#buy office furniture online near me
ayofficesystem · 1 year
Having the appropriate office furniture is crucial for creating a relaxing and effective workstation. However, there are so many possibilities accessible online that it can be difficult to know where to begin. For this reason, looking for "office furniture stores near me" online might be a fantastic place to start. If you are from Selangor, AY Office System would be the greatest office furniture store nearby. For more information, see the following link: https://ayofficesystem.com
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royaloak-furniture · 7 days
Which is the best brand for high-back chairs (office chairs) in India?
When it comes to identifying the top brand of high back office chairs in India, a few names stand out for their quality, comfort, and ergonomic design. Among them, the leading contenders are
Godrej Interio: Godrej Interio, known for its high-quality and long-lasting furniture, offers a selection of ergonomic high-back office chairs that provide exceptional support and comfort for extended working hours.
Featherlite: Featherlite's high back chairs, a popular choice for office furniture, are created with sophisticated ergonomics and quality materials to ensure both style and function.
Durian: Durian provides a selection of high-back office chairs that mix elegance and comfort. Their chairs are meant to maintain the spine's natural curve, minimizing strain and improving posture.
GreenSoul: GreenSoul specializes in ergonomic seats that are suitable for both office and gaming purposes. Their high-back chairs are noted for their customizable features and supportive construction, making them ideal for extended durations of sitting.
Herman Miller: Despite being on the pricier side, Herman Miller is world-renowned for its high-end, ergonomically designed seats. Their high back office chairs are designed to provide optimum comfort and support, making them an excellent investment for individuals who work long hours at their desks.
Additionally, Royaloak provides a diverse selection of office chairs, including high back alternatives, that mix comfort, style, and cost. Royaloak's office chairs are designed to give exceptional support and durability, making them ideal for any workplace setting.
Each of these brands has its own set of features and perks, so which one is perfect for you is determined by your personal requirements and budget. If you're seeking for a trustworthy and comfy high back office chair in India, none of these selections will disappoint.
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amantran-furniture · 1 month
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furniturestoreindore · 11 months
Space-Saving Solutions: Furniture Ideas for Small Apartments
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Living in a small apartment can be a delightful experience, but it also presents unique challenges when it comes to furnishing and organizing the limited space. Maximizing every square inch becomes essential to create a comfortable and functional living environment. Thankfully, with a range of innovative space-saving furniture ideas transforming your compact living space into a stylish and practical easier than ever. In this article, we will explore some clever furniture solutions tailored specifically for small apartments.
1. Multi-functional Furniture:
One of the most effective ways to save space in a small apartment is by investing in multi-functional furniture. Look for items like sofa beds, which serve as comfortable seating during the day and easily transform into a cozy bed at night. Additionally, consider dining tables with drop leaves or extendable surfaces, allowing you to adjust their size based on your needs.
2. Wall-Mounted Shelves and Cabinets:
Embrace vertical storage by installing wall-mounted shelves and cabinets. These practical additions provide extra storage space for books, decor, and essentials, while keeping your floor clear and creating a sense of openness.
3. Foldable Dining Chairs:
Traditional dining chairs can take up valuable floor space, but foldable or stackable chairs can be easily stored when not in use. This simple solution ensures you have enough seating for guests without cluttering the living area.
4. Nesting Tables:
Nesting tables offer versatility and space-saving benefits. When not in use, smaller tables can be neatly stacked under the larger ones, saving valuable floor space. Pull them out when needed for extra surface area during gatherings or activities.
5. Loft Beds:
Loft beds are a fantastic way to optimize space in a small bedroom. By elevating the bed, you create valuable storage or living space underneath, which can be used as a study area, reading nook, or even a small home office.
6. Floating Desks:
For those who work from home, a floating desk can be a game-changer. These compact and wall-mounted workspaces provide a functional area for your computer and paperwork without taking up precious floor space.
7. Wall Bed or Murphy Bed:
A wall bed, also known as a Murphy bed, is an excellent addition to any small apartment from Indore's best furniture shop. These beds can be folded up into a wall or cabinet when not in use, freeing up space for other activities.
9. Sliding Doors and Room Dividers:
Open floor plans can make a small apartment feel more spacious, but sometimes, you need a bit of privacy. Consider using sliding doors or room dividers to create separate zones without compromising on space.
10. Transparent Furniture:
Lucite or acrylic furniture can be an excellent choice for small spaces as they create the illusion of openness. Transparent chairs or coffee tables allow light to pass through, making the room feel more airy and less cramped.
In conclusion, living in a small apartment doesn't mean sacrificing style or functionality. With the right space-saving furniture ideas from the best furniture shop in Indore, you can optimize your living area and create a cozy, well-organized, and visually appealing space.
Whether it's multi-functional furniture, wall-mounted storage, or cleverly designed pieces, each choice can contribute to a more comfortable and enjoyable small apartment living experience. So, get creative and explore these furniture solutions to make the most out of your compact abode.
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thatvixenisbloody · 2 years
Tuck Me In and Walk Among Dreams
You can tell the paper had been expensive, thick even. A twist of black ribbon tied to the hole punched on top of it. Words, bold and serif simply said: “Tuck Me In and Walk Among Dreams.” At the back was a drawing of the bookmark pointed at a book and a person tucking the book under their pillow. A small bubble indicated the person was now dreaming of the book.
Or you may have found a magic bookmark and found yourself facing the same thing over and over again.
You were in an antique shop; the smell of the old and aged tastes sweet in your mouth.
Alas, you’re only window shopping. Money was tight, so you settled on gazing or tracing objects you knew you’d never trace again. Not unless you return with that sweet, sweet cash.
Yet, in the end it was not the old books, rusted furniture and things tied together by strings that caught your eye. In fact if you were a little more discerning you would have missed it all together.
In a box, tucked away and piled with old notes and letters long forgotten, you saw it.
It was a bookmark.
You can tell the paper had been expensive, thick even. A twist of black ribbon tied to the hole punched on top of it. Words, bold and serif simply said: “Tuck Me In and Walk Among Dreams.” At the back was a drawing of the bookmark pointed at a book and a person tucking the book under their pillow. A small bubble indicated the person was now dreaming of the book.
Interesting…but also…
It was unremarkable: you have seen better, prettier bookmarks – made of gems and gold and deft fingers to mark a pause in your book. Hell, even the words sounded corny but as you twisted and turned the thing, something screamed for you to buy it.
It was ridiculous. It was a bookmark.
But it cost only one dollar.
So you bought it. If the cashier judged you for such a pittance of a purchase they didn’t say a word. Despite it costing you nothing, they tucked the little bookmark into an envelope – for safe keeping, you supposed.
You placed the envelope into your bag and then like most impulse purchases, forgot completely about it.
Your dreams did not.
You dreamed of a being surrounded by light and glass and it’s cold. A man comes and demands.
“Give me youth, power, immortality.”
“I cannot. They are not mine to give. Let me go.” You said calmly, like a teacher educating a rather slow and dim child. He’d snarl and leave but you remain locked up. You’d cry, the tears felt hot on your cheeks, your breath steamed the glass so you did not notice.
You’d wake up just as the reflection cries back at you.
Work was a tiring slog that ensures you have food and house above your head. You look forward to going home, to read or watch or listen to songs each day. You accepted this was now your reality, you had come to terms with it – to do otherwise was insanity.
“Have you read the Sandman comics?” your colleague asked. He was one of those men – cheery and childlike even as three decades approached him. You don’t mind it – in this day and age it seemed as if everyone had either retained that childlike wonders – you think it’s because all those adult milestones have become near impossible to achieve.
“Just a volume here and there,” you said, remembering the time you checked for online scans when the show was announced.
“Did you finish it?”
“Not really but since the show’s coming on…”
He shoved some volumes at you; exclaiming its virtues, from writing to its art and its impact on mainstream culture. You don’t ponder too long why he does this. This was what he was – you were one of the few people in the office who enjoyed Western comics, most of the others were into Manga – and you don’t blame them. He continued rambling that it’s rather self-contained and the continuity was not so convoluted. There were 75 volumes and some spin-offs but nothing like the Gordian Knot that was the continuity of most popular comic titles.
(You tried to dip your toe into the Marvel and DC Universe and came out regretting everything.)
You promised to read them and return them once you’re done. He looked like he could not wait. You’d like to think it’s because the show was coming out and he just wanted someone to – in his words – squee – about it.
You were on the train – bored you took one volume to read. It was a rather interesting story: of an immortal being ensnared by a magician – who then created a cage of pure glass to trap him. And every night the villain would demand to the cold and unspeaking being:
“Give me youth, power, immortality.”
Your fingers paused, your eyes strained to read the words.
No, those were not unique words. Any villain worth their salt would demand those things.
(You can feel the coolness of the glass, the stillness of the air and the heat of your tears)
The train stopped and you’re shaken from your reverie – you dipped into your bag and found an old forgotten envelope and slipped it at where you had stopped.
Normally you’d dog-ear them (heresy, you know) but this was not your book and you were not such a heathen that you’d ruin another person’s property.
As work flew behind you and you entered your apartment, you did your usual ablutions and slowly destressed. Despite what happened earlier you took the volume with you.
You dreamed.
You were there, in the basement, the cold stones seeped into your feet as you stared at the large glass cage in front of you.
“Give me youth, power, immortality.”
You rolled your eyes and without even thinking you blurted: “Oh, fuck off.”
The villain stared at you and you stared at him and you ignore the one in the glass because what on earth made you say that?
The man, Roderick, backhanded you so hard you fell to the floor. Pain lanced up your lips as you clutched your face, feeling blood trickling onto your fingers.
“How dare you? You dare tell me to fuck off? YOU?” he started to rage and you’re unsure how to react because why does it hurt? Why does this hurt – this a dream!
Then, quiet as it was loud, Roderick stuttered, “-wait…who are you?”
You feel stars piercing through you but you merely turned to stare back at Roderick, confused and hurt.
The world spins and you swore you felt sand between your fingers.
You’re back in the basement, standing behind Roderick, the pain is gone and as you touched your lips, no blood touched back. The magus demanded again, the same three things as starry eyes stared back, uncaring –
Wait, no.
The man in glass wasn’t staring at Roderick.
He was staring at you.
Something clicked in you: this is a dream. A lucid dream.
You had them before, had them and had felt pain, fear and all other senses. It was rare but it happened. The man in the glass – Dream, Morpheus, the Sandman -? Oh yes you were reading weren’t you? Reading and had fallen asleep, of course.
Roderick began to rant, you didn’t give him the chance and as he leaned forward, spittle flying everywhere you punched him in the back of the head. The old man crumpled forward and you winced as your fist ached.
You look at Dream, feeling giddy with power as you stepped forward, eager to break the circle.
You forgot you were not alone.
Alex Burgess didn’t bother with fists, you hear a loud gunshot and there was great pain and you feel cold, so fucking cold and wow that’s a lot of bl –
You’re back in the basement, standing behind Roderick – your heart’s beating a million miles per second. You turned to look, remembering to pay attention this time. The old coot was not alone, Alex was there, so young and pale faced, there were a few men, decked with weapons standing nearby as Roderick demanded the impossible from his prisoner.
Dream stared at you and you could have sworn he looked concerned but that was ridiculous. You remembered that he was a stoic bastard with an infinite well of spite at this stage. It took the comics 70 years before he toned down his Dramatic personae but a smidge.
Still it was a dream – this time you managed to wrestle the gun away from Alex – this is a dream, you can kick ass here – and ass kicked you do and you reveled in it. It felt good, swinging like you’re some badass heroine, snatching guns out of people’s hands and shooting them dead and such.  
However, you soon learn that when it comes to close combat though – a knife was far more efficient than the gun in your hand.
One of the guards sinks a blade into your chest and before you could warn him to not pull it out – remember if you get stabbed leave the weapon in if not – well, he pulled it out and blood gushed out and it’s cold again and for fuck’s sake this was –
You’re back in the basement, standing behind Roderick.
Dream watches you and you ignore him – you spun your heels and marched up the door – you were outnumbered this dream is stupid and what good are you if you kept dying – you just wanted to set the idiot free – maybe there’s a fucking bomb upstairs that you can use – anything cause clearly you’re not kicking ass with whatever you have here -
…but as soon as you opened the door -
You’re back in the basement standing behind Roderick.
This time you screamed.
You tried everything – at one point you conjured up fire from your fingertips, nightmarish creatures with sharp fangs that tore Roderick and his useless posse to bits. But always – ALWAYS someone would kill you. It could have been a gun, a knife, the fucking cane – at some point you slipped on blood and cracked your skull. That had been embarrassing.
You had tried running, but as soon as you touched the door the dream resets.
“Give me youth, power, immortality.”
Followed you like a curse.
At one point you didn’t wait, just ran up to the glass cage trying your fucking best to rub the circle out. For an old fart, Roderick was damn good at breaking your limbs. Sometimes he used his cane, sometimes Alex shoots you, sometimes the guard punches you until you can feel your skull cave in and what delight that was.
Dream watches you – his face marbled flesh.
You tried waking up. Sometimes when the dream resets you muttered, begged and prayed to wake up. But no matter how hard you were still there – back in the basement standing behind fucking Roderick.
You babbled to Roderick that Dream doesn’t give a shit – that Roderick will die and Alex will be cursed and it wasn’t fair you were there with them – none of them were real – just some dude’s figment of an imagination made popular. Roderick dismissed you, thinking that you’re lying, and whenever he believed you were some minion of Dream, had the guards take pleasure in slowly breaking every single bone in your body.
Sometimes he makes Alex do it. The kid would weep, his face covered in tears and snot but he’d still do it. You didn’t forget in before, he shot you without flinching.
And how you loathed them, him, this world and why won’t you wake up?
Dream does not speak. He does not move.
Why were you trying to save him?
You are standing behind Roderick. In the basement. The walls are made of soft vellum. The words were inky black and it bled to the floor.
Tuck Me In and Walk Among Dreams.
tuCk MEE In ANDd Walk Among DREAMS
dreams TMEE and WALK
You’re standing behind Roderick down in the basement.
You know what? You’re going to wait.
Roderick blusters and yells, Alex looked down to his feet and the guards watched all of us; not even masking how disturbed they felt. Eventually Roderick slammed his cane and turned heel – even as bloviated as he was, he had limits.
You waited as they left wondering how many circles of this weird ass dream can you go before you try to maybe crush Roderick’s stupid eyeballs into his skull again when you realized...
You were alone. Some part of you were waiting for Roderick to teleport back – say those damn fucking words and you wondered if the waking world you had gone into some coma when you realized.
Nothing was happening.
Dream stared at you.
You. Alone.
A breath escaped your lungs. You didn’t dare to think, you just walked; each step free from death and distraction until you reached the edge of the circle. Dream’s eyes widened and you wondered how could someone like him even see you when all of the universe were in that face of his.
You used the edge of your shirt and with one hard swipe, broke the circle.
The Endless shot up as shocked as you are calm.
You can feel sand again, twirling between your fingers, rough, coarse and irritating.
But oh, so welcoming.
The walls were vellum and it made the basement feel brighter against the vortex of sand and not even the inky words could darken it.
“Thank you.”
He whispered and the world spins as you finally, finally wake up.
You are sitting in your bed, the comic fell onto your lap, the envelop marking the page peeled back to show the bookmark you bought. It was still dark and you felt somewhat rested and worn out at the same time. You flicked your bedside lamp and pondered the objects on your lap.
For a moment you wondered if you had, perhaps been drugged or maybe you ate something horribly wrong before sleeping. Lucid dreaming that vivid could happened under various circumstances but – to be honest you never had one so fucking vivid before.
You pulled of the bookmark from the envelope; feeling the vellum texture and words in your hands. “Tuck Me In and Walk Among Dreams.” Stare back at you. Feeling exhausted you pull it out before you noticed something.
The comic book was open to the page where Dream was about to escape. Except that wasn’t it – you remembered him being drawn stuck in a ridiculous glass cage, nude as the day he was born. That wasn’t the bit that caught your attention.
Not the fact that Dream was standing amongst broken glass, sand pooling at his feet – pages too early, no.
It was whom he was holding in his arms.
Though drawn in ink and stylize you recognize yourself anywhere.
Your heart stopped, the familiar cold runs up your spine as you tried to reconcile what you’re seeing.
It’s you: it’s you in his arms, fainted like some fucking princess from a fairytale and he’s some weird prince off to take you to his kingdom. Your fingers trembled and you blinked again and again, hoping it would change but it did not.
Not when the light flickered out and you’re plunged into darkness. Not when you felt sand – real, honest to God sand caressing your skin and the only light in the dark were galaxies that spiraled on a face too white to be human.
“Thank you.”
Sandstorm roared around you, swallowing your screams as someone – something - wrapped its arms about you and lifts –
The world spins again and the lights flickered back to an empty bed, except for an open comic book and a pool of golden sand on its sheets.
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farmhousesaleinnoida · 2 months
Scrap Buyers in Hyderabad@+91 82978 65751
Scrap Buyers in Hyderabad@+91 82978 65751
A S Traders is a leading scrap buying and dealing business based in Hyderabad. We have been in the industry for 15 years and have established ourselves as one of the most reliable and trusted scrap buyers in Hyderabad. We buy all types of scrap Iron scrap, Battery Scrap, Brass Scrap, Computer Scrap, Conveyor Belt, Copper Scrap, Demolishing Work, DG Set, Electrical Scrap, Eva Rubber, Ferrous and Nonferrous, GI Scrap, Glass Scrap, Iron Pipes Scrap, Steel Pipes Scrap, Iron Scrap, Lead Scrap, Motor Parts Scrap, Nickel Scrap, Office Furnitures, Old Air Condition, Old Machinery, Old Vehicles, Plastic Scrap, PVB Rubber, Solar Scrap, Stainless Steel, TMT Steel Scrap, Wooden Scrap and many more. At A S Traders Scrap Buyers in Hyderabad, we offer competitive prices and quick payment to ensure our customers get the best deal possible. We are committed to providing excellent customer service and strive to make the scrap-selling process as easy and hassle-free as possible. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to get rid of some old scrap or a business owner looking to dispose of your industrial scrap, contact us.
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Scrap Related FAQs for Hyderabad
What are the way Sell scrap online in Hyderabad ?
There are many ways to sell scrap materials online in Hyderabad as they will come to you on time and pick them up. You can get 24 hours turnaround time, which is not much to get rid of this rubbish collection. There is a freedom to sell metals and non-metals in return for cash in Hyderabad.
What kind of Scrap Metals do scrap Dealer accept in Hyderabad ?
The scrap dealers deal in ferrous and non-ferrous metals that may include heavy types of machinery, electronic appliances, and all other old instruments except woods. You dont have to worry about the weight, size, and material as they accept all the bins from your home in Hyderabad.
How do you pay Steel Scrap Metals in Hyderabad ?
They are offering different ways of paying options as cash, cheque, and bank transfers as per your preference. Get assure cost value in case of any metals as the price of steel scrap cost may also vary as per the metal condition in Hyderabad.
What Price Expect from my batteries Scrap in Hyderabad?
the price may differ in the case of battery scrap as its weight, wear and tears, and the years of usage. In the case of a less used battery, you can expect more price than the battery is totally damaged and out of odor in Hyderabad.
Scrap Dealer Near Me
You can call us at +91 82978 65751  if you are looking for scrap buyers or scrap dealers near you. You can check the Scrap Price or Rate List by calling our customer care team. We are dealing in the following scrap categories –
Copper Scrap
Aluminium Scrap
Iron Scrap
Plastic Scrap
Steel Scrap
Metal Scrap
Car Scrap
Battery Scrap
Brass Scrap
Computer Scrap 
Copper Scrap
Electronics Scrap
Home Appliances Scrap
Furniture Scrap
Paper Scrap
Air Condition Scrap
Machinery Scrap
Solar Scrap
Polythene Scrap
Electrical Steel Scrap
X Ray Film Scrap
Automobile Scrap
Computer scrap
Wooden scrap
Carbide Scrap
Zinc Scrap
Truck Scrap
Carbide Scrap
Nylon Scrap
Chemical Scrap
Camera Scrap
Non Ferrous Metal Scrap
Mild Steel Scrap
Bottle Scrap
Battery Scrap
Wire Scrap
Inverter Scrap
Silver Scrap
Photocopier Part Scrap
Building Construction Scrap
Garment Scrap
Tungsten Scrap
Glass Epoxy Scrap
Cotton Scrap
Disposable Scrap
Bakelite Scrap
Aluminum Scrap
Scrap Price/Rate
A New Tangled Notion to Sell Scrap Online in Hyderabad
The scrap dealers are always organized to help their clientele of Hyderabad by buying the scrap rate per kg and by converting that scrap waste product into an advanced well-furnished one, they also have predictable work of ferrous and nonferrous scrap commodities in Hyderabad, the scrap experts of Hyderabad are regimented in producing anything superior from the given scrap material of Hyderabad. The scrap dealers have all pursue one policy of reprocessing the old waste of Hyderabad customers, iron stuff and contain something astonishing which is pollution-free entirely, they try to make an advanced impression in which there can endure the only pollution restricted stuff of Hyderabad, and they all will be constructed through from top to bottom technology apparatus in Hyderabad.
The online scrap dealers of Hyderabad are skilled person with merely one approach of recycling all the longstanding waste scrap products of Hyderabad and produce something astonishing which can be pollution-free entirely in Hyderabad, they try their level best to paradigm an usual cognizance in which there can be all the things which are well-known by the scrap goods but are entirely real and virtuous for health for the person of Hyderabad. The scrap vendors of Hyderabad manage the pieces at a restored level, and due to their agile familiarity of Hyderabad’s scrap, they can effort on all sorts of scrap products of Hyderabad and they are manageable for all 7 days of the weak including all the leading holidays in Hyderabad as well.
If you don’t know about the worth of the scrap in Hyderabad, then you need not worry about it, as this matter of worry has already taken care of by the online scrap price list mend for Hyderabad is already obtainable by the vendors working for scraps in any of the locations of Hyderabad nearby your area. The prices of scraps keep fluctuating as per the market plea and utilization, online scrap service is authentic and the prices can be universally checked from any of the competitors or local vendors in Hyderabad, and hence they provide the best price to the person who are looking to buy their scraps to the vendors which are true and genuinetowards their work in Hyderabad.
Have you ever believed to sell scrap online in the location of Hyderabad? Shocked? Yes, it is right, this is a brand new idea in Hyderabad, actually, in various of the areas in Hyderabad there are society flats with plenty of security and hence, the normal street-vendors are not allowed to enter, in that condition this online service is really helpful in Hyderabad. Being an authorized marketplace of Hyderabad, we are here to connect you with steady online services of scrap selling, as it new idea which is getting more standard in Hyderabad nowadays and we make sure that the vendors who approach your home are registered vendors, that means they are consistent and trustworthy to agreement with despite any location in Hyderabad.
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There are various scrap buyers in Hyderabad which may surround you but the most imperative thing is that you do not have time to meet, interact, negotiate with them to sell your old unessential belongings as you are so hectic with your own schedule, but these Online Scrap buyers are obtainable throughout the day in the nearby location of Hyderabad so that you can call them anytime as per your accessibility in Hyderabad. The person who are working-class don’t have time to sell their scraps on usual basis, the online scrap selling service in Hyderabad is really beneficial for them and that is the main purpose for getting this idea more & more standard day by day in Hyderabad.
How to Search The Kabadi Wala at Hyderabad Location
The energy requirements of recycled copper in Hyderabad is as much as 80 to 89% less than the dispensation of new copper from virgin ore for the location of Hyderabad, it is a very supportive step of copper conservation, as copper is a non-renewable source, while only 10-12% of known reserves have been expended. As we all know that, Copper metal is an significant component that is essential for flora and fauna health, reasonable excess disclosure to copper is not allied with health risks in Hyderabad, as with former metal scrap, there are vital conservational advantages to the recycling of the copper scrap of Hyderabad, these cover solid waste departure, abridged energy requirements for dispensation, and natural source protection.
It is always recommended to look for a vendor from the authorized website of Hyderabad as the vendors registered on an authorized website are found more dependable, they always provide notable service to make their brand value and the customer rating or reviews do matter to them despite their location in any of the area of Hyderabad. To locate the kabadi wala near me in any of the locations of Hyderabad, you should know the precise words to put on the search for Hyderabad location, that means along with writing in English as scrap vendors, scrap dealer, scrap purchasing, etc. you must also know how to put it in Hindi as Kabari wala, Kabar ki dukaan, for the areas of Hyderabad.
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Are you aware that different to old plastic or paper, metal has cent present perceivable properties, as they can be made impeccable with a single method of recycling, that is the motive the scrap dealers are more interested in buying out your old metal scrap in Hyderabad so that they can earn profit out of this dealing. Now we will talk about metal scrap, metal is a faultless substantial that can be reprocessed and can offer an general variety of profits and rewards in Hyderabad but countless of us don’t know how numerous types of metals are existing in the world, the metal scrap business is one of the primary industries in the Hyderabad location and is still mounting at an recognized stride.
Sometimes the scrap vendors located in Hyderabad do not have contacts and options to recycle the heavy metal scrap, therefore they only accept plastic scrap in Hyderabad, and also the most normal. scrap paper like old books, notebooks, and newspaper in Hyderabad If you also have a lot of steel scrap at your home or office in Hyderabad, you must get in touch contact an experienced scrap vendor and deliberate having it recycled in Hyderabad, you also initially need to ask about the types of scrap they accept and their costs, before calling them at your place, make sure you re-inquire the types of scrap they accept as this shield a lot of your time and energy.
The Different Type of Scraps Sold in Hyderabad
If we talk about the aluminum scrap and the steel scrap of Hyderabad which is very commonly obtained from foils, cans, and other household material, it is mostly used in the infrastructure such as the aluminum windows can be constructed from the old recycled aluminum in Hyderabad, there are several more uses of recycled aluminum in the construction material used for the sites of Hyderabad. Scrap Buyers are there in adequate in Hyderabad, they can assemble the scrap from you, take it to the scrapping ability and ensure the scrap metal is recycled, this not only aids the atmosphere, but it is also used in the home and manufacturing industry, this abolishes the constraint for additional mining to obtain new metals for manufacturing processes.
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The battery scrap of Hyderabad is further a productive material as the lead present in the battery is used again, as the lead is again a non-renewable source of energy and have a worthy value of re-sale in Hyderabad, therefore the scrap dealers earn worthy profits after buying the battery scrap from any of the locations of Hyderabad. The scrap dealers also take rejected pet bottle scrap of Hyderabad, they assemble them, sort them, clean them, then they are shredded and modified into washed flakes, which are then used to yield an range of produces, initiating from polyester fibre, which is recycled for a range of applications like filling material for pillows, cushions, and converted to materials for utilization in clothing.
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Scrap furniture, a few fitting materials, lights, roofing, computer scrap, and countless more domestic products in Hyderabad can convey recycled scrap metal into depletion, giving objects that have stretched the end of their decided period a new tangled, tempting persistence in Hyderabad.
The old heavy fans installed in your homes are having copper binding in old days and therefore, they are very exclusive and valuable when goes in scrap sale in Hyderabad. If you plan to sell the old fan from your home, then the scrap vendors of Hyderabad are interested to buy it for the copper wire scrap, it is again a vastly valuable contract for them and we can also earn worthy profits by buying the copper cable scrap in Hyderabad.
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ezywud · 1 year
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Tuck Me In and Walk Among Dreams
You can tell the paper had been expensive, thick even. A twist of black ribbon tied to the hole punched on top of it. Words, bold and serif simply said: “Tuck Me In and Walk Among Dreams.” At the back was a drawing of the bookmark pointed at a book and a person tucking the book under their pillow. A small bubble indicated the person was now dreaming of the book.
Or you may have found a magic bookmark and found yourself facing the same thing over and over again.
You were in an antique shop; the smell of the old and aged tastes sweet in your mouth.
Alas, you’re only window shopping. Money was tight, so you settled on gazing or tracing objects you knew you’d never trace again. Not unless you return with that sweet, sweet cash.
Yet, in the end it was not the old books, rusted furniture and things tied together by strings that caught your eye. In fact if you were a little more discerning you would have missed it all together.
In a box, tucked away and piled with old notes and letters long forgotten, you saw it.
It was a bookmark.
You can tell the paper had been expensive, thick even. A twist of black ribbon tied to the hole punched on top of it. Words, bold and serif simply said: “Tuck Me In and Walk Among Dreams.” At the back was a drawing of the bookmark pointed at a book and a person tucking the book under their pillow. A small bubble indicated the person was now dreaming of the book.
Interesting…but also…
It was unremarkable: you have seen better, prettier bookmarks – made of gems and gold and deft fingers to mark a pause in your book. Hell, even the words sounded corny but as you twisted and turned the thing, something screamed for you to buy it.
It was ridiculous. It was a bookmark.
But it cost only one dollar.
So you bought it. If the cashier judged you for such a pittance of a purchase they didn’t say a word. Despite it costing you nothing, they tucked the little bookmark into an envelope – for safe keeping, you supposed.
You placed the envelope into your bag and then like most impulse purchases, forgot completely about it.
Your dreams did not.
You dreamed of a being surrounded by light and glass and it’s cold. A man comes and demands.
“Give me youth, power, immortality.”
“I cannot. They are not mine to give. Let me go.” You said calmly, like a teacher educating a rather slow and dim child. He’d snarl and leave but you remain locked up. You’d cry, the tears felt hot on your cheeks, your breath steamed the glass so you did not notice.
You’d wake up just as the reflection cries back at you.
Work was a tiring slog that ensures you have food and house above your head. You look forward to going home, to read or watch or listen to songs each day. You accepted this was now your reality, you had come to terms with it – to do otherwise was insanity.
“Have you read the Sandman comics?” your colleague asked. He was one of those men – cheery and childlike even as three decades approached him. You don’t mind it – in this day and age it seemed as if everyone had either retained that childlike wonders – you think it’s because all those adult milestones have become near impossible to achieve.
“Just a volume here and there,” you said, remembering the time you checked for online scans when the show was announced.
“Did you finish it?”
“Not really but since the show’s coming on…”
He shoved some volumes at you; exclaiming its virtues, from writing to its art and its impact on mainstream culture. You don’t ponder too long why he does this. This was what he was – you were one of the few people in the office who enjoyed Western comics, most of the others were into Manga – and you don’t blame them. He continued rambling that it’s rather self-contained and the continuity was not so convoluted. There were 75 volumes and some spin-offs but nothing like the Gordian Knot that was the continuity of most popular comic titles.
(You tried to dip your toe into the Marvel and DC Universe and came out regretting everything.)
You promised to read them and return them once you’re done. He looked like he could not wait. You’d like to think it’s because the show was coming out and he just wanted someone to – in his words – squee – about it.
You were on the train – bored you took one volume to read. It was a rather interesting story: of an immortal being ensnared by a magician – who then created a cage of pure glass to trap him. And every night the villain would demand to the cold and unspeaking being:
“Give me youth, power, immortality.”
Your fingers paused, your eyes strained to read the words.
No, those were not unique words. Any villain worth their salt would demand those things.
(You can feel the coolness of the glass, the stillness of the air and the heat of your tears)
The train stopped and you’re shaken from your reverie – you dipped into your bag and found an old forgotten envelope and slipped it at where you had stopped.
Normally you’d dog-ear them (heresy, you know) but this was not your book and you were not such a heathen that you’d ruin another person’s property.
As work flew behind you and you entered your apartment, you did your usual ablutions and slowly destressed. Despite what happened earlier you took the volume with you.
You dreamed.
You were there, in the basement, the cold stones seeped into your feet as you stared at the large glass cage in front of you.
“Give me youth, power, immortality.”
You rolled your eyes and without even thinking you blurted: “Oh, fuck off.”
The villain stared at you and you stared at him and you ignore the one in the glass because what on earth made you say that?
The man, Roderick, backhanded you so hard you fell to the floor. Pain lanced up your lips as you clutched your face, feeling blood trickling onto your fingers.
“How dare you? You dare tell me to fuck off? YOU?” he started to rage and you’re unsure how to react because why does it hurt? Why does this hurt – this a dream!
Then, quiet as it was loud, Roderick stuttered, “-wait…who are you?”
You feel stars piercing through you but you merely turned to stare back at Roderick, confused and hurt.
The world spins and you swore you felt sand between your fingers.
You’re back in the basement, standing behind Roderick, the pain is gone and as you touched your lips, no blood touched back. The magus demanded again, the same three things as starry eyes stared back, uncaring –
Wait, no.
The man in glass wasn’t staring at Roderick.
He was staring at you.
Something clicked in you: this is a dream. A lucid dream.
You had them before, had them and had felt pain, fear and all other senses. It was rare but it happened. The man in the glass – Dream, Morpheus, the Sandman -? Oh yes you were reading weren’t you? Reading and had fallen asleep, of course.
Roderick began to rant, you didn’t give him the chance and as he leaned forward, spittle flying everywhere you punched him in the back of the head. The old man crumpled forward and you winced as your fist ached.
You look at Dream, feeling giddy with power as you stepped forward, eager to break the circle.
You forgot you were not alone.
Alex Burgess didn’t bother with fists, you hear a loud gunshot and there was great pain and you feel cold, so fucking cold and wow that’s a lot of bl –
You’re back in the basement, standing behind Roderick – your heart’s beating a million miles per second. You turned to look, remembering to pay attention this time. The old coot was not alone, Alex was there, so young and pale faced, there were a few men, decked with weapons standing nearby as Roderick demanded the impossible from his prisoner.
Dream stared at you and you could have sworn he looked concerned but that was ridiculous. You remembered that he was a stoic bastard with an infinite well of spite at this stage. It took the comics 70 years before he toned down his Dramatic personae but a smidge.
Still it was a dream – this time you managed to wrestle the gun away from Alex – this is a dream, you can kick ass here – and ass kicked you do and you reveled in it. It felt good, swinging like you’re some badass heroine, snatching guns out of people’s hands and shooting them dead and such.  
However, you soon learn that when it comes to close combat though – a knife was far more efficient than the gun in your hand.
One of the guards sinks a blade into your chest and before you could warn him to not pull it out – remember if you get stabbed leave the weapon in if not – well, he pulled it out and blood gushed out and it’s cold again and for fuck’s sake this was –
You’re back in the basement, standing behind Roderick.
Dream watches you and you ignore him – you spun your heels and marched up the door – you were outnumbered this dream is stupid and what good are you if you kept dying – you just wanted to set the idiot free – maybe there’s a fucking bomb upstairs that you can use – anything cause clearly you’re not kicking ass with whatever you have here -
…but as soon as you opened the door -
You’re back in the basement standing behind Roderick.
This time you screamed.
You tried everything – at one point you conjured up fire from your fingertips, nightmarish creatures with sharp fangs that tore Roderick and his useless posse to bits. But always – ALWAYS someone would kill you. It could have been a gun, a knife, the fucking cane – at some point you slipped on blood and cracked your skull. That had been embarrassing.
You had tried running, but as soon as you touched the door the dream resets.
“Give me youth, power, immortality.”
Followed you like a curse.
At one point you didn’t wait, just ran up to the glass cage trying your fucking best to rub the circle out. For an old fart, Roderick was damn good at breaking your limbs. Sometimes he used his cane, sometimes Alex shoots you, sometimes the guard punches you until you can feel your skull cave in and what delight was that.
Dream watches you – his face marbled flesh.
You tried waking up. Sometimes when the dream resets you muttered, begged and prayed to wake up. But no matter how hard you were still there – back in the basement standing behind fucking Roderick.
You babbled to Roderick that Dream doesn’t give a shit – that Roderick will die and Alex will be cursed and it wasn’t fair you were there with them – none of them were real – just some dude’s figment of an imagination made popular. Roderick dismissed you, thinking that you’re lying, and whenever he believed you were some minion of Dream, had the guards take pleasure in slowly breaking every single bone in your body.
Sometimes he makes Alex do it. The kid would weep, his face covered in tears and snot but he’d still do it. You didn’t forget in before, he shot you without flinching.
And how you loathed them, him, this world and why won’t you wake up?
Dream does not speak. He does not move.
Why were you trying to save him?
You are standing behind Roderick. In the basement. The walls are made of soft vellum. The words were inky black and it bled to the floor.
Tuck Me In and Walk Among Dreams.
tuCk MEE In ANDd Walk Among DREAMS
dreams TMEE and WALK
You’re standing behind Roderick down in the basement.
You know what? You’re going to wait.
Roderick blusters and yells, Alex looked down to his feet and the guards watched all of us; not even masking how disturbed they felt. Eventually Roderick slammed his cane and turned heel – even as bloviated as he was, he had limits.
You waited as they left wondering how many circles of this weird ass dream can you go before you try to maybe crush Roderick’s stupid eyeballs into his skull again when you realized
You were alone. Some part of you were waiting for Roderick to teleport back – say those damn fucking words and you wondered if the waking world you had gone into some coma when you realized.
Nothing was happening.
Dream stared at you.
You. Alone.
A breath escaped your lungs. You didn’t dare to think, you just walked; each step free from death and distraction until you reached the edge of the circle. Dream’s eyes widened and you wondered how could someone like him even see you when all of the universe were in that face of his.
You used the edge of your shirt and with one hard swipe, broke the circle.
The Endless shot up as shocked as you are calm.
You can feel sand again, twirling between your fingers, rough, coarse and irritating.
But oh, so welcoming.
The walls were vellum and it made the basement feel brighter against the vortex of sand and not even the inky words could darken it.
“Thank you.”
He whispered and the world spins as you finally, finally wake up.
You are sitting in your bed, the comic fell onto your lap, the envelop marking the page peeled back to show the bookmark you bought. It was still dark and you felt somewhat rested and worn out at the same time. You flicked your bedside lamp and pondered the objects on your lap.
For a moment you wondered if you had, perhaps been drugged or maybe you ate something horribly wrong before sleeping. Lucid dreaming that vivid could happened under various circumstances but – to be honest you never had one so fucking vivid before.
You pulled of the bookmark from the envelope; feeling the vellum texture and words in your hands. “Tuck Me In and Walk Among Dreams.” Stare back at you. Feeling exhausted you pull it out before you noticed something.
The comic book was open to the page where Dream was about to escape. Except that wasn’t it – you remembered him being drawn stuck in a ridiculous glass cage, nude as the day he was born. That wasn’t the bit that caught your attention.
Not the fact that Dream was standing amongst broken glass, sand pooling at his feet – pages too early, no.
It was whom he was holding in his arms.
Though drawn in ink and stylize you recognize yourself anywhere.
Your heart stopped, the familiar cold runs up your spine as you tried to reconcile what you’re seeing.
It’s you: it’s you in his arms, fainted like some fucking princess from a fairytale and he’s some weird prince off to take you to his kingdom. Your fingers trembled and you blinked again and again, hoping it would change but it did not.
Not when the light flickered out and you’re plunged into darkness. Not when you felt sand – real, honest to God sand caressing your skin and the only light in the dark were galaxies that spiraled on a face too white to be human.
“Thank you.”
Sandstorm roared around you, swallowing your screams as someone – something - wrapped its arms about you and lifts –
The world spins again and the lights flickered back to an empty bed, except for an open comic book and a pool of golden sand on its sheets.
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ajaychoudhary · 3 days
Buy Best Office Furniture | Office Table & Desks Online | Monarch Ergo
Integrating ergonomics into an interior design office in Hyderabad involves several key steps:
Ergonomic Furniture: Invest in Ergonomic furniture like chairs and desks from reliable providers such as Monarch Ergo to ensure comfort and productivity.
Proper Layout: Design the workspace to allow for natural light, easy movement, and accessibility to necessary tools and equipment.
Adjustable Equipment: Use adjustable monitors, keyboard trays, and chairs to cater to individual needs and preferences.
Break Areas: Create comfortable spaces for breaks to reduce physical strain and promote mental well-being.
Additionally, finding a Conference table near me and the best conference room chairs in Hyderabad can enhance meeting spaces. Monarch Ergo, a leading commercial office furniture manufacturer, offers high-quality solutions tailored to professional
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melancholy-thots · 8 days
What's a Small Business?
This probably surprises literally no one, but I refuse to buy from Amazon when possible. I hate their business practices and I am fortunate enough to be able to buy everything I need elsewhere.
Key word here being "need."
This is going to be a bit of a rant, but what else are personal blogs for?
I buy my groceries just a few blocks from where I live. I rarely need for much else, but for example I've been wanting furniture and I've primarily been looking on my local facebook groups. All the art I display in my home is either from artists I've met in person at shows/whatever, or ordered online from artists I saw here on tumblr.
So I've got a few places I know I can get things. But what about outside of that? I've been wanting a blanket for my office when it's cold. There's one store I know of online I'm interested in. She's a streamer I like who runs an online store where she designs stuff with other people and sells it on her storefront. Sounds great, right?
Well I know that many streamers do something called dropshipping. I also know that this is bad. What I don't know is a good definition for that word or how to check if something meets it. Is this streamer I like doing the wrong type of small business? How can I tell?
And if it turns out she is, then what? I only know to type in her name into Google because I watch her stream. Otherwise I'd have no way to even know she had this small business selling something I want. All of that means I have no real way to find a legitimate small business to give my money to.
It's all so frustrating. I've got all the world's knowledge at my fingertips, I can order things to be shipped to me from anywhere whenever I want. But doing so ethically? Trying to support businesses that aren't yet big enough to become near-monopolies? No shot. Get fucked.
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ayofficesystem · 1 year
The best online retailer of office furniture in my area is AY Office System. Ay Office System's furniture is always of the best quality and most durable design. Additionally, they employ experts who can help you set up your office. For further info, see the link below. https://ayofficesystem.com/
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royaloak-furniture · 29 days
Can you recommend the best executive office chairs?
Certainly! When it comes to executive office chairs, there are numerous top choices that are known for their comfort, longevity, and ergonomic design. The Herman Miller Aeron Chair comes highly recommended for its revolutionary features such as adjustable lumbar support, breathable mesh back, and customizable armrests. Another popular option is the Steelcase Gesture Chair, which is acclaimed for its simple adjustments, flexible seat and backrest, and excellent support for a variety of sitting positions. For those looking for a luxurious feel, the Royaloak Venice Italian Mesh Office Chair with Revolving Base is an excellent choice, with dynamic pixelated support, advanced spinal alignment, and breathable material. Furthermore, the Chair has a stylish design, customizable features, and superior lumbar support. Finally, the greatest executive office chair is determined by personal tastes, budget, and unique ergonomic requirements, therefore it is critical to test out many possibilities to discover the best fit for your workstation.
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furniturestorenearme · 5 months
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paypant · 8 months
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specialitypanels · 9 months
Speciality Panel Products in Nagpur, India
Established in the year 2017, Speciality Panel Products has emerged as a well-known and leading manufacturer of Pre Laminated Particle Boards, MDF Boards and Plywood. The product range available under the brand name “Speciality Panel Products”.
We are distinguished for our wide range of products which includes, Pre Laminated Wood Based Particle & MDF Boards, Pre Laminated Bagasse Based Particle Board, and Pre Laminated Plywood. We are manufacturing Digital and High Gloss with melamine lamination boards for furniture and home/office decoration. Our products are appreciated for their unique designs, strength, high durability, easy to install and maintain.
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Furniture is amongst the most crucial elements of a home and more often than not a true reflection of the people living in it. From the style of bed to the colour of the chairs, every little detail makes a massive impact, which is why choosing the right furniture for your home is essential. Tired of searching for furniture shop near me in the search engine of your choice and not finding substantial results? We have just the solution for you.
Speciality Panels, an online furniture store, is home to exceptional furniture options for every part of your home including the bedroom, living room, dining room, and more. Trust Speciality Panels with your home furniture needs and enjoy access to premium furniture made from the highest quality materials. When you shop for furniture online from Speciality Panels, you’re assured of a durable product that’ll add immense value to your interior decor.
At Speciality Panels, we take our customers’ needs very seriously. A team of furniture designers work tirelessly to craft fresh new furniture designs that cater to the requirements of today’s homeowner flawlessly. We take design aesthetics equally seriously which is why we have furniture options available in different aesthetics including classic, modern, mid-century, Scandanavian, industrial, and many more.
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