#captain anndor
captainanndor · 2 years
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For my 39th birthday, a friend and I made Roach’s 40 Orange Glaze Cake from Our Flag Means Death! We then set up a little scene and did a photoshoot for it. More under the cut!
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I went a bit wild with buying stuff for this, because I was hyped and it was nice retail therapy to deal with stress at work, lol. I also wanted to include lots of little references to Our Flag Means Death and the characters without going for 100% screen-accurate as though it was Stede’s cabin. Cuz I am *Captain* Anndor for a reason, haha. So there’s a tons of my own stuff/interests in there as well, but for the show specific references: Jim: Dagger Oluwande: Turquoise beads  Frenchie: Cat Wee John: Black stars (like his face tattoos) Swede: "Voice of an angel" wings w/ orange bead for scurvy Lucius: Sketchbook w/ art :3 (it’s an intentionally poorly drawn dick, censored here because I don’t know Tumblr rules about non-realistic dick art, but it’s uncensored on Twitter! XD) Pete: Belt horseshoe Buttons: Mermaid (love this fan theory) Karl & Olivia: Feathers Roach: THE CAKE Fang: Fang necklace Ivan: Gold "teeth" Izzy: Swallow tattoo Stede: Unicorn, fine fabrics Ed: Kraken, red silk scrap Blackbonnet: Lighthouse, (bluebird of) happiness while sharing a ship (dish), "Journey into China" book, depression robe fabric  The fern. "Pirates of Nassau" mini treasure chest* (aka from the gift shop in Republic of Pirates after it got touristy and gentrified XD) . Fancy tea set. Purple jacket and blue/silver fabrics for Ed and Stede's fancy party outfits. *(I actually bought that mini chest IN Nassau, at the Pirate Museum, months & months before OFMD ever aired, haha. Part of the reason I love the show so hard is that it already aligned w/ my interests. That and "it's not too late to find love if even if you're past 40" really speaks to me, lolol) I made a thread over on Twitter with the entire process broken down, and a bunch more photos! You can find it here: CAKE THREAD!
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captainanndor · 7 years
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Doggo picture spam and gifs!
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captainanndor · 7 years
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Going to Philadelphia this weekend for the Jurassic World Exhibit! :D :D
This means I had to do a phone purge of old videos and pictures to free up space for dinosaurs.
Here are some pictures that will never ever ever get purged, though. :3
(You can tell how excited I am because my eyes have disappeared. Happy Anndor = lots of teeth and no eyes) (Shoutout to @lolliegag for the awesome Goodneighbor shirt :3)
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captainanndor · 7 years
PSA! My name has been Captain Anndor for like, 12 years. It was a nickname I earned in college.
Just felt it necessary to point this out after Rogue One. XD
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