#but nooooooo it's based on gender
thawthebeez · 5 months
something that's genuinely kinda fucked up about figure skating is that no matter what, even if they skate the exact same program (same elements, same goe's, same pc's, everything), a woman will never be able to get the same score as a man. it is literally rigged in the man's favour.
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whenbutterflies · 2 months
ableists that invalidate me based on gender identity be like: nooooooo you can’t have autism because you have [checks notes] a trait that is statistically more common in the autistic community than in the general population
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mothsandfoxes · 2 months
they made a potion that changes your gender, the only problem? you have to go and ask for it.
I want to meet an old crone in the woods that changes my gender based on the vibes alone or find a cursed tome that whispers into my ear that it will do it for me or show up at tom bombadil's house and leave forever changed, but nooooooo you have to leave your comfortable hobbit hole and go and tell the most milquetoast graduate of the wizards guild ever that you want the gender concoction or poultice and he'll tell you how magic doesn't work that way (but it does) then you have to contact Saruman's tower's support line so that your evil insurance will shell out the wizard guild's fee and then maybe then they'll have enough sweat off a maiden's brow from the elves sacred grove and armpit hair of a raging orc and you can get your gender potion
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angelsaxis · 2 years
They just kicked another cis Black woman from sports because her testosterone levels were "too high" according to the soccer officials or whatever.
The concept of "biological advantage" being located exclusively in testosterone/estrogen balances is pure and utter horseshit, especially for an athlete. why is height never considered an unfair advantage? Does this now mean that any women's team basketball player that's "too tall" possesses an unfair advantage over her competitiors? Should they kick her from the team or make her wear ankle weights while she plays? Some soccer players just have faster legs and better stamina as well as balance. Are we going to blame that on fucking testosterone?? How the fuck do transphobes insist that you can only be a real woman if you have XX chromosomes and then someone has XX chromosomes and all the inner fixings of a "real woman" suddenly also needs to have a specific amount of testosterone otherwise it's not fair? Does having an above average level of testosterone that your body produces naturally even create that much of an advantage? It's fucking sports!! Athletics automatically selects for people who have biological advantages!! Height, weight, muscle mass, lung capacity, flexibility, etc are both innate and trained into people, and present various advantages or disadvantages.
Of course, this only happens to cis Black women in sports. White women do not have their genders questioned like this. Standards of "masculinity" are inherently arbitrary. How the fuck do people celebrate people like Katie Ledecky for absolutely destroying swimming competitions on an international level for both men's and women's records, saying that it proves that men aren't automatically good at sports and that Women Can Do It, and then turn around and start saying "nooooooo she can't have X amount of testosterone cause it's not fair to the other players!!!!" Go fuck yourself. There's literally always going to be someone who'll be the best by a combination of biology luck and sheer practice. I bet the standards for "normal" amounts of estrogen or testosterone are based on white populations anyways. I bet her gender was even questioned at all because she doesn't look "feminine enough" to the folks that called her into question. Just racist transphobia all around.
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realizing-myself · 1 year
I have come to the conclusion
that K.D. Pathak was queer.
more under the cut...
Is this a combination of listening to my parents watch Adaalat while I read knives out tag on tumblr? Maybe.
But prove me wrong? Literally the whole season 2 with his wife was so contrived and terrible that it had to be cancelled.
Like I watched it before I even thought of being queer and I thought it was shit even with my rather low standards for anything crime procedural related.
Now, of course, people will ask, oh, just because he doesn't have good relationships with women, doesn't mean he's gay?
And Ya know what, i'll actually agree on that. At least based on his characterization of the show, however, he is an intensely private person about his secrets to the point where no one knows his name or what his parents looked like until like ep. 300 or something.
NOOOOOOO, wait he could be gay. SHIT, he could be gay for I.M. Jaiswal because they're created to be pretty good foils to each other, the good-hearted defense lawyer v. the ruthless state prosecutor. I would like to say before I was just like thinking if he was gay and therotically in a relationship during the canon of the show, his assistant Varun would be liek the worst person ever. but I.M. Jaiswal could work out. secret relationship b/c homophobia, ya know the stuff of fanfics.
Although honestly, I would headcanon him as gay or at least some degree of being attracted to his own gender even without shipping him with anybody because honestly he deserves one thing he can be proud of for himself after hiding so much away.
BUt, i feel ike even more I headcanon him as ace or aro. and now, you might be thinking, why the heck did you rant about shipping him with this other dude if that's what you were thinking along?
for the first part, the ship and being aro or ace don't have to be mutually exclusive. I think there's enough tension between the two to start a relationship in ways you wouldn't expect.
or k.d. could be biro, but back on point, I think he is rather disillusioned with romance as a concept because of his parents and what he sees in his cases to a certain extent.
here I end for today, lmk if you want me to speculate on the queerness of other characters in indian shows
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plutoslittlecosmos · 3 years
Why are these book recommending algorithmses so Like This
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1eos · 3 years
on that one post u were like "i have to rewrite narratives to make them better" and im the same way, so i wanted to ask since youre playing p5 rn, what would you change about p5 to make it better? i love all the characters sm... but some of them r just handled so poorly cough cough ann... so im interested in hearing ur thoughts!!
oh im so glad u asked. after 300 hrs in persona 5 i have THOUGHTS. so i think p much every character in p5 has a p good introduction nd base but the nuance of their motivations nd growth go out of the window ESPECIALLY for ann nd ryuji. under the cut ofc bc im a long winded bitch 😔
i would rewrite everything abt ann post kamoshida tbh bc the whole thing abt the first arc was abt women nd kids being treated like objects just to treat her like an object the whole time? hell no. for one her pt outfit would NOT be that. i love a catsuit but the boob window was evil. nd ALSO i would have the male character NOT remark on her body as they get closer actually i would rewrite ryuji to not be flirty towards ann at all bc there's a moment where u find out they went to the same junior high nd knew each other nd i would rather have a kinda reunited sibling vibe bc ann’s whole thing is abt not feeling safe so for her friends to look down her shirt as a joke is.............no.
also her confidant would have to be kinda rewritten. again i think its weird for ann to lament abt her looks making her a target then her goal is to be a model....? nd she has no real drive for it? atlus basically just like to make lovers arcana girls famous PERSONALLY i would make ann’s route abt finding out what she actually wants to do bc she has no passion the way shiho had for volleyball nd finding out who she is beyond her looks nd beyond being shiho’s friend. like ann has no hobbies mentioned in game other than eating sweets nd not doing her homework but it always circle back to her weight 😐
nd bc of the above i would tweak yusukes introduction to be him either wanting to draw the protag bc atlus was so close to like........a good narrative on how artists should love the human body regardless of gender nd spare ann being treated as a walking pair of tits or just him wanting to draw her with her clothes ON nd it being a moment abt capturing inner nd outer beauty rather than tits
who else.........oh ryuji. im tired of atlus turning characters w unexplored trauma into comic relief. they do it to kanji too to the point where its homophobia nd its like.........why? nd there are so many moments where ryuji lashes out then APOLOGIZES bc he recognizes the behavior is bad nd its prime time to explore his relationship w his father. or even explore the relationship w the staff? like every teacher believed lies abt him AND the protag so eye think it wouldve been beneficial to get moments where the public opinion of both u nd ryuji changes for the better once kamoshida is exposed. 
nd honestly that dumbass part of the game where morgana leaves the party couldve been ryuji. i think it wouldve been justified to have him blowing up after the nth time he was treated as a joke or throwaway despite having as much emotional baggage as the rest of them. like ryuji is the first one to stand up to men who bother the girls nd they rag on him for nooooooo reason i think calling everyone out on being so callous nd treating him like comic relief wouldve been better nd it still couldve segued into getting haru bc after he stormed out he couldve seen haru w her shit stain of a fiance nd then jumped in to save her from him..........like i see the vision
akechi............................................................my biggest gripe w the game. akechi is such a weak villain until the very end nd ik atlus wanted to recreate the iconic narrative foil between the p4 protag nd adachi but it doesnt work 😭😭😭 for one akechi is bland nd has no real personality besides being sneaky but WE AS THE AUDIENCE DON’T EVEN GET THAT. actually no first of all making akechi a detective was so fucking stupid like again....they just wanted to recreate naoto from persona 4 but worse. 
i would double down on making akechi joker’s other half. have him be another normal student that stumbled upon powers nd double down on him being fake!!!!!! have him help the party one minute just to actively put them in harms way there was no real rivalry btwn u nd akechi which is why facing him in the end fell flat other than the great voice acting nd twist of him having multiple personas but like......we need more hints! imagine akechi hinting that he sees the velvet room? 
also his route being automatic 🤮 ik p5 was bogged down w links but in my p5 akechi is a night slink thats kinda offputting? like u don’t get closer to him per se but u do see more sides of him nd he can even give u a fake request nd when u go into the metaverse he’s there nd its even weirder. wasted potential with that one
that’s p much all of my big changes other than no kawakami or ohya romance fakfajfkafjakkjf thank u for reading all of this im sorry i talk so much
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cotccotc · 3 years
💌 — taggity tag game wOo
tagged by: the lovely @lovestay ♡
name/nickname: veronica, but any variation of veronica will do ! roni, ronnie, ron, v, dumb bitch, vero, nica... really anything !! 
gender: w0man
star sign: cancer
height: it’s 5′5″ and a half 😎
time: 11:36 pm
birthday: july 5th :D
favorite bands: skz, ajr, bts, txt, the 1975
favorite solo artists: jon bellion, rina sawayama, dua lipa, billie eilish, finneas, lauv, halsey
song stuck in my head: MAKNAE ON TOP oOwOaHoH :D (and also “drivers license” by olivia rodrigo and “falling” by harry styles bc they’re my college audition songs ksjf)
last movie: honestly i have nooooooo idea sorry kfdj :)
last show: this isn’t a Show show but ‘lucids’ by nicholas podany !! it’s a youtube series based off two tik tok series he’s made and a new part got released a few days ago.. i’m so addicted but he’s such a genius <//3
when i created this blog: may... 5th? i think? (2020)
last thing i googled: the bpm of “drivers license” skjdf
other blogs: @childofthecycle (main), @lq-hhj, @cotc-recs, @ctrlhyun, and some nets & url saves hehe
do i get asks: yeah! in the past month or so i’ve been getting them pretty regularly which is wACK but pretty cool :) thanks doods
why i chose my url: my main is ‘childofthecycle’ so like... child of the cycle :)))))))) (and @/cotc was taken so i doubled it ksdfjd)
following: 491
followers: 748 [cries profusely] thANKS PEEPS :’)
average hours of sleep: 5-7 i’d say 
lucky number: 7, 5, or 2 !! mainly 7 tho
instruments: my Voice 😎 & the computer
what i’m wearing: black sweatpants and a big big beige sweatshirt with some leopards and tigers on it :)) uwu
dream trip: england !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENGLAND. i wanna study abroad there so Hecking bad oh my-
favorite food: ummm idk... i’m not very picky i guess?
nationality: 🇺🇸😔
favorite songs: "guillotine” by jon bellion & “god’s menu” by skz !!!
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: domus amoris <///3 dkfjg or the oasis from ready player one. i don’t have a third.
taggin’: @runalongwith-skz, @soulssung, @crystal-snowing, @hyunsins, @strawberryparfaitforskz, @blueprint-han, & @meiiyue !! (+ anyone who wants to ♡)
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theforgottenrp · 3 years
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Player’s Name: Chris Player’s Age: 29 Player’s Pronouns: She/her Player’s Timezone: MST Other Characters: NOOOOOOO OKAY ITS SO MANY NOOOOOOOOO
Age: 23 Pronouns & Gender: Cisgender, he/him Sexuality: Bisexual Alignment: Rebellion Member Group: Civilian Occupation: Unemployed/scavenger Faceclaim: Evan Mock
Bio: Neo Drake grew up in an underground colony home to a group called Binary; a society that disassociated themselves from the rest on the basis of an entirely different belief system. One that didn’t adhere or follow the standards of “normal culture.” As such, Neo grew up a part of something. Every action and every possession was given toward a greater whole: a future where the true, superior species could prevail. A life of servitude. Community.
Scavenging was always his way of life. What they weren’t able to grow or provide for themselves, they stole — and as a member of the younger generation, that was Neo’s primary job. Each day he woke up and journeyed into the desert, the city, trawling his environment for anything of use. Parts. Money. People. In the midst of his more important tasks, he’d be given locations to tag, his family’s way of spreading their message to the masses. Every day, the same chores. Every night, he gave it all up; everything he’d collected, nothing of his own.
Not even his face; because no member was ever allowed to reveal theirs unless they were in a private space. A bedroom. A bathroom. Anywhere else, they donned a mask — designed with unique details to allow people their individualism — that covered their entire face, primarily made up of a screen to mimic that of a machine. Neo’s choice? A spiked lower half that covered his mouth and sensors that transformed his eyes into symbols based on his movements. A common choice among the younger Binary generation, metallic and neon installments giving them the appearance of any other tech head and allowing them to remain under the radar in public.
There’s the occasional whispers about the group, their graffiti hidden on corners in alleyways, and while they have always been home to Neo, the older he gets and the more he explores, the more unsure he becomes about the doctrine he’s been fed his entire life.
Personality: Amenable, dexterous, suspicious, indifferent, observant
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luxlightly · 4 years
Me: “So I finally figured out why I’ve been like, weirdly enamored with MasterGir lately”
Ameselle: “uh huh”
Me:”Because it’s been bothering me like ‘I’m I being creepy? It’s not a crush. I’m a lebsian, for one. Two I don’t even watch his streams I’ve just been really into animations of him as Girbot and like, when I imagine little animations to go with music I listen to it’s generally with him’ and I had this revelation like--”
Ameselle: “You just want to look and sound like Gir’s sona”
Me: “So I was like ‘hey do you think that maybe you’ve been so into how Gir looks and sounds because that’s how you want to look and sound?’. And I’m like ‘NOOOOO FUUUCK THAT’S WHAT THIS IS ISN’T IT? NOOOOOOO I WANNA BE THE GIRBOT THIS SUCKS FUUUUCK’ . Then the mental version of myself leaning over myself who is lying on the ground is like ‘while we’re at it, do you think that the reason you identify with Bubby so much even though Coomer is your favorite is because the idea of a male leaning character without any sexual organs divorces them from the dysphoric aspects of gender and makes you realize that your extreme aversion to the idea of identifying even as genderfluid because of your aversion to the idea of masculinity is based around societal definitions of masculinity that are hypersexual rather than the actual idea of being male?’ and I’m like ‘I hate it take it b--’”
Ameselle: “I’m sorry for this” *sends this image*
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(credit to @doublearrows​​)
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Ameselle: “It’s fine we’ll just make you a robot sona. It’ll have the little ear things”
Me: *actively weeping* “the little ear things are my favorite part!”
Ameselle: “I know this from the everything about you”
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ajcrwl · 3 years
i realised something about myself, and it's just too chaotic not to share. ok, bear with me...
so, i've been identifying as bi/ban for a while, but i genuinely don't see the difference.
Bi makes sense to me, because attraction to more than one gender is a thing that i feel. but i think more often it's romantic attraction that kicks in first, and it doesn't have to be based on gender at all, so Pan makes sense as well.
I don't like the bi flag, but I like the pan flag. so i could just, you know, decide that i'm pansexual and be done with it, right? but nooo.
i learned about bisexuality as a teen, and it had always been this neat, pretty tangible idea, whereas pansexuality is ??? a bi that's a little ace?? a hypersexual bi? a bi that falls for dumb shit like nose shapes and the tone of voice before feeling physically attracted to people (that's me)? so basically a bi, right? just call yourself bi already, but nooooooo.
i don't like dark blue, i realised. i just physically can't kin the bi flag because of that dark blue. it's depressing. and pan flag is bright and has the opposite effect on me - uplifting, warming, looks like the bedsheets i used to have.
so as a real true neutral bastard i bought a pan flag and i'm going to keep calling myself bi, because let's be honest, what's the fucking difference anyway xD
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fujdjfj when i first discovered i was trans istg i hated skirts and any feminine clothing cuz it made me feel invalidated and when i was even younger i liked wearing dresses and skirts and so made me feel like shit and not “trans enough” because i liked feminine things
fuck gender norms for making even trans people feel invalidated for wearing clothes. like really.
clothes CAN be an expression of gender but also so invalidating because people really decide your gender based on what you wear. nooooooo leave me aloneeee.
im so mad that people feel wearing clothes can make people rethink your gender especially when you've had an explicit conversation with them about your identity.
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sophia-sol · 4 years
If I Never Met You, by Mhairi McFarlane
I VERY NEARLY love this book. Augh. Ugh. Sigh. I have many feelings and they feel insufficiently resolved. So! This is a romance novel that I decided to read based on the Smart Bitches Trashy Books review that rated it a C because it wasn't romance-novel-y enough. I do appreciate when reviews that don't love a book go into details about why so that the reader can judge for themself whether those things are problems for them personally or not. So I can kind of see where the review is coming from, that the book spends a fair amount of time focusing on the set-up before the male & female leads start spending any time together, and that there's some other serious stuff going on in their lives and it isn't just all about the ~love~. Those are things that make it fit less squarely in the genre romance novel box. But it still does the things I want out of a romance novel, which is that it prioritises its characters' emotional experiences and has a happy ending. And honestly I like those other aspects of the book, they make it feel more fully rounded. The premise! Laurie's boyfriend of 18 years, Dan, leaves her, and she is shocked and heartbroken. Meanwhile their coworker Jamie doesn't believe in commitment but in order to advance in the firm they all work for (they're all lawyers) he needs to show that he can settle down instead of playing the field, in order to fit into the old boys' club. So they agree to pretend to date, so Laurie can get back at Dan for leaving her for another woman, and Jamie can show stability in his personal life. And it's great and I love so many things about this book: Laurie's complicated relationship with her family, how multiple characters get to have Very Important Best Friendships in their lives and also other friends too and including friends of a different gender than themselves, how clear it is that both Laurie and Jamie thrive in each other's company, the way the prose is fun and easy to read, how unapologetic the book is about Laurie being good at her job but also about showing the real issues with racism and sexism a woman of colour experiences in the field of law, and more. My issue with the book is the ending.
See, I'm not.....100% convinced that Jamie's a completely reformed man when it comes to manipulating women for his benefit. Yes, Jamie has experienced personal growth, and yes, I even believe it's possible that Jamie and Laurie can go on to have a successful and lasting relationship. I just don't believe it's quite yet reached the happily-ever-after state yet and so instead of cheering on the idea of them getting married already, I was like OH NOOOOOOO. I would have been happier to see them agreeing to tentatively try again, rather than diving immediately into the deep-end when they've been reconciled for all of a few minutes after a fairly major dust-up. And I can even see what's being gone for here, that part of Laurie's character arc is feeling more confident in herself and more in charge of her own life, when she's been playing support role to Dan for so long. But like. Just agreeing to give him another chance at this point takes confidence and a can-do attitude, honestly! And also, the thing where Dan once upon a time cheated on Laurie with a one-night-stand and she regrets having forgiven him, that men shouldn't just get a pass for behaviour like that......I'm not saying the thing between Jamie and Eve was exactly the same thing, because a) it wasn't cheating because Jamie wasn't with anyone at the time, and b) he didn't even have sex with Eve. But he manipulated her in order to get something from her, and then hid what happened from Laurie on purpose. Like, thematically these things are a little bit parallel and if I want to go all English class on this then I think that the thing that would demonstrate Laurie's growth and changing priorities is if she decided yeah nah I'm not giving this guy a second chance. PLUS the thing between Jamie and his previous coworker at his old firm, where HE said that he'd been up-front with her that he only wanted something casual and she overreacted, and SHE said that she had a nervous breakdown as a result of how he treated her, and Laurie's entire reason for believing what Jamie says about what happened is because Jamie's always treated Laurie so well........I mean I'm not saying Jamie's definitely 100% wrong, I'm just saying I'd prefer to hear more of the facts because this is not feeling conclusive to me at all, and if there is even a little bit of a basis in reality in the woman's perspective then Jamie needs to have a LOT more of a growth arc and understanding of the mistakes he's made than we see in the book. And all of this is frustrating, because I do really like Jamie and Laurie and their relationship dynamic, and want to see them be able to go places together, but I don't feel like I as a reader was sufficiently led to a place where I CAN be uncomplicatedly happy for them at the end. And I want to end a romance novel cheering for the romantic relationship! SIGH. So I guess my problem, unlike the Smart Bitches Trashy Books reviewer, is that for me this book is TOO romance-novel-y. Because it expects me to take it on given that of course ending a book with a marriage proposal is an unambiguously happy ending. (Laurie and Emily should consider getting married instead. They're clearly platonic life-partners already!)
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 438
I believe Sorachi-sama IS beautiful and can make manga, wonderful manga.
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Omggggg I love this arc sooooo much!!! It was so damn hard deciding on my favorite moments cuz there were so many. I’m proud that I was even able to limit it to only 20. As soon as the Mansengumi appeared, I was dedd. 
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Honorary Mention: not quite a moment but I just loved the summary of last chapter. As far as I’m concerned, Sorachi-sama DID win Miss Universe and he IS the most beautiful mangaka in Japan.
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Moment 1: this squad.
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Moment 2: he’s weird enough to me, no matter what color his glasses (grip) turn.
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Moment 3: I liked Dekobokko lots until I realized how narrow-minded he/she is in regards to gender roles. Still, I think him/her for his/her holy hammer of sex change.
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Moment 4: Ginko was so crazy adorable! I loved how easily she slipped into her new role. 
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Moment 5: The God Dekobokko being a smart opportunist.
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Moment 6: As usual, Jyuubei to the rescue. Luckily for him, Tae-chan was still Tae-chan.
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Moment 7: I remember being both happy that Tae-chan was attracted to Jyuu-chan, and then sad because eventually he would have to return to being Kyuu-chan.
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Moment 8: Ginko deserved that fork in the head.
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Moment 9: I was on Jyuubei’s side: if he didn’t take advantage of the situation, when the hell would he EVER have a serious chance with Otae? 
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Moment 10: A very valid concern...although I do admit I was a bit mystified that she didn’t figure it out yet. And then it struck me, oh my gods, has Gintoki NEVER seen a manko? That thought kinda blew my mind for a bit.
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Moment 11: Lame four eyes is also her brother so definitely a no, but I did love the group date vibes.
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Moment 12: It did not escape my notice that Pachie immediately imagined Ginko together with his sister and I did wonder if that got him excited since it was a two hot girls scenario (even if one was his sister, but then he does have a siscon so I doubt that would stop him much).
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Moment 13: I seriously thought that was Madao at first and I couldn’t stop laughing that he turned into a totally hot woman.
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Moment 14: And of course here is when I immediately realized that no, it’s not Madao, it’s a gorilla.
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Moment 15: Ngl, I thought she was prettier than Otae.
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Moment 16: YEOUCH. I TOTALLY felt Goriko’s pain. 
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Moment 17: NON. STOP. SCREAMING. You don’t understand, I TOTALLY did not expect this kind of epicness. Kondou has often popped up in arcs without the rest of the Shinsengumi boys, so I thought he was all we would get of them. This...this was like a gift from the gods and I just about died of happiness. Look at how fucking uber adorable Okita is!!! I will never stop loving this arc!
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Moment 18: Tae-chan’s breast envy is dangerous for all the ladies’ physical health.
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Moment 19: NON. STOP. SCREAMING. Except this time, it was a little bit in distress because whyyyyyy???? I wanted a totally cute Tenko to match with the totally cute Ginko. Yes, I’m being completely superficial and I am ashamed of myself for being that way, but still, nooooooo my poor cute Hijikata. He would’ve made such a pretty girl! I also briefly wished he had stayed a man and then fell head over heels for Ginko-chan cuz that would’ve been sweet and hilarious (and then those feelings could have remained even after Gin-chan returned to being a man and that’s how they end up together...the fanfic/doujinshi just writes itself).
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Moment 20: That made me only feel worse for being so superficial about Tenko. Poor Tenko.
Jyuubei x Otae: finally, sparks were flying, BOTH ways. I felt so happy for Kyuubei Jyuubei. For his sake, I wanted this “dream” to last forever.
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Kondou x Otae: nice to know his love for Tae-chan remained even though he was a woman now. I’m glad Dekobokko-sama wasn’t anti-lesbian.
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Otae x Gintoki, Okita x Gintoki: even though she was really rough, she did feel BOTH of them up so I’m just gonna count them. Boob groppage counts for valid base movement.
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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zana-skyrim-ocs · 6 years
OC Meme Tag
Tagged by: @thatoneshadyshop <3 <3
GENERAL (I’ll be doing this one based off my main OC just to keep things simple)
Name: Raven Alias(es): Women Protector™ Gender: Female Age:  Currently 23 Place of birth: Just outside Einhr, Hammerfell, in a small town of farmers. Spoken languages: Cyrodilic/common Sexual orientation: Bi Occupation: Bodyguard, hunter, bounty hunter, and sellsword.
APPEARANCE Eye colour: Golden-brown Hair colour: Wine-red Height: 6′2′’ Scars: Several scars and stretch marks across her body, especially her arms and abdomen. Burns: None Overweight: Not exactly, her athletic lifestyle requires her to eat a lot, but she eventually burns most of the fat she might gain. Most, if not all, of her weight is composed of muscle. Underweight: Definitely not.
FAVOURITE Colour: Golden yellow and sunset orange Hair colour: She doesn’t care for hair color Eye colour: Any that sparkle, brighten, or are full of warmth Music genre: Uuuhhhh any genre I suppose. Movie genre: Action and tragedy TV show: Not applicable. Food: She loves a hearty meal, complete with a good plate of horker loaf, vegetable stew, and a honey nut treat. Drink: Honningbrew mead and spiced wine Book: Raven loves to read folk lore, books on heroes, and general story books.
HAVE THEY Passed university: Haha nope Had sex: Yeah at some point before travelling to Skyrim Had sex in public: Nooooo Gotten pregnant: Nope Kissed a boy: Heck yeah Kissed a girl: Oh yeah Gotten tattoos: Not yet, though she’d love to have one on her arm Gotten piercings: Her ears, though she rarely wears earrings Had a broken heart: Sort of Been in love: Eh Stayed up for more than 24 hours: Probably not. She swings her battle axe too often to be able to stay awake longer than 12 hours.
ARE THEY A virgin: Nope. A cuddler: Not exactly. A kisser: Not really, perhaps when she’s drunk and around someone she’s attracted to. Scared easily: Nope! Unless it’s under water... Jealous easily: Not really??? Unless it’s somebody she’s grown attached to and has fought several battles with. Trustworthy:  Very much! She is honorable and would hold a secret to her grave unless told otherwise. Dominant: Hmmm yeah probably! Submissive: Perhaps to certain people. In love: Not at the moment. Single: Yeah.
RANDOM QUESTIONS Have they harmed themselves: Not on purpose! Thought of suicide: Nooo Attempted suicide: Nooooooo Wanted to kill someone: Oooh yeaahh, and has acted upon those thoughts given if they truly deserved it. Ride a horse: Definitely Have/had a job: Yes. Have any fears: Anything that is remotely abnormal, INCREDIBLY ugly, and underwater, such as slaughterfish and giant spiders. She also fears being lonely and losing people she cares about.
FAMILY Sibling(s): Yes, a brother. His current whereabouts are unknown. Parents: A recently deceased father, died from the bandit raid back home. Her mother died after giving birth to her. Children: Nope. Pets: Does a herd of horses count? She loves every single one of her babes. Other than that she has a dog at home who keeps watch. Tagging: If you guys feel like it! ^-^ @mazurah @morvaine @sievan-the-gray @strunduul @desertlcst @mrsnakestone @bisexualsheogorath
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squishycb97 · 7 years
ah sorry this took so long but I was tagged by the lovely @bangchan97
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs(that’s not gonna happen) you are contractually obligated to know better.
1. nickname: Skyy
2. gender: Female
3. star sign: Taurus
4. height: 158 or 5′2 AKA TALL ENOUGH EXCUSE YOU
5. time: 13:25 CX
6. birthday: May 1st
7. favorite bands: SEVENTEEN YO ( THE TRUE BABES), BTS, Wannaone, day6, playback, starykids (duh) ONF
8. favorite solo artists: Eric Nam, GRACE (babe honestly)
9. song stuck in my head: ah man that changes all the time but a lot of Hellevator or I want you to say by plack back or On and Off by ONF
10. last movie I watched: It has to be kingsman the golden circle AND THAT MOVIE LET ME TELL JUH UGH SUITS
11. last show I watched: Star Trek discovery because I’m what a nerd
12. when did I create my blog: uhhh this one like 4 days ago I think?
13. what do I post/reblog: Stray kids imagines, ways to ruin your life basically
14. last thing I googled: Cruise prices because I’m planning to take my friend
15. other blogs: only one I use besides this one if my main blog @skyyzi which is just chaotic...
16. do I get asks: aaaah nooooooo not really like one every blue moon I wish thoo
17. why I choose my URL: Because @bangchan97 suggested it and I love Woojin and he is the squishiest and softest boy okay!
18. following: 134 I think?
19. followers: 16...wait 16!??! OH MY GOD THANK YOU WE ARE GROWINGGGG
20. average hours of sleep: 4-6 hours of sleep unless I take my med then we are talking 10-14...........
21: lucky number: none that I can think of?
22. instruments: well I know the basics in a lot of insturements like guitar, piano, drums, base, violin and church organ.....(I am not christian it’s just cool okay)
23. what I’m wearing: beigepinkypurple pants with my mint blue knitted turtle neck because no one will see me todayy
24. dream job: Writer, dancer/choreographer and barista
25. dream trip: Korea, New Zeeland, Canada cx
26. favorite food: Rice cheese coffee yeahh
27. nationality: Swedish
28. favorite song right now: aaah hard want you to say by playback orr like Difficult by ONF I don’t knowww
29. last book I read: The exploits of sherlock holmes ( told you I’m a nerd) but I’m starting a new book called Special Topics in Calamity Physics which I’m really excited about
30. Top Three Fictional Universes You’d Want to Join: uuuhhhh,,,,, Harry potter because magics, starwars because it’s my destiny and uh I dont knoww the last one..
I tag : I dont know I feel like everyone has done this tag by nowwwwwwww aaah
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