#but very strong vibrations and very strong energy signals can be sensed from much farther away
I'm so fascinated by the extra senses speedsters have and what the world must look like to them because of those extra senses.
They have extremely localized electrolocation: meaning that they can 'see' energy if it's close to them, they are touching it or if it's extremely strong. So Wally can see the electricity firing in his wife's brain when he holds her hand. Bart can see the electricity coursing from the wall, into the TV and gaming console, before swirling around inside the controller in his hands. When the dust and smoke is too thick to rely on vision, Barry can still see the energy in Hal's ring, even from a block away.
They also sense vibrations. They can hear them, if you will. Anything they touch thrums a different note. Different dimensions sing in a different key, a just off pitch. Some objects, like an office chair or a blade of grass, sing so quietly that they have to be close and really focus to hear it. Others, like a moving train or a pot of boiling water, scream so loudly that they can hear them from quite a distance away.
Yet that's not all. They can also feel time. Like trained scuba divers feeling the flow of the current, the ripples as they disrupt the calm. They can feel the jetstreams of nearby time travelers and they can trace it back to its source with startling accuracy. If time is an ocean then we only perceive it drop by drop. They can see how it stretches out, in every direction, every place that drop could flow.
The final sense they have is their ability to sense the speedforce. Every speedforce user is known to them, is felt, is seen. Regardless of distance, they can always see the little stars dotting the horizon, each one the barely contained supernova of their friends and family. They can see the speedforce as well as it flows and cracks and bubbles around them.
It's fascinating to me that they have all these extra senses. We see them casually mentioned but we never really see what that would look like. What this influx of stimulation would do to them.
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