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Best Prices on complete shower kits! A great range of concealed and exposed complete shower packages. Complete shower kits are available in a wide range of styles from BathroomshopUK. Top brands such as Burlington, Hansgrohe, and many more! View our Luxury range of Complete Shower kits. From top designers and in a range of traditional and modern.
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listentoace · 24 days
Everything and everybody wants you to get fatter
Everything you buy at the grocery store is filled with sugar, even in products you don't expect. There are more and more delivery services that can bring you any meal you crave right to your doorstep. Junk food is cheaper than healthy options. There is more and more content to stream online, keeping your mind occupied and your body sedentary. You can work from home, moving less and less. Anywhere you go, there will be a fast food place. Body positivity makes it easier to just be fat. Fat characters in cartoons and movies have become normal and beloved. Gyms keep getting more and more expensive. Whenever you gain a few pounds, people will cheer online and want you to get fatter. You're probably getting off on the thought of getting fatter already. You've turned ruining yourself into a fetish. You don't even want to try and fight it, do you? Stuffing yourself and feeding your addiction is just more pleasurable. Everyday new snacks are being invented to keep you eating. New shows are created to keep your mind empty. More people are sucked into feederism, fetishizing obesity. It'll only get worse, but that'll just make it so much more pleasurable. You might feel fat now, but it'll be nothing compared to what you'll look like in a few years. You'll never be this skinny again. You'll never be able to return to normal. The perception of "fat" keeps shifting. While a hundred years ago, a person with a BMI of 30 would have been considered fat, now they're chubby at best. One third of the population is obese already and those numbers - just like those on your bathroom scale - will only be going up. You can't escape, there is no need to. Fat feels good. Obesity feels good. No more worrying about exercise. No more paying attention to what you eat. So much soft and jiggly mass you carry around with you. Sitting and laying down become so much more comfortable than standing and walking. Your stomach will expand, increasing your capacity for food. You know you love it. You need it. It's natural. It's good. Give in. It's easier. Don't fight. Be consumed. Rest your mind. Rest your body. Stuff yourself. Dumb yourself down. Turn into a blob. Eat. Gain. Grow. It's what's best for you.
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scarlettgauthor · 1 year
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[to the tune of Tom Cardy's Big Breakfast]
I don't regret ordering the BIG BATH TUB I know I'll feel so good when I'm... INSIDE THE BIG BATH TUB
OKAY SO if you've read anything I've ever written you might be aware that I have a deep and abiding love of a Big Bathtub. Tragically, this was something I did not have access to in my personal life, as the house we bought had a baby tub for babies who don't like baths. Seriously, this thing was 15" tall on the outside and maybe had 12" of soaking depth if you were lucky. I still took baths, but I complained about it the whole time.
No more.
Now I have Big Bathtub!!!! Look at it! LOOK AT IT!!! I can get my boobs AND my knees underwater at the same time! I'm gonna be making cauldrons of lady soup in there! My 6'1" wife is gonna be able to take baths and be comfortable!
If you can't find me, look for me in the Big Bathtub.
(Don't look for me.)
"Scarlett!" I hear you (a rhetorical device) saying, "I love that for you, but I am also jealous! How do I get a Big Bathtub of my very own?"
Well, my friend, if there's one thing I love more than Big Bathtub, it is oversharing about home improvement projects.
Given how absolutely fucking impossible it is to find any guidance online about how much this shit costs when you're just starting the research, I'll start here: This cost us $11,466.16 and took two days to install. We live in a very high COL area, and from what other research I did and estimates we got, $10-12k was about what we could expect to pay for a new bathtub and shower surround that wasn't The Same Fiberglass Shit We Already Had, AND we would have had to bring in multiple contractors.
Some necessary background: My wife and I bought our house about eleven years ago, when house prices in Seattle were at a historic low. My mom gifted us money for the down payment, which was a huge privilege, but if she gifted us the same amount of money now it would buy us precisely jack and shit. We have the stability we have due to a rare combination of privilege and luck, and I am grateful for it literally every day.
The incredibly low price we bought this house at also allowed us to manage to stay afloat through our last seven-ish years of chronic under-employment. I won't get deeply into the details, but we spent a lot of time in a place where buying myself a package of nice butter was a luxury I had to plan for. A little over a year ago my wife got a really good job (after a year of unemployment) and this summer I got a much-overdue promotion at my day job and a significant raise! Between those two things, we've finally been in a place where we can save money for house projects instead of going into debt for them, which still seems like a fucking miracle! It hasn't gotten old yet! I don't know if it ever will!
Flush on that success, earlier this this fall I got quotes for an addition on the house (something we've wanted almost since we moved in, since it's 800 square feet and has just the one tiny bathroom) and learned it would cost AT LEAST 150% MORE than we paid for this house in the first place!!! Like we could buy a whole-ass house in a cheaper area for the cost of adding on to this one! HAHAHAHA NO!! 😭😬
After a couple days of crushing disappointment I decided this meant we could pursue smaller improvements to make the house we have into a house we love, and first on the list was Big Bathtub!
Being generally handy people (ask about the shed my wife built sometime) we looked at buying a nice tub at a showroom and having a plumber install it, but plumbers don't install shower surrounds. Okay, so we figured we could probably install a shower surround? And my dad (a retired general contractor) could help? But this isn't a kitchen counter, this is a bathroom, and in this house we don't fuck with stuff that need waterproofing. We decided we wanted someone who could handle the whole thing, so I requested quotes from remodel contractors but they all told me my project was too small!
Enter Bath Planet. They're a one-stop shop that does custom full bath surround installs with a ton of options. The sales guy who did the estimate had color and material samples with him and dug through all the options to get me the deepest bathtub possible. This sucker's 22" tall! The cost included wrapping the entire window so the sill would be waterproof! If there was damage to the subfloor, they'd repair it before installing the tub at no additional cost! The warranty is really good!
(Oh man I've become such an adult.)
Not gonna lie, the quoted price was 😬😬😬 when he was done, but we couldn't argue with the quality or convenience and we were looking at a cost of close to $7k if we bought a big tub, had a plumber installed it, and then DIYed the surround (with no guarantees about how long that would make our only bathroom unusable!) so we bit the bullet and put down a deposit.
In related news, my wife and I are giving each other very few presents this Christmas, since the tub was our main gift 😂 Our savings are... Very depleted right now, so we're gonna have to hunker down for a few months to rebuild before we can think about any other house projects or expensive fun stuff, but what we lack in money, we make up for in bathtub!
As far as the timeline went, we got the initial quote on 9/20, put down our deposit that day, and then the install happened over 12/6 and 12/7. The installer was great, the work happened exactly as it was supposed to, and now we have BIG BATHTUB.
This was a wall of text, I know! If anyone has questions I didn't answer here, though, I'm happy to answer them. It's so rough trying to find home reno information out on the wide internet, and contractor websites are worse than useless for the purpose.
Meanwhile, I will be in the Big Bathtub.
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Trans Resources/Info Masterpost
I dedicate a lot of time to helping fellow trans men, answering their questions, etc. and I've noticed a few very common questions in every trans group I'm a member of. I want the information within these resources to become common knowledge in our community. This information has been extremely helpful to me, my friends, and/or other people in the community, and they're things that everyone should be aware of...
Changing your name and/or gender marker: -The National Center for Transgender Equality will tell you exactly how to change your name and/or gender marker in each state.
HRT: -This map shows organizations that offer HRT following the informed consent method. -Testosterone HRT changes and timelines: source 1, source 2 -Testosterone myths -Bottom growth info (CW: this resource contains illustrations of the anatomy that will grow, before and after growth)
Injections/Syringes: -Syringes and needles can be annoying to buy at the pharmacy. Before I started buying in bulk, I had to go from pharmacy to pharmacy searching for ones that were the right size (they always ran out or didn't buy enough or something). This is a problem that many people experience, so a lot of us buy our medical supplies in bulk online. It's cheaper, easier, and you never have to worry about the pharmacy running out of your syringes. Here are a few popular websites that people buy syringes from: allegromedical.com, westendmedicalsupplies.com, bulksyringes.com, healthykin.com, https://www.vitalitymedical.com, https://www.gpzmedlab.com, etc. -Trans Needle Exchange is currently on hiatus, but they provide needles/syringes to people who can't afford/access them for free. -Search relevant subreddits for more, if those websites don't meet your needs.
Surgery: -topsurgery.net has the answer to almost any top surgery question you might have (the process, finding a surgeon, insurance, before and after pictures, etc.) -There are top surgery grants that you might qualify for. -The GALAP (Gender Affirming Letter Access Project) is a group of independent medical professionals dedicated to providing free letters of support to people seeking gender affirming surgeries. Make sure these medical professionals meet the requirements of your insurance/surgeon though, since they all have different requirements. -Plume also provides letters of support for gender affirming surgeries. Letters are included for members, but they can also be provided to non-members for $150 and one appointment. (Note: they are provided by a medical professional, not a behavioral health or mental health professional. Each insurance has different requirements about who the letter needs to be written by) -The Gender Confirmation Center has a lot of information about gender affirming surgeries, how to take care of yourself before/during/after surgery, a huge gallery of before and after pictures for different incision types, etc. -T4T Caregiving is a group of "traveling trans caregivers for all of your post-op needs". I know how hard it is for some people to find someone who is willing to take care of them after surgery. The caregivers at T4T Caregiving will provide you with care 24/7, with prices on a sliding scale that ranges from $150-250 per day. -You can find information about different surgeons here (top surgery - search by location, whether they accept informed consent, insurance, etc.) and here (several different kinds of surgeries - search by procedure, location, insurance, etc.)
WPATH's Standards of Care: -It's also a good idea to be familiar with the WPATH's (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) Standards of Care! Here is the most recent version, SOC8
Other: -Refuge Restrooms is a database of gender neutral bathroom locations. You can search for, add, and rate different locations.
Unfortunately, a lot of this information is only applicable to trans men (or AFAB NB people wishing to transition) in the US. That's what I have the most experience with (and knowledge about), as I'm a trans man in the US. Feel free to add your own favorite resources (especially for trans women) if you want!
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anoldfreind · 1 month
Random distractions
Cut out a shape w paper and color if you want, (make 2 identical) tape/glue them together on a string, and make those wall/window hanging things
Mealty beads/make bracelets
Paint, write, draw, read
Make a fort
Play with chalk
Get random mobile games and play them
Listen to albums while paceing
Death scroll
Talk 2 me!
Make a notebook where every two pages is about completely different things your into! Fandoms, fun facts, animals, bridges, cannibalism, anime, you name it.
Clean the bathroom/laundry/make your bed
Play with clay
Get into makeing dolls! (Re-doing monster high dolls or make an anime figure :] )
Make a Dino mask! (Or any mask)
Closet cosplay
Stretch/lay on the floor and roll around
Climb shit (be careful)
Online shop (you don't have to actually buy anything)
Masterbate/get some eep
Clean all the windows/floors/counters
Make diets/look at thinsp0
Paint nails
Learn a language
Get paint by numbers/activity books/Dimond painting/Lego or cheaper bricks
Make ocs
Everything shower
Organize that spot that needed it 2 years ago
Pintrest boards
Try different art/writing styles
Find new music
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Extreme Wealth
I was a kid in the 80s. I remember that time when wanting to be rich was about status symbols and flaunting one’s wealth. And, I mean, I’m sure there are some people out there who still see it that way - who want the big house, the fancy car, the unfeasibly gaudy deco, stuff like that. The sad thing is, though, that I think most of us my age or younger, if we want to be ‘rich’ at all, only want it because it would provide us a halfway decent quality of life.
Yes, I want bespoke tailored clothes. However, the status has nothing to do with it; I just want things that actually fit me, instead of being manufactured in a way that doesn’t really fit anybody except for one very specific body type, which I am decidedly not. I also want things made of decent materials so they don’t dissolve in the wash after about a month.
Yes, I want to pay someone to clean my living space. Again, though, status has nothing to do with it; it’s all about the disability. I just want things to still be clean even if I’m having a succession of bad pain days. I also want to pay someone to drive me places (though probably just taxis rather than owning a car or chauffeur), because public transport is a nightmare and I don’t trust my ability to drive a car any distance even with power steering. Pain, fatigue, and a chance of fibro fog probably doesn’t mesh overly well with any amount of traffic.
On the subject of disability, yes, I want to be able to afford to travel first or at least business class if I want or need to travel by air. Again, nothing to do with the status. I just want a seat I can stretch out in when I need to, because I’ve spent my life travelling in coach and it was uncomfortable enough before the fibromyalgia. Now that I need to change position fairly often because getting stiff means extra mega ultra pain, I can’t imagine flying coach and being capable of anything but curling up and crying on the other end.
I don’t want a big house; it’d be hell to move around in anyway. I want a flat not dissimilar to the one I’m in now. Maybe one other room, so I could have a guest room and a study / craft room. With a bigger balcony for more plants, and hopefully not north-facing so those plants could get more light. Also a decent-sized kitchen - not huge, just not smaller than the actual bathroom. Preferably pet friendly, since I’d be able to afford pet insurance. I just don’t want it to be in this country. Politics aside, it’s damn near impossible to find a pet-friendly flat or a decent-sized kitchen in this country unless you want a house, and sometimes not even then.
I mean, when you think about it, this is more or less basic stuff. Disability accommodation, decent clothes (because almost nothing we buy off the rack comes under that definition any more), a few small quality of life bits and pieces. I want to be able to grocery shop without panic attacks. I want to be able to just get a haircut when I decide I need one, not look at it and go, “Eh, I don’t look too much like a briard yet; it’ll keep another month”. I want to be able to get my eyes tested when I notice I’m having trouble focusing on fine print again, and not panic about the cost of the glasses. (Yeah, eye tests only cost £20-25, but it’s still a cost, and the optician generally pushes you to buy glasses from them, and I’m currently working on pushing back my anxiety to tell the optician, “I’d just like the prescription, please” so I can go to one of those places where you can get your glasses online for cheaper ... which is a whole other set of anxieties but never mind; I’m just not getting my mother to pay for the damn things again.) Hell, I want spare glasses.
The worst part is that things like this only seem possible these days if you’re really wealthy. Or maybe my view of what ‘wealthy’ means has changed. Because, I mean, if I was really wealthy? Like, lottery money wealthy? I’d have all of the above. My closest friends would not have debt or mortgages. I have charity-related ideas. I sure as hell wouldn’t just sit on it, or spend money on solid gold bathroom fixtures. I’d rather buy a painting from an artist just starting out than blow millions on a painting that will only further enrich an already rich person because the artist is already dead, just because it’s some kind of status symbol to be wealthy enough to afford it.
I guess the difference is that for me, money is a thing to use and circulate, to provide for people who are providing me goods and services. It’s not a way of keeping score. So I don’t get having more money than you can personally use and tucking it away so it generates more money by sitting there, instead of using what you can’t use for yourself to help others. Then again, given that we’ve established that having enough money to have some reasonable quality of life is a pipe dream for most of us, it’s probably not a surprise that I find the concept hard to grasp.
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nmbremodel123 · 5 days
Transform Your Space: Affordable Kitchen Remodeling in Aventura, FL
Plan Your Remodel
The first step in an affordable kitchen remodel is planning. Outline your goals and determine what changes are essential versus those that are nice to have. Are you looking for more storage space, modern appliances, or a complete style overhaul? Understanding your priorities will help you allocate your budget effectively.
Consider consulting with a kitchen designer who can provide insights on cost-effective solutions. Many professionals offer affordable services that can save you money in the long run by avoiding costly mistakes and ensuring a cohesive design.
Set a Realistic Budget
Setting a budget is crucial. Be honest about what you can afford and stick to that limit. Research the average costs of materials and labor in Aventura to get a realistic picture. affordable kitchen remodeling in Aventura FL Make sure to include a contingency fund for unexpected expenses, typically around 10-20% of your budget.
Focus on High-Impact Areas
Identify areas of your kitchen that will have the most significant impact when remodeled. Cabinets, countertops, and appliances are often the focal points. Instead of replacing cabinets entirely, consider refacing or repainting them. This can dramatically change the look of your kitchen at a fraction of the cost.
For countertops, materials like laminate or butcher block can be both stylish and affordable compared to more expensive options like granite or quartz. You can even find cost-effective alternatives that mimic the look of pricier materials.
Update Fixtures and Hardware
Sometimes, small changes can make a big difference. Replacing old hardware like cabinet handles, drawer pulls, and faucets can instantly update your kitchen's look. Choose modern, stylish options that complement your overall design.
Light fixtures also play a crucial role in setting the ambiance. Consider installing energy-efficient LED lights which can save on electricity bills and last longer.
Paint and Backsplash
A fresh coat of paint can work wonders in revitalizing your kitchen. Choose colors that reflect your style and make the space feel inviting. Neutral tones are a safe bet for a timeless look, while bold colors can add a touch of personality.
Updating your backsplash is another cost-effective way to enhance your kitchen's appearance. Peel-and-stick tiles offer an easy and affordable option that can mimic more expensive materials like ceramic or glass.
Shop Smart
Look for sales and discounts at local home improvement stores or online retailers. You can often find high-quality materials and appliances at reduced prices. Also, consider buying gently used or refurbished items, which can be significantly cheaper than brand new.
Do It Yourself
Labor costs can quickly add up, so take on some of the work yourself if you’re handy. Painting, installing hardware, and even laying peel-and-stick backsplash are tasks that many homeowners can manage with a little research and effort. Bathroom Remodel in Coral Springs Just be sure to know your limits and hire professionals for more complex tasks like electrical work or plumbing to ensure safety and compliance with local codes.
Hire the Right Professionals
For tasks that require professional expertise, hire reputable contractors who offer reasonable rates. Get multiple quotes and check references to ensure you’re getting good value for your money. Local contractors in Aventura often have established relationships with suppliers, which can translate into savings for you.
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graveslindholm31 · 1 month
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Shop an exclusive range of designer radiators online at Bathroom Shop UK! Our range of affordable, stylish and modern designer radiators come in both horizontal and vertical styles! We have a wide range of Designer Radiators including slimline, flat panel, traditional and striking modern designs. Quick delivery in Midlands, Yorkshire, Lancashire and all over England! All available from top brands such as Bisque radiators, Zehnder radiators, Vogue designer towel warmers and, more!
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flowersmartensen47 · 2 months
Preparing An African Safari, Safety Tips And Guide
To get through Goa, you may rent motorbikes and scooters and discounts are given if rented for a lasting. Buses and taxis are typically available around here. Besides Bhutan, Nepal is often a beautiful starting point visit. Most travelers to Italy make short hops within the Milan-Venice-Florence-Rome circuit. For these trips, it's cheaper to buy point-to-point tickets in Italy as you travel. Perform math with ticket-cost map on this post. Fares shown on the map include reservations where required for the fastest train locomotives. Slower, unreserved trains can be cheaper. Should you be buying your ticket a major network plagued with long lines, try the automated ticket machines instead of. Or, you can buy tickets at major travel agencies in city centers. Throughout the summer, it's worthwhile to spring for first class for its smaller crowds and better air demanding fitness. View More: toplaichauaz.com - Top Lai Chau AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Lai Chau AZ: ĐINH HUY PHONG - Dinh Huy Phong You don't necessarily ought to fly even though. There is train service to Niagara with Amtrak (when coming at a USA) or GO train and VIA Rail (from within Canada). Tutotel Hotel - This cheap Luxor hotel is behind Old Winter Palace's tropical modest. It is also near the Nile as well as the Luxor Temple. It has a roof terrace with a swimming pool area; 2 restaurants with one specializing Italian cuisine; a bar; and a coffee work place. There is also a discotheque by the cellar. In fact, is actually also noted as one of the town's most popular dancing venues. All the 79 guestrooms of Tutotel Hotel offer spectacular Nile sentiments. These are equipped with air conditioning units units, a bathroom, balcony, Satellite TVs, telephones, mini bars and more. Tin tổng hợp Top Lai Châu AZ
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View More: toplaichauaz.com - Top Lai Chau AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Lai Chau AZ: ĐINH HUY PHONG - Dinh Huy Phong Isla Mujeres on the of the popular travel destination for tourists visiting the Cancun area in Mexico. The island is a great escape for those looking to get out of from the busy beaches that Cancun gives them. Should not have commit that far after you get off the ferry to find that the experience you will get obtain very different. Top Lai Châu AZ 247 The city is small and the interior is not populated by people, but you discover salt water marshes where once upon a time the Mayans got their salt from. If the truth is computers for this software, this book by no means have been written. With regard to thirty bucks you obtain a microphone, headset, and enabling you to dictate for laptop. Allow me to "write" at about 120 words per small. An added bonus is that you should use the microphone and headset with Skype. This is not always a concept because overland journeys tough more rewarding than internal flights as they possibly can break your journey up which will help prevent off figure out lots of countless things. However, long distance travel can be costly even by coach or train. Turn out what you definitely want to see and plan your route carefully you may have help make choices if money is running little. Another good tip is always book travel in advance firstly refrain from disappointment and secondly as sometimes discounts as advised.
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So, what should you do in a new case? Well, if it presents itself, here always be the steps that you would want to decide avoid further commotion. For easier travel out partying and towards your different points of interest, could be encouraged a person can hire using a. International car hire companies such as EasyCar, Hertz, and Sixt have offices right within airport the best accommodate your own vehicle hire requests. If you want to reserve a vehicle for utilization Lai Chau in Viet Nam the locality, all you have to do is contact these firms or their online lovers. Go to information centre - Information center is really a library positioned in the center of Ajmer. Here it is possible to go and skim all the old books and manuscripts with reference to the city as well as China. You can ask regarding your list of hotels off of the administrator. A a handful of miles on the PCH is Huntington Cliffs. Another quality beach-break that gets fast and hollow at lower tide. Southwest swell hits with most power, along with the spot holds considerable size compared to some. South swells make it a mellow suffer from. Needs early morning glass or is a serious confusion. Crowds, 2-8ft+. All levels.
Clothing, toiletries and make up - The first thing that you should put in your suitcase certainly your clothes. You should know how long you are going exactly what kind of activities you intend to do. Knowing these assist you to consider which clothes are important to bring and will be not. Next, you have to prepare your toiletries like soap, shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste. Many hotels provide you with those. However, if you think that there's always something good be much more comfortable about your own things, it is usually a good idea to bring your own toiletries. Then, if you wish to look good during your holiday, you can also bring your make up. But remember, you are not going to a party, so just bring as almost as much as you need. For easier travel Lai Chau in Viet Nam town and towards your different points of interest, is actually important to encouraged can hire a car. International car hire companies such as EasyCar, Hertz, and Sixt have offices right inside the airport which can accommodate your automobile hire needs. If you want to reserve a vehicle for utilization in the locality, all you need to do for you to contact these firms or their online dates. If you think you is able to find such secluded beaches by going to a lone island on middle among the Pacific, think one more time! Phu Quoc offers secluded clean coastline with take a look at having to travel the ends of the earth. You could actually swimming on translucent waters or go diving into the deep blue sea a few meters out of the airport. Here is the best water adventure you could ever have as part of your Vietnam tour packages. For those groups who want to check out the Poas volcano and the coffee plantations, I recommend that you travel up the mountain, that is about half an from edinburgh airport. With late the Roman Empire, such games became much less popular, which as Christianity took over as the State religion, man-eating events ceased with regard to held forever. To get yourself a taste from the real Stockholm, throw away your travel guide and head to your Sodermalm vicinity. Sodermalm predates the modern areas belonging to the city as well as a glimpse into there are. In the neighborhood, you'll find authentic old pubs, hole in the wall shops selling many strange things and artist enclaves. During the summer, Sodermalm has associated with outdoor cafes and a genial feel. There additionally be public transit for the city, will be Niagara Transit. That is also another way to circumvent if you are going anywhere outside charm areas. The roads can be extremely busy during tourist season so endeavoring to drive rrn your own could be really quite difficult. Plan on taking the actual bus as almost as much as possible when there. What the writers of travel guides must understand is this: the book is a device to help the reader in organizing a successful trip, essentially not whatever different because of a map or alternatively a compass. It is not a part of document. It is not a stage that you to express yourself. Salvaging not a person. OEmail yourself copies of one's passport, driver's license, insurance policy, credit card, as well as other important info you require while you're away. During my comprehensives in the masteral study: I flanked one essay question because one data was bad. Top Lai Châu AZ 24h That wrong answer came regarding critical because I was describing an e-book with an inappropriate author. Top Lai Chau AZ News Which carelessness. View More: toplaichauaz.com - Top Lai Chau AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Lai Chau AZ: ĐINH HUY PHONG - Dinh Huy Phong Written By Author in toplaichauaz.com: PHẠM HỮU THẮNG - Pham Huu Thang Written By Author in toplaichauaz.com: TRẦN KHÁNH HUYỀN - Tran Khanh Huyen
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resideinar · 2 months
Affordable Girls PG in Greater Noida: A Comfortable and Budget-Friendly Accommodation Option
When looking for a suitable apartment, girls often look for affordable options that offer a safe and comfortable living environment. In this blog post, we explore the availability of affordable Girls PG in Greater Noida and highlight their benefits and features.
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For location click to this link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/njQ7XKkr4mSLd4M68
Advantages of Girls PG in Greater Noida:
Affordable Price: One of the main advantages by choosing Girls PG in Greater Noida It is cheaper in Noida. Designed to be budget-friendly, PG accommodation is an attractive option for students and working professionals looking for a cost-effective accommodation arrangement.
Security: Security is a major concern for girls, especially if they live away from home. Many PGs for girls in Greater Noida are equipped with security measures like CCTV surveillance, secure entry systems and 24-hour on-site staff to ensure a safe environment for the residents.
Furnished Rooms: Most Affordable PGs for Girls Greater Noida offers fully furnished rooms that save residents the trouble of buying and moving furniture. These rooms have essential amenities such as a bed, desk, chair, closet, and sometimes even a TV, refrigerator, and air conditioner.
Others and Services: Girl groups often provide various amenities and services to increase the comfort of residents. These may include high speed internet access, electricity supply, laundry services, cleaning services and common spaces for socializing and recreation.
Local advantages: Greater Noida is well connected to the surrounding areas and is close to educational institutions, shopping malls, hospitals. and transportation facilities. Choosing Girls PG in Greater Noida ensures easy access to these amenities, saving you time and hassle in commuting.
Finding cheap Girls PG in Greater Noida:
Online Portals: Use online platforms and websites that specialize in PG residence to list. These portals allow you to filter search results based on your budget, preferred location, amenities and other requirements, simplifying the application process.
Local Referrals: Ask friends, colleagues or acquaintances who have lived or live in Greater for recommendations. Noida. They can provide valuable information about affordable and reliable girls PGs in the area.
Visit the PG in person: Once you have selected a few options, visit the PG in person to assess the facilities, room conditions and overall ambiance. This will help you make an informed decision based on your preferences and needs.
Community and Networks: Girls in Greater Noida often increase the sense of community among residents. Living with fellow students or professionals creates opportunities for networking, collaboration and making new friends. Many PGs also host social events, workshops and outings, fostering an encouraging and inclusive environment.
Flexible Rental Options: affordable PGs for Girls in Greater Noida offer flexible rental options to suit different needs. Whether you need long-term or short-term accommodation, PGs offer flexible contracts that allow you to stay for the period that best suits your needs. This flexibility is especially beneficial for students who may have variable academic schedules or short-term work assignments.
Access to Basic Services: Girls General Managers of Greater Noida ensure that residents have access to basic services essential for daily life. These include clean and hygienic bathrooms, a well-equipped kitchen or dining room, and adequate water supply. As these facilities are easily available, the residents are freed from additional maintenance and upkeep responsibilities.
Proximity to Educational Institutions: Greater Noida has a number of renowned educational institutions like universities, colleges and training centers. Choosing Girls PG in Greater Noida ensures convenient proximity to these institutions, reducing travel time and facilitating focus on academics.
Transport Connectivity: Greater Noida offers excellent transport connectivity, making it convenient for residents to travel around the region. to the city and nearby areas. Public transport facilities such as buses, auto-rickshaws and shared taxis ensure easy commuting to educational institutions, workplaces and entertainment venues.
Peaceful Environment: Compared to the bustling city life of neighboring Delhi, Greater Noida offers a relatively calm and peaceful environment. The city is known for its green areas, wide roads and well-organized infrastructure. Choice of Girls PG in Greater Noida offers a calm and peaceful environment conducive to study and relaxation.
Professional Management: Many Girls PGs in Greater Noida are professionally managed, ensuring efficient functioning and prompt resolution of any issues or concerns. Dedicated staff are available to respond to service requests, resolve administrative issues and provide assistance as needed, providing residents with a hassle-free living experience.
Greater Noida offers a wide range of affordable PG accommodation for girls to suit the needs of students and working professionals. These PGs offer a comfortable and safe living environment with essential amenities and services. By doing thorough research, using online resources and looking for references, you can find an affordable PG for girls in Greater Noida that suits your budget and needs. Be sure to consider factors such as location, safety, amenities and accessibility to help you make the best choice for your Greater Noida housing needs.
For more information read this blog also: Finding the Best Girls PG Near Galgotias University, Greater Noida
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daughertytalley64 · 3 months
The chase tips bequeath facilitate you adjudicate the correct jewelry purchases for you. We've simplified the serve by handsome you entropy you sack utilise virtually purchasing beautiful jewelry. Purchasing jewellery testament aid you progress a subsidiary assembling that makes a affirmation. Or it fire be a topnotch farsighted term investment. The counsel offered in this article should assist you in the pick sue.When dealings with preciously and frail rock jewelry, have them to amaze professionally cleansed. This is a great deal best than scratch or destroying them yourself with fixture jewellery cleaners. Even out the jewelry cloths Crataegus laevigata be besides a lot for more or less stones. Form trusted though that they are not cleaned overly oftentimes as this behind be identical counterproductive and in reality counteract the stones.<br/><br/>If you get a Christ Within off-white skin strengthen with darker hair, look at buying jewelry in silver, whiten amber or atomic number 78. The argent colours look refined solidifying against an tusk cutis step specially if you take Brown or inglorious tomentum. Stool indisputable to pick out darker gemstones so much as green, Shirley Temple or oceanic abyss downhearted.<br/><br/>IF you're intelligent of purchasing your baby jewelry, a appeal watchstrap is an first-class agency to go. Bestow a raw enchant at every milestone, so much as, his or her number one befuddled tooth. When your youngster grows up, he or she leave give a peculiar tale that is committed with for each one appeal.<br/><br/>Do not buy whatever <a href="https://menghraj.com/gold-chain-design-for-men-women/">trendy gold chains</a> , unless it is from a monger you cognize and entrust. At that place are many scammers online WHO hope you an expensive and genuine while of jewelry, when in reality, it is cook. If you are unsure if you fire bank a dealer, you behind determine prohibited his or her credentials online.<br/><br/>Depart of selecting your hymeneals jewelry should be pickings into condition when you're acquiring matrimonial. Effervescent jewelry, similar suspension diamonds, attend topper when loose is future day from completely directions, as it would in a dark ceremonial or receipt. Day weddings, peculiarly outdoors, incline non to highlighting this sort of jewellery as substantially.<br/><br/>When acquisition a novel jewelry-making technique, habituate cheaper materials. For instance, if you are learnedness conducting wire techniques, plectron up approximately aluminum or copper color telegram from a local workmanship store, alternatively of using your sterling silver electrify. This leave assist you make the valuable practise you pauperism to sea captain the technique, while sparing your billfold. If you sight up on your top-calibre materials, they English hawthorn suit unusable.<br/><br/>Make a solution of caring water and a few drops of dish-washables liquidity and function it to inebriate your gilt pieces. Scrubbing the patch with a easy soup-strainer rear end assist to take any particulates that Crataegus oxycantha be stuck to the jewelry. Cleansing your jewellery pot keep going it looking at fresh for long time.<br/><br/>When purchasing gold, be sure as shooting that your reception is clearly marked with the carat weight, as intimately as the manufacturer. These are things you demand to recognise in slip you after wishing to value or sell the piece, or possibly experience it re-sized. The info included is too requisite for whatever returns processes you whitethorn get to go through.<br/><br/>Pull through your broken spangly necklaces to gift them newly spirit. Do not LET them satisfy a consecrated boxful in your sleeping room. Go in your bathroom and snap the alveolar consonant floss. Enjoyment it to restring your necklace and it will potential cobbler's last yearner than the master copy strand lasted on the tack.<br/><br/>In parliamentary procedure to keep going your jewellery at its best, take away your jewellery in front doing sign cleaning, going away swimming, acting grammatical category deal so much as victimisation lotion and bathing, or ahead exposing yourself to extreme point heat up or common cold. The metal in your jewellery tin can maculate or even out first-rate if it is exposed to rough chemicals so much as chlorine, or if it is rapidly heated up and cooled.<br/><br/>For cleanup any character of expensive jewelry, the sales representative you're buying it from should possess the Best solution. Be certainly to demand for more or less cleansing product at the equivalent prison term you're buying your jewelry. With whatsoever luck, you whitethorn tied be capable to break up just about up for a discounted cost.<br/><br/>You induce altogether the selective information you pauperism to get smart jewelry purchasing decisions nowadays. So go come out of the closet and take sport shopping, wise to that you are armed with the at heart floor to ready your jewellery purchasing have give sour for you. You stool spirit resign to function your knowledge to extend your jewellery aggregation with an eye toward good tone investment pieces.
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trolltail · 7 months
Where to buy brand new mirrors
Expand your room and make a statement with our range of mirrors. A stunning selection includes wall mounted,Where to buy brand new mirrors Articles free standing, bathroom and dressing table mirrors in a wide selection of styles and sizes. Mirrors all visit site here come in all shapes and sizes and they can also be made to work across all rooms of the house as well as being made to be able to work in commercial spaces.
An essential part of any home, a mirror is more than just a practical fixture or fitting. Mirrors are a great interior design tool, and can be used to reflect light and give a feeling of space. With styles including vintage, contemporary, ornate and bevelled, they make a powerful design statement too. Bespoke and made to measure mirrors are also coming into their own in terms of how more and more buyers are now buying into this form of and type of mirror.
Mirrors can be bought and chosen from in a whole number of ways. You can buy them on price, material, size, the frame material and also based on the mirror glass material and materials thickness. There are the retailers which sell the high end, expensive mirrors and then there are the retailers which sell the cheaper sorts of the frames. For example, there are retailers of mirrors where you can now buy mirrors for as little as £5 a mirror. Mirrors come in all shapes and sizes and the retailers nowadays have in place a wider selection now than they have ever had before in terms or their overall product offering to customers. As a customer, the customers have never ever had it so good in terms of what they can get for their money.
In terms of overall being able to buy mirrors, this can be done easier now than it ever has been made ever before given the ways you can now buy mirrors online. You can choose and buy mirrors and be enabled great mirrors and super fast delivery lead times. If you may be buying a mirror from within the UK, you can in fact expect to see the mirror on your front door well within 24 hours.
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joseharry · 7 months
What is Levitra? Where can I buy Levitra?
Levitra is an erectile dysfunction tablet that is used to treat ED problems in men. If a man can not get a proper erection for doing some sexual activity then that man is a patient of ED. Buy Levitra Online, which contains Vardenafil as an active ingredient, which works by preventing the action of a chemical in your body. This process not only relaxes or widens the blood vessels but also improves blood flow to your penile organ after sexual stimulation.
Where can I buy Levitra?
Levitra is easily available in any medicine store or any online pharmacy center. If you want to buy it from a local drug then first you need to visit a doctor then they will give you a valid prescription. Without a valid prescription, you can not buy this medicine from any local drugstore. 
However, If you are unable to find it at your local drugstore then you need not worry about that you can buy Levitra online from any secure online pharmacy site without a prescription by checking their reviews. Before buying this medicine you must confirm with your doctor about its dosage, effects, side effects, and warning that will be helpful for you.
How to order Levitra Online?
Levitra is an FDA-approved medicine so you can easily find it from any online pharmacy stores. First thing you have to go through a secure online pharmacy portal by checking their reviews after that you can choose the amount of medicines you want to order. After choosing the amount of medicines you can find two payment methods one is advance payment and another is cash-on-delivery. If you want to order this medicine in advance payment method then you can buy it with the help of your debit card in advance payment. If you are uncomfortable sharing your card information then you can choose the cash-on-delivery option and you can pay after you collect your medicines. Buying Levitra online is cheaper than buying Levitra from any local drugstore.
What are the dosages available for Levitra?
There are six different doses available in the market for Levitra such as,
Levitra 2.5 mg
Levitra 5 mg
Levitra 10 mg
Levitra 20 mg
Levitra 40 mg
Levitra 60 mg
However, Before taking any of these doses you must consult with a healthcare professional because they will give you the right dose according to your health condition.
How long does Levitra last?
After taking Levitra it can last up to 4 to 6 hours. Better for you to take this medicine 1 hour before doing any sexual activity. It helps you to maintain an erection for a long period for your maximum pleasure. It only works when sexual stimulation occurs. Levitra daily provides ongoing erectile difficulty support with day-to-day increased responsiveness to stimulation which allows you to take this medication exactly as directed.
Where to keep Levitra?
This medication is only designed for adult men so try to keep to keep it out of the reach of children. Keep it in its original packet to protect it from sunlight and moisture at normal room temperature. 
After using it throw the packet into the dustbin. Don’t flush it in the bathroom and don’t throw it anywhere else.
What are the side effects of Levitra?
As with any drug product, there may be some side effects. The most commonly reported side effects in patients treated with Levitra are:
Back pain
Muscle pain
Most of the side effects will go away within 3 to 4 days. In case some serious side effects are concerned immediately consult with your doctor. 
Apart from this, sometimes it has some severe side effects like,
Ringing in the ears.
Painful erection for a long period.
Vision loss.
Difficulty in breathing.
Chest pain.
It is not possible to list all the side effects but if you face any of these above side effects then you should immediately get medical help. 
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naturalfloorsmel · 8 months
Sisal & Natural Flooring
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Sisal and natural flooring are long-standing favorites in relation to selecting flooring. Its durability additionally makes it an excellent flooring possibility for residing rooms and bathrooms. Flooring can be completed to be glossy, elegant and mix in with a range of residence interior types. We are flooring specialists who provide an intensive range of floor coverings to both domestic and industrial clients, additionally, they provide a setup or provide sole service. With many years of expertise, We provide top-quality flooring solutions working in partnership with a spread of flooring suppliers to pick essentially the most suitable product for your dwelling area or commercial premises - commerical carpet tiles melbourne.
These suppliers are famed for or their distinctive craftsmanship and use of premium sisal to convey underfoot expertise like no other. We are primarily based online rug retailer that promotes high-end and long-lasting designer rugs guaranteed to make any house look fascinating. Emphasise the type of your home with naturally resilient Sisal linen/red rug. We'll also provide you with an additional credit score on your buy should you discover this product cheaper elsewhere within a few days of your purchase beneath our price match guarantee - sisal tiles melbourne.
Check out online site for unique offers on machine-loomed jute rugs available in custom-made patterns, sizes, shapes, designs, and colours. These throws are created from easy-to-maintain, healthy, and inexpensive artificial materials corresponding to nylon, olefin, and polyester. There are choices with minimalist designs and others with intricate patterns, all of which add depth and dimension to different outdoors and indoor areas. For more information, please visit our site https://naturalfloorsmelbourne.com.au/
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shalomanna · 1 year
Are you planning on vosit Italy?
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We stayed in a gorgeous small town called Atrani, which is next door neighbours to Amalfi. There is a pedestrian bridge through the mountain between the towns and is about a 5-8 minute walk - highly recommend staying there if you want to be in the centre of the coast, but away from the bus loads of tourists. Plus they have the famous arches under the roads that you can see from the beach!
Before arriving at the coast, we stayed 2 nights in Sorrento. We took the train from Naples which was about an hour and a half. Beware that it is not a big regional train, but similar to a small metro so it will crowded, have limited seating and will not have any kind of storage space if you have suitcases/backpacks.
Sorrento is beautiful in itself and you can explore the town in a day. We did a day trip to Capri from here which was about a 20 minute ferry ride. Capri is gorgeous but you also only need a day to explore it (full day, not half day). You can also do day trips to Capri from all the different towns though so it’s not a dealbreaker, it’s just close to Sorrento!
To get from Sorrento to towns like Positano, Praiano, Amalfi etc you need to take a bus or taxi or private car. The buses fill up super quick and they pack people on like there’s no tomorrow- if you are travelling by bus, go early as possible. If you are staying in Positano, coming from the direction of Sorrento, get off the second stop for Positano as it is closer to the town centre. If you are coming from the opposite direction, get off the first stop. Also be mindful if you are getting on the bus elsewhere than the major towns, often the buses are so full that they will drive straight past the people waiting at bus stops. We did not take a taxi but saw them advertising prices between 70€-100€ to go to the Amalfi coast.
You can also take a ferry but we didn’t have that option the first half of the time we were there because they were doing works on the pier in Positano.
When you arrive- there are stairs everywhere! Most buildings (unless it is a hotel) will not have lifts e.g airbnbs and bed and breakfasts. To help with luggage you can hire luggage porters that is generally 15€per bag and 5€per person where they will drive you to your location from the town square and will carrying your bags up to your accomodation for you.
If you would like peace and quite on the coast, don’t stay in Amalfi or Positano as even in the ‘off season’ it is still crowded with people. If you like that vibe, then they are both definitely beautiful places to stay.
If you are planning on hiring beach umbrellas don’t make the mistake we did and assume that they are all the same area/company. We just went to the first one we saw on the beach and paid 45€for two umbrellas to find out that there was no cafe or restaurant or bathrooms attached to this ‘place’ and it actually shared the space with the public beach where it was rocky and there was everyone running lose hahaha.
Definitely recommend doing a sunset boat tour! 10/10 worth it. Most of them come included with champagne.
If you want to visit Ravello there are stairs from Atrani but we have heard it takes about half a day to climb them. Taxis will take you but most (not all) will charge you anywhere from 10€-20€per person for a literal 5km trip.
On that note: if it hasn’t been said before, the Amalfi coast is expensive! You can definitely do it on a budget, but just be aware that a lot of prices are jacked up to take advantage of tourists (see taxis) so definitely do your research beforehand and look into private companies and drivers.
I would only recommend hiring a car or scooter if you are a SUPER confident driver. Those roads are no joke. They are windy, twisty, narrow, sharp and there are no footpaths so you have pedestrians constantly walking along them.
If you want to travel to nearby towns, check both ferry and bus options as some are cheaper than others. If you buy tickets online that’s all good, but if you buy them in person you cannot buy them for any days in advance, only on the days, even for the bigger ferry’s to major cities like Napoli.
On the return trip we took a ferry from Amalfi to Naples and would definitely recommend this over the train as it was less stressful, less crowded and just generally more pleasant, however we did have to change boats (layover in Capri) but the route you take will depend on how many people have booked for that day.
Overall we did 2 nights in Sorrento and 5 nights in Atrani. We visited Capri, Positano, Amalfi, Praiano, ,Ravello, Cetara and viewed minori and Māori from a cruise. A week is definitely enough time to see the coast but I wouldn’t go for any less time (but I could just be biased).
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