#cant believe he stuck out his tongue while raising his leg at him like ok
alonetogether · 1 year
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intricate rituals or whatever (x)
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snaillock · 1 year
demotivated artist!reader x bllk boys
(bachira, kaiser)
tags: gn!reader, kaisers gratuitous stripping of course, bachira being a silly little guy, kaiser being an attention whore
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you sat at your desk, mindlessly watching a youtube video that was supposed to be your background noise as you did your art. instead your sketchbook was left on the fresh blank page as you were completely engrossed in the video.
“aren’t you supposed to be doing something” you snapped out of your focus from the distraction and turned to see bachira cheekily smiling at you with an eyebrow raised and hands on his hips
“ugh fine you caught me,” you said as you turned back to look at your computer and felt bachira wrap his arms around you and his head rest on his shoulder.
“i just… don’t know how to start. i’ve been on an art block for weeks now and it’s starting to wear me down.” you let out a deep sigh as you rambled and tapped your pencil on the desk, “it’s just so hard to find any ideas now”
as bachira listened to your rant, he unwrapped one of his arms from your shoulder and silently reached out for your colored pens and markers with his tongue out in absolute concentration, none of which you noticed.
your ramble got interrupted the second you heard marker scratching on paper. you look down to see bachira doodling on your sketchbook
“bachira?! what the hell are you doing!?” when you said that, he quickly snatched up your sketchbook and a couple of markers and ran out the room giggling, too fast for you to catch up. ‘god why did i date a football player’ you sighed and ran out to find him
you spotted him on the couch, comfortably laying on his stomach as he continued doodling on your stolen sketchbook with your stolen markers. you immediately snatched the book out of his hands.
“i cannot believe you would take my things like that! not only did you take my sketchbook, you also drew in it without my permiss- oh wait…” your scolding trailed off as you took a look at the page he drew. you saw the vibrant squiggles and lines he did along with some star shapes and hearts.
“wow this is actually really pretty,” you said, sitting down right next to him. you took one of your pens that bachira stole from your desk and started to draw on that page, using the art bachira did as a colorful background to bring out the black ink of the figures you drew in front of it. bachira rested his head on your shoulder and watched the entire time.
“hehe looks like i once again saved the day,” bachira laughed as he looked at your ‘collaborated’ work.
you rolled your eyes at his comment. “ok fine i guess you did help with my art block,” you smiled and kissed his cheek, “i appreciate it and i appreciate you”
bachira grinned and wrapped his arms around your waist, “you are so so welcome!”
“is this something you did with your mom every time she couldn’t paint?” “oh yeah constantly” “ah should’ve guessed”
you sat at your desk while scrolling through different photos on your laptop, trying to find something to draw since your brain was completely dried out of ideas
“babe~” you sighed as you heard a whiny voice from behind you. uh oh kaiser needs attention. you turned your head to look at him
“what do you need kaiser”
“how much longer are you gonna be in here for? you’ve already been here all day…” it’s only been an hour.
you rolled your eyes as his whining got more desperate and you spoke, “who knows at this point. i’ve been stuck for a while so you might have to wait for the rest of the day.” you glanced at him, knowing that would get to him.
“no darling! you cant stay here all day”
“well if you have any ideas for me, i’ll love to hear them”
he closed your laptop, pushing all your things aside, and sat on your desk right in front of you with his leg crossed over his knee, “how about this… you should just draw me.” he smirked as he looked down at your unimpressed face
you thought about it for a second before nodding, “you know what… that’s not too bad of an idea! i’ll do it.”
“ok great!” he said as he started taking his shirt off.
“kaiser no! i don’t need a nude model so please leave your shirt on!”
“fine…” he groaned, hesitantly removing his hands from his shirt and smoothed it out. he mumbled, “it’s nothing you haven’t seen before anyway”
you playfully rolled your eyes and got your stuff ready. you started drawing him as he did various poses while basking in all your attention. every now and then he would try to convince you that him stripping off his clothes would help more but you kept shooting that idea down. you had to deal with him constantly walking naked around the house already.
once you finished, you showed him the sketches. he wrapped his arms around you and kissed you multiple times, each one on a different spot on your face. “wow you did such a good job! you captured my beauty so well”
he took photos of your sketches while gushing about how good of an artist you are and how blessed he is for having you (and also how blessed you are for having a great and attractive model like him)
the next day while he was out at practice, he showed off your drawings to his teammates, bragging about how beautiful and talented his partner is
a/n: haha hai so like i was planning on only sticking to hcs format for this blog but i really wanted to do like a drabble/hc thingy and i also have very little writing experience so sorry if this sucks ass. hope you enjoyed it!
this was supposed to be a three character post but i struggled to
think of another so if anyone wants a part 2 with diff characters, feel free to request so with the characters you want!
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kenobis-kyber · 4 years
From the Stars
Thank you so much to my fans! I appreciate you all for staying along for the ride.
Rating: M for mentions of abuse, swearing, light smut
Chapter 6
She awoke the next morning with bags under her eyes from the crying she did last night. Thinking about his lips on her last night even for the briefest moments. His warmth and passionmade her heart flutter, but a new set of tears were threatening to fall. In all honesty she was dreading having to face him this morning.
How could I be such a fool? How could I interrupt it as having feelings? He was just being kind and friendly. Such a gentle soul. Ughh I better get up and face the music.
Finally working up the courage, she started to get out of bed. She slowly opened her door looking around for him, sighing in relief she tip toed out. Passing his room she saw that it was well made as if no one slept in it. Making her way to the kitchen she saw no sign of him but she saw a note on the fridge.
I am off for a hike, I figured you could use the space given last nights events. Don’t worry I will return.
She breathed a sigh relief knowing she wouldn't have to face him right away. Deciding to run some errands outside the house she got ready and headed out the door.
He walked up the trail trying to center himself as he went along. Letting the force guide him he arrived to a small hill overlooking the woods and small town below. Sitting down in the meditative position he closed his eyes and opened himself to the current around him. As he sat there he heard the faint hum of disoriented voices. It almost sounded like his Masters calling to him. But was that even possible? He didn't know.
Why didn’t I try harder to find you master? I lost focus and got too comfortable. I should have known better. I am such a fool to let myself get attached and feelings for her. Maybe it’s because she is the only friend I have in this world.
Focusing harder his thoughts turned to Vanessa. How her laughter was music to his ears, her strength and her kindness and lastly the way her lips felt on his. He knew that attachment was forbidden but there didn't seem anything dark about this. It was like a pure white light within his very being.
She is too kind and so giving considering what she has been through. She could have left me to die. But she didn’t, instead I was taken into her home and treated like an old friend. It has been some of the most memorable experiences. Am I stuck here I don’t know? But I need to do what is right.
Snapping his eyes open, he realized it had gotten to twilight and he should be heading back home. Home. Yes that was his home now, Vanessa made sure of it. They took care of each other and he knew he had to do something. He silently thanked the force for showing him the way.
Vanessa had gotten home an hour ago to still no sign of Obi-Wan, she did worry but knew he was more than capable of taking care of himself. She started gathering the ingredients for dinner debating if she should cook for him as well. Fuck it. She started heating up the pan for the dinner. She was so focused in her work she didn't hear the stealthy Jedi come in to the house. He stood leaning against the counter watching her and took a deep breath. She was stirring the ingredients when she felt a pair of arms circle around her waist, she jumped up getting scared out of her wits. She turned to look at him with anger in her eyes.
“For Fucks sake! I am trying to….” she was abruptly cut off by his lips smashing against hers. To say that she was shocked was an underestimate. It was passionate and full of emotion. She broke away from the kiss and looked at him confused.
“What is this about?”
He grabbed her hand and brought planted a soft kiss on her knuckles while looking deep into her eyes. Her breath shuddered when he did that.
“This is me making up for being a fool.” with a small dreamy smile.
She was taken back by that answer and stared into his eyes with a bit of doubt in hers.
“But I thought it was forbidden.”
Taking a deep breath and caressing her hand gently, his blue eyes staring deeply into hers. “Well I have come to the conclusion that the council isn't here nor would the force bring me to such an amazing woman.” The corner of his mouth twitched into a lopsided smile.
“Really? Are you sure you want this?” she asked still a little cautious.
“Yes darling as sure as I am in the force. Yes it is forbidden, but who knows if I will ever figure out away to go home. But as of right now, you are my home and I want to be yours.”
Her heart skipped a beat and her eyes watered. He wanted her. She threw her arms around his neck and reached up to kiss him. It started off soft and tender. When he wrapped his arms around her waist he deepened the kiss. His tongue darted out and swiped against her lips silently asking for entrance. She granted it and their tongues did an erotic dance. His moans at the taste of her caused her to pull herself closer to him. He reached behind her to shut off the stove and pulled her even harder against him. She took that as a cue and jumped to wrap her legs around his waist.
Holding her against him he walked over to the couch and sat with her straddling him. His hands rubbed on her thighs as her fingers gently tugged the on the ponytail on the back of his head. He groaned as his hands began to wander up her legs to her waist. She shuddered and he continued up and underneath the hem of her shirt passing over a raised scare. She suddenly grabbed his wrists and moved them away for her.  He pulled his lips away from her and rested his forehead against hers.
“Are you OK, darling?,” he whispered gruffly.
“Yes. I just cant go this far with you yet, Its my past. I haven't been with anyone since….” She swallowed trying to hold back the tears.
He cupped her face and looked at her with his ocean eyes. “I understand. We don't ever have to do that. It would be an added bonus I cant lie. But that doesn't have to define our relationship, yeah?” He smiled then placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Now I believe you were cooking dinner? I think you should finish that because I am starving,” taking a playful nip at her lips.
She giggled, “Alright, alright but you have to clean up. Those are the rules.” Getting up off of his lap she made her way to the kitchen.
He sat back and let out a deep breath and smiled. Never thought he would feel something so right and blissful. He knew he would have to tread lightly given her pass traumas but he didn't mind, after all she was absolutely worth it. Hershey looked at him from his doggy bed in the corner.
“So...are you OK with his boy?” The dog waved his tail quickly and looked as though as he smiled. “Thank you.” he said while calling the dog over to pet him. Meanwhile Vanessa was in the kitchen finishing dinner and smiling to herself. She was so happy to have Obi Wan in her life but at the same time was scared. Even if he has been nothing been nice she couldn't help but feel scared. She thought Simon was kind and then look what he turned into. But Obi is different he helps and is patient with her. She sighed and finished plating dinner before calling him to the table. They ate and talked with such ease, the very base of their relationship.
When they finished Obi went about cleaning up and Vanessa went outside with Hershey to play with him. She picked up a stick and threw it, the goofy dog bounding after it. There was always such a joy playing with him.
Obi walked outside with 2 mugs of hot tea in hand watching the scene before him. He smiled to himself and walked over to the bench that was sat on the porch. He sat down and watched the simplicity and calmness of the situation. She looked up at him and smiled before making her way over to the bench. Sitting next to him, he draped her arm over her and she cuddled into his side. They sat like that for awhile before she raised her head to look at him. She brought her lips to his and they kissed slowly and tenderly. After a bit she pulled away and smiled at him.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being so good to me, so far as a friend and hopefully as a partner.”
“Of course darling, thank you for rescuing me all those months ago. And bringing a strange man into your home”
She laughed. “Best risk I have ever taken.” She kissed him on the cheek and settled into his side again enjoying his warmth. As the evening went on he heard some soft snores coming from her. He gently shook her awake. She mumbled before opening her eyes. He chuckled at her being sleepy as she looked so adorable.
“C’mon bedtime, before you drool all over my clothes.” giving her a cheeky smile.
“I don't drool!” she said slapping his arm. Then got up and started to make her way towards the house. He stood up behind her and followed her in. After they closed up the house and Hershey had settled, they embraced in one last kiss.
“Good night, sleep well.” he said while moving a strand of her raven hair behind her ear.
She reached to his braid and touched it gently.
“You as well.”
She went off to bed and had sweet dreams of her dear Jedi. Meanwhile Obi wan dreamed of his a familiar voice.
Padawan…..where are you? Speak to us…..We will find you….”
Obi-wan shot up in his bed after hearing the voice of his Master Qui-Gon. Flashes of the incident that got him here played through his mind as well. He breathed in deeply to calm himself down. After a bit he settled and was able to sleep with dreams of his Raven Haired beauty.
Tagging: @princessxkenobi @supermoschi @blondekel77 @ayamenimthiriel
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princessniquane · 4 years
After Effects V2
WARNINGS: smut, cheating
Cynthia walked into catering to go meet Nick. She saw Roman sitting with The Usos and his girlfriend. We made eye contact and he stopped talking to say hi to me. "Hey Cynthia."
I walked over and greeted everybody. "What's up." I smiled standing by Roman. "What's up!" R-truth yells from across catering. I just shake my head at him. "You just leave me hanging like that? I see how it is now."
"What's going on little Uce?" Jimmy chuckles.
"Yea its been a little while since you spent some time with us. What The Authority ordering you around?" Roman says giving me a hug picking me up. And then squeezing my ass where no one will notice the action. I resisted the urge to wrap my legs around his waist, it was really tempting.
I'm pretty sure Jey did see but since Roman's back was to the girlfriend she probably didn't. I glare at him when he puts me down and pull back. He just chuckles and smirks at me while he sits down.
"No nothing like that I actually just left creative. They want to put me in a storyline. They don't know with who yet and what's going to happen but yea." While I was talking Roman was literally undressing me with his eyes and licking his lips. Way to be subtle Reigns. I was wearing a white short sleeve shirt that showed a bit of cleavage and a black pencil skirt with black heels. Jey noticed him staring and kicked Roman under the table. 
"Well congrats and I hope it works out for you." Jey says.
"Thanks. I'm going to go find Nick so-hey." Just then Nick comes and sweeps me away from them. We were just a table away from them.
"What the hell was that?" Nick says. "What-"
"Don't you dare say 'what are you talking about'. You know exactly what I'm talking about. I saw everything. If you two are going to secretly have sex don't openly grope each other in public." He whispers sternly.
"What's up with you and Lana?" I say changing the subject. I did not grope him.
"We uh. We're doing great! We, actually are going public tonight. So you are the first person to know. You should be honored to be the first to know."
"Awww its so cute that you think that i'm the only one that knows." I say pinching his cheeks. "Come on Nick you two haven't been exactly secretive about your relationship."
He blushes. "Shut up. At least I'm admitting my feelings for the person I'm into." I look down because I know what I'm doing is wrong but I cant help it. It was just suppose to be sex. I wasn’t suppose to catch feelings but I did. And now I'm kinda stuck because he's in a relationship and I'm not. But there's just always been something about Roman even before we started this.
"I know I know ok. I caught feelings when I wasn't suppose to. Sue me."
"Hey come on I was joking. I'm sorry." Nick squeezes my hand. I tell him don't worry bout it. Roman and his girl walks by but I don't look at them.
Later that night...
It was only a one night stand. I need to get over it. Thinking about it isn't going to do shit. Its not like he'll just come to my room, have sex and actually stay the night because he decided to be with me. Right? Get it together Cynthia! Cynthia was in the shower moping over a guy that she knew she couldn't have. Even though she had dinner earlier she was still hungry. Perks of having a high metabolism. she thought. She just needed something quick to get rid of the emptiness in her stomach.
Cynthia started to think about Roman again as she sat down and ate her midnight snack. She thought about the amazing sex that happened after the pay per view in his locker room. All this happening while everyone was either in catering or watching the matches.
She thought about his mouth. How it sucked and nipped at her heat while her hands were in his hair. How his tongue worked inside her heat and played with her clit. She was starting to get wet just thinking about it, especially when they continued at the hotel.
Roman was always a great person to be around. His laugh was just infectious like his smile. Now that she thought about it he would always try and find an excuse to be near her. She'd be in his arms and she had felt loved. Being his friend is not enough for her anymore. She has tried to get out of this infatuation or crush faze but it just wasn't happening. So she tried to avoid him and be around other people, like Cesaro, he's a sweetheart. But he's no Roman her heart tells her. She looks at her phone for the time 12:38am. She didn't want to bother Nick because he is out and about with Lana. 
Paige and Foxy are out and she rather not go out again. If she hadn't shaken herself from her thoughts she would of missed the knocking on her door. She's not stupid. She knows who it is and she hopes that he will take the hint and go away.
"Cynthia. Open up." He knocks again. "Cynthia please open the door. I know you are in there." More knocking. She doesn't move from her spot though. She just sits there and doesn't make a sound. "Babygirl." He says in that deep baritone voice that sends shivers down her spine everytime.
Cynthia sighs and gets up to open the door a little bit. "What can I do for you Roman? I'm a bit tired tonight and I need some rest." He doesn't hear a word I say just looks at me up and down.
I had on black shorts and a robe with no shirt. I realize I had not tied my robe and my purple lace bra was showing. "May I come in?" I raise an eyebrow at him. "Not in that way...well not yet anyways," He smirks. I roll my eyes and let him in.
As soon as I close the door I'm being lifted and pushed up against it. "I thought you we weren't going to do this yet?" I tell him. He answers me with a bruising hard kiss. I moan against his lips and grind against his hips making a sweet friction.
He groans softly and grind back against my heat. "And I keep my word. This is going to be a long night babygirl hope you don't mind," he says against my lips. He starts to kiss across my jawline down my throat and makes sure to mark my neck. He goes back to my lips and start to grind hard.
I moan into his mouth as my fingers run through his hair and grind back against his erection. He pulls back and put my over his shoulder leading us to the bedroom. "Roman Reigns if you don't put me down right now!" I squeal at him.
He just chuckles and slaps me on the ass as we get to the bed. He lays me down on the bed and straddle my thighs. "You're so beautiful you know that," He says.
It slips out before i can stop myself. "I'm not that beautiful if you wont make me yours." My eyes goes wide and I cover my face with my hands in embarrassment.
He sighs. He moves my hand from my face and put them above my head. "Cynthia you are beautiful. You're special to me. You always have been. If you don't believe me then I guess I have to show you," he tells me looking into my eyes.
"Roman I-" he cuts me off by kissing me. I try to run my fingers through his hair but he pulls back.
"Uh uh. I want to make you feel good tonight. Make you feel beautiful. Okay?" I nod my head yes. He starts to kiss me on the lips and makes his way down to my chest. He flicks his tongue on one nipple as one of his hands pulls me forward as he begins to suck on it.
He then removes my robe and throw it haphazardly on the floor and releases my nipple with a pop and moves to the other. Roman keeps eye contact with me as he suddenly bites down on it. I didn't realize i was completely naked until I felt him suck on clit.
"Aaahhh! Fuck Roman. Mmmm...feels so good." Instead of going straight to my heat he goes to nip and kiss at my left thigh. Breathes against my dripping core, suck on my clit and then nip and kiss at my right thigh. Then he goes back to my heat and blows a steady breath. A shiver goes through my body. I hear Roman chuckle at me and goes back to sucking on my clit. I move my hips to get Roman to give me more. "Please Roman."
"Please what babygirl? Tell me what you want me to do." He teases me.
"Aaahh...Ro- ahhh!" Roman's tongue plunges deep inside me. I arch my back and move against his mouth that was devouring my pussy. Roman puts an arm down on waist making sure I don't move and starts adding his fingers. "Roman...oh fuck...yes! Yes! Just like that...mmm." Oh my god...this is too much. I cant take this much longer! Oh please no more! "Roman...Roman...I'm..."
"Let go baby. Cum for me." He says. I cum hard screaming his name. He licks and sucks all through my orgasm and leaves a kiss to my clit.
He kisses back up to my body and suck on my neck. I moan and slip my hands between our bodies and palm his erection. He breath catches slightly. I bite my lip and look into his eyes as I stroke him through his basketball shorts. He moans and bites my neck not enough to break skin and bleed but licks it to smooth the slight pain. I slip my hand in his shorts and he tells me stop before he can't control himself and take me.
"Now babyboy you know you will take me but the question is HOW you will do it," I teasingly tell him while stroking him faster. He moves into my hand as he moans in my ear. He quickly moves my hand and put it above my head again.
"You need to stop." He pleads. I push him on his back and ground on top of him and kiss him. "Uhhh...fuck baby...just like that...mmm...oh yea...fuck!" As I continue to grind on him I start to kiss on his jawline down his throat. "No! Stop I'm suppose to be pleasing you."
"Then you better get inside me quick." I moan.
He doesn't hesitate in getting me on my back again. He gets up and quickly strip off his clothes. He lays beside me and pulls me on top of him. I slowly slide down his erection and we kiss to I was ready to move.
I grind down on Roman making him groan loudly. I move up and down his length as I moan in ecstasy being filled by Roman's length. Roman grabs onto my hips and thrusts inside me faster and harder. "Thats right baby...ride this cock...uhhh...god you feel so good...so close." He pulls out. "Hands and knees baby. I need to be deeper inside you," he whispers. I get on my hands and knees and he slams into me in one thrust. He sets a brutal fast pace and I'm loving every single second of it. "Uhhh yes...fuck...oh my god...you should see my cock disappear in your tight pussy baby," he says and gives my asscheeks a squeeze and a smack.
"Roman...fuck...more please...give me more." I beg him.
He gives me another smack and pulls out again. I was going to ask him why he pulled out when he flips me over and thrusts back in. This time he goes slow and i wrap my legs around his waist. Ours lips connected in a lip locked, our bodies sweaty. As his thrusts begin to pick back up my nails are leaving marks all down his shoulders and back. Roman lifts one of my legs and puts it on his shoulder and I arch my back moaning. He drives deeper inside me as he moans on my neck. We're both close now. I can feel his member pulsing just as the tightening in my stomach is ready to burst. All I need is. One. More. We both moan each others name as our orgasm hit. As we catch our breath. I try to not think how ill feel in the morning when he is not there beside me.
"You think too much. I'm going to be here when you wake up. I'm done pretending to be happy with someone else when I know that I'm truly happy with you. You're the only one for me. You always have been. I promise you ill be here. Forever," he tells me as he looks in my eyes.
I kiss him one more time. "You better."
The next morning
I wake up and look beside me. The bed's empty. Yep to good to be true. As I got up to get some coffee I smelled food. I walked into the kitchen Roman was naked making coffee. Now that is a sight I would love to see often. I wrap my arms around his waist and leave a kiss on his back. 
"I wouldn't mind waking up to this in the morning. A naked Roman Reigns in my kitchen? Fangirls would go crazy." I joke.
He chuckles and turns around and puts me on the counter. "Did you think I left?" He asks.
I sigh. "Yea. I did. I'm sorry Roman. It's just that-" he shuts me up with a kiss.
"Don't worry about it babygirl. Like I said I keep my word. Now how bout we have a little fun before breakfast?" He squeezes my thighs suggestively.
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