#but it turns out it just fuckinh sucks soooo bad
not-another-walnut · 1 year
the thing about harry potter, and I mean this truly and genuinely from the bottom of my heart, is that it isn’t even that good!!!!
I’m serious, I read hp exactly once, between the ages of 11-12, and it was FINE! like goddamn we has so much WONDERFUL ya fiction at the time and you freaks all latched into one of the most mediocre options???
like sure, I had my hogwarts house in my bio for a couple years because that’s what we used to do in fandom spaces, but I remember taking that out in high school because I remembered that it was fine and I literally don’t give a shit about it and never really have??
you guys have got to let go, it’s so embarrassing to be this attracted to an okay piece of childrens media for soOOoOo long and go so hard for it that you don’t care who gets hurt by it??? absolutely pathetic
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skinnyfairygirl123 · 2 years
Tw venting
I used to do a lot of Xanax and  valium I was 12 when I took my 1st xan and then a year after that I literally couldn’t go a day without them or I would try to kms like literally it was so bad I had people who were almost 30 giving me free pills just because like wth they made me soooo depressed and I felt the only way to fix my depression was to be on them and at this time I was living at my dads w my step mom and her daughter who was 19 at the time ( my parents are divorced) and she was smoking meth and just turned everything on to me bc she got caught and her friends were giving me xans so I had to move back with my mom and my mom is raging alcoholic she has been since I was born and I actually moved out of her house bc of her drinking she was getting a little to physical for my liking lol but anyways when I had to move back w her eveyone cut me off of the pills bc I tried to yeet myself so then I turned into a raging alcoholic Lmaoo I drank morning to night non stop for almost a year and a half and I was basically bulimic since I was in 5th grade but somewhere during that time I just became full out Ana and I starved myself for 3 weeks and I would always faint constantly and you know what it was fuckinh great I got so fuckinh small so fuckinh fast idk I just was sick asf tho but like 3/4 of my family I have lost to drugs mentally and it just really sucks and I am sober now witch also kinda sucks bc everyone around me isn’t and it’s just weird I am really scared of the people I am close to r just gonna become like I was and I am gonna loose them and I am really scared actually terrified my bf is starting to do dmt and shit and he is doing it more then I feel comfortable w him doing it and I know that shit can get addictive and if he becomes an addict it’s fucking game over idk I just needed to like let this out idk if it even makes sense
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