#but i don't know how else to say it
goodmorrowing 2 years
"no standing alone in a crowded room for these two. they're glued at the hip. <3"
Totally!!!! like Jamie has her arm around Dani ALL THE TIME
YES!! 24/7, seven days a week, fifty two weeks a year. 馃枻
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enbysaurus-rex 9 years
So...um...I realized that when I get frustrated about romanticism invading literally everything and being shoved in my face, the people I vent to feel like I鈥漨 talking about them. I promise you I鈥漨 not, and I don鈥檛 want you to be embarrassed about your romantic/sex life with me around. I鈥檓 actually genuinely happy for you; I really am.聽
I just get frustrated with amatonormativity. Like, today in school (no exaggeration) I had 3 teachers include romance in their curricula/classes, and one teacher who picked two kids out of the class and began talking about how they were a cute couple. I鈥檓 frustrated with music, because I can鈥檛 find any music without romance in it that isn鈥檛 holiday or religious. I鈥檓 frustrated with tv shows and movies that seem not to exist without a trite romance shoved in my face. I鈥檓 frustrated because when I tell people I鈥檓 aro and explain what that means, they tell me they feel bad for me and hope that I鈥檒l find the One.聽
That鈥檚 what I鈥檓 frustrated with. Not you.
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starbats-moved-blog 9 years
I feel bad I feel really bad
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kamikanlupanari 9 years
Did you read Mangastream's translation for the chapter? It wasn't Law specifically who saved Bellamy. It was Luffy insisting that Bellamy was his friend, and then Law said that "we" brought Bellamy with them. There's no indication that Law alone was responsible for helping Bellamy not get arrested
I did, but at the time I created that post, Mangastream hadn鈥檛 updated One Piece yet. As it is, their translation doesn鈥檛 really change how I interpreted it, since Bellamy is still yelling at Law for him not being dead and Law鈥檚 response still makes me smile.
Besides, in my opinion, Luffy has been unconscious since he KO鈥檇 Doflamingo. So he wouldn鈥檛 have been capable of insisting at the time, leaving Law and Viola as the only ones there to know that he sees Bellamy as a friend and would want to save him, since he spent most of the beginning of the roof top fight insisting that. Admittedly, I thought Law was passed out too, but this chapter sorta implies he was still conscious for a time.聽
In the end, since Oda didn鈥檛 actually show that moment, everyone is going to interpret those words how they want, so there鈥檚 always gonna be differences in opinion.
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I don't know what I'm gonna do for my senior year... All this time I've been lying about who I really am and I don't think I'm strong enough to tell anyone else.. What am I gonna do
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dev-burn 10 years
Last movie i watched?
What Dreams may Come. it was pretty good.
Celebrity crush?
Natalie Dormer and Jennifer Lawrence are the two biggest ones. but i think every person on earth has a crush on at least one of those two.
Random fact about me?
i some how manage to both not care at all what people think of me, and care way too much.
thanks anon :)
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spacepenquin 10 years
anyone else think it's weird that you as an individual can get along with all these different groups of friends but sometimes your friends wouldn't get along at all? like, you'd think that if you're friends with someone, that person would get along with your other friends because, hey, you like them well enough, but it doesn't always work like that.
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soranotsky 10 years
I never really thought about it, but when you do a slide show through a bunch of avas demon panels it actually plays out like a pretty cool animation
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threegamma 10 years
thatgermankid replied to your post:thatgermankid replied to your post:I鈥檓 bored so...
mein weihnachten war gut :) und wenn du unzufrieden bist mit deinem deutsch, kann ich dir gerne helfen :)
du bist zu nett :) ich m枚chte deutsch mehr oft sprechen und schreiben aber deutschsprachige personen zu finden ist schwar
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