#caitlin snow imagines
fandomnerd9602 · 3 months
Cold Shoulder, Warm Heart
Killer Frost x Reader Headcanons
Request by @konstantin609
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You’re a member of the infamous Task Force X or the Suicide Squad. Lover to one Caitlyn Snow or as she’s more commonly known Killer Frost.
Wrongly convicted for a crime you didn’t commit, you were sent to Blackgate Prison.
Waller had you transferred to Belle Reve and made you a member of her team.
Your skills include hacking, explosive work, sharpshooting and surprisingly being a good leader to the team.
Snow saved you from being eaten by King Shark on day one. She found you a nice change of pace.
You treated her kindly and as an equal rather than the cat calling or leering that she normally received.
You worked twelve missions together before snow kissed you. Didn’t take long for the two of you to start dating.
Waller lets you two live together in a little house she has on site. It’s better than living in a cell separated from one another.
Caitlyn loves hugging you from behind and zapping you playfully with little blasts of snow.
She loves it when you hold her in your arms while cuddling by the fireplace.
Killer Frost, the woman you can’t live without. Maybe some day you and her will be able to retire from the Suicide Squad.
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Unsuccessful Plan
Cisco Ramon x Teen!Daughter!Reader
Liam Dunbar x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend, Liam (secret), have been together for 5 months and have kept it from your dad. When Liam sneaks into your room as per usual, Cisco catches the two of you.
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Your Dad wouldn't let you go out anywhere. Only school or star labs. One day, a boy in your class named Liam Dunbar invited you to a party.
Since that night, you and Liam have been hanging out and making your relationship official as boyfriend and girlfriend at school. Everyone knew you were his, and he was yours. Even the parents knew about your relationship. All except your dad, Cisco Ramon.
Liam knocked/threw stones at your bedroom window, as usual, so you opened your window, and he climbed up, sitting on the edge of the window. Being careful not to be too loud since your dad is already home.
"Hey, get dressed. We're going to the movies," Liam whispered, grinning a little. You let out a soft sigh as you glanced at him.
"Liam, I can't. My dad will kill me!" You state.
"Y/N, come on, please? We haven't been able to go out, just the two of us, for the past month because of my werewolf stuff." Liam begs, giving you a look that says, 'I need you in my arms', as he continues,
" I wanna be with you. Please?"
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"Liam," You sighed again, giving in as you whispered,
"Okay, but only because I miss cuddling with you."
Liam let out a light-hearted chuckle. "I figured as much."
You smiled at him."Turn around, and don't you even think about looking."
He grinned as he turned around so you could change without him eyeing you. Liam turned his head a little, smiling, as he saw the back of your bra. You could feel his eyes on you, so you spoke, "Liam!"
That made him stop looking, although he didn't choose his words carefully, "But you're hot, how can I not look at you?"
You rolled your eyes as you continued to get dressed into something comfy, especially since it was a cold night. You finished getting dressed and heard a knock on your bedroom door.
"Shhhiit!" Liam muttered under his breath.
"Hide!" You whispered to him, opening your wardrobe so he could hide there. Opening the door, you say awkwardly, "Hi, Dad, what's up? Nothing weird's going on here!"
"Liam, are you decent?" Cisco asked, to which a 'Yeah' was heard in response. Cisco crossed his arms.
"Get your ass out here!"
Liam walked out of the wardrobe and sat on your bed next to you.
"Dad, don't overreact." You say.
"I'm not gonna overreact." Cisco scoffed as he spoke in a slightly high-pitched tone because of him being so shocked.
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"You, you, you are dating my daughter? A-and you, you, you are, he's your, oh God!" Cisco says, pointing from you to Liam, looking between the both of you. Cisco then continued,
"Do Team Flash know about this? Did everyone know about this but me?!"
"Yes." You answered sheepishly. Boy, were you and Liam never gonna hear the end of this.
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 4 months
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They went though a lot together on the show until death seperated them permanently. Does this make you perfer to see the couple together romantically, more platonically or not at all?
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purplecyborgnewt · 8 months
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the-feral-gremlin · 8 months
back at it again with another ship game ask. what kind of dates do you think killersnow would go on?
I think Frost would take Caitlin to either a science museum or something like that. And Caitlin would have Barry run them over onto a roof for a picnic under the stars.
[from this ship ask game]
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biscuit-789 · 2 years
Eobard Thawne - What Did You Do Pt. 2
Pairing: Eobard Thawne x Reader
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It had been a rough couple of months. Between losing your family and Barry changing the timeline…things were awful. To top it off, the ‘gift’ Thawne had given you was speed. The speed wasn’t exactly normal though, as it was from Thawnes Negative Speed Force. That being said, you kept it a secret from the rest of the group and opted to training on your own.
“Hey, you okay?” Caitlin asked as the two of you walked into the Cortex.
“I think so…this are getting a bit-“ You were cut off as your eyes locked with none other than Harrison Wells.
He was pinned against the wall by Barry, who was filled with rage. You examined this Wells from afar, instantly seeing that wasn’t Thawne. The look in his eyes was much different, there wasn’t as much evil.
“Barry, let him go,” You snapped, walking towards them.
“He looks exactly like Thawne, I’m not letting him go,” Barry snapped back.
“I’m not him, I’m promise…I’m from another world,” Harrison said nervously.
“And how do we know that!”
“We’re not gonna know if you don’t back up, Barry!” You snapped, as you grabbed his shoulder and pulled him away “please just stop,” You pleaded.
Barry glared at you as he walked back towards the computers. You, on the other hand, looked back at Harrison. He nodded his head, thanking you for helping.
“Why are you here?” You asked.
“There was an incident on my Earth, Earth-2, and my daughter Jessie was taken by a speedster named Zoom,” Harrison explained.
Your heart sank at the name and you instantly felt like crying. If what Harrison was saying was true, another version of your daughter existed on another Earth. Of course it may not be here, but you could possibly see her face again.
“We don’t know that’s true! I mean he looks like Thawne, he’s bringing up Jessie…this could all be a lie,” Barry said, catching your attention.
You thought for a moment, looking between Barry and Harrison. The look and Harrison’s eyes were that of a hurting parent.
“Lie or not, I know what it’s like to loose Jessie…we help until further notice,” You snapped at the team.
“I’m sorry, who put you in charge here?” Barry asked “this should be a team decision,”
“Team decisions went out the window when you failed to tell me about my husband,”
The team of course decided to help this new Wells and when things turned out to be true, you couldn’t have been happier. Just the thought of seeing Jessie’s face again made you work overtime to get Harrison’s daughter back.
“You seem to be really into help me,” Wells said as he watched you write equations on the board.
“Wouldn’t want a man to lose his daughter,” You said, not looking away from your board.
“You mentioned losing Jessie, when we first met,” Wells walked up beside you and handed you a coffee “what was that about?”
“Oh, well-“ You gabbled the coffee and made your way to a chair “she was my daughter, Jessica Wells. When everything happened with Thawne, she was erased from the timeline,” You sighed and took a sip of your coffee “she was only seven,”
Wells nodded his head and took a seat across from you. He couldn’t imagine losing Jessie in such a way.
“I remember when Jessie was seven, she had a science themed birthday party…her classmates weren’t exactly happy to be solving equations as a game,” Wells chuckled although there was a bit of pain behind it.
“How old is your Jessie?” You furrowed your eyebrows and looked up.
“Hmm…so is she a smart kid?” You smiled.
“She graduated high school at fifteen and has five majors from college,”
“Wow, she’s a very smart kid,” You chuckled.
“And what about your Jessie?”
“She struggled in school, a lot. Thawne was always trying to force her into learning about math and science, but in reality he pushed her away. I wish he would’ve let her fall in love with school on her own,”
Harrison smiled at you and looked down at his coffee. One thing he was refraining from mentioning was how much you looked like his wife. He noticed it from the moment he saw you and it’s been taking a toll on him. Just hearing about you talk Jessie made his heart hurt.
“You know, you look like my wife,” Wells blurted out.
“What?” You looked up quickly “so I’m her doppelgänger?”
“Yeah, you are,” Wells smiled.
“Maybe I’ll get to meet her once everything’s fixed,”
“No, no she passed away when Jessie was a kid…Seven actually,”
“Oh…so it looks like we can’t be a happy family on more than one Earth,” You let out a pained chuckle as tears started falling for your eyes.
Wells sighed and placed his coffee down. He too was feeling the tears fall from his eyes. It wasn’t often that he cried, but when he did, it was for a good reason.
“Please stop crying…I hate seeing you cry,” Harrison said, although he knew you weren’t his wife.
“I’m sorry,” You sighed and stood up.
Harrison stood up with you and looked you in the eyes. Seeing the pain in each other’s eyes, you pulled each other in for a hug.
“I know you’re not her, but I missed you,” Harrison said.
“I missed you too Harrison…even though you’re not him,”
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cosmic-rainestorm · 2 years
The Flash Masterlist
You can request any characters you want :)
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Barry Allen:
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‘Accidental’ trip
Cisco Ramon:
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Late Night Thoughts
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awhjensen · 2 years
The Flash Season 3 [GAGREEL] [High Quality]
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Caitlyn and Killer Frost talking among themselves...
Caitlyn: this is great! I feel like I have a sister now.
Frost: Yeah. A family of my own.
Y/N walks...
Y/N: Caitlyn? I'm home!
Frost lays eyes on Y/N...
Frost: can we share?
Caitlyn: oh yeah
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
Slow night & Love Feel
Caitlin Snow X Male Reader
Request- Can you make Caitlin Snow X male reader dating.
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You are sick and you are in the apartment feeling like crap. You have been watching tv all day and eating soup and drinking orange juice. You got the flu and you hate being sick. You texted your girlfriend and you wait for her text...
You- babe, bring pizza, please 🥺
Caitlin - you are still sick. You need more soup
You - I'm tired of soup. Ugh.
You turned on the ps5 and you start to play online with your friends. You and your friends have a competition and you try to beat them.
Caitlin went to the store to buy more medicine and tea. She bought dinner now she is happy to go home and rest. She opened the door, you smiled at her. You helped her with the bags and you felt very happy.
“You got pizza!!” You smiled.
“Yeah, I know you have been craving pizza. So, tonight's dinner is pizza and before bed, you will drink tea” Caitlin said.
You would kiss her but you are sick. Now you and Caitlin start to eat pizza together but far from each other. She starts to talk about her day and what the team has been up to.
You and Caitlin have been dating for three years now. You moved in with her because she had more space for your stuff. Caitlin, is happy because she doesn't have to hide that she works with the flash. You and Caitlin support each other in everything. You are happy with her and she means a lot to you.
You didn't finish your sentence because you sneezed. When you are sick, your power can be out of control. You can mimic any kind of power of your choice when you touch someone. Now you turned into full ice
“Wow, Y/n you turned into ice now. Last time you turned into fire than the other time you used teleport” Caitlin said.
“Ugh, I hate being sick because my ability goes all crazy. Hours ago, I had heat vision and I destroyed your laptop by mistake” You said.
You grabbed the laptop and it's cut in half. You promised you will get her a new laptop and she isn't mad at you.
“Wow, I don't know what to say,” Caitlin said.
“I’m sorry, babe,” You said.
The ice power starts to disappear from your body.
Usually, you would sleep with Caitlin but you can't tonight. You don't want to get her sick, so you sleep in the living room on the sofa bed and she sleeps in the bedroom. Sometimes she wears your shirt or hoodie to bed.
You are at star labs and you are alone with your girlfriend.
“Babe, I thought maybe we can take cooking lessons together. I thought it would be fun for us” Caitlin said.
“What kind of cooking lessons?” You asked.
“Not sure, maybe Italian food?” Caitlin said.
“That will be interesting. I always wanted to cook pasta food differently besides just adding tomato sauce” You said.
“Good to know that you will take the lessons with me” Caitlin smiled
She wrapped her arms around you and she starts to kiss you passionately. Her lipstick gets on your lips then Barry walked into the lab with Joe. Joe cleared his throat then you moved away from Caitlin. You start to wipe your lips and you give them a nervous smile.
“Hey, guys,” You said.
“Y/n, you got something on your lips,” Joe said.
You wipe your mouth again.
“Sorry. Umm, I found the files that you needed” Caitlin said.
“Umm, thanks,” Barry said.
You and Caitlin are starting to feel awkward and silence is making it worse.
✫ ✯ ✬ ✫
You and Caitlin went to the cooking class, you and Caitlin will try to learn how to cook pasta food and pastry. The first lesson was to try to make gnocchi.
“This taste bad,” You said.
“Yeah, you put too much salt. I need water” Caitlin said.
You and Caitlin tried again to make it but this time, she makes sure you don't add too much salt. You and Caitlin are having fun together learning something new. Next, you and Caitlin are learning how to bake Cannoli.
Caitlin is working late at the lab and she hasn't eaten anything. You figured she skipped lunch and just buried herself with work. You went to pick up dinner and went to the lab.
“Y/n, you came,” Caitlin said.
You bend down to kiss her and she smiled.
“I know you must be hungry and probably skipped lunch. So, I got us dinner to eat right now because you need a break” You said.
“Yes, I am hungry. I lost time while working on something to help the team” Caitlin said.
You and Caitlin sit in the break room and you start to take out the food. You and Caitlin start to eat together and she starts to ask about your day.
After dinner, you take Caitlin home. She is wearing your hoodie and she cuddles with you in bed. You and Caitlin couldn't agree on a movie so you two end up watching a rerun episode of a show.
You and Caitlin have been arguing for almost two weeks. The argument got so bad that you went to stay with Joe and Cecile for a while. They gave you advice on how to work it out with your girlfriend, you still love her and you don't want to lose her.
You went to buy flowers and it's late, you know she will be at the lab. She is working on the computer and you take a deep breath.
“Hey, Caitlin,” You said.
She turned around and you smile at her.
“What are you doing here, Y/n?” Caitlin asked.
“I came to apologize and I got flowers for you. I want us to stop arguing” You said.
You give her the flowers and she smelled the flowers.
“I want don't want to argue either. I'm sorry I kicked you out. Y/n, I want us to be good again” Caitlin said.
“Me too, babe” You said.
You wrapped your arms around her body and she starts to kiss you passionately. You and Caitlin smiled at each other, you kiss her again.
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wilygryphon · 2 years
Metahuman Mentorship (The Flash AU)
S.T.A.R. Labs does more than just support Barry Allen as The Flash and fight supervillains. The crew also mentors metahumans (because there are a lot of them in Central City and even beyond) and helps them control their new powers.
For example: You suddenly develop pyrokinetic powers? Caitlin diagnoses out how the powers work, what secondary effects they have, and what a new healthy baseline would look like. Cisco designs clothes that won't accidentally catch on fire and develops an external means to help properly channel your fire powers. Barry helps both of them and oversees the training, offering advice that really helps you learn to start fires only when you want them to and control how they spread.
In the show, Team Flash/S.T.A.R. Labs has even trained a bunch of metahumans and helped them control their powers (Bette Sans Souci, Martin Stein and Ronnie Raymond/Jefferson Jackson, Ralph Dibny, Izzy Bowin, Allegra Garcia, Alexa Rivera, several speedsters).
The people they train could choose to become superheroes, or they could go live normal lives with the addition of cool tricks they can show their friends at parties. And they would remember the help that S.T.A.R. Labs provided and can call on them again if something does come up.
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khayrrilrainxwells · 2 years
Hey there
Favourite flash episodes from any season??
Oh my gosh...so ahmmm it would be All the episode in season 1 (cuz Eowells was there😏😶) in season 2 was also all the episode on it (cuz Harry was there🥰😍😏) in season 3 was also all episodes on it (because our childish novalist was there 😏😶♥️) in season 4 was all the episodes also( because Harry was there♥️😍😳✨ *I'm so sorry) and season 5 was crap🤦🏻‍♀️ *I'm so sorry, in season 6 was ep15 the exorcism of Nash Wells, in season 7 was ep1 all Wells that end well😳🥲😭😭 and ep9 Timeless (because OG wells was there)
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No because cisco and reverb are my Romain empire, like imagine reverb doesn't die from Zoom and him and cisco become reluctant allies. Reverb teaching cisco how to harness his powers, teaches him the full extent, obviously trying to convince cisco to switch sides, giving him the whole "we could be gods" speech and mabye cisco trys to convince reverb to switch sides, because they don't have to be a God. Would reverb get a redemption arc, would cisco enter his villan Era? Maybe cisco shows reverb how to be good while reverb shows cisco how to let loose. Maybe reverb makes cisco feel like hes powerful, that he doesn't just have to be a sidekick Maybe they grow really attached to eachother Maybe they start a life together telling everyone there twins and they help eachother grow. Or they just breach between Earths and hang out when they can. Could it be a situation like snart and barry? Betrayals not just between the two for them but with everyone else as well. I wouldnt say cisco is gullible but he loves a little too hard and trust a little too fast. Mabye deep down reverb is the same. Also there both definitely sarcastic ass's to eachother. The show could have done so much with the two of them and the lack of fics is CRIMINAL
bro i thought you were about to go the selfcest route but sure yeah twins twins is good too!! i really wish reverb had gotten to stick around that long, maybe a lil arc like the caitlin snows had in s2 when said girlies were kidnapped by bitchass loser cunt asshole motherfucker whiny baby bitch whore zoom together, like instead of killing him zoom takes him captive and cisco feels like its responsibility to save him, that woulda been FUN
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harriscofics · 2 months
I Found You Once (I'll Find You Again)
I Found You Once (I'll Find You Again) https://ift.tt/zyNEXUH by QuietDarkness Harry and Cisco have been happily married for years. Cisco can't imagine life any differently. And he knows he wouldn't feel whole with anyone else. But forever hardly lasts as long as anyone thinks. While working on a device left behind by Thawne, something backfires and Harry is critically injured. Cisco blames himself. Harry is slowly dying. And there’s no way to save him. As they spend their final hours together, Cisco thinks about the moments that brought them to where they are now... (An anonymous one-shot prompt request. It's not exactly what they were looking for, but I hope they like it anyway. Enjoy!) Words: 4946, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 22 of One Shots: Harrisco Fandoms: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Cisco Ramon, Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells, Caitlin Snow Relationships: Cisco Ramon/Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells Additional Tags: this one was tough to write, Harry and Cisco have a dog, his name is Arthur, and he's the best, Character Death, Angst, Loss, Pain, prompt, One Shot, caitlin tries so hard, sometimes people can't be saved, this doesn't have a happy ending, at least not entirely, Grief, Major character death - Freeform, Established Relationship via AO3 works tagged 'Cisco Ramon/Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells' https://ift.tt/r0svhSZ March 21, 2024 at 05:24PM
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motoroil-recs · 3 months
Now that my kin shift(?) (feels) is back in nearly full force, I can confidently say and confess that as Caitlin Snow, I don’t feel anything towards Ronnie Raymond when I see pictures of him. And that feels very controversial. Like, he was a major point in ‘Caitlin’s’ story, but doesn’t feel like he was in mine. That kind of scares me? Like, such a pivotal thing just gone from my story? I don’t like him in that way at all - I mean, he’s a good guy, but I can’t imagine him being my fiancé at any point in time. But then again, I’m conflicted because the events of the show that follow post-Ronnie’s death make sense to me. Like I pretty much identify with the events. The things that couldn’t have followed without him dying and making such an impact on me. It’s confusing out here.
I’m hoping that maybe like, I just can’t remember because my primary period of kinfeels is so much later than the time of Ronnie’s influence, after I would’ve already gotten over him and some more time on top of that. So I’ve already been geared to let it go and my heart already latched onto someone new (cough, Barry, cough).
It’s just a thing that’s been on my mind for a while, but I’ve been really unsure about. At the very least, I’ll leave my Earth-2 counterpart to fulfil the Killer Frost - Firestorm(more like Deathstorm) / Caitlin Snow - Ronnie Raymond relationship.
Maybe this is like one of those things where your past self did it, but looking back, you can’t associate yourself with it at all, yknow?
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shrinkthisviolet · 3 months
ooooh Morgan and Accidentally Hurt by Friend or Caught in a Storm? :)
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Sure thing! Here's my @badthingshappenbingo fill for “Accidentally Hurt by Friend”:
Fandom: The Flash
Pairing: Barry & Morgan, Morgan & Caitlin, Barry & Caitlin (all platonic)
Character: Morgan Wells (OC), Barry Allen, Caitlin Snow
Read below the cut (also available on AO3)
Morgan was pretty sure she knew what freezing felt like. She’d been outside in enough winters to know it was manageable—with the right number of layers, it was…unpleasant, sure, but manageable. As it turned out, though, it was much different than being shot in the chest with a blast of ice. It hadn’t been Caitlin’s fault, not really. She’d been aiming for someone else—not even the heart, but the stomach—but her powers were still so new, and Morgan was shorter than her intended target, and she… “Morgan?” And she… “Morgan!” Her teeth clacked and chattered, shivers wracking her body as she tried desperately to pull her jacket tighter around her…but it was no use. The jacket wasn’t thick enough, and even if it was…the cold was inside her, not outside. “…did you do?” “I didn’t mean—” Someone shook her by the shoulders, and less than a heartbeat later, she was in the medbay, squeezed in a tight hug as Barry rubbed her back…probably trying to keep her as warm as possible. “How do we fix it?” “…what?” “How do we get the ice out, Caitlin?” “I…” “Answer me!” Barry cried. “I don’t know!” Caitlin sounded distressed, and if Morgan weren’t so cold, she would’ve broken away from Barry to hug her big sister instead. “I don’t…I shoot snow and ice, but I can’t…I can’t take it out of someone.” He scoffed. “B…Barry…” Morgan pleaded. “D-don’t…don’t be m-mad at h-her…I j-jumped—“ “Shh, Mo, don’t strain yourself.” His voice hitched—he was crying. Crying, and it was her fault, but she couldn’t regret saving him from this. This relentless, biting, burning cold, tearing at her insides, making her burrow further into Barry as if he could banish all the cold from her… But he couldn’t. Because the cold was in her heart, and spreading too quickly to be healthy. And if it’s this bad for me…imagine how bad it would’ve been for him. Being a speedster and all... “Am I g-going to die?” She whispered, her voice choking. “No,” Caitlin said firmly. “We won’t let that happen. I...I’ll fix this.” Barry’s eyes widened. “So you do have a solution!” “No,” Caitlin admitted, regretful, “but I’m gonna do everything I can think of. We won’t let you die, Mo, I promise.” Morgan wished she could share the sentiment, but as the cold kept spreading, she couldn’t muster anything but terror. And she was so…so tired… “You’ll be okay,” Barry whispered, his voice shaking, Caitlin nodding determinedly beside him. Morgan wished she could believe them.
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed):
@ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @vexic929 @raith-way @thechaoticfanartist @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @negative-speedforce
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