forever-horny-sapphic · 4 months
I've started calling her 'Sunshine' because for the past four days, I've been waking up with the sun shining brightly in my bedroom instead of my alarm. It's become essential to chat with her, even if it's just for a bit, before she's off to work.
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Cuando te sientas dominado por las tan humanas y reales emociones.. sea la pena, la ira, sea el miedo, la culpa, sea la vergüenza, la frustración o la impaciencia. Cuando veas que esas emociones te están sobrepasando, y se están apoderando de tu mente, de tus palabras y acciones.. tómate un tiempo y toma espacio.. Para volver a ti, para calmarte, para ver más claro, para encontrar una verdadera solución.. una salida.. un punto en común.. Muchas veces si nos dejamos llevar por ellas, damos la batalla y la convertimos en guerra.. queremos decir algo que ayude y terminamos diciendo algo hiriente.. queremos arreglar la situación y actuamos de tal modo que la empeoramos. Respira, deja para más tarde las conversaciones, sal y camina, o ve a tu lugar favorito y cierra los ojos para buscarte y reencontrarte en tu corazón. Ya tranquilo, todo se verá tal como es. ✨💜✨ #tomatiempo #dateespacio #cálmate #reencuentratupaz #céntrate #respira #camina #baila #veatulugarfavorito #tranquilo #verásconclaridad https://www.instagram.com/p/Che9OeNriET/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wayvtual · 6 months
ateez r always going batshit crazy in the last 30 seconds of their songs
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mwagneto · 9 months
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cacaitos · 3 months
so brutal! and for what.
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princessbrunette · 8 months
kinktober : oct 13th
miguel o’hara x praise kink
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miguel doesn’t just praise anyone.
anyone who works with him knows it’s a privilege that’s earned, and if you so much as get a ‘good job’ or a pat on the back from the man, you know you’ve done well.
before you, he didn’t care for positive reinforcement. he found it tedious, counterproductive and simply just not his style. that was until he’d notice your back straighten everytime he’d walk over to your screen and he’d nod, impressed with your work. the way your eyes would gleam with pride when he’d put a hand on your shoulder and tell you “hey, done lots of good work this week. go and rest.” after a long day where he was a little more calm, his voice quieter and less tense. the most notable of instances was when he was patching up a wound of yours that had gotten pretty bloody, and to ensure you didn’t start panicking he muttered out a breathless “eyes on me, good girl.” which even in your state, made your eyes glaze over and jaw go a little slack. miguel notices everything. hm, interesting — he thought.
he brushed it off for a while, sticking to his guns. he’s not going to praise you if you don’t deserve it, what’s the point? was he meant to just compliment you willy nilly because it made you happy? because it made that pretty smile come out like the sun rises over a grey cloud after it had been raining all day? he couldn’t. wasn’t his style, as mentioned.
but then you start dating, and he learns more about you, about how the boys you’d dated before were stingy with their compliments, how you had to beg just for them to call you pretty, and one thing about miguel — was that he had to be better. he had to be different.
he didn’t stray from his usual stoic self at work, especially around others — however when you were sat at your desk his ginormous, warm hand would creep up and massage the back of your neck as you stare ahead at your screen. “know its a lot of work, doing a good job for me today cariño.” he speaks quietly, only to you, in that low, husky warm tone that makes your eyes flutter shut.
it becomes addictive, watching the way you’d melt for him. the way you’d furrow your brows and push your thighs together sometimes leaving him hot and hard in his own suit, having to pace to distract himself. he wonders how you’d respond to it sexually, in your few intimate encounters he hadn’t been so vocal — more into getting his mouth on you to sate his intense oral fixation and leave marks that would leave other men with an answer on whether or not you were satisfied. he makes a note of it and tucks it away.
soon he’s got you on your back, watching your reactions as he slowly rubs your clit over your thin, soaked panties. they’re ruined by this point, already having made you cum in them once just from his torturous pace, with no signs of stopping. “doing so good for me, bebé. being my patient girl ‘ah?” he asks, and it’s all soft and sympathetic and cooey and so unlike him that all you can do is mewl and melt into the sheets, spreading your thighs impossibly wider and humping up against his strong fingers. “sh, cálmate.” he whispers when you buck against him, seeking more. “you’re gonna carry on being my good girl yeah? so excited just from me playing with you like this. takes so little to get you this way. mi niña bonita.” he purs and you’re done for, stomach tensing up as you cum for him again.
maybe there wasn’t such thing as too much praise, not for you anyway.
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sister-lilith · 2 years
why do some latines get so offended about the word ‘latine’ like chill out it’s just a word it’s not gonna hurt you.
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
Miles Morales Headcannons 🕸
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A/n: Lmk if I should do more!!!! Also request some more miles fics pls!❤️
Warnings: Fluff and nicknames 
He’s definitely awkward at first, I mean who can blame him? You’re amazing
Climbs through your window to see you 100%
This man will come through your window in the middle of the night bloody and bruised
You have to clean him up bc of that. He basically relies on you for first aid since he can’t tell his parents
If he finds something he knows you like, he will give it to you
texts you all the time. In class?? He texts. On patrol?? He texts you. 
doesn’t want you mixed up in his Spiderman escapades AT ALL
LOVES LOVES LOVES cuddling but won’t openly ask for it 
hes a bit awkward at first but eventually warms up to it
listens to music with you and you exchange playlists 
Gwen and the Spider-people love you
His parents adore you
Will grab empanadas and chill on the roof with you for a date
speaking of dates, he loves chill ones
ones where you just vibe and eat
listenes to A$AP and Kanye 100%
“Mami” “baby” “mi amor” “mi corazon” 😫😋
Speaks Spanish to you bc he knows it makes you feral 😏
“Cálmate, Mami.” “te amo, baby” “Buenos noches, mi amor” 😫😍
He will stare shamelessly at you if you’re wearing something suggestive ;)
will rant to whoever is near about how much he loves you
Gawke hates it bc he talks abt you so much
“Oh did I tell you abt how she’s-” “yeah.”
Will help you with your hw if needed
you will end up having to cradle his head as he cries about some of the spider-man perils
after all, being spider-man is a sacrifice
never wants you to feel like you can’t tell him anything because he knows how it feels to not be able to express yourself
takes care of you
your screen time is 16 hours on FaceTime alone bc yall fall asleep together no matter what
however, most of the time, he will just come through the window
your parents love him
“Y/n!!! What’s that racket in your room?” “Nothing!”
It was Miles stumbling through your room and you cleaning him up
Before he goes home, he will stop by your room and make sure you’re okay
sighs in relief when he sees you sleeping peacefully
this man is so in love with you oml
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axeoverblade · 11 months
Can she come over?
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Miles(s) Morales x fem! Reader
Synopsis! After seeing a Tiktok on your for you page, you persuaded your boyfriend to do it with you.
Genre: Fluff, pre established relationship, slight age up so it makes sense that they’re in a car
Warnings: none!
Word count: .8k
Authors comment: This was so cute and fun to write, hopefully this was what you were asking. Didn’t know which Miles you wanted so suprise it’s both! Small blurbs. Enjoy <3
Do not copy! All rights reserved to ©axeoverblade
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“Baby no I’m not doing that!” Miles whined. “Cmon!! It’s just a little jokey-joke!” You lightly pushed his shoulder, trying to persuade him for the umpteenth time. He looked at you and sighed, finally caving in, “you're so lucky I love you”. Giggling, you urged him to call his mom quicker, setting up your camera on the dashboard of the car to record.
“I’m blaming this on you” he said, phone ringing as he looked at you. “I’m willing to accept the consequences” you smiled.
“Yes hijo?” His mother said, you smiled wider, covering your mouth with your hand. “Hola mami” “Do u need something? Oh! Can you tell y/n she left her pajamas so I washed em’ for her.” “oh uh,” he looked at you, “I’m not with her, when I see her I’ll say something. What are you doing right now?” “Mmm nothing worth talking about, por que? Is something wrong?” She asked, becoming more concerned towards the end of her sentence. “Nah nothin’s wrong” Miles paused, “can I bring a girl over?” He winced, trying to stop his voice from cracking. “Que? I thought you said you weren’t with y/n? You don’t have to ask to bring her over anymore-” “uh actually it’s not her”
The phone went silent, “….eh?”, you stifled a laugh, looking at miles who was holding in a laugh himself. “It’s not her mami, ‘s another girl.” “So, what I’m hearing is,” she paused, taking a moment to process, “you want some random girl over that’s not y/n? Why?” “Oh well you know, I’m hanging out with her right now and she wants to come over” “does y/n know about this?” “Uhm nah, this girl is kinda..” Miles trailed off, insinuating he was hiding her from you. “Miles te lo juro que te asesinaré con mis propias manos.” you couldn’t hold it in anymore, throwing your head back as you cackled. Miles' eyes widened at your break of character as he laughed too, quickly muting himself, “You think this is funny Miles? Was that her laughing?” Rio yelled quickly, had you not been used to her voice you wouldn’t have understood what she said with how fast the words left her mouth. Miles unmuted himself, knowing if he didn’t stop the prank now he would get in serious trouble. “Cálmate mami, we’re kidding it’s a joke!”
“Hi Mrs.Morales!” You choked out through a laugh. “Ay-Y/n is that you?” “Yes ma’am” you giggled. Rio mumbled something under her breath, “you two play too much. I’ll see you both for dinner, don't be late.” With that she hung up. You looked at Miles who was shaking his head at you, “mi princesa, you’re gonna get me killed.” You giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, grabbing your phone off the dashboard and stopping the recording, “maybe thats my goal.”.
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“Baby Im not doing it, do you know how pissed she’s gonna be?” He looked at you skeptically. You set up your camera on the dashboard, pressing record. “Cmon querido it’s for memories” he sighed looking at your pleading expression. He rolled his eyes, “you owe me” you smiled wide, happy he finally agreed after a hefty amount of convincing. He dialed his mother, staring at you while it rang.
“Yes Hijo?” Ríos voice spoke through the phone speaker. “Hola mama, whatchu’ doin’?” “Uhm I’m on a five minutó break at the hospital, por que?” “Uhh nothin much, so I’m wit’ a girl n’ she wants to come over to the house, I was just letting you know-” “eh? Where's y/n? Is she already there or something?” You smiled. “Uh nah, just me n’ the girl.” “…Dónde está y/n?” “Uh” he looked at you for a split second, “I don’t know.” “Does she know this girl is coming over?” “Nah and I’m keeping it that way” Miles said, hinting something was going on with this mystery girl. “Miles, tu traes esa nena a casa y te lo juro.", you covered your mouth holding in a laugh, looking at Miles. He shook his head, “well I mean she’s kinda already with me,” “Is her name y/n” “que? no i just said it’s not y/n-” “then she can’t come over. I see you with another girl near our property and it’s not ending well for either of you, comprende?” You couldn’t hold it in any longer, letting out the laugh you had been keeping.
“Ella se acaba de reír de? Miles Morales-" “Mama we kid’, y/n is wit’ me. it’s a joke” he quickly cut her off before she could begin her rant. “Sorry Mrs.Morales” you said through a fit of giggles. “Cariño don’t do that, you had me worried.” She spoke to you through the phone.“Sorry mama” you replied using the nickname developed for Rio throughout your relationship with Miles. She clicked her teeth, “I’m gonna tell your ma on you little girl, eres malo.”. You let out a small laugh and apologized, saying your goodbyes so she could get back to work. You grabbed your phone off the dashboard stopping the recording, giving Miles a quick kiss on the cheek. “So about what you owe me” he said looking at you suggestively. You laughed, “you’re gross”
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dilemmaontwolegs · 10 months
hey, i've sort of a prompt in mind. The driver has a couple of shitty races and is frustrated and furious. The reader let's him use her so he can relax and take his mind off it. He does so and becomes pretty rough. In the morning, he's the first one to wake up and sees hickeys, red and irritated skin patches on her body. When she wakes up he starts to apologize.
It's probably too short for a fic, so maybe you can insert it in the ones you already have. It's up to you
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Afterglow || CS55
Pairing: Carlos Sainz Jr x wife!reader Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, slight angst, roughish smut WC: 1.4k F1 Masterlist
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The night had been humid, as it had all week, and your sleep was light and fitful as you tossed and turned in the sheets. Warm hands trailed up your bare legs and you sighed at the touch you had missed while Carlos was away. You suddenly startled awake remembering your husband wasn’t meant to be home yet but he caught you before you could hurt yourself scrambling out of the bed.
“Cálmate, mi reina, it’s me,” Carlos soothed as he felt your racing heart beating against his chest. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
It took a moment to relax but then you returned the embrace, wrapping your arms around his waist while his large hand cradled the back of your head like he did when he needed to keep you close to him. Taking a seat on the bed, he pulled you onto his lap and kissed your forehead as an apology, one you happily accepted.
The sheer curtains swayed gently in front of the windows that had been left open all night to battle the summer heat. Beyond the balcony, the island was hazy in the watery pre-dawn light and the local fishing boats were just starting to make their way out of the bay before the tides changed.“You’re home early.” You pulled back so you could see the exhaustion in his brown eyes and you stroked his beard that he hadn’t trimmed since he left. “What’s wrong, guapo?”
He caught your hand and clutched it to his chest so you could feel his heart beating beneath it before he raised them to his lips to kiss the wedding band on your finger. “I missed you.”
Giving him a small smile, you kissed your way across his shoulder before climbing the thick muscles of his neck. “I missed you too, but that’s not why you look so sad.”
His sigh was heavy and deep, filling the four corners of the room and you pulled back to see his face. “I’m not sad, just disappointed. It was a bad weekend, amor.”
You peeked over at the alarm clock before grabbing the hem of the satin slip you wore to bed. His eyes followed your fingers as they drew the material up your body and he bit his bottom lip at the sight. “There’s still time to change that.”
“Yeah?” he asked as his hands roamed your body, his fingers digging into your skin. “You want to make me feel better, baby?”
“Mhmm,” you hummed but it turned to a gasp as he nipped at your collar before kissing the mark he left. “I’d do anything to make you happy.”
His beard tickled your skin leaving goosebumps in its wake as he made his way down your chest, nipping and sucking the skin until you whimpered his name with need. Shifting on his lap, you rocked your hips in search of friction and felt his own need swelling beneath you.
“Please, Carlos, I missed you.”
He silenced your begging with a rough kiss, his tongue forcing your lips open for him. His fingers were leaving their prints in your skin the way he held your hips tight and it took all his will power to pull away long enough to speak. “On your knees.”
Carlos didn’t even give you a chance to move as he picked you up and put you right where he wanted you in the centre of the bed. The comfortable clothes he wore for travelling were quickly discarded in a heap on the floor before you felt the bed shift under his weight and felt his hand caressing the swell of your ass. 
“I needed you with me, hermosa,” he said as he nudged your knees apart for him. “I needed you.” Your back arched as he curled two thick fingers into your cunt without warning, stretching you with the only patience he had before they were gone and his cock pressed to your entrance. “I need you.”
“You have me,” you moaned as he worked his length inside, inch by inch, until your fingers were grasping the blankets and your breaths were mere pants. “I’m yours.”
Carlos pulled you up off your hands so your back was flush against his chest and he reached around to roughly palm your breasts, pinching and squeezing your nipples until your cunt clenched tight around him. “Will you still be mine if I lose my seat?” his voice was low in your ear and you craned your neck to see the resentment in his eyes, something that had been simmering since the negotiations for his contract renewal stalled. 
Placing your hand over his, you pushed it down your body to the juncture of your thighs. “Always,” you promised as he felt the union of your bodies. “I married you for love, Carlos, not your job.”
“I might be out of it soon enough,” he spat bitterly and you felt his chest rising and falling rapidly and the heat of his breath on your neck. “Three. Fucking. Races.” His hips snapped against you with every word, stealing the air from your lungs, and you knew there was only one way to ease the anger burning in his gut. “Fuck.”
“It’s okay, baby,” you said as you reached over up and tangled your fingers in his hair, tugging the strands as you gave him permission to use you as a vent for his frustrations. “It’s okay.”
His control snapped as he accepted your offering and you gasped as he gripped your hips hard enough to leave bruises. Carlos had always loved to mark you, though not always this rough. He had liked to leave on his trips knowing that his touch and his kiss still lingered on your skin. You knew there would be a few marks come morning light.
When dawn finally broke you were in Carlos’ arms watching the coastal breeze dance with the curtains and finally bring with it some cool air. The wind was welcome on your hot skin where a thin layer of sweat coated both of your bodies where you lay entangled on the bed. The gulls were just beginning to wake with the day and their songs echoed along the beach in a peaceful lullaby that threatened to send you off to sleep.
“Mierda,” Carlos swore as the sun crested the balcony and bathed the room in its light. You blinked against the bright rays that had interrupted the dream you had almost reached and found your husband shaking his head. “Perdóname, mi amor.”
Your brows pinched in confusion and you looked up from the pillow you had made of his shoulder. “Forgive you for what?”
“This,” he whispered as he dragged a fingertip down your neck, the touch a little tender but not sore. “And this.” You followed the trail he danced along your skin and saw the deep red hickeys his mouth had made, the slight dents around your breast in the shape of his teeth and the light purple bruises of his fingers on your hips. “I’m so sorry, I got carried away.”
“There’s nothing to forgive.” Sitting up, you placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him from leaving. You knew he would go down to the gym and spend the rest of his day there, running until he couldn’t move because he thought he deserved the punishment. “I can take everything you have to give, baby. I want it, I want to be the one who can make you feel better on your worst night. I want to be the one you can let yourself go with.”
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he said after swallowing the lump in his throat. 
“You didn’t hurt me,” you said with a smile before leaning down to capture his full lips that were begging to be kissed. “It was quite the opposite.”
“Yeah?” he asked as his eyes traced your curves and he saw your nipples begin to peak beneath the heated gaze. You bit your lip and nodded, giggling when he pulled you on top of him. “I don’t deserve you.”
“Carlos, you’re ruining my afterglow,” you murmured as you kissed his jawline and felt the echo of the burn of his short beard between your thighs.
Rolling over, he pinned you beneath his body and you felt his heavy length against your hip as he stared down at you, the love still as strong as the day you wed. And just like that day, he made a vow, “I promise I can fix it.”
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sideeve · 11 months
can you do a earth 42 miles fic based on this?
SHE LOVE IT HERE ! ! | with 42!miles
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— miles makes it known that you’re his !
— miles finally makes a tiktok with you , ex texts you again , a playful spank , jealously , n word being used once , fluff and crack IF YOU ARE OLDER THAN 17 , GO AWAY ! MILES IS A MINOR! !
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“you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” you roll your eyes, your thumbs tapping away at the keyboard on your phone. “what’s wrong, ma?” miles leans over, seeing what’s on your phone.
“my ex is texting me again. right after i blocked him too. he just don’t let up.” you groan. “i got an idea.” you tilt your phone down, looking at him. “don’t kill the dude now.” “just roll with me.”
you were hung on his shoulder. “miles, if you drop me, we’re over.” “cálmate, mami. i got you.”
the video countdown ends.
oops! got your girl.
should’ve treated her right.
now she with a real nigga. she love it over here.
he turns around, the camera now filming you. “yeah, i love it over here!” you smile, giggle. before the video ends, he playfully slaps your ass.
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punksdoll · 6 months
hey, im the damian anon💓
Can you write Damian x reader with enemies to lovers where they are forced to team together for the mixed tag team tournament and they win it all and when they get backstage he takes her to his locker room and kisses her
~~~𝒀𝒐𝒖’𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒛𝒆~~~
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gif not mine like, comments, & reblogs appreciated
𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ^owner of gif
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔𝒏’𝒕 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒏, 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒛𝒆 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒚.
𝒂/𝒏: 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒐𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒊 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒃𝒉…𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒕’𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆😁. 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅𝒅<𝟑𝟑𝟑
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔😏, 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆, 𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑨𝑵𝑫 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓, 𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔, 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒘𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓 ✨𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆✨ 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆, 𝒎𝒊𝒙𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒂𝒈 𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕, 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒂𝒍, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒄 𝒊 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆😞, 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒊𝒎, 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇
translations: Hola cariño: hello love/sweetheart/honey/etc etc. pero coño, mira ver: but dam, watch yourself. Claro que sí: of course. Chupa me: suck me (my dick without actually saying my dick.). Salte: get out/move. culo: ass. Mira pinche cabron: look fucking (any swear word tbh but I use it for asshole.) Siéntate: sit down. Lunes: Monday. No hice nada: I didn’t do anything. Exactamente: exactly. Tenemos una problema: we have a problem. Noches: Night. ¿estas bien?: are you good/ok? Que linda: how pretty/so pretty. hacemos la finisher tuyo: let’s do your finisher. Nos ganamos: we won. Mira Mamaguevo: oh my god cocksucker or ay cocksucker. Cálmate cálmate. No voy ningún lado: Calm down, calm down. I’m not going nowhere.
not proofread
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“You will be competing in the mixed tag team tournament.” Adam tells y/n as soon as she sits down on one of the chairs in front of his desk.
Y/n looks at him with a raised eyebrow, “since when was that a thing?”
“Since today, since now. I want you to be in it.” Adam says.
“Am I going to be able to pick my partner?” Y/n tilts her head to the side.
“You’ll be finding out who it is right now.” Adam smirks, “go get ready, you have a match right now with them.”
Y/n walks down the ramp with a smirk as she makes eye contact Bianca Belair and Motez who are watching her. She had no clue who her partner was which made this whole thing all the more excited. Their match was the first match of this tournament and the first reveal of her match. She had options of course of who she wanted it to be.
Braun Strowman, he’s a big strong guy.
Cody Rhodes, he’s hot.
Drew Mcintyre, so hot and mean.
Seth Rollins would seem nice but he’s most likely with Beck
Y/n gets in the ring and gives Bianca and Montez a nod as mutual respect as the show goes on commercial break.
“You know who you have?” Bianca asks as they switch corners.
“Not a single clue…” Y/n shakes her head, “I’m hoping for Braun maybe, Cody, and Drew. Maybe even Seth but he’s probs with Beck.” Y/n shrugs.
“Who don’t you want?” Montez asks as he sits on top of the top rope.
“Damian.” Y/n spat.
Bianca and Montez both chuckle as they move over to their corner once the show is back. Everyone stares at the ramp as they wait for y/n partner.
The lights go purple and suddenly “The Other Side,” starts playing. Y/n narrows her eyes as she watches who will come out. She knew it had to be either Finn or Dominik because she had made it very clear to Adam that she did not want Damian.
“before I go and get ready,” y/n clears her throat as she stands up, “Do not make Damian my partner.”
Adam stares at her and smirks, “and if i do?”
“Your views won’t stay up for long.”
Y/n watches and her face drops as Damian appears and immediately she looks at the referee and shakes her head. “I am NOT doing the match with that thing.”
Referee raises his hands up, “you’ll be disqualified from the tournament.”
Y/n’s jaw drops as she looks at the ref then back at Damian who has a smirk plastered on his face as he stares at her. “asshole…”
Damian gets inside the ring and holds up his Señor Money in the bank before turning towards y/n with a smirk. “Hola cariño.” He smirks and immediately y/n runs at him.
“Y/n is attacking her partner!” Michael Cole laughs as they watch y/n slaps Damian’s arm multiple times.
Damian looks down at her, amused as she pushes and slaps his arm. “You. Aren’t. My. Part. NER.” She sends a punch on his arm, “YOU AREN’T MY PARTNER!”
“Clearly I am. Now move your ass out the ring.” He lifts her up and puts her over the rope, outside the ring before handing over his briefcase to the ref.
Y/n scowls as she stares at the back of his head, “i hate you.”
“The feelings mutual.” Damian called over his shoulder before the bell rings and the match is on its roll.
Throughout the match, y/n made it her mission to slap Damian every chance she got. Whether that be to tag herself on by tagging him unexpectedly on the back or tagging him in by slapping his chest. Did that really affect him? No. Did he enjoy seeing her get annoyed by his existence? Absolutely.
Damian absolutely loved the idea that was brought up to him with being y/n’s partner when he had overheard her convo with Adam. It would mean to be able to fuck with her every chance he got and to be around her everyday. He enjoyed knowing that his presence alone can make her go crazy and make him wish he was dead. He loved it. He loved her.
He always had and always will. He just approached it the wrong one which is why she hates his guts.
They’re in Nxt when they first met and at catering. Y/n was with Bianca as they sat at their own table with Montez and Angelo. Damian had been staring.
“Who’s she?” Damian looks over at Keith Lee who looks over and raises an eyebrow.
“Y/n Y/l/n.” Keith answers, “she’s from raw but is making an appearance today.”
“And I haven’t heard of her because…?”
“She’s been out due to an injury, she’s making her come back here.” Keith says.
Damian nods and gets up, “I’m gonna get some more food.”
In truth, Damian had seen her get up and was going to make it his mission to talk to her.
Y/n is putting food on her plate with Bianca by her side as they converse.
“Are you like debuting here?” Bianca asks, “we could really use some more views.”
Y/n shrugs, “I don’t know yet. They just wanna see me start anew ever since my injury.” She pops a crouton in her mouth from her plate before gathering some more.
“do you wanna go back to the main roster?” Bianca asks.
“Of course,” y/n nods and turns around only to bump into a chest and getting her food all over her.
Bianca gasps as she stares at y/n who watches her plate drop. Y/n is fuming. She is embarrassed. She can already feel the stares on her as she stares down at her plate that is upside down on the floor and the food that’s on her. She wanted to cry. She didn’t even want to look up at the person she bumped into, too focused on the fact that she did something so little that embarrasses herself immediately.
“pero coño, mira ver.” Y/n hears a deep gruff voice say as they back up a bit to see the messed that they cost.
Y/n looks up at the person narrows her eyes as she watches him stare at her as if it was her fault. “Are you blaming me or something?”
“Claro que sí.” Damian scoffs, “you’re the one who should have listened to your surroundings.”
Y/n narrows her eyes and stares at him before leaning down to grab her plate that was knocked out of her hand and throw it at him, “Chupa me.”
Damian will admit that the way he went about it was fucked. But he knew his people and he knew that they’d get over it, especially with his charm. Clearly that didn’t work and now he regret ever even doing such thing to her. After that day, it led to Damian taking it upon himself to make her time a living hell in Nxt and for y/n to try and hold back and not choke him.
She had left unfortunately. She had left Nxt to be back in her main roster, leaving Damian empty knowing he won’t be able to see her and continue on what he started. Until he got the message that he was moving up the main roster and he made a name for himself. Finding out that there was a mixed tag team tournament? Adds 10 bonus points to his success. Finding out y/n will be in there? 10 more.
Damian feels as slap on his shoulder making him chuckle and turns around to see Y/n getting into the ring and shoves him towards the ropes, barely budging. “Salte.” She demands.
Damian smirks and leans down towards her, “give me a kiss and i will.”
“get over yourself.” Y/n rolls her eyes before turning herself towards the match.
Damian chuckles as he gets out the ring and behind the ropes, watching y/n. “Your culo looks great in those shorts!” Damian smirks.
Y/n snaps her head at him with wide eyes and a flustered face, “excuse me?” she says.

Y/n was used to this treatment from Damian ever since he came into the main roster. It was always backstage, nothing more. Hearing it in front of people? It gave her a sense of warmth that she refused to acknowledge as she ignored his comments and continued fighting.
Y/n caught the win for them and immediately rolls out the ring, storming up the ramp as she makes her way backstage.
She was going to get her answer on why the hell Damian is her partner after saying not to have him.
“Mira pinche cabron.” Is the first thing that comes out of y/n’s mouth as she enters Adam Pearce’s office, stopping in her tracks when she sees Damian.
Damian looks over at her with a smirk and pats the chair next to him, “Siéntate…”
“I thought I told you I didn’t want him as my partner.” Y/n glares at Adam who looks at her with a bored expression. “How did you even get here before me.” She stares at Damian who simply gives her a smirk.
“You need to learn how to work with him, that’s why I paired you both.” Adam shrugs, “Don’t like it? You’re disqualified from the tournament.”
Y/n’s jaw drops as she stares at Adam. The ref was most definitely right about that. “Are you kidding me…”
“Am I laughing?” Adam sasses.
Y/n’s eyes darken and she goes to jump at Adam only to get caught by Damian who lifts her up as she thrashes against his hold, “See you Lunes for our next match.” Damian winks before walking out the office and closing it, setting Y/n down as she stares at him with a glare.
“What did you do. What did you say. He never pairs me with someone I don’t like.” Y/n demands answers.
“No hice nada.” Damian shrugs.
He lied.
Damian walks into Adam Pearces office right after Y/n left with a smile. He wanted to make her smile in so many ways.
“Priest,” Adam raises an eyebrow and looks up at Damian over his glasses, “what can i do for you?”
“Partner me up with y/n.” Damian motions over to where Y/n had just left.
Adam shakes his head, “she just threatened to drop my views, absolutely not.”
“you do realize she’s bluffing right? She loves this place.” Damian scoffs.
“I believe her.” Adam dismisses.
“Did she leave when I got here when she told you she would if I did?” Damian smirks and Adam pauses as he stares at his papers, in thought. “Exactamente.” Damian chuckles, “put me with her.”
Adam sighs and nods, “Alright, but you’re explaining to her.”
Y/n looks him up and down before nodding slowly, “i’m going to make your life a living hell through all of this.”
Damian smirks, “you do know we’re also going to be sharing a hotel room, right?”
Y/n sucks in a breath, “helll noo.”
“helll yesss.”
“Why why why why.” Y/n walks inside her and Damian’s hotel room, walking quickly over to the bed that she will be claiming only to stop and see one bed. “oh HELL no.”
Y/n twirls herself around and immediately bumps into Damian’s chest making her suck in a breath as he looks at the one bed then at Y/n. “You need to really start paying attention to your surroundings…” he chuckles.
“This cannot be happening right now.” Y/n mumbles as she looks back at the bed then at Damian before shoving him away, “move.”
Damian moves to the side and watches as she storms out of the hotel room, no doubt about to go to receptionist. He takes his time to look around and sees the couch. He walks over and checks, nodding once he realizes it can turn into a makeshift bed.
Meanwhile, y/n is storming towards the front desk and plasters a fake smile. “Hi. Me and the man i was with, our room has only one bed.”
The receptionist looks up and frowns, “were you guys not a couple?”
“fuc- no. no we are not.” Y/n smiles.
“Well let me check if there’s any other rooms with two beds then.” The receptionist goes digging and y/n waits in front of her impatiently. “I’m so sorry…but the only other one is with one bedroom.”
Y/n clenched her jaw before nodding slowly, “that’s fine, thanks.”
Y/n walks away and back to her and Damian’s floor. She walks into their hotel room and sees him walking out with a towel wrapped around his waist and his body dripping with water. Y/n can’t help but gawk as he stops when she enters.
“Dam…” Y/n mumbles as she not so subtly checks him out.
“Like what you see?” Damian smirks.
Y/n snaps her eyes up to his face, “no.” She says with her face flushed.
“You were checking me out,” he smirks as he walks over to the makeshift bed. He unwraps the towel from his waist and immediately y/n shouts, covering her eyes. “I’m wearing underwear.”

y/n peaks through her fingers and huffs as she drops her arms seeing him with underwear. “there is only one hotel room left but it’s with one bed. We’re stuck with this one.”
Damian shrugs, “that’s fine.”
Y/n looks at the makeshift bed then back at Damian, “i’m not sleeping on that.”
“I know.” He says as he puts on some pajama pants, “never said you would.”
Y/n frowns, “are you sleeping on that…?”
“Mhm,” Damian nods and y/n starts feeling bad.
She usually wouldn’t have given a dam if he did but knowing he’ll be sore the next day, she couldn’t help herself. So the words that came out were a shock to her.
“I’ll sleep there…you can sleep on the bed.” Y/n says.
Damian and her both stare at each other with complete shock. “Your joking?” Damian raises an eyebrow and when y/n just stares at him with wide eyes he knows she’s not. “oh you’re not…”
“I know…” Y/n looks at him warily.
“Nah, you can have to bed.” Damian waves her off as he gets on the makeshift bed and y/n nods slowly.
“ok…it’s still up for grabs if you want it. you can always put me on that one…”

Damian looks at her warily and nods slowly, “uh huh…”
Y/n nods before rushing towards the bathroom to take herself a shower, leaving Damian with a smile that broke onto his face. That request alone made him feel all giddy inside and he was actually considering the offer.
That night though, he went against it and stayed his ass right on the makeshift bed.
The weeks of the tournament was hell for y/n. Every dam hotel room they got it was with one bed. Every match they had Damian just had to get on her nerves and make her want to backstab him during every match. Every comment that came out of his mouth would make her flustered and her stomach warm up, which she did not like.
So far they were the ones winning each and every match they were in. Getting closer to the top of the chain for raw to win the whole dam tournament. On smack down, AJ Styles and Mia Yim were the ones reaching the top for their roster.
It was clear that Adam had a lot of hope on them seeing as they’re the only ones that have been winning.
Y/n and Damian walk into their new hotel room and y/n lets out a loud groan as she sees one bed, again.
“Unafuckingbelievable.” Y/n huffs and Damian rolls his eyes.
“It’s not something we haven’t handled before, cariño.” Damian says as he walks over to the couch.
Y/n rolls her eyes and throws her suitcase on the bed as she unpacks her pajamas.
“Tenemos una problema…” Damian says as he stands up straight and turns towards her. “It ain’t a sofa bed.”
Y/n hearts drops to her stomach as she feels herself get flustered, staring between him and the bed. “Oh…” was all Y/n said.
Damian sighs and looks at her, “i’ll go see if there’s any other rooms.”
“or i can sleep on the sofa…” Y/n blurts out and Damian stops in his track as he stares at her with a raised eyebrow.
“If anyone should sleep on the sofa, it should be me.” Damian says, “you can have the bed.”
“You’ve been sleeping on the sofa ever since this started, let me sleep there.”
Damian smirks as y/n lets out a shout, “i meant yes damit.”
“i’m sure you did.” He chuckles as he sits down on the sofa. “Why not share it?”
Y/n snaps her eyes towards Damian who seems to be nonchalant by his question but really, his heart is beating and it’s almost beating out of his ass.
“What?” Y/n questions.
“Why not share it…seeming as we won’t take yes or no as an answer. Problem solved. Only if you want to though.”
“and if I say no?” Y/n asks with a frown.
“I’m still sleeping on the sofa.”
“We can share.”
Y/n is laying down on the bed on her side as she listens to the hotel shower running. Her heart was pounding as it gets closer to Damian ending his shower and them sleeping with each other. She made herself take a shower first so she didn’t have to walk out and see him on the bed, knowing she’ll force herself in the sofa.
They never slept in the same bed together. It was always Damian sleeping on the sofa bed whenever they had this type of situation.
Y/n snaps her eyes over to the bathroom door when she hears the shower stop and hear the curtains move. Her heart was pounding faster if that was possible as she waits for that door to open.
Damian himself was not doing too well. He was but you know. He was just as nervous as she was. When he had told her that there was no sofa bed and suggested they’d sleep together, he did not expect her to say yes, of all things. He expected a “hell no,” or something close to a no that had a swear word combined with it.
Damian takes in a deep breath and opens the bathroom door and walks out the bathroom door, making eye contact with her as she lays on her side with her arms curled on the side of her head. Y/n watches him as he walks by the hotel bed and on the side that he claimed. She didn’t want to turn her head to stare at him but she did feel him dip the bed and slowly get in. Their backs facing each other.
“Night…” y/n whispers as she keeps herself away from him.
Y/n had been avoiding Damian. For multiple reasons that is(no she isn’t.) She thinks it is, but it isn’t. She just practiced reasons just in case he was to ask her why she’s been avoiding him. The actual reason was because of what happened that morning.
Y/n whines as she hears her alarm go off, indicating that it was fine for her ass to wake up for work today. Y/n slowly opens her eyes and frowns when she hears something thumping underneath her. She also felt something soft but hard against her. It was comfortable actually. She felt herself pressing her head into the thing underneath her and gripping her arms that was around something. She was too comfortable. She was slowly falling back asleep until she felt whatever was underneath her, move. That immediately made her eyes snap as she slowly takes a side glance over at what she was lying on. She seen a tattoo on the right chest she was laying on and she immediately flies up as she looks down at Damian who her arms caging his head as he slowly wakes up. Out of instinct, y/n rolls away and ends up falling off the bed with a thud.
Damian jolts awake as he looks around, to see y/n side empty and his chest cold as if something was lying on there. “y/n?”
“yeah…” y/n mumbled as she stays on the floor.
“¿estas bien?” Damian asks with his morning voice that has y/n closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath.
“mhm…” she hummed, “just…chillin.” she says as she slowly gets on her knees and starts crawling to the bathroom.
She didn’t even know if Damian knew that she had slept on him. That thought alone evaporated from her mind as she didn’t want to think about that. The embarrassment of knowing that he might know? She couldn’t handle that.
Y/n walks out her locker room with her gear on and ready to start the last match for the tournament. Her and Damian vs AJ Styles and Mia Yim.
“You’ve been avoiding me, cariño,” Y/n stiffens as she hears Damian’s voice as he walks over to her.
“No i’m not.” Y/n says as she starts walking with him trailing behind her.
“Yes you are.” Damian scoffs, “since this morning may I add.”
“why are you worried about that when you should be worried that the match we have is today? It’s to decide who wins the whole dam thing.” Y/n excuses as she gets them to the curtains. “Bye bye.”
“Bye bye.” Damian watches as Y/n walks out backstage and towards the arena.
He knew what had happened. He had woken up in the middle of the night when he felt it.
Damian’s eyes snap open when he feels another weight on his body. He goes rigged as he feels arms wrap around his neck. He slowly looks down to see y/n’s head on his chest and her arms around his neck, cuddling against him.
“y/n…” he whispers gently. He tries removing her arm away from his neck but her grip only tightens. He didn’t mind, he really didn’t. But he knew how embarrassed she gets and if she woke up to cuddling him? Even more embarrassed for her.
Y/n whines in her sleep as she pulls herself as close as possible to Damian, refusing to let go in her sleep. He smiles a bit as he stares at her peaceful face.
“Que linda…”
Was he going to tell her? Possibly, possibly not. He was still debating.
“your on.” Someone tells Damian and he walks out to the arena.
Damian and Y/n stares at each other as Mia and AJ are both in between them. Mia on y/n side and Aj on Damian’s side. They were trying to figure out where the hell to go from here. They had the upper hand, they just had to figure out how to use it.
“hacemos la finisher tuyo.” Y/n says and Damian raises an eyebrow before nodding and they both get right at it.
Y/n claps her hand in front of Mia’s face right as Damian did before setting her up for The Reckoning.
They both pin the duo down and win the match as the crowd goes crazy and the announcer announces them as the winner.
They ignore though. They’re too busy staring at each other with emotions coursing through their eyes as the ref helps them stand up and raise their hands.
“Nos ganamos,” Damian says as he walks over to y/n who nods slowly.
“yes we did…we won the whole dam thing.” Y/n swallows as she stares up at Damian with an unfamiliar feeling.
Damian snaps and throws her over his shoulder, making her scream as he gets out of the ring with her hung.
“MIRA MAMAGUEVO!” Y/n shouts as she thrashes in his arms while the crowd cheers for them.
Damian storms up the ramp and backstage, ignoring everyone that stares at them as he leads them to his locker room.
“put. me. down.” She smacks his back as he walks into his locker room and shuts the door. Y/n feels herself get set down and before she has the opportunity to open her mouth, it’s caught in a kiss.
Y/n automatically closes her eyes as she wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him down for more.

Damian smirks in the kiss as he wraps his own arms around her body, lifting her up a bit to meet him to his height.
It ended too quick for y/n as she chases after his lips when he pulls away, making him chuckle. “Cálmate cálmate. No voy ningún lado.” He smirks.
Y/n huffs and covers her face when she realizes how desperate she looked. “Why’d you kiss me…?”
“Give you your prize for getting us the win…” Damian says as he lifts her head up to look at him, “and to show you that i love you.”
Y/n feels a smile appear on her face at that. She’s accepting that what she was feeling was that. Love.
“And…i might love you too.”
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Can I be the helpless victim? (Ghostface! Miguel O’Hara x Fem! Reader x Ghostface! Peter B Parker) Part 2
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Hiii! Tbh I wasn’t gonna make a second part but….. why not! Not proofread, also this is my first time writing smut so I’m sorry if it’s cringy or badly written.
NSFW!!, Cursing,mentions of reader being drugged, Yandere Peter and Miguel, mentions readers dead boyfriend, Threesome, reader is chained up at beginning, double penetration, pussy slapping, ass slapping, reader gets fucked dumb, Miguel vaguely threatens ready but don’t actually hurt her,use of “good girl”, possessive Miguel and Peter, SMUT!! Non-Con/Dub-con, Dead Dove Do not eat, MDNI!
Word count: 1.4K
Part 1
Your head was aching as you began to drift back into consciousness, what a weird dream…
You let out a yawn as you open your eyes, the after effects of your deep slumber made your vision blur, wincing at the harsh light from ceiling light. You go to rub your eyes, but stopping once you notice your wrists are oddly heavy, and the faint nose of medal clinking rang through your ears. The hair on the back of your neck stood up, the dull ache suddenly turning into a massive pounding as you suddenly recall your last waking moments, hitting you like a freight train.
It wasn’t a dream.
Your heart jumps up into your throat as your breath quickened, your hands start to shake as you begin to sit up, only to feel a pair of chains on your ankles as well. You quickly began to squirm on the unfamiliar king size bed, attempting to pull yourself out of the chains knowing full well all your struggling would only result in tiring you out, but your mind was too frantic to think rationally at the moment. Eventually, your arms began to ache from the heavy metal, and the rattling only made your headache worse so you took in a deep breath and cleared your throat, attempting to use your own saliva to lubricate your throat.
“H-hello!” You manage to croak, ignoring the burning that followed, looking around the room. You felt like you were in a fever dream, the room was almost a one by one replica of yours except bigger, and all the pics you had hung up featuring your (now dead) boyfriend were replaced with photos of… wait…
“Angelita…You're up?” A voice asked from the hall, before footsteps were heard, your blood ran cold once the voice found your ears. You know that accent anywhere. You didn’t even realize you were still in the angel/Juliet costume for Halloween on, until he called you that.
“M-Miguel? Is that you?” You already knew the answer though. Your voice shook slightly with each syllable despite your hardest attempts to keep it calm. “What’s-what’s going on?”
There was a small pause, silent growing over the room as you wait for an answer, the only noise where the footsteps drawing closer and the slight shuffling of your chains and sheets as you try to find a more comfortable position in the bed, it was hard though when your heartbeat was so rapid that you could feel it pulsating in your ears.
“Finally… I thought for a bit I had put too much chloroform on the rag I gave Miguel.” A second voice spoke, making you all the more confused upon seeing the two enter the room, but the confusion turned into panic once again once you realized who it belong too.
“Pete-Miguel- you guys gonna let me go.” You pleaded as you try to yank at the chains once more, “Please- please- I don’t know what you want but-“
“Cálmate Angelita… you’re gonna injure those delicate wrists of yours…” Miguel says in an eerily calm tone as he and Peter walked up to you, one on either side of the bed, Miguel wrapping his callous hand around your restant, before giving it a tight squeeze. A pained whimper leaving your lips as he does so, neither of you had to say it out right to know that was a warning. One that said “be a good girl or I’ll break your wrists” and you didn’t want to see if he was just bluffing or not, you knew now what he was capable. What both of them were capable of.
“Don’t-don’t hurt me! I’ll do whatever you want! Just don’t hurt me- don’t kill me!” The pleas came out rushed and frantic, letting them fall out of your mouth before your brain could stop the word vomit, fearing what would happen if you angered them for whatever reason. But instead of the angry reaction you were expecting, Peter smirked, a huff of air escaping through his nose as he leaned down, nuzzing your cheek with his nose. A deep and almost sadistic chuckle rumbles from his chest, his hot breath hitting your face, causing your skin to erupt in goosebumps. You wanted to move away but your body froze with fear as you felt his hand go to your stomach, before slowly trailing to the side then down, his index finger tracing a small heart over and over on the side of your hip.
“Anything?” Peter asked, and you swallowed down the limp that had formed in your throat.
Oh how you regret your words already.
“What do you say?” Peter asked, almost mockingly.
“Hmm-ahh… ahhh…”
“Poor girl, can’t even think anymore… probably fucked her little brain into mush.” Miguel cooed.
Another whine leaves your lips, your eyes roll so far back Peter could only see the whites of your eyes as he continues to thrust his hips up, his stamina nor his pace wavering despite the two of them having their way with you for over an hour now. He couldn’t help the groan that leaves his lips when Miguel pulls you back to lean against his tan and sweaty chest with a hash tug of your hair, your whine somehow becoming even higher. No matter how much Miguel and Peter have been dreaming of this day, none of it compared to how it was actually happening. Your lewd and borderline pornographic sounds enough for the two grown men to feel like horny teens waking up from their first wet dream.
Expect this was so much better than a wet dream, any fantasy, because it was real. You had finally given yourself to them, even though it wasn't exactly much of a choice, being bound to happen eventually, but the sooner the better. First your body then your mind will follow, and if you don’t, they’ll just fuck you till they pushed any thoughts of resistance out with their cocks, making your brain leak away from between your legs.
You felt so impossibly full, how both could fit inside you was a complete miracle, and you were so overstimulated, your moans turning into nothing but whine and whimpers, the hickies they had riddled all over your body didn’t help either. Your legs were shaking almost as much as the bed underneath you was, and you were sure if Miguel wasn’t guiding you up and down you wouldn’t have been able to move at all. Another gasp leaves your lips when you felt Miguel’s hand slap your left asscheek, followed by Peter hitting your sensitive clit with his palm repeatedly, squirming attempting to get away from their hands, but you didn’t really have anywhere to go as you clenched around them like a vase.
“Muñeca… I need you to try and think for a second…” Miguel said to you in between shallow breaths, you dumbly nodded, despite not comprehending a single word that was said to you. “What’s your name?” He had asked, not being able to hold a smirk from forming on his face. Peter only let out a small eye roll, already knowing where this was going. (Doll)
Your name? Why were they asking you what your name was? You licked your dry lips before attempting to speak.
“My-name…my name is-“
Your mouth hung open as you let out another whine. Peter let out a chuckle before dipping his head down into the crook of your neck, nibbling at the dark hickey he left.
“Come on pretty, don’t leave Miguel hanging, you know your name don’t you?” Peter teased, before tugging at the purple and red spot. You let out a noise that sounded like a mix of a moan, a whine and a borderline sob as you shook your head.
“Don’t-don’t know-fuck-don’t re-ahhh-remember… feels too good…”
“Fuck-who owns you?”
“You-ahhh- you do! Both of-fuckfuckfuck- you do!” You exclaimed without much thought, nothing thinking about anything else except the building in your lower stomach as you come close to your 5th orgasim.
“Good fucking girl.” The praise was enough to push you over the edge, your vision becoming spotty as your spasm and twitch uncontrollably around their members, their names falling from your lips like a mantra before eventually slumping over into Peter’s chest. Your breaths heavy as you allow your eyes to flutter shut, Miguel and Peter hold you onto you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as they lull you to sleep.
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untitled-writer-013 · 11 months
Okay, Yandere Miguel O'Hara hurting the reader, can be platonic or romantic, whatever your heart desires
Imagine getting into a disagreement, argument, then a screaming match.
Miguel gets shoved by the reader and he just, either shove them or uses his claws to swipe at them, in a fit of blind anger.
I wonder how he would apologize 👉👈
Yandere!Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Hurt!Reader
warning(s): yandere themes, violence, Miguel hurts reader, angst, hurt/comfort, spanishdict spanish, possible bad spanish.
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Miguel adored his darling, but sometimes she could be so frustrating. He pinched the bridge of his nose as his darling argued with him, and he tried to calmly reason with her.
“Please Miguel, just listen to me! I know I’m right about this!” (Y/n) pleaded, looking up at him with slight desperation.
“(Y/n), you need to calm down, I’m not going to put up with this behavior.” Miguel stated, crossing his arms, watching his darling glare at him.
“This is why I hate talking with you, you always belittle me!” (Y/n) yelled, balling her hands into fists, making Miguel frown even more.
“Darling, por favor cálmate.” (Darling, please calm down.) Miguel stated, unfolding his arms and reaching out to her.
“Don’t touch me!” (Y/n) yelled suddenly, shoving Miguel as hard as she could away from her. 
Miguel looked down at her, a snarl building up in his throat as he swiped at her, his claws scratching her face as he glared at her. His eyes widened once he realized what he had done, reaching out to check on her when she flinched, making his heart drop.
Miguel watched as (Y/n) ran, and he couldn’t help but let her run. He let out a sigh of frustration, grabbing the closest thing to him and throwing it at the wall. He ran a hand through his hair, wondering what to do. He looked down at his hand, some blood still lingering. He thought about it, but forbade himself from trying her blood, wanting to taste it when he had permission. He washed his hands, mumbling to himself.
“Fuck me!” He yelled, frustrated with himself for acting so irrational. He wished he would just think things through more, and clearly he was going to pay the price for not doing so.
A few hours passed, and Miguel went to check on his darling. He peeked into their shared room, spotting her curled up in bed while holding a pillow. She let out a few sniffles, making his heart break as he carefully walked up to her. 
“Angel, lo siento mucho, ¿me perdonarás?” (Angel, I'm really sorry, will you forgive me?) Miguel asked gently, careful as he spoke. His darling (Y/n) looked up at him, a hurt look on her face as she wiped her tears away. She couldn’t speak, instead nodding as Miguel watched her. He smiled softly, taking a look at her face to make sure he hadn’t left any marks.
Once satisfied, Miguel laid down on the bed with his darling, taking her into his arms as he laid her on his chest. (Y/n) listened to him breathe, calming down as she laid there with him. He let out a sigh, pressing a kiss to her head before he wished her a goodnight’s sleep, planning on making it up to her tomorrow.
author’s note: i believe Miguel would initially give the reader space before he apologizes to her, wanting to make sure she calms down, and he’d feel pretty guilty about hurting his darling <33
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lunarw0rks · 9 months
OOOOOO, 141 boys + ale n könig—trying to get something but it’s too high up for your reach so you ask them for help but their belt gets stuck to the back of your jeans/pants and you both are in an awkward position….and they’re just like, ‘stop moving so much i’m trying to get it unstuck’ sndjndjdjd
『 simon 』 ── reached to the top shelf, retrieving a box of cereal for you, because he accidentally put it away on the highest one. he didn't notice he was stuck until he was about to walk away. you came with him, stumbling against his chest. "quit fuckin' squirming, i'm trying!" lowkey frazzled, but only because you were pressed so close to him. hates close proximity, with the exception of you, but this was too close.
『 price 』 ── you were trying to be nice. to let him sit back, relax, and have you make him some breakfast. well, nothing ever goes right, does it? you needed his help, and he was insistent on reaching for the spice you needed before you rolled your ankle. so, he did it, promising to sit back down and admire you in the kitchen. well… he ended up stuck to you, and he wasn’t exactly upset. “hm, guess you’re coming with me, sweetheart.” before you could think, he had untangled his belt from you, throwing you over his shoulder, and taking you upstairs.
『 soap 』 ── was standing beside you when he asked, and planned on just reaching up like normal. but you were on your top toes, and you were you, so he had to. he had to press his hips against your backside to retrieve the item. of course, one hand roaming your hip when he did it. then, stepping away, he heard his belt jingle, as well as the faint strain of fabric. this wasn’t embarrassing, not for him. this was another opportunity. “guess we can take ‘em off, then, huh?”
『 gaz 』 ── lowkey found it hilarious, too simple of a request to pass up. not you asking him to reach something [which he found adorable] but when he got stuck. “shit!” he hissed, laughing it off. the close proximity made his cheeks heat up, though. “hang on, hang on, love… god this is bloody embarrassing…” he ended up just taking off the belt, ending up flustered in silence afterward, dating or not.
『 alejandro 』 ── mr. smooth, was practically waiting for you to ask him. he admired your struggle from afar, stalling just so he could savor it. but then he eventually came over and retrieved the item. then, his knees almost buckled when he tried to walk away. instinctually, he grabbed your waist to prevent a fall. it was like that moment when your chair leans back to far and your life flashes before your eyes. yet, vocally he remained calm; "Cálmate, cálmate! I got you, amor."
『 könig 』 ── always, and i mean, always grabs stuff for you, before you can even ask. everything was going as planned, his stature used as your own personal delivery system for items unreachable. his belt didn't get stuck on you because he was standing behind you, no, it was because he was trying — and failing — to whisper something cheeky about the size difference. he ate his words quickly, ending up deeply humiliated as he fumbled with his belt. "let's not speak of this, liebling, hm?"
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woso-fan13 · 8 months
Whumptober 2023: 5 (Barca)
No. 5: “You better pray I don't get up this time around.”
Debris | Pinned Down | “It's broken.”
For whatever reason, Madrid really had it out for you. Usually, they were a little rough with everyone, but today it seemed like you had a target on your back. Multiple players had gotten yellow cards because of what they did to you- illegal tackles, hair pulling, the works. It was an attestment to how well you were playing, but it still hurt. 
Your teammates had refrained from getting revenge, not that they didn’t want to. But you popped up from the ground every time, giving a thumbs up to them. Were you really okay? No, but you needed your teammates to not start attacking the opponents so you smiled through the pain. 
The final whistle had just blown, but before you could stop you felt a Madrid player tackling you. Your head crashed into the pitch, bouncing from the impact. Your legs were slit open from her cleats, blood dripping. It was bad. 
You can faintly hear shouting- you would later learn it was your teammates yelling at your attacker. You squint your eyes open, not remembering shutting them. The sun was hurting your eyes, but, as you went to close them again, a gentle hand rested on your cheek. 
“Cálmate pequeña, estás bien.”
You know that voice, but you can’t remember who it is. You can, however, remember that the person who hurt you spoke Spanish. Whining, you try to move away from the voice, afraid that whoever it was would hurt you again. 
Alexia frowns at your reaction, again trying to soothe you. But, when you hear the Spanish, you try to move away. This time, though, she could hear you mumbling- pleading to her not to hurt you. Her heart broke. 
She stands from where she had crouched next to you, quickly shifting to kneel by your head. Grabbing your shoulders, she pins you down. You cry out, helpless. Alexia wants nothing more than to scoop you into her arms and hold you. She wants to reassure you, but she can’t. All she can do is keep you still so you don’t injure yourself even more. 
“It’s okay,” she says quietly, “we’re going to help you.”
“Lucy, Kiera,” she shouts, “I need help.”
Upon hearing their names, the two girls race towards you. They knew it must be bad, if Alexia couldn’t calm you down they didn’t know how they would be able to. Dropping to their knees on either side of you, they look to Alexia as to how they can help. 
“You need to take her,” Alexia says, emotion evident in her voice, “please. She’s afraid of me, I think she might react better to you.”
With a confused look, Lucy and Kiera nod. Lucy moves to take Alexia’s spot, pinning you down to the pitch. Kiera cups a hand to your cheek, leaning down and speaking quietly to you. 
The medics arrive soon after, trying to shoo the women away. Neither are deterred, staying where they are and only shifting to allow the medics room to assess you. They quickly begin to assess you, clearing your spine and allowing Lucy to release her grip. It’s clear that you have a concussion and your legs will need to be taken care of, but for now they wrap the cuts up in gauze. Once you're calmed, it would be easier to treat you. 
“You’re alright, little bit,” Lucy says, pushing the baby hairs off of your face. 
You whine again, but your eyes flutter open and the women watch as you look around dazedly.
“I- I wan-” you can’t seem to find the words, but the others know what, or who, you’re looking for. 
“She’s right here, she’s coming” Kiera assures you, gesturing Alexia back over. 
She crouches by your side. Once she’s in your line of sight, you pitifully reach your arms out to her. Combined with the pout on your face, it’s hard to resist. 
“Lexi, please,” you beg. 
Alexia can no longer contain herself, moving to sit fully on the ground. She reaches down, hands under your shoulder blades to pull your torso up. Once you’re close enough, you flop into her body.
“Shh, mija, I’m right here.”
Your hands are tangled in the back of her jersey, ensuring she won’t pull away. Not that she ever would, she’s not leaving your side. Awake and oriented, you snuggle into Alexia as she holds you close. 
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