#but nan is unquestionably the best
rosepompadour · 7 months
She had her own inner life of dream and fancy. She fashioned secret drama for herself out of everything she heard or saw or read and sojourned in realms of wonder and romance. "Far, far away" had always been words of magic to her.
- L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Ingleside (1939)
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seatsong0 · 2 years
How to Create an Awesome Instagram Video About Creston Residence Floor Plan
Creston Residence is a freehold new launch development located at Still Road, District 15 in Singapore. Creston Residence Floor Plan will consist of a single tower of 5 storey high, with carpark located at the first storey. Creston Residence is located near to upcoming Marine Parade MRT, hence provides lots of convenience to the residents staying here. It is near to a lot of top schools, such as Tao Nan School, CHIJ Katong Primary, Haig Girls’ School and many others. It is also within walking distance to shopping mall like I12 Katong, Parkway Parade, Katong shopping centre for residents to buy their grocery and do their shopping. During the weekends, the residents staying here can take a short stroll to East Coast Park to do their recreational activities. Creston Residence is developed by developer, Melville Pte Ltd, which is under the property arm of Crescendas. a multi-industry local company, with a diversified portfolio which includes property, technology, investment and others. There are almost plenty of choices when it reaches to buying leads are the real deal estate spies. You can buy internet leads, phone verified leads, email leads; the list goes on and . How do you know if for example the leads order are really good or just data being re-sold tens of thousands of times before you're the following sucker who buys who's? Let me tell you about my experience so you avoid some pitfalls. You would have to figure out which buildings have better and more parking or which buildings have local transit to their own doorsteps. Which buildings feature the better amenities and which buildings have better thought processes. FREE property sites aren't reliable. Using sites like Zillow(dot)com and Trulia(dot)com to find comparables works when you are starting out, but it is not enough. You'll need to find a way to get MLS access, Whether you feel an agent or have an agent work along with you does not matter, anyone cannot avoid with free all time. The best FREE source in Chicago, for example, is Redfin(dot)com. However, it still falls fairly short. MUST KNOW: Zillow is often a bust. Never trust numbers from a lot of. I used to own a $9.4 million deal that involved to fail because the client and seller were $200,000 apart and neither wanted to budge. Within an unorthodox move, I asked the listing agent a lot more could call the seller (a famous basketball player) directly. When I made the move to "real estate agent", I thought you would start off buying specific leads for real estate agents to jumpstart my business; just like I did as a mortgage broker. Scenario was that the leads for certain estate agents were nowhere near the number of the leads for brokers. Get referrals from coworkers, friends, or family end users. If someone has had a good experience buying or selling a luxury property through agent they then will gladly refer yourself. If a certain agent's name keeps coming up when you might people of a referral then this would unquestionably be a good agent to away. Do you like meeting girls? Do you love travelling in order to places? Anyone like working without supervision? The real estate business is really a true associated with a passion that can be profitable. There's little that beats earning money doing something you love. Real estate craft is not your traditional job or a regular 9-5. It is unconventional, different and usually laden with surprises and roadblocks. There are some people who live for moments that offer genuine rather than being imprisoned behind a desk or getting bored to death looking best suited computer. That free-spirited extrovert, looking for something deal with your boundless energy as well as bore you, look no further.
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boomadley · 2 years
Are most of us sick to our stomachs? ready to die for Queen Gerri? Unquestionably. Ger-Bear has, despite her best intentions, stepped into the deepest, filthiest mess possible, Roman Roy and his photo roll. This cannot go well for her! She's fucked, right?? Or...is she?
Back in Virginia, Tom told that Kendall that Logan is his better bet, because he has never seen Logan get fucked, once. I mean, in business, Tom's not wrong, and with his kids, Logan's always on top. But there IS one arena where Logan has had his ass kicked multiple times - Tom just has never been around to see it. He doesn't even know it's possible. And who has done the ass kicking? Older women.
Come with me down the rabbit hole....
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I am sincerely sorry that Marcia has been so absent from the show, because Hiam Abbass is gorgeous and amazing, and Marcia is one of a handful of people who knows Logan inside and out, who he is and what he needs. Look at her; this woman saw Rhea Jarrell coming from a mile away, hit her limit, and then left Logan in the dust with his shiny little gravestone in Dundee.
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Sand, meet Line. This woman knows her worth. And she doesn't come back until she has all the cards on her side.
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She has her "small conversation" and boom, she's in the trust, her hand right back on Logan's shoulder. Win.
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Just immediately let's him know she's top dog, and all he can do is laugh along. She's the head of the table. She pins him to the wall on who his successor is. She summons him. And then.....
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Turns out Nan has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to being roasted, and literally leaves him on the curb at Argestes like the trash he is. But Logan can't stay away. We haven't yet seen evidence if he's serious, but he did mention going after Pierce - again! - in Too Much Birthday. Who's the dog who keeps coming back NOW, Logan?
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Who else went to the dictionary to look up 'fungible' right after watching this? Logan might like to pretend that 60-year old Gerri is ancient and therefore disgusting, but of course that doesn't apply to him. He falls head over heels for 63 year old Holly Hunter (thin privilege much, Logan?). Not since the days of the mysterious Sally Ann has he been this distracted or hung up on one person. Rhea skates clear of Pierce, handles Logan's kids with the skill of a hummingbird avoiding a Rhino, and gets Logan to give her the top job. And the moment he goes over her limits? Holly Hunter does not need to waste her time accommodating Logan's little games, she has Elastigirl shit to take care of.
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gigi-sinclair · 4 years
Constant Craving (rated T)
Happy Canada Day, everyone! 
And what better way to celebrate than a look at July 1st, 1870 in Halifax? (Short follow up to Twenty-Three Years)
Like people the world over, the citizens of Halifax are fond of enjoying themselves. The third anniversary of Confederation is as good a reason as any to celebrate, and the Roan Calf is packed from late morning well into the night with drinking, singing and general merry-making.
“Can I get you another, Captain?” Nancy leans in close, to make herself heard over the din. 
“I'm all right, thank you.” His position as a dear friend of the tavern's proprietor has given him no special consideration. Rather the reverse: he has been pressed into service more than once, passing out drinks and delivering food. As his aid is not currently required, he is crammed into a corner, his knees pressed together and his hand tight around his glass. It has already been jostled twice, and the yeasty smell of spilled beer permeates Edward's waistcoat as well as the room as a whole.
“Mr. Jopson's certainly having a good time,” Nancy comments, a statement which is patently true. Thomas has been in the thick of it for hours now. Every time Edward's eyes find him, it seems he has his arm around somebody new, and a fresh glass in his hand. It is summer, so Thomas' face is clean-shaven, allowing Edward to see his cheeks are flushed a most fetching red. He does not believe it to be solely from the warmth of the tavern. “He's a good man,” Nancy adds.
“Indeed,” Edward agrees. Once again, she is entirely correct.
Thomas' barmaid is no fool. She knows how close he is to Edward, and she knows Thomas moved into Edward's house as soon as Edward settled in Halifax. She must have pieced together the truth, but if that is the case, she has never said anything to Edward about it. She goes off, summoned by a hearty cheer from across the room, and Edward sits back.
Although he would never tell Thomas so, he harboured some reservations about moving permanently to Halifax. As much as he longed to live with Thomas, to wake up in his bed every morning and to kiss him goodnight every evening, many years had passed since they spent more than a few days in one another's company. What if Thomas came to believe Edward was palatable only in small doses? What if proximity bred contempt, as the saying goes, and nearness eroded their closeness, their love? What if Thomas regretted encouraging Edward to come here?
Edward's worries have proven unfounded, as they so often do. His love is stronger now than at any other point in their long acquaintance. Thomas, it seems, can say the same. When he catches Edward's eye, a brilliant smile lights his face. He winks and laughs, either at his own audacity or at something said by the men around him. Edward's heart leaps as if he is once again a relatively young and romantically inexperienced first lieutenant, thrilling at the sight of a pretty steward in the wardroom.
It is late when the last group of patrons are convinced to take their leave. Edward watches them weave their way noisily and unsteadily down the street. He closes the door, and turns to survey the damage. It is a sight to behold.
“Go home, Nan.” Thomas lolls against a chair. His colour is still high, but his spirits seem to have faded somewhat. His eyes are tired when he smiles at Nancy, and worry at once seizes Edward. I should have stopped him sooner. His health... “We'll clean up tomorrow.”
“You don't need to tell me twice.” Nancy is already taking off her apron. She hangs it on its hook. “Good night, gents.”
“Good night,” Edward repeats, closing the door behind her when she goes. Thomas' old dog Merry, who took refuge in the back as soon as the rowdiness began, emerges from her hiding place. Edward himself is quite ready to leave for the night. He is about to fetch the keys, when Thomas interrupts.
“You,” Thomas says.
“Yes?” Edward prompts, when nothing more seems forthcoming.
“You.” He pushes himself to stand upright. “Are a very handsome man.” His voice is slurred in a way that sends Edward at once back to his worst days, when Thomas' illness was at its most severe.
Those horrible memories make him curt. He is more brusque than he means to be when he says, “And you're drunk.” It is no great sin, and it happens rarely enough. He can't remember the last time Thomas was in such a state.
“No. No, no, no, no. No.” Thomas steps forward, looping his arms around Edward's neck. Edward glances towards the glass window, shifting them so they are hidden from anyone passing by. “Not drunk. Happy. Very happy you're home with me. After all these years.” Tears shine in his eyes, and Edward's heart seizes again, for an altogether different reason. “Edward...”
“You don't have to say anything.” He knows it all. He feels it all.
Edward is well into his fifties. He had a great Naval career, teeming with countless adventures around the world. Nevertheless, the past nine months, living here with Thomas, helping in the tavern and enjoying a quiet colonial life, have been unquestionably the best he's ever lived.
When Thomas leans in for a kiss, Edward meets him halfway. They've done it many times over the years. Hundreds or thousands, Edward wouldn't venture to guess. Every last one still feels as special to him as the first, when Thomas pressed their lips together, quick and shy, in the great cabin aboard Terror.
Drawing away, Thomas rests his forehead against Edward's. It's a simple act, again nothing new, but it spurs a wave of emotion within Edward. Had too much to drink myself, he thinks, as his own tears threaten to spill. “I think we've both powdered our hair tonight,” he says, less ashamed than perhaps he ought to be.
A laugh escapes Thomas. “Speak for yourself.” He pulls back far enough for Edward to see the cheeky smile on his face. “I can still raise a cockstand. What about you?”
Edward gapes. “I, I, I...”
“That old bed of mine's still upstairs, if you fancy finding out.”
A blush, ridiculous given Edward's age and the circumstances, comes to his face. Thomas kisses him again, lightly on one hot cheek, and heads for the stairs with far more energy than he should rightly possess. Edward, for his part, does what has always made him happiest: he follows Thomas.  
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hastayatag-us · 4 years
hasta yatağı
"It took more than one man to change my name to Shanghai Lily," murmurs Marlene Dietrich in Josef von Sternberg's film 1932 adjustment of Harry Hervey's book Shanghai Express. She unquestionably has her very much manicured claws sunk into a greater number of men than she can include right now Eastern, chiaroscuro-cinematographic experience. Among her kindred travelers on the Shanghai Express are her embittered previous life partner', enduring British clinical official Clive Brook; over-energetic preacher Lawrence Grant; dope runner Gustav von Seyffertitz; and mysterious Eurasian specialist Warner Oland. Coincidently, Oland showed up in other China-themed motion pictures, most strikingly as Charlie Chan, the kind and chivalrous Chinese investigator situated in Honolulu just as a future film character for this article hasta yatağı.
As the train chugs through the more misleading sections of war-torn China, Oland uncovers himself as the pioneer of a renegade gathering, who intends to hold the travelers prisoner to make sure about the arrival of his detained constituents. In Boule de Suif style, Dietrich, who depicts an infamous "Chinese napkin" has remained explicitly remote all through the outing, offers herself to Oland to spare the life of Brook, the man she genuinely cherishes. Coordinated by Josef von Sternberg at his generally orgiastic (look at the long, waiting breaks down!), Shanghai Express is 80% style and 20% substance.
Tickets, please....
This article is about China's 3 biggest and most noticeable geriatric consideration advancements to date. I caution you ahead of time, this article is horrendously long however the data passed on is significant for those intrigued by senior living in China. Every one of these ventures has been in the market for at any rate 2 years and in one case almost 5 years. I call them CCRC's (proceeding with care retirement networks) since, well, that is the thing that they set out to be and in some part that is the thing that the engineers have accomplished...or, even better, are unmistakably attempting to achieve. One of these improvements had the advantage of restricted outside help, the others didn't. The one that did plainly profited and therefore has the best matured consideration program in China today. All are chugging alongside basic shortcomings and every ha their qualities. In whole, it is a diverse assortment and to the unpracticed eye (read: China senior living experience, not western senior living experience; I state this as almost all western geriatric consideration professionals who see their first China venture quickly presume that all China senior consideration is a train wreck) it may appear as though the possibility of senior living in China is simply off kilter. However, it is early and the train hasn't left the station, in any event not right now.
The individuals who look to lead the senior consideration business in China are all around encouraged to recall a couple of significant standards of the China senior consideration experience: first, China senior living is the place Western geriatric consideration was in 1950 however assembling steam rapidly; second, never judge a task outside of any relevant connection to the subject at hand, which means: contrasting a venture in Chongqing with an undertaking in Santa Barbara is futile as the purchasers of the Chongqing venture don't have that decision substantially less that point of view; third, the higher one remains in the sharpness chain, the more influence one has...which converts into progress; lastly, remain in the first class mentor, period.
Before this train withdraws, I might want to mention one final objective fact. My contemplations beneath are a somewhat basic examination verging on abstract assessment and now and again, some artistic satirizing. In case I be kept by the People's Senior Living Police at Beijing Nan Zhan (FYI: a huge train station), I ask tolerant thought that these considerations be seen not as pitiless judgment, malevolent denigration, adverse editorial or, paradise deny, Confucian lewdness of any CCRC talked about here or China's senior living potential as a rule. A remarkable opposite, I am no backslider; I see a brilliant future and if these three networks indicate what the Chinese can achieve directly out of the container, at that point the following decade will be extraordinary for experts in the China geriatric consideration business.
Lastly, as the whistle blows, for those perusers not so much acquainted with a CCRC, they are typically characterized as a grounds style private complex gathering a blend of free living arrangements for dynamic yet senior grown-ups, helped living units for more seasoned grown-ups requiring some help with their day by day exercises and talented nursing care for delicate or weak grown-ups requiring successive help or intense clinical consideration. Moreover, there are frequently an assortment of social pleasantries, practice offices and business bolster administrations which offer fundamental necessities and arrangements, for example, hair salon, clothing/cleaners and assortment store.
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veliseraptor · 5 years
how should I begin, 1.3k, maeglin, direct sequel to this, cw for a whoooole bunch of suicidal ideation this boy’s a mess
The moment he was left alone, Maeglin stumbled to his feet, untethered the nearest horse, and set off back toward the smoke and flame still visible on the horizon.
He’d barely made it half a league, struggling to keep his seat between the nausea and the ache in his head, when Idril’s human caught up to him and swerved in front of him to cut him off, his expression taut and angry.
“Get out of my way,” Maeglin said coldly.
“Where are you going?” Maeglin just stared at Tuor, not answering, and his face hardened further. “No.”
“You had no right to take my choice from me,” Maeglin said harshly.
“And what of the choice you took from the rest of us?” Tuor asked. “When you told our Enemy where to find us, and forced us from our home?”
Maeglin flinched, though he tried to hide it. “Then you should understand why I must go–”
“And fall into his hands once again?” Tuor said, his voice biting. “Where you will give in, once again, and tell him where we have gone?”
The words lanced through him like his father’s javelin and he hovered for a moment between misery and rage before settling back into the dull numbness that had protected him these past weeks.
“No,” he said. “I will not. I will ensure I do not live that long.”
Tuor’s eyes flashed and his lips pressed together. His horse danced a few steps to the side, answering her rider’s tension. Maeglin pressed on.
“If this is some misguided effort for my cousin’s sake,” he said, “you needn’t tell her you caught up with me.” He met Tuor’s eyes squarely. “Walk away.”
Tuor’s jaw set. “No,” he said again.
His temper flared. “Why not?” He demanded, voice rising. “We both know you bear me no love. I am a traitor. I placed you, your family, your son at risk. I wrought - that.” He gestured to the horizon, dull red and black. “Why this sudden determination–”
“It is too easy,” Tuor said. “You need to make reparations.”
A snarl burst out of Maeglin’s throat and he urged his horse forward, nearer Tuor’s. “There are no reparations,” he said. “And if you think it will be easy–”
His throat closed and he brushed memory away. He didn’t know if he would be dragged back to Angband or killed out of hand, but either way he did not expect it would be clean. He had spent a night and a day listening to the screams of his companions before they died. Maeglin’s captors watching him, waiting for him to flinch.
“Go back to your wife,” he said. “No one will thank you for intervening here. I certainly will not.”
Some of the anger left Tuor’s expression, and without it he just looked sad, and weary. Maeglin turned away, steering his horse with his legs to go around him.
“Wait,” Tuor said. Maeglin did not look back, and did not reply, nudging the horse into a trot though the gait jarred his aching head.
“Hasn’t Idril lost enough of her family?” Tuor called after him. That burned, in a way Maeglin was certain Tuor could not know. He bit his lip hard enough that it almost split between his teeth. “You are the last remaining link High King Turgon has to his sister. Your mother.” Breathing hurt. “And what of her? Would she want you to throw your life away, when she sacrificed hers for you?”
That brought him up, and Maeglin turned his horse sharply around. “Do not invoke my mother to me,” he said. His eyes stung and there was a lump in his throat. He was tired, so tired, and he just wanted to slip from this horse and lie on the ground until his fëa fled and his flesh disintegrated into nothing.
“I will invoke whatever it takes to convince you to come back.”
“You cannot!” His eyes prickled and Maeglin hated himself for wanting to weep. He was heartsick and tired and weary of living, and yet a part of him still feared the dying (coward). He could feel Tuor looking at him and clenched his jaw until he could control himself.
“Return with me,” Tuor said at length, his voice quieter. “Take one week. Help your people. At the end of that time if you have not reconsidered, I will not stop you.”
He looked again toward the red and black sky. It would be more noticeable for him to vanish in a week than now. There would be more eyes on him, and less chance to slip away. His chest tightened.
A twitch, a thought, and his horse lunged forward. Tuor must have expected it, though, because the moment he moved something hard struck him in the head. He didn’t feel himself hit the ground, but there he was, horse a few paces away and blinking dazedly at the sky.
Tuor crouched down next to him with a sigh. “I was truly hoping you would listen to reason,” he said. Maeglin glared at him, wordless, and Tuor shook his head, expression a mixture of exasperation and ruefulness.
He lashed Maeglin’s wrists together and dragged him back. The only mercy was that he removed the restraints before they were seen by anyone else, though his hand on Maeglin’s arm was unmistakably a restraint in itself.
He could have broken free. For some unknown reason, he didn’t. Perhaps because the anger was gone, leaving behind only a dull, wretched exhaustion and a throbbing, spinning head. Idril was sitting in his tent when they entered, though he could not read the look on her face. Even here, she seemed to shine, and his heart ached with the same painful, irrepressible longing.
“You found him,” she said, not to him but to Tuor.
“I did,” Tuor said. “Making for Gondolin.”
“I can speak for myself,” Maeglin said, though he did not much want to. She turned her grey eyes on him, then.
“And what would you say?” She asked, and Maeglin marshaled all his arguments, the ones he’d given Tuor, but under her gaze they fell away. Hasn’t Idril lost enough of her family?
In the end, he said it as simply as he could. “This mercy is one I cannot bear.”
She stood, and stepped toward him, and he had to fight not to flinch back. “If that is so,” she said, “is that not reason you should bear it?”
The knife in his heart twisted and something in him crumpled. His eyes fell to the ground.
When she put it like that...she wasn’t wrong. Perhaps staying, a fading shadow, was the best punishment there could be.
His shoulders fell. “Very well,” Maeglin said at length, his voice heavy. “You have made your point.” He moved around her and sat himself, and did not dare look at either of them. She left without speaking further, and her husband followed a moment after, leaving him alone.
Would she want you to throw your life away, when she sacrificed hers for you?
His mother, who had loved him, cherished him, brought him up on stories of a world larger than the shadows of Nan Elmoth. Who would, unquestionably, look at what he’d become and spit in his face. Ill-gotten son. His grandfather had ridden to challenge Morgoth at his gates, and wounded him.
Meanwhile, he had betrayed his own people at first opportunity.
Black despair rolled over him and Maeglin buried his face in his hands and wept, for the first time since he had stumbled out of Angband, and did not stop until he was empty: of tears, of misery, of everything.
That, he thought, was how he would survive this. Numbness, and nothingness. And perhaps when they reached their destination by the sea...it would have been enough. He was Doomed as it was, after all, doubly-cursed: his cousin and her mortal were only delaying the inevitable.
The thought soothed him.
Maeglin stood up, composed himself, and went to see what needed to be done.
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freekickcolorings · 6 years
Here Are Top 10 Best Sehri Food Ideas For Ramadan
The most vital mealtime of the day during the Holy Month of Ramadan is unquestionably the pre-dawn meal or “Sehri”. Therefore, it needs to be the most nourishing meal that goes hand in hand with being tasty as well. For survival in the scorching heat of May and June in Pakistan while fasting, requires a healthy yet tasty and easy to prepare Sehri/Pre-Dawn Meal. Here we share the best top 10 Food Ideas for Sehri During Ramadan.
Here Are Top 10 Best
Sehri Food Ideas For Ramadan
1.Stuffed egg paratha:
Here is the new idea of Egg Parat. If you are the lover of Egg Parat then you must try this Stuffed egg paratha surely you will like this.
2.Banana oatmeal smoothie:
This mix of orange juice, bananas, and yogurt will satiate your stomach and soul with its freshness and distinctive taste.
3.Scrambled eggs with chicken:
If you are an egg and chicken person when it comes to morning meals then this is your best pick. The savory taste of egg with a dash of chicken will fill you up and satisfy your cravings.
4.Spinach Feta Wrap:
If you are feeling experimental and wish to keep a check on calories then we suggest to you this scrumptious Spinach Feta Wrap. With the goodness of cheese and lots of green, you will feel energetic throughout the day without feeling stuffed.
Nihari is not only the heart-throb of Lahoris but it is a dish that is widely admired all over Pakistan. Nihari is a slow-cooked stew originally made from camel meat but now it is being made into many variants ranging from chicken nihari to beef nalli nihari. It can be served with roti or naan alike and coriander leaves, green chilies, and golden-fried onions are used as a garnish.
6.Nan Channay:
Nan chanay is one of the most relished food items in the history of Pakistani Food. Chaney is basically a variety of chickpeas which are commonly referred to as desi-chickpeas as they are originally from Asia. These chickpeas or chanay have a darker and much coarser coat and are cultivated all over the subcontinent.  The cooking style of chanay changes with the locality like in the Sindh region, they are cooked as a plain curry while Punjabi style chanay are made with a spicy curry with a sour and tangy taste and sometimes added with potatoes or even chicken. It will serve with Naan or Paratha.
7.Green Elachi Qawa:
Qawa is a traditional green tea that was popularly consumed in Afghanistan, northern Pakistan, some regions of Central Asia and in the Kashmir Valley. This tea is prepared by boiling green tea leaves with saffron wisps, cinnamon bark, and cardamom husk while sometimes it is added with Kashmiri roses which give an immense aroma to the drink. Commonly, it is served with sugar or honey and crushed almonds or walnuts. Qawa helps you stay light and healthy throughout the fast and will also help you lose weight as it contains detoxifying agents. So, a cup of qawa is a must try in this Ramadan, if you are willing to stay healthy and fit.
8.Sehri Qeema:
Qeema and paratha/roti is the go-to meal for any desi household. This recipe will sizzle your palate. Also, you can refrigerate it for days you don’t wish to make something fresh.
There is no reason you should skip yogurt out from your grocery list when you go shopping this Ramadan. Yogurt is one of the healthiest, tastiest and not to forget one of the lightest items you can have for Sehri. You can have a bowl of yogurt with some sugar and have tons of benefits. The composition of yogurt is entirely milk and by having it as the first meal of the day we get a rich dose of animal protein.
10.Shami Kebab:
The ultimate savior is here. Shami kebabs are a must when it comes to sehri. Here is a recipe to tantalize your taste buds as these crispy kebabs will make your mornings brighter.
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jaskiersbard · 7 years
Hey, I just want to say im really sorry about ur nan. I understand how it feels to lose someone important and I just want to tell you that you are so unquestionably strong and unwaveringly kind. You deserve happiness, so just take it easy for a while. Watch a movie, eat as many potato chips as you want. When something like this happens, it gets easy to try and work and do other things to distract yourself from the pain. Just take it easy, give yourself time to heal. We love you.
Thank you, I've been spending time with my family and will continue to do so for some time. I'm kind of numb at the moment, but there are moments where it hits me all over again and I lose it. I'm not sure if that makes any sense, but that's how I feel.
I am going to take it easy, but like...sometimes just popping on here and reblogging/liking posts is a small distraction? Obviously people grieve in various ways, and I'm kind of all over the place so sometimes I feel okay writing in a notebook or just liking stuff but then other times I don't?
But yes, thank you.
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hostcloth-blog · 5 years
The Best Candid Photography Tips
Taking authentic shots of individuals is a standout amongst the most widely recognized styles of photography. Being able to catch genuine minutes normally on camera is an expertise each expert picture taker should rehearse and adapt well.
The substance of sincere photography is to be OK with the camera and to effectively mix into any circumstance. Get familiar with sincere photography, and a couple of tips and traps to beginning, beneath.
What Is Candid Photography?
Authentic photography is a style of photography where the models and the scene are not presented. Open photos can be taken anyplace—at home, at the supermarket, at a tyke's birthday party, and so forth. The style is by and large credited to both road photography and wedding photography.
Well known Candid Photographers
The historical backdrop of real to life photography is almost synonymous with that of photography itself and all things considered, several picture takers have rehearsed the style—numerous to extraordinary approval.
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Find out around three acclaimed genuine picture takers, just as their contemporary partners:
Generally perceived as the adoptive parent and ace of authentic and road photography through his pictures of definitive minutes in  European avenues.
Shot from the hip on the walkways of New York regularly catching bizarre articulations.
Shot the kids and families living in the apartments of New York's Lower East Side and Harlem.
Later picture takers who have picked up reputation in this sort are Nan  and Olivia Bee who all shot the close, authentic minutes that occur between their companions and darlings.
The Different Uses of Candid Photography
1) Street Photography
Road picture takers utilize their camera to watch the ceremonies and the happenings in the city. For the most part, road photography makes authentic pictures of the general population in the city to recount a cut of mankind's story. While road photography is generally real in nature, real to life photography isn't really road photography.
2) Wedding Photography
In a comparable vein, real to life style photography can be utilized in weddings as approach to catch the uninhibited feeling of the festival. A wedding picture taker who is proficient at taking real to life photos will catch the grins and chuckling shared between individuals, the periodic tears, and all the "real minutes" that signify an increasingly total representation of the wedding.
3) Wildlife Photography
From numerous points of view, real to life photography is like natural life photography — you should mix in and stay unnoticed, and you need to take numerous pictures previously you get the ideal shot.
Tips to Capture the Best Candid Moments
As somebody who takes authentic photos, you should mix in with your surroundings by staying alright with the camera and around individuals. Pursue these tips to
1) Always keep your camera on you.
Try not to leave in the first part of the day without your camera prepared to take pictures, and keep it close by for the duration of the day, throughout the day, consistently, even into the night at home (and possibly in your bed!).
2) Practice on loved ones first.
On the off chance that you are awkward taking photographs, individuals will in all probability sense that and be awkward having their photograph taken—so the key here is to get settled with the camera. Take a stab at connecting with your family, companions, associates, and so on with your camera first. Approach them for input on your photography approach.
3) Shoot, shoot, shoot.
Take many photographs. Take hundreds more. Begin with volume and amount—you can generally alter down your determinations later. Real to life photography is tied in with catching minutes that you as a rule can't foresee. Accordingly shoot, and shoot some more.
4) Shoot From the Hip
Shooting from the hip is a standout amongst the most critical methods in genuine photography. Discover progressively about shooting from the hip, underneath.
I don't get it's meaning to Shoot From the Hip?
To depict somebody as an individual "who shoots from the hip" can mean various things, yet when used to portray a picture taker it implies truly that they shoot pictures from their hip.
This is an extraordinary method for catching sincere photos, as it enables you to form your picture from a totally unique edge. It additionally liberates you from glancing through the viewfinder and finicking with the organization of the picture—you can simply shoot nearly indiscriminately and trust in the best.
Shooting from the hip is a particularly incredible photographic strategy when at a wedding with little youngsters, as it enables you to catch pictures from their eye level and their point of view. Probably the best photographs are those shot from the hip.
The Best Camera for Candid Photography
For this kind of work, you will need a camera that is as unpretentious as would be prudent. The "work of art" camera for genuine photography is a Leica because of their thin body and little focal point, yet any advanced camera will due—computerized explicitly in light of the fact that you can take several photographs and are not restricted by the expense and time of utilizing film.
Whichever camera you pick, ensure it has a high ISO (film speed) with the goal that you will almost certainly take incredible photographs even in low light situations.
The Best Lenses for Candid Photography
When you have chosen your camera, think about putting resources into the accompanying focal points:
50mm: This settled focal point gives a characteristic impact no mutilation and is amazing at catching pictures on the fly.
24-70mm: A wide-gap focal point that functions admirably in normal light and low-light situations, this focal point is a workhorse that catches close-up subtleties just as it catches the entire scene.
70-200mm: The most mainstream zooming focal point, this focal point takes into consideration unpretentious photography as the zoom gives you a chance to catch your subject from a significant separation.
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The Best Equipment for Candid Photography
1) Bounce Flash
Utilizing a glimmer is unquestionably not perfect and not prescribed while rehearsing authentic photography on the grounds that a brilliant blaze of light will divert your subject, possibly destroying another photo and more terrible, will attract regard for you.
For this, you can put resources into a skip streak, which focuses the glimmer in an alternate course (generally calculated around 45 degrees up) to bob the blaze off the encompassing dividers and roofs. This makes an increasingly "characteristic" lighting impact with little exertion.
2) Diffuser
A diffuser, which is a plastic, translucent gadget that covers the glimmer and enables it to be better scattered in the zone and less brutal, is useful to have close by.
3) Memory Cards
Keep different memory cards on document—the nature of real to life photography is with the end goal that you may finish up taking many photographs previously you get your shot. Coming up short on space while you're all over the place would be not exactly perfect.
4) A tripod
A tripod is a useful apparatus for the real to life picture taker, in the event that you imagine you may remain in one spot and shooting a similar scene for quite a while. Tripods likewise help balance out the picture—especially supportive in low-light situations—so it's in every case great to keep one close by.
5) Backup Batteries
Lastly, make a point to pack an additional battery and charger. As an authentic picture taker, you need to be set up immediately to catch that ideal shot.
By rehearsing real to life photography and learning the most ideal approaches to normally catch those uncommon, off the cuff minutes, you will have the apparatuses to be a flexible picture taker who can acquire more customers and business. Simply mix in, take loads of shots, shoot from the hip—and have a great time!
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thecooksjournal · 4 years
Magazine Interview
A few years ago I was approached to do an interview for a food magazine which never got published.
If you are interested you can see the unedited interview below:
Peter Alton is a Food & Beverage Buyer within the Hospitality Industry. He is a trained Chef and self-confessed foodie who has worked in the industry for over 30 years. He is also a keen runner who has completed over 25 Marathons for Breast Cancer Charities.
Tanya McCloughan asked the questions.
TM. Where did your love of food come from?
PA. I firmly believe my love of food came from my Grandparents who really gave me my passion for trying new things. As a child I was brought up eating home-grown and home-cooked foods. Both my Mum and Nan were good cooks and to this day I still have some of their recipes. My Dad was a Chef so it must be in the genes!
TM. So were you always going to be a Chef?
PA. Not really, at school I was not sure what I wanted to do. Catering College was always an option and as I liked food it seemed the obvious choice.
TM. Did you enjoy College?
PA. Looking back I absolutely loved it. I went to Highbury College in Cosham which was one of the best Catering Colleges in the UK at the time. I was one of the first students in the new catering block so everything was shiny and state of the art. Well state of the art for 1981 at least! It was extremely hard work. There was so much to learn and the pressures were enormous but I managed to last the full 3 years.
TM. You say last but didn’t you finish with a Distinction.
PA. I did but I was lucky. I really enjoyed both the practical and theory elements of the course so that made it easier. I was also learning alongside some very talented people. We helped each other through some tough days.
TM. How was it tough?
PA. Generally the practical side of College was meant to replicate the stress of a modern kitchen. Therefore we were put under enormous pressure to produce dishes on time and to the required standard. The practical exams were intense and extremely complicated so coming through with any sort of pass was a special achievement. Looking back it was character building but at the time it was extremely frightening.
TM. Did you feel equipped to face the industry at the end of your 3 years?
PA. Yes and no. I had learnt a lot and had a good grasp of the basics but I was still only 19 and the industry was big and scary.
TM. Your first jobs were in London?
PA. Yes, I was lucky enough to work as a Chef in the Café Royal, Claridges and Langan's Brasserie with Richard Shepherd which at the time was the best place to eat in London.
TM. How did you find working as a Commis Chef as part of a large brigade.
PA. I was very much at the bottom of the ladder so it was incredibly tough and exhausting. I was working very long hours and not seeing daylight for days at a time. It was not glamorous at all but it taught me a great work ethic. I also got to work alongside some truly great Chefs. I was constantly watching and learning so it was really an extension of my time at college.
TM. So how did you come to move away from a career as a Chef?
PA. Like many Chefs I became disillusioned with the business. I loved the food, loved the people but hated the unsociable hours and the poor pay. I was bright and a quick learner so I gradually moved to the front of house.
TM. Where did your career take you?
PA. I initially worked in the retail side of the business as part of a large supermarket chain. I then moved on and had jobs in charge of restaurants and food operations in the travel sector for the cruise and ferry industry. For the last 18 years I have been working on the Procurement side.
TM. What does your job entail now?
PA. I am a Food & Beverage Buyer in the Cruise Industry. My job involves sourcing and supplying a myriad of food and beverage products for the major Cruise Lines. One day I can be sourcing caviar the next day it will be containers of grapefruit. I am buying products for some of the best quality restaurants in the world so getting the best balance between price and quality can be a real challenge.
TM. Do you miss being a Professional Chef?
PA. Well I am still a Professional Chef. If you mean do I miss working as a Chef in the industry then the answer is yes. However my career has taken me on many paths and I have worked with many wonderful people who I am still in touch with. I enjoy my job as it gives me the best of both worlds; working with food and spending time with my family.
TM. Do you cook at home?
PA. Yes. One of my favourite things is cooking for my wife and son. I see the same passion in his eyes that I had at that age. He has a healthy appetite and a good understanding of food and where it comes from.
TM. Would you like him to follow in your footsteps?
PA. First of all I would like him to be happy. If that involves food then I guess it would give me some satisfaction but as long as he chooses a career path that gives him pleasure I will be happy. Being rich and successful is one thing but money can never truly buy happiness.
TM. As a Chef what food do you eat at home?
PA. My wife is from the Philippines so we eat a mixture of Asian and European. One day we may be eating Cottage Pie the next it may be Adobo. Simple food with good flavour always appeals to me.
TM. What is your favourite meal?
PA. I love Sushi because it is so simple. The subtle flavours really appeal to me. I enjoy all Asian food; Vietnamese Noodles, Cantonese Dim Sum and Congee and Filipino Adobe are my real favourites.
TM. Do you have any guilty pleasures?
PA. Ketchup and Salad Cream but don’t tell my College Lecturers. In Hong Kong my guilty pleasure is their famous Egg Tart and in the Philippines it is Jollibee a franchise fast food chicken chain similar to KFC in the UK. They serve the Aloha Burger a Hawaiian style burger that I simply cannot resist.
TM. Do people assume as a Chef you like fancy food?
PA. Very much so. People are often afraid to cook for me because they assume I will be critical. In truth the simpler the food the more I like it. In fact my favourite ever meal was in Hong Kong at the airport. It was a simply Foo Yung dish which was essentially scrambled eggs with a few spring onions and shrimps. It was almost orange in colour because the eggs were so fresh. It was so simple but absolutely delicious.
TM. Who are your Food Heroes?
PA. Unquestionably Anthony Bourdain and Marco Pierre White. I like people who appreciate simple food. If you don’t get the basics right then you are never going to make a great dish. I also like people with strong opinions on food and people who are not afraid to speak their mind.
TM. These two aside who would your top six dinner guests be?
PA. This is hard but definitely Adam Ant and Stephen King as music and literature have been constant in my life since my childhood. If I had to choose other guests then Eric Cantona, Eddie Izzard, Jonny Wilkinson and John Lydon would be my choices.
TM. You mention Eddie Izzard did he inspire your marathons?
PA. Yes he did. I lost my Mum to Cancer in 2008 and shortly after I watched his Marathon Man documentary. Seeing his achievements as a non-runner inspired me to give it a try.
TM. You actually ran 25 Marathons in 2 years which was and is quite special.
PA. I was pretty lost after my Mum passed away. Running was my way of coping. I raised £8,000 running 25 marathons in just over 2 years for various Breast Cancer Charities. It was tough as I really was a non-runner. At first I couldn’t even run a mile. I am paying the price now as my legs have never fully recovered.
TM. That is impressive. Do you still run?
PA. Not as much as I should? I run for fitness but one day I may run another Marathon. My name is still in the London Marathon Ballot so who knows.
TM. Good luck with that. Thank you so much for your time and for talking to us it is really appreciated. I am sure you will be an inspiration to all our readers.
PA. You are very welcome.
0 notes
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recentnews18-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://shovelnews.com/gardening-australia-turns-up-the-heat-and-the-gogglebox-crew-is-in-fits-of-laughter/
Gardening Australia turns up the heat and the Gogglebox crew is in fits of laughter!
FRIDAY night on the ABC is synonymous with one thing: Gardening Australia.
Each week Costa Georgiadis and his merry band of green-thumbed sidekicks walk and talk their legion of devoted fans through a wide range of subjects.
But it was the weird word of the week, delivered by Josh Byrne, that starts with the letter F (and sounds like, well, you’ll figure it out) that had everyone on Gogglebox in fits of stitches.
“What did he just say to us,” howls Lee to Keith.
“I think somebody called me that the other day in the car during a bit of road rage,” adds Symon to best mate Adam.
Fecund, just in case you were wondering, means highly fertile — and the gags kept coming.
Over to The Silberys …
“’Hi, I’m Isabelle and I’m highly fecund!’ That should be my new Tinder profile,” laughs Isabelle to mum Kerry and grandma Emmie. Nan’s not happy.
“God, you girls are disgusting,” she says, which understandably makes them howl even more.
“I never thought Gardening Australia could be so funny,” Kerry chortles.
“Next we meet a bloke totally, unquestionably, besotted with peonies,” says the heavenly-bearded Georgiadis.
“With what?” spits Symon.
At this point Milly spits her drink and her dad Matt calls her a dickhead. #straya.
“That was like something out of The Exorcist!” he adds.
Of course, a segue from peonies to pumpkins would seem clunky on paper — until you see the shape of the gourds in Sophie Thompson’s clutches — and shed!
“She’s holding a great, big phallus” howls Kerry. “How can she not laugh?”
“Cause she hasn’t got a mind like you,” replies nan.
“Look, I can barely fit my hand around it,” jokes Symon.
“You can’t have something that size and shape out the back,” he adds.
We’ll leave that one alone.
Gogglebox airs Wednesdays at 7.30pm on Foxtel’s Lifestyle and Thursdays at 8.40pm on Channel 10.
Source: https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/gardening-australia-turns-up-the-heat-and-the-gogglebox-crew-is-in-fits-of-laughter/news-story/683e05e174232ce7375984afe4e285ce
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sexybolywood · 6 years
Here Are Top 10 Best Sehri Food Ideas For Ramadan
The most vital mealtime of the day during the Holy Month of Ramadan is unquestionably the pre-dawn meal or “Sehri”. Therefore, it needs to be the most nourishing meal that goes hand in hand with being tasty as well. For survival in the scorching heat of May and June in Pakistan while fasting, requires a healthy yet tasty and easy to prepare Sehri/Pre-Dawn Meal. Here we share the best top 10 Food Ideas for Sehri During Ramadan.
Here Are Top 10 Best
Sehri Food Ideas For Ramadan
1.Stuffed egg paratha:
Here is the new idea of Egg Parat. If you are the lover of Egg Parat then you must try this Stuffed egg paratha surely you will like this.
2.Banana oatmeal smoothie:
This mix of orange juice, bananas, and yogurt will satiate your stomach and soul with its freshness and distinctive taste.
3.Scrambled eggs with chicken:
If you are an egg and chicken person when it comes to morning meals then this is your best pick. The savory taste of egg with a dash of chicken will fill you up and satisfy your cravings.
4.Spinach Feta Wrap:
If you are feeling experimental and wish to keep a check on calories then we suggest to you this scrumptious Spinach Feta Wrap. With the goodness of cheese and lots of green, you will feel energetic throughout the day without feeling stuffed.
Nihari is not only the heart-throb of Lahoris but it is a dish that is widely admired all over Pakistan. Nihari is a slow-cooked stew originally made from camel meat but now it is being made into many variants ranging from chicken nihari to beef nalli nihari. It can be served with roti or naan alike and coriander leaves, green chilies, and golden-fried onions are used as a garnish.
6.Nan Channay:
Nan chanay is one of the most relished food items in the history of Pakistani Food. Chaney is basically a variety of chickpeas which are commonly referred to as desi-chickpeas as they are originally from Asia. These chickpeas or chanay have a darker and much coarser coat and are cultivated all over the subcontinent.  The cooking style of chanay changes with the locality like in the Sindh region, they are cooked as a plain curry while Punjabi style chanay are made with a spicy curry with a sour and tangy taste and sometimes added with potatoes or even chicken. It will serve with Naan or Paratha.
7.Green Elachi Qawa:
Qawa is a traditional green tea that was popularly consumed in Afghanistan, northern Pakistan, some regions of Central Asia and in the Kashmir Valley. This tea is prepared by boiling green tea leaves with saffron wisps, cinnamon bark, and cardamom husk while sometimes it is added with Kashmiri roses which give an immense aroma to the drink. Commonly, it is served with sugar or honey and crushed almonds or walnuts. Qawa helps you stay light and healthy throughout the fast and will also help you lose weight as it contains detoxifying agents. So, a cup of qawa is a must try in this Ramadan, if you are willing to stay healthy and fit.
8.Sehri Qeema:
Qeema and paratha/roti is the go-to meal for any desi household. This recipe will sizzle your palate. Also, you can refrigerate it for days you don’t wish to make something fresh.
There is no reason you should skip yogurt out from your grocery list when you go shopping this Ramadan. Yogurt is one of the healthiest, tastiest and not to forget one of the lightest items you can have for Sehri. You can have a bowl of yogurt with some sugar and have tons of benefits. The composition of yogurt is entirely milk and by having it as the first meal of the day we get a rich dose of animal protein.
10.Shami Kebab:
The ultimate savior is here. Shami kebabs are a must when it comes to sehri. Here is a recipe to tantalize your taste buds as these crispy kebabs will make your mornings brighter.
0 notes
antfairies · 6 years
Here Are Top 10 Best Sehri Food Ideas For Ramadan
The most vital mealtime of the day during the Holy Month of Ramadan is unquestionably the pre-dawn meal or “Sehri”. Therefore, it needs to be the most nourishing meal that goes hand in hand with being tasty as well. For survival in the scorching heat of May and June in Pakistan while fasting, requires a healthy yet tasty and easy to prepare Sehri/Pre-Dawn Meal. Here we share the best top 10 Food Ideas for Sehri During Ramadan.
Here Are Top 10 Best
Sehri Food Ideas For Ramadan
1.Stuffed egg paratha:
Here is the new idea of Egg Parat. If you are the lover of Egg Parat then you must try this Stuffed egg paratha surely you will like this.
2.Banana oatmeal smoothie:
This mix of orange juice, bananas, and yogurt will satiate your stomach and soul with its freshness and distinctive taste.
3.Scrambled eggs with chicken:
If you are an egg and chicken person when it comes to morning meals then this is your best pick. The savory taste of egg with a dash of chicken will fill you up and satisfy your cravings.
4.Spinach Feta Wrap:
If you are feeling experimental and wish to keep a check on calories then we suggest to you this scrumptious Spinach Feta Wrap. With the goodness of cheese and lots of green, you will feel energetic throughout the day without feeling stuffed.
Nihari is not only the heart-throb of Lahoris but it is a dish that is widely admired all over Pakistan. Nihari is a slow-cooked stew originally made from camel meat but now it is being made into many variants ranging from chicken nihari to beef nalli nihari. It can be served with roti or naan alike and coriander leaves, green chilies, and golden-fried onions are used as a garnish.
6.Nan Channay:
Nan chanay is one of the most relished food items in the history of Pakistani Food. Chaney is basically a variety of chickpeas which are commonly referred to as desi-chickpeas as they are originally from Asia. These chickpeas or chanay have a darker and much coarser coat and are cultivated all over the subcontinent.  The cooking style of chanay changes with the locality like in the Sindh region, they are cooked as a plain curry while Punjabi style chanay are made with a spicy curry with a sour and tangy taste and sometimes added with potatoes or even chicken. It will serve with Naan or Paratha.
7.Green Elachi Qawa:
Qawa is a traditional green tea that was popularly consumed in Afghanistan, northern Pakistan, some regions of Central Asia and in the Kashmir Valley. This tea is prepared by boiling green tea leaves with saffron wisps, cinnamon bark, and cardamom husk while sometimes it is added with Kashmiri roses which give an immense aroma to the drink. Commonly, it is served with sugar or honey and crushed almonds or walnuts. Qawa helps you stay light and healthy throughout the fast and will also help you lose weight as it contains detoxifying agents. So, a cup of qawa is a must try in this Ramadan, if you are willing to stay healthy and fit.
8.Sehri Qeema:
Qeema and paratha/roti is the go-to meal for any desi household. This recipe will sizzle your palate. Also, you can refrigerate it for days you don’t wish to make something fresh.
There is no reason you should skip yogurt out from your grocery list when you go shopping this Ramadan. Yogurt is one of the healthiest, tastiest and not to forget one of the lightest items you can have for Sehri. You can have a bowl of yogurt with some sugar and have tons of benefits. The composition of yogurt is entirely milk and by having it as the first meal of the day we get a rich dose of animal protein.
10.Shami Kebab:
The ultimate savior is here. Shami kebabs are a must when it comes to sehri. Here is a recipe to tantalize your taste buds as these crispy kebabs will make your mornings brighter.
0 notes
Here Are Top 10 Best Sehri Food Ideas For Ramadan
The most vital mealtime of the day during the Holy Month of Ramadan is unquestionably the pre-dawn meal or “Sehri”. Therefore, it needs to be the most nourishing meal that goes hand in hand with being tasty as well. For survival in the scorching heat of May and June in Pakistan while fasting, requires a healthy yet tasty and easy to prepare Sehri/Pre-Dawn Meal. Here we share the best top 10 Food Ideas for Sehri During Ramadan.
Here Are Top 10 Best
Sehri Food Ideas For Ramadan
1.Stuffed egg paratha:
Here is the new idea of Egg Parat. If you are the lover of Egg Parat then you must try this Stuffed egg paratha surely you will like this.
2.Banana oatmeal smoothie:
This mix of orange juice, bananas, and yogurt will satiate your stomach and soul with its freshness and distinctive taste.
3.Scrambled eggs with chicken:
If you are an egg and chicken person when it comes to morning meals then this is your best pick. The savory taste of egg with a dash of chicken will fill you up and satisfy your cravings.
4.Spinach Feta Wrap:
If you are feeling experimental and wish to keep a check on calories then we suggest to you this scrumptious Spinach Feta Wrap. With the goodness of cheese and lots of green, you will feel energetic throughout the day without feeling stuffed.
Nihari is not only the heart-throb of Lahoris but it is a dish that is widely admired all over Pakistan. Nihari is a slow-cooked stew originally made from camel meat but now it is being made into many variants ranging from chicken nihari to beef nalli nihari. It can be served with roti or naan alike and coriander leaves, green chilies, and golden-fried onions are used as a garnish.
6.Nan Channay:
Nan chanay is one of the most relished food items in the history of Pakistani Food. Chaney is basically a variety of chickpeas which are commonly referred to as desi-chickpeas as they are originally from Asia. These chickpeas or chanay have a darker and much coarser coat and are cultivated all over the subcontinent.  The cooking style of chanay changes with the locality like in the Sindh region, they are cooked as a plain curry while Punjabi style chanay are made with a spicy curry with a sour and tangy taste and sometimes added with potatoes or even chicken. It will serve with Naan or Paratha.
7.Green Elachi Qawa:
Qawa is a traditional green tea that was popularly consumed in Afghanistan, northern Pakistan, some regions of Central Asia and in the Kashmir Valley. This tea is prepared by boiling green tea leaves with saffron wisps, cinnamon bark, and cardamom husk while sometimes it is added with Kashmiri roses which give an immense aroma to the drink. Commonly, it is served with sugar or honey and crushed almonds or walnuts. Qawa helps you stay light and healthy throughout the fast and will also help you lose weight as it contains detoxifying agents. So, a cup of qawa is a must try in this Ramadan, if you are willing to stay healthy and fit.
8.Sehri Qeema:
Qeema and paratha/roti is the go-to meal for any desi household. This recipe will sizzle your palate. Also, you can refrigerate it for days you don’t wish to make something fresh.
There is no reason you should skip yogurt out from your grocery list when you go shopping this Ramadan. Yogurt is one of the healthiest, tastiest and not to forget one of the lightest items you can have for Sehri. You can have a bowl of yogurt with some sugar and have tons of benefits. The composition of yogurt is entirely milk and by having it as the first meal of the day we get a rich dose of animal protein.
10.Shami Kebab:
The ultimate savior is here. Shami kebabs are a must when it comes to sehri. Here is a recipe to tantalize your taste buds as these crispy kebabs will make your mornings brighter.
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