mystery-salad · 2 years
for the gw2 anniversary asks! 8, 13, 18! -@caithesgirlfriend
@caithesgirlfriend thank youuuuuuu
Guild Wars 2 Anniversary Questions
8. Do you have any items you keep in your characters’ inventory for purely sentimental reasons?
Rowan carries a small pile of frogs!!! They frequent the little island of the first soundless village and she likes watching them uvu she doesn't actually pick them up to take home but she loves just chilling with em~
13. Do you have a favourite story episode (including expansion chapters)?
Ough hard choice, I have several...but at this current moment, a story episode I constantly rotate in my mind is that scene where Mai Trin dies. Because listen, it's such a tragic series of events and the way she talks and ankka talks, the way her unblindfolded eyes turn red as she says a line I can only assume is actually Scarlet as she takes over to turn and take the shot................the cinamontography..........................tragic, amazing, well crafted, I have a retconned AU where Mai Trin lives but I also just am obsessed with the tragedy in the way she happens to die. And the fact that she did it assuming she could just leave the room, until Ankka walked in and cornered her with a personal vendetta.
18. Is there anything you have not yet mastered in the game?
Jumping puzzles. Super Adventurs Box. I hate platforming in gw2 lmao, I truly sincerely do and @ascalonianpicnic hard carries my ass through both of these things when I have to participate in either. I don't find them enjoyable enough to get good at either, so it's not that I haven't yet mastered them so much as I never will 🤷‍♂️
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eggsordium · 1 year
tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better!
tagged by @mesmerblossoms thank you for the tag!!! ^u^
1. three ships
none of this is going to be gw2 😂 zack fair/sephiroth from ff7, but also zack fair/aerith gainsborough, and mobei-jun/shang qinghua from svsss!
2. last song
The Hero, The Saint, The Tyrant, & The Terrorist by The Reign Of Kindo
3. last movie
oh god, i can’t even remember 😂 it’s been a while. probably coraline? i watched it a month ago with friends
4. currently reading
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque and Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
5. currently watching
the most recent drawfee video :D
6. current consuming
citron tea with honey!
7. currently craving
gonna tag......... @commanders-sole-braincell, @caithesgirlfriend, @championofaurene, @rytlock-trombone, @scribesofcalamity, @chyoatas, @antariies, @tricksterpale, @mistswalker, and anyone who would like to join in!!
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huh! your answer to that ask is interesting to me because i've always felt like the narrative spends a lot of time villanizing caithe? esp with things in regards to aurene's egg, at the end of seeds of truth the commanders says they trust caithe, but then when we see her in hot the commander is pissed? and the way she's framed as being shady and a liar by a lot of sylvari npcs was another thing i noticed. what things did caithe do that you thought the narrative didn't call her out for enough or have her face consequences for? no need to answer if you dont want to lmao, i know you mentioned some caithe fans are a bit much -from user caithesgirlfriend
I appreciate the ask, actually! It's nice to talk about this topic in a chill way, and I appreciate you being considerate about it :>
that's honestly a very interesting take on it, to be honest! I do agree that some NPCs tend to give her some grief, but I think my main issue is just.. I didn't feel like she properly regained the Commander's trust after the egg situation. From what I can remember, it felt a lot like the Commander just trusts her because the narrative needs it to happen.
I think another thing that I actually forgot to mention in the reply earlier, was that... There really isn't enough focus on her treatment of Cadeyrn for my liking. I know it's touched on briefly in her short story following All or Nothing, but afaik it's never really brought up aside from that? While I agree that Cadeyrn's quickness to turn to violence wasn't great, the way Caithe told him that his opinion didn't matter because he wasn't Firstborn always rubbed me the wrong way, and I wish it was brought up as a pretty fucked up thing to say by like, anyone else.
honestly, I'd like to actually replay a lot of the story instances with her to get a good reminder of a lot of the details of stuff, because unfortunately I'm a bit hazy on things. And I can definitely admit that it's possible I'm misremembering some things, and that some of my opinions could be the result of a reaction to some more aggressive fans insist she did nothing wrong, ever.
For the record, I'm totally fine with Caithe having made mistakes and having flaws! I think in the long run, my issues are rooted more in the people that insist that she's perfect and without flaws.
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ascalonianpicnic · 2 years
Okay this post was mean spirited and not well thought out on my end. I'm gonna try to put things into words better. So yesterday (at least for my timezone) the blog caithesgirlfriend made a post asking for other perspectives on something. The blog legendary-assassin-stance misread that post and assumed it was a vague post about them and their partner and so made a vague post in turn. This isn't meant to be a callout for any of them, this is just what happened. And yeah I get it, you get frustrated and vent on your own blog. The problem is that some people saw that post, as happens with posts, and started spreading it, either knowing it was a vague post or not. And from there, people made their own posts about the situation, putting words in cgf's mouth and causing a several hour circus on my dash that a lot of people slept through.
Now, about a year ago, my partner and I were at the center of one of these vague post circuses. It sucks. They made a fun lil post in the middle of the night that I helped with, another blog misread it and made a vague about it, and we had to spend the next several days hearing about how so many people thought low empathy made someone a bad person and how we must hate Trahearne for implying at all that he might be autistic with less well perceived autistic traits. And I've seen other people get hit by the vague post circus too over the years. It's always been awful for whoever is on the recieving end, and when people knowingly reblog vague posts or add their own vague posts onto the situation it just keeps getting worse.
I am frustrated that people I followed would willingly add fire to the flames in this situation. People who I thought would have known better. And it was frustrating even as an outsider to have nothing but this situation on my dash for hours.
If you know something is a vague post, don't reblog it. If you don't know the full story of a situation, don't go adding your own posts in to make the situation bigger.
If you wanna follow any of the people mentioned, go ahead, whatever, I'm not the boss of you and that's not the point if this. The point is I don't want to see this circus continue on and I dont want to see this situation repeat Again
If you want more specific info on the situation feel free to ask me, my ask box and dms are open. If you've got issues w this post go ahead and tell me too, it's been a long ass week I can't promise my brain is functioning at 100%
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17 for cato? ~caithesgirlfriend
How many people truly know your commander?
honestly? very few people (even fellow ash legion) know cato much at all -- she values her privacy, as much as a centurion + commander can.
the only people who probably know the true cato underneath her waspish, aggressively silent mask are her fellow commanders ( @legendary-alliance-stance’s aodhan especially, since she considers him one of her “best” friends (very good at getting into trouble with)), maxima (ash tribune, former mate) and eleanor (current mate/wife).
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mystery-salad · 2 years
For the gw2 ask, 28 and 44!!
What is your favorite legendary weapon?
This is such a hard choice since each leggy until the mew ones were so unique and individual in looks and lore...I'll give you my favorite few instead lmao! In no particular order, my current favorites are Eternity, HOPE, and Pharus. But my favorites are always shifting, they've all got their merits!
Old Lion’s Arch or New Lion’s Arch?
Old!!!!! That's an easy choice for me, old LA had such a messy cluttered look that really let me explore all the nooks and crannies. Everything was an adventure and I would kill to get to explore it with a glider and mounts now too holy shit I mourn the fact of not getting to do that so often...
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ty for the reply to my post, we def just enjoy different kinds of stories i think but your perspective is interesting! i also have a few courtiers that turn soundless to drown out nightmare but like you said it's a very hard thing for them to do. being able to fully cleanse themselves isn't something i've ever written tho.
beyond canon i have my own hc stuff about nightmare that makes the stuff i personally like to write more interesting to me, but i get some people just not being into dark narratives
oh yeah no, none of my ex-nightmare sylvari are like. fully cleansed or anything. any of them that are “ex-nightmare” are all in that soundless state, it’s just easier to call them ex-nightmare lmao (especially because as people they consider themselves such — like myrr. he’s in that soundless state and will never truly be cleansed of the nightmare, but as a person he considers himself ex-nightmare)
and yeah that’s definitely true! truly dark narratives are definitely a YMMV kinda thing. while I wouldn’t say I dislike dark narratives, in fact I definitely enjoy them, I like to have a lil spot of light/hope in them as well, which is why I like writing things the way that I do :>
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