#c: ezra
chlcebcnacccrd · 22 days
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"Alright, be honest, Ez– what do you think about the color choice?" Chloé asked after putting the other one of the two different paint buckets down in the newly emptied room. They'd put tarp down and taped up any outlets to make the painting process go as smoothly as possible, but she was still on the fence about which shade she liked better for what was going to transform into her new study and office space. "I think..." Chloé walked over to the buckets and opened their tops, gesturing to the paler shade of the two, "...this one might be the better choice. Not so aggressive on the eyes and all that."
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ofescapisms · 4 months
Victoire was just getting herself a hot chocolate when she ran into someone else in line. "I guess everyone is trying to warm up, eh?" she laughed a bit to make conversation. "I'm just glad I had my skates Packed when I stumbled into town honestly. You?"
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thelizaxlevin · 30 days
closed - @ezraxdeo
where - neptune
Liza tried to always bring baked good for the Neptune staff at least once a week, and today was no different. While Elise was with James in his office, Liza made her way into the kitchen, things not too busy at the moment since it was early afternoon and the dinner rush hadn't kicked in yet. Spotting Ezra, Liza headed over with a grin and held out the bakery box towards him, "Can I tempt you with anything today, Mister Deo?"
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stellarwxtchsims · 10 months
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— life on the ranch.
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wearetheonesx · 1 year
Ezra sighed deeply as he sat back against the cold brick wall of the subway station, taking a moment to catch his breath. It was hard to grasp what had taken place these last few hours. People seemed possessed, like they were on drugs or suffered some form of encephalitis. The more he learned, the less he understood. Like everyone, he was in over his head. The only reason he was still breathing was because of the delayed bombing of Manhattan, giving him and a few other people enough time to hide underground. Whether that was a solution had yet to be determined; they were stuck, and if they would not be able to find a way out, they were going to die in this place.
Glancing down at his blood stained hands, he could feel the adrenaline slowly leave his body. His shoulders started feeling tense, sounds that used to be muffled now slowly started to take form and he noticed he was shaking slightly. The woman he had just tried to safe was no longer breathing. She died alone, in the arms of a man she hadn't known and all he could think about was that her family was probably out there, unaware of what had happened. It made him think of his mother and how he had no idea how she was doing. Just like he had no idea how anyone he cared about was doing, because like the woman besides him, he was alone, surrounded by a bunch of strangers; A man in his fourties was sitting at the side of the track with his face buried in his hands, this group of teenagers were drastically trying to find a signal around the young woman who seemed to manage to get a phonecall through. People were hurt, afraid-- some were crying. They were asking why, contemplating, discussing what was next, a subject that kept him busy too. What was he going to do next? Was he going to try and find his sister in a city that was on fire? Or should he just get out, trust that they would both do what needed to be done to survive so they could actually have a chance to find each other again? @brklynbxby
After a frail attempt to wipe some blood off of his hands by dragging them over his jeans, he reached for his phone. This was the first time he owned a smart phone, now cracked all the way round-- he would bet his old nokia would have survived the same trip. He disgarded the remains on the floor before him and glanced up just in time to catch one of the presumed dead bodies come to life to grab the arm of a young boy. From there everything went down as quick as it had when the first bomb hit New York. The boy screamed as the creature dug his teeth into his skin and as Ezra tried to get up to help, he was met by his own nightmare. Right in his face, the woman he was sure had stopped breathing now went for his jugular. He punched her throat, without getting any form of response and was just in time to catch her and throw her off of him. "Go, get into the tunnels!" He yelled into the chaos, watching everyone but two people move. The father trying to safe his son, now suffering the same faith as him, and a brunette with her phone locked in her hand. Before he could say more, all the lights shut down and darkness surrounded them.
Perhaps it was stupid, an impulsive act that would get him killed, but he blindly crossed the hall to grab the stranger's wrist. "We need to go, come on" he stated with a clenched jaw, his grip on her not leaving her with much choice. He would drag her ass onto the tracks if he had to.
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tomsland · 5 months
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Nunca nadie le dijo a Ezra que para tener el mejor día de su vida, primero debía pasar por veinte de los peores. El estrés que se acumulaba era cada vez más grande, los imprevistos surgían uno tras otro sin darle siquiera un respiro y la histeria de su prometida resultaba ser solo la guinda al pastel. Se encontraban ya hospedados en uno de los mejores y más lujosos hoteles en Santorini, recinto en el cual también se hospedarían todos sus invitados y se llevaría a cabo la ceremonia en dos días. Había estado toda la mañana prendido al teléfono, tratando de negociar con algunos proveedores que cancelaban a último momento y al mismo tiempo recibiendo a los invitados conforme llegaban. Alyssa, su futura esposa, se encontraba haciendo algunos ajustes del vestido con el sastre, por lo que tuvo que dirigirse solo a la recepción del hotel al momento en el que uno de los empleados le notificó la llegada de otro de sus invitados. Bajó el ascensor y se dirigió hasta el punto de encuentro, con la mirada fija en la pantalla del móvil. "Hey, hola, lamento la tardanza." saluda, aproximándose a la mujer que ve de espaldas, asumiendo que trata de alguna amiga de Alyssa. "La señal de teléfono aquí es un asco pero estamos muy agradecidos de que hayas podido veni..." Apenas se percata de quien trata y siente cómo el pecho se le hunde al mismo tiempo que el aparato cae rebotando al suelo, teniendo ante sus ojos a la única persona en la lista de invitados que realmente no esperaba ver. Tras unos segundos de permanecer helado e incrédulo ante la figura femenina, finalmente se dirige a ella. "Hubiese apostado mi vida por que no vendrías." admite.
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escortingsouls · 1 year
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closed starter // @smitebound​
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“Waiting for me in the parking lot? I thought you hated therapy!” Ezra lurking next her parking space is slightly concerning, but everything he does makes her feel concerned, so she isn’t going to overthink it. As she closes the driver’s side door and locks the car, she eyes him over the top of her sunglasses. “What have you done? You’re half an hour early, so you must want something.” If he’s mauled her receptionist or any patients in the waiting room, she’s going to have to tell him to go and find a new therapist. 
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tuckersxwest · 6 months
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"Should I be a little offended you didn't ask me to be your Luigi?" Tucker teased his boss as he came up to the man, holding out one of the two drinks in hand to him. "Or now that I'm thinking about it, I'm probably better suited to be Toad or Yoshi."
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drusillatitova · 1 year
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closed starter // @smitebound​
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“Can you at least try to disguise how foul you smell?” Drusilla snaps. Her blouse is soaked through with blood, clinging to her skin. She’s just arrived at the Damned headquarters after tearing her way through a prison yard filled with men who had committed various atrocities. The looks on the guards’ faces when their bullets wouldn’t penetrate her mist form were a picture! “You literally smell like a rotting carcass mixed with sulphur. It’s unbearable, Ezra. It’s worse than the scent of wolves, and they reek.” 
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closed starter // @smitebound​
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As soon as she gets into his taxi, the vibe feels off. The driver makes her feel how she does around Ihsan – on edge and anxious. She has no choice but to stay put, she has to be at the museum within the next half an hour and she’s running late. Catching a glimpse of him in the rear-view mirror, she relaxes a bit. He looks normal enough. In fact, he’s quite handsome. “I need to go to the Field Museum, please. If you know any shortcuts, feel free to take them.” His car smells of cigarette smoke; it makes her nose twitch with the threat of a sneeze. The last thing she wants to do is cover his taxi in shimmering dust, so she pinches the tip of her nose and hopes he won’t think she’s a weirdo. 
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gabelarkin · 2 years
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“Well don’t you look dapper and intimidating at the same time,” Gabe chuckled as he approached the familiar face. “It’s good to see you. Sorry I haven’t been by the Cauldron in a bit, The Hog’s Head was going through some renovations and boss wanted all hands on deck,” he explained. “How’ve you been? You look good.”
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chlcebcnacccrd · 1 year
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“I haven’t gotten that cold of a shoulder since my time at Beauxbatons,” Chloé commented with an air of humor as her greeting was brushed off by Ezra. When that comment wasn’t well perceived either, she kept her eyes on him as she tried to figure out what was going on. They’d slept together and that had happened a few more times before it had abruptly stopped. Chloé decided to be respectful at first but Ezra’s entire demeanor towards her seemed to have gone back to square one in less than no time at all and she had no idea why. “Okay Ez, what the hell has been your problem lately?” she decided to ask outright, setting down the glass of wine she had ordered from one of his staff and looking at him pointedly. “Talk to me.”
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khimairas · 1 year
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closed starter // @smitebound​​
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“Sorry for lugging a dead body into your living room, but I have nowhere else to take it until tonight.” The kill has done nothing to soothe her rage. If anything, she’s angrier than she was before she’d brutally stabbed this man to death. “He made the mistake of calling Mark my boyfriend, so he had to learn his lesson.” The word ‘boyfriend’ filled her with embarrassment, which quickly turned into a more murderous feeling. She hasn’t had a boyfriend since she was 21, and that relationship ended up with her being humiliated. “I’m going to put him in a woodchipper, I think. Motherfucker can fertilize the plants in the woods.”
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marcyhub · 1 year
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closed starter // @smitebound​
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“What’s up, Mr. Grinch? Are you here to steal Christmas?” Her tone is teasing as she moves to stand beside Ezra. He’s not hard to spot in a large crowd; the twisted smile and height give him away if nothing else. “Actually, you’re looking more like the Penguin than the Grinch today. Did you get bored of Gotham City?” She toys with one of the buttons on his coat, then smiles. “Not interested in the mulled wine stand? Don’t tell me you’re going sober.”
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persuasivewhispers · 2 years
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WHO: tenzin & @smitebound​ WHAT: gremlin hours! WHERE: tenzin’s apartment
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“So, who are you fucking these days?” Tenzin asks, eyes fixed on Ezra as she grabs their drinks. She knows things went south with the guy he was seeing a couple of months ago, and she hasn’t met whoever’s caught his eye lately. It has her curious. “Better not be a good guy.”
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haleandhorns · 2 years
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WHO: hale & @smitebound​ WHAT: poker buddies meeting outside of an alley? woe. WHERE: omega festival
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“I didn’t think an Omega festival was your kind of scene, Ezra,” Hale says as she sneaks up beside him. She hasn’t seen him in a couple of months, so she wants to say hi. It’s not like Samson has a right to be mad at her if he finds out, anyway. Not after everything he told her a few days ago. “Dimly lit clubs and the Veil are more you.” 
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