#cant believe i actually finished this too hohohoho
builtintripping · 2 years
TFW you’re trapped by an entity that specializes in physiological torture and you’re forced to watch not only your best friend experience the previously mentioned torture, but also his lifeless body on the ground
Just Cesar Torres things
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*draws this anyway* 😈
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sunarintoes · 3 years
Inarizaki Boyfriend Headcanons
Includes: Miya Osamu, Kita Shinsuke, Suna Rintarou (Atsumu’s can be found here)
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✗ My favourite Miya <3
✗ His favourite date to take you on is when the Main Street is full of food carts and independent sellers/farmers, the two of you walk around and try all the sweets and what not. After the two of you stuffed yourselves silly you make your way to the movie theatre and once that’s done you sit down at a park bench and just vibe with each other. And then you go get more food :D
✗ So he loves cooking - its his passion, he always asks for you to taste test all his different onigiri. Gives the biggest smile when you say you like it!!
✗ As I said before in another post, he has a horse. Like Atsumu, he will ride the horse to your house. Once he called you to meet outside the school on a Saturday and he told you to wear ‘forest spirit clothing.’ You were very confused. You showed up in a flowing dress/flowing shirt and then he came around the corner, on his white horse, wearing a tuxedo. He looked like a prince so you weren't complaining. ‘Hey sugar lets ride off into the sunset together’ was how he greeted you. 
✗ He’s kinda indifferent about pda, he’s only gonna do it if it feels right at the moment you know? When the two of you are just standing at, say, a bus stop he will go behind and hug you. He likes being close to you. So when y'all at school he will greet you with a forehead kiss in the morning before he heads off to his classes. I don't think he would make out with you in public, he prefers to keep that to himself. If you want kisses in public he’ll gladly give you short but sweet kisses on your lips, cheeks or forehead (and sometimes your hand). 
✗ He gets jealous but he hides it well. He doesn't want to come off as controlling or insecure so the majority of the time he will just keep it to himself and pout a little. When this happens please go up to him and massage/rub his shoulders while placing soft kisses on his head - it will make him calm down and relieve tension so quickly. On the occasion that he does have a jealous outburst, his face will be angry as he takes you away from whoever was hitting you up. When you're far away enough he will have an annoyed expression and will sit on the ground (literally wherever you guys are; he will just plop down in an angry tantrum). When this happens just pull him into your lap (yes, even if you are considerably smaller than him) and tell him ‘it's okay’ and that you ‘only love him.’ He’ll calm down and it'll be pretty chill afterwards (but will glare at the person if he ever sees them again.)
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✗  Yes my favourite farmer boy!!
✗ Kita - despite his somewhat cold and blunt demeanor, loves affection. In particular he loves laying down on a couch or a bed and holding you while facing each other. He likes talking to you in that position and he will open up about things on his mind.
✗ Ok so Kita is a ‘Bob the Builder’ sorta boyfie, he has building skills for some reason but you’re not complaining. If you want/need something made you can bet that he will volunteer to have a go at it. He may not be the best with the actual painting of whatever but the thing itself will be built well. 
✗ I don’t think he’s one for pda, it just doesn't float his boat. The occasional hand holding and a kiss on the cheek is fine but he doesn’t really feel the need to show his affection in public - especially because he seems to be quite a private person.
✗ Dates with Kita are simple and nice, mostly consist of picnics and walks along the beach/local area/park. Movie dates are a thing as well - for Kita he just loves being around you and spending time with you! Oh and his granny loves you :P if she didn't then he wouldn't date you. He's a granny’s boy. 
✗ Kita does not get jealous. Nu uh, never. But he does get insecure. Majority of the time he is chill and trusts you with his whole heart but on rare occasions - perhaps when you spontaneously run into a childhood friend and seem to glow with happiness he might feel a pang in his heart. I don't think he would feel angry or upset with you, but sad with himself and he may feel like he doesn't know how to make you glow that bright and all that. It will be really hard to tell when he feels this way. He’s really good at hiding it :( but Kita is a man who strongly believes in communication ← literally more than most characters lmfao, and he will sit you down and tell you what’s on his mind. He’ll expect you to do the same if you were in his position; maybe that's why you two are such a strong couple. When he tells you please listen quietly and wait until he’s finished speaking, this lets him know you care about what he is saying. After he’s done give him a warm hug and rub his back or run a hand through his soft hair, please remind him that you love him and that he makes you glow with happiness every day <3
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✗ bbg 😚
✗ Or maybe i should say bbb
✗ Mans is so fine i live for this lanky fucker <3
✗ Ok so we all know sun-sun is lazyyyy and homie definitely plays video games. He went through a fortnite phase with Atsumu boy are you glad you barely knew him during that time cause he was as you would expect 😳🤢 anywhoooo he’s more of a COD boy atm, mmm first person shooter games are his fav. He definitely gets you into them → if you're not that into them he won't push it but he thinks Minecraft dates and teaching you how to play are cute. Oh! And if you are… hohohoho boy does he love it. Loves playing with you - same team or not, yall are deadly together, especially if you also play first person shooters. Oh and animal crossing dates are a must!
✗ Most of the time your dates consist of someone’s house and vibing on their bed or a couch watching movies, playing video games and cuddling. 😩uh mans is so fine. He's a sexy gamer boy; what else could you want? 
✗ Ohohoho he does get jealous, homie will get snarky with the perp and will not be afraid to wrap an arm around your waist to publicly display that he is with you and you are with him. The perp probs gets scared of this tall, snarky boy and runs off. Will probably sulk the whole day and try to act indifferent/ignore his emotions (cause he’s low key emotionally constipated) so plz bb im begging you, crawl into his lap (yes, even if you’re taller than him) and snuggle into his chest. Then he will be happy :D
✗ Oh and this (doesn't really) bring us to our next point: pda! Mmmmmm he’s like osamu in the sense that he does and does not care - like it's up to you. He’s probably not the biggest on it and wont initiate much asides from having an arm around you, holding you hand (and occasionally your butt-)
✗ Suna, as mentioned earlier, is somewhat emotionally constipated ← though definitely not as much as other characters *cough* ushiwaka *cough* and will take a while to warm up to affection. However once you get there he will absolutely adore holding you and cuddling with you - in fact he claims he “cant sleep without you” because he’s “been trained to love you too much.” lol what a dork
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