headlight-district · 2 months
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TGIF - FrontEndFriday!
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nabbit-unmasked · 3 months
Was browsing some placekin tags from around 2017-18 and found some disturbingly ignorant posts from other otherkin.
As far as I'm aware, the state of the community from around that time was heavily gatekeeped and so many otherkin and nonhumans were discriminated against based on their kintype from their very own community.
In a few posts I've seen, fictionkin and placekin were seen as disingenuine trolls who deserved no place in the otherkin community. People couldn't "wrap their heads around it", so they pushed them out and discriminated against them, which is reminiscent of today's society's view of otherkin as a whole.
I can't say this was true for the whole community back then, as I have seen supportive people and wasn't around at that time, but some were like that. My heart goes out to all the placekin who were (and still are) told their identities couldn't possibly be real or valid by their very own community. You will always be safe valid with me <3
(Also, I found out that I am not the only african country placekin out there. Shoutout to the Kenya countrykin I found! 🇨🇫❤🇰🇪 /platonic)
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custerdomes · 1 month
took this pic a few months ago, and i posted it to insta a week and a half ago
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i thought i was going nuts with it editing this in lightroom but now that i look at it this kind of Sucks. oh well lmao
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jackiechen6919jc · 1 year
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皮皮久違的試駕😋 前日穩重內斂之雨中試駕 Audi A7 Sportback 55 TFSI quattro S-Line 3.0升雙渦輪增壓 V6運動版340hp 溫猛的四驅力道 駕馭在溼滑雨中 絲毫沒有畏懼感 游刃有餘的提速 讓你有路隨意轉 隨心所欲的暢快 408萬的價位。值得 又是風雨滿滿濕身的一天😅 #CarStuff #Audi #AudiA7 #Sportback55TFSI #quattro #SLine #EOSR6II #testdrive #試駕 #ピカチュウスナップ #皮卡丘的奇幻旅程 #Pikachu #皮卡丘 #Pokemon #精靈寶可夢 #iphone13pro #loveyourself @nintendoproperty @Nintendo.hk @ピカチュウ #ピカチュウ @Nintendo #Nintendo @Pokémon #photo @Pokémon GO(在 卯澳漁港) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmJylGmPaCI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cambrwell · 2 years
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Fiat #nocap #redditworthy #alert #ohno #carstuff #mopar #porshe #fiat #fiatspider #nakedcake #bikini #bikinigirl #shoegame #shoeaddict #shoeporn #heavymachinery #cambersquad #cool #photographysouls (at Who Wants To Be A Millionaire) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChsV0mZvKXJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Tail Light Tint for a Maserati in Mt. Pleasant SC! Pleasantdetails.com #maserati #maseratiofcharleston #taillighttint #taillights #taillighttuesday #carcare #carstuff (at Mount Pleasant, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChbBtIsLaCK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Tags I use:
#Compystuff - computer science and engineering
#Musicstuff - I'll post the songs and tools I use to make the songs here when I'm proud or need to remember them
#Carstuff - nice looking cars and engines
#Sillystuff - memes and stuff that makes me laugh
#Interestingstuff - speaks for itself
#Thoughtstuff - personal thoughts, bloggy things, maybe some philosophy stuff
#Doodlestuff - I draw sometimes
#Entertainingstuff - all the entertainment I want to share and keep track of. This is going to be the loosest category because a lot of things are entertaining.
I'll keep refining these as I blog more but hopefully it organizes my interests if you're interested in one
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detourindia · 2 years
Unboxing or divulge videos that count
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gaadipart · 2 years
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All type vehicle spare parts available here download app now 💻 https://gaadipaart.com . . . . . . . . . . #parts #carparts #autoparts #spareparts #popartstyle #bishopartsdistrict #triangleparts #rims #carlove #carsofinstagram #carporn #wheels #mechanic #automotive #engine #tires #customwheels #carmods #newcars #cartuning #calipers #steeringwheel #caraccessories #carswithoutlimit #mechanics #carstuff #carshop #mobilemechanic #autoaccessories #tiresforsale (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChOWP_bBPLz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thekoolworks · 2 years
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This is for the Woke Mob! I believe in Equality for all, I have friends of all colours, genders , and religious values. My fight is for the trans person who just wants to be free to live their life with out hate but that goes for us Cisgender people also , and everything in between , the right to a religious person to practice their beliefs , and remember I’m a member of the satanic temple. I’m in a “relationship with a person of colour , and I’m so done being called a racist and misogynist because I’m a typical male( what ever that means) I like carstuff and pretty girls ? I believe in common sense instead of virtue signalling. #STAYFREE #freedom #criticalthinking #equality #cdnpoli (at Winnipeg, Manitoba) https://www.instagram.com/p/CefK8NLsQEZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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headlight-district · 2 months
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nabbit-unmasked · 3 months
Places don't get sick, so why am I so...sick?
I am a mass of earth, air, water, and fauna, but I am stuck in this puny human body that can catch a cold and feel miserable :(
I can deal with cracks in my soil and even being submerged in water, but why do I have to be susceptible to microorganisms? It's no fair :(
They're welcome in my soil (as all are), but they never used to hurt me. Before, I was a shelter and a home for all, but now I am attacking the very bodies within me.
I'm so sorry little critters, we just aren't meant for each other anymore. Please know that my physical location will gladly take you in <3
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tentworms · 3 years
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Day Seventeen - “Collide”
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jackiechen6919jc · 2 years
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前日工事。犇牛日😎 瞧瞧這些牛群們 Lamborghini Houracan STO 在皮皮身後真霸氣🥴 炎炎夏季。烤肉去😵‍💫 氣溫33度左右的賽車場 真是讓人拍到快中暑的感覺 但看到這麽多的猛禽 還是依舊熱血的享受著 這麽難得的一期一會💪 此次活動心得 真心敬告同好 幹啥職業都好 千萬別當攝影 烈日曝曬過後 沒廠真心尊重 #carstuff #Lamborghini #houracan #sto #LamborghiniHouracan #藍寶基尼 #麗寶國際賽車場 #testdrive #sportscar #iphone13pro #ピカチュウスナップ #皮卡丘的奇幻旅程 #Pikachu #皮卡丘 #Pokemon #精靈寶可夢 @nintendoproperty @Nintendo.hk #任天堂 @ピカチュウ #ピカチュウ @Nintendo #Nintendo @Pokémon #photo @Pokémon GO (at 麗寶國際賽車場Lihpao Racing) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfbE8kyPuLY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cambrwell · 2 years
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I wanna drive a jbl 🚗 #charger #chargersrt #chargerhellcat #carstuff #russia #russianlips #russianmemes #motherrussia #russianmeme #jbl #jblspeaker #teen #neardeathexperience #memelife #memepage #groupchat #cambersquad #cambrwell (at Mother Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chl8Dh-uq37/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hotwngz · 3 years
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come get yall juice 🧃
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