#but the have the largest and freakiest so...
mf-headcannontap · 5 months
MARVEL Headcannon #4:
Loki was one of those kids that talked in the 3rd person. Only problem with that is that they really struggled with pronouncing their name, so instead of saying LOKI, they would end up saying LOGI.
Thor constantly teased them on it to the point where humans caught on, and were convinced that there was a being of pure fire named Logi, when in reality, it was just Loki not being able to say their name.
On a different note, yes, Loki, along with being the God of Mischief, is also the God of Fire. Everyone forgets this, INCLUDING Loki.
(Small side note: Loki has a HUGE appetite. It doesn't look like it, but don't be fooled. They do. They have one of those freaky metabolisms that allow them to eat pretty much anything and still remain a skinny legend, much to the envy of a lot of people.)
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So. Mags. Silent Kansas?
Okay so imagine. it's 2010. Birdie and I are on the back half of a huge thanksgiving-to-christmas road trip/move from florida to arizona by way of virginia, iowa, kansas, colorado, and california, to visit various family and friends.
We've just spent a couple nights with Birdie's grandparents in Kansas, we’ve nearly died 3 times already on this damn trip, and we are about to cut directly across Kansas from the eastern border (where we started) into Colorado on the other side of the western border.
It's a 370 mile drive. It snowed while we were there, but nothing too bad. We are the only people in the car because we do not currently have any pets, though we'll be picking up Birdie's cat from her Dad's in California at Christmas.
We fill up the gas tank in Koschei the red Jeep Cherokee, print out our mapquest directions to Colorado Springs, and set out after breakfast. The sky is blue and nearly free of clouds, and it looks to be a nice easy day.
Almost immediately upon getting out of the suburbs and into the rural area to the west of town, the highway is wreathed in thick, thick fog. It's not so bad we can't see the occasional billboard or the other side of the highway across the median, but it means we can't see too far ahead or behind, or barely at all beyond the edges of the highway.
We are alone on the highway. Pretty early on, we're passed by someone going faster than us, and we see them turn off an exit.
This is the main highway across the state. We do not see a single other vehicle going in either direction. we can see the hints of gas stations with no lights on as we pass. Probably-handmade billboards occasionally declare that Jesus is Lord and that we're going to hell. (Admittedly that part was normal and expected, but it doesnf't help the ambiance.) At some point we assumedly pass through the northern edge of Salina, which is the 10th largest city in the state, and saw no sign of it.
The fog keeps us boxed in. There is nothing beyond the highway. We drive for five and a half hours. The fog never thins or dissipates. We drive for 370 miles. We never see a single other car on the single interstate that goes from east to west across Kansas. We pull over once for a bathroom and snacks, about 4 hours in, and the gas station sign on the highway is new, the gas station looks well-kept, but no lights are on and no cars are there. We don't get out of the car.
It's terrifying. It feels like being in Silent Hill, but a whole state, so we call it Silent Kansas as we laugh nervously, alone on the highway.
And then somehow the freakiest thing: We cross the state line into Colorado, and within 3 minutes there are clear blue skies and no sign of the slightest hint of fog, let alone the pea soup shit we'd been driving through all day. There are multiple cars and semi trucks on the highway in both directions. Everything is normal again.
To this day we have no explanation for it.
We survived Silent Kansas, but it will haunt us to our dying day.
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xtruss · 2 years
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The Rafflesia flower is difficult to cultivate outside of its native rainforests, making it vulnerable to extinction. Photograph By Frans Lanting, National Geographic Image Collection
Cultivating The World’s Largest, Stinkiest Flower is No Small Task
For decades, the Rafflesia has resisted attempts to grow it outside Southeast Asian rainforests. But one Indonesian botanist’s efforts have finally blossomed.
— By Shi En Kim | December 20, 2021
One of the world’s freakiest floral phenomena starts from a seed the size of sawdust beneath the bark of a woody vine. After months or years (no one really knows), a parasitic bud may emerge, a golf ball–sized knob that’s hardly distinguishable from its host, the Tetrastigma vine. If the bud makes it to the next stage, it’ll upsize into a cabbage-shaped bulge. The grand finale is the monstrous bloom Rafflesia, a blood-red flower sporting polka dots and emanating a stench of rotting flesh.
The specter of the flower is disturbing—and soon, its fate might be too. The roughly 30 known stinky species in the Rafflesia genus, found only in Southeast Asian rainforests, are threatened by habitat destruction and illegal harvest for their questionable medicinal benefits. Several species are critically endangered.
As a parasite, Rafflesia restricts its numbers so as not to overwhelm its hosts, says Sofi Mursidawati, a botanist at Bogor Botanical Gardens on the island of Java. But in the face of human-driven pressures that imperil its existence, Rafflesia—also known as the corpse flower—is arguably its own enemy when it comes to self-preservation.
When animals are threatened with extinction, conservationists rush to breed the last remaining individuals in captivity. In this case, Mursidawati is the first botanist to have reliably cultivated Rafflesia flowers far from their rainforest habitats. She’s eager to share her techniques to unlock the secrets of this natural curiosity before it disappears.
Colossal Mystery
Members of the Rafflesia genus are breathtakingly bizarre. For one, the flowers are inexplicably immense, says Mursidawati. Rafflesia arnoldii holds the record for the world’s largest individual flower, at over three feet in diameter and 20 pounds.
There are other botanical behemoths, and even other foul-smelling ones: Species of Amorphophallus, found in Asia, Africa, and Australia, are also called corpse flowers. The most elusive of nature’s floral stink bombs is Rafflesia, and like the odors of its peers, its stench is an irresistible lure to pollinating carrion flies but off-putting to most humans.
By botanical definition, Rafflesia barely qualifies as a plant. It has no stems, roots, or leaves. It lives completely off its host, having jettisoned its gene for photosynthesis millions of years ago.
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Left: Carrion flies pollinate Rafflesia; one of the few creatures attracted to the flower. Right: The interior of a Rafflesia flower. Photograph By Frans Lanting, National Geographic Image Collection
“The puzzle just keeps getting more complicated,” says Jeanmaire Molina, a plant biologist at Long Island University in Brooklyn who made the missing gene discovery in 2014. “It has been quite challenging to study the Rafflesia, let alone conserve it.”
The parasite’s complicated lifecycle and mysterious biology harrow the scientists who want to stave off its extinction.
Flowers, the reproductive hub of plants, usually have both the male pollen-producing and female pollen-receiving parts. Rafflesia individuals are single-sex, possessing just one half of the equipment for pollination. For fertilization to occur, two flowers not only have to bloom simultaneously, but one must be of each sex—and they must bloom within a mile of each other, close enough for pollinators to ferry genetic material between them. Further complicating matters: Blooms last for less than a week, so the window of time for pollination is a mere blip compared to the Rafflesia’s lifespan of several months or years.
Mursidawati has never successfully hand-pollinated Rafflesia, nor has she germinated one from wild seeds. Instead, she has developed an alternative method: grafting tissues from a Rafflesia-infected vine with another host plant.
Slow Bearing Fruit
Mursidawati’s career in Rafflesia botany started in 2004, when she returned to Bogor Botanical Gardens after completing her graduate studies abroad. Brainstorming project ideas, she settled on her supervisor’s suggestion to cultivate Java’s native Rafflesia patma in the nursery. For 70 years before her, other botanists had tried and failed.
When she started, “I don't think there was anybody who was willing to work with Rafflesia because of the difficulties,” she says. “Everybody also told me that it was impossible.”
On top of improving tried-and-tanked techniques, Mursidawati also tinkered with a grafting method previously applied to mountain ash plants in the United Kingdom.
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Far away from the rainforests, Mursidawati (left) has successfully raised Rafflesia patma in Bogor Botanical Garden on the island of Java, Indonesia, a mere hour’s drive away from the country’s capital and the world’s second most populous city. Photograph Courtesy Sofi Mursidawati
She first collected wild Rafflesia samples from the Pangandaran Nature Reserve, an eight-hour drive from Bogor. Reaching the plants took another three hours of hiking. She brought back Rafflesia seeds, root cuttings of a grape-vine-like Tetrastigma adorned with Rafflesia buds, and, in her earliest days, an entire host plant uprooted from the rainforest. Next, she ran parallel tests of seed planting, resurrecting the fully grown host plant, and bandaging the root cuttings to thriving Tetrastigma in the nursery.
None of the original buds on her Tetrastigma samples survived. In 2006, a new bud appeared on one of the host plants, only to succumb two months later to sunlight overexposure when a hurricane blew a hole in the overhead canopy.
Four more years would pass before Bogor Botanical Gardens welcomed its first Rafflesia flowers. A male debuted on its grafted Tetrastigma, and a year later, two females sprouted on the transplanted host. Mursidawati named her females Margaret and Elizabeth after the British Royal Family.
In the last decade and after hundreds of trials, Mursidawati has hand-raised 16 Rafflesia from bud to bloom. She acknowledges that her efforts—while a large step for Rafflesia botany—are a small step for conserving the species. The bud mortality rate is 90 percent. She hasn’t been able to grow any other species such as the arnoldii, which is found not far away on the next island over, and so easier to gather.
So far, the flowers in her garden have had unfortunate timing: They haven’t bloomed synchronously so that pollination can occur; consequently their seeds are nonviable. That means the long lineages of the Rafflesia borrowed from the wild will have spawned their last generations in Mursidawati’s garden.
The Right Conservation Strategy
Though Mursidawati’s efforts are an important back-up for the preservation of the species, overemphasis on cultivation will distract from the real work of protecting Rafflesia in its natural habitat, says Zulhazman Hamzah, an ecologist at the University of Malaysia, Kelantan. His environmental campaigns spurred the government to set up federally-protected rainforest sites in West Malaysia after his team found Rafflesia there.
Other researchers contend that cultivation will boost the Rafflesia’s shot at survival and increase the accessibility of this natural wonder for the rest of the world. “It doesn't really matter where it grows, as long as it promotes conservation of that organism,” Molina says. More people will want to contribute to Rafflesia preservation once they learn to appreciate the curiosity she calls “the panda of the plant world.”
In many ways, the plant inspires similar calls to action as the beloved bear. Like the panda, the floral giant is a tourism magnet and a source of revenue for the locals. It’s also one of Indonesia’s national flowers. To lose the Rafflesia, Mursidawati says, would be to lose part of her national identity.
Enduring Optimism
It takes a special kind of mental fortitude to cultivate flora as finnicky as Rafflesia. Musidawati says that among the hundreds of Tetrastigma vines crisscrossing the floor and climbing the fences of the nursery, only three have ever managed to spawn Rafflesia flowers. She jokes that the host vines, like her, are probably due for retirement.
Now that Mursidawati has finished training a recruit on Rafflesia cultivation to take over her work, she can sleep a little easier. She still tends to her Rafflesia buds every few days, and although she normally works alone, she’s never lonely. Her plants are “easier to talk to than humans,” she says—and she ends each of her one-sided chats with a personalized prayer, her hope burning undiminished.
— The National Geographic
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animalworldhd · 2 years
30 Biggest Animals Ever Captured
Some animals are huge, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy to find. In fact, many of the giant animals you’re about to see have very little information. That’s because they like hiding way too much. That’s why we compiled some of the freakiest and weird-looking creatures for you. So make sure you subscribe and hit that little bell icon for guaranteed safety from these massive creatures! Here are 30 of the Largest Animals Ever Caught on Camera family friendly pg clean
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lethaderr-blog · 5 years
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This catacombs tour will be one of the freakiest and fascinating excursions you’ll take.
When I found out that I’d have a couple of days in before and after my canal cruise in the South of , I was overwhelmed with the amount of things to do. Naturally, there are the super famous sites in , like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. And then there are the other gems around the city, such as the Arc de Triomphe and the Panth��on. However, if you’re looking for something offbeat, intriguing, and something you’ll talk about long after your visit, you simply must visit the .
History of the of
The stretch below the streets of the city, containing the remains of over six million people. But, why were the catacombs of built? Why are so many bones on display underground rather than proper burials in cemeteries? I’ll give you a very brief history of the catacombs, though it’s most fascinating to hear more information directly from your tour guide.
Why Were the of Built?
The catacombs of weren’t always meant to be an ossuary. sat on top of 200 miles of limestone tunnels, dating back to when the city was built. Workers dug up stones from beneath the city to construct it. However, the weight of the city started to collapse into the tunnels, causing massive sinkholes.
In 1777, the King’s architect, Charles-Axel Guillaumot, was tasked with stabilizing the tunnels to save the city from collapse. As you visit catacombs, you’ll see carvings into the walls with dates and numbers. These numbers show the amount of attempts it took to stabilize that particular space. While some numbers will read 1 or 2, I saw attempts in the 60s and 70s. This was not an easy job by any means.
At the same time, was growing and prospering, becoming one of the most heavily populated cities. Its rapid growth caused cemeteries to overflow. There simply wasn’t enough space to bury the dead. started to smell quite badly of decomposing bodies, and it posed a huge health hazard. By 1785, the tunnels were stable and the remains of the dead were transferred into them. This transfer of bones lasted until 1859. Here is a picture of a tunnel where they dropped the bodies and bones into the quarry.
Interestingly enough, it was actually Napoleon who decided that the catacombs of should be a tourist attraction. As the great empire of Rome had its own catacombs attraction, Napoleon decided that should have something similar. Quarry workers began sifting through the piles of bones to create decorative works. They lined the walls with femurs and tibias, and tastefully arranged the skulls. You’ll see signs with commemorative plaques, and bones arranged into various shapes.
Cataphiles of
While the tour is restricted to around 2km of tunnels, there are 200 miles of tunnels. There are some people who are a little more obsessed with the catacombs and illegally venture into forbidden areas beneath the city. These people are known as the “cataphiles of ”. It is potentially possible to enter the tunnels through manholes and metro stations.
Sometimes the cataphiles visit as part of an artistic movement, and other times they’re exploring and adding to their own maps. Back in 2004, authorities discovered a secret underground movie theater in the catacombs. However, no one was ever caught or fined. If you are caught unofficially exploring the tunnels beneath , you will be heavily fined.
Skip the Line
Trust me, you’re going to want to book a skip the line tour for the of . As you can imagine, the lines here get frustratingly long. Do you really want to spend half of your day in a lengthy line (especially if it’s really hot outside)? Or would you rather skip the line and waltz right indoors, heading directly to the attraction? I can’t imagine not booking a ticket in advance for this tour. A catacombs skip the line tour is the best way to visit.
How to Buy Tickets to Visit
If you’re looking for how to visit the catacombs in , take my advice. Head on over to the Take Walks website and select the date and time you’d like to visit. There are usually multiple times for each day. I recommend buying your tickets farther in advance to avoid disappointment. Numbers are limited for each tour, and it definitely has the potential to sell out.
You’ll meet your guide at a separate meeting point. Ours was right across the street from the of entrance. Our small group had less than 20 people in it (the maximum number for the tour, including the guide, is 20 people). We walked together across the street and right into the building, past the huge lineup of people there. It was a good feeling!
Our guide had all of our tickets purchased ahead of time and knew all of the employees that worked there. Within moments, we were descending into the catacombs themselves. With that said, skipping the line with a guided tour is only one of the perks.
Of course, you’ll gain a much better understanding with a . I learned about so many stories and interesting facts that made this attraction so special. If you walk around without a guide, you’ll see lots and lots of skulls and bones. It’s really cool to see, but it’s even better when you have an understanding of it all. And then there are the areas you can only visit with a guide…
Special Access Areas for s Only
There were two areas behind locked gates that regular tourists could not visit. With our historian guide, we were allowed to venture into these rooms. Our small group had these rooms all to ourselves when we visited. We had the opportunity to view two wall sculptures within the ossuary.
The Sculptures de Décure were secretly carved into the limestone by a quarry worker named Francois Décure between 1777 and 1782. One showcases the facade of a building in the Quartier de Cazerne. Another depicts Port Mahon where he was imprisoned, and another carving illustrates a spot called Port Philipe. These sculptures detail his memories or imagined visions of these places.
They’re incredibly detailed and created in such a challenging environment. Decure had to work by torch light, far underground in such a dark and damp place. Sadly, he was killed underground in a cave-in while constructing a stairway to his artwork. A trip to view the Sculptures de Decure are certainly worth a visit. You might find the skulls and bones to be a little too ominous, but these are purely fascinating without the creepy factor.
What to Know Before You Visit
There are a couple of details that you need to plan before your trip. Here are some specific tips for your catacombs tour. There aren’t any bathrooms in the catacombs of , so use the restroom in advance. Please do not touch any of the bones. Your bag will likely be searched when you exit as they want to ensure that people aren’t stealing bones. No flash photography is permitted inside the ossuary, although you are allowed to take pictures. You can bring a bottle of water with you.
Is it Cold in the ?
It is very damp and cold in the tunnels. It’s naturally air conditioned, so it’s a great place to head in the heat of the summer! So, is it cold in the ? Yes, it is! This means that you might want to plan what to wear in advance.
What do you Wear to the ?
What do you wear to the ? I didn’t really think about this ahead of time and I wish that I did. Bring a sweater on your tour. Wear shoes that are sturdier as you’ll be climbing up and down stairs at the beginning and end of your trip (like sneakers/running shoes/closed toed shoes).
Are the of Haunted?
So, you might be wondering…are the catacombs of haunted? Well, it all depends on what you believe. I’m not sure that I believe in ghosts myself. However, our guide told us a story about a contest from a few years ago. Airbnb rented out the catacombs of for one night, offering the chance for two people to spend the night there. They set up a bed in the ossuary, naturally surrounded by the bones and skulls. In the evening, it was lights out.
Of course, the mind can play tricks on you in complete darkness. The winners of the contest didn’t end up spending the entire night there. They were too scared. But, it’s hard to say whether or not the tunnels are truly haunted. I’m sure if there was a place in the world that was haunted, it would likely be the catacombs of . I mean, there are 6 million people buried down there!
More Information and Location of the
Your tour will meet near the entrance of the , which is near the Denfert Rochereau Metro station. The exit of the tour is a couple of blocks away. This tour is approximately two hours in length. Only 200 people are permitted inside the catacombs at any time. I really like that it is restricted, so it never feels crowded down there.
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There’s also an online shop at our photography site. Click the ‘buy’ button by any picture: you can purchase prints, housewares, and all sorts of fun things featuring our photos! <div class="kt-blocks-info-box-learnmore-wrap"><a class="kt-blocks-info-box-learnmore" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://go.redirectingat.com/?id=125747X1586856&xs=1&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftravelphotos.justinpluslauren.com%2F%2F-2019%2F&sref=rss">Learn More <h2>The Verdict: <p>I highly recommend that you <strong><a href="https://justinpluslauren.com/go/paris-catacombs" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label=" (opens in a new tab)">visit catacombs on your trip to the city. It might seem a little weird or even creepy to see the world’s largest grave. However, it’s truly fascinating. It’s a little overwhelming to think that every skull represents life. But, it’s a very intriguing part of ’ history that you can easily see with your own eyes. You’ll learn so many interesting facts about the history of the city through your guide. I absolutely loved this tour and I’m sure you will, too! <ul class="wp-block-gallery columns-3"><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/--Pinterest3-683x1024.jpg" alt=" : What It's Like Inside the Most Fascinating and Largest Grave in the World data-id="18349" data-link="https://justinpluslauren.com/?attachment_id=18349" class="wp-image-18349" srcset="https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/--Pinterest3-683x1024.jpg 683w, https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/--Pinterest3-200x300.jpg 200w, https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/--Pinterest3.jpg 735w" sizes="(max-width: 683px) 100vw, 683px" /><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/--Pinterest2-683x1024.jpg" alt=" : What It's Like Inside the Most Fascinating and Largest Grave in the World data-id="18348" data-link="https://justinpluslauren.com/?attachment_id=18348" class="wp-image-18348" srcset="https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/--Pinterest2-683x1024.jpg 683w, https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/--Pinterest2-200x300.jpg 200w, https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/--Pinterest2.jpg 735w" sizes="(max-width: 683px) 100vw, 683px" /><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/--Pinterest1-683x1024.jpg" alt=" : What It's Like Inside the Most Fascinating and Largest Grave in the World data-id="18347" data-link="https://justinpluslauren.com/?attachment_id=18347" class="wp-image-18347" srcset="https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/--Pinterest1-683x1024.jpg 683w, https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/--Pinterest1-200x300.jpg 200w, https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/--Pinterest1.jpg 735w" sizes="(max-width: 683px) 100vw, 683px" /> <p style="text-align:center">PIN one of the images above to Pinterest for future reference. Click the top left corner. <p><em>Thank you so much to Take Walks for hosting my tour. This post contains affiliate links. If you click one of them, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. <div class="kt-simple-box" style="background-color:rgba(232, 232, 232, 1); min-height:1px; padding-top:15px; padding-bottom:15px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; "><div class="kt-simple-box-inner"> <center><strong>Did you find this post useful? Show your appreciation with a small tip! <div id="JPL01" class="quid-slider" align="center" quid-currency="CAD" quid-product-id="JPL01" quid-product-url="https://justinpluslauren.com/paris-catacombs-tour/" quid-product-name="Justin Plus Lauren" quid-product-description="A Tip for Justin & Lauren" quid-text="Tip Us!" quid-text-paid="Thanks!" quid-amount="1"> <h4>Have you ever visited a catacomb or crypt? Would you? <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://justinpluslauren.com/paris-catacombs-tour/"> : What It’s Like Inside the Most Fascinating and Largest Grave in the World appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://justinpluslauren.com">Justin Plus Lauren.
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sujiroll · 7 years
` ㅂ ´ ┊ Wow wow wow~ It’s Bae Suzy~  Hmmm. Is this really a coincidence or are you just trying to get publicity- because I haven’t seen you since… since–… ( ` Squints, an indefinite scroll through hand phone. ´ ) –wow, forever.   So you must be here to renew your lil freak licence! You’re long overdue. Actually, I don’t think I, the freakiest freak of them all, can talk to you without a valid lil freak licence so… get to renewing~ That means liking a minimum of 50 of my Instagram posts (you’ve been gone a while, it piles up! This only includes solo photos of either me or my kids), mingling with me on M Countdown and letting me treat you to patbingsu for your first win. I’ve got a feeling your solo is gonna be amazing~
When you say it like that oppa, it makes me sound like a bad person! Me not showing my face is all just a matter of how large of a hermit I can be and how I stay in hiding. (’holds up a finger and nods with a stern nod as if claiming her own self guilty of her lack of appearance.) Consider my renewal in the process starting from now. And Social media? As lowkey as I appear I’m deep in that instagram app myself. Consider yourself 100 likes richer. I’m not settling for just the minimum (’shakes her head) you’re foreseeing this already? fine ill take my patbingsu in the largest size to go please~ Is this an outcome of having said license? The perks of being friends with you, ahhh it’s too nice~
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carolinaare · 7 years
If you thought I’d suffer from heat deprivation in London’s chilly Autumn after a year spent in the sun-drenched Coogee Beach, you are mistaken. I am making the most of what the UK Capital has to offer and damn, there’s no shortage of events on this side of the pond. Here’s a round-up of events you need to look out for this Autumn.
Harry Potter, A History of Magic Exhibition at The British Library – from October 20
As a Potterhead and a fan of any British Library exhibition to this date, A History of Magic Seems unmissable: rare books, manuscripts and magical objects from the British Library’s collection, showcasing the folklore and magic at the heart of the Harry Potter saga.
The exhibit celebrates the 20th anniversary of the publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – feel old yet?
Blade Hairclub Halloween Hairclubbing Night – Saturday 28 October 
Considering how appalling my blow-dry skills are, booking in with a friend to get the Halloween look at Blade Hairclub in Soho sounds like the right way to kick off my Halloween weekend.
To get the party started, Blade will be playing tunes from classics such as Beetlejuice, Nightmare before Christmas and Screaming Jay Hawkins. iPads are also positioned at each station enabling scary film fanatics to immerse themselves in some of the best horror films that Netflix can provide, including It Follows, Babadook, Hush and Paranormal Activity.
But no Hairclubbing sesh is complete without cocktails, which will be Halloween-themed for the occasion:
Poisoned Apple – VSOP Calvados, Elderflower Liqueur, fresh pressed apple, apple juice, lemon juice, Abbott’s Bitters;
Devil’s Blade – Rittenhouse Rye, Campari, Ancho Reyes Red Chile Liqueur, Orange bitters;
The Pumpkin King – Organic Vodka, Maple Syrup, Pumpkin Puree, Vanilla, Black Walnut bitters.
All Hallow’s Eve by Lamplight at the Tower Hamlets Cemetery – Saturday 28 October 
This year, I’ve decided I’m going to have at least one DYI Halloween night and instead of going to fancy events in very little clothing, I will actually do something spooky. Enter Cemetery Club’s lamp-lit tour of the Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park, set to celebrate the lives of the quarter of a million people buried there, from heroes to villains, locals and mavericks. The tour will be an occasion to explore the Victorian customs associated with Hallowmas, and taste authentic Soul Cakes, made from a recipe from the time of old Queen Vic herself.
Tours on Saturday 28 and Tuesday 31st, either at 6:30 or 8 PM;
Tickets £12/£10.
U SUCK Halloween Special at The Old Blue Last – Saturday 28 October
My DYI night will be followed by by a dance and a sing-along to the best break-up bangerZZZ and pop kiss-offs at The Old Blue Last. It’s on the same night as the Cemetery Tour so I might end up wearing at least something Halloweeny. Whether you’ve been dumped by a satanic being (haven’t we all), ghosted by a moron or just wanna have some fun, this looks like the place.
Saturday October 28th, 10pm-4am;
Fancy dress strongly encouraged;
FREE all night long.
Halloween Movie Ball at The Grand, Clapham  – Saturday 28 October 
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Picture by The Grand
Picture by The Grand
For all of you South Londoners out there, The Grand in Clapham will throw a part paying homage to the finest and freakiest Horror Movies of all time to the sound of party favourites. The event includes photo booths, make-overs, balloon drops, prizes for the best dressed and more confetti than you can think of. Fancy dress: compulsory.
Eat Blood-Injected Charcoal Balls at Old Street Station
There’s no Halloween without creepy food options but this year I wanted to go a bit more left-field than your average pumpkin stuff… so why not try charcoal activated cheese balls filled with “spicy blood”?
Picture by Dona Rita
On Tuesday 31st October, Brazilian Chef Rita will make a a special batch of Brazilian cheese balls Halloween set to taste like a “melted-cheese inferno”. Brazilian Cheese Balls are the go-to snack in Latin America. They’re gluten-free, made with Cassava and cheese and are crunchy outside and cloud-like inside.
This time however, Chef Rita will be blending this dark and detoxifying twist with the original recipe, the cheese balls will be served with a Syringe, filled with your choice of sweet or spicy blood (don’t worry, it’s only jam and Sriracha sauce). You can inject the balls with blood, spill it all over for a gory look or pour it in your mouth as Halloween make up. The choice is yours.
The pop-up is near the stall in front of the ticket hall at Old Street Underground Station;
A portion of 6 blood-injected charcoal balls costs £5;
Opening times: 7.30am to 7pm, open until late on Halloween;
You can try a less devilish version until the 26th of November, the day the pop-up closes.
Junkyard Golf Club Day of the Dead with El Jimador – Tuesday 31 October
Right, so the 31st is a Tuesday which sucks a bit, but at least Junkyard Golf Club in Brick Lane is teaming up with el Jimador to transform its crazy golf labyrinth into a Day of the Dead scare fiesta complete with actors, magicians and circus performers, cocktails and, well… golf. A round is just £9.50 including booking fee which is great if, like me, you are going just for shits and giggles and plan to be kicked out due to how appalling your golfing skills are.
Picture By Junkyard Golf
Performers on the line up include jugglers, unicyclists, LED hoopers and The Magic Ball Man, who caused a storm last year with a hypnotic video that racked up over 22 million views on Facebook.
Junkyard Golf London at The Old Truman Brewery, from 7 to 10 PM;
Tickets available here.
Skylight Launches Its Rooftop Skating and Fondue Nights in Tobacco Dock – Thursday 2 November
Ever since it launched in the summer, news about Skylight has been giving me a huge FOMO. I thought I’d have to wait until Summer to check it out, but luckily, Tobacco Dock’s rooftop is relaunching as a top Winter destination on Thursday 2 November, complete with seasonal drinks, fondue,  street food AND London’s first rooftop ice rink.
Picture By Skylight
A £10 skating ticket gets you 45 on the ice rink, while you can play ice hockey for £3. The cheese fondue will start at £14.95 per person with tables available to book in advance and ladies and gentlemen, Skylight will also offer delicious chocolate fondue at £9.95 per person.
Who am I kidding, this is where I break my leg. I know this. Cocktails and ice skating will never be a good match for someone as clumsy as I am, but with its unobstructed views of some of London’s most iconic buildings, Skylight is one of those venues you just can’t miss out on.
Thursday & Friday 5pm – 11pm;
Saturday & Sunday – 12pm – 11pm.
Christmess in Southwark, Launching on 15 November
We all know talking about Christmas is forbidden before December first, so you will excuse me for writing about Christmess instead, run by Slap Ya Papa and Marbles & Ware.
Picture by: Christmess
Launching on 15th November for a six-week run, Christmess is set in Victorian London – and at The Hunter Penrose to be precise, a barely touched warehouse in the heart of Borough Market.
The immersive event includes live entertainment brought to you by Santa’s little helpers, green fairies, St Nicholas and all the Christmas peepz with a twist. Food is left in the capable hands of Slap Ya Papa, who will cook up a 12-dish soulful lunch or dinner made of platters of Cajun roasted turkey and candied yams.
Open throughout the day, the downstairs area will be a workshop filled with creations by independent makers. Craftspeople from across the capital will be making and selling an abundant trove of stocking fillers and makers will also be offering present making classes such as a Floral Wreath weaving and Beeswax candle making.
Tickets: £55 per person;
Feasts: Wednesday – Sunday, 6.30pm – 11.30pm.
Museum of Witchcraft Opening – 2 November
Cornwall’s most magical Museum comes to London with an exhibition made of scary photographs of haunted objects from The Museum of Witchcraft and Magic by Sara Hannant and Simon Costin. I’m looking forward to seeing all the magical objects on display, including a Witch Mirror, a waxen curse poppet, spells and charms and items from a Black Magicians altar.
The Museum of Witchcraft and Magic has the largest and most remarkable collection of witchcraft-related objects and books in the world, focusing on this misunderstood aspect of British folk culture.
The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities, Fine Art & Natural History
November 3rd 2017 – 28th Febuary 2018.
Jazz Before Jazz Was Jazz, Two Temple Place – Sunday 12 November
Arts education charity The Arts Society and my favourite London band, Kansas Smitty’s, are teaming up to tell the story of the way jazz became Jazz, starting from the slave songs of American plantations, African polyrhythms, and the European classical tradition.
Made of talks, interactive workshops, Smitty’s signature juleps, Deep South inspired street food and performances by the Kansas Smitty’s House Band, this event comes as a prequel to The Age of Jazz, an exhibition produced by The Arts Society and the Bulldog Trust, which opens at Two Temple Place in January 2018. The exhibition will kick off a year of celebrations for The Arts Society which marks its 50th anniversary next year.
Autumn Events To Watch Out For If you thought I'd suffer from heat deprivation in London's chilly Autumn after a year spent in the sun-drenched Coogee Beach, you are mistaken.
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