#but this is my FO4 blog
tevintersnakes · 1 month
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back in the fallout pit, fortunately my art has improved since 2016 so I can draw doctors hanging out together somewhat effectively now
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batsquatch · 1 month
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rough 22 years for this kid
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cerisedemons · 18 days
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yeah he kills people but his tits are fat so i forgive him
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obessivedork · 5 months
Okay FO4 positivity time now I LOVE the quest to go make the Library safe that Beatrice gives you, it's just another dungeon crawl but the horror of somewhere the Sole might have been a patron in too going downhill like that and the pleasure of cleaning it up (You can't in game but in MY head they get some people together and fix it up or salvage some of the books to send with caravans as a travelling library service or something)
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hannahwashington · 2 months
I think it would've been really cool if Travis or Magnolia had more quests associated with them. You go and fetch new music for Travis by finding still-surviving vinyls in wacky places (after delivering them he plays new songs), and you help Magnolia and her band (she has a full, fleshed-out band in this scenario) find a way to record new music. The radios and music are a pretty iconic part of modern Fallout so being able to interact with it more would've been sweet.
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out-of-the-loupe · 2 months
Guess who's back on her Fallout bullshit
(it's me)
if you love curie please tell me so i can follow
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vnknowcrow · 7 months
Lunch break ft @.wastelandhell @.kyngsnake and @.bokatan's ocs
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boomhealers · 2 years
Things that would fucking kill the fallout 4 companions
Being called Nicolas Valentinus
Squirt bottle
Power outage
Mcdonalds sprite
Orange juice
A really big rock
Tennis ball
Crème brûlée
Having legs
Two lemons
Seven large rats
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atombonniebaby · 10 months
Atom Bonnie Baby's Rat Man Starter Pack
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The Playlist.
A mix of songs that I listen to when writing! Some remind me of Mac, some are songs I think he'd listen to, and some are HC and Fic specific!
Rat-Man Garbs:
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A MacCrady Profile
Name: Robert Joseph MacCready
Occupation: Gun for Hire
Experience: Gunner (don't hold it against him) Mayor (from 10-16) self proclaimed 'ruthless little bastard' (still applicable)
Nickname(s): RJ, Bobby-Joe, Mac, Sasshole, Mac n Cheesy, MacGreedy, MacSneezy, MacSleepy, MacWeepy, MacEaty, SnarkCready
Age: 22 years old (no really)
Height: 5'8'' (Short King)
Build: Scrawny (130 lbs.)
Eyes: Bright Blue (pwetty)
Hair: Light Brown, choppy (hella cute)
Features: All sharp edges and angles, rat-like (but in a sexy kinda way)
The best ways to annoy/piss him off:
-Trying to make him carry your junk.
-Leaving him in the dark about what is going on and not letting him have a say in important decisions
-Being irresponsible and not taking the situation seriously.
-Using chems in front of him, knowing he disapproves of them.
-Not taking proper care of yourself (i.e., not wearing armor, getting enough food and water, etc.)
Molerats (anything that looks, walks, or sounds like one)
Murdering Innocents and sadistic behavior.
Abuse of Power (this is probably the thing he hates the most)
What he likes:
Wit, sarcasm, and smart-assness (loves it!).
Making MacCready smile and laugh.
Playfulness (MacCready can't resist).
Cuddling and being held (He'd never admit it).
A good listener.
Surprising facts about MacCready:
His guilty pleasure is Sugar Bombs and Nuka Cola.
He started drinking when he was six years old.
He has a high level of intelligence and enjoys learning new things (he likes to spout out random facts)
Named all the dogs in Little Lamplight: Muttface, Pete, Hooligan, Ginger, Bandit, and Rex.
If there were one word he'd use to describe himself, it would be hardy. He's used to pushing himself to do whatever it takes to survive, even when doing things that others consider crazy. MacCready is sarcastic, stubborn, and guarded—he doesn't trust easily.
He affectionately refers to his rifle as 'Baby' (but only in private).
He is surprisingly insightful and observant, noticing details that others overlook.
MacCready's past has left scars on him emotionally and physically, and some days are worse than others.
When MacCready is ill, it the more clingy and needy he becomes.
Hates being cold, so bundling him in warm blankets helps make him feel better. Will accept hot soup (but NOT cave fungus)
Self-consciously hates how his knees knock together and his ribs poke under his shirt. (due to having rickets as a kid)
When genuinely happy, he's all toothy smiles until he thinks someone might notice, and then he reverts back to his usual stoic self. (doesn't like his teeth)
MacCready is always smoking, his cigarettes resting between his lips as he goes through one pack after another.
His guilty pleasures are Sugar Bombs and Nuka Cola. He loves sweet things but doesn't have time for much food.
His mind is full of cuss words.
He also has a habit of tapping his fingers against the side of his rifle whenever he's nervous.
MacCready and intimacy:
He misses physical intimacy and closeness and longs for that connection again but struggles to communicate it. Insecurity eats at MacCready; he feels guilty about moving on with his life and letting go of Lucy.
When MacCready does allow himself to get close to someone, the things that draw him to you aren't lost on him. How your presence brings him a sense of peace and makes him forget about all the problems in his life, if only for a while, how you make him smile when he wants nothing more than to cry, and how you somehow always manage to look at him with such kindness, even when he feels he doesn't deserve it.
MacCready finds sleep with a new partner extremely difficult. After losing Lucy the way he did, having trouble falling asleep is now a side effect of his traumatic experiences. He often wakes up in the middle of the night, unable to fall back asleep, and if his companion stirs, he's instantly wide awake, unable to keep his eyes off them.
He tells himself it's because he's trying to protect them, but he knows deep down that part of him can't stop wondering what it would be like to lose another loved one in a heartbeat. To find himself alone yet again... and being alone scares the heck out of him.
MacCready can be very vulnerable at night, especially after a nightmare. When he comes back to his senses, it takes a moment for the memories to fade away. Once they do, he gets flustered and tries to push his nightmares out of his head. He doesn't want his partner to see him as weak and break down.
As MacCready starts trusting you, he eventually reveals his troubles. He's more willing to seek support rather than deal with everything alone. He may still shy away from physical contact or withdraw after the initial breakdown. Once MacCready starts opening up, he slowly becomes more comfortable, allowing you to show affection and comfort him.
An ongoing conflict with himself is his attraction to men, which he has repressed for many years, believing that acknowledging it would question his marriage to Lucy. In MacCready's eyes, you either like women or men and not both. So, the fact that he harbors these feelings of attraction to men makes him feel guilty, ashamed, and, most of all, confused about his identity.
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rosenfey · 2 months
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⊱ the world is out there.
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tunnelsnacks · 1 year
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I care about Highrise a normal amount
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cosmic-kaden · 19 days
laughing at this thought.
Gage: Kaden and Nisha sitting in a tree s t a b b i n g
Kaden: [punches gage in the face]
Nisha: What was that abo--
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so there's sensitivity readers, but are there readers that, like, actively read smut to make sure it's smutty enough in all the right places? like "oh yeah, this is some good smut, I'm fuckin hard as a rock rn" or "no no no legs don't work that way, and why would he say that after getting his neck bitten? I'm out"
asking for a friend
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obessivedork · 6 months
Buddy what in fuck are two Russian dudes doing in Boston 200 years after shit popped off in the Fallout timeline??? People haven't even properly rebuilt society yet apparently, there's no way they have inter continent travel!
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dazzlerazz · 4 months
Piper I love you so much you're so special
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socialprawn · 1 year
thinking of moira being a chess.com streamer
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