#but orm was literally perfect THE best man ever
magic-glasses · 3 months
I’m way late to the party but I finally watched aquaman 2 and honestly? It was straight ASSCHEEKS bro. Orm was my favorite part of the whole movie, and I’m not even surprised bc he was my fav in the first movie 😭
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imagine-docx · 4 years
colour spectrum.
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Summary: You can only see in black and white, but the moment you meet your soulmate you can see colour. What happens when you’ve been able to see colour all your life and can’t recall who’s your soulmate? [bestfriend!soulmate!au]
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: i’m back with yet another fic, hope everyone is doing well! I also hope everyone is doing their share by signing petitions and contributing to the black lives matters movement - Amanda 💛
»»————- ➴ ————-««
The concept of soulmates has existed since the dawn of time. You only see black and white until you meet your soulmate. After your 16th birthday, you could see the entire colour spectrum once you met your soulmate, but if you didn’t keep in contact with your soulmate, you would lose your ability to see colour until you met again. 
Your problem was that you could see the entire colour spectrum, since the moment you turned 16. Your parents explained the colour spectrum the night before your 16th birthday, and when you woke up the next day, your life was filled with vivid colours. 
Anytime anyone would ask if you could see colours, you passed it off as you couldn’t and were waiting until you met the right person. But in reality, you were now 25, and you were trying to figure out who your soulmate could possibly be.
“Are you sure you can’t see colour?” Arthur poked at your side.
“I swear to god, the amount of times you’ve asked me this question is astronomical. The answer will remain the same, which is no,” you lied. Over the years you’ve perfected the acting and no one could tell you were lying.
Arthur laid down on the couch behind you, as you sat on the floor overlooking a file for work. “I came to spend time with my best friend, yet you’re paying more attention to that stupid file,” he whined.
Best friend. How you hated that word to describe your relationship with Arthur Curry. You two had been friends since you met in a playground when you were five, and here you were twenty years later, but with the fattest crush you could ever have on someone. Someone who has a soulmate, might you add. 
“Are you paying the bills?” You asked, adding notes to the margin.
“Then you aren’t allowed to talk,” you said, underlining something in the document.
You pulled your hair up into a bun to get it out of your face, and got back to work. You suddenly felt a shiver down your spine as Arthur’s fingertips trace the back of your neck. “That’s a nice shade of red,” he murmured, tracing the petals of the rose that was tattooed on the back of your neck.
Your face was laced with confusion, until you finally understood what he said, “Wait,” you spun around, “You can see colour? Arthur since when?”
“God knows how long. Wait, did you not know this?” He asked.
“No, Art, what the fuck?” You looked him dead in the eye, “Why did you not tell me?”
“I thought it was common knowledge,” he rebuttal.
You turned back around, “How did you survive this long?”
“Alcohol. Do you know how pretty this rose is with all its colour? How did you pick it out?” He asked.
You bit your lip, I went to an artist who had met his soulmate and we worked out the colours together because we can both agree and disagree what would look good, is what you wanted to say, but ultimately a, “I went to an artist who met his soulmate and he worked with the colours and I trusted him,” slipped out of your mouth.
“You got a man to tattoo on you?” He asked.
“Yeah, not a big deal you know.” You responded.
“Anything could have happened, he could have-” 
You cut him off before he went even further, “Art, I was in a shop with like ten different people, I had a shirt and pants on. I was fine. Plus I asked someone to come, but they were busy.”
“Nope, we’re done,” you stated, ending the conversation as you made notes on the file in front of you.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
“He got mad that you got tattooed by a man?” Harley asked.
It was a usual Friday night you spent surrounded by your friends Harley, Dinah, Diana and Pamela. Usually these nights consisted of getting wasted on someone’s floor in their living room, these weeks happened to be in Dinah’s living room.
“Yeah, for fucking what? I asked him if he wanted to come, he was busy with Mera.” You spat, looking at the cup of Smirnoff that was in your hands. 
“And he still thinks you can’t see colour?” Dinah asked.
“Yeah,” you said, “It’s whatever.”
Pamela reached over and smacked your back, “You dumbass, what if he’s your soulmate?”
“He can’t be. He sees colour with Mera. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but, I am not Mera.”
“She might have a point, if he sees colour with Mera, they can’t be soulmates,” Diana stated.
“Finally someone with a brain cell,” you joked.
“Din, I need paper and a ton of markers,” Harley said.
And that’s how you were dragged into a life chart of people you’ve met and possible soulmate suspects.
“If you could see it the moment you turned sixteen, that means you knew them before. Which means you would have had literally anyone from elementary school.” Harley started, “The moment you turned sixteen, you would have been around literally anyone in high school.” Harley crossed off high school, “Post high school, you kept in contact with Arthur, Hal, Thom, Kalel, and Bruce. Kalel has Diana, which means Kalel is off.” Harley crossed off Kalel, “Hal is not even in Gotham, meaning you can’t be able to see without constant contact from him,” Hal joined the crossed out group. “Bruce is with Talia, so off the list. “Thom is in San Fran doing god knows what, so you wouldn’t be able to see,” Thom joined the crossed off list. Only Arthur was left. Harley scratched her head looking at it. “He’s soulmates with Mera?”
“Yeah,” you said, you’ve come to the same conclusion several thousand times.
“Stranger?” Pamela proposed.
“The chances of seeing the same fucking person every once in a while just for you to see colours doesn’t make fuckin’ sense.” Harley stated.
You stretched out and laid back onto the floor. “It’s fine, I’ll die alone.”
»»————- ➴ ————-««
Before you left work you swung Arthur a text asking him if he wanted to have a movie night once he got off work.
You were pulling down your sweater dress with one hand and phone in the other and were making your way to the doors until you heard your name. 
Spinning on your heel, you looked in the direction you heard your name called from. Lucas Trent. 
You two were close during history classes during your years in university, mostly because the two of you sat at the back of the lecture hall with snacks and were self educating because the prof was actual trash. 
“Lucas? Hi,” you said, engulfing him in a hug.
He wrapped his arms around you, “God it’s been so long.”
“How’d you know I’m here?” You asked, releasing him.
“I saw Dinah this morning, and she told me. I was hoping we can catch up?” He asked.
You checked your phone and saw that Arthur still didn’t message you back. “Yeah, I’m game.”
»»————- ➴ ————-««
“No. Fucking. Way.” You said, in absolute shock.
“I. Fucking. Know.” Lucas responded.
The two of you were sitting at a coffee shop near your work place, and you were still anticipating Arthur’s text, but to no avail he didn’t answer.
“I never would have thought your soulmate was a dude,” you said.
Lucas found his soulmate while he was swimming at the beach. He showed you pictures of him and Apollo on vacation, and other cute Instagram worthy couple pictures.
“I fucking know man, it’s such a strange turn of events.” He took a sip of his coffee, “How’s Arthur by the way? You still attached by the hip?” 
“Same old pain in the ass,” you chuckled.
“Did you meet your soulmate yet?” Lucas asked.
“I’ve met them. I can see colour. They’re a constant force in my life, but I don’t know who the fuck it is,” you stated nonchalantly.
“I bet it’s Arthur,” he said, in a matter of fact tone.
“Yeah? Join the party. It’s not.” You said, leaning back into your chair.
“What do you mean he’s not your soulmate?” Lucas asked.
“You mean the redhead girl that was all over him and Selina almost fought the both of them because she thought the two of you were dating and he was cheating?”
“Bingo,” you said, sipping your coffee.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
You were unlocking your door and checking yet again if Arthur ever texted you back. You pulled the key out of the hole and paused. No response yet.
You were about to push your door in until you felt a familiar grasp push your door open and pull you in. 
Tossing the keys into your bowl, you pulled off the knee high heeled boots you were wearing and followed him into the living room. You leaned against the bar, watching Arthur pace in front of you.
“So when were you gonna tell me you found your soulmate?” He spat.
“I saw you and pretty boy getting coffee earlier, when were you gonna tell me that you met your soulmate?” Anger evident in his voice.
“Why the fuck are you mad? You have Mera.” You retaliated.
“I have the right to be mad,” he said, crossing his arms against his chest.
“Why? Why the fuck could you possibly be mad? Just because I see colour you’re pissed?” You spat back at him.
“So you can see colour now,” he grumbled, pissed off to the max. 
You didn’t retaliate, you watched him pace around even more. He eventually sat down on the couch, looking at the ground, he ran his hands through his hair. 
“Mera wasn’t my soulmate.”
Your demeanor softened, “Art, what?”
“She lied. Her soulmate was Orm fucking Marius,” he said, on the brink of tears. Orm Marius, the man that Arthur hated since the dawn of time. The two of them had ongoing beef since elementary school, you really anticipated them to stop talking, but here they were, still at each other’s throat.
You walked over to him and kneeled in front of him stroking hairs out of his face. 
“Mera met Orm while we were together, and she suddenly saw colour. I thought we were soulmates, but apparently not. I’ve known her for so long, when I turned 16, I saw colours and she was constantly around. I thought she was it. Then I thought about you, but you could see colour after going out with what’s his face.”
You gently stroked his cheek, “Art, I could always see colour.”
“What?” He looked up at you.
“Since I was 16-” He cut you off by pulling you forward and into a kiss. You broke apart when you needed air, he rested his forehead against yours before peppering your face with kisses, which resulted in giggles erupting from you.
“He found his soulmate,” you reassured him, “Plus he’s gay.”
His face lit up like a Christmas tree. While getting up, he pulled your body to him. Once fully up he tossed you over his shoulder, “More for me then,” he said, before making his way to your bedroom.
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Michael in the Mainstream: Aquaman
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Aquaman is an absolutely fantastic film. There’s really no getting around that simple fact; this film is a delight, a grand, epic, cheesy 80s adventure film throwback to rival even the best and brightest of that genre. Imagine, if you will, if Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Return of the King had a baby, and you have a general idea of the kind of film Aquaman is. The best part is that who on Earth could have ever seen this coming?
As I’m sure you’re all aware, Aquaman has long been the butt of jokes to casual audiences due to his perceived uselessness that was showcased in the old Superfriends cartoon, a cartoon that’s not exactly the best if you’re looking for accurate portrayals of all the characters involved. Even after decades of other cartoons giving him more to do, Aquaman never entirely was able to shake off that image, even when Jason Momoa was cast. It certainly didn’t help he got his debut in the much-reviled Justice League, where he was given a bit of a harsher attitude and a hideous costume. Then came the poster for this film with its stock image shark, and things looked pretty bleak. How could Aquaman hope to be a good film with all of this stacked against it?
The true brilliance lies in the decision by its director, James Wan (Saw, The Conjuring), to toss out just about everything Justice League established about Aquaman in regards to his personality and backstory, instead opting for a lighter, more fun take on the character. Normally such serious retconning would be atrocious and awkward… but it really makes this film work so much better. Aquaman is no longer a bitter character, he has no resentment towards his mother (instead having it directed at Atlantis for what they DID to his mother), he’s a fresh take on the character and it really is a difference of night and day. I liked Aquaman in Justice League, and I liked that movie; I loved Aquaman here, and I loved this film just as much.
So what exactly is Aquaman doing in his solo film? Arthur Curry (AKA Aquaman), after wanting nothing to do with Atlantis due to executing his mother, is forced to go to the sunken city by Mera (Amber Heard), who along with Arthur’s mentor Vulko(Willem Dafoe) think Arthur is the only man who is right for the throne of Atlantis. This is mainly due to Arthur’s half-brother Orm (Patrick Wilson) is a bit of a surface-hating warmonger who wishes to end the tyranny of humans and their pollution of the sea by the most violent means possible by attaining the title of Ocean Master by uniting the remaining kingdoms of the sea into an unstoppable army. There’s an ancient artifact Mera and Vulko believe could aid Arthur, a legendary trident lost to the ages that holds incredible powers and will certainly ensure a half-breed like Arthur is accepted as the one true king who can unite Atlantis and the surface. And so the film becomes a journey for Arthur to discover this lost artifact before Orm amasses his army, along the way finding out what it truly means to be king and also maybe stealing the heart of his half-brother’s betrothed.
The film’s greatest strengths do not lie in its story – I think most will admit this is a pretty generic and even cliché story, albeit one that is enjoyable (cliché does not equal bad, something more people need to realize) – but in its other elements, most notably the visuals. This movie is absolutely gorgeous. The shots of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis but Wakanda and Pandora to shame, and really do look like something out of a comic book. And speaking of comics, Aquaman’s enemies translated very well to live action, with Orm and especially Black Manta looking absolutely fabulous in live action. Black Manata is especially notable, since it would have been so easy to make his iconic suit look stupid or silly, but not only does it look perfect and accurate, Black Manta does not lose an ounce of cool factor in the process.
The performances across the board are almost universally fantastic. It should be noted, however, that Momoa and Wilson are both really carrying the brunt of the film on their shoulders, and doing it nearly effortlessly. Momoa is just an absolute blast to watch, his take on Aquaman is just so much fun, so charming, it’s practically impossible to hate him (though he does deliver a couple of lame jokes here and there). Wilson, on the other hand, portrays a villain who is at once sympathetic and understandable but also ruthless and underhanded. Orm feels like the DC answer to Black Panther’s Killmonger, an emotionally complex and personal villain that you can’t help but root for a little bit even though you also can’t wait to get see them taken down. Willem Dafoe is, as always, fantastic in his role as the wise mentor figure he seems to do a lot (John Wick and Finding Nemo both come to mind, and the latter is amusing as this is the second time he’s played an aquatic mentor figure), and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II brings a sense of vengeful ferocity and symapthy to Black Manta. The weak link in all of this is Amber Heard, who is just at best a painfully average actor and at worst is just mediocre. She doesn’t hold back the film and she has her moments, but she really does stick out as the weak link when surrounded by all sorts of other fantastic performances, the biggest of which (literally) is Julie Andrews… as the biggest kaiju imaginable. I’m not joking.
There are so many nice little touches here and there too, such as the incorporation of Momoa’s own cultural heritage into the character which becomes evident in a lot of places, the absolutely heartfelt and touching relationship between Arthur’s parents, the drumming octopus that shows up being a cameo from Topo, an octopus sidekick that’s pure Silver Age silliness… this movie is absolutely not short on time.
Now, it’s not without a few flaws, but they don’t majorly impact the movie. The film can feel a bit long, but whenever it seems like it’s getting a bit slow something exciting happens to engage you. Of course, that doesn’t excuse some parts that, while cool, could have been trimmed out such as the Black Manta sequence. But even this flaw is one I barely consider, because in such a big, epic movie, it needed a cool personal showdown between a vengeful minor antagonist and Arthur. Really, a lot of this film’s ‘flaws’ are like this; they’re there, but if you like this movie it’s seriously easy to justify them.
Now what can’t be justified is the rushed nature of Arthur and Mera’s relationship. Again, it is easy to justify – this film is a big genre throwback to 80s adventure films, with one example Wan has mentioned being Romancing the Stone, and movies like this tend to have the hero get the girl at the end – but the rushed nature combined with Heard’s weak performance make it a bit odd. It honestly made more sense for them to end the movie as good friends, which would have been more reasonable, and then save their inevitable romance for a future film. All this being said, considering Mera was Orm’s betrothed, this causes the hilarious realization as you watch the big kiss and see Arthur nearly grope Mera’s backside that he has successfully cuckolded his own half-brother. There’s really no way to be too hard on this film, every time I try I end up praising it in the same breath as I critique it.
This is a truly fun, exciting movie that really pushes superhero movies to new heights visually, and makes me excited to see what DC does next. This is truly a step in the right direction, and shows that Wonder Woman was not a fluke, and was in fact a sign DC was onto something when they gave great creators room to shine with charismatic actors. Frankly, I’d say this film is even better than Wonder Woman, on the basis of this film having a much stronger villain and a better and more consistent style, while maintaining the elements that made Wonder Woman good (a charming and charismatic lead that truly gets their character, strong supporting cast, excellent action). Yes this film is cheesy, yes it’s not going to appeal to everyone, yes it’s not perfect… but I can’t help but recommend this, because we need more movies this exciting and fun. I just loved every single minute of this.
Even Pitbull’s song.
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jennathearcher · 5 years
@pnienor @flagsmoone @gellavonhamster
- If this movie doesn’t get the Oscar for Best Special Effects I will RIOT this movie literally has the BEST greenscreening and CGI I have EVER SEEN IN ANY MOVIE EVER
- All of the fight sequences are STELLAR
- I love Mera so much she is a QUEEN and her dynamic with Arthur was everything I wanted in life after that one scene between them in Justice League??? Just the continually sniping at each other but also saving each other and being vulnerable with each other and gradually falling in love that is THE GOOD SHIT I might have a new DC OTP which is saying something considering Rick/June exists
- You don’t need to have seen any of the other DCEU movies to watch and enjoy Aquaman and it’s also a great introduction to the character just in case you go in not knowing anything about him or his origins
Slightly more spoilery thoughts under the cut:
- THE TRENCH SEQUENCE JESUS CHRIST. I knew James Wan was gonna throw some horror elements into this movie and BOY DID HE EVER COME THROUGH IN THAT REGARD
- Atlanna is such a badass and I love EVERYTHING ABOUT HER
- Mera using the wine as a weapon was so fucking hardcore I nearly screamed “YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS SLAAAAAAAAAAAAY” in the theatre
- I really like what the did with Orm as a character honestly??? He’s such an effective villain and yet I like how they left things with him; plus I really want to know more about what his and Mera’s childhood was like
- The entire Sicily sequence just every single detail was perfection from the massive battle to Mera discovering more and more surface things that was so cute and reminded me of The Little Mermaid in the BEST WAY
- I love the Princess of the Fishermen so fucking much protect her at all costs
- Atlantis being so technologically advanced like a huge underwater city was SO COOL
- I absolutely adored seeing all the different underwater kingdoms and the sheer diversity of it all 8D And SURPRISE JOHN RHYS-DAVIES
- BLACK MANTA. YES BITCH. He was incredible I love what they did with him and the moral dilemma it presented Arthur with it was handled SO WELL
- The entire last quarter of the movie was so thrilling I legit got chills
- The little forehead kiss Arthur gave Mera at the end was the cutest thing ever like when will your faves ever
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ramajmedia · 5 years
5 Relationships In The DCEU Fans Were Behind (& 5 They Rejected)
Even though the DC Extended Universe started out more than six years ago in 2013, we haven’t seen many couples come out of it. The films were much more focused on being dark in presentation, but now that some diversity in storytelling is showing up perhaps we’ll be seeing more quality romance. 
RELATED: 7 Times Star-Lord And Gamora Were The Best Couple (& 3 Times They Should’ve Broken Up)
For the time being, though, let’s take a look at how the couples that have shown up in the series have fared. In this list, we’ve considered the chemistry between the characters, the impact their relationship had on each other as well as others, and how the audience reacted to their coupling.
10 Accepted: Lois and Clark
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In recent times, Lois’ characterization in animated features had people put off due to her being shown as someone who was so into her career that she treated Clark Kent like dirt, and only liked Superman because he kept saving her life all the time. 
However, the DCEU version has stood out by having Lois be first and foremost in love with Clark, not Superman. This has led to fans praising the chemistry between Amy Adams and Henry Cavill as the two coming across as lovebirds in a crazy superhero universe.
RELATED: MCU: 7 Times Pepper & Tony Were The Best Couple (& 3 Times They Should’ve Broken Up)
9 Rejected: Rick Flag And Enchantress
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What was there to like about this couple? Actually, why were these two a couple in the first place? There was no need for these characters to get together other than giving Rick Flag a reason to exist in Suicide Squad. And yes, we’re calling her Enchantress here because June had nothing to offer the viewers to make them care about her.
Basically, the coupling of Rick Flag and Moon was an informed part of the story, not a justified one. Both characters went completely wasted in the film, and it would’ve been better if they hadn’t been affiliated.
8 Accepted: Steve And Diana
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Ah yes, by far the best couple to come out of the DC Extended Universe. Wonder Woman could be considered part-period film, part-war movie, and part-love story between Steve and Diana. If there was a personification of star crossed lovers in the DCEU, then you’re looking at them right now.
The two had the classic meet-cute you see in romantic comedies, but evolved into a deeper tale of forbidden love meets unbearable sacrifice. They had such a pure love for one another that the eventual sacrifice of Steve left no eye dry upon first viewing. Fortunately, we’ll be seeing more of them in Wonder Woman 1984.
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7 Rejected: Jor-El And Lara Lor-Van
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There wasn’t anything outright bad about these two, but fans have been vocal in their displeasure at not having seen much of anything concerning Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van. All we knew of them was that they were married and sent off their son to Earth before they died. 
Rather than the romance part, it was the fact that these two didn’t come across as a viable counterpart to Jonathan and Martha Kent as Clark’s parental figures. Jor-El just looked like a simulated guide, while Lara wasn’t seen again. Another appearance of them together would save this couple in the fans’ eyes if we ever get Man of Steel 2.
6 Accepted: Orm And Mera
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Well, why wouldn’t you want to reject this couple when the film itself wanted you to see them as an awful pairing? Still, they can be considered as being together because Mera was betrothed to Orm at one point. 
Aquaman could have done a better job at making a possible marriage between the two as believable, though, because no-one saw them going through even a forced wedding during the film. Had that taken place in the movie, then the whole angle would have fallen flat as there was hardly any contact between the two characters.
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5 Rejected: Thomas And Martha
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Almost the same as it went in the case of Superman’s parents, Bruce’s didn’t have anything to make us feel bad for them. While every iteration of Batman has shown Bruce to be closer to Thomas Wayne, he does absolutely love his mother as well.
However, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice killed them off just when they showed up on screen, which makes you think that literally any other characters could have been there and it wouldn’t have made any difference. Ideally, there should have been flashbacks to times before Bruce was even born for the audience to understand that Thomas and Martha were a perfect couple out to do good in the world.
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4 Accepted: Arthur And Mera
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A character like Aquaman wouldn’t have fallen in love with a girl who had a delicate personality, so Mera was the right choice as his love interest. She was pretty much Arthur in personality as well, being fierce and loyal to the bone.
Mera also brought in with her some much-needed level-headedness, something that Arthur severely lacked. The ending of Aquaman proved the two as a battle couple, one that would shine very bright in a possible Justice League Part Two now that we’re all behind them as a romantic but fearsome duo.
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3 Rejected: Tom And Atlanna
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The problem with this coupling was that quite a bit of the fanbase found it all too convenient. Aquaman put a lot of effort in trying to make their love come across as pure, but there’s no denying everything was clearly written in for Arthur to be born but then be raised without his mother.
Everyone and their dog (or fish?) knew that Tom and Atlanna would inevitably be reunited by the film’s end, so there was no running away from the feeling that the love story here was orchestrated using a predictable formula.
2 Accepted: Bruce And Diana
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Crazy thing is that these two never even became a couple in the DCEU, but there isn’t anyone who would be against this becoming canonical. As was the case in the DC Animated Universe, Bruce and Diana had a clear case of chemistry.
Their interactions in Dawn of Justice were oozing with romantic tension, and Justice League carefully elaborated on this by showing their mutual respect and trust for one another. It only needed a movie or two before they were ready to make things truly romantic, so it’s a real shame it won’t be coming true now that Ben Affleck has left the scene as Batman.
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1 Rejected: Harley and the Joker
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Before Suicide Squad’s release, you could easily find fangirls swooning over this relationship because they thought Harley and Joker were “#relationshipgoals”, but the film’s lackluster portrayal of the two turned viewers off of them. 
Joker only came across as a loony loverboy, while Harley was way more interesting when she wasn’t playing his lackey. This feeling was so strong within the fanbase, that the studio put away with Joker entirely and brought Harley as her own character in the upcoming Birds of Prey. Now seemingly free of the Joker, we’re excited to see what Harley can achieve on her own without being shown to be pining for an idyllic love story.
NEXT: 10 Best Jackie Chan Films, Ranked
source https://screenrant.com/dceu-relationships-fans-behind/
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plottpalmtreescom · 7 years
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SPOT ON. Major props and award winning statement to that guy! Well said Dan. I would also agree that I have seen many people with virus's and parasites galore being in the Standard American DIEt nightmare. Check out the LIVIT. like you said, "We don't DIEt but we LIVIT" I have found the best video on what livening it looks like for real: Vimeo.com/Eplott/MYSTORY •I mean there are of course unhealthy vegetarians and vegans even. The points are discovering "HEALTH CONSCIOUS WHOLEFOOD RAW ORGANIC PLANT BASED LIVE STYLES" with raw superfoods and sourcing real organic (NON CERTIFIED ORGANIC AS WELL) Nature Produce FRUITS, veggies and Nuts; along with occasional water fasting. This is what Dr.Earth Man Eric Plott has formulated known as "Perfectional Pyramid Practice " it truly works at revering parasites and candida =which equals cancer. People teaching individuals that we need meat to survive or need this protein to reverse cancer, ARE SADLY MISTAKEN AND A GREAT ADVOCACY FOR MISINFORMATION AND HARMING OTHERS WHO MIGHT NEED TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT A RAW VEGAN IS! -I found this astonishing article about "The Greatest discovery ever" here TheMoringaQueen.com/DISCOVERY •I think that was it or also the LIVIT article that shows even many people of the old times consumed this life style at TheMoringaQueen.com/LIVIT. *Ten Commandments of Health would be https://thekazweh.com/blogs/news/ten Image A lot of links I know. I have seen this plus the monatomic gold Orme with Moringa oil literally heal a brown recluse bite in seven days. Don't believe me? Check out the irrefutable evidence here : TheMoringaQueen.com/Queen •WHETHER YOU BELIEVE IN MONATOMIC OR MONOATOMIC ORME OR NOT, this is still getting "Ormus"productions from real life edible Gold,Silver, Platinum, palladium , ruthenium, rhodium, osium, copper, titanium, indium, and iridium etc. •Doctor Eric Plott, now has Formuled a mix between the Most nutritional tree on this planet, natural Ormus from the cold pressed heirloom seeds, separates into a Golden oil and then taking the John Hudson method of Heat swinging a ph and seperate into a "Diatomic (According to Mr Barry Carter) " or Monatomic (single atom )
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plottpalmtreescom · 7 years
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Join group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MONATOMIC/ . I would also agree that I have seen many people with virus's and parasites galore being in the Standard American DIEt nightmare. Check out the LIVIT. like you said, "We don't DIEt but we LIVIT" I have found the best video on what livening it looks like for real: Vimeo.com/Eplott/MYSTORY •I mean there are of course unhealthy vegetarians and vegans even. The points are discovering "HEALTH CONSCIOUS WHOLEFOOD RAW ORGANIC PLANT BASED LIVE STYLES" with raw superfoods and sourcing real organic (NON CERTIFIED ORGANIC AS WELL) Nature Produce FRUITS, veggies and Nuts; along with occasional water fasting. This is what Dr.Earth Man Eric Plott has formulated known as "Perfectional Pyramid Practice " it truly works at revering parasites and candida =which equals cancer. People teaching individuals that we need meat to survive or need this protein to reverse cancer, ARE SADLY MISTAKEN AND A GREAT ADVOCACY FOR MISINFORMATION AND HARMING OTHERS WHO MIGHT NEED TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT A RAW VEGAN IS! -I found this astonishing article about "The Greatest discovery ever" here TheMoringaQueen.com/DISCOVERY •I think that was it or also the LIVIT article that shows even many people of the old times consumed this life style at TheMoringaQueen.com/LIVIT. *Ten Commandments of Health would be https://thekazweh.com/blogs/news/ten A lot of links I know. I have seen this plus the monatomic gold Orme with Moringa oil literally heal a brown recluse bite in seven days. Don't believe me? Check out the irrefutable evidence here : TheMoringaQueen.com/Queen •WHETHER YOU BELIEVE IN MONATOMIC OR MONOATOMIC ORME OR NOT, this is still getting "Ormus"productions from real life edible Gold,Silver, Platinum, palladium , ruthenium, rhodium, osium, copper, titanium, indium, and iridium etc. •Doctor Eric Plott, now has Formuled a mix between the Most nutritional tree on this planet, natural Ormus from the cold pressed heirloom seeds, separates into a Golden oil and then taking the John Hudson method of Heat swinging a ph and seperate into a "Diatomic (According to Mr Barry Carter) " or Monatomic (single atom ) liquid gold white o (at Plott Palm Trees)
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