#can't believe people want me to even consider him a father figure for zelda he's a condescending prick
gensnix · 23 days
It's been a year I'm gonna say something controversial
Rauru was fucking ugly
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waffles-316 · 4 years
Twilight x Warrior Headcanons
Hey there, everyone! I'm Waffles, and I'm gonna do a little post about my headcanons for my OTP, TP Link x HW Link! Now I know most people hate Link x Link ships, but I honestly don't see any problem with them.
I've actually loved this ship for a few years now, and did a whole book of one shots on Wattpad!
I have a huge list of personal headcanons for them, so here it is!
Unfortunately, these are all over the place (one might be angst, and the next might be fluffy), so please don't get mad at me in the comment section!
Also, this features headcanons from my own AU where Twi and War are able to live in the same era.
*Edit: the AU is now called "The General and the Goat Herder"
-They met after the Twilight Invasion and before the War Across the Ages
-Warrior is a few months older than Twilight
-War is very protective of Twi, and vice versa
-Twilight, actually, can get jealous of almost any attractive person that gets close to Warrior, but he keeps his jealousy a secret because he knows Warrior is loyal to him
-Warrior doesn't get jealous of anyone because he knows Twilight wouldn't do anything to hurt him.....unless we're talking about Midna, and that's a whole other story
-Warrior hates Midna, in case you were wondering, because he believes she abandoned Twilight (I swear that I don't hate Midna, but I felt like it would suit him because he's protective) (I want to write a confrontation scene between Warrior and Midna, which would be tense as heck, but I don't know how to do that, so...)
-They share the Triforce of Courage, and they can use it to help find each other if they're ever separated
-They legally changed their names to Twilight and Warrior after they were married; they are still called 'Link' by some people
-Twi has a country accent
-Warrior was the one to confess his feelings first, and he also was the one to propose
-Warrior is very skeptical of new people because of the betrayal he experienced in the war
-Twi is very welcoming to new people, but he changed that attitude just a little when he married Warrior
-Warrior can be very reckless when Twilight and/or their kids are in danger (I'll tell you more about the kids later)
-Warrior is gay; Twilight is bisexual
-Twi secretly fears that Warrior will leave him the same way Midna did
-Warrior bought Twilight his own ranch for his 22nd birthday; War proposed to him on that same day three years later
-Twilight is a pro dad due to his experience with kids, but Warrior does his best
-They have two sons from previous relationships (Towairaito is Twilight's son, and Eddie is Warrior's)
-Twilight is called "Pa", and Warrior is called "Dad"
-Warrior is a general, and he's away from the farm for long periods of time; when he visits, he spends as much time with his kids as possible before going back so his boys know that he loves them
-They supported Eddie when he came out as a trans male and proceeded to tell everyone that he was their son; they will fight anyone who bullies Eddie
-When the kids were young, Twilight usually transformed into a wolf to comfort them when they were having nightmares; sadly, as he grew older, his body could no longer handle the multiple transformations and he stopped; afterwards, they got a dog (a grey Hylian Retriever) to comfort the kids
-They can't have any cats because both sons are highly allergic
-They hide their relationship from everyone except Zelda, Impa, and the people of Ordon
-Most people believe that they are the best of friends and consider each other brothers
-Since people don't know about their relationship, quite a number of women have tried to woo them, only to be immediately shot down
-Warrior, sadly, has a very bad relationship with his parents; he has a twin sister (Linkle) and six younger sisters (who I have yet to name); he gets along with them much better; they were all raised in Castle Town
-Warrior's father is a former knight, and he was appointed to protect the royal family; his mother is a baker
-Warrior has an uncle (on his mother's side) who is just like him and he considers this man a true father to him; he was invited to the wedding
-When the two got engaged, Twilight attempted to get Warrior's parents to come to their wedding, only to be angrily shot down; Warrior no longer contacts them, but he still sends letters to his sisters
-Luckily, Twilight's Ordon family accepted them as a couple and suggested having the wedding at their village, to which Twi and War accepted
-Eddie (known as Emmy at the time) was the flower girl, and Towairaito (or "TowTow" for short) was the ring bearer; Eddie was eight, and TowTow was six
Due to a horrible past, Warrior is skittish and is terrified of being touched, even by those he trusts; it even took him a while to shake people's hands or offer/accept a hug
-Twi let him take as much time as he needed to learn to trust, and helped him along the way
-Twilight was nervous about opening up his heart again to anyone after Midna; when he realized his feelings for Warrior weren't going away, he struggled to accept them
-Both of them were extremely hesitant to even consider a relationship with each other after everything they had experienced; fortunately, they were able to talk honestly to one another and sort out their feelings
-Their first kiss was extremely awkward; Warrior initiated it on accident, but Twi happily returned it
-Their relationship was a struggle as they tried to figure out what would work for them; luckily, they found a way to mantain a healthy relationship
-Warrior was hesitant about asking Twi to marry him, but he was encouraged to try by Zelda
-The wedding took place in Ordon, after Twilight reunited with his adoptive family after being gone for seven years
-Rusl and Uli (Twi's adopted parents) were extremely supportive of their relationship, which made Warrior emotional because his own parents reacted harshly
-The honeymoon was in Snowpeak, where Twilight taught Warrior how to sled down the mountain with the Yetis
-Warrior bought a ranch for Twilight for his 22nd birthday; it was later named "Little Wolf Pastures"
-They have Epona and a few other horses, goats, pigs, sheep, cows, and cuccos (I know some of these animals don't show up in TP or HW, but I added them because why the heck not? It is a farm)
-Twilight is a vegetarian, despite his wolf form, because he has a deep love for animals of all kinds; Warrior and the kids went vegetarian after the family officially came together
-They hired some ranch hands to help around the farm
-They sell milk, butter, and cheese, as well as wool from the sheep
-They have a grey female Hylian Retriever named "Trouble", who their kids absolutely adore; she happens to love Warrior the most because he's gone for long periods of time and she gets extremely excited when he returns
-They share Epona, but Warrior has his own steed, a white stallion named "Storm"
-Warrior is a few inches taller
-Their "love language" is giving gifts to one another at random times, not just on special dates
-Twilight is a much better cook than Warrior; he has tried to cook before, but afterwards, Twilight refused to let him
-Their wedding rings are imbued with magic and protect them in case anything happens
-They are one hundred percent honest with one another and never keep any secrets whatsoever (communication is key)
-They are both excellent horse riders
-Warrior is descended from a long line of knights dedicated to protecting the royal family; his son Eddie wishes to continue that line
-When they began dating, they were extremely awkward with one another due to a lack of experience in relationships
-Warrior prefers dogs, while Twilight prefers cats (although they can't have any because their sons are allergic)
-Twilight's favorite time of year is spring, while Warrior's is winter
-Warrior's birthday is August 14; his son Eddie's birthday is August 25; Twilight and Towairaito share a birthday on November 19
-Warrior is a bigger baby when he gets sick
-Warrior used to be really shy about their relationship, but as time went on, he gained more confidence
Well thanks for checking this out! I guess you can ask me stuff if you want.
Have a great day/night! ❤❤
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