#but her acting during the fight with gael was on point
priquintana · 2 years
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sangvesta · 3 months
HC: Gael and Ornstein
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Everyone who comes from the House of the Hearth is a son or daughter of Arlecchino, even if they have been in the house longer than the Father himself. It doesn't matter your race, gender, or background; all who need a fresh start and a warm hand to uplift you are welcome under her tender love and care. While most of the children from her time as a member perished, two sons remain who were there during the days of the previous Arlecchino. These two are Gael and Ornstein; at the time, they would be called her older brothers. but now her most skilled and trusted sons
Gael was a slender and frail young man with not much strength to help in a fight but could skulk around unnoticed. Ornstein was a gluttonous young fellow considered by many to be nothing more than a wall of meat but was durable. From the start of their time, they were branded as a disposable unit, cannon fodder that could be tossed into the flames without a second thought. During their first few missions, each time they returned, it was by the thread of a hair due to her efforts. Life in the house was miserable when you were at the bottom, constant beatings from the higher ranks, bullying, and scoldings from the Father. Every time her siblings would get in trouble, she would take the beating or lash in place of them. Unlike her, they were weak, but they were her family. They were all she had in the face of death
At this point, death was an absolute certainty... until the young Knave gave her siblings a reason to live, wanting a chance to make their own future free from their wicked taskmaster. So, during the cold and dead of the night, she would train with her brothers, desperately searching for a way to turn those weaknesses into strengths.
With practice, she found Gael had the eyes of an eagle and a still hand. Ornstein was slow, but under that weight, he had great strength. On their next mission, the young Knave took a chance, stealing a rifle, Gael, a suit of plate armor, and a spiked flail for her Ornstein. Their mission was to dispose of a group of knights in Mondstadt without attracting the attention of a certain Drake or Grandmaster. Under her guidance, that group of knights was found decorated with crushed skulls, pierced hearts, and filled with bullet holes.
From that point forward, they would climb the ranks so fast that the Father saw them as a threat. The only way to purge this rebellious and concerning lot was to turn every son and daughter to slay them; that way, the current rule would remain unchallenged. After one final mission, they came to a silent home; the lights all flickered out, and by the dozen, child after child would come for their neck in a merciless gauntlet. It was a move she had long seen coming and prepared for. An hour passed, and screams and blood splatter echoed through the home. Until finally, only the victors stood, the defeated burnt to a pile of smoldering ashes under her hand. That night, they overthrew the entirety of the House of the Hearth. With the former leader disposed of, it was time for a new chapter; it was out with the old and in with the new. The new Arlecchino took the mantles; her brothers became her firstborn sons and reigned in a more merciful image for their home.
Today, Arlecchino, on rare occasions, will be seen with her firstborns, acting as her personal guard if she prefers desires their company. Though they bear no vision or delusion, they have honed their skills to perfection and will utilize them whenever they need to see to a mission of utmost importance or when a traitor needs to be dealt with. In the House of the Hearth, Gael is a strict but caring teacher for the children, teaching marksmanship and education. Ornstein is more of a lax and caring figure, the cook for the House of the Hearth, the older brother who will comfort you after a scolding from Arlecchino and help cover up or let you sneak out for whatever reason if you can provide him with enough sweets from distant regions
For reference images just to get an idea of what they sort of look like, Gael is on the left, and Ornstein is on the right.
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Old (2021)
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Oh you guys. You guyyyyyys. Buckle the fuck up, I am so pumped to tell you about this absolutely GONZO mummified deuce of a movie. Spoilers will be had in this one, because you need to know everything. 
Old is the latest from M. Night Shyamalan and like....I think we all know M. Night’s track record. For every Sixth Sense, we also get a Happening or a Village. In some ways, he’s the most exciting director working today because every new film is a 50/50 coin toss, and mama loves living on the edge. The gist of this latest roll of the dice is that a group of different families who have all come to stay at a remote luxury beach resort get invited to go to a secluded private beach for the day, and after they arrive they discover they can’t leave. That’s not great, but the bigger problem is that they seem to be aging rapidly - like 2 years older every hour or so. That’s a solid “how are we gonna get outta this one” bottle episode premise, and in the hands of a better writer, it could be a fun sci-fi romp. M. is NOT that writer. 
Some thoughts:
I should have known it would all go wrong from the terrible foreshadowing starting at the very beginning scene. The mom of our main family, Prisca (Vicky Krieps) says “You have such a beautiful voice, I can’t wait to hear it when you’re older.” The dad, Guy (Gael Garcia Bernal) says, “Don’t rush this moment, enjoy the present while you can.” BECAUSE THE CHARACTERS WON’T BE ABLE TO LATER, DO YOU GET IT? dO yOU GEt iT? Wife leaned over and said “look at all the ferns - the oldest plants!” That last one was probably her projecting, but the point stands: there is nothing subtle about Old. 
There’s a lot of just like, shouting out loud the things that are currently happening onscreen. “She’s having a seizure!” “People who go back the way we came black out!” “The rust has entered your bloodstream; it acts like poison!” That’s how you tell stories, right? Just having characters point out events that are occurring right in front of their stupid fucking faces with no other commentary or reflection? 
An additional element that feels woefully ignorant at best and malicious at worst is the inclusion of a black male character (Aaron Pierre) who 1) is a rapper 2) is named Mid-Sized Sedan [I’ll give you a moment to deal with that detail emotionally] 3) says the single line of dialogue “Damn.” at least 4 times and 4) suffers the bloodiest, most violent onscreen death at the hands of a racist white man who is revealed to have paranoid schizophrenia. There are other gruesome deaths onscreen, to be sure, but the worst are body horror nightmares that could never occur in the real world - a woman whose bones are breaking and setting in the wrong position nearly instantaneously until she resembles a horrifying spider creature, and the aforementioned rust-in-the-bloodstream trick that leads to a Jeff-Goldblum-in-The Fly-bubbling-skin infection kinda deal. But Mid-Sized Sedan just gets stabbed in the chest repeatedly, brutally, a bunch of times by a white guy who pleads fear for his life even though MSS posed no danger to him, and it all happens onscreen when so many other characters are offered the mercy of offscreen deaths. I’m not sure if M. is trying to throw some real-world horror in and he’s just shit at it, or if it really didn’t occur to him how malicious this inclusion feels in a fantasy narrative, and I don’t really care. If you have a black character in your story and they die, you better think really long and hard about how it happens and what it means and it’s clear no one did that here.
Nothing to do with the film itself, but it did tickle me that someone brought a tiny infant to my pretty packed screening. The baby was very chill, thank goodness, and as far as I know did not age up to a kindergartner during the course of the film.
There is a Very Good Dog, a Yorkie, present for the first part of the film, but unfortunately the dog dies. It occurs offscreen, and given the premise of what’s going on on this beach, it’s not a shock when it happens BUT STILL. 
The old age makeup, at least on Prisca is pretty great. Good job makeup department!
At one point, Guy gets attacked by another beachgoer, and his eyesight is failing so he has a hard time fighting back. But you are surrounded by sand, my dude, and you can still see blurry shapes. You’re not gonna throw some sand in the eyes until you’ve been stabbed like 10 times? Not gonna try to push him down, or sweep the fucking leg, or do anything but just keep raising your arms and getting stabbed while yelling “I’ll protect you!” I’ve seen stale tuna sandwiches with better defense mechanisms than you. 
Like most fantastical premises, there are only a certain number of ways this narrative can end that really make any sense. It reminds me quite a bit of 2019’s Brightburn which was like “what if Superman but evil?” Either everyone is gonna die, or someone is going to improbably survive and you better have a real neat explanation for how that’s possible. Oh M. Night, when will you realize that your explanations are never as clever as you think they are? There’s no “twist” here really, simply a reveal, and it’s the equivalent of eating one of those sugar-free, gluten-free, egg-free, dairy-free snack cakes I broke down and ate out of desperation when I was on Weight Watchers. That shit is “food” in the same way that the climax is a “logical explanation for all this.” Big Pharma is luring sick people to the resort through targeted ads, then arranging these excursions to the wacky time beach in order to test how medicine they secretly slipped into the guests’ drinks works over decades of life. These sneaky medical breakthroughs are saving hundreds of thousands of people’s lives, we’re told, and the scientists offer a moment of silence for each fallen group of unwitting human lab rats after they inevitably die. Because if there’s one thing the world needs right now, it’s more distrust of pharmaceutical companies and the ethics of modern science! I can’t think of one possible reason we’d want to portray molecular biologists, immunologists, and virologists in a positive light right now, can you? When will those assholes get off their high horses and stop being universally trusted and beloved by everyone, am I right?? 
My saddest takeaway, tbh, is that this is a stacked international cast, with at least half the roles going to POC - this is the future liberals want, etc etc - and the result is THIS.
Did I Cry? Of course not.
Not all is terrible! It’s a beautiful movie to look at, because M. Night’s direction is never the problem, but combined with the script, the acting, and the absurd narrative leaps needed to make this story make even a little bit of sense, the whole thing turns into a mess. Unfortunately, getting Old with M. Night is less “leisurely retirement at a plush resort in Florida” and more “rancid can of Ensure and a poop-choked pair of Depends.”
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atendersun-archived · 3 years
Who are some of Muu's closest friends? And does he mind to be friends with kids, old people? Neither gender is not an issue for friendships?
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For simplicity reasons, I'm breaking this down into different points:
Muu's main goal in life is to experience having friendships (and even romantic relationships as well) that are built on a strong foundation between both parties it includes. Although he may be the type of person that needs to be explained the same thing over, and over again until it reaches a point in which it is more frustrating than anything else, he is not so dense that he is oblivious to the fact that he isn't exactly ideal friendship material. He's not really great at making other people around him aware of the fact that he deeply cares about them, since he seems too interested in talking about himself than hearing about anyone else, his interests are not incredibly age appropriate or all that interesting, s, and he is far more sensitive than what is probably necessary for a twenty four year old man. With all of that being said, however, he is so self aware of the downfall of his differences that he wants more than anything to give everyone a chance at being his friend as a way of bettering his odds of finding people that will actually have the patience and willingness to keep him around.
With that being said, anyone and everyone is indiscriminately treated by him as someone he is eager to get to know and get to like him. Age, gender, sexuality, socioeconomic status, etc. None of it particularly matters to him just as long as he either receives kindness from them to some extent, or he THINKS he can earn said kindness by pleasing them in some way. This has understandably led to a lot of toxic friendships in which the other party has made it clear they want nothing to do with him, or they make it abundantly clear that they are only utilizing him for some sort of manipulative gain, and yet he knows there is still some chances that he might repeat those behaviors. Something he's learned from spending too much of his free time on Tiktok, though, is that the anxiousness that presents itself with attempting to receive something other than neglect or abuse from someone that will never give any proper praise is addicting to the brain. That it begins to feed off of the fear and uncertainty in those moments so frequently that it begins to crave it. In a way, he knows that is why he tends to find himself placing himself into purposefully dangerous situations, or back into the company of people he knows won't truly respect him as a person. It is because not only does he subconsciously feel that negative attention such as that might be the only thing he truly deserves to have instead of selfishly asking for unconditional love instead, but also because he thrives off of the abuse in some way. Lately though, however, he really has made nothing but really wonderful friendships with people that have made it very clear that they genuinely enjoy his company, and want what is best for him, so it has really been a challenge in rewiring his brain to expect that condition of living instead of slipping into a state of survival mode that can make or break how he is treated that day.
In the past, Muu would have definitely stated that he preferred male friendships on the basis of having someone he could turn to for protection and security as someone that wasn't particularly very strong physically and emotionally. As time shifted to places in which that security and protection was not offered to him, or was overstepped completely when placed into very dangerous circumstances involving himself and another man, Muu found himself gravitating more towards women. To him, they are safer company. They tend to respond to his emotional needs in a way that is more caring instead of belittling him, or responding aggressively. Also, even though a lot of his friendships with women typically cross a line into something more than friends with the addition of sexual intimacy, he has not felt an underlying sense of predatory behavior like he has with some of the men he claimed to be his friends in the past.
Trigger warning for the information ahead. Basically, the most condensed version of the answer to male vs female friends that I can offer to old & new muns alike is: Muu doesn't have the same experience of being able to state that he's been consistently emotionally, verbally, physically, and even sexually abused by female friends as he can with the men he admired to the point he blindly trusted them through some really difficult times, so, therefore, he just generally feels safer around women more than men. He's really trying to work through that though, and bring himself to a point in which he can really let go of all of that in favor of having the strong male friendships he always wished to have growing up.
I am basically just rattling off names at this point. I am sure I can locate more as well, but it is getting late here so who I am able to think of at this hour is under the cut:
Adrian and Gael of @romantxcxsm quickly come to mind because both have, right from the gate, been nothing but genuinely very kind to him. Muu assumed to really only consider Gael as a threat in the sense of having to fight him as an act of making himself the most dominant person the room from taking down the biggest guy he saw, but he never anticipated him and Adrian actually being the most emotionally intuitive people he's ever met. Muu could probably listen to Adrian just chatter on about being this seemingly extroverted person who takes people in on a whim without a second guess for hours. Same as he could just stare at Gael in knowing that even though they only seem like a tall, quiet to the point of almost being mysterious, they actually very sweet and sensitive underneath that exterior.
Hannah @kannojo. aka his wife at this point. This woman right here is his absolute ride or die. She's put up with his ass since they were just teenagers that got into petty fights that he always started. At any point, she could have easily beat his him to a pulp, but she didn't. Instead, she fell for him against all the odds. For her to hold out for him to stop talking about men that struggled to even provide him the bare minimum in a relationship is astonishing. Out of everyone he's essentially knew since he was sixteen up until now, she has been the person he could always go to no matter what. When day after day he faced an absurd amount of ridicule from people in his social circle that berated him and beat him over him being himself, and for wanting to be their friend regardless of it all, it was Hannah he could go to when he needed some to cry to. Her love has carried over from the time he was an annoying young man that was only obsessed with boys and himself, over to when he was so down and depressed that he believed he had no worth as a person based on how others were treating him, and it still exists today as a very queer man just trying to work through an asinine amount of trauma. that's his lady right here ♡ fucking hetereos
Neff @cosmicstardreamer This lady is too all knowing that it baffles him how quickly she can figure things out about him before he can even say it himself. Never would he have guessed for them to become so connected so quickly that he can basically safely tell her anything. Aside from Hannah, who was always just an arm's length away from him telling her everything as it was happening, Neff is still the only one of a few people that know the existence of the assaults he has endured, even if she may not know the specifics of them. While he can not explain it in words, there is at least a particular feeling that he experiences in her company that he feels very rarely in the company of other people. And, to him, that feeling is of completely safety. While she might be off the hook of having to hear him go on about his ex every five minutes, she is unfortunately not out of bounds of having to hear him chatter on about how Tiktok has made him want to learn how to read tarot cards.
Hisao @angstiism. He can't quite put his finger on it, but there is something about the anxiousness that has kept him drawn to him throughout the entirety of them knowing each other. There has been a shift in their relationship as friends, though, as in the past Muu actually looked to the younger male as if the roles were reversed. Almost as though he was seeking safety in them as he saw Hisao as someone very mature and more understanding of things than maybe he felt his other friends were. Nowadays, though, he just keeps trying to make sure Hisao knows that he is the one being taken care of now. Hisao was also someone present in his life when shit was DARK so he has that to navigate as an adult male trying to move beyond a lot of it. Trigger warning again: Though he might have no intention of actually verbally acknowledging it at where they stand as mature adults, having that one friend to show and discuss the children's books on the topic of sexual abuse during a time when he was so very concerned with / very much so craving validation on whether or not being molested in his late, late teens was his fault. It is a memory he holds very dear to himself within the confines of his own heart.
Pchan @nvrcmplt. This right here is his alien. Muu has always found him to be interesting on behalf of the fact that he was sure he had never met an alien before he met this one. Surprisingly, he has never really taken too much of an interest in finding out more about the exact species and abilities the extraterrestrial as up until maybe recently. He's kind of vaguely known them to have something to do with sex as he's been aware of the kinds of friendships and interactions the other has, but since he himself has very conflicting opinions on sex he really never opts to dive deep into learning more about how something unhuman experiences coitus. Now that their friendship has moved well beyond teenager / young man and his alien buddy to an adult man finally taking the time to actually get to know his friend in ways that don't feel as though they underlyingly childish, he feels almost like a whole new sensation when in the company of the alien. He would describe it as wonder mixed in with comfort. As in he is more apt to actually effectively comprehend experiences the alien has had that make up their personality as being something other than "that's my alien friend. he has lots of sex and is nice to me". Also, Muu has no apologizes for trying to beat up Sergio on Pchan's behalf, even if he didn't actually know the circumstances behind the man informing him that he'd hurt his friend to begin with. He'd gladly attempt to bite that bastard again if given the opportunity.
Yukio and Kuen of @silvxcs even if he thinks they are buttholes sometimes. Kuen with his inability to communicate effectively and always falling asleep while he is talking to him lol. And Yukio for somehow flipping the script on him and becoming more like a caretaker than he ever anticipated. Also because he specifically paid this man to tell Akatsuki to tell him that he's proud of him while possibly holding him for a moment. He had not paid the other male to rat him out and inform Akatsuki of his concerns about the older male being mad at him. Muu still thinks he is stinky for that.
There is Sully @tximidity and Alex @dis--parity. One he may have known for a long, long time to the point of recalling who they were prior to transitioning, while the other is a new face for him, but he both loves them very dearly. Mainly because both Sully and Alex are soft individuals that have been put through the wringer, and therefore he can talk to them about difficult conversations that he would be concerned going to anyone else about. Alex, for example, is someone he can go to and either talk or listen to gender related issues without any concerns. Sully, on the other hand, he finds interesting in the sense of they are this enigma of manhood like himself even if it is in different ways. Also, Sully is basically required to be his friend at this point because he won't let someone who witnessed him cry about skin cells get away so easily.
he love the muppet @goneborne, shinya is his snuggle buddy and he is not taking no for an answer @floriogrxphy, nich @bclasaeg is a meanie that has a crush on him but wont let him see his boy boobs the same way muu flashed his without any concern. god he really values so many of his friendships with people that i can't fit them all here even though i want to so bad
basically everyone that works at Komachi @welivetoserve is unfortunately trapped into being friends with him, but he has his blatant favorites. In the event he is ever in a life threatening situation where he is only given one phone call to make, he has already decided on Ayumu. That one is very nice, so he likes that one. We all know who the absolute favorite within any association to the club is because he never shuts the fuck up about him, but that sucks on account that I would rather mention how Muu will never not get a kick out of being a tiny bit mean to Mamoru as a means of establishing dominance over the man that could very well just ban him at any moment.
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lgvalenzuela · 4 years
Angelique Campbell
Thanks to @hogwartsmystory​​ for making such a cool template
This will be expanded upon, and some things that are left vague will be explained.
(Tw: there’s some violent acts and murder described)
Name: Angelique Campbell, also goes for Eirian (just by Artemis)
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birth Date: October 23
Species: Human
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian (welsh)
Nationality: Welsh
Residence: Merthyr Tydfil, Wales
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Myer Briggs Personality Type: INTP-T (The logician)
Ennegram: Type 1 (The reformer)
The Mage
Wand: She doesn’t have or need a wand, but she does use her cane for dramatic flare
Boggart Form: The demon that’s been following her for centuries
Riddikulus Form: She hasn’t been able to find one yet
She smells like petricor, nature and rosemary perfume
She smells Scotch malt whiskey, wild mint, heather, fresh sea air and summer rain
Patronus: Y Ddraig Goch
Patronus Memory: Meeting Artemis
Mirror of Erised: Her in her old age, having lived a life that’s been stolen from her time and time again
Specialized/Favourite Spells: The one’s Merlin left her and the one’s she made, specially healing ones
Misc Magical Abilities: When she worked under Merlin, they started writing a grimoire together, which has found her in every life. She’s been working on it for centuries and has really powerful magic contained in its pages
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Game Appearance: Who knows?
Height: 170cm (5’7’’)
Weight: 55 kg (121 lbs)
Physique: She’s thin and weak
Eye Colour: Aurora borealis green
Hair Colour: Ginger
Skin Tone: Pretty pale, but healthy looking
Scarring: Lost her leg under the demon’s attack and has a prosthetic ever since, missed a couple of years for going through rehabilitation. She also has a white streak of her she hides for going thought this trauma.  
Inventory: She carries her grimorie and the Ouroboros brooch
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Ilvermorny House: Pukwudgie
Pendragon family
Crowe family
 Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies: Don’t get fooled by her good grades, she went to Hogwarts having just experience her own magic for so long she entered having no idea what kind of things they teach there, only earning such good academic record on behalf of maintaining a certain reputation, not for her family but for her own pride.
Astronomy: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ (A)
Charms: ★★★★★★★★★★ (O)
DADA: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ (A)
Flying: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ (T)
Herbology: ★★★★★★★★★★ (O)
History of Magic: ★★★★★★★★★★ (O)
Potions: ★★★★★★★★★★ (O)
Transfiguration: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ (A)
Ancient Studies: ★★★★★★★★★★ (O)
Muggle studies: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ (A)
The Campbells
Arianell and Cadogan Campbell
No matter they’re wizards, Angelique’s parents are truly product of their times, they see their daughters only as products they must sell, especially Angelique as their ‘pride and joy’ an extremely beautiful, intelligent and powerful witch? They want to get her married as soon as possible, to someone just as wealthy and powerful as the Campbells, and of course, a pureblood.
And they certainly didn’t take well how open minded and pro muggle Angelique was, in the eyes of society they were the perfects parents to her, in private she was the subject of much scorn and ridicule.
Brynna Campbell
If Angelique was the pride and joy of her parents, Brynn was for Angelique, in all her lives she never had a sibling and welcomed her with open arms, no matter if her parents wanted to keep them apart since Brynna was a squib, Angelique would never stop loving her.
But how did Brynna feel?
Love Interest: Artemis Crowe @brothergrimm71​
She was urged by her parents to get married as soon as possible, but for a while has refused to fall in love until her curse is broken. Or at least she didn’t want to until she met Artemis, but still refuses to admit the obvious, with fear that if she dies again, she would break his heart.
Best Friends:
Lorilyn Kumari
Akane Fukui
Artemis Crowe
Previous lives
Eirian Emrys
Late 5th century - early 6th century
She was born in the midst of war between the Celtic Britons and the Anglo-Saxons, of her true parents we know not, but she was found by Merlin during The Battle of Badon, as a child, fighting. And was taking to Arthur, who was horrified that a child was fighting his wars and promised she never had to fight again, she was taking in by Merlin and became his assitant and apprentice (even though she did not possess any magical talent at this point)
And in this life she never fought again, she lived a completely normal life, she got married and had a kid, and everything was perfect until an Anglo-Saxon noble saw her, and decided she was for him. He found her alone and threatened to burn her village to the ground, to destroy everything she loved if she didn’t go with him.
And she did, gaining the reputation of an easy woman and a whore from the ones that were once her family and her friends.
But of course she did not love this man, and even if she married him and never said a thing, he came one day to their room, and impaled both of them with a sword.
Gael Bach
She woke up as another child, she received a brooch, with the form of an ouroboros, and even in the loudest night she could hear something creeping in.
But she also received the grimoire her and Merlin wrote together, and decided to expand it, since she had magical powers this life, found more druids that could teach her.
She tried to live a normal life, she fell in love again. Hogwarts was being built at this point, and children from Ireland and Wales were being dragged to this noticeably British school, she tried to do something, but a demon killed before that could happen.
Mair Carew
She woke up again, as different child. She received the ouroboros, and the grimoire, and heard the creeping sounds, realized she was cursed, and followed by a demon.
But she didn’t have much time to think about it since she lived midst of war again (and only took time to study magic with local wizards to keep working on the grimoire) battling for Wales, which they lost this time, and the last thing she saw before the demon got to her was her country being conquered.
She asked to be chained to a rock with a sword, to fight even in death.
Nonn Gower
Already centered on breaking her curse, worked on her spells until The Black Death came and she couldn’t turn a blind eye, made the most healing spells during this time, but quickly found out her demon could also turn people against her, and even was burned as a witch even when all the people that she saved protested.
Penrose Moore
Ever the beautiful young lady, was noticed by Henry the VIII, who tried to make her his lover, even if married to Catherin of Aragon at the time, but she did not yield to the British, and pronounced the words that led to her perdition: I only kneel in front the ones who fought for Wales. And the demon compelled them to kill her.
Henry the VIII passed the acts that tried to kill the welsh language.
Pre Hogwarts
And we come to Angelique, the only one born under pure magical blood, and the only one who has survived an attack from her demon, just losing a leg in return.
She didn’t want to go to Hogwarts at first, but figured she wouldn’t lose anything trying and at least would learn a thing or two, just missed a couple of years doing rehabilitation from the trauma of her leg being ripped off of her.
Open-Minded: She’s fairly liberal for a Victorian lady, with a “none of my bussiness” sort of attitude when people go outside of social norms or traditions, especially if they’re not hurting anyone.
Compassionate: She didn’t expend all this centuries becoming a highly powerful healer for nothing, she saw too many people die in the wars, and she saw a lot of people die under the plages, and she couldn’t just stay there, the love for her people has made her last so long and she’s not giving up on them.
Passionate and loyal to her values, but tired: Highly conscientious     and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong, ever the teacher, the crusader and the advocate for change, for making things better. Only     wavering on the basis of being tired of getting brutally murdered time and time again, feeling the clock ticking while her doom approaches. But even at her worse, at the end she can’t help her desire to be good, her integrity is too strong.
Secretive and reclusive – While yielding many insights into her surroundings, her surroundings are ironically considered an intrusion on her thoughts. This is especially true with people, she’s quite shy in     social settings, and scared if she makes strong bonds again they will miss her soon. Even close friends struggle to get into Logicians’ hearts and minds.
Short tempered and grumpy: Maybe it’s the way she feels her time running out, but it has made her quite impatient and insensitive if she thinks someone´s wasting her valuable time, she has stuff to worry about so don’t bother her with stupid problems, even though begrudgingly she will help you.
Prideful: She’s an extremely powerful witch and she knows it, there’s very few people that can stand in her way, and she won’t let them.
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toku-explained · 4 years
Guide to GARO: Anime 1: Honoo no Kokuin
An anime series started, and so far 3 have been produced. Initially there seemed nothing to really suggest they were separate from the live action series, aside from not adhering to the 99.9 second rule, but during the 3rd anime they were officially declared a separate continuity from the live action. The anime series also more strictly follow a 2 act structure, with some significant changes to the status quo
Honoo no Kokuin is set in the medieval European Kingdom of Valiante, which over the last 20 years has both greatly expanded its boarders and lead a vicious manhunt against supposed witches, in actuality Makai Knights and Priests, wiping out the order in much of the surrounding areas. 17 years after the public burning of a witch, during which she gave birth and the child was taken by a silver wolf, the woman's husband and son make their way back to the capital of Santa Bard in order to free the country from the grip of Horrors. A drama CD, which seems to have explored background information, was released at Comiket of that year.
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Léon Luis is the new Golden Knight, born 17 years ago as his mother, Anna, was burned at the stake in a public execution. Anna used the last of her power to protect Léon from the flames until Germán could come to his rescue. What is presumed to be the same magic also marked him with a seal, which when Léon got angry would manifest as a blazing fire, almost uncontrollable. The armour of Garo was passed to Léon via his mother's bloodline, having previously been worn by his grandfather. While meant to be a protector, and aware of the fact this is what he should focus on, his primary motivation is revenge on Mendoza for his mother's death.
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The Madou Ring Zaruba, partner to Garo and only to Garo, was previously worn by Léon's grandfather, and in Anna's care afterwards. Damaged at some point, Germán left Zaruba with the Makai Priest Gael for repairs, and a way to control Léon's flames, and on retrieval the Ring proves to do just that.
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As Ougon Kishi Garo, due to the seal that marks his body, Léon is, instead of the normal form of the armour, known as Kokuin Garo. Aside from the differences in the armour itself, the left side is cracked and, until Zaruba contracts with him, almost permanently covered in the burning flames. In addition the armour has two scarves with rings on its back, which he can use to grab and bind opponents.
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Germán Luis, Léon's father, is a Makai Knight, the one who 17 years ago rescued Léon from the flames. While he deeply loved Anna, he is happy now to consort with various ladies, to Léon's extreme frustration. Despite this is he is nonetheless a skilled fighter and trained Léon. When confronted with Bernardo being alive and working with Mendoza, he puts the burden of stopping his old friend on his own shoulder.
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Jiruba, Germán's partner, has not spoken in years, and he thinks she may have died.
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As Zetsuei Kishi Zoro, Gérman wields two large swords, which are connected to his armour via chains, the chains can be left slack or pulled in as the situation requires.
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Gérman's Madou Horse, Getsuei, carries him in battle when needed.
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Ema Guzman is a Makai Priestess Léon and Germán meet on the road to Santa Bard, she fights primarily with a magic thread she fires from a sort of spindle gun she carries. While distrusting Makai Knights in general, she comes to trust Germán and Léon in particular, teasing Léon for his more childish qualities, and while helping to deal with the Horror situation in Valiante, she is trying to locate an individual named Luciano.
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Alfonso San Valiante is heir to the throne of Valiante, son to King Fernando and Queen Esmeralda. A kind hearted young man who cares for the citizenry, he is quick to act to prevent the royal guard delivering harsh punishments on other people. After being given a charm bearing the symbol of Garo by his mother as he prepares to take up more royal duties, he is suddenly wanted by Mendoza as his mother is imprisoned, forcing him to go on the run and begin to learn the truth of the witch hunts and the Horrors Mendoza is allowing to run rampant. Meeting Rafael Banderas, and learning his mother was, unknown to herself, the daughter of the previous Golden Knight, he asks to be trained as a Makai Knight that he may free his people.
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Mendoza is the architect of the witch hunt and the right hand man to King Fernando, at the same time he is amassing power, controlling Horrors directly, and as a former Makai Priest, seeking revenge on all those in the Makai for his banishment after he started killing humans as part of his efforts to eliminate Horrors. His hatred has lead to the deaths of countless Makai Knights and Priests in Valiante, and the surrounding territories it has amassed power in.
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solemnveloci · 6 years
COCO & BOOK OF LIFE Joint Review
Alright, lemme just get this out of the way.
I know that I’m gonna get some people saying “Hey, don’t compare them! They did a good job conveying two different stories, don’t be spiteful to one over the other!” and that’s a good point. I didn’t even intend on watching them back to back at first.
However, I needed a cleanser after the three straight Open Season movies I’d watched, and it made more sense to me to rewatch TBoL and to… first-watch Coco since they were both about the same holiday. So, worry not. I’ll get it over with quick in the beginning.
Let’s start! (obvious spoilers for both movies)
The Book of Life was practically strangled to death before its time by the multiple years in production until it was finally accepted by ReelFX. The creative minds behind the project were native Mexicans Jorge Gutierrez and Sandra Gutierrez, famous for such projects as El Tigre, Carmen Got Expelled, and with resident fish-kisser Guillermo Del Toro working as producer, they could finally bring their idea to fruition.
Then Lee Unkrich went to Mexico on holiday, mentioned sugar skulls to his higher-ups, and Pixar immediately grabbed him by the throat and said, “DUDE MAKE A MOVIE.” DisNepotism at its finest.
Of course, Disney proceeded to screw themselves over so hard they practically ripped their metaphorical cocks off when they tried to trademark DIA LOS MUERTOS so that no icky DreamWorks producer could get their paws on it. The blatancy of this dick movie rightfully pissed off about a million Latino people (Mexican or otherwise) and Disney realized that maybe they had the wrong priorities. In order to assuage the backlash, they threw about six Mexican creators at the script and creative departments and begged them to sew up the Austria-sized fuckup.
Coco now sits as the highest animated film of all time in Mexico. I’d say they helped a lot.
The Book of Life:
God, the voice acting is amazing. How the hell they got Channing Tatum in this, I’ll never know, but he nails his lines like he’s not even trying. Kate Del Castillo and Diego Luna are my two favorites, though, considering they dual-dubbed La Muerte and Manolo in both English and Latin American Spanish. This line in particular always gets me.
I adore the puppets as a framing device. There’s just something so cool about it, especially with how characters like Xibalba and the Candlemaker interact with them.
Joaquin shouting his own name like a Pokémon every time he does something.
The Mariachi brothers physically roll around sometimes instead of walking.
Both versions of Manolo’s love song are gorgeous and sweet. They’re a welcome addition to the jukebox musical style of the rest.
Placido Domingo as Manolo’s disabled, opera-singing, bullfighter great-grandpa.
*chuckles* “They crushed our dreams!”
Manolo’s mom is so darling, you guys.
“Being bullfighters, we often flirt with death.” “And that’s why there’s so many of you down here.”
Xibalba, the god of evil, pigging out on a giant table of food and causally telling Manolo that’s he’s been completely screwed over.
Something’s oddly funny about the fact that Chakal’s got a giant, untouched drawing of the medal in his Cave O’ Death.
“Hey! My arthritis is gone!”
“Hello… puddle.”
Manolo’s mom bitchslapping Chakal.
The scene where Manolo apologizes to all the bulls his family killed, and the way the bull just clams down and dissolves into marigolds, like its soul was just put to rest.
Luchadore Priest. Hell, just the whole fight scene.
The kiss between Manolo and Maria, not helped by the fact I though he was flipping Chakal off during it instead of raising a finger.
“Men! Typical.” I love that delivery. “WELP, SAW THIS SHIT COMIN’.”
The little goth kid passing out when La Muerte undisguises herself.
Again, the voice acting, fucking astounding. Props goes to Gael Garcia Benal, he pulls off his character so well! Disney/Pixar movies have sort of been lackluster with their voice acting (with a few exceptions) but this one was perfect.
*flashback to Ernesto getting flattened under a bell* “I wanna be just like him!”
“Miguel, vitamins are real.” “Well, now I’m thinking they might be!”
Hector’s facial expressions are so good, you guys.
Actually, I want to talk more about this. Not just him, but all the physical comedy with the skeletons. Like, they way they detach their limbs or heads, it’s so animated and weird. Reminds me of old cartoons.
If someone told me they watched this movie for Hector, I’d support them.
“Those aren’t the words!” “There are children present.”
I don’t care if all the acts were meant to be bad on purpose, I thought they were cute.
“Bring back the singing dogs!”
Seriously, the body language is incredible. Gael must have been having the time of his life recording this.
“I hope you die very soon!”
Ernesto’s twist villainy is better than Big Hero Six and Frozen combined, fight me.
In fact, it’s the only way the villainy would have worked. Dammit, Disney! You made it look lazy!
Holy fuck, he just fell over. That’s… jarring.
Art theft is bad, you guys.
Awww! She’s dead! Wait, that sounds bad.
You scrolled down here for the negativity, didn’t you?
Book of Life: This movie gets shorter every time I watch it. Not kidding. Maybe it’s because I’m used to all the plot beats and twists. But… why is it soooo short?! Even like, two more scenes could have helped it along. I NEED MORE.
Coco: The inclusion of Frida Kahlo. This one kinda doesn’t count, but it does annoy me that she was used as just a quirky side-character, which is a huge slap in the face for all that she’d done as an artist and an activist.  The gag at the beginning with Hector wasn’t that bad, but if I could’ve changed it, I’d put the guy who invented Alebrijes in her place, Pedro Linares. You’d only have to do a little bit of tweaking, the Rivera family would dress as a giant Alebrije puppet to get backstage instead, Hector could disguise himself as one to sneak past Ernesto’s guards, and we could have this scene.
Ernesto: Ah, excuse me, sir! The stage is that way.
Hector: *takes off mask*
Ernesto: Hector. You’ve gotten back into performing, I see.
And now, for some rapid-fire nitpicks if that wasn’t enough negativity for you.
Why does the museum have a trick wall? Is it always there, or just there when La Muerte needs it? Is this their day job, or did they shapeshift into actual museum workers? Where’s Joaquin’s Mom? If she’s alive, why is she neglecting a child to live out in the streets? If she’s dead, who the hell raised him before Maria’s dad? Where’s Maria’s mom? Is nobody going to point out that Manolo is the only living member of his family left?!
Why didn’t Imelda just ban people seeking out musical careers and not all music? Are they not allowed to go to church? What do they do for parties? Quincenaras? Did nobody that Hector knew talk about the movie where his own death was ripped off? Did he never even overhear it? If you do something evil, do you only go to the Land of the Remembered if you never get caught?  What if you’re a serial killer who never got caught? Does that mean there’s a hell? DID CHICH GO TO HELL BECAUSE HE WAS FORGOTTEN? WHAT KIND OF FUCKED UP GHOST CAPITALISM DOES THE PIXAR-VERSE AFTERLIFE RUN ON
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thomasroach · 5 years
When Music and Lore Converge: A Dark Souls 3 Music Analysis
The post When Music and Lore Converge: A Dark Souls 3 Music Analysis appeared first on Fextralife.
Amidst all the games I have played, the Dark Souls series had the most unusual and interesting way of story telling. Many games of the same genre overwhelmed me with unskippable cutscenes and dialogues, which became more than annoying in the long run. The story of Dark Souls however, is told through world design, and of course, narrators…unreliable narrators as well as music.
When Music and Lore Converge: A Dark Souls 3 Music Analysis
An unreliable narrator is one that gives false information, intentionally or not. When you watch through the opening cinematic of the first game, you are told of Gwyn’s bravery and victory over Dragons. While true, about ninety percent of the events are shifted or forgotten. History is written by the victors indeed.
Yet, there is one more way that Dark Souls tells us its story, it is through the very music of the game. The music in Dark Souls acts as a storyteller of it’s very own, it explores the backstory of some of the bosses pretty swiftly, but you may not pick up on this on your first listen. When you listen to the music more carefully, you will notice hints that tell you their origins, intentions and even connections in Dark Souls lore.
Gwyn’s Theme and the Soul of Cinder
The first ones I’m going to analyze, is the obvious Gwyn’s theme, and the second phase of the Soul of Cinder. Gwyn’s soul is preserved by the flame when he linked to the First Flame. Soul of Cinder is a physical manifestation of all the Lords that have been linked with the fire before. An entity that defends the First Flame from the Ashen Ones, to ensure only the strong can relink the fire, and to keep the potential usurpers away.
In the second phase of the fight between the Ashen One and the Soul of Cinder, Gwyn assumes the control of the Soul of Cinder. After all, his soul was the strongest of all the souls that were enkindled within the fire, even after shards of it were split and given away. The end of the second phase is, however, extremely similar to the Secret Betrayal theme. After all, the one with the ashes may choose to usurp the flame.
Gwyn’s Theme
Theme of Soul of Cinder, 2:16
Old Demon King and The Bed of Chaos
The second one I’m going to analyze is the Old Demon King and the Bed of Chaos. Yes indeed! We all know that the source of demons is the Bed of Chaos, the transformed Witch of Izalith, when she tried to create a second First Flame (play on words) using her Lord Soul.
The ending of the second phase of Demon King’s theme depicts exactly that. It plays a more melancholic version of the ending of Bed of Chaos’ theme. Yet, the beginning of Demon King’s second phase feels not too different from the third part of Nameless Song, the song played during the ending credits of the first Dark Souls. A farewell from the king of demons.
Bed of Chaos, 1:51
Old Demon King, 3:51, 1:32
Nameless Song, 3:12
Sister Friede’s Theme and The Secret Betrayal
The third is going to be Elfriede’s theme, and the Secret Betrayal. Not so distant from her first phase theme, the piano and the vocals play exactly the first few seconds of the Secret Betrayal. After studying her deeds, I realized that Elfriede also betrayed the flame! Not the First Flame, but the flame that burns the rotting painted world away to be replaced by the new one. She secretly betrayed all the kind inhabitants of this world. A betrayal none other than her own self, the painting woman, and Slave Knight Gael knew of. The painter was imprisoned, and Gael searched for an Ashen One to resolve the problem.
Sister Friede’s theme, 0:55
The Secret Betrayal
Aldrich, the Devourer of Gods and Darksun Gwyndolin
Aldrich devoured the Darksun of Anor Londo, Gwyndolin. Aldrich’s theme is the convergence of Gwyndolin’s theme and that of the Deacons of the Deep. Yes indeed, the eerie violin is strung in Aldrich’s theme, which can be heard distantly in the background, shrouded by Gwyndolin’s theme. By the time I learned that, I knew Aldrich was a saint of the deep, but still, it was a satisfying finding this out and making that connection.
Aldrich, The Devourer
Dark  Sun Gwyndolin
Seath, the Scaleless, and the Nameless King. The beginning of both themes have the same type of stringing of violin (read: Staccato). What Seath and the Nameless King have in common? They both betrayed their own kind. Seath betrayed the Dragons, and the Nameless King, his father. But is Nameless King, Gwyn’s first born?
Nameless King’s theme
Theme of Seath the Scaleless
Nameless King and Gwyn
If lore has not already answered whether the Nameless King is Gwyn’s first born, here’s another clue that points to yes. If you compare Gwyn’s theme and the second phase of the Nameless King’s, it plays the three notes (dun-dun-duun). This however is distorted, on an instrument I feel is more fit for a child (not in a disrespectful way), which ties them together.
Nameless King’s theme, 2:17
Gwyn’s Theme
Dark Souls III – Epilogue
And the very last song of the game, the credits song of the third Dark Souls (The Ringed City version) and the Firelink Shrine theme of the first game show one last reference to the distorted world of Dark Souls III.
End Credits Dark Souls III (The Ringed City version)
Dark Souls – Firelink Shrine
I do hope you enjoyed reading this article that delves into the clues of the different tracks, as well as re-listening to them. Do let us know if you found more clues in the music.
If you’re making your way through Dark Souls III and need some help be sure to drop by our Dark Souls III wiki. You can also use our Dark Souls III guides section for further aid.
The post When Music and Lore Converge: A Dark Souls 3 Music Analysis appeared first on Fextralife.
When Music and Lore Converge: A Dark Souls 3 Music Analysis published first on https://juanaframi.tumblr.com/
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soulstream-rp · 7 years
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Hi Eva! We're always blown away by the characters you make, seriously. Jacques is well thought out and we're really excited to see him on board. He's gonna work out well in our (not so little) town. We can't wait to throw all of our characters at him. Please make sure to follow everyone on our masterlist and to follow the tags for announcements, starters, follows & unfollows, as well as events. Also, make sure that your submit is activated for OOC chat link purposes. Congratulations!
OOC info.
Third Character App
IC info. Original Character
Character Name: Jacques DeVries
Age: 28
Character Type: Medium
True Name: “Deceit”
FC: Gaspard Ulliel
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Date & Place of Birth: March 28th, 1988 / Antibes, France
Occupation: Thief / Occasional musician at Pisces
Saying that he was born in France can make it sound quite sophisticated by default but the truth is that there was nothing fancy, agreeable or that encapsulated the joie de vivre in the wrong side of the city where Jacques spent his childhood. His father was frequent client of Lex Roux Club, a guy who couldn’t keep it in his pants when visiting the table dance and ended up getting too tangled up with the star performer, Greta DeVries. A baby boy was born as a result of their sexual encounters and Jean-Luc Marchand showed little to no interest for looking after the baby, leaving Greta mostly on her own to raise him and provide for him. She could barely afford an education for him and juggling two jobs to maintain her little boy meant she was barely around, leaving the kid to be looked after babysitters who didn’t really care much for the boy’s upbringing. There were the times when his father dropped by sporadically, making his mom immensely happy and Jacques infinitely miserable. Jean-Luc was a violent brute who thought the best way to turn his son into a man was through firsts and belt buckles. He never got a lot of affection and attention during his childhood. Certainly the kind of attention he got from his father wasn’t the kind he wanted, and in fact he feared him. He trembled every time his father stepped into their crappy apartment for one of his surprise visits, and Jacques would either run to hide his room’s closet or run out of the house.
As he grew up rules were an abstract concept for him, though, because no one truly educated him to follow them. The way he saw them, they were something to bend to his liking if needed be. Such a behavior was emphasized further when the teen became part of a gang of little rascals and petty thieves often called “The White Devils” by the locals, a moniker they earned for their mischievousness and because they were usually nearby a tavern by the name Le Diable Blanc. Even if he was just a fifteen-year-old at the time and was certainly not allowed to be in such a place as a tavern, Jacques and the owner of the place, Maximilien Canet, formed an interesting bond after a while. There was something in Jacques that reminded Max of his young self and so the boy gradually became an apprentice of his. He started to spend a lot of time at Max’s tavern in spite of his parent’s disagreement and protests, which only gave him further incentives not to show up at home because at last he could avoid his father. Le Diable Blanc became his new home, a place where he rubbed shoulders with the toughest and most cunning of Antibes, a place where learned to make himself at home in the harshest of environments side by side with ex-cons. He dealt with alcohol-infested clientele on a daily basis like it was nothing and when it came down to bare-knuckle fighting Jacques learned not to back down even if he lost his first brawls. He was hardened by that place and the young man loved every second of it, feeling empowered. He gained new talents, new skills to deal with people by charm or by harm. It was pure bliss to spend time in that place drinking, playing card games, pickpocketing the unsuspecting customers and even entertaining some of them by playing some good tunes on the piano. Maximilien Canet was the king of that duplicitous underground world and he had turned Jacques into his heir apparent.
A couple of years went by and Jacques dropped out of high school, investing his time in what truly mattered to him: Le Diable Blanc. Unfortunately for him and his mentor, the tavern was closed down by authorities by the time he was twenty, all because of the illegal dealings that often went down in the tavern. Then an opportunity arose for Maximilien to move to America and he chose not to leave his protégé behind and Jacques followed him to New York with no hesitation whatsoever, even if it meant further estranging his already distant relationship with his mother and abusive father. The pair of tricksters didn’t stay long in that city and hitchhiked their way across several states, pulling off their thievery mischiefs here and there. Three years ago Jacques’ world was turned upside down when Max and he pulled off a big heist in San Francisco In just a month they got everything they stole into the black market and had nothing to trace them back to the heist. Or so they thought. The police’s ongoing investigation was catching up to them and by being in the wrong place at the wrong time Jacques learned that Max was going to rat him out. It was a hurtful blow to know his mentor, his father, was willing to let him carry the blame on his own. Without a second thought Jacques pulled that move against Maximilien instead and threw him under the bus, throwing all the blame on him. It resulted in Maximilien getting 3 years in prison and deportation back to France upon the sentence’s end. Jacques has been on his own since then, still playing the dangerous game of thievery and risking his freedom just for the thrill and the gain. Now that Max is out of prison, Jacques is certain his old mentor will try to make him pay for the betrayal which is why the young thief moved to Port Ashborne to lay low. Luckily for him, he’s always been quite skilled at misdirecting people to avoid being caught.
Additional Information:
His full name is Jacques Gael DeVries.
He speaks English very well after living in the US for eight years, however there is a faint hint of his French accent.
He is technically unemployed, since his shenanigans robbing hardly count as a job. But he oftentimes plays the piano at Pisces and gets a decent enough amount of money out of it.
Jacques sends money to his mother every now and then. He sometimes attaches a small note for her in case she’d like to know how and where to contact him but she never does.
He had a criminal record back in France, however only for minor charges. He has never been arrested in the US.
Jean-Luc Marchad (father/estranged)
Greta DeVries (mother/estranged)
Maximilien Canet (mentor/enemy)
Jacques is the result of lacking limits as a kid, understanding little about restraints and rules. If anything facing a restriction or law only ignites in him the will to break and to bend them. It’s all a challenge for him, and he rarely backs down from one. He relied greatly on Maximilien for years, the man he revered as his mentor and even as his father, but even since learning of his intentions to betray him, Jacques no longer put his trust on others. He’s a one man force of nature to be reckoned and he lives by the motto of “every man for himself” now. His moral compass is not pointed towards north and his choices are never permeated by ethics, he simply acts according to what will benefit him. Jacques is an individualist to the core and his past has given him a bit of a dissociative personality as a coping mechanism. He comes off as smug and so sure of himself, which to an extent are true traits of himself, but they also serve as the first layer of the shields he has put around himself. Being selfish and detached are ways in which he feels he can’t be hurt and in which he keeps others at a safe distance.
Thanks to Maximilien he learned all the skills that he could need to survive as a thief and know how to avoid getting caught. He’s quite skilled from basic things ranging from pickpocketing and forging people’s handwriting, to break-ins, safe-cracking or disabling security systems.
He is a decent enough fighter when it comes to hand to hand combat. More than having impeccable technique, Jacques has the sheer ferocity and brawn to hold his own in a fight.
Jacques knows how to play the piano. He learned to play by ear and by seeing some locals play at Le Diable Blanc. He kept developing his playing skills with practice and playing the piano is a hobby of his. He doesn’t know how to read sheets of music.
He possesses medium skills, however he is not prone to perceiving ghosts all too well, he can only distantly hear them. His skill developped in the way of illusion manipulation, or at least in a subtle form of it. Jacques is capable of tricking people into seeing, smelling or hearing things that aren’t really there. The illusory changes he is able to create are small and subtle, but they have always been enough for him to avoid getting caught.
Sample Paragraph: TW: rape and violence
“Marcos, please” she pleaded, eyes clouded with tears as she squirmed beneath the weight of his body. “I won’t go to the police, I won’t say anything. I promise. I promise I’ll stay quie-”. Her words were cut off as his palm collided against her cheekbone. It stung, a pulsating warmth under her skin in the place where he slapped her.
The tears fell down her cheeks and she met Marcos’ eyes again, silently pleading him to stop this. It was impossible for her to find the familiar softness she used to see her boyfriend’s dark eyes. It was gone now. They were pits of coal, burning with a type of cruelty that brought the deepest, rawest kind of fear in her.
“Please, Marcos” Lourdes pleaded once more, her voice quivering with sobs she couldn’t contain any longer. “Please don’t do this”. The young man was deaf to her cries and he hit her once more, harder than the previous one.
Panic found her once more when Marcos unzipped his pants, when his hand forcefully restrained her by the wrists. Lourdes did whate she could to fight him off, to try to get him to move from crushing her body against the floor. She cried out again, painfully aware that he would get to have his way with her yet again. No matter how hard she fought him, she couldn’t stop Marcos from hitting her, from ripping her underwear off her body. She was powerless to stop him from violently getting his pleasure out of her pain and suffering.
- - -
Lou woke up with a start, a scream dying in her throat when her eyes opened. There were tears already in her eyes and they just continued to fall as she curled herself up, her arms wrapping around her knees. Her body shook, quietly sobbing. She wanted to cry out, to yell, but she did not to make any sound that could wake up her uncle.
The emotions brought by what she’d dreamed about ran free. Her only comfort was that it had been just a dream. A nightmare… This was unlike the other times she’d relieved her experience with Marcos, this wasn’t the first time her mind took her back to that event. However, it was the first time she went through it so vividly.
That experience was seared into her brain. It only made sense that her worst nightmares were crafted with the sharp edges of those memories.
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