what school is for!" She stopped, her hand covering her mouth, "that's right...I'd be going to a real school for the first time. I won't be homeschooled anymore...I'll get to be...like a real girl."
The idea made her squeal and make happy squeaking noises. A real school! Real learning! She wouldn't be stuck at home.
She could lead...a full life.
"Lucio! Your scroll's ringing!"
"Who is it?"
"I don't know! Get your ass down here and answer it yourself!"
"Alright, alright." Lucio mumbled, coming down the stairs and picking up the phone from the coffee table. "Oh, it's Aurora. Hey, what's up?"
"Tell Mr. LionHeart to save me a spot at initation!"
Lucio smirked, letting out a small chuckle. "I knew you'd come around."
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