#but i love this handmaid
homuku · 11 months
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finally did this
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forgetful-river · 1 year
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Scawwy ladie........
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rogueolight · 1 year
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skyshipper · 1 year
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I'm continuing my DAO replay and like....... are we just not going to talk about the fact that Anora's handmaiden is Orlesian?
I'm sorry, how did the Queen of Fereldan end up with an Orlesian handmaid? Did Loghain approve of that? Because I bet he sure didn't! Given everything about him, I bet he threw a real stink about that! And yet, Erlina is close enough to Anora to beg the wardens to save her after she's locked up by Howe, appearing entirely loyal to her.
So I broke out the World of Thedas vol2 to see if it said something in there about her and I couldn't find anything. All the wiki has to say is, "Erlina is the handmaiden of Queen Anora. Not much is known about her background but she apparently escaped from Orlais. Arl Eamon suspects that she is more than a simple servant."
Gee, ya think, Eamon?
I just find that to be a very interesting detail, one that has my theorist gears cranking and spinning.
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chronicallyfabulous22 · 2 months
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“You built this whole world so you could have SOMETHING and it didn’t work…”//“You seek not to free yourself but to create a window into the wall of your prison”
I made an edit because one day I’ll probably write a PhD thesis length analysis of the parallels between Serena Joy and Alicent and how Alicent could’ve been both an iconic sympathetic villain and a blueprint for female antagonist to rival even Serena if the show wasn’t so obsessed with justifying her
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greenerteacups · 2 months
Hey GT! Do you hope to be a published author someday? What would you write?
No, I don't! Writing is a beloved hobby for me, but I don't aspire to publish. Fanfic scratches the writerly itch without putting too much pressure on the output, not least because I'm not asking people to pay for my work. It also means I don't have deadlines or expectations of output except those that are self-imposed. It's a nice middle-ground between locking up my projects in a secret folder on my desktop, never to be glimpsed by human eyes, and pitching my naked heart like a fastball in the general direction of the English-speaking universe.
If I ever had an idea for an original novel that I liked enough to finish it, I might try my hand at getting it published, but I see a bit of a difference between that and wanting to be a published writer. Like, if it happens, great; if it doesn't, I'll be just as happy.
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slavhew · 2 days
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can yuou put that out on me
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stingyperfectionist · 7 months
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weeoo i look just like aradia megido the handmaid from the hit webcomic homestuck oo ooo
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averagepsychouser · 6 months
David Bowie’s “The Man Who Sold The World” is so Arcade Gannon and Legion alligned courier
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splitscreen · 2 years
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4x10 || 5x10
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firefly-sky · 24 days
books i think kyle would genuinely enjoy based on books i’ve read pt 1
Animal Farm by George Orwell
1984 by George Orwell
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
The Handmaids Tale by Margret Atwood
The Green Mile by Stephen King
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Divergent by Veronica Roth
(i’m thinking of more i promise)
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osblaine13245 · 2 years
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“I love you.”
“I love you.”
They’re still so in love with each other I am dead. Them openly flirting, how they gravitate to each other and Nick can’t help but walk closer to June, June’s heartbreak when he told her Rose was pregnant, June wanting the best for Nick regardless and wishing the world would just disappear (and it be their little family I’m-) Nick saying it’s gonna be hard for them to see each other knowing full well how painful it is being apart and not being able to be together, him talking about Nichole, both of them being on the verge of tears trying to hold it together, the freaking I love yous and the way they look at each other, the jokes about him still driving himself and making each other smile, June’s gasp as he’s about to kiss her before he leaves but pulls back, how she can’t help but smile at him and give him advice before he goes, and the angst and longing of it all when he leaves. They have more chemistry in one scene than Luke & June do this entire season. I love them so much it’s not even funny—
I’ve already seen a few people freaking out worried that “it’s over” with them but their eyes say otherwise. Just because they can’t be together right now doesn’t mean they won’t end up together eventually. They always find their way back to each other. Let’s just hope Nick gets to stay alive in the finale which if you’ve already seen the promo appears somewhat Osblaine focused with Nick trying to protect June and I’m HERE for it. But yeah, I worry about him next week but seriously doubt they would kill him off as losing Max in Season 6 would just tank a big portion of the show for a lot of fans tbh.
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octo-blobs · 1 year
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genshin impact but make it BBC merlin
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forgetful-river · 3 months
One thing I love is when there is a fanartist or fanfic writer is so good that they're able to single-handedly make a rarepair into a known pairing within the fandom
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sleepy-vix · 4 months
just finished the handmaid's tale (the book).... holy shit
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