#but it’s almost 3am and I’m too lazy and tired to get my laptop
burningthetree · 2 years
ahh yay ask game time! god I want your opinion on so many things lmfao hmmmm thoughts on kenhina & tananoya in hq, todoroki/momo in bnha (i hate their ship name lol) & if you watched yuuri on ice (which I think you did?), otabek/yuri
Omg let’s go let’s go. How do I include a cut on my phone because this is long
No seriously how does this work
Ugh whatever
Don’t ship. Whoops.
1. I don’t ship it because I’m too much of a sucker for Kuroken lmfao. Like I love their dynamic, I love the special bond they have and how much they care for each other, but I just can’t see them as anything else but platonic.
2. What would have made me like it is Kuroo not existing LOL I’m SORRY I’m too far down the Kuroken rabbit hole, if Kuroo wasn’t there, then I would probably love Kenhina with all my heart
3. Something positive I have to say about it is that it is an absolutely fantastic ship and totally valid. The fact that Kenma is a lazy fuck but still tossed to Hinata five times, and Kuroo assured him that meant a lot shows just how much they care for each other. I don’t want to spoil the manga, but there is a scene that hasn’t been animated yet where Kenma is an absolute sweetheart and it’s genuinely heartwarming. Hinata’s first interaction with Kenma is also super sweet — it’s a good ship! It really is, and there is nothing bad about it, but Kuroo exists and my brain won’t allow anyone else to be with Kenma
Ship it. I think?
1. They’re both chaotic kings and I love them. They are so alike and such good friends, I think they’d make a great pair! But also I don’t know if I only see them as platonic or not, like I think it’s cute but I don’t know if it’s necessarily romantic? Why is this hard
2. Bruh. I wrote a whole paragraph on this and then tumblr quit on me. Fuck that. Here we go again: my favourite things about them is that they’re both chaotic and loud and just dumb, but they know when to be serious and quiet. They also hype each other up and they’re genuinely just fans of each other and how they play volleyball — they’re supportive kings and they deserve the world, and I just think that’s super cute.
3. I can’t think of anything? Maybe something will come to me later but right now my mind is blank
Todoroki/Momo (I don’t even know what their ship name is lmfao)
I don’t ship it.
1. Okay so with Tananoya I said I like how similar they are, but that’s exactly my issue with Todoroki and Momo. They’re both just so quiet and calm, I don’t see much of a dynamic other than that they trust each other and believe in each other’s skills. Like being quiet and calm isn’t a bad thing, but it’s not my favourite ship dynamic.
2. What would have made me like it is if one of them was just a littleeeee more extroverted. They’re both just quiet all the time and I just can’t find it interesting. I like ships with friendly bickering and teasing or where one of them is really excited about everything and the other is a bit grumpy, but I don’t have that with Todoroki and Momo
3. I do have positive things to say!!! I adore how much they believe in each other. Like Todoroki voted for Momo to have her as class representative, when they fought Aizawa they worked together so well, and Todoroki believed in Momo, while Momo relied on him because she believes in his skill as well. It’s just this trust and faith that they have in each other that I love with all my heart
Okay so uhm time to expose myself I guess LOL I think I told you I watched part of Yuri on Ice!!! and I actually checked how many episodes I watched, because I knew it wasn’t all of them and uhm. I’ve seen the first episode only LOL and that was years ago — I remember nothing and I have no clue who Otabek is lmfao, I’ll get back to you on this one once I’ve seen the anime <3 my bad
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