#but now everything is centralized
natp20 · 1 month
i don't know what it is about the fantasy high setting that drives me completely insane. the mall has an ice cream parlour owned by a djinn and a strudel place with direct supply from the strudel dimension. your gnome parents modified the lawnmower to have fun with their new "friends." death means nothing if you've got your spells prepared. generational curses that make your life miserable recognize that you're not the stepdad, you're the dad that stepped up. we wanted something else from our god, so we made her into something else. your wizard principal is on a time travel roadtrip with his half-phoenix daughter and spent an obscene amount of money on a jet ski. there's a strudel dimension.
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dykedivorce · 5 months
stuck on the fact that a small part of Dongsik hoped for 20 entire years that Yuyeon was still alive. he fantasized about coming across her in random places and was anxious about recognizing her as a 40 year old woman because he genuinely still held onto a glimmer of hope for two decades. ten years and another ten years after than. half his life picturing his sister dead and alive turn by turn. maybe even when he burst the wall open he still thought there was a chance it would be empty.
and isn't it supremely fucked up that for the enormous, cataclysmic impact that Yuyeon's disappearance had on Dongsik and the central place that his love for her occupies in his motivations as a character, the only time they interact on-screen is when he finally finds her body and tenderly cradles her long-dead hands in his.
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cozylittleartblog · 1 month
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ANIME CENTRAL (ACEN) is officially Two Weeks Away now and i am going to implode. Come see me in the Artist Alley at booth H29 !!! I will have damn near my entire shop's catalogue with me (except stickers, as they are not allowed by the convention center itself, though I will have washi tape), and two new charm sets I made for this con specifically. Leftovers will be listed on my Etsy some time the following week !
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blueskittlesart · 8 months
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pov you're reading my pencils for my sequential art project that ive been working on for several months but i still can't think of a name for the central location of the fucking story
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velvetjune · 2 months
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In love with this article by Eric Van Allen interviewing Sam Lake and Poe, artist of “This Road” in Alan Wake 2, and finding out it was written with Alice’s perspective in mind
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sregnarkroywen · 1 year
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You have pride tape on your stick for every single game. What is behind the decision to have that tape on your stick?
“I used to listen to a local podcast […] and one week they got sponsored by Pride Tape, so that’s pretty cool and I’ve just sort of seen it as a good opportunity to get a message out there that we, as players and as a sport, are also inclusive. One of my best friends is a member of the community and just seeing her face light up with pride as I put the pride tape out there is special to me.”
Jason Polglase talking about pride tape on the Net, Sticks and Chill Podcast
Photos: x / x / x / x
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xiyao-feels · 1 year
which is your favourite sword or spiritual weapon?
The obvious answer is Hensheng and, yep, it's Hensheng!
Back then, when Jin GuangYao worked undercover at Wen RuoHan’s side, he had often hidden the sword at his waist, wreathed the sword around his arm to use during critical moments. Although the blade of Hensheng seemed to be soft to the extremity, attacking with lingering motions, it was in reality both sharp and haunting. Once the blade had wrapped around the opposition, Jin GuangYao would apply it with a bizarre spiritual power, and one would quickly be severed into pieces by the sword, despite its tender appearance. Quite a few famous swords had been battered into piles of scrap iron just like this.
(Exiled Rebels translation, ch 50)
Some random free-association thoughts:
- Walking around with this sword is among other things a reminder that he spied on and killed WRH! I think this can sometimes be viewed with suspicion by fandom but it actually seems to be viewed very positively by the cultivation world in the novel. It's part of the legend of Lianfang-zun—in a sense, the first part. Consider the description of LFZ's history WWX gives when he's watching the kids playing:
In these types of games, the head of all cultivators, LianFang-Zun, who was currently the most successful of all, was of course the most popular character. Although his family background was a bit disgraceful, the fact that he later climbed to such a rank was precisely why people respected him. During the Sunshot Campaign, he skillfully worked undercover for the QishanWen Sect, deceiving all of the Wen Sect’s people to a point that a tremendous amount of information were disclosed, yet they knew nothing. After the Sunshot Campaign, with flattery, wit, and countless other methods, he finally became the Chief Cultivator, fully deserving of the title. Such a life could even be considered a legend. If he was playing, he’d also want to try being Jin GuangYao. Choosing this boy to be the leader would very reasonable choice!
(ER, ch 32)
The background's embarassing, and avoided; but the spying is central, and described in positive terms. The next item on the list is becoming Chief Cultivator! There's really no sense here that the spying is shameful. (Though I'm amused WWX doesn't also mention killing WRH, lol.)
Similarly in the four panels about JGY, the first is about him spying on WRH, and the second is him killing him:
Out of all of them the four most famous sections about the current sect leader—Jin GuangYao—were respectively “disclosure”, “assassination”, “oath”, and “kind austerity”. Of course, the scenes showed how during the Sunshot Campaign Jin GuangYao hid in the QishanWen Sect and reported important information, assassinated the Wen Sect’s leader Wen RuoHan, became sworn brothers with the rest of the Venerated Triad, and rose to the position of Chief Cultivator.
(ER, ch 47)
It's very well-regarded!
- It's interesting that we get the description of Henjun breaking apart other swords where we do, because like five paragraphs later we have this:
Suibian flew out of its sheath and began to battle against Hensheng’s eerie sword glare. Seeing this, shock flashed across Jin GuangYao’s face. He regained his composure at once and nimbly twisted his right wrist. Like a vine, Hensheng wrapped itself around Suibian’s white, straight blade. He immediately let go of it, letting the two swords fight alone.
(ER, ch 50)
And yet he doesn't shatter Suibian. I suspect that although he clearly wasn't expecting WWX like this (shock flashes across his face!) he immediately realizes that he can use Suibian as evidence that WWX is WWX, and therefore Suibian intact is more useful than Suibian shattered. He's so smart 😍
- While there's no doubt that JGY kills people with it, I do think it's interesting that the signature, most famous move is destroying not the person but the sword—that is, destroying the thing that's the sign of the cultivator, this important signal it's necessary to carry, but does not actually hurt the person. Again, I'm sure he's had occasion to shatter someone's sword and then stab them, but it's interesting to me from a narrative perspective!
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
#(Basically rant on my last two posts)#I know I've said it before and sorry for coming off as annoying–#but I really wish we still had a central bsd blog on Tumblr like fy-bungoustraydogs or bsd-central or things of the kind.#I think now everyone rushes to post news first. And although there's merit to it in knowing news as soon as they happen‚#in the long run the death of this kind of central official content ***fan*** blogs is such a huge loss of fandom spaces‚#especially for the archiving purposes they solved. Especially today that T/witter and G/oogle have basically become unusable.#Literally. Literally. I've been doing official content archiving since I was 11#(because that's the very specific kind of mental illness I have)#and let me tell you that the quality of web search and especially reverse image search only got worse–#in a way that is very evident and noticeable. Which is crazy tbh and not how things should work.#If anyone would like to start a bsd-central kind of blog I'll be the first one to follow.#Actually if anyone actually wants to establish it feel free to contact me and I'll be more than happy to share the resources I have!!!!#It just needs to be something multi-modded for a series of reasons I won't get into right now#I just can't personally do it (not as main admin at least) because that would be modding my FIFTH active bsd blog–#and that's a little too much even for me.#On top of some ethical concerns I have regarding whether it'd be fair for me to mod a fandom central bsd blog–#when I feel like I can't genuinely share the same amount of love for the franchise other fans share#On top of. You know. Getting a degree eventually hopefully.#Then years after the blog has been solidly enstablished and aquired enough credibility it could even open a free donations found to invest–#in buying and scanning and releasing bsd content that hasn't been shared yet like the guidebooks or illustration books or everything else–#for everyone to see...#The dream. (Is realistically never going to happen) (Won't stop me from daydreaming about it every day)#((Still salty I couldn't afford the guidebooks only due to the shipment prices. I *would* have scanned and uploaded them.))#That was a long and idealistic rant. Kyotag out#Edit: *Modding my SIXTH bsd blog#Apparently I mod so many blogs I lost count of them
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enfinizatics · 2 months
the polish government is so fucking scared of israel and netanyahu that not only they abstain from voting for the ceasefire during an UN meeting, but even when israel literally targets a humanitarian convoy and kills one of our citizens all they fucking say is: “we don’t understand how this could happen but we will try to find the answers”. how the fuck can you say that when israel has been literally ruthlessly murdering palestinian people for the past 6 months and conducting an ethnic cleansing for 76 years. how can you say this shit when they mostly target civilian infrastructure, hospitals and most recently, refugee camps. how can you be so disgustingly oblivious to everything that’s been happening for the past few months.
not to mention the fact that bombing humanitarian relief is literally one of the tactics used to prevent any kind of help reaching the palestinian people.
the idf has come forward to call bombing the humanitarian aid a mistake but everyone fucking knows that targeting three branded vehicles was intentional, not to mention the fact that the route the volunteers took had been discussed with IDF before they targeted them. because all of that, polish people finally started to realize that it’s the israel who’s a terrorist here. finally the society is asking the right questions and starts advocating for the palestinian people and in return we’re getting accused of antisemitism by an israeli embassy in poland. very fucking frustrating it took the death of a polish white man (damian soból whom i respect very deeply as a human rights lawyer/activist and volunteer myself) for this to happen because there have already been several cases of palestinian-polish people trying to get out of gaza, and they had to wait ages until the polish people started advocating for them and then the government finally got them out. they had to wait because they weren’t white. fuck the polish government that licks israeli boots on a daily basis and fuck israel, a terrorist state that openly commits war crimes. i wish both of them to fucking die tbh.
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prussianmemes · 4 months
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cesta domů vlastní pořádkem je definice bivoj energie
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gildinbainas · 3 months
i also just remembered a live action naruto is on the way BUT at least kishimoto will be involved. all i know is that gaara is too pure for this world and he better stay that way.
that is all.
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cozylittleartblog · 3 months
cool news!! i will be at anime central (ACEN) here in Chicago may 17th ~ 19th, in the artist alley. fitting that my first convention is also now my first artist alley
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colorisbyshe · 18 days
now that concert venues have a clear bag policy i was fretting about how to hide my post concert snacks and i remember i haev a big ass wallet... it can fit TWO granola bars in it... fuck yeah
now my one concern left is i have to find where i left my disposable ponchos because it looks like it's gonna rain tmo :(
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i-want-a-slurpee · 9 months
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“Because, underneath it all, Crowley was an optimist. If there was one rock-hard certainty that had sustained him through the bad times...then it was utter surety that the universe would look after him.”
Crowley waited till the very last moment because he believed the universe would never tear him and his Angel apart from each other like this...I'm gonna go cry and throw up now
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binch-i-might-be · 9 months
hehe. Weimar trip is booked for less than 150€ :>
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batemanofficial · 1 month
got randomly nostalgic for living in florida. somebody shoot me
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