#c: lara croft
xolaanii · 1 year
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SHADOW OF THE TOMB RAIDER [2018] dev. Eidos-Montréal
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fereldanwench · 20 days
rare tomb raider hot take but my brain short-circuits every time i see ella purnell suggested as lara for the live-action prime series
ella is lovely and she is fantastic as lucy but she looks absolutely nothing like any iteration as lara?????? i mean, yes, ACTING and MAKEUP but i just don't see this at all
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soulcluster-moved · 8 months
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Sumi didn't get more because she tends to be more law abiding than not, at least when she isn't Violet, and she doesn't consider herself artistic. She loves his art, though! And him! Nate really is out here being nearly perfect for her. Except...we know he lies in some situations (sometimes BIG lies), and he will watch extreme sports, but it's not really his jam. He was so close!
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"It's more than enough for me. And maybe someday you'll see yourself the way I do." After all, he thought she was plenty artistic in her own way.
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"Truthfully, I meant it more as a, prioritize the truth about discoveries. I've...told my fair share of lies." Lara laughed. "Regardless, you're not doing bad at all."
bingo meme
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cantfightmoonlight · 2 years
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"In our darkest moments, when life flashes before us, we find something; Something that keeps us going. Something that pushes us."
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@misscrcft​ said:  “ if i were to kiss someone, it would be you. “ from some meme || accepting
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Billy smirked faintly, taking one last drag off the cigarette between his lips before dropping it to the ground and crushing it beneath his boot. “Oh yeah?” he asked, angling his body so he was facing the woman before him. They were at some party, thrown by some random person Billy didn’t really know. Not that he was there to make friends; he was there to drink and maybe get lucky. He’d do almost anything to make the inner demons in his heart and mind stop for just a little while. Whatever distractions he could find.  
“I’m not exactly the guy you take home to meet your mother,” he warned. “If you’re looking for some white knight then your barking up the wrong tree.”
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plastic-pipes · 5 months
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Aayyy first Lara Croft of 2024 c: When her show drops I am going to lose my entire mind, can't wait😌😌
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wandasfifthwife · 4 months
paring: Lara Croft x fem!reader
summary: what the title says
tw: established relationship, some hurt/comfort (mentions of arguments and breakups), fluff
a/n: hi!! hope you enjoy this and have a great day <3 ITS NOT PROOFREAD, so excuse any spelling/grammar errors lmao
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Lara is a, ‘discreet affectionate person.’ She’ll showcase it through gentle gestures like checking in on you.
She’s naturally very independent, so she’s not going to be clingy. She’ll show her love for you in small ways through acts of service and quality time (which are both less obvious love languages).
B = Best friend (How would the friendship start?)
She’s an introvert, so it’ll take a bit for her to warm up. It would take a while for a solid friendship to bloom. A friendship with her would have to happen from consistent interactions that show you’re able to be trusted.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
She enjoys holding you close before bed. She would prefer to be the big spoon so she can hold you close into to her chest.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
She’ll want definitely want to settle down in the near future. Lara quite literally knows how to survive in the wilderness, she knows how to cook and clean. She prefers a clean house to messy, but understands when it get a bit messy every now and then due to stress, etc…
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
She’d be up front about it and talk about it in person. How the breakup goes is very dependent on what you’ve done caused her to end it. (Ex. going separate ways v.s. something like cheating).
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
She’s the type to want to label your relationship, “what are we?” She dates with a future in mind.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
She’s very gentle. Soft touches on your back, holding your hand when you look concerned, kissing your head when she sees you. She’ll treat you with love, it’s apparent in her actions.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Yes, but in specific moments. If you haven’t seen each other in a while, after something nerve-wracking, etc… but not every time she sees you. Her hugs are warm and calming.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
She’ll say it at a normal/expected time. Nothing too early (after one date) or too late (after 2 years).
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
She trusts you, but if she saw someone flirt with you, she’ll get a bit annoyed. Lara would be the one to do sly things to show them you’re taken (kissing your cheek, calling you a nickname, pulling you onto her body, etc…).
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Lara is a fan of gentle pda. She likes showing that she cares for you in public. She likes small gestures such as kissing your cheek when she’s leaving a room to head to bed. Her kisses are usually soft and/or passionate. On her she’ll take any form of a kiss, but she loves the ones you leave her on her neck, lips, top of head.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Lara’s a bit awkward, but she loves and cares for them like they’re her own. If a kid is in danger, she’s risking her life.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
She seems like she’s naturally an early riser (like 7-8AM). When she wakes up, she’ll take it easy and just lay there. She’ll occasionally close her eyes and see if she can sleep more until she eventually just gets out of bed.
If you’re an early riser, I feel she’ll nudge you to get up early with her when she’s fully getting out of bed.
If you’re a, “5 more minutes, let me sleep in to 1PM,” she’ll most likely just let you sleep most days, but on some she’ll come in and nudge you to wake up.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
She’ll have a general sleep schedule when she’s in a city/society. Shower, change, and just hop in bed. She wouldn’t do much before bed. No matter what you do in bed before sleeping (reading, resting eyes, etc…), she’ll rest on you/be touching you in some way as she falls asleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
She’s an introvert with a rough past/life story, I don’t think she’s sharing anything right off the bat unless she has a good reason (like if you knew someone who knew her dad or something tragic happened with your parent(s)). She’ll revel things in random moments after some time. Definitely doesn’t fully trust you at first.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
If someone belittles her/you, she’ll express her anger through her tone/volume, but to the little things like someone cutting you two in line, she’s waving it off.
She’ll have an open conversation with you if you’ve done or said something that’s upset her. She doesn’t resort straight to yelling. (She may raise her voice if you say something hurtful in the heat of an argument).
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Her initial signs of her crush on you is remembering details about you. She’ll bring up a small detail you’ve mentioned like two months ago in a conversation.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Her favorite moment is all the times she’s remembered she has someone she can care for. She enjoys checking in on you and sharing moments of vulnerability.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
She’s protective over those she cares for. The, “hurt me, don’t hurt them,” type. She’ll show her protectiveness through sacrifice. If you get hurt, she’s taking care of it. If you show any selflessness/sacrifice protectiveness back, it’ll affect her (in a good way). Her receiving love language is acts of service, your actions mean a lot more to her than words spoke.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
I don’t believe she’s an over the top lover, but she would show she cares and remembers important dates with small things. Her love language is acts of service and quality time, so she wants to do something with or for you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
She can still be private even when you’re dating. It’ll feel like she still has a wall up and doesn’t fully trust you.
Lara can be one-track minded, so there will be times you feel you’re a second choice/forgotten
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I feel to a degree she is. When she isn’t literally sleeping in a jungle, barely surviving— she cares for her basic hygiene and cares if she’s dressed in a way that makes her feel comfortable/confident. She’s not obsessed in a “supermodel influencer” way.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
She wouldn’t feel, “incomplete.”
A better word would be, “hurt/unhappy.” She loves investing in a relationship, but she isn’t completely dependent on it.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
Lara has a tattoo on her back that she got when she was younger. Regrets it, but when you told her you loved it, she began to love it again.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Lara doesn’t like feeling controlled. Also doesn’t like having to deal with someone who’s demeaning and/or dishonest.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
She’s an, “eyes beginning to feel heavy at 10PM,” girl. Can definitely see her being the type to situate herself somewhere and in two minutes she’s dead asleep. More often than not, you’ll have to wake her up and tell her to actually get in bed.
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jadegretz · 2 months
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Vibrant Heroine: Wonder Woman's Aura by Jade Gretz
Diana, Princess of Themyscira, stood atop the Athenian Acropolis, her golden lasso coiled at her hip. Below, the once bustling city was cloaked in an unnatural stillness. It was past midnight, and a full moon painted the marble buildings in an eerie, silvery light.
An unsettling unease gnawed at Diana. This wasn't the Athens she knew. The usual nighttime symphony of crickets and distant revelry had been replaced by an oppressive silence. Even the stray dogs that always scavenged near the Agora were nowhere to be seen.
A low, guttural moan shattered the silence, sending shivers down Diana's spine. It originated from the heart of the city, near the ancient Agora. Drawing her indestructible bracelets with a sharp snap, she propelled herself forward in a blur of blue and red, landing silently on a rooftop overlooking the marketplace.
The scene that greeted her was a nightmare. Bodies, once human, lay scattered on the cobblestones, their flesh contorted and warped under the pale moonlight. Their eyes, now glowing with an unnatural green light, locked onto Diana, their screams morphing into chilling growls.
These weren't humans anymore. They were twisted parodies, their limbs elongated, claws replacing fingernails, teeth sharpened into fangs. In one corner, a creature that had once been a baker wrestled with a skeletal policeman, its monstrous strength evident in its heaving muscles.
A wave of nausea washed over Diana, but she pushed it down. Fear wasn't an option. With a mighty cry, she leaped into the fray, her bracelets deflecting the lunges of the monstrous figures. Her Amazonian training kicked in, her movements a whirlwind of precision and power.
But the creatures were relentless, their numbers overwhelming. Every one she dispatched seemed to be replaced by another, drawn from the shadows by the horrifying symphony of growls and snarls.
Suddenly, a booming voice echoed through the square. "Wonder Woman! Stop this senseless violence!"
The monstrous figures paused, their glowing eyes shifting towards the source of the voice. A tall, gaunt figure, c …(see the rest of the story at deviantart.com/jadegretzAI). For more supergirl, chun li, batgirl, tifa, lara croft, wonder woman, rogue and much more, please visit my page at www.deviantart.com/jadegretzai - Thanks for your support :)
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kapkant7 · 9 months
Been playing "Modern Warfare II: Again" after a few months away (last time I played was March) with a friend and we both made some stupid purchases.
What even is this franchise anymore?
I kinda love the shitshow tho
Vladimir Makarov seeing Snoop Dogg, Homelander, Lara Croft and Messi jump out of a C-130 after him (these are not the old comrades he thought Price was sending)
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xolaanii · 1 year
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#i don't know Lara, what would you do without him?? SHADOW OF THE TOMB RAIDER [2018]
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fereldanwench · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
Thanks for sending me this, Bunny! 💙
So for this one, I'm gonna go really old school and share one of my digital paintings from 2011:
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Those who only know me through Cyberpunk might not know that I am a huge, huge, huge Tomb Raider fan, and in 2011, I was invited to participate in an official art event with a couple dozen other artists (fan and pro) to celebrate Lara and also help hype up the new game. (At the time was slated for release in 2012, although obviously, it ended up coming out in early 2013 instead.)
Then in 2016, for the 20-year anniversary, this actually got published in an official, physical Tomb Raider book (along with a very, very old drawing I did of Lara when I was about 13, I think).
Although I, unfortunately, ended up not liking where the most recent trilogy took Lara's character development, I did really enjoy the 2013 game, and I did feel some parallels between Lara's struggle to find her own strength with where I was in life at the time I was working on this painting. It still blows my mind that something so deeply personal to me also gets to be a tiny part of Lara's legacy. 💙
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soulcluster-moved · 2 years
@traumamade​ / leon kennedy
Lara was no stranger to humid environments, but that didn’t make her clothes sticking to her any less uncomfortable. The morning had been cool but as the sun rose, so had the heat, and not even the jungle’s shade had shielded her from that. In truth, it didn’t matter to her, she could go for days and had been in much worse situations than clothes sticking to her. All that mattered was her research.
It wasn’t a myth that drew her out here, but rather stirrings she had heard of an old Trinity site. The group was done for, their leaders killed in a fiery blaze, but they had put their fingers in so many pots that she didn’t trust the idea that they hadn’t been up to no good out here. 
The question only remained was what had they been up to. Lara stopped in her trek and bent, her eye having caught something strange. Vines had started to envelop the trunk of a tree, going so far as to push through its bark and dig deep, while others plunged into the earth and seemingly mixed with the tree’s roots. Her gloved fingers ran along the patchy bark. Something was wrong here.
At best, she was an amateur herbologist, but this was like the vines were choking the life out of the tree, and going for its nutrients. 
It wasn’t so much anything Lara heard but a sixth sense that suddenly told her she wasn’t alone. Instead of immediately looking alert, she slowly raised herself and pressed her back against the tree. Her dark clothes and the dirt she had accumulated trekking through the jungle made it easy for her to blend. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t do her much good.
At first, there was nothing, but then a man stepped out of the shadows and his eyes were already trained directly on her. The second thing she noticed was his gun, pointed down, but she automatically reached for her own secured in the holster on her thigh. She didn’t draw it, not yet, but she was obviously on guard.
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“Enjoying a hike?” A disingenuous question. Whatever he was doing here, it wasn’t for something so simple. Could he be an ex-Trinity employee? He sure didn’t look like a local.
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special-boi · 2 months
Lara Croft 2013?
Not too familiar with tomb raider and its iterations but I could give it a whirl! c:
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rawiswhore · 1 year
William Regal x Fem Reader- "Spill the Tea"
Many professional wrestlers have been famous enough to be considered for roles in popular movies.
The Rock was offered to play Willy Wonka in the 2005 Tim Burton remake, Trish Stratus was considered to play Jessica Alba's role in "Sin City", Triple H was considered to play Thor in the early 2010's and Chyna was offered a role in the 3rd "Terminator" movie.
When you were at the zenith of your wrestling popularity in the late 1990's, you were considered for many roles in popular movies.
Some of the roles you were considered for and offered were Elizabeth Hurley's character in "Bedazzled", Carmen Electra's role in "Scary Movie", one of the angels in those "Charlie's Angels" movies, Lara Croft in the "Tomb Raider" movies, one of the strippers in "Night at the Blue Iguana" and one of the barmaids in "Coyote Ugly". 
Even in the early 2000's when your popularity had winded down, you were considered for several roles in popular movies, like playing Elisha Cuthbert's character in "The Girl Next Door" and Anna Faris' role in "Just Friends".
However, you turned down all of those roles down due to the scheduling you had to do for the World Wrestling Federation (as well as the WWE).
Looking back, you regret turning down to play some of these movie roles, in particular in "Coyote Ugly" and "Night at the Blue Iguana".
Speaking of which, if there is something that is really popular in pop culture going on, the WWE/F will try to cash in on it and reference it.
Examples would be Al Snow's Chihuahua Pepper being based off of the iconic Taco Bell Chihuahua who was popular AF at the time and the Kat recreating a moment in her dressing room based off of an Austin Powers movie gag.
Since you couldn't really be in "Coyote Ugly", you're going to bring that movie to the World Wrestling Federation.
Yes, the WWE was still called the WWF when "Coyote Ugly" was released!
On a "Sunday Night Heat" episode in September 2000---which was one month after "Coyote Ugly" was released---William Regal was sitting backstage in front of a circle shaped table, where there was a silver tray sitting on top of this table.
This tray contained a matching silver teacup and teapot on top of that tray.
You marched down to William, and as you walked up to him and the table he was sitting by, the camera was filming you walking sideways, and many male fans in the audience got out of their seats and cheered for you and whistled at you.
The outfit you wore was similar to what the women in "Coyote Ugly" wore---wearing hip hugging pants with a midriff baring tank top.
You placed your hands on top of the table William was sitting at once you stood in front of it, where you slightly bent yourself down.
"Hey" you greeted him with a slight smirk on your face.
William wasn't taken aback by seeing you, in fact, he enjoyed looking at you, his eyes studying you up and down.
Your eyes looked inside those teacups to see if there's any tea there, and lo and behold, there was.
"May I have a sip of tea?" you asked him with a smirk, the index finger of one of your hands raising off of the table and pointing inside that tea cup, asking him for a drink to be polite.
"Go ahead!" William offered with a smile.
He actually doesn't mind it if you have a sip of tea, with the way you look.
"Thanks" you replied with a smirk on your face, where one of your hands took one of the tea cups and raised it up to your mouth, where you took a sip of it and arched your head back as you drank that tea.
It isn't very classy to drink down tea like you're drinking a shot glass, but there's a reason you're drinking your tea like that.
You raised your head up after you drank that tea, placing the cup of tea back on the table.
"Y'want me to pour you some more tea?" you asked him with a grin on your face, removing your hand off of that tea cup when you asked that.
"Oh yes, please!" William replied excitedly, smiling and eager to await.
This was making the audience really think of "Coyote Ugly", and that was the intention.
William may be a classy English gentleman, but he can enjoy some rowdiness.
One of your hands grabbed that tea pot by its handle and raised it up from the table, where you tilted it above one of the empty tea cups and tea poured out of that pot and into the cup.
As the tea poured into that tiny little tea cup, your eyes were looking inside the tea while your mouth grinned, and your hips were gyrating and grinding left and right while your knees were bending a little bit.
You were basically acting like those women in "Coyote Ugly" pouring alcohol in people's drinks while they sexily danced on top of bar tables.
Your eyes were careful when you watched how much tea gets poured into that cup.
William, on the other hand, was looking at you pour that tea in the cup, his eyes focusing both on you and the tea being poured.
His eyes were wide and eyebrows raised.
"I wish I had a stripper pole right now" you admitted to him with your eyes looking at him. "Maybe even danced on top of a bar"
Male fans in the audience got out of their seats and cheered hearing that, agreeing with you.
William would have to agree with that, considering he wants to see you work that pole.
You didn't pour all the tea inside that pot, you were saving that for later.
You then raised the teapot until it was positioned straight, where you placed the teapot back on top of the table and let go of it.
You strutted around next to the table William was sitting by until you were close enough for hands to reach and touch him, and your hands grabbed William's button down shirt and pulled it apart until the buttons popped down out of the holes.
This really took William by surprise, even though this moment was rehearsed and staged.
The audience was completely shocked seeing this moment, both male and female fans.
As the buttons kept being separated away from the holes due to you opening up his dress shirt, more of his bare skin was getting exposed underneath that shirt.
William wasn't disgusted over you ripping his shirt up at all, but his eyes were looking at his bare chest and torso getting exposed.
After his shirt was unbuttoned, with your eyes looking into his eyes and with a smirk on your face.
"Is this tea hot?" you asked him.
"Not quite" he admitted.
You're not going to do what he thinks you're going to do.
Oh yeah, you did it, but at least you were polite and asked him if this tea is hot so you won't hurt him.
One of your hands let go of his shirt and grabbed that tea pot on top of the table, where you tilted it above his chest and poured that tea on top of his torso, where warm tea poured out of the pot and landed on his bare chest, the tea dripping and running down his skin.
The tea wasn't that warm, but the fans really reacted to this.
Fans---both male and female---cheered seeing this moment, whereas William's face was panicking and freaking out a bit.
Some of the tea was even sinking into William's clothes.
You, on the other hand, were smiling and grinning while your eyes looked at his chest as you poured that tea on his torso.
The skin on his torso was turning a little bit pinkish from getting slightly burned by that tea, but he wasn't completely burned by it.
You then raised that teapot up until it was sitting up straight, and you then raised that tea pot up until it was a few inches above your head, where you tilted that teapot and let it pour out tea on top of your face and on your body.
Your hand holding that teapot motioned it to pour on your face and on your top, making that tea pour across both of your tits.
You wore no bra underneath your top, so your nipples were poking through it.
When you poured this tea on top of you, male fans in the audience got out of their seats and cheered, although is this really sexy?
While you were pouring tea on top of yourself, you swayed your hips left and right sexily to dance, placing your opposite hand on your hip as you swayed and grinded your hips and body.
Your makeup surprisingly wasn't running as you poured tea on yourself, but your hair was getting wet and tea was soaking through your tank top.
"Is this sexy?" you asked him as you poured that tea on you. "I wish I could pour some water on myself right now"
So you could recreate another "Coyote Ugly" scene where the barmaids pour water on themselves when they're standing on top of the bar.
You would toss the rest of the tea in the teapot at William's chest to completely recreate this scene.
You actually recreated a few other "Coyote Ugly" moments in episodes of WWF shows, including when they poured water on themselves.
Since you couldn't be in "Coyote Ugly", you'll at least bring it to the WWF.
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wandasfifthwife · 4 months
Lara Croft || NSFW ALPHABET (18+)
paring: Lara Croft x fem!reader
description: what the title says
tw: sex/kinks
a/n: hope you enjoy this! love this woman. that’s all. that’s the post <33 ITS NOT PROOFREAD, excuse spelling errors lol
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I feel that she would just want to sleep but wants to hold you. If you wanted to talk, she’ll talk. If you wanted food/shower/anything, she’ll get it. But she’d love to sit in silence, holding you close, and caressing anything that’s near her (your arm, waist).
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On her body, it’d be her lips honestly. And her arms.
On your body, it’d be your chest.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
She’s the type to finger you, and then put her fingers in either her mouth or yours after.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
She has a thing for hair pulling.
For you, when she’s hitting it from the back, she’s wanting to grab your hair and pull your face back.
For her, when she’s eating you out. If you pull on her hair, she’s moaning so loud.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Lara Croft has had a few partners, so she probably has some experience. She knows what’s she’s doing.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
She wants you on top straddling her thighs when she straps. She’s good with any position she can look at your face, but this is a personal favorite. Sitting back, watching you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
She’s more serious in the moment, but she isn’t a stickler and isn’t opposed to laughing if something happens like if your noses bump when you try to kiss.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Trimmed, but not completely clean shaven.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
She’s more sensual than rough. She wants to maintain eye contact with you, take it slower and watch you react to everything she does. She feels it’s much hotter than just ripping off clothing and getting straight into it.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
If she’s left for a mission/adventure without you, she isn’t particularly needing it every moment. There are times when she’ll miss you and will just finger herself to you, whispering your name into the empty space.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
- She’s interested in dom/sub play. (In my opinion, she’s a soft dom)
- Very interested in dirty talk
- Dry humping
- Hair pulling
- At times, she’ll withhold and not allow you to come for a while (can be a few minutes, she can make it last a day or two)
- A bit of an exhibition kink
- Maintaining eye contact
- Mirror sex
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
She prefers doing it in the bed, but if you get her going she could be down to doing it anywhere like outside on a sleeping bag, in an empty room, etc…
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Teasing will get her. If you whisper stuff in her ear, grind on her, kiss her a bit too passionately— she’s taking it to the bed.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Lara would be very opposed to hurting you in any way. Cutting you, hitting you, etc… off the table for her. She’s okay with some impact play like spanking, but she’s not actually going to inflict pain.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
She’s 60-40 on giving/receiving, but she’ll be in charge (unless you ask to dom). She knows what she’s doing, but with time she’ll learn more about your body and what makes it tick ;)
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
She’s much more sensual and slow than fast and rough. She isn’t opposed to going fast, she’ll go every now and then. But most times 7/10 she’s going slow and sensual because she prefers to tear you apart slowly.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
I don’t see her being a big quickies fan. She’s a, ‘we’re doing this all night or not at all,’ type. She isn’t completely opposed if you ask to, but I don’t see her inciting a quickie.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
She’s game to experiment, just nothing that’s going to inflict harmful damage. If you ask to role play, she’s down. If you ask her to place her hand on your throat, she’s down. Very much a service dom.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
No doubt this woman has stamina/energy. She can go a few rounds (4-5). She likes to have time with just the two of you and enjoy it fully.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
As far as for toys, she’ll strap you— but that’s about it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
This woman is a tease. She wants to hear you whine, and beg, and cry. She wants to see you squirm and breathe heavy. If you say she’s being mean, she’ll contuine to go slow with a cocky smile on her face.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
She’s pretty vocal. She definitely dirty talks and her voice gets raspier/lower. When she makes sounds they’re either whimpers or just full on high-pitched moans.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Grinding. If you come straddle her, pull her in for a kiss, and circle your hips on her thigh— she’s floating away. She finds it so attractive.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
She’s not thinking of it all the time, but she’s down for whenever. You can get her in the mood fast, she’s so weak for you. But on her own accord, she’s not going crazy for it every day.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Pretty fast. It’s not necessarily because she’s tired (girl has stamina like no other), it’s more so that she enjoys how intimate it feels. She’ll feel relaxed laying by you. I feel she’s one to enjoy to get close with you and then doze off.
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jadegretz · 1 month
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Ada Wong: Zombie Slayer by Jade Gretz
Rain lashed against the corrugated metal roof of the abandoned warehouse, the rhythmic drumming filling the cavernous space with a relentless monotony. Ada Wong, her scarlet dress a stark contrast to the grimy surroundings, crouched behind a stack of rusted crates, a sliver of moonlight glinting off the silencer of her silenced pistol.
The air hung thick with the stench of rotting flesh and decay. Groans and moans, both guttural and high-pitched, rose in a chilling chorus from the shadows. Ada had stumbled upon this makeshift refugee camp after days navigating the ravaged streets of Neo-Raccoon City. The T-Virus, a grotesque mockery of scientific progress, had turned the once bustling metropolis into a grotesque parody of a city.
But these weren't the lumbering, decaying zombies of old. The C-Virus, a twisted mutation of the original strain, had transformed them into something faster, stronger, and far more terrifying. Their eyes, once glazed with an unthinking hunger, now glowed with a feral intelligence, a predatory gleam that sent shivers down Ada's spine.
The camp, a desperate congregation of survivors, had fallen silent hours ago. Now, only the moans of the infected echoed through the warehouse. Relief, a fleeting emotion, washed over Ada. They seemed to have moved on, their attention diverted elsewhere.
Too soon. A guttural screech shattered the silence, followed by a sickening thud against the metal roof. Ada's heart hammered against her ribs. They were back, drawn by some unknown signal.
A horde of infected swarmed the warehouse entrance, their ragged forms clawing and tearing at the rusty barricade. The makeshift barrier, built from scavenged furniture and debris, wouldn't hold for long. With a growl of frustration, Ada rose, her movements as precise and deadly as a ballet dancer's.
She tossed a flashbang towards the entrance, the blinding light followed by a deafening bang. The infected recoiled momentarily, their moans turning into startled shrieks. But the respite was momentary. With renewed fury, they surged forward, their mutated forms a grotesque testament to …(see the rest of the story at deviantart.com/jadegretzAI). For more supergirl, chun li, batgirl, tifa, lara croft, wonder woman, rogue and much more, please visit my page at www.deviantart.com/jadegretzai - Thanks for your support :)
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